Decorating a pond with stones: increasing the decorative characteristics of the pond. Do-it-yourself decorative design of an artificial pond Decoration of a natural reservoir in the country

Surely every summer resident has thought at least once how great it would be to have a own plot pond, it’s so nice to sit by the water at sunset and enjoy the pleasant evening coolness. It is quite possible to bring this dream to life on your own, you just need to familiarize yourself with the features of the technology for constructing an artificial reservoir, and you can get to work. Next we will look in detail at how to make a pond in the country.

Where to start

So, you have finally decided to decorate your site with an artificial pond. But how to make the pond on summer cottage harmoniously complemented the surrounding landscape, while being durable and not problem area that requires constant care? To do this, you need to approach construction in stages, carefully thinking through every step, down to the most insignificant details.

You need to start arranging a pond at your dacha with preparatory stages, which we will look at below.

Style selection

First of all, you need to decide how to design a pond in your dacha so that it does not stand out from the overall picture of the landscape. When choosing a style solution, you should focus on the architectural design country house and the existing garden layout.

It is advisable to carry out the coastline and the blind area of ​​the paths in one key with the design of the entire garden plot. In this case, the bowl of the reservoir can be supplemented with a waterfall or decorative stream.

If the pond is located in the depths of the garden, near the gazebo or, then great solution is a landscape pond with natural contours. For example, it can be made in the “nature garden” style, which involves planting only local plants that are characteristic of a given region. In this case, any exoticism will be inappropriate.

One more thing interesting solution- design country pond in lush Chinese style. In this case, do not forget to make a curved bridge and highlight the tree with variegated foliage.

The more discreet one is also popular japanese style, its characteristic elements are various boulders. Unlike the Chinese style, the Japanese style lacks multi-colored herbs.

If the mini pond at the dacha will be located next to the house, then it is better to give preference to geometric shapes. Formal pond rectangular or square shape will emphasize the horizontal and vertical lines of the building. In addition, such a pond will look good next to the patio, especially if there are straight flower beds nearby.

It must be said that formal ponds also include round ponds, which can be an excellent decoration for an open lawn or lawn. In addition, such a pond can be located near a picturesque group of trees.

It should be noted that it is easiest to make a round pond with your own hands, since for this you can use concrete rings or plastic containers.

A recently popular technique in landscape design is laying paths from decking boards, which are thrown across the pond in the form of a broken geometric bridge. In addition, the path through the reservoir can be made of concrete square slabs, which seem to float above the surface of the water.

Cascades also always look interesting different sizes, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

Selection of location and dimensions

The location of the pond will determine how long it will function without seasonal flowering. The thing is that green algae are activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, part of the day the pond should be shaded, so that algae will not reproduce as actively.

However, you should also not completely shade an artificial pond at your dacha, as this will negatively affect the development of ornamental plants. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a golden mean.

Pay attention!
The pond should be illuminated for about five hours a day, and it should be left open from the southwest.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that it is undesirable to locate the pond under shady trees, since falling leaves are a source of pollution.

Another important point that needs to be decided is the size of the reservoir. Ideally, it should occupy 3 percent of the site area. At the same time than smaller sizes pond, the easier it is to build, and you will need less materials. Accordingly, the price of the project will depend on the size.

Therefore, before deciding on the width and length of the reservoir, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

As for the depth of the pond, it should be divided into three stages:


Before you start building a pond at your dacha, you also need to decide on the materials that will be needed for this. The most expensive, but at the same time the most capital option is to fill the base with concrete. In this case, you will need to perform formwork and reinforcement.

A less expensive option would be to use ready-made plastic container, which is dug into the ground. However, the size and shape of the reservoir in this case will be limited by the choice of container.

The most convenient and at the same time, the most budget option construction of a pond involves the use of a special moisture-resistant film that is laid on the bottom and wall of the pond. I must say that this option has recently been the most common, so let’s take it as a basis.

Construction of a reservoir

Before digging a pond at your dacha, it is advisable to sketch out a plan on paper to scale, indicating all the dimensions and depth of the pit. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and alterations when arranging the reservoir. At this stage, you can also think about an accent for the composition of the future lake; it could be a large stone, tree or sculpture.

Further instructions for constructing a pond are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future reservoir and level the banks so that they are located on the same level.
  • Then you can start excavation work. First, you need to dig a pit to the depth of the first tier and mark a line from which the pond will deepen to the second tier. Next, you need to dig the second tier and also apply markings, from which the deepest hole is dug.

