What essential oil strengthens nails. What essential oil to use to strengthen nails. Burdock oil for nails

Women's hands have admired and sung the praises of the classics at all times. Of course, they paid even more attention to the eyes, lovely face, grace, etc. But hands have also always been one of the main components of the image of the fair sex.

What do we now pay close attention to when looking at our hands? Of course, on the nails. If the nails are unkempt, without a sign of manicure, then the impression of such a woman is appropriate. And, if, on the contrary, the nails are healthy, with a neat manicure, then we already look at such a person with interest. As they say: “We meet by clothes”...

Of course, first of all, establish proper nutrition, refuse bad habits, take balanced vitamins, walk more fresh air. This is the right path to health not only of nails, but of the whole body. But this path is long, and our nails will transform slowly. And I want to be beautiful and well-groomed right now.

We need to help the body. Strengthen your health not only inside, but also outside. This contributes to this.

Why do you need nail and cuticle oil?

Oil for nails and cuticles has long been popular. It is especially recommended to make nourishing masks with oils for representatives of thin skin. But, besides this, using oil for nail care has the following advantages:

  • helps our sensitive hands cope with seasonal temperature changes;
  • effectively moisturize and nourish even the driest skin of the hands;
  • care for extended nails, shellac;
  • , helps get rid of fragility;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds.

However, there are no contraindications to the use of nourishing oil for nails. Except, of course, individual intolerance.

Stores and pharmacies sell ready-made oil solutions. They contain components that meet the basic requirements of consumer demand: for strengthening nails, for moisturizing, for nutrition, healing, etc. The bottles have a convenient brush. But such solutions are not cheap and run out too quickly.

Judging by the reviews, nail oil , home-cooked food is in no way inferior to store-bought ones, and sometimes even surpasses them. The main thing is to find out what is the best nail oil for you personally.

What oil can be used to improve the appearance of nails:

  1. Vegetable oils:
    • sunflower;
    • olive;
    • peach;
    • coconut;
    • almond;
    • thirst.
  2. Essential oils:
    • burdock;
    • peach;
    • castor;
    • celandine;
    • wheat;
    • tea tree and others.

For greater effect, in addition to oils, vitamins are added to the solutions: A, E, C.

To choose the best oil, you need to understand their characteristics.

Oil characteristics:

  1. Castor oil is included in the composition, effectively copes with rough cuticles and helps nails grow quickly. It has several healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, general strengthening.
  2. Wheat oil intensively moisturizes the skin and enriches it with the “beauty vitamin” - vitamin E.
  3. Burdock oil also perfectly moisturizes the skin and prevents it from becoming dry. Ideal product for ladies who are interested in nail extensions. With the help of the vitamins included in the composition, it quickly restores nails.
  4. Celandine oil - known for its antibacterial properties, fights fungal diseases.
  5. Jojoba oil helps nails resist harmful environmental influences.
  6. Peach oil strengthens the nail plate, fights nail brittleness, and enriches it with vitamins: calcium, potassium, iron.
  7. Citrus oil whitens nails and adds a healthy shine.
  8. Coconut oil (like cucumber oil) has a pronounced moisturizing effect. Saturates nails with vitamins.
  9. Cedar oil (pine oil, sandalwood oil) strengthens nails, helps their growth and strength.
  10. Almond oil restores peeling nails. But for a noticeable effect, you need to rub this oil in 2 times a day: morning and evening.
  11. Eucalyptus and lavender oils have a powerful antibacterial effect. Treats fungal diseases, relieves skin inflammation as a result of careless manicure.
  12. Olive oil is the most popular among women and is the main component. This is most likely due to its availability. But also beneficial features attracted in the composition of olive oil: vitamins A and E, strengthening effect, restoring effect on nails.

Each of these oils in themselves is an effective medicine for nails. But to make nutrition and hydration even more intense, you can add some ingredients to the composition of the oils.

Ingredients necessary for better absorption of oil by nails:

  • “Beauty vitamin” - E. One drop of vitamin E per 1 ml of other oil will improve the nutrition of nails and saturate them with vitamins.
  • Propolis extract. It has many properties: antiseptic, water-repellent, nourishing, restorative and many others. Four drops of propolis extract per 10 ml of another oil solution will be enough for maximum benefit of our nails.
  • in an oil solution called Aevit. One capsule per 10 ml of solution is enough to protect the skin from harmful effects, strengthen the nail plate and enrich it with vitamins.
  • CO2 extracts are a powerful antiseptic. It is enough to add 4 drops of extract to 10 ml of any oil.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes themselves, it is necessary to make a few notes so that the use of oils does not disappoint or cause inconvenience:

  1. When preparing a healing mixture of oils and vitamins, use a syringe. This will make it easier for you to measure milliliters more accurately.
  2. The most important note is that before starting the procedure, check each component for small area skin for allergies.
  3. Deep wounds, burns, cuts, and fungal diseases are direct contraindications to the use of nail oils.
  4. If you plan to paint your nails with varnish, do shellac, or extensions, do not apply oil to your nails before these procedures.
  5. Use only high-quality proven oils. Don't trust cheap fakes. Keep an eye on the expiration date.
  6. It is best to prepare a healthy mixture of oils immediately before use.
  7. The course of using nail oil is 2 times a week, as well as after each manicure. The duration is not limited.
  8. Remember the important proportion: 2 drops of essential oil should be added with two milliliters of vegetable oil.

Nail oil. Composition of healing ingredients

To eliminate any one problem, you can use any oil. We have already listed their beneficial properties.

And if you need comprehensive care for nails, then you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. To relieve minor inflammation of the skin and moisturize the cuticle: combine 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil with 15 ml of any vegetable oil.
  2. To give your nails a glossy look, prepare the following ingredients: 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of rose oil, 3 drops of lemon oil.
  3. The following components will help remove minor inflammation, promote nail growth and maximize hydration: 3 drops of tea tree oil, one capsule of vitamin E, 5 drops of coconut oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of peach oil.
  4. Your nails will thank you for their strength and healthy appearance if you prepare: 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 drops of vitamins A and E, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  5. You will always have strong and healthy nails if you pamper them with the following mask at least once a week: 3 drops of cucumber oil, 5 drops of castor oil, 10 ml of peach and coconut oil, 3 drops of orange oil.
  6. Nourishing cuticle softening oil includes: 5 ml grape seed oil, 5 ml olive oil, 3 drops tea tree oil and 5 ml lavender oil almond oil 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  7. The following mixture of oils will help cope with brittle nails: 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil, 4 drops of lemon, 7 drops of castor oil, 3 drops of rose maceta.
  8. The double-action effect: caring for nails and hands at the same time is achieved by the following ingredients: 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of almond oil, 2 drops of avocado oil. But the result will be noticeable with daily care of your nails and hands.

Bottom line

Permanent use oils for strengthening nails will help not only nails, the skin of the hands to maintain health and good appearance. It has another undeniable advantage - it helps us develop a habit with quality and body.

To look like a real lady, you need to have good taste and choose a complete stylish look, hairstyle, makeup, and fragrance. You should also take care of many nuances: posture, gait, facial expressions, gestures and manners. In addition, great attention must be paid to the beauty and health of hair, facial skin and body.

Hand and nail care is equally important. Often it is the hands that reveal a woman’s age, and overgrown cuticles, hangnails and peeling nails will not add charm to the image. Experts in the field of fashion, style and beauty agree that well-groomed hands are the calling card of any woman, regardless of her age.

Comprehensive hand care should not be limited to the use of creams, masks, scrubs and visits to the manicure salon, especially if the nails are naturally fragile or weakened due to other reasons.

There are quite a few of them, ranging from the effects of external aggressive factors (hard chlorinated water, chemical detergents, decorative varnishes and liquids for removing them) and ending with, perhaps, the most common one - a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, which play a key role in maintaining the health and beauty of nails.

In this case, special complexes designed to strengthen nail plates. In addition to taking vitamin preparations, an important part of care is cosmetic procedures: baths, masks and care products, for example, oil pencil for cuticles and nails “Opi”. There are two types of cuticle:

  • Dead skin is a keratinized and dead layer of skin cells. It is this that is carefully removed without harm to the nails at home or in salons during classic trimmed manicure sessions.
  • The living cuticle is a thin part of the skin located at the base of the nail plate and pressed tightly against it. It performs the important function of protecting the nail growth area from bacteria, infections and foreign bodies. She needs careful care.

Special products nourish, soften, heal and moisturize the cuticle, and prevent the appearance of hangnails. They also help strengthen the nail plates, eliminate brittleness, and prevent their delamination and cracking.

The benefits of vitamins and minerals for nails and cuticles

Caring products contain vitamins and microelements necessary for nail growth, giving them strength, maintaining healthy color, structure and attractive appearance. These products have strengthening, healing, moisturizing and softening properties due to their rich vitamin composition:

  1. Vitamin A stimulates the formation and growth of nails, maintains their healthy structure, and prevents thinning and curvature of the nail plate.
  2. Almost all B vitamins are important, but especially B1, B2, B5 and B9. They regulate metabolic processes, the rate of nail growth and their strength. Vitamin B1 is involved in the synthesis of keratin, the main component of which nail plates are made.
  3. Vitamins C and E strengthen nails and protect them from aggressive external influences, prevent dryness, brittleness and changes in the structure of the nail plate.
  4. Vitamin H prevents nails from splitting, changing their color and cracking.
  5. Vitamin PP promotes the regeneration of the nail plate and its plasticity.
  6. Vitamin D ensures the formation of nails and supports the absorption of calcium, an element necessary for the mineralization and growth of bones, teeth and nails.

In addition to calcium, other minerals are necessary for the beauty and health of nails:

  • Iodine and fluorine ensure optimal metabolic processes.
  • Zinc prevents cuticle inflammation and promotes nail plate growth.
  • Iron prevents nails from becoming brittle and makes them stronger.
  • Silicon and magnesium are part of nail tissue.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant.

A lack of microelements and vitamins can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, as well as lead to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to a lack of vitamins, the nail plates become dull, brittle and brittle, and begin to peel and deform.

Today on sale you can find a wide variety of nail care products that differ in their composition. But high-quality products certainly contain natural vegetable oils that are beneficial for nails and cuticles.

Which oils are most beneficial?

Both cuticles and nails are constantly growing, so care for them must be regular. Effective care products for nail plates, living cuticles and hand skin are natural oils with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. These products have a targeted effect:

  1. Make weak and dull nails strong and shiny.
  2. Eliminate inflammation of the nail fold.
  3. Strengthens thin and brittle nails and promotes their growth.
  4. Protect from negative impact chlorinated water and detergents.
  5. Restore nails and restore shine to the nail plate.
  6. They have a calming and antiseptic effect.
  7. Nourishes and moisturizes the living cuticle.
  8. Heal microtraumas after trimming manicure.
  9. Prevents the appearance and development of fungus.

Typically, care products consist of plant base and essential oils with the addition of vitamins. Manufacturers most often use burdock, almond, cedar, olive, coconut, jojoba, avocado, as well as peach, apricot or grape seed oils as base oils.

If we are talking about healthy nails, maintaining their condition, moisturizing, softening and nourishing, then all of the above base oils can be used in their pure form, applied to the nail plate and rubbed with light massaging movements into the base of the nails and cuticle.

Burdock and olive oil Perfect for daily basic care. The most effective softening effect is provided by apricot kernel and sweet almond oil. They moisturize and soften dry, rough cuticles and promote the healing of hangnails.

Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails are lemon, petitgrain, myrrh, rosemary, tea tree, and bergamot oil. In addition to them, the composition of the products may include vitamins A and E.

Essential oils are very concentrated substances and cannot be applied pure to nails. In industrial products they are included in a certain percentage of basic oils. The dosage specified by the manufacturer should also be followed when self-cooking oil products for nail and cuticle care.

Making nail oil at home

You can make the care composition yourself. It will not take much time and will not require large material costs. In addition, using natural ingredients, you will be confident in the naturalness and quality of the product. self-made.

In order to make oil for cuticle and nail care, first, you need to decide on its composition. The beauty of cosmetics self made consists of individual approach. You can make a product for yourself that is right for you and will have the desired functionality:

  • moisturize, soften and nourish the cuticle;
  • strengthen brittle and weak nails;
  • heal the formed hangnails;
  • whiten nail plates;
  • heal the cuticle after trimmed manicure;
  • prevent brittleness and splitting of nails.

When choosing the oils that you will include in your homemade product, consider the beneficial effects they have:

  1. Castor oil promotes nail growth and softens cuticles.
  2. Jojoba oil protects nails and skin from damage and aggressive effects of chemicals (varnishes, solvents, detergents).
  3. Coconut nourishes, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with vitamins.
  4. Wheat germ oil, rich in vitamin E, protects the cuticle from drying out, restores its elasticity, and also extends the shelf life of the oil product.

Essential oils are highly concentrated. They should be added to the mixture in a small percentage: 1 drop of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of base oil - for preventive agents and 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of base oil - for medicinal compositions. In addition, they also have a narrower focus:

  • Tea tree oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic component in the care of inflamed cuticles.
  • Rosemary oil promotes cell regeneration and restoration of damaged skin.
  • Grapefruit will help relieve redness and inflammation.
  • Lavender and eucalyptus oils are recommended for use for hangnails and infectious lesions.
  • Thyme oil is one of the the best means to soften the cuticle and increase its elasticity.
  • Cedar, pine and sandalwood have a strengthening effect.
  • Ylang-ylang oil restores and strengthens fragile nails.
  • Citrus fruit whitens the nail plate and gives it shine.

Essential and base oils in the mixtures complement and enhance each other's effects. Taking into account the beneficial properties of each of them, as well as the condition of the nails and cuticles, you can make individual remedy, performing the required tasks. Or use one of their basic recipes:

  1. For daily care: 1 teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon grape seed oil, 3 drops lemon essential oil, 1 capsule liquid vitamin E.
  2. To restore damaged cuticles: 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  3. To heal cuticles and strengthen nails: 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon oil peach pits, 1 teaspoon almond oil, 2 drops lavender oil, 2 drops ylang-ylang oil, 2 drops tea tree oil, 1 capsule liquid vitamin E.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications to the use of natural oils for nail and cuticle care are individual intolerance or allergic reaction to one of the components. To ensure that there is no allergy to the composition, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test.

To do this, apply a drop of the product to the area with the most sensitive skin (elbow or wrist). In case of absence discomfort, redness and itching, the product can be used for its intended purpose, lubricating the nail plates and cuticles. It would also not be superfluous to observe simple rules and recommendations:

  1. By purchasing the product industrial production, pay attention not only to its composition, but also to the packaging - a bottle with a dispenser or brush, like Eveline nail oil, is more convenient to use.
  2. To make an oil mixture at home, use high-quality natural ingredients With good timing suitability.
  3. Store your homemade product in a glass container in a cool, dark place.
  4. Use oil for cuticles and nails 1-2 times a week or daily in courses of 3-4 weeks.
  5. Do not make too much of the mixture at once. 10-15 ml will be enough - this will last about 3 months.
  6. Do not apply the composition to your nails before applying polish or before applying extensions.
  7. Do not use mixtures if you have skin wounds or deep cuts.

By regularly using natural oils, either factory-made or home-made, in two to three weeks you will begin to notice positive changes in the condition of your nails and cuticles. In combination with vitamin preparations, natural oils will strengthen the nail plate, make it strong and shiny, and make the cuticle elastic and healthy.

To nail beauty preserved for a long time, and the manicure looked perfect, it is necessary to regularly use oils when caring for your nails.

They maintain skin elasticity and quickly restore rough skin, giving healthy looking skin and nails. The microelements and vitamins contained in the oils can eliminate any problems associated with nails.

If your nails become brittle , lost their shine, became rough and began to delaminate, they urgently need help. The spa salon offers all kinds of procedures aimed at restoring the nail plate:

  • hot manicure (nails are placed in a hot composition, beneficial substances penetrate better into the expanded nail plate, the course consists of 4 procedures within a month);
  • biogel coating (after applying biogel to the nail, its surface becomes smooth and durable, the course requires 3-4 procedures);
  • sealing with wax (effective restores nails, after a warm oil bath, cream with beeswax is rubbed into the nails).

Oils that can be used at home for strengthening nails, allow:

  • nourish the nail plate from the inside, penetrating deep into the nail;
  • eliminate brittleness and splitting of nails;
  • protect the nail from fungal infection;
  • accelerate nail growth;
  • make them beautiful.

Types of oils to strengthen nails

What oil should you apply to your nails to strengthen them at home? When taking care of your nails yourself, you can use oils of plant origin:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • rosehip;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • grape seeds;
  • wheat germ.

With their help, nail delamination and brittleness are eliminated. For accelerating nail growth They use oils: olive, castor, burdock.

Rosehip, burdock, olive and cedar oils give nails healthy looking.

  • grapefruit;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • patchouli;
  • pine trees;
  • cedar;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh;
  • thyme;
  • roses;
  • calendula.

By adding essential oils to base oils, they are used to prepare oil baths, taking into account the problems that need to be solved. Cope with splitting of nails Oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, myrrh, pine, and cedar help.

Oils also help strengthen nails: bergamot, thyme, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Methods of application

To do nails are strong and keep them healthy, you can use the oil in the form of applications, rubbing, and baths. It is advisable that oils be included in the cream for daily hand care (if not available, add a few drops).

Fine strengthens nails(available at the pharmacy): inexpensive, easy to use.

Greater effect give baths from a mixture of olive oil with the addition of avocado oil, castor oil (5 ml each) and tea tree oil (5 drops). Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and place your fingers in it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water and apply cream. Repeat every 2-3 days.

Strengthens nails olive oil: you need to rub it into the nail plate in the evening, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it twice a week.

Coconut oil strengthens nails well, applied in the evening to the nail plate, put cotton gloves on top.

Successfully used for strengthening nails, you can rub it into the nail plate, mixing it with lemon, calendula, wheat germ and castor oil.

Brittle nails can be quickly and effectively strengthened with jojoba oil and vitamin E(sold at the pharmacy).

Prepare jojoba oil and vitamin E, apply the oil to the nail plate. Through 2-3 minutes rub it into your nails, apply vitamin E on top. This will make jojoba oil more effective on your nails.

Sunflower oil More often used as a base for baths and masks. To 1 teaspoon sunflower oil add 2 drops of oils: eucalyptus, lavender and sage to enhance the effect. Heat the mixture, dip your fingertips in, hold for 10 minutes.

Essential oils


Used for purpose strengthening the nail plate, protecting nails from peeling. The effect is enhanced by using vegetable oils. Coniferous essential oils are more effective in combating split nails. Citrus oils strengthen the nail plate and prevent cracking of nails.

Well prevents brittle nails bath of a mixture of almond oil and myrrh, ylang-ylang or bergamot oils.

Oil compresses, strengthening nails. The base oil is mixed with the essential oil, the mixture must be heated, a napkin should be soaked in it, placed on the fingers and covered with something warm.

For oil application, hands are first steamed in hot water, then rub a mixture of base oil with the addition of bergamot essential oil (1 tablespoon of base oil and 3 drops of essential oil) into the nail plates. Wrap in cling film and leave for 5 minutes.

A wide variety of oils that effectively strengthen nails allows you to choose the most suitable option.

Essential oil can have a complex effect on nails - it will strengthen the plate, nourish it, and even treat it. Restoring nails using essential oil takes a long time, but gives a good long-lasting effect. However, the first improvements can be noticed immediately.

What oils are used to strengthen nails

If your nails peel and break endlessly, this means that your body is literally screaming that it is not okay. And we need to help him to fix this problem. It is worth remembering that the impact must be complex - not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Experts say that essential oils help solve the problem of brittle nails. True, only certain of them.

For example, the leader in the ranking of essential oils that help strengthen nails is lemon oil. It is most often included in various hand and nail care products. Its main advantages are antibacterial and antiseptic effects. In addition, lemon oil is great for whitening nails, promoting cuticle healing and adding shine to nails.

Lemon oil will be very useful for those ladies who love colored polishes. It is known that such coloring agents leave a yellowish tint on the nails. And lemon oil helps minimize this harm.

No less good in terms of adding shine to nails are grapefruit and orange oils. Another well-known and sought-after remedy in the fight for beautiful nails is ylang-ylang oil. Just one drop of the product is enough to make your nails stronger, thicker and more beautiful. Often this oil is also used for.

Bergamot oil is similar in its characteristics to lemon. It also perfectly protects the plate from bacteria and prevents inflammation due to improperly trimmed cuticles or torn off burrs.

Geranium essential oil helps moisturize the skin of the finger around the nail bed. As a result, the cuticle remains optimally hydrated and hangnails disappear. In addition, this oil can add shine to even very dull nails. If you want to moisturize the nail plate, it is better to choose eucalyptus oil - it perfectly retains moisture in the plate.

Rosemary oil is suitable for those who not only want to strengthen their nails, but also grow them. It has antiseptic properties, which makes it an indispensable tool during the procedure of trimmed manicure.

Tea tree essential oil occupies a special place in the list of products used during manicure. It is both an antiseptic and a remedy that restores both the nails themselves and the wounded cuticle. Besides. it is an excellent antioxidant.

Sea buckthorn oil is another excellent remedy that helps restore and heal nails. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is very easily soiled. So it must be used with extreme caution.

How to use oil to strengthen nails

First, you need to choose the oil with which you will treat your nails. In this matter, you need to focus solely on your preferences in fragrances.

It should be remembered that experts allow mixing nail oil with other oils that are not intended for this purpose. Sometimes this combination gives a much stronger effect.

Also, remember that all essential oils are not used in their pure form. They must be diluted with base oils - peach, almond, jojoba, etc.

You can take care of your nails with oils different ways. One of them is to add oil to hand cream. It is enough to add a couple of drops of the product to the cream and apply it to your hands, rub in thoroughly and enjoy the aroma and effect. You need to perform this procedure every time you use the cream.

Alternatively, you can make hand baths. For this you will need sea salt, warm water, oil and a special container. First, drop the oil on the salt (3 drops will be enough), and then fill everything with water. Place your hands in the container and hold for about 15 minutes. Then take your hands out, dry them thoroughly and spread with rich cream.

You can also make a special mask for your nails. Moreover, its main advantage will be that it is prepared from the simplest and most affordable products. So, for example, you can take boiled potatoes and a tablespoon of medium-fat cream. Grind everything together and mix in a blender, add oil and apply to your hands. Keep the mixture for 20 minutes.

The answer to the question: how many procedures are needed to restore nails directly depends on the condition of your nails. The worse they are, the longer you will have to work with them. But this is not a reason to be sad. After all, aromatherapy is so wonderfully uplifting! And to how many ladies she restored self-confidence!

Essential oils for nails and cuticles are used quite often today. They are added to base oils, they are used to make baths for hands, nails and cuticles, compresses, and are sometimes used in their pure form. For you, we have collected a description of 22 essential oils that will be useful in caring for nails and cuticles.

Don't forget that when using essential oils for nails and cuticles or for any other purpose, aroma plays an important role. When using essential oils on nails and cuticles, you will get a greater effect if you like the aroma.

2. Essential oils: descriptions and recipes

Essential oils for nails and cuticles Which one for what?

The long list of essential oils for nails presented below will help you choose the one that suits and pleases you. But for convenience, essential oils for nails and cuticles are first divided into groups according to their beneficial properties:

For peeling nails: cedar, bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, incense, ylang-ylang, lavender

For brittle nails: rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, bergamot, thyme, pine, patchouli

For whitening: lemon, grapefruit

Against fungus: tea tree, wormwood, sandalwood (as an auxiliary component), chamomile (as an auxiliary component)

To moisturize your nails and care for your cuticles: myrrh, geranium, sandalwood, patchouli, sage, chamomile

For growth: tea tree, rosemary, chamomile

Essential oils for nails and cuticles Top 22:

  • Ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens nails, eliminates splitting, and is used for polishing. With regular use of ylang-ylang oil, nails become stronger, healthier, and smoother. This essential oil can be used for nails in its pure form. To do this, you will need only 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil; they should be evenly distributed onto the nail plates and cuticles and rubbed. This usually only takes 1-2 minutes. The oil is quickly absorbed.
    When polishing Before starting the procedure, you can apply ylang-ylang essential oil to the nail plate. This will promote strengthening and more gentle grinding.
    Strengthening essential oils for nails and cuticles: 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil are mixed with 5 ml of jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is applied both to the nail and cuticle, thoroughly rubbed in with massage movements. The remainder of this mixture can be distributed over inside palms.

  • Lavender essential oil softens the cuticle, promotes healing of minor damage, and strengthens nails. Lavender essential oil for nails, cuticles and hand skin will be most useful in winter time years to restore skin and nails after sudden temperature changes and being in heated rooms where the air is often too dry.
    To restore and strengthen nails 1-2 times a day you can apply and massage 1-2 drops of pure lavender oil.
    - Mix 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil with 10-15 ml of any base oil, for example, apricot, peach or grape kernel oil. You can also use macadamia oil as a base. This mixture can be applied to the surface of the nails and rubbed into the cuticles, or simply hold your hands in the resulting composition for 15-20 minutes.
    For hand skin and cuticle care— you can add lavender essential oil to the cream at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 10 ml of cream.

    • Tea tree oil

      Tea tree essential oil from fungus nail polish is considered one of the most effective natural remedies. Also tea essential oil wood will do to restore and strengthen nails, stimulating their growth and softening the cuticle.
      To fight fungus Tea tree oil is applied in its pure form to damaged areas of nails and skin several times a day.
      Also against nail fungus It is effective to make compresses with tea tree oil. To do this, oil is applied to cotton pad, the disc is pressed against the damaged area of ​​the nail, and wrapped with a bandage on top for tighter pressing. It is recommended to keep this compress for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Such compresses should be made every day or every other day; in the latter case, instead of a compress, tea tree oil is applied several times a day to damaged areas of the nails and surrounding skin.
      To restore, strengthen and grow nails Tea tree essential oil is mixed with one of the base oils suitable for nails. This could be olive oil, macadamia oil, apricot kernel oil. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 5-7 drops of essential oil per 5 ml of base. Apply the composition 1-2 times a day by rubbing a small amount into the nail and skin.

    • Lemon essential oil for nails and cuticles is used as a strengthening and whitening agent. When applied to the skin, it stimulates blood circulation, which ensures the supply of essential microelements, moisturizes and whitens.
      For whitening the nail plate is used either by rubbing or aromatherapy baths. In the first case, a small amount of pure oil is rubbed in with massage movements 1-2 times a day. In the second, 10 drops of lemon essential oil are mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. Keep your nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Lemon essential oil will help restore the natural color of nails after removing polish, working with spices or any other dyes.
      !Important! Make sure that Sun rays do not come into contact with skin treated with lemon essential oil. It is recommended to apply this oil at least 1-2 hours before sunbathing.

    • Grapefruit

      Whitens, adds shine to nail plates, prevents the appearance of hangnails, and cares for the cuticle.
      For whitening and for severe delamination and brittleness The oil is used in its pure form. (Recipe see description 4. Lemon)
      To strengthen nails Grapefruit essential oil (5 drops) is mixed with almond oil (5 ml). The resulting mixture can be used both for regular rubbing and as an aromatherapy bath.

    • Rosemary

      An excellent natural remedy against brittleness and splitting of nails. In addition, rosemary essential oil promotes the acceleration and growth of nails and carefully cares for cuticles. When contacted with the skin, rosemary essential oil activates and accelerates blood circulation. Methods of use and recipe see 2. Lavender.
      To strengthen nails rosemary essential oil and accelerate their growth most effective remedy- bath with sea ​​salt. For this you will need
      -2-3 drops rosemary essential oil
      -1 glass of warm water
      -1 teaspoon sea salt
      The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week, for a month.

    • Bergamot

      Bergamot essential oil eliminates splitting and strengthens thin and brittle nails. Bergamot oil is especially effective for restoring nails after extensions. The result will be noticeable after 1 week of daily rubbing 1-2 drops of bergamot essential oil into the nail plates. You can also use aroma baths (see 2. Lavender - For nails and cuticles) and a salt bath (see 6. Rosemary)

    • Geranium

      Geranium essential oil is suitable for strengthening nails and moisturizing cuticles. Geranium oil also has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The most effective recipe:

      5 ml almond oil,
      -3-5 drops of geranium essential oil

      Rub the resulting mixture using a sander until absorbed. This composition is also suitable for cuticles. After using geranium essential oil, your nails become stronger and healthier, your cuticles look neat and well-groomed.

    • Orange

      Orange essential oil helps strengthen and restore nails, nourish cuticles, and can be used for whitening together with lemon essential oil. And so are the recipes.
      to strengthen: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into your nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. Or mix orange essential oil with one of the main oils, you can take olive, wheat germ or coconut. The ratio is 5 ml of base oil and 5 drops of essential oil.
      for whitening: 7 drops of lemon essential oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil are mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. Keep your nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After that, for a few more minutes, massage the remaining oil into the cuticle, nail and surrounding skin.

    • Sandalwood

      Sandalwood essential oil soothes the skin, moisturizes the cuticles, strengthens the nails, giving them a well-groomed appearance and healthy color. Sometimes used in mixture with other oils to combat fungus. Once on the skin and cuticle, sandalwood essential oil promotes the healing of cracks, softens and moisturizes.
      To strengthen and moisturize: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into your nails and cuticles with massage movements until absorbed several times a day.
      Against fungus: 4 drops each of tea tree and lavender essential oils, 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil are added to 2 liters of warm water.

    • Mandarin

      Tangerine essential oil has properties similar to essential oils of other citrus fruits. It strengthens nails, helps to grow healthy nails, gives a healthy color and well-groomed appearance. The most effective mandarin essential oil in a salt bath is:
      -2-5 drops of tangerine essential oil
      -1 glass of warm water
      -1 teaspoon sea salt
      The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week.

  • Patchouli

    Patchouli essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails and cuticles, and prevents the appearance of hangnails. Eliminates nail brittleness.
    To strengthen and moisturize: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into each nail and cuticle with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. This oil can be added as a moisturizing component to any oil composition for nails.

  • Pine

    Pine essential oil for nails is not used as often as other oils on this list, but it can be just as effective.
    To strengthen nails The following recipe is used:
    -20 ml wheat germ oil
    -10 drops of pine essential oil
    Nails are immersed in the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then the remaining oil is massaged into the nails and cuticle until absorbed. It is recommended to do such aroma baths no more than 2 times a month. And in between, you can use any other essential oil to strengthen your nails.

  • Thyme(Thyme)

    Essential oil of thyme or thyme is effective for brittle and peeling nails, giving them shine and caring for the cuticle. This oil is used by simply rubbing a few drops of essential oil into the nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. You can make oil masks or aroma baths: 5 ml of jojoba oil and 10 drops of thyme oil.

  • Sage

    Sage essential oil gently moisturizes the skin of the hands and cuticles, heals small wounds and scratches, and helps strengthen nails. Sage oil baths are recommended for use after a manicure. To do this, add 5-7 drops of sage essential oil to 5 ml of base oil (jojoba, macadamia, olive). For nails and cuticles, this composition is a real miracle!

  • Myrrh

    Myrrh essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails, cares for cuticles, and has antiseptic properties. Rub it a couple of times a day into the nail plates and cuticles, the results will appear after just a few days. Myrrh essential oil is ideal for daily care. It can also be used as an additional active component with any nail, cuticle and hand skin care product. To do this, you need to add only 2-3 drops of essential oils for nails to each portion, for example, hand cream or nail oil.

  • Rose

    Rose essential oil is suitable for ongoing nail and cuticle care. This oil moisturizes and nourishes, helps strengthen nails and prevent them from becoming brittle. Moisturizes the cuticle and helps get rid of hangnails. Rose essential oil for nails can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see No. 8 Geranium)

  • Palmorosa

    Palmarosa essential oil is effective in caring for cuticles and restoring damaged nail plates. It prevents the appearance of hangnails. Great for use at the start of the day. Palmorosa essential oil for nails and cuticles can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see No. 8 Geranium)

  • Chamomile

    Thanks to its soothing and healing properties, chamomile essential oil is suitable for eliminating hangnails, moisturizing cuticles, strengthening nails and accelerating their growth. Chamomile essential oil works well together with lemon essential oil. You can apply them one by one, or you can prepare the following composition: 5 ml of coconut or almond oil, 5 drops of chamomile and lemon essential oils. This mask will return your nails to their natural healthy color, relieve cuticles from dryness, relieve inflammation if necessary, and prevent brittleness and layering of the nail plates.

  • Sagebrush

    Wormwood essential oil is used mainly in the fight against nail fungus. To do this, the oil in its pure form is applied to damaged nails in the morning and evening. They also make baths 2-3 times a week, adding 10-15 drops of essential oil to 2 liters of water. You can add any oil you like for flavor.

  • Cedar

    Cedar essential oil actively strengthens nails, moisturizes the cuticle, and prevents splitting and the formation of hangnails. To maintain healthy nails, cedarwood essential oil (5 drops) mixed with 5 ml of almond oil is applied to the nails several hours before applying polish. Cedarwood essential oil can also be used in its pure form, mixed with other oils and in nail baths.

  • Frankincense

    Frankincense essential oil or incense has been known since ancient times. It is great for strengthening nails and preventing them from splitting.
    In its pure form: 2 drops are distributed over the surface of the nails and hands, rubbed until completely absorbed, usually 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this procedure with frankincense essential oil 1-2 times a week.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles application

How to use essential oils on nails and cuticles? This question is asked by many girls and women when they start using natural remedies. Essential oil is a rather specific product, which, if used incorrectly and ineptly, can cause more trouble than it is worth. Below is a list of recommendations to get the maximum effect and avoid trouble.

  1. Choose the nail essential oil that best suits your purpose.
  2. When purchasing oil, choose 100% natural oil. The bottle should be made of dark glass and have a dispenser.
  3. Before using any essential oil, a sensitivity test must be performed. Apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a sensitive area of ​​skin (wrist, elbow) and evaluate the effect of the oil. If no unpleasant sensations such as itching, burning, redness, etc. occur within 20-30 minutes, the oil can be used.
  4. The oil must be applied to clean and dry nails.
  5. After use, close the jar tightly to prevent the ether from evaporating.

You can create a composition from the oils you like, which will contribute not only to your health, but also to elevate your mood and vitality. Essential oils for strengthening nails can also be beneficial for your overall health. For example:

1. 2 drops each of cedar and grapefruit essential oils - will invigorate, set you up for optimism;

2. 2 drops of sweet orange essential oil, 1 drop each of sandalwood, neuroli and frankincense - will help get rid of tension and lift your spirits;

3. 1 drop each of ylang-ylang and sandalwood oils, 2 drops of neuroli essential oil - will inspire, give strength, create an atmosphere of romance

Essential oils for strengthening nails have all the necessary components created by nature itself. Take care of your beauty with natural essential oils. Be healthy and beautiful!