What perennial flowers are best to plant in the garden. What flowers to plant at the dacha. photo of unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

Every novice gardener wants to know what flowers to plant in their dacha, and so that they bloom all summer long. Landscaping is a responsible matter. We would not particularly recommend trusting the advice of special magazines that advertise fashionable and modern plants.

It is not always profitable to run to a flower shop and buy expensive seeds. The fact is that, in most cases, they are very capricious and can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, ideally, choose those varieties that have already been time-tested and will definitely not let you down. In this article we will look at which types are best used in the country for both landscaping flower beds and flowerpots.

An important requirement is unpretentiousness!

If you do not live in a country house, but visit it several times a week, or even a month, then growing plants should be unpretentious. Otherwise, in your absence, they will lose their attractive appearance and decorativeness, and they may even die. Flowers must normally withstand all kinds of atmospheric phenomena, for example, rain, hail, heat and more. Moreover, we need those species that pests do not like. This will allow you to have beautiful flower beds that won’t turn into pitiful “skeletons” in your absence!

Unpretentious flowers should not require much time to care for them, for example, regular fertilization, mulching, pruning and gartering. Such plants must meet the requirement: minimal care - maximum decorative effect!

What to choose: perennial or annual

If you want to get a beautiful flowerbed as quickly as possible, then ideal option there will be annuals. After planting, such flowers begin to bloom 1-2 months later. A large number of these varieties have a long flowering cycle from summer to the first frost. As for perennials, the situation here is completely different. Their flowering period is quite short. Some types of perennial flowers can bloom for only a few weeks, while others last 1-2 months.

Another advantage of annuals is that every year you can experiment with new shades. different varieties. Accordingly, every year you will have a completely new painting in the garden. This is exactly what many flower lovers strive for.

But perennials are not without their merits. They also have their regular fans among gardeners and gain new ones every year. Despite the fact that they grow slower than annuals, after planting, they are much less hassle and care problems. Therefore, you can plant such a flower once and enjoy its beauty for many years without making any effort.

As for annuals, they will have to be sown every time. And this is even despite the fact that some annuals have the ability to self-sow. In this case, there is one drawback: you will not be able to get a beautiful outline of the flowerbed, and all the color will be scattered in a chaotic manner. If you don’t want this, then you’ll have to sow a new one every year!

Now let's talk in more detail about the varieties of annuals and perennials.

Bulbous flowers are a bright decoration for a dacha!

Among perennials, bulbous ones will be the ideal decoration for any site. They are absolutely not whimsical. But despite this, they delight the eyes of their owners with beauty. One of these spring flowers are crocuses. As soon as the snow melts, this primrose sprouts from underground in the month of March. To wait for the first inflorescences from it, there is no need to wait until it gains green mass. The first buds appear simultaneously with the leaves.

This is due to the fact that his vegetative system develops at an accelerated pace. However, like most perennials, its flowering period is short - only 7-10 days, and after that it goes dormant again, waiting for the next spring. This plant does not require any additional care, especially fertilizer. It is also avoided by all possible fungi and pests.

If you love tulips and other representatives of bulbous flowers, then keep in mind that, unlike crocuses, they are more capricious. However, their presence in the country allows you to create a variety of flower bed combinations. Their shapes, colors and sizes amaze any imagination. There are few people who are indifferent to tulips.

They can be used on Moorish lawn, coastal zone pond, as well as in the center of a flower bed near the house. But as mentioned above, these large terry exotics are finicky. They are susceptible to various fungal diseases. And for this reason, before planting the bulbs, they should be treated with fungicides. It is recommended to carry out additional sprays and during the growing season.

The main enemy of the tulip is fungus. If you do not notice it in time, the treatment of the disease will not be successful.

In addition to tulips and crocuses, other unpretentious bulbous plants can be planted for spring flowering, namely:

  • daffodils,
  • muscari,
  • hyacinths.

They can successfully diversify any spring flower bed. As for summer bulbs, there is no way to do without a beauty that no one can match - the lily. Released today large number varieties that differ not only in timing and flowering period, different colors, but also in the most important thing - aroma!

Perennials for the garden. Which ones are the best?

Among the perennials there are also other popular garden fashionistas - dahlias and peonies. Their reproduction is carried out by tubers. The luxury of flowers is conveyed in different colors: burgundy, pink, white. They bloom in early July. This plant is beautiful due to its curvaceous bush. Even when its flowering period has ended, the bush remains an excellent decorative addition to the flowerbed, creating a beautiful rich background.

Dahlias bloom in late summer and autumn. It is during this period that a large number of double inflorescences of different shades appear on them: purple, red, yellow and white. Although there is also an annual variety of dahlia, it is called the cheerful guys. These plants have compact and small sizes. They will look great as a decoration for low flower beds and borders.

Well, what if you have a gazebo, fence or arch in your garden? How can you decorate it? For this there is a simple and original solution. Clematis greenery will decorate these and other items. Perennial climbing plant has a large number of small flowers.

On one clematis, 500 flowers can bloom at once! A truly wonderful addition to any garden.

Among other things, clematis is the champion in flowering period among perennials. This period begins in June and ends in October.

The luxury of long-lasting flowering - annuals

As for annual flowers for the garden, the list can be very long. But let’s consider, perhaps, the most unpretentious species.

Marigolds are one of the simplest and most beautiful representatives. They amaze with their varying colors from bright burgundy to soft yellow. If we talk about their shape, it can be simple or terry. If you want to form tall thickets, then opt for the African variety of marigolds, which have large ball-shaped inflorescences. If you dream of a border decoration, then rejected marigolds will be the best; they tolerate irregular watering, sun and constant rain.

It is not recommended to plant them in dense shade. This may result in a lack of flowering. Marigolds should receive a large amount sunlight. In this case, their bushes will be strewn with flowers and will be compact in size.

Another picky flower among annuals is zinnias (majors, as they are popularly called). Despite the fact that it has a thick stem, it does not need a garter at all. The plant itself has excellent immunity and is not susceptible to any diseases. Zinnia flowers come in all sorts of shades and colors, with the exception of blue. Their main advantage is drought resistance. If you water them once a week, they will still delight you with the beauty of flowering. But you should not abuse this, since due to systemic underwatering they may decrease in size and bloom less luxuriantly.

Don’t forget about the different faces of petunia. This annual flower can decorate any flower bed. It has different forms, becoming compact bush or a chic ampel with meter-long lashes. Unlike marigolds and zinnias, petunia is less drought tolerant. If you have little free time and energy, then it’s better not to take on planting it.