  • When the pit is ready, use a cord to measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth and an allowance of about 50 cm. This size will be needed when purchasing film, which should be enough to completely cover the pit.
  • Next, the bottom is covered with geotextiles, which helps protect the waterproof film from damage. As an alternative to this material, you can use linoleum, roofing felt or even sand.
  • A waterproof film is laid over the geotextile.

In the photo - laying oilcloth

  • To arrange the edges of the reservoir, an auxiliary trench should be dug around the perimeter, which will allow you to tuck and secure the film. Having laid the edges of the film in the trench, it must be fixed by filling the trench with crushed stone.
  • After this, it is necessary to strengthen the edge of the pond with stone blocks. This will prevent the soil from collapsing coastal zone into the bowl of a reservoir. For example, you can lay out the edge natural stone and then decorate with a single block or a group of boulders.

  • Then the bottom of the pond must be lined with stones and gravel. Prepared plants should be placed in plastic containers and place them on curtains. You can also fill the bottom with soil and plant river plants on the bottom.
  • After this, you can pour water into the reservoir. In order to select pumping equipment and the required amount of hydrochemicals to care for the pond in the future, you should take meter readings before and after filling the bowl.

  • To prevent water from stagnating, it is advisable to equip the reservoir with a stream that will ensure its circulation. The source of the stream should be located above the level of the pond. Water is supplied to it from the reservoir using a submersible pump.
    Natural stones can be used to decorate the river mouth.
  • Then it is installed on the bottom submersible pump, a pipeline is being stretched to the source of the stream. In this case, you should use a filter to purify the water.

During the excavation work, a problem will arise - where to put the earth removed from the pit?
Most best option The solution to this problem is to evenly distribute the soil throughout the entire area, and thus raise its level.

Your homemade pond at the dacha is ready. Now you just need to carefully care for it - use products to revitalize the water, and also periodically clean it of contaminants. Container plants should be stored in the basement for the winter.

If the pond is located near the gazebo, it should be illuminated, which will allow you to admire the landscape at night.

If there is no electricity at the dacha, you can install a diesel generator.
Certainly, this equipment Quite expensive, however, renting a diesel generator for a summer house will solve this problem.

The main mistakes when arranging artificial reservoirs

When building something yourself, it is quite difficult to avoid mistakes.

  • Decorating the shore with stones of the same diameter, as a result of which the pond looks boring. It is advisable to combine large stones with small ones, however, do not fill the entire coastal zone with them.

  • Making the reservoir very deep, with steep walls. This design looks unnatural and resembles a stone bag. Therefore, you should not make the pond very deep, especially if you do not plan to breed fish in it.
  • Craving for container gardening, which interferes with the normal development of plants. Container planting is good because it allows you to quickly change the design of the pond if desired, since the plants can be quickly regrouped, but planting algae will make the pond more lively. Algae is especially necessary if you plan to raise fish.

If you bought a plot for a summer cottage without buildings, then first of all you should build a house.
This process is quite lengthy, however, if you want to arrange your dacha as quickly as possible, we will help you with this country houses from a block of containers.
Their installation takes much less time than building a conventional house.


Every home craftsman can build a pond on a summer cottage. The most important thing is to approach this matter competently, so that the pond really becomes a decoration of the site and at the same time does not take up too much of your time for constant care. Therefore, when performing work, you should adhere to the above technology.

From the video in this article you can get additional information on this topic.

Decorating a pond is a troublesome task, but very interesting. By approaching the work with a fair amount of imagination and showing your creative abilities, you can create a real work of art.

Plants for ponds play a significant role - along with stones and garden figurines they create a unique ambience and help show your individuality.

You can see photos of decorating a pond with your own hands and get recommendations for planting plants for a pond at your dacha on this page.

Coastal plants for ponds and reservoirs in the country

Before planting plants for ponds, read the table “Coastal Plants for Ponds and Reservoirs.”

Table “Coastal plants for ponds and reservoirs”:

Plant growing zones


Coastal zone Willow
Coniferous plants
Black elderberry
Irises (species)
Sedges (species)
Buzulnik marsh
Types of ferns
Lilies of the valley
Coastline Forget-me-not
Cotton grass
Veronica porucheynaya
Monetary loosestrife
Snake knotweed

Leave part of the coastline free, then your pond will be more “open” and will look more impressive. It is better to decorate this free part with pebbles.

Pay attention to the photo: coastal plants should be reflected in the mirror of your pond. Keep in mind that the colors that reflect best in water are red, yellow and pink colors, therefore, when choosing plants for the pond, provide some of them with inflorescences of these flowers.

Highlight a small pond (for example, based on an old basin) with eye-catching plants, stones, strips of gravel, accessories, figurines.

Making a decorative pond with your own hands (with photo)

Any body of water, including a large one, will look more “alive” and original if you place at least one garden figurine nearby.

An important component of the beauty of any pond is the plants with which it is decorated. When decorating a decorative pond, use special aquatic and coastal plants; they will look natural. If you decide to also use ordinary, non-aquatic plants for decoration, choose plants with an expressive appearance.

Try to arrange the stream not “from top to bottom”, but on a plane, with a circular, closed trajectory.

As shown in the photo, the design of a pond at the dacha can be supplemented with a small bridge.

Combine a pond with another body of water, for example, a pond with a stream, a pond with a waterfall, a swamp with a swamp flowerbed, two different ponds.

When designing a pond in the garden, “place” several of the most unpretentious fish in the stream.

Combine bodies of water different levels: For example, a pond is below, and a stream is much higher, they are connected by a cascade. Or on the lower level there is a large pond, one step higher.

Plants for shallow water are planted at a depth of 5-20 cm small, and between them - small.

Another good example design of an artificial reservoir - lining the walls and edges with river pebbles.

Arrange a fountain in the center of a large “natural” reservoir.

Combine any real body of water with any “dry” body of water. For example, a small pond with a flower stream.

An original solution is to surround the garden pond not with traditional coastal plants, but.

If your pond is not the smallest, try to approach its planning in an unusual way - to combine functions. For example, a pond is a recreation area. Imagine a large reservoir in the form of a rectangle, and with a shallow depth - no more than 15 cm, the bottom of which is covered with colorful pebbles. In the center of the reservoir there is a recreation area with a table and chairs, a bridge made of individual flat stones leads to it, and around the area, right in the water, there are large flower pots into which containers with flowering summer flowers are inserted.

Also, the recreation area can be surrounded by a canal and a bridge can be built to access this area.

Plants for a water garden on artificial reservoirs

A pond is a great opportunity to create a real water garden.

Plants for artificial reservoirs In the style of a water garden, both shallow and deep water are suitable. In addition, you can use plants that float on the surface of the water.

Place plants growing at shallow depths on the terraces of your pond, or simply at the desired depth if the bowl of the reservoir is flat. A depth of 5 cm to 20 cm is suitable for them. There are peculiarities in their planting: they are planted in small plastic baskets or perforated pots. Planting technology: fill the basket first clay soil, but not all the way to the top, then plant the plant and carefully compact the soil around it, and at the end add a layer of small pebbles or crushed stone on top.

Now the basket can be carefully placed on one of the underwater terraces of your pond.

Deep sea plants grow at great depths, with leaves and flowers floating on the surface. Mainly water lilies. The technology for planting them is the same, in baskets, only they should be larger in size. These baskets are placed at the bottom of the pond. Depending on the type, these plants require a depth of 30 cm to 1.5 m. In winter, water lilies are placed directly in buckets of water in a frost-free basement.

Plants that float on the surface are the easiest to grow. You just need to throw them into the water, and they will do the rest themselves!

Table “Plants for the water garden”:

Plants for decorating shallow waters (up to a depth of 5-20 cm)
Susak umbrella
Calamus marsh
Deep-sea plants 30-150 cm.
Water lily
Plants to decorate the surface of the water (floating on the surface of the water)

Plants should be planted in a pond only after a few days, when biological equilibrium has been established in it and the water has warmed up.

There is no need to plant a lot of aquatic plants; the golden mean is important in everything; it is better to focus on the coast. Please also take into account that various fountains love fish, but water lilies and many other aquatic plants do not tolerate them well. Take this fact into account when planning to “populate” your pond.

“Bag for plants” when decorating ponds in the country

Planting aquatic plants is not a problem if the reservoir is shallow or if special “terraces” are built in it. But what if your pond has steep banks and is quite deep? There is a way out - sew yourself a convenient and practical “bag of plants”. To make a “bag for plants” when decorating ponds at your dacha, you will need ordinary burlap, preferably with a loose weave of fibers. The finished bag looks like a large sachet with pockets that are filled with nutritious soil. Plants are then planted in these pockets. It's simple, cheap and fast: you can sew a bag in just a few minutes. As a result, we will get many advantages: caring for the plants will be easy, neither replanting them nor planting new ones will be a problem, and you can easily vary the depth of immersion of the “bag” in the water.

Whether there is a pond on the site is up to you to decide. Whether it is a garden pond or a small stream, a swamp or a container pond, water will always decorate the area and bring an element of movement.

Technology for making a “plant bag”: take a piece of burlap measuring approximately 1.4 m x 0.9 m. This calculation is for a pond Not large sizes. The size of the material depends on the size of your pond and the number of plants desired. Tuck and seal the cuts. Wrap up bottom part up about 40 cm so that you get a “pocket”. Sew the “pocket” along the sides. Mark with chalk several vertical lines dividing the “pocket” into parts, depending on the number of future plants, and sew along these lines. As a result, you will get a large “sachet”. Pour into the resulting pockets nutrient soil. Now you can start planting plants.

A small pond can decorate and diversify any suburban area. And it will be even more pleasant if you build such a pond with your own hands. This may seem difficult, but with good instructions there shouldn't be any problems.

A floating school of decorative fish is the best decoration for a pond

Traditionally, work begins with preparatory activities.

Stage 1. Deciding on the location and size

First, we decide on the place where the decorative pond will be located. To do this, we take into account the following points:

  • there should be no trees nearby, as their roots can damage the bottom of the structure, and their leaves can clog the water;
  • the place should be open and illuminated by the sun for at least 6 hours a day (this will increase the intensity of algae reproduction without infringing on terrestrial plants);
  • if possible, it is advisable to leave space for future expansion of the pond;
  • The area of ​​the reservoir should not exceed 3% of the entire site.

In a word, than smaller area, the easier it is to carry out construction work. In terms of depth, we divide the reservoir into three levels:

  • for plants near the shore;
  • shallow water for winter-hardy water lily;
  • a recess in which fish will winter (if we breed them).

Pay attention! It is not advisable to make the reservoir too deep - it is quite enough to make a depth of 1.6-1.8 meters (that is, below the soil freezing level). The burial area should not exceed a fifth of the entire pond.

Stage 2. Deciding on the material

There are quite a lot of materials that can serve as the basis for a decorative pond, but the most popular of them are the options below.

Due to the fact that the construction of a decorative pond from a mold is unlikely to cause any difficulties, we will consider in more detail the second construction option.

Stage 3. Prepare consumables

The work will require:

  • PVC film;
  • roofing felt;
  • round stones;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • bricks;
  • fine gravel.

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to the next stage.

Stage 4. Digging a pit

Step 1. First, we create a scale sketch of the future reservoir, indicating the size and width of the curtains (shelves for plants, that is, the upper stage of the structure). This will help avoid possible difficulties not only during construction, but also when planting.

We also think about the accent of the composition - a large original stone, for example, a sculpture or just a tree.

Step 2. Using a rope or sand, we outline the expected contour of the reservoir. We make sure to check that all the banks are at the same level, and then use a shovel to cut the turf along the perimeter of the pond.

Step 3. Now let's start the excavation work. First, we dig a pit to the depth of the first level (about 30-40 cm) and mark a line from which we will dig down to the second level (90 cm). Next, we create the deepest level (up to 1.8 meters, if we plan to breed fish), and extract the last portion of soil.

Pay attention! It is recommended to regularly check the level of the banks while digging a pit. If there is no water level of the appropriate length, you can take a simple long board and attach a 50-centimeter device to it.

Step 4. To dig a reservoir, it is advisable to use the services of specialists in this kind of work, accompanied by a small excavator, because this work is quite difficult. But if you decided to do this stage of the work yourself, then you should be prepared for the fact that moisture will accumulate in the pit and you will have to dig in dirty slurry. To remove water, you can use a pump (but only one specifically designed for pumping liquid with solid particles). You can dig another hole nearby to dump water into.

Step 5. Carefully inspect the bottom of the finished pit for branches, sharp stones and anything that could damage the film. We check the horizontality of the banks and, if necessary, level them.

Step 6. We dig a ditch 20 cm deep along the perimeter of the pond to fix the film. Then, using a rope, we measure the dimensions to determine required size films, add 0.5 m on each side.

When carrying out excavation work, you may encounter the problem of where to put the earth from the hole. An excellent solution to this problem is to raise the level of the site by evenly distributing the soil over the entire area of ​​the garden. Another option is possible - to use the land to build an alpine slide.

Stage 5. Lay the film

Step 1. Cover the bottom of the pit with a 15-centimeter sand “cushion” and compact it thoroughly.

Step 2. To protect the PVC film from damage, lay a layer of roofing felt (laying is done with an overlap).

Step 3. Cover the bowl of the reservoir with film. We do this freely, with a small margin along the banks. We press the ends of the film with bricks.

Pay attention! To increase the elasticity of the film, it is advisable to lay it on a sunny day - under the influence of temperature, the film will stretch better and easily bend around all the protrusions of the pit.

Step 4. Fill the pond with water, but do not rush to cut off the excess film. It is necessary to wait approximately 24 hours for the PVC coating to take on its final volume. Then we cut the film, place its edges in a previously made trench, tuck it in and fill it with crushed stone.

Pay attention! Often the width of the film is not enough for the whole pond. In such cases, several pieces are connected to each other by soldering.

Stage 6. Setting up a decorative pond

Step 1. In order to prevent the earth from falling into the bowl of the reservoir, we strengthen the edge. This can be done using:

  • stone blocks;
  • plastic pipes nailed to pegs.

Lay out the edge natural stone(although you can use brick, tile, and other materials), we decorate it with a group of boulders or one large block.

Step 2. We lay out the bottom of the reservoir with crushed stones or stones. Then we place the pre-prepared plants in plastic containers and arrange them in clumps. It is advisable to use plants that saturate with oxygen (such as hornwort, water lily, swamp grass, etc.). After this, the pond can be finally filled with water.

Pay attention! For correct selection hydrochemical preparations and a pump, it is necessary to measure the volume of the reservoir. To do this, when replacing water, take water meter readings before/after the filling procedure.

Step 3. We can make a small stream for permanent circulation of water - this will prevent the latter from stagnation. To do this, we raise the source slightly above the level of the reservoir and install it to supply water from a bowl. We are planning to decorate the mouth of the stream, for which we can use:

  • stones;
  • containers made of glass or clay;
  • planting.

Step 4. We install at the bottom of the reservoir, stretch the pipes to the source and connect them to the cleaning filter. The latter must be pressure, that is, with reverse cleaning provided, since it is much more efficient than usual.

All, ready! All that remains is to regularly clean it of dirt, use special products that revitalize the water and prevent the excessive spread of algae, and also remove the plants for the winter.

When building a pond, it is difficult to avoid some mistakes, especially in the compositional plan. For this reason, you need to be aware of common mistakes that gardeners make.

Plant growing zonesPlants
Coastal zoneConifers, elderberries, ferns, meadowsweet, lilies of the valley, bergenia, etc.
CoastlineLipstick, fluffy, marigold, speedwell, snake knotweed, forget-me-not, etc.
Plants for decorating shallow waters (up to a depth of 5-20 cm)Calamus, reed, parasol, cattail, arrowhead, etc.
Deep-sea plants 30-150 cmWater lily, water lily
Plants to decorate the surface of the water (floating on the surface of the water)Duckweed, water paint, telores

Finally, having planned self-construction pond, practice first - make, for example, a miniature pond, and only then move on to larger compositions. This will significantly increase the chances of success.

Good luck with your work!

Video - Creating a pond at the dacha

If the garden area is quite spacious, and the area near the house has a lot of free space, take advantage of the opportunity to arrange a decorative pond. Such an object will perfectly complement the area on the site intended for recreation. We are sure: near the pond it will be much more pleasant to spend time reading newspapers or refreshing your feet, relaxing after a hard day.

And taking into account that the appearance of such a reservoir can be different, you can design the water corner in such a way as to create even more comfortable conditions for relaxation.

You can get creative ideas for arranging such a facility from this article by looking at photos and pictures of artificial man-made ponds created on summer cottages through the efforts of their owners.

How to design an artificial pond at your dacha, photo


If you decide to build it yourself garden territory pond or other body of water for swimming, first of all, choose the optimal place to place it.

When choosing an area to create a pond, take into account the following points:

  • It is preferable that the water body be located in an open area. The presence of trees in the pond area will distort the landscape, in addition, they will pollute the pond with leaves and twigs, and there will be a need for constant cleaning;
  • try to choose an area in which there will still be space left after creating an artificial reservoir. Perhaps over time you will want to increase the size of the pond, include new decorative elements in the water complex - keep in mind that some of them can be quite large;
  • refuse to create a water body in an area located under the scorching sun, otherwise the reservoir will quickly dry out, the water in it will bloom, and harmful bacteria will develop in it.

Ideally, the sun will illuminate the water body only in the first half of the day or, conversely, in the second. At lunchtime, the place where the country pond is located should be in the shade. Explore the possibilities for creating a shadow zone in advance: mark the water body in the optimal location and evaluate how its illumination will change during the day.

To create a shadow area, you can use buildings located near the pond or tall plants. Shrubs and trees (for example, weeping willows) will decorate the pond and give it a natural look.

You need to be able to harmoniously include a body of water into the existing landscape - be sure to take this point into account when planning a reservoir.

Do-it-yourself pond at the dacha: landscape ideas, photos

If you decide to create a water feature in a low-lying area in wet areas of the garden, you will get the opportunity due to drainage system ensure drainage of water from the garden area. If the area is flat, place the pond on the border of the garden area - where shrubs and trees grow, or close to a hedge (in this case you will need to create a soft transition from perennial vegetation).

Refuse to form artificial pond on a summer cottage in the lawn area. If there is no other place, visually divide the pond and lawn grass by planting plants on the border different varieties, including low vegetation so that you can see the water.

Many owners of summer cottages form decorative ponds next to rock gardens and rock gardens. The boulders that are part of such objects can be successfully combined with the design of the pond.

Do not ignore the ravines and other irregularities on the site: they will become an excellent basis for the formation of streams flowing down to the pond over boulders. Over time, you can install a bridge in this area - it will become another element of landscape decor.

Choosing a shape and style

Before you build a pond on your summer cottage with your own hands, you need to think about a few more nuances. First of all, decide on the style in which the water feature will be decorated. The shape of the reservoir will directly depend on the chosen style.

For example, the English direction is characterized by rounded shapes. On a regular basis modern design Laconic lines and precise proportions prevail.

Imitation of a pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

And Asian-style ponds look most natural. This design is characterized by unevenness and asymmetry of shapes.

There are no strict requirements for the appearance of a reservoir at a summer cottage. But it is preferable that it looks natural.

A good idea is a combination of several various forms when forming an artificial pond on a spacious area.

Decoration of a pond at the dacha, photo

Selection of materials

Independent creation of a water feature on a summer cottage begins with the preparation of a pit. A reservoir can be formed in two ways:

  • through the use of ready-made molds made of polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass. Plastic and polypropylene ponds are also very popular. When choosing, proceed not only from the price, but also from the quality parameters, if you want the pond to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time;
  • using PVC film or special rubber based on butyl rubber. The main advantage of these materials is their durability. The film will last ten years, and rubber - for half a century.

Artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Each of these methods has its own advantages. When using a ready-made form, you will quickly complete the construction of the pond, since to form a pit you only need to secure it well from the inside. The second technology makes it possible to select the parameters of a reservoir and create a natural design - it is used if it is decided to build a concrete object.

In addition to materials for shaping the shape of the pond, prepare everything necessary to maintain it in optimal condition. At least buy a pump - you will definitely need it.

Before you start arranging a pond in the garden, we advise you to study the recommendations of professionals landscape design presented in this video:

Master class on forming a reservoir without a film base

We offer step by step instructions on how to independently create a decorative pond in the garden using a rubber base or film. You need to start by preparing the pit: if the pond is small, use a shovel; for a large pond you will need special equipment.

Mark the area using pegs.

Remove the surface layer of soil, removing the terraces to a depth of 30 cm and a width of 20 cm, and dig the main hole.

Important! The edge of the pond should have a 45-degree slope, and the depth of the pit should be at least 60 centimeters. If the depth is shallower, the reservoir will freeze in winter and become very hot in summer.

To ensure a high-quality construction of a reservoir with film waterproofing, make a 15-centimeter trench around the perimeter of the water body to more securely fasten the film.

Having prepared the pit, level the bottom, removing boulders, and make a sand cushion 0.15 m high. Cover the pit with geotextile to protect the film material.

After this, you can start laying the film. Its parameters are selected taking into account the depth of the reservoir, multiplied by two, and its length. Please note that the film will need to be strengthened along the edges, that is, a reserve of another 50 centimeters will be required.

Spread the film, securing the edges with bricks, and fill the pond with water. There is no need to cut off excess film around the edges; within 24 hours the material will take the required shape. After this time, it will be possible to cut off the edges, leaving 25 cm for the blind area.

Decorative pond at the dacha with your own hands, photo

Design the blind area based on individual preferences. It can be made of stone, or it can be made of tiles or brick. Used for fixing materials cement mortar. The minimum width of the blind area is 60 centimeters.

Pond from the bath

A homemade small pond on a summer cottage can be created from an old font. Let's find out in more detail how to implement this idea step by step. Start by forming a pit; its dimensions will be small. The depth depends on the dimensions of the bath.

Fill the pit with sand and make cement screed so that the pond is not washed away over time groundwater. A 10-centimeter sand layer and a 3-5-centimeter cement layer will become a reliable cushion. A week after creating these layers, also form a gravel layer, approximately 25 centimeters high.

Lower the bathtub into the prepared pit. Having installed the font, fill the cavities on the sides with gravel (at least 10 centimeters from the font to the cut). Make sure that the edges of the bathtub do not protrude above the shore. Decorate the perimeter of the pond with small smooth stones or large boulders.

Design of a pond at the dacha, photo

If you want to make a pond from a bathtub on a flat area with your own hands, secure the bathtub on one side with a large boulder, making a full excavation for one side and a partial one for the one that is free. Appearance such a composition will resemble a rock garden.

Creating a mini pond

As already noted, an artificial reservoir created by one’s own efforts on a summer cottage can have any configuration. If you want to create a pond that will serve only a decorative function, you can use small-sized containers.

For example, you can create a miniature pond from a basin. The pond is formed according to the same principle as a pond from a large bathtub. To realize this idea, you can use not only a basin, but also an old trough, containers for flowers and barrels.

Very often miniature reservoirs are designed from car tires. To create such a mini-pond from tires, it is necessary to form a reliable bottom.

Do-it-yourself small pond at the dacha, photo

Having studied the gallery of photos of finished ponds on a summer cottage, you will see that small reservoirs can be deepened or, on the contrary, raised above the holes. Large boulders, colored sand, brick, crushed stone and vegetation are used to decorate such objects.

Subtleties of care

In order for a homemade pond to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time, it needs to be properly cared for and special procedures carried out in a timely manner. How to care for this garden pond? First of all, you need to form a small ecosystem and choose the right aquatic vegetation.

In summer, remove weeds and algae that appear in the water surrounding the pond. Use nets with rakes and other tools to purify water.

Do-it-yourself artificial pond at the dacha, photo

Important! You can also clean a pond at your dacha using special products that are also designed to saturate the water with oxygen and do not harm fish and other aquatic life.

If the water feature begins to dry out, replenish it with water. With the arrival of autumn, promptly clean the water surface from leaves, branches and other debris so that they do not sink to the bottom. Selected species Ornamental plants should be replanted in containers for the winter, and vegetation that is too dense should be thinned out.

After the end of the swimming season, use mesh material to protect the reservoir from pollution.

In the spring, prune dried plants and clean the walls and bottom of the reservoir from accumulated silt. Cleansing is best done using special equipment. In April it will be possible to launch a fountain, if one is provided in the pond complex.

Be sure to remember about strengthening the banks of the pond at your dacha - the shorelines of the reservoir at the first signs of deformation can suffer significantly over time. It is better to entrust this work to professionals.

If these measures are carried out in a timely manner, you will not have to spend a lot of time caring for the reservoir.

Arrangement of a pond at the dacha, photo

What vegetation to prefer

Owners of summer cottages who have decided to build a pond in the garden are interested in what ornamental plants can be planted around a pond. Not all plants can adapt to conditions high humidity. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The coastlines of large bodies of water can be decorated with lush vegetation. For example, willow loosestrife, marsh iris, tall reed, dharmer and coin loosestrife.

Suitable for decorating an artificial pond: perennials. Here is a list of the most popular varieties:

  • hosts;
  • Rogers;
  • marsh iris;
  • astilbe;
  • gunner.

Forget-me-nots or sedums can be planted between the stones surrounding the pond.

Important! It is better to plant vegetation in the area of ​​an artificial reservoir not in the ground, but in special containers that winter period can be moved to a warm place.

Design of a decorative pond at the dacha, photo

Now you know what kind of vegetation to decorate an artificial pond at your summer cottage. But you also need to choose the right plants that will decorate the water surface. For this purpose, water varieties of hyacinth, multi-colored water lilies, and duckweed are used.

Read about how you can make original nets with stones of various shapes and sizes.

You can see photos with examples of metal carports for a country house in the article.

Features of making garden sculptures are described in the article at:

Other decorative elements

One of the most popular ideas for decorating artificial reservoirs is installing fountains. The fountain can be made large and placed in the central part of the pond, or you can use several small fountains that emphasize the aesthetic appearance of a small reservoir.

For self-creation For a water feature with a fountain, you need to buy special devices for spraying water. The sprinklers are installed on iron stands, which are screwed to the body of the fountains. The legs must be sanded so as not to damage the film in the pond.

The structure is placed in the water in a suitable place.

Decoration of an artificial pond at the dacha, photo

You can attach a hose to the fountain and run water through it so that it flows through the decorative elements. Thus, you yourself will create a pond with an imitation of a waterfall.

Another decoration for an artificial pond in a summer cottage is created from stones and boulders.

You can make small steps that highlight uneven landscapes, fences made of stones or sculptures, organically blending them into the natural landscape.

A stone pond can be decorated in any color palette.

Another interesting option arrangement of an artificial reservoir at a summer cottage - installation of decorative bridges. These designs can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. Bridges can be wooden, stone or metal - welded or forged. The advantage of these elements is that they are suitable for decorating plastic ponds and any others.

Near the pond you can install beautiful benches or benches with a table, hang a hammock, thus creating a full-fledged recreation area.

Do-it-yourself pond design at the dacha, photo

A popular technique for decorating a pond at a summer cottage is the use of water lighting (lighting can also be done around the perimeter of the reservoir). In the dark, the lighting will focus attention on the body of water, create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation, set the mood for reflection and emphasize the beauty of the body of water.

Decorating a pond at your dacha with your own hands, photo

To get as close to nature as possible, you can place fish in the pond. Red carp look especially impressive, but you can also think about keeping crucian carp in a pond, then your pond will become an ideal place for fishing.

But do not forget that the fish in the pond need to be fed, otherwise they will die.

Beautiful ponds in the country, photo

There are many options for arrangement and design decorative ponds in the garden. Such elements of landscape decor make the areas even more beautiful. There are a lot of interesting concepts that you can implement on your own.

If you wish, you can use several design ideas at once to make the water feature look even more original.


From this video you will learn the details of how to independently create and decorate an artificial pond at your dacha - details on how to improve the area, make and decorate a pond at your dacha with your own hands:

Photo gallery

A selection of photos with the brightest landscape ideas in design and decoration, large and small, but beautiful ponds on the plot near the house - for your inspiration:

What a bliss it is to sit on the shore of a reservoir by the cool water on hot days and watch the rays of the sun glide across its smooth surface. But what if you spend the summer at your dacha, where there is neither a lake nor a river nearby? The answer is obvious - make a pond with your own hands. Do you think this will require a lot of effort, money and generally some special modifications to the landscape? Not at all necessary. We will tell you about several ways to easily and quickly construct a decorative pond in your summer cottage. And a huge number of options for its design will give you the opportunity to fully demonstrate your design abilities! Interesting ideas You can find inspiration by looking at the photo.

Size and place

One of the key points that you should immediately decide on is the area of ​​the reservoir. Both the volume of work and the size of possible costs depend on this. Owners of large country estates, of course, have more choice than summer residents with the notorious six hundred square meters. But even if you have absolutely small plot, no problem - a miniature pond can become its main decoration. The basic rule is that the size of the reservoir should be in harmony with the size of other components of the landscape.

It is better to place the pond in partial shade

The second point is the location for the future pond. Please consider the following recommendations:

  1. It is undesirable for the pond to be under straight sun rays from sunrise to sunset. 8 hours is the maximum. When there is too much light, water blooms.
  2. The reservoir should not be located in a place where the sun hardly penetrates.
  3. If your pond is surrounded by trees, be prepared to clean it frequently. However, you will have to clean the pond in any case - from duckweed, leaves that have fallen into the water, and other debris. But to dig a pond near big trees It’s also inconvenient because they root system can become a serious nuisance.

Shape of the reservoir

Next important point– the shape of the future pond. In principle, it can be anything - both clear geometric outlines and natural asymmetry are good in their own way. The main tips from designers are:

  1. Ponds of strict geometric shapes look better when located close to the house or in the courtyard. Their strict outlines in this case are in harmony with the straight lines of the buildings.
  2. Ponds with uneven edges are more appropriate for remote corners of the site. They look natural surrounded by plants.

The pond can have uneven or even banks

If you want to build a pond of a square or, say, rