Powdery mildew mushroom. Powdery mildew on plants - how to treat? Symptoms and consequences of powdery mildew

We tell you how to deal with powdery mildew on various plants, shrubs and trees. We consider measures to combat and treat the disease, as well as what folk remedies and preparations (fungicides) are best treated.

Plus tips on plant protection and disease prevention.

How to fight powdery mildew?

In order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to apply effective control measures. As in destruction, the timing of detection of infection plays an important role here - the sooner you notice and fight, the greater the chances of success.

Fighting methods

  1. Remove flaccid (lost turgor) shoots or leaves. If the infection affects bushy species (for example, petunia, roses or peonies), experts advise cutting off as many of the affected shoots as possible. Radical pruning increases the chances of successful treatment of the plant.
  2. Burn the plant residues.
  3. Replace the top layer of soil near a plant in the garden or near an indoor flower. Try to sprinkle wood ash on top with a layer of 1-2 cm.
  4. Spray with special agents (fungicides) to kill fungi. The treatment should be abundant, so that the leaves and shoots “bathe” in and from the solution, so that it “flows.”
    Small specimens can be immersed in a container with the drug diluted in it. It is recommended to supplement the spraying with a spill of soil, and for indoor flowers, also wipe the window sill, trays and containers with a medicinal solution.
  5. Carry out several treatments after the time specified in the instructions for the fungicide.

Additional measures

The success of the fight largely depends on comprehensive care behind a plant, bush or tree. To destroy powdery mildew, be sure to follow the rules of agricultural technology. Read about prevention at the end of the article.

  1. Thin out dense plantings and remove leaves touching the soil.
  2. During treatment, do not spray the plants and water only when the top layer of soil is dry.
  3. Reduce fertilizing with nitrogen to a minimum, and increase the proportion of potassium and phosphorus to increase the plant's resistance to fungus.
  4. Stricken indoor flower put it in a sunnier place.

Powdery mildew remedy

To remove ash grass, like most fungal diseases, you need to treat the plants with preparations containing various compounds of sulfur, copper or other chemicals. Powdery mildew fungicides generally contain copper sulfate, colloidal sulfur, or copper chloride.

According to experts, sulfur-based chemicals are more effective at killing fungus. Sometimes you can hear about treating powdery mildew with antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline), but experts believe that they do not destroy the fungus and there is no point in using them.

  • Some gardeners are interested in the effectiveness of using Bordeaux mixture. Therefore, let us remind you that this mixture is a popular, affordable and very powerful remedy in the fight against many fungal diseases, but is not suitable for the destruction of ashtray.

Powdery mildew on grapes

Effective drugs

  1. “Copper sulfate” (3, copper sulfate). Price: 100 g – 26 rubles.
  2. “Colloidal sulfur” (2, 3). Price: 40 g – 10-15 rubles.
  3. "Tiovit Jet" (3, colloidal sulfur). Price – 100 rubles. Cucumbers, pears, and apples are especially suitable for the prevention and treatment of oidium on grapes.
  4. "Topaz" (3, penconazole). Price: 2 ml – 32 rubles.
  5. "Fundazol" (2, 3, benomyl).
  6. Also quite popular: “Zato”, “Quadris”, “Forecast”, “Tilt” and “Topsin-M”.

Prices are taken from hypermarkets such as “Leroy Merlin”, “Obi” at the rate of 1 dollar = 65 rubles.

"Copper sulfate"

This substance has a pronounced fungicidal effect. Can be processed only once per season. Therefore, it's better copper sulfate splash early spring, and when the disease appears, treat modern drugs.


  • Spraying shrubs and trees before buds open: dissolve 50 grams of copper sulfate in ten liters of water.
  • 2ND OPTION. In 500 ml hot water dissolve 30-40 grams of vitriol + separately stir 150-200 grams of soap shavings in nine liters warm water. Then pour the copper sulfate solution into the soap solution. You need to pour in carefully, stirring the soap solution constantly.

Attention!“Copper sulfate” is a toxic product, so it must be used following personal protection measures and sparingly in the garden or vegetable garden so that there is no excess copper in the soil.

On the Internet you can find advice on preparing a more concentrated solution (80-100 grams per 10 liters), however, experts consider a 3-4% mixture to be optimal.

"Colloidal sulfur"

It is a popular and effective remedy in the fight against powdery mildew. Suitable for protecting various types of crops, as well as trees. Important feature fungicide is that it can be applied even three days before harvest.


  • Quince, pear, apple tree: 40-50 grams per 10 liters of water, 1-6 sprays, 2-5 liters. on the tree.
  • Watermelon, melon, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin: 20 grams per 10 liters of water/acre.
  • Grapes: 30-50 grams per 10 liters of water, 4-6 treatments, 1-1.5 l/bush.
  • Ornamental crops (clematis, peony, rose), bushes (black currant), strawberries: dissolve 30-50 grams in 10 liters of water. Roses are sprayed 2-4 times with 3-4 liters. per 50 sq.m., and black currants - 1-2 times - l / bush.
  • Beets: 10 grams per 2-2.5 liters of water, spraying during the growing season.


Optimal temperature for treatments: 27-32°C, if less than 20°C, then it does not destroy the fungus, and if 32-35°C, then reduce the dosage, and if above 35°C, then do not spray.

When working with sulfur, you need to be very careful, protect your skin and wear a respirator.


Treatment against powdery mildew is carried out as prevention and treatment. "Topaz" is one of the most effective chemical preparations. Strong therapeutic effect – three days, preventive – 7-8 days. The interval between treatments is 12-18 days.


  • Grapes: dissolve 2 ml in 10 liters of water, 1.5-2 l/bush. Up to 4 procedures.
  • Gooseberries: 6 ml per 10 liters of water, 1-1.5 l/bush, up to 2 sprays.
  • Strawberries, cucumbers (greenhouse, vegetable garden): 6 ml per 10 liters of water, 5 l/acre, up to 2 times.
  • Violets: 2 ml per 4 liters of water. Usually one spray is enough.
  • Blackcurrant: 9 ml per 10 liters of water, 2 l/bush, up to 2 treatments.
  • Apple tree: 10-12 ml per 10 liters of water, 2-5 l/tree, up to 3 times.


One of the most popular contact and systemic fungicides. On at the moment It is not included in the list of drugs for running personal household plots; therefore, it is not sold in small packaging in stores.

Official release form: 5, 10 and 20 kg, but if desired, you can find 10 grams in manual packaging - 60-80 rubles.


  • Pear, apple tree: 10 grams per 10 liters of water, up to 5 times. First treatment before flowering - 2 liters per young tree, and 4-5 per adult.
  • Strawberries, strawberries: 10 grams per 10 liters of water, up to 2 times. Spray before flowering and after picking berries - 1 liter per 6-7 sq.m.
  • Gooseberries, currants: 10 grams per 10 liters of water, no more than 2 times per season - before flowering and after harvesting the fruits.
  • Tomatoes, roses, cucumbers: 10 grams per 10 liters of water. Spray no more than 2 times per season, and roses – 4 times at the first symptoms of fungus.


These products of biological origin contain live bacteria that inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic fungi. Due to its environmental safety Plants can be treated with biofungicides even during fruit ripening.

Their effectiveness in treating powdery mildew is lower than that of chemical drugs, as is the period of action (multiple applications are required). Therefore, biological preparations are optimally suited for plant protection (prevention).

The most common biofungicides for combating powdery mildew: Alirin-B, Pseudobacterin-2 and Fitosporin.


This drug can be used effectively only for prevention, protection of a plant, bush or tree, or with very early detection, and it is not suitable for treatment. Price: 10 g – 15 rubles.

Folk remedies for powdery mildew

Most experts agree that the use folk remedies It is advisable as a prophylaxis or at the very beginning of infection, ideally the first 2-3 days.

If the fungus infected the plant more than 5-7 days ago, then it will be possible to get rid of powdery mildew using folk remedies in rare cases.

Wood ash

Stir 200 grams (a glass) of wood ash in five liters of water (35-40°C) and leave for 4-5 days, stirring morning and evening. Then drain the infusion without any undissolved residue and add a tablespoon of soap shavings. Carry out the treatment every two days, no more than three sprays.

Add five liters of water to the remaining ash from the infusion, stir and water the plants.

  • It is also useful to sprinkle wood ash on the ground near plants and shrubs to prevent fungus.


Dilute 1 ml of iodine in a liter of water, and for treating roses - 1 ml per 400 ml. Experts believe that for prevention and at the first signs of illness, iodine solution is very effective and also safe, but for treatment in later stages more powerful means are needed.

Soda Ash

10 g soda ash dissolve in two liters of hot water and add a teaspoon of laundry soap shavings or liquid soap. After cooling, treat the plants and the top layer of soil substrate with the resulting solution. Spraying is carried out every 6-8 days, only 2-3 times.

2ND RECIPE. Dilute five grams of soda ash and half a teaspoon with shavings of laundry soap or liquid soap in 500 ml of water. In a separate container, stir one gram of copper sulfate and pour it into the solution with soda. Then add 500 ml of water and spray the plants with the resulting solution.

  • Many gardeners like to treat indoor flowers (Kalanchoe, indoor rose, violets, orchid and others).


Pour 100 grams of onion peel with five liters of hot water and let it brew for 1-2 days. Then strain and you can spray.

Potassium permangantsovka

Dissolve 1 gram of potassium permanganate in 4 liters of water. Treat plants, shrubs or trees with the resulting solution 2-3 times every 6-8 days. Best time for spraying - after rain.

It is especially successful in combating powdery mildew on grapes with the help of potassium permanganate.

A solution of potassium permanganate can be used most effectively as a preventive measure or in the early stages as an environmentally friendly remedy.


Abroad, milk is a popular and proven folk remedy for powdery mildew among gardeners and small farms growing organic products.

Dilute the milk with water 1 to 10, and spray the plants at the first sign of infection or for prevention. To treat the disease, treat every 5-7 days until the fungus is destroyed.

Research has shown that the effectiveness of milk is comparable to many fungicides, and is often better than benomyl and fenarimol at higher concentrations. Scientists have not completely unraveled the mechanism of action, but we can say for sure that the whey protein ferroglobulin produces oxygen radicals when exposed to sunlight, and they kill the fungus.

  • The effectiveness of milk has been repeatedly confirmed in the treatment of grapes, zucchini, roses and pumpkin.


An alternative to milk is whey, which leaves less residue on the leaves. Dilute the whey with water 1 to 10. Spray the solution every 3-4 days at least 3 times, and for prevention once every two weeks. The solution covers the leaves with a film that makes it difficult for the fungus to breathe, and supplies the plant with nutrients.

2nd RECIPE. Some experts recommend diluting the serum with water 1 to 3.

In the literature you can find other folk remedies (for example, manure, horsetail, garlic). We have listed the most effective and available options for applications that have been repeatedly tested by flower growers and gardeners around the world.

Which is the best fungicide to choose?

To combat powdery mildew at home, we recommend first using the least toxic means, for example, a hazard class 3 or 4 fungicide.

In the garden and vegetable garden, it is wise to regularly carry out preventive measures to protect plants using folk remedies (potassium permanganate, iodine, onion peels, milk, whey) or biofungicides.

And it is better to treat powdery mildew with modern drugs (Topaz), colloidal sulfur (Tiovit Jet) or soda ash.

Prevention and protection against powdery mildew

  • Proper agricultural technology and crop rotation.
  • Use of fungus-resistant varieties.
  • Timely feeding of potassium phosphorus fertilizers increases plant resistance to fungal pathogens.
  • It is also necessary to avoid excess nitrogen fertilizers, especially during the budding period.
  • Pruning and complete destruction (burning) of affected shoots and plant residues, including in the fall. Deep autumn plowing in the garden and vegetable garden.
  • Garden and indoor plants and flowers are recommended to be pollinated every month from May to September with iodine, potassium permanganate, wood ash, milk or whey solution. Also sprinkle wood ash in a thin layer over the surface of the ground.
  • Sterilization of soil mixture for indoor plants. Maintaining optimal humidity levels and regular ventilation of the room.

Preparing seeds before sowing

Immerse the seeds in water at a temperature of +50 ° C for 15-20 minutes, and then in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Soak the seeds in a disinfectant.


We wish you a successful fight and a great harvest!

Fungicides are those preparations that it is extremely difficult for a modern gardener or summer resident to do without. Many of the most dangerous diseases cultivated plants It is of fungal origin and it is against them that the action of all such drugs is directed. Today we will talk about the most effective remedy from this category - Homa.


The main purpose of Khoma is to treat rust and spotting in ornamental and flower plants. This drug also helps against late blight on tomatoes and potatoes, downy mildew on onions and cucumbers, as well as against scab and leaf curl. fruit trees and bushes.

Hom should be diluted gradually to prepare a working solution. First, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, after which the volume is adjusted to the required volume. Plants should be treated with Hom in calm, dry weather. Try to ensure that all leaves of affected plants are moistened evenly. You cannot spray plants with this preparation at air temperatures above +30 C.

Hom does not cause phytotoxicity if you follow the dosages specified in the instructions supplied with it. The drug belongs to moderately hazardous substances of the 3rd hazard class. Treatment should not be carried out during the flowering period, as the drug is extremely dangerous for bees. Avoid getting the drug into water sources. The drug solution should not be prepared in containers intended for food consumption. If Khoma has expired, it cannot be used.


Hom treatment should be performed in special clothing (safety glasses, respirator, gloves and gown). Upon completion of treatment, change clothes, wash your hands and face, and rinse your mouth. During processing, you should not take smoking breaks or be distracted by drinking water or food. Make sure that children and pets are not nearby during this procedure.

In case of drug poisoning, it is necessary to take the victim to fresh air and provide him with the opportunity to rinse oral cavity clean water. If Homa gets on your skin, rinse the area soap solution or plenty of water. If fungicide gets into your eyes, rinse them running water within 10-15 minutes. While doing this, try to keep your eyes open. If the drug gets into the gastrointestinal tract, drink a glass of milk or half a liter cold water. After this, take activated carbon at the rate of 1 g per 2 kg of body weight. Do not induce vomiting under any circumstances!

The drug should be stored separately from food and medicines, out of the reach of children and pets, in a dry and cool place.

Consumption rates for various crops

Culture Disease Consumption of the drug (per 10 liters of water) Solution consumption
Apple tree, quince, pear Moniliosis, scab 40 g 2-5 l per 1 tree
Peach, apricot, plum, cherry, cherry Coccomycosis, curl, clusterosporosis, moniliosis
Grape Anthracnose, mildew 15 l per 100 m 2
Sugar beet Cercospora 10 l per 100 m 2
Potato Macrosporiasis, late blight
cucumbers Anthracnose, downy mildew, bacteriosis
Tomatoes Macrosporiasis, late blight, brown spot
Onion Downy mildew -
Hop 20 l per 100 m 2
Ornamental crops Spots, rust 30-40 g -

Powdery mildew on houseplants occurs due to various problems. If a crop has no external signs of disease, then it is quite difficult to find out whether it is sick or not. To get healthy plants, you need to fully prepare the soil and seeds for planting and follow all aspects of care. Only in this case, indoor flowers and other plantings are rarely affected by infections and have strong immunity.

What is powdery mildew

All gardeners are familiar with diseases garden plantings, shrubs and home flowers. Many people fight them every year; others manage to defeat the pests in a few weeks. Unfortunately, garden owners often encounter a plant disease - powdery mildew (other names - ash, white, flour).

She amazes garden trees, shrubs, vegetable crops (zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, pumpkins), as well as many flowers, even indoor ones (oidium, phlox). To protect yourself from this scourge at home, they have come up with 3 methods: using folk remedies, biofungicides and fungicides. Read on to learn how to use each method and avoid infection.

Powdery mildew is a rapidly spreading disease that is caused by various types of microscopic fungi. Appears on the leaves of infected plants white coating, resembling flour or mold (mycelium), and then droplets of liquid.

How to recognize and what provokes it?

If you see a gray-white coating that can be mistaken for dust and can even be easily removed with a finger, but it appears again after a few days, affecting an even larger area, then you have powdery mildew. If you examine very carefully, you may notice that ulcers have formed at the site of the lesion. Soon the stem and peduncles will turn white and acquire yellow tint and lose elasticity. New ones grow ugly and twisted.

What causes it? A white coating similar in appearance to flour or mold is a mycelium that lives off nutrients owner. Its spores are dark brown balls.

Pathogens - various types imperfect fungi such as:

  • Sphaerotheca mors attacks gooseberries. Bacteria attack not only leaves, but also berries. The ashpelt quickly moves from one bush to another.
  • Sphaerotheca fuliginea – pumpkin. The yield of this crop drops by 50 percent. The quality of pumpkins and zucchini also suffers.
  • Erysiphe graminis – poses a threat to grain.
  • Sphaerotheca pannosa – roses. The bush is losing decorative look. Leaves and buds stop growing. The tormentor can lead to the death of the plant.

If measures are not taken to eliminate the infection, the stems may be completely damaged, even to the point of death.

Powdery mildew appears in early summer. When the spores are released from the overwintered fungus, infection begins. Spores can live in the soil for a long time; they begin to reproduce when the weather is favorable for them.


Ashpelt appears due to many factors:

  • Cool weather (+15-25 degrees), excessive humidity 60-80%, rainy season. Most weather conditions affect street and balcony seedlings.
  • The soil is oversaturated with nitrogen.
  • The seedlings are planted too densely.
  • The hydration regime is disrupted. Excessive or infrequent watering are sure prerequisites for a decrease in the seedling's immunity and the appearance of flour.

To avoid plant infection, the above mistakes in care and cultivation should be corrected.

How is powdery mildew spread?

There are 2 main ways of transmitting bacteria:

  • Asexually. Reproduction in this way occurs thanks to conidia. It is because of the immobile spores, which got their name from the Greek konia - dust and eidos - appearance, that they can be seen on the affected areas, which look like a whitish coating. They are easily separated from each other, the wind carries them over considerable distances. Thus, throughout the summer, all new shoots become infected.
  • Sexual reproduction using cleistothecia. This is the name given to the fruiting body of the fungus, consisting of hyphae and containing millions of spores, each of which contains up to 8 ascopores. Cleistothecia calmly endure the winter on fallen plant waste, waiting for spring and suitable conditions for reproduction.

At a spring temperature of +15 degrees, only 5 days pass from the moment of infection to the formation of conidia.

Productivity is reduced by 50%. Cucumbers grown in greenhouses where there are drafts and poor lighting are most susceptible to the disease. The first outbreaks appear near windows and doors. The disease can kill not only entire vines, but also all planted seedlings.

Do not overfeed seedlings with nitrogen-containing fertilizers during the bud setting period. On the contrary, fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus agents will reduce the risk of ashtray damage.

On gooseberries and currants, the disease is noticeable due to twisted shoots that are stunted in growth, they become ugly, and then dry out. Berries on gooseberries are also affected. First, white spots appear on them, darkening over time. The fruits stop growing, shrink, and sometimes fall off. To destroy mycelium, cut off the affected ends of the shoots.

Fertilizing with organic and phosphorus fertilizers is effective. During flowering and after harvesting, diseased plantings are treated with fungicides. It is useful to irrigate the bushes in the spring with copper sulfate (10 grams per ten-liter bucket), 1% Bordeaux mixture, and after flowering with soda ash (2 applications every 10 days).

When an apple tree is damaged, leaves and young shoots suffer. They also stop growing, curl and fall off. Most often, the disease affects old, unpruned trees. Ashworm attacks above-ground organs of raspberries, strawberries and rose hips. The leaves curl, their underside is exposed, and over time it becomes bronze in color. You can notice a faint coating on the berries; they have a specific smell of mushrooms.

To protect tomatoes from infection, seedlings are treated with sodium humate. It completely prevents the germination of mycelium. To protect against fungal pests, a 1% solution of Baktofit helps. They should spray the tomatoes three times with an interval of 7-10 days at the first appearance of signs of damage. They are also treated with fungicides. For better adhesion of the preparations to the leaves and shoots, add a little laundry soap or silicate glue to the sprayer.

Prevention for zucchini is recommended to be carried out in early spring with a nitrophen solution. If a white coating appears, cut off and burn the diseased parts, dig up the soil around the bush. Treat three times every 7-10 days. Strawberries can be saved if you do not allow them to grow too thick and thin them and plant them in a timely manner. When spraying, make sure that the product gets not only on the surface, but also on the entire bush from all sides.

Treatment of flowers

To prevent infection of street and indoor flowering crops, use preventive measures:

  • regularly inspect the plantings;
  • follow the recommendations when planting (choose the correct distance between the bushes, a properly lit area, plant in an area protected from drafts);
  • remove weeds in a timely manner;
  • do not use nitrogen for fertilizers, choose organic fertilizers;
  • for prevention, spray with special compounds;
  • in the fall, remove dried plant waste, dig deep near the tree trunks;
  • choose varieties that are immune to ash grass.

Fungicides are used to combat white bloom on indoor flowers. Spray the soil and the walls of the pot with any similar preparation. If the flower is severely affected, you need to remove the top layer of the substrate contaminated with mushroom mycelium and replace it with fresh, disinfected soil. Most effective way- pour the medicinal liquid into a basin and completely immerse the greens in it, water the soil generously.

How to use fungicides and biofungicides?

Timely and correct use of chemical measures against ashtray is effective. Chemicals are sold in specialized stores and their prices are quite low. For convenience, sprayers are used. When working, it is recommended to follow safety precautions: carry out the procedure in a respirator and gloves.

The most commonly used fungicides are:

  1. 1. Copper sulfate. Only one treatment is possible per season - in early spring. To prepare the mixture, 50 grams of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water. To prepare the most effective remedy add 35 grams of vitriol to 500 ml of boiling water, separately stir 150-200 grams of soap shavings in 10 liters. Then slowly and carefully pour the resulting liquid into the soap substrate, stirring constantly.
  2. 2. Thiovid Jet. Purchased for the treatment of pears, apple trees, cucumbers, and grapes.
  3. 3. Fundazol. Unfortunately, it is not sold in small packaging; it is produced in bags from 5 to 20 kg. It is recommended to spill the soil, especially for infected violets.
  4. 4. Topaz. Produced for the prevention and treatment of flour.
  5. 5. Colloidal sulfur. Suitable for processing different types crops, shrubs and trees. A special difference between this fungicide and others is that it can be sprayed 3 days before harvest. But it is not recommended to spray sulfur on gooseberries. Be careful with watermelons, zucchini, melons, cucumbers and pumpkins, as these plants do not tolerate the effects of sulfur well. Spray strictly at an air temperature of +27-32 degrees, otherwise there will be no effect.
  6. 6. Zato, Forecast, Topsin-M, Tilt and Quadris are also popular.

Biofungicides contain live bacteria that can eliminate the development of infection that accumulates on plants.

Biofungicides are environmentally friendly, so they are used even during crop ripening. Their effectiveness is lower than when using chemicals - their effect does not last long. They should be used repeatedly. The most commonly used are Fitosporin, Pseudobacterin-2 and Alirin-B.

Fighting powdery mildew with folk remedies

Prepared decoctions and infusions from ingredients that are found in almost every home not only help well, but are also completely non-toxic. On initial stage manifestations of powdery mildew, it is recommended to try to cure the crop with safe methods and drugs.

How to properly deal with laundry on cucumbers and tomatoes

Before spraying, you need to remove diseased areas of the bush and burn plant waste. You can achieve a good result after dusting cucumbers with sulfur powder (you will need 25-30 g per 10 square meters) or colloidal sulfur (25-30 g diluted in a bucket of water). It is also beneficial to water the cucumbers with mullein (cow dung).

To prevent the appearance of the disease on the bushes, seeds for seedlings are soaked in a solution of Epin or Immunocytophyte for 42 hours. When planting sprouts in a greenhouse, monitor the soil moisture and avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes. Open and close windows and doors in a timely manner and follow the watering schedule. Already affected tomatoes can be sprayed with 10 percent whey, ash solution or skim milk.

Treatment of zucchini, eggplant and berry crops

Traditional decoctions are used every other day. It is better to carry out the treatment in the evening, on days without precipitation, with water with the addition of soda ash or mullein, as well as an ash pan (water with ash).

For the treatment of currants, dusting with sulfur, an emulsion with soda, ash water, whey, even kefir or curdled milk, a weak solution of manganese, a decoction of horsetail, tansy, an infusion of rotted hay, and onion peel is well suited. Don’t forget to carry out disinfectant pruning every fall and spring.

Saving apple and cherry trees

The most effective way would be to treat trees with soda ash and laundry soap (for better adhesion of the product) or colloidal sulfur every 3-4 days (in rainy weather as often as possible) until complete recovery.

Traditional recipes for combating powdery mildew:

  • Soap and soda solution is a fairly common lifesaver, since every gardener has the ingredients. To prepare, take 10 liters of plain water, add and dilute 50 grams of baking soda or soda ash and 20 grams of grated soap (it’s easier to add liquid soap). Irrigate the plantings with the resulting mixture at least twice with an interval of seven days.
  • Whey. You will need 10 liters of water and one liter of whey. The main substance is added to water, stirred well and treated three times with a three-day interval. It is recommended to spray in dry weather.
  • Mixture with kefir. If you have 1 liter of fermented yogurt or kefir, then consider the remedy for combating ashtray almost ready. Pour the fermented milk product into a ten-liter bucket of water. The resulting mixture must be treated every 3 days.
  • A decoction using horsetail. 100 grams of the plant should be filled with 1 liter of water and left for one day. Then the broth is boiled for 2 hours over low heat. After it has cooled, it needs to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. It will be enough to spray 3-4 times with a five-day interval. Undiluted broth can be stored in a dark and cool place for no longer than a week.

Mixtures and infusions against fungus

A mixture of mustard and water: for preparation you will need 2 tablespoons of mustard and 10 liters of moisture. The product can be either sprayed or watered.

Potassium permanganate solution: add 5 grams of potassium permanganate to 10 liters of water. Manganese helps stop the development of the disease and washes away the pores of the fungi.

Ash pan: 1 kg of wood ash is diluted with water in a volume of 10 liters, stirred and infused for a week. Then you need to carefully drain it and add 20 grams of grated or liquid soap. You can add water to the bucket where the ash particles remain and water it.

To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need one part manure and three water. All components are mixed and kept indoors for 3-5 days. Next, excess moisture is drained and another 3 parts of water are added. The feeding procedure is carried out until powdery mildew disappears.

Broth with garlic: take 50 grams of chopped product, add it to a deep container and fill it with water. Leave for 2 days, strain before use. This tincture should be used undiluted.

Onion infusion: first boil 10 liters of water, pour boiling water over 200 grams of peel. They insist for two days.

Iodine: 1 ml of iodine is diluted in 1 liter of water. To spray roses, prepare a more concentrated liquid - 1 ml of iodine per 400 ml. The remedy is effective at the first signs of the disease. For treatment of severe damage, it is recommended to use strong drugs.

We hope that these methods will help prevent infection and promptly select an effective way to treat your plants from an unpleasant pest. But don't forget about prevention. Good harvest!

Powdery mildew or ash fly may appear on indoor plants, garden, wild. Without treatment, berry bush or perennial flower can die in just one summer season. You can get rid of the disease using pesticides or folk remedies.

What is powdery mildew?

Spots of mycelium first appear on the leaves, and then the lesion covers the petioles, stalks and fruits. First of all, the infection spreads along the lower leaves, located close to the ground, since the fungal spores overwinter in the soil. Gradually, the plaque covers the entire plant. A white coating appears on the flowers, the leaves dry out, and the infected fruits crack and rot.

A dense coating of mycelium prevents cells from developing and feeds on their contents. As a result, the leaves dry out and the plant weakens. The disease is especially destructive for young shoots. Their cells have very delicate walls, which the mycelium destroys without difficulty.

What plants does it affect?

Phytopathology can develop on most representatives of the flora. Ashtray is most noticeable on vegetable crops. Pumpkin, nightshade, onion, garlic, and beets suffer from it. The disease is rampant on tomatoes and. Recently, potatoes began to be affected.

Strawberries and raspberries suffer greatly from ashtray in rainy years. The disease develops quickly on black currants - already at the beginning of summer, the leaves can curl and become covered with a white coating.

On currants, ashtray is a frequent companion of aphids. Shoots weakened by sucking insects become especially susceptible to fungal diseases.

Plants with delicate, soft leaves are especially quickly affected.

From the rooms it is:

  • gloxinia;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • balsam;

In the garden, the disease threatens primarily:

  • apricot;
  • apple tree;
  • pear;
  • cherry

In forests and parks, white bloom regularly appears on oak and maple leaves. The danger of ashtray for forest species is that the fungus does not die even in the harshest winters and the next year continues to weaken the tree until, in the end, it leads to the death of the giant.

What does an ashtray look like?

Powdery mildew is difficult to confuse with anything else. Grayish-white coating - very characteristic feature. If after some time dark brown or black balls appear on it, there is no doubt that the plant is affected by ashtray.


It is important not to confuse powdery mildew with peronosporosis. These diseases are caused by microorganisms from different classes, manifest themselves differently and require different treatments.

With ashberry, the coating is snow-white, located on the upper surface of the leaf blades. Downy mildew manifests itself as a grayish-yellow coating, most often covering the underside of the leaves facing the ground.

Penosporosis on cucumber leaves

What is it caused by?

Microorganisms that cause disease:

How is it distributed?

The causative agents of the disease, cleistothecia, overwinter on fallen leaves. At the beginning of summer, the wind carries the spores. Once on the host plant, they germinate and the mycelium penetrates the leaf tissue.

Having grown well, the mycelium appears on the surface in the form of a white powdery or cobweb-like coating. Here, cleistothecia are formed on it - black or dark spherical tubercles.

Infected leaves overwinter under the snow. At the beginning of summer, the cleistothecia rupture, releasing spores on all sides, and the cycle repeats.

Spores can germinate into leaf blades under certain temperature and humidity parameters. Plants are especially vulnerable when hot, dry weather gives way to rainy weather or changes begin between day and night temperatures.

The disease is promoted by the rapid growth of young shoots caused by excessive nitrogen fertilizing. Damaged, severely injured plants, for example, those that have undergone severe anti-aging pruning, lose immunity and are easily colonized by infectious agents.

How to fight?

Despite the rapid spread and detrimental effect on plants, getting rid of the disease is not difficult. The fight against the disease consists of following prevention and crop care rules.

When infection spreads, plants are sprayed with pesticides of chemical or biological origin.


Chemicals can be of systemic or contact action:

  1. Contact pesticides– act on harmful organisms in direct contact with the source of infection.
  2. Systemic pesticides– penetrate into plant cells and are able to be transported along with the sap throughout the plant, spreading from the roots to the tips of the shoots.

Systemic medications based on triazoles are effective against ashtray:

  • Speed;
  • Topaz;
  • Pure flower, etc.

The fungus can adapt to chemicals, so the product needs to be changed next season. Triazoles are used for preventive treatments and as therapeutic fungicides in the early phase of the disease. Some are able to stop sporulation. But if spores have already formed, triazole fungicides will not help.

Then use sulfur preparations:

  • Thiovit jet;
  • Cumulus DF;
  • Microthiol special.

Sulfur releases vapors that penetrate the mycelium and destroy it. The drugs are effective at temperatures of +18…+27 degrees. At temperatures above + 30 degrees, the substance burns the leaves, which can result in their falling off.

Attention! Gooseberries cannot be treated with sulfur - the plant will die.

The preparations are not poisonous to bees, but can cause skin irritation in warm-blooded animals and humans.

Ways to combat the disease. Video:


Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus subtilis is a soil bacterium that produces antibiotics. It is included in a number of biological preparations for plant protection.

The most famous biological product for powdery mildew among summer residents is Fitosporin M. This systemic bacterial fungicide can be used to treat garden, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from a complex of diseases. The working substance of Fitosporin is the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. By releasing waste products, it suppresses the proliferation of mycelium.

Alirin is a biological product based on a special strain of Bacillus subtilis. The product is used to protect and treat cucumbers (greenhouse and in open ground), black currants, gooseberries, cereals, strawberries.

Protective products are produced from different strains of Bacillus subtilis different cultures from Ashtray:

  • Vitaplan;
  • Gamair;
  • Sporobacterin.

In addition to Bacillus subtilis, biological products may contain spores of the fungus Trichoderma and bacteria Pseudomonas.

Folk remedies

Diseased bushes are sprayed with clean water, then the leaves are dusted with ash powder, wrapped in gauze. Ash sticks well to wet shoots. Plants should be left in the dust for 2-3 hours. During this time, the alkaline powder will destroy the mycelium. The leaves of ornamental crops, such as roses, which often suffer from powdery mildew, should be washed after 3 hours so that no unsightly spots remain on them. Vegetables can be left covered with ash until the first rain or watering.

You can get rid of the disease on flowers with soda ash:

  1. Mix 4 g of washing soda with a liter of water.
  2. Pour in 4 g of liquid soap for better adhesion.
  3. Stir.

Plants are sprayed every week in the first half of summer. The product is safe for the harvest; it can be used even if the berries and fruits have already begun to ripen.

An acidic environment affects the mycelium no less harmfully than an alkaline environment. To combat fungi, you can use sour milk or kefir. The fermented milk product is diluted with water 1 to 9 and garden plants are treated.

Prevention of infection

The easiest way to defeat a disease is to catch its beginning, so it is important to regularly inspect the plantings. The first sign of the disease is slightly deformed leaves or shoots. At this stage, the plants can already be treated with a fungicide.

Since fungal spores overwinter on litter, the first preventative measure is to clean the garden and berry patch in the fall from fallen leaves. Plant waste It is best to burn it without putting it in the compost heap.

Powdery mildew prevention includes:

  • crop rotation;
  • use of disease-resistant varieties and hybrids;
  • balanced feeding with the optimal amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

For preventive treatments, spraying with biological products containing Bacillus subtilis is used. It is noteworthy that prevention with biological products is possible during periods when plants are blooming, since it is not dangerous for pollinating insects.

(copper oxychloride) depends on strict adherence to the instructions each time it is used. The HOM fungicide, according to the instructions, is allowed for use not only in the agricultural industry; it will help increase the yield of any country garden or garden. The popularity of HOM indicates that it is not in vain that the instructions prescribe a wide range of applications for this fungicide, proven over the years. The drug helps even in cases where there are obvious signs of a fungal infection, but its exact determination is difficult.

Protective and therapeutic, contact in method, the influence of HOM is manifested in the destruction of cells of harmful microorganisms of fungal origin (observable with the naked eye as rot, stains, mold). The process of influencing infections occurs on the surface of stems and leaves, excluding penetration inside. Use in compliance with the rules dictated by the instructions makes copper oxychloride non-hazardous for people and pets. In external environment The fungicide decomposes into harmless components within six months.

Copper-containing preparation of the XOM brand for plants

  • Fruit rot - moniliosis, scab on fruit trees,
  • monilial burn, various spots on cherries and other stone fruits,
  • anthracnose, grape mildew.

HOM saves medicinal, flower and ornamental crops from insidious rust, harmful spots, and powdery mildew. The best result is achieved by quickly suppressing the initial stage of infection or by regular prophylaxis (3-6 sprayings at semi-monthly intervals). Protective measures must be completed three to four weeks before harvest (for cucumbers, tomatoes at least 5 days).

We use the fungicide HOM strictly according to the instructions

Treatment with copper oxychloride is carried out by spraying plants during the growing season (excluding flowering time); It is useless to use it before buds open and after leaf fall, as well as to shed the soil. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to first dilute the XOM powder with water (the container should not be made of iron), then add water according to the instructions at the rate of 40 grams of dry preparation per bucket of water (for 1 hundred square meters). For better adhesion, you can add skim milk (half a glass per bucket). In accordance with the instructions, use the prepared fungicide solution immediately. When spraying, it is important to wet the leaves generously, including from below. This should be done when it is dry and calm, preferably at an air temperature no higher than plus 30 and preferably in the evening. The protection lasts for a couple of weeks. However, if it rained during this period, the treatment should be repeated.