Of course, the list of annual and perennial flowers that can be used to decorate flower beds could be continued. There are a large number of their types, which differ in the play of colors and shapes. We have reviewed the most popular and frequently used ones in the country.

Now let's talk about flowers that can be planted in flowerpots. This is no less attractive activity.

Flowerpots - an alternative to flower beds or an addition?

If near your country house There is enough land, then planting flower beds and making flower beds will not take much effort. However, what to do when there is a desire to somehow decorate areas covered with concrete paths or tiles? Or somehow decorate a gazebo, steps or balcony? In all these cases, a simple and rational solution is suitable - planting in flowerpots. Literally a few flowerpots can turn a gray landscape into a blooming garden. So, what species can be planted in flowerpots in the country? Let's look at some of the features of such plants.

Features of growing flowers in flowerpots

Flowerpots or containers are convenient and practical. They can be placed literally anywhere in the garden, on the edge of a bench, along paths or around the pool. If you want to change the combination, you will not need to dig up the beds; you can simply move the flowerpot from one place to another. But there is one “but”: not all types colors will suit a place that is in the shade. For this reason, you should be prudent.

You can create impressive cascades from different compositions. To do this, you should first create several levels from various or similar flowerpots. When planting them, you need to select the size, shades and think about how certain flowers will contrast. You can also use shelves, steps and even hanging structures. It should also be noted that the plant that grows in a flowerpot has clear differences from those that grow in open ground. So, here are perhaps the main differences:

  • The root system of one type or another will thrive in a limited space.
  • Such plants easily tolerate drought or excess moisture, which makes them more resilient.
  • Flowering occurs throughout the season. As soon as some buds wither, new ones grow.

As for caring for such flowers, they usually require less attention. For this reason, you may want to consider planting in flowerpots at your dacha as an option, in case you don’t like to arrange flower beds. Now let's talk about suitable varieties for flowerpots.

Selection of varieties for pot plantings

If you decide to make a combination of flowers, then choose different colors, depending on the type of stem and their height/lushness. As a rule, two or three species are planted in large flowerpots. Tall or focal ones should be placed in the center of the flowerpot. As for the edges, the background ones should be located on them. Climbing and cascading plants can be planted harmoniously around the perimeter or circle. If your container is located near the wall, then it is clear that tall plants should be planted near the wall, and low ones in the foreground.

Focal flowers in the spotlight!

One of the unpretentious flowers that can fulfill this role is the wildly blooming pelargonium. In most cases it is known as geranium. It has a wide range of shades ranging from soft pink to deep burgundy. To support them, it is enough to feed them with humates two or three times during the summer. In general, they do not require special care.

Another option for focal ones is semi-double or double aster. Its flowering period is quite long. If you plant them in flowerpots, it is best to purchase medium-sized or dwarf varieties. Their height can reach up to 50 centimeters. The only rule for their maintenance is the need for sun. Therefore, a flowerpot with asters should be placed in a place that receives direct sunlight.

If we talk about annual focal flowers, then we can highlight dahlias. The height of the plant can be from twenty centimeters to fifty. They are perfect for creating a unique and beautiful combination in a flowerpot, for group plantings or single plantings. Very often you can find dahlias used to decorate the porch.

Background flowers as a border!

Often pansies called violet or viola. They are delicate and colorful and grow up to 25 cm in height. If tall plants are already planted in a flowerpot, then pansies will be an ideal addition to create a separate composition.

Another bright representative is ageratum. It has a variety of colors: white, lilac, burgundy and purple. It can be perfectly combined as a frame with asters or dahlias. Their height reaches thirty centimeters. Ageratum can be used to create contrasting compositions. This flower is absolutely unpretentious and easily tolerates drought, but it is best not to place it in the shade. This plant is sun-loving.

In May and June, Iberis can be used to decorate a flowerpot. It can serve as a reliable replacement for other flowers that have already faded by this time. Although this lush plant loves sun, it also grows well in the shade. Also does well in a flowerpot.

If you want flowerpots to give you a wonderful and sunny mood, then be sure to plant white-yellow limnanthes. Its flowers are very small and resemble suns that illuminate everything around. Limnanthes can be used as a background with flowers of red or blue focal plan.

Well, how can we not do without hybrid verbena, which reaches a height of thirty centimeters. The bush of this plant looks alive and variegated thanks to the petals of the inflorescences framing the white spot. Ideal for creeping compositions.

Curly and cascading flowers for flowerpots

Petunia is an ideal option for decorating verandas and balconies. This plant is rich in diverse shades ranging from snow-white to bright red and deep purple. With the help of petunia, you can create incredibly beautiful combinations of colors and shades.

Also an excellent option would be various varieties of fuchsia, which can be planted in flowerpots in the country. Falling and hanging flowers can create an amazing combination of pink and red shades. Very often they are used to decorate gazebos/balconies. In most cases, preference is given to hybrid fuchsias.

Bright cornflower blue lobelia flowers can be perfectly combined with focal flowers. There are other shades, such as white, red or purple. Using lobelia you can make a monochromatic frame.

Nasturtium can give you positivity and sunshine. In addition to being a beautiful addition to flowerpots, nasturtiums can also be useful for pest control. This plant is very popular in the north and in middle lane. This is mainly due to their unpretentiousness.

Also an excellent option would be scaevola, which is suitable not only for containers and flowerpots. With its help you can create excellent annuals, since this plant is a ground cover.

So, there are a large number of other plants that can be planted in flowerpots or containers in the country. We have listed the most unpretentious ones, with which there will be the fewest problems. For care, it is enough to water them in a timely manner and also loosen the soil. In this case, they will delight you with lush flowering. Please note that some varieties can be fed mineral fertilizers. They are sold in the form of granules or solutions.

In general, having flowers in the country is not a burden. By creating a beautiful combination, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of blooming plants for a long period of time.

A summer cottage plot can become not only the basis for growing fruit trees and vegetables - flowering and evergreen plants are often used to arrange the territory, which are arranged into beautiful flower beds and flower beds.

Summer residents and gardeners can use the catalog of perennial flowers for their garden: photos with names will help you navigate the huge variety of plants and make right choice for your site.

Perennial plants. Features of their use in summer cottages

Perennials - a variety of beautiful flowering plants, these also include decorative deciduous species. All of them are characterized by a long growth period; in other words, these plants can form a flower bed for several years, without the need for replanting or additional sowing.

Pay attention! During this period, green spaces do not lose their decorative characteristics. Most perennials do not have any special requirements regarding care and growth conditions. They are characterized early flowering, ahead of annual plant species.

Scope of application of perennials:

  • hanging panels;
  • volumetric compositions;
  • flower sculptures for garden decoration;
  • multi-tiered landscape objects.

All green spaces belonging to this category can be used to design flower beds as the main background for other flowers or as a decorative addition. They differ in color, shape and height, so they can be an excellent complement to each other.

Why choose perennials

Gardeners prefer this type of plant to annual flowers for many good reasons.

Advantages of perennial plants:

  1. Possibility to create beautiful flower bed, maintaining its attractiveness throughout the entire summer season.
  2. Landscape design created with their help can be preserved for several years. This period depends on the grade of the flowerbed. At the same time, the gardener will not have to dig up plants, replant or re-sow the flower bed every year.
  3. Most varieties are resistant to low temperatures, so the flower bed can overwinter well in the soil without additional protective equipment. In the warm season, perennials bloom first, as they have an already formed and strong root system.
  4. Growing decorative flower beds accompanied by minimal costs. To preserve the beauty of flower beds, you do not need to purchase planting material every year.

Useful advice! Use perennial plants for additional seedlings, tubers and seeds. Many summer residents practice an exchange system planting material among themselves. Use this method to obtain new varieties for your flowerbed for free.

Catalog of perennial flowers for the garden: photos with the names of the most popular plants

The photos with names posted in the catalog of perennial flowers for the garden can be considered as a kind of guide to the world of gardening and landscape design. Because seed material there are many on the market, it is worth considering the most popular varieties, which can be grown not only by professionals, but also by beginning gardeners.

Alyssum: photo, planting and caring for flower beds

Alyssum is suitable for dry areas. It is able to withstand not only drought conditions, but also shows resistance to low temperatures. The plant takes root in any soil. There is no need for complex care measures.

Scope of application:

  • landscape objects;
  • rock gardens;
  • curbs;
  • compositions requiring ground cover addition.

Alyssum has fragrant flowers and rich colors. Planting is carried out on light soil with high fertility. The plant needs sun and is combined with elements such as slab-paved fences, paths, and rocky crevices. Alyssum requires moderate watering and increased nutrition at the first stage of development.

Anemones: planting and care, photo of flowers

This type of plant belongs to the genus Vetrenits. Photos of anemone flowers show purple, blue and bright red hues. In harsh areas, the plant is grown as an annual. The diameter of the flowers is 70-80 mm.

Useful advice! To decorate bouquets, it is recommended to cut off the buds of anemones that have not yet fully blossomed and have a weak color. The vase should be filled with water to a quarter of the length of the peduncle, and the petals should not be wetted.

Planting and caring for anemones is quite simple. Tubers are planted in moderately fertile soil in a sunny place to a depth of 5 cm. The soil must be breathable. In infertile soil, the plant will need feeding. It is better if it is a complex mineral fertilizer, which should be added to the soil twice during the summer.

Pansies: planting and care, photo

Pansies are on the list of the most popular plants. Their second name is viola. The perennial is characterized by a huge number of colors:

  • snow-white;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • with red spots;
  • black.

Sunny place and moist loam with high level fertility - optimal conditions for planting; they will increase flowering time. Planting in lowlands where liquid stagnates is best avoided. The plant requires frequent feeding; superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are suitable for these purposes. The use of fresh manure should be avoided.

In order to extend the flowering period, areas that have bloomed and seed boxes are removed. Otherwise, seed ripening will take a lot of energy from the plant.

Astilbe: planting in open ground and caring for the plant

Many owners suburban areas attract beautiful photos astilbe. Planting and caring for this plant may vary, as the perennial has several varieties that can be dwarf, short, medium or tall.

The plant is crowned with inflorescences in the form of panicles of various colors. In matters of planting and care, astilbe has the following requirements:

  • penumbra;
  • soil rich in humus;
  • watering on a regular basis (afraid of overheating of the roots);
  • removal of peduncles after the end of the flowering period.

Useful advice! The exposed root system should be covered with a special covering material or spruce branches should be used to protect it so that the plant does not die from frost.

Asters: planting and care in open ground

In the photo, aster flowers look spectacular, and this is not surprising. This perennial is considered the dominant plant of all that can be found in autumn garden. Aster is characterized by abundant flowering until the onset of the first frost.

The palette of shades is diverse: dark purple, white, delicate lilac, light violet, rich pink.

Care and planting requirements:

  • placement area – weak partial shade or sunny area;
  • light soils with good water permeability;
  • fertilizers of organic and mineral origin;
  • abundant watering;
  • dividing bushes and replanting every five years.

The scope of application extends to the design of the edges of flower beds and paths. Plants can play the role of borders and carpet flower beds.

Bergenia: planting in open ground and caring for perennials

Bergenia leaves with a shiny surface have a rounded shape, and its flowers are colored pink. The plant is characterized by good development on fertile soils. It is recommended to place bergenia in slightly shaded areas. Lack of sunlight can delay the flowering period and affect the beauty. Poor soils can also become the basis for plant growth. Thanks to regular feeding, the perennial is able to form rosettes.

Scope of application:

  • group type flower beds;
  • rocky areas of the garden;
  • ridges and borders.

Pay attention! A plant that has survived the winter is very vulnerable to the effects of fungi. Therefore, starting from spring, it is recommended to feed bergenia and treat its foliage with protective preparations.

Periwinkle: planting in open ground and caring for the plant

Periwinkle belongs to the climbing and creeping species of ground cover type plants. It has the ability to quickly grow in breadth. The leaves of this perennial have a leathery texture covered with gloss. In most cases they are dark or light green. In rare cases, the leaves are covered with spots of gold or cream shades.

The plant quickly forms a root system and prefers partial shade conditions. The soil can be almost any kind. The only condition for normal development is the absence of drying out. Watering should be done on a regular basis. It is recommended to trim plants. In harsh winter conditions, protection in the form of covering material is required. A good neighborhood would be: scillas, primroses, hyacinths and heucheras.

Colchicum: photo and plant features

Colchicum bears some resemblance to crocuses. The second name of the plant is colchicum. It is very easy to distinguish a perennial from a crocus. Just look at the flowers, which in this case are much larger and have a very pleasant aroma. One bulb can simultaneously form up to four beautiful flowers.

The flowering period is about three weeks. Pollinated flowers immediately wither, but subsequently survive wintering well under the snow. In terms of soil and care, the plant is unpretentious. The same goes for growing conditions, which may include plenty of sun or shade.

Buzulnik: photos and specifics of this perennial

The large leaves of buzulnik and its unusual color attract summer residents. The perennial is valued for abundant flowering over a long period of time and absolute unpretentiousness. Optimal conditions for plant development can be created with equal success by both a shade and a sunny area.

Useful advice! The sunny area should be selected carefully, as too much light leads to burnout and damage to the leaves.

It is recommended to plant in soils with sufficient nutrients and moisture. Watering is carried out as needed. The period for applying fertilizers of organic and mineral origin is in spring and early summer. In the fall, peat mulching is carried out and perennials are cut almost to the root zone. There is no need for shelter for the winter.

Loosestrife: photo, planting and caring for the plant

Summer residents call loosestrife lysimachia. This perennial can appear as an erect plant or creeping shoots. Colorful photos Loosestrife flowers clearly reflect how impressive a flower bed can look on a personal plot with these yellow or red flowers. Some of them can be used for medicinal purposes.

Most plants of this species prefer abundant sunlight; only some varieties feel better in a shaded place.

Care requirements:

  • wet soil;
  • abundant watering on a regular basis;
  • fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers twice a month.

The plant tolerates cold well and does not require the use of covering material.

Gazania: planting and care, photos of perennials

Gazania (or gatsania) is a summer-blooming plant with a wide range of colors. For this reason, landscape designers called it the South African daisy.

Pay attention! The genus of perennial gazania unites almost 40 varieties growing in warm countries. Some of them can develop in cold regions, but in the form of annuals.

Due to its unpretentiousness, gatsaniya can be grown:

  • in flowerpots;
  • in rock gardens;
  • in boxes on the balcony;
  • as a border design.

For normal development, it requires a lot of sun and open areas. The soil components should be turf mixed with sand. Stagnation of water is extremely undesirable. Even in dry weather conditions, the perennial needs moderate watering.

Hyacinths: planting in open ground and caring for perennials

Planting hyacinths and caring for them primarily comes down to the use of fertilizers. To obtain large and full flowers, dry fertilizer is used, which is introduced into the soil immediately after the first shoots appear and the first loosening of the soil is done.

The second application of fertilizer is done during the period when the buds have formed. This time the fertilizer is supplied to the root in liquid form. The third time, replenishment is carried out after the hyacinths have bloomed. This type of plant has special watering requirements. Before the bulbs take root, do not allow the soil to dry out. The soil should remain moist. During the remaining period, when the sprouts are already visible, the watering procedure should be carried out on a regular basis, especially in dry weather.

Perennial gypsophila: planting, care, photos and plant features

Gypsophila looks like flowering bush. Her delicate flowers white or pink flowers abundantly cover the perennial, creating the effect of an airy haze. Photos of gypsophila, which can be found on the Internet, clearly show that this type of plant will look good:

  • in the background of the garden;
  • at walls for retaining purposes;
  • in the rock garden.

The perennial is characterized by increased resistance to winter cold. The main preferences are light soil with high levels of fertility and moisture, sunny areas.

Useful advice! Gypsophila reacts extremely vulnerable to transplantation. To increase the percentage of successful outcome, you should pre-treat the root system with a root formation stimulator.

Gladioli in open ground: planting and care, growth features

Planting of exquisite gladiolus is carried out in an open area. In this case, wind protection must be present. It is not recommended to place the perennial in areas where water can accumulate and stagnate.

In areas characterized by increased dryness and heat, gladiolus will need light shade. Midday sun can have a negative effect, so flowers will need protection from high temperatures and direct rays. In areas with temperate climatic conditions even a light shadow can cause a drop in the level of decorativeness and a delay in flowering.

Gladiolus responds well to sandy loam soil, which must first be cultivated 20-30 cm deep and saturated with organic fertilizer.

Gentian: photo, planting and care in open ground, features of handling the flower

Gentian – perennial, blooming with blue bells. The period of active flowering coincides with the summer season. This mountain flower It is recommended to plant on alpine hills. The group of perennials of this genus includes more than four hundred varieties and varieties.

Like all low-growing plants, gentian needs a careful approach to fertilizers. Feeding with a high nitrogen content can harm the plant. Exposure to sunlight should be measured, but this does not mean that the flower should be placed in the shade. Dried shoots must be removed from the flowerbed.

Delphinium: photos and varieties of flowers

Seeds are planted in the soil in March. Landscape designers advise dense sowing to ensure a lush flower bed. After this, the flowerbed is covered with a layer of soil about 0.3-0.4 cm thick.

  • Persian;
  • grandiflora;
  • holostem;
  • hybrid.

The flower loves regular watering, especially in dry weather conditions. The wet soil is then loosened, but very carefully.

Useful advice! Delphinium loves root watering. A proper watering system will prevent the occurrence of powdery mildew(disease).

Dicentra: photo, planting and care (“broken heart”)

In the photo of the perennial dicentra, you can see arched inflorescences dotted with heart-shaped flowers, which can be white, pink or light purple. In total, this genus includes about ten cultivated plant varieties.

The most important condition for the successful cultivation of dicentra is the correctly selected planting zone. It feels best in partial shade, but a sunny area will also be an excellent place for the flower to live, provided it is watered in a timely manner. The soil should have a rich mineral and organic composition. You can fertilize it with humus before planting.

Honeysuckle: photos, varieties, description of perennial and its care

Honeysuckle is a shrub that tends to bear fruit. There are quite a lot of varieties of this plant, but if you limit yourself only to those where they grow edible berries, the choice will be between honeysuckle:

  • edible;
  • Altai;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Turchaninova.

The shrub is easy to care for and can take root anywhere in the area where you want to plant it. The main thing is to have protection from the wind and enough sun.

Useful advice! Honeysuckle does not like loneliness, as well as proximity to specimens of the same grade. In both the first and second cases, the productivity of the perennial decreases significantly.

Clematis: planting and care. Photo of a vine plant

Clematis can become worthy decoration any garden, suburban area or courtyard in a private house.

Perennial benefits:

  • resistance to winter conditions;
  • long flowering period;
  • unpretentiousness in terms of care;
  • durability.

Clematis is thermophilic and prefers the sun. Planting is carried out in increments of 2 m. Low-lying areas or areas adjacent to groundwater. The soil should be loamy or sandy. Installation is required in heavy soil drainage system. IN winter time perennial requires protection.

Swimsuit: photos and landing features

To fit the swimsuit you will need preliminary preparation soil. For good development of perennials, shade should be provided. The plant can also grow in sunny areas, but too much light will cause the flowers to become crushed and fade quickly.

Soil requirements:

  • looseness;
  • humidity;
  • presence of drainage.

It is better to avoid planting a swimsuit on sandy or dry soil. The flower needs regular watering, weeding, and loosening of the soil. Feeding is also important. The best nutrition for the plant will be the dosed introduction of nitrophroska, Agricola and urea in combination: a tablespoon of each fertilizer and 10 liters of water.

Kupena: photo of a perennial plant on the site

Kupena is considered one of the little-known garden perennials. The plant has a family relationship with Liliaceae. On its curved stem there are greenish-gray leaves and small bell-shaped flowers with a green border hanging in droplets.

Areas with slight or significant shade are the main habitat of this modest but attractive plant. The sun's rays slow down its growth and negatively affect decorative characteristics purchased.

Pay attention! This perennial has medicinal properties: strengthens immune system, speeds up metabolism.

Lakonos: photo, description of the perennial and its growing conditions

Lakonos is a large perennial plant. America is considered his homeland. During the period of summer growth, the lacquerberry turns from small seeds into a lush bushy plant. The height can reach 1 m. By autumn, the flower stalks are covered with black berries with a characteristic shine.

Both the juice of the plant and its berries are very poisonous. But this does not prevent gardeners from placing the lacconaceous plant in the very center of their compositions. In the middle of a flower garden, a perennial is unlikely to pose a danger. It can become a background addition to the fence, because open sunny areas are contraindicated for it.

The favorite place for lilies of the valley is moist soil, hidden under the dense shade of trees. The perennial tolerates prolonged absence of sunlight well. But if the shadow is deep, the number of flowers will decrease. In return, the lily of the valley will grow its foliage. Exposure to wind will also not be beneficial, reducing the number of flowers.

Hot weather conditions are detrimental to perennials. Don't forget about watering the plants. It is better to avoid transplants altogether. A low fence around the flowerbed will prevent excessive growth.

Daylilies: planting in open ground and caring for bushes

Shrubs are planted in the planting hole. For daylilies, the depth of such a hole is about 20-25 cm, and the perennials themselves are placed in increments of 0.4-0.6 m. Before placing the bush in the hole, you should pour a little fertile soil on the bottom. Moreover, this needs to be done in a slide. The roots will subsequently be straightened along it.

The area where the transition from the root system to the leaves takes place is called the “neck”. It is buried approximately 2-4 cm into the ground. Daylily requires abundant watering and mulching of the soil. It is recommended to cover the plant's soil around a circumference of 4 to 7 cm. After planting, the plant will need to be regularly watered and fertilized.

Lupins in the open ground: planting and caring for flower plantations

The decorative characteristics of this flower are very high. It is for its natural beauty that gardeners love lupine so much, planting and caring for it is a pleasure. The plant's demands on soil are low, but, as with other perennials, the rule applies here: the more fertile the soil, the more magnificent and beautiful the plants bloom.

If you want to achieve optimal conditions for growing lupins, you should give preference to acidic soil types. In such an environment, the plant improves the composition of the soil by independently forming nitrogen-containing fertilizer on its tubers. To increase acidity, it is recommended to add to the soil composition sawdust and manure.

Lungworts: photos of flowers in a summer cottage and features of flowerbed care

Lungwort, called pulmonaria among landscape designers, is distinguished by the beauty of its flowers with a very early flowering period. Despite this, today it can not be found in every garden.

With the help of this flower you can create a wonderful design for your site:

  • living borders;
  • ridges along garden paths;
  • ground cover addition to flower beds.

Place lungwort in a cool and shaded place, and this plant will be able to please the eye with flowers even in poor soil. Sandy composition is preferable. The perennial needs moisture and regular watering; mulching is necessary for the winter.

Euphorbia: photo of a garden flower, rules of care and cultivation

To plant milkweed on a personal plot, you need to take sunny place. As a last resort, it is permissible to grow the perennial in partial shade, but the flowering of the plant will not be as abundant.

Important! Heavy soils are a very poor basis for planting milkweed. Growth slows down, and in winter root system will be subject to rotting.

Watering should be moderate. During the period of vegetative development, no more than two fertilizing with mineral fertilizer is allowed. Timely removal of dead inflorescences and pruning will help preserve the external attractiveness of green space.

Muscari: photo on a personal plot and characteristics of plants

This type of perennial belongs to the Hyacinth family. Even the muscari shown in the photo can create a joyful and spring mood. For a flower bed on summer cottage It’s hard to find a more interesting specimen.

The bulbous plant is completely unpretentious. Muscari earned its name due to its specific smell, which has similar notes to musk. Gardeners use muscari:

  • Turgenevsky (light blue);
  • Armenian (blue with white border);
  • racemose (purple);
  • grape-shaped (white, blue, blue-violet).

Muscari love abundant watering and sun. They perceive penumbra normally. Some varieties propagate by self-sowing.

Narcissus: planting and care in open ground

Daffodils in the company of tulips can be a beautiful addition to personal plot. They bloom very early and are available in a wide variety of varieties:

  • onkeleform;
  • tubular;
  • small-crowned;
  • terry;
  • cyclamenoides;
  • large-crowned;
  • taceniformes;
  • poetic.

Planting plants is not difficult, the main thing is to guess the timing. The packaging usually indicates the ideal month for planting daffodils. Mandatory care conditions: regular loosening of the soil, watering (especially after flowering), removing diseased plants and planting daffodils of a different variety.

Forget-me-nots: photos of flowers and features of perennials

If you want to see what a brunera looks like, take a look at the forget-me-not flowers (the photo no less vividly conveys the appearance of this cute spring plant). The perennial blooms in late spring with light blue small flowers. After flowering, they are replaced by spiky, heart-shaped leaves. These leaves have a sharp tip. Virtually no special care is required.

Important! The plant needs moisture. If there is a lack of watering, the leaves will wilt. Therefore, you should carefully observe the timing of watering, and it is better to plant the perennial itself in clay soil, constantly maintaining its moisture.

Nivyanik: photos and features of perennial

Nivyanik has many names: white chamomile, roman herb, popovnik, white flower. This flower is a frequent inhabitant of gardens and suburban areas. The perennial is characterized by high resistance to negative weather conditions (frost) and unpretentiousness. Timely removal of baskets that have already bloomed will extend the flowering time of this amazing meadow plant.

Considering the origin of the cornflower, it becomes clear that the perennial prefers open and sunny areas. It is better to avoid areas where water stagnates. Properly grown chamomile can survive without replanting for 5, and sometimes even 7 years.

Liverwort: photo and characteristics of an evergreen plant

The herbaceous plant liverwort has another name - coppice. The perennial belongs to the extensive Buttercup family. Its habitat is considered to be forests in northern latitudes with moderate climatic conditions. In gardens you can find only one species - the noble liverwort. There are thousands of varieties of this plant worldwide.

The liverwort has a long lifespan. Under conditions of cultivation and appropriate care, the plant can live up to 25 years. In nature, this indicator does not occur due to the fact that the liverwort needs moist and very fertile soils.

Peonies in the open ground: planting and caring for a flower bed

Peonies can often be found in park areas and gardens. This light-loving perennial loves fertile soil. IN optimal conditions in one place he can live up to 50 years.

For planting, you should select sunny but protected from the wind areas of the territory. Peony bushes tend to grow, so when designing paths you should leave a certain distance between the path and the planting holes. It is not recommended to plant perennials under the walls of a building. Rainwater from the roof will increase soil moisture, and if water stagnates, the root system of plants will rot.

Pyrethrum: photos for lovers of garden daisies

If you see colored chamomile in front of you, it means pyrethrum in the photo. Planting and caring for this plant are specific, but quite simple. Unpretentious perennial It grows well in both sunny flower beds and shaded areas.

Pay attention! In the absence of direct sunlight, shoots of this plant can stretch.

There are no special requirements regarding soil, but high humidity and the poor composition of the soil can slow down the development of pyrethrum. The watering schedule should be regular, but in moderation. If you remove flower stalks that have already outlived their usefulness in time, the perennial will be able to bloom again.

Climbing rose: planting and caring for the plant

Climbing roses are suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere in almost any area. This perennial cannot do without sunlight, so it is better to plant it in an open area with a good level of ventilation. Swampy and low-lying areas are not suitable for growing roses.

It is not recommended to plant bushes in the place where there was previously a flower bed, otherwise the plant will not take root. To avoid the death of roses, it is recommended to plant them on slopes or hills. This will relieve the soil in the bush growth zone from waterlogging, which often occurs during the rainy season or in areas with groundwater lying near the surface.

Perennial primrose: photo, care and planting

Primrose is called primrose because it blooms early. This is why it is a favorite perennial of summer residents and gardeners. In the photo of perennial primrose there are purple, yellow, red and blue flowers.

Pay attention! This type of plant is widely used in folk medicine.

Before planting, it is worth introducing fertilizers into the soil. The soil must be moist. The edges of gardens with good shade are best suited for these purposes. The plant takes root well under pear and apple trees. Cool conditions are considered optimal. Humus from last year's leaves can be used as food.

Perennial rudbeckia: planting and caring for a flower bed

The variety of rudbeckia is varied. The plant has similar features to daisies. Their petals, bent to the bottom, can have different colors:

Yarrow: photo of an unpretentious and medicinal plant

Yarrow is very popular among owners of suburban areas who design flower beds. Its inflorescences have a bright color (red, white, pink, orange, cherry, yellow), retain their attractiveness for a long time, and the plant itself is considered medicinal.

There are almost two hundred varieties of this perennial. In some places it natural habitat are mountain meadows, stony and rocky terrain, glades, which ensured the high resistance of the plant.

Pay attention! Yarrow can not only withstand sudden temperature changes, it can easily withstand periods of prolonged drought.

Perennial phloxes: photos, planting and caring for flower beds

Thanks to the work of breeders, the quality of phlox has increased, and these are unusually beautiful plants have become obligatory inhabitants of decorative flower beds in suburban areas. Even a little care makes phlox bloom with lush colors.

The plant can take root even on heavy soils. To do this, you just need to add coarse sand to the bottom of the planting hole. In sandy soils, a layer of clay will not hurt. Phlox are planted 2-3 cm deep into the ground (the root collar is buried to this depth). For good flower development, you will need an open area with sun and protection from the winds.

Hosta: types and photos with the names of varieties

The plant loves the shady coolness of gardens and does not need careful care, as evidenced by the beautiful photos of hostas in the landscape design of suburban areas. Decorative perennial has many varieties:

  • Christmas Eve;
  • White Christmas;
  • Alex Summers;
  • Mango Tango;
  • First love, etc.

One can easily get confused about plant varieties, since many of them are based on sports (shoots that differ significantly from the mother perennial).

Pay attention! Sandy soils slow down plant growth. At the same time, the composition of such soil enhances the color of the leaves. Recommended soil conditions are shade and moisture.

Rose stock: photo, specificity of this plant

The rose stock is different beautiful flowering and love of light. Therefore, it should be placed in an area well lit by the sun. The shadow will not only retard the growth and development of the perennial, but can also cause a lack of flowers. Moreover, the plant can remain in this state for two years. Poor and dry soils are also not desirable.

The watering scheme should be moderate, because a large amount of liquid can provoke rotting processes in the roots. The soil should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Dead flowers cause depletion of the rose stock, so you need to get rid of them.

By studying the characteristics and features of each of the plants presented in the catalog, you can learn how to form unique flower arrangements. Many perennials have similar requirements regarding planting conditions, feeding and watering. Based on this information, you can create precise designs for beautiful and colorful flower beds.

A dacha is not only about working in the garden, but also about relaxing in a picturesque garden. Any novice gardener can create a flower garden, but it is important that the flowers really decorated the area, and did not make it overly motley and tasteless. Flowers not only need to be planted, but they need to be cared for throughout the entire summer season. We choose the most successful types of plants and learn how to create flower arrangements at the dacha.

Designing a flower garden

Before planting plants, you need to decide on the features landscape design of the site, choose a place for flower beds, select flower garden components that are in harmony with each other.

Lawn-type flower garden. Create a flowering carpet on your site - sow a certain section of the lawn with wildflowers. In such a clearing you can have wonderful picnics, and besides, such a flower garden does not even need to be watered. Suitable flowers include daisies, cornflowers, clover, poppies and others.

Flower garden discount. This is a narrow (0.2-1.5 m) strip of flowers that looks great if placed along garden path or around terraces. Several types of low-growing annual flowers are planted in horizontal stripes, alternating colors. You can make a simple ornament or add medium-sized plants.


Flowerbeds can be of various shapes - traditional round, solid square, elegant diamond-shaped or even complex figured. In addition to standard low flower beds, you can make raised ones - 10-15 cm, decorating them around the perimeter with a plastic border, wood, brick, stone.


An ordinary wooden arch or a modest gazebo can be decorated and enlivened with the help of vines. Choose virgin grapes, clematis, tree-like Kampsis, climbing rose or climbing annuals - decorative beans or peas.


This is a wide (up to 4 m) strip of flowers where plants are used different heights. For such a flower garden you need a background, it will look good mixborder near brick wall or a board fence. Appearance Such a flower garden changes throughout the season - first some plants bloom, then they fade and are replaced by others. Such a flower garden can consist of perennials, annual plants or combinations thereof.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Advice! Creating a balanced and thoughtful mixborder takes a lot of time, so the use of perennial flowers in this case is quite rational. Perennials can also be successfully chosen as filling flower beds or garden beds.

Tall. Pay attention to the stock rose - this is a plant about 1.5 meters tall with inflorescences resembling peonies. Their color ranges from soft pink to deep burgundy. Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty is similar to a lily or orchid and blooms from early July to mid-autumn. The spotted sapling is interesting in that it changes the shade of its purple flowers throughout the season. No less spectacular can be basilisk, willow sunflower, hybrid helenium, and longleaf speedwell.

Medium height. These are plants with a height of 30-80 cm, which are suitable for many types of flower beds. Daylily varieties are easy to care for and incredibly tender, and yarrow will delight you with lush blooms throughout the entire summer season. Rhodiola rosea – original plant With succulent leaves which will become the highlight of your garden. Use late-flowering varieties of peony, paniculata phlox, astilbe, cornflower, double monarda.

short. Pansies, an unpretentious, charming plant, can complement a mixborder or create an elegant flowerbed. Dwarf forms of phlox, gentian, soft mantle, large-flowered flax, gypsophila paniculata, oak sage, geranium, bloodroot are bright and beautiful perennial flowers that can be safely planted in the country.

Caring for garden flowers

Growing garden flowers is not a difficult task, but it is still worth reading a few basic tips.

  • Remove wilted plants and plant parts regularly. When watering or weeding a flower bed, pull out and cut off everything that has already faded. Wilted flowers turn into buds or fruits that require strength to ripen, which slows down the appearance of other flowers on the plant. And externally, your flower garden will look more aesthetically pleasing without “dead” flowers.

If you choose the right flowers for flower beds and front gardens, you can enjoy their bloom from spring until the first frost. Among these you can use perennials, annuals and bulbous plants. Very often, flower growers make mixed flower beds, where flowers bloom in stages.

All the benefits of annual flowering plants

With the onset of the new season, many summer residents are interested in what flowers to plant in their dacha so that they bloom all summer long; they would also be interested in seeing photos of flower beds. Today we will talk about this in detail, and let's start with the benefits of annual flowers.

This type of flowering plants is preferred by gardeners who like to create flowerbeds with different designs every year. So in the spring you can make a new flowerbed or place flowerpots, where bright colors of flowers will appear this season. If you choose the right flowers according to flowering time, height and color range you can get a plot blooming with all the colors of summer with an extraordinary fragrance of flowers.

  • Long flowering periods;
  • The ability to create flower beds that will bloom this season;
  • Large selection of annual plants;
  • Annual flowers are practically not damaged by pests;
  • In the fall, you won’t have to worry about sheltering for the winter;
  • Possibility to change the type of summer cottage annually.

The most beautiful and abundantly blooming annual flowers for the garden

Photo blooming flowers for the dacha and their description will help you decide which of them to plant on your site.


These flowers grown by seedlings can bloom from the end of May until the first frost. Among them there are tall species from 80 to 120 cm, these include the varieties “Hawaii”, “Eskimo”; medium-growing ones from 50-65 cm are “Gold Ball”, “Borets”; the shortest plants are from 25 cm “Lemon Jam”, “Mimimix” and other varieties. In addition to their bright colors and beautiful lacy foliage, marigolds emit a scent essential oils which repels pests.



These are probably the most long-blooming, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for the garden. Every year, breeders develop new varieties and hybrids of these plants. Petunias can be used to decorate borders, low-growing flower beds, and flowerpots. For example, the multi-flowered species of these plants are not afraid of frequent rains and winds are not picky about the soil. The flowers of the plant are double, simple, semi-double, with fringed edges, single-color or two-color. Flower color can be white, hot pink, velvet black, red, yellow, purple.



The plant begins to bloom in June and ends when frost sets in, despite this it reproduces well by self-sowing. There are always a lot of flowers on the Eschscholzia bush, which makes the plant very bright. The plant blooms in yellow, orange, pink and red shades. But the most popular variety is Peach Ice Cream, which has beautiful creamy, full flowers.



This flower is an unconditional worker that blooms all summer. Flowering begins two months after germination, so to get flowering in June, dimorphotheca is sown seedling method in early April. The bushes of the plant look spherical, reaching a height of 30-40 cm. The flowers are elegant, white, orange, yellow with a black center. Dimorphotheca can become a decoration for any flower garden; it is used in individual and joint plantings with other flowers, but it is necessary to take into account that the plant is drought-resistant and does not tolerate excess moisture.



These are low ground cover plants that bloom all summer. Lobelia feels good both in the sun and in partial shade; it is planted as seedlings in early May. The flower can be used in flowerpots, small pots placed on the veranda, flower beds and garden beds. Flowers are colored blue, blue, purple, white pink tint. These flowers at the dacha, blooming all summer, certainly attract the admiring glances of guests at the dacha.


The benefits of perennial flowering plants

Perennial flowers that bloom all summer can grow in one flowerbed for more than two years. Most species of these plants do not require special care and begin to bloom the first inflorescences earlier than annuals.

  • Plants do not need constant replanting;
  • They tolerate winters well;
  • Do not require additional care;
  • Throughout the summer months they give beauty;
  • They are a good platform for creating a flower garden;
  • They reproduce well by division.

Perennial flowers are most often planted using bulbs or roots, less often with seeds.

Catalog of flowers for gardening perennial varieties

Phlox paniculata

These plants tolerate frost well and can grow in open and shaded areas. Phlox bloom profusely, forming lush caps of inflorescences. These plants form bushes in height from 60 to 100 cm. The shade of phlox flowers can be cornflower blue, purple, white, pink, red, orange. There are varieties that have two or three shades.

Phlox paniculata


These plants are easy to care for, and the variety of 25 species will allow you to create the most beautiful compositions. Daylilies can grow in one place for more than 10 years. The height of the bushes of these plants varies from 30 to 90 cm. The flowers are simple and double in various colors.



This plant begins to bloom in early June and ends in late autumn when frosts begin. Yarrow is planted by seeds or rhizomes. The flowers are collected in small baskets, which together form racemose inflorescences. The flowers are yellow, pink, red, and white and can be single or double colored. The plant grows quickly low-growing varieties can be used for planting as a lawn.



The Carpathian, Flax-leaved, and Spoon-leaved species bloom throughout the summer. Perennial bells can grow in one place for about 6-8 years. These plants overwinter well without special shelter. Spoonbellflower naturally grows in rocky, calcareous terrain, so it thrives in calcium-enriched areas in our gardens. Other species can be planted in neutral or slightly alkaline soils.


Armeria seaside

These flowers bloom all summer at the dacha, their height does not exceed 15 cm. These plants with great success used to decorate rocky gardens, flower beds and as decoration for front gardens. Armeria tolerates winters well and grows in one place for five years. The flowers are painted in pink, lilac, and red shades.

Armeria seaside

Flowers that require minimal care

Not all summer residents manage to spend the whole summer on their plot, so I want to plant plants that will delight them with flowering and do not require frequent care. And so let’s look at the most unpretentious flowers for giving, photos and names.



Bright orange flowers that will delight you all summer. Having planted them in one place, every year you will see strong shoots in the spring that have sprouted by self-sowing.
In addition to a bright flower bed, you will receive a medicinal plant.



Beautiful flowers give the area a real rustic style. Cornflower flowers are colored blue, light blue, purple, white and pink.



This flower can be used as an hanging plant. It blooms with large yellow, orange and burgundy flowers. The leaves of this plant look no less decorative than the flowers.




There are many varieties and hybrids of this plant; large fragrant flowers will decorate any summer cottage.


Broken heart flower is what they call the magnificent dicentra. This romantic plant has original shaped flowers in the form of pink hearts punched with arrows; they hang in a row like earrings on curved peduncles. Lacy greenery in combination with graceful flower stalks looks beautiful and elegant.

There are about 20 species of plants in the genus Dicentra; the most common in gardening is Dicentra splendid. In nature, dicentra grows on Far East, in China and North America.

Dicentra forms lush bush IR height from 30 to 90 cm . The rhizome of this perennial goes deep into the soil. The feathery leaves of emerald color with reddish petioles are decorative, like unusual flowers in the shape of flat hearts with spurs. There are two varieties with flowers of pink and white. After flowering, seed boxes are formed that remain viable for two years.

16 Apr 2019

Lungwort begins to bloom very early; immediately after the snow melts, flower stalks appear from the ground and small, cute flowers open. Lungwort flowers are initially bright pink, gradually changing their color to blue-violet before wilting. Lungwort blooms from April to May , the flower stalks lengthen and form a lush bush, on which you can see both pink and blue flowers at the same time.

The name of this flower “lungwort” speaks for itself; it is the earliest honey plant, to which many bees flock. The lungwort has others popular names- honeydew, bear grass, bee grass, honey grass, honey grass.

19 Mar 2019

The imperial hazel grouse is a large-flowered species from the genus Fritillaria, which is part of the lily family. There are about 150 species of hazel grouse, but the tallest and brightest of them is the imperial hazel grouse. It is easily distinguished by its straight, tall stem covered with lily leaves. A long peduncle forms on the upper part of the stem; it ends in a green tuft of leaves, under which large bright flowers- bells.

Blooming hazel grouse look solemn and elegant; their flowers come in yellow, orange and red-orange colors. . Grouse often play main role in a flower bed, they are placed in the center or in the background as the tallest plants.

12 Jan 2019

“Vanka touchy”, “spark”, that’s what they call balsam, this folk flower grown at home on the windowsill and in the garden, in a flower bed, in flowerpots or in balcony boxes. Impatiens are perennial plants, but they come from warm tropics, so they are planted outside as annual flowers, which delight with abundant and long-lasting flowering all summer long without rest.

29 Dec 2018

Tuberous hybrid callas different varieties can be grown as indoor flowers in pots and as garden flowers. Graceful calla lilies flowers framed by lush greenery are a wonderful decoration in the house and in the flower bed. The feces will bloom for at least a month, and the bright greenery will remain until autumn, but then the tuber of the plant goes dormant until spring.

Tuberous callas should not be confused with rhizomatous white or Ethiopian callas . White callas come from Africa, where they grow along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, preferring damp areas, so this species has its own requirements when growing.

Tuberous calla lilies are basically hybrid plants created from two species - Eliot's calla lilies and Remenni's calla lilies. Varieties of calla lilies may have leaves of a single color green or with white specks, as well as their flowers, or rather the bracts, have different colors - yellow, pink, lilac, violet with a tint of several shades.

30 Nov 2018

Orange lilies are one of the oldest varieties, as many natural lily species have naturally orange flower colors. For example, tiger lily or lanceolate lily , grows wild in China and Japan, where the sweet bulbs of this plant are eaten. The wild flowers are bright orange with dark specks and very attractive. There are several interesting varieties of lilies in culture, the ancestor of which was the tiger lily.

Terry tiger lily has an original shape of flowers with up to 30 petals; as the flower opens, the first rows of petals bend back, the last row of petals almost does not open, so this lily has no stamens with anthers. The flowers on the peduncle look straight, and since this plant is quite tall with a stem 100-120 cm high, the flowers are clearly visible. The terry lily blooms at the end of July. The color of the flowers is peach with dark specks on the petals.

16 Oct 2018

Sedum prominent (Sedumspectabile)- an ornamental perennial plant with erect stems, lush green leaves and large inflorescences at the tops. This plant is a member of the fall flower group, but sedum remains attractive all season long. In spring, a bluish-green rounded bush is formed from young shoots and leaves; by the end of summer, the shoots rise to a height of 50-70 cm and numerous small flowers begin to open on large inflorescences.

22 Jul 2018

Chamomile flowers They are associated with the suns; in the center of the flowers there is a yellow circle, it is framed by long petals like rays. There are many plants with inflorescences similar to daisies; they may vary in size and color, but the structure of daisy flowers is similar. Collected here the most beautiful views daisy flowers:

Nielberry has inflorescences with the classic appearance of daisies- a yellow button in the center and a row of white narrow petals. Nivyanik is often called garden chamomile. Large white daisies look beautiful in the company of bright flowers - poppies, bells, cornflowers; these flowers are a real symbol of Russian nature.

07 Jun 2018

Kochia, annual cypress or "crown grass" This is what our grandfathers called this plant and grew it mainly for knitting brooms and panicles. When were kochia varieties created with compact beautiful shape, this plant was appreciated by gardeners and flower growers began to use it for landscaping and decorating flower beds.

Kochia looks great in a flower garden, on the lawn, among stones or along garden paths, single green bushes look impressive or in a group, in a linear planting like a miniature green hedge. Kochia is a surprisingly flexible plant that fits harmoniously into any garden composition, as a background for bright flowers, as landscaping among stones and statues in a rockery or on alpine slide, like a green border in a flower bed or along a path.

Kochia is an annual herbaceous plant , reaches a height of 50-100 cm, forms an upright lush bush with a cylindrical shape. Numerous branches of kochia are covered with thin long leaves, like needles, so this plant is often compared to miniature coniferous trees.

Genus Liverworts includes about 10 species of herbaceous evergreen plants with rhizomes. An interesting name for this plant was given back in the Middle Ages, when healers believed that plants similar in shape to any organ could heal it. Since the liverwort has three-lobed leaves similar to the shape of the liver, the plant got its name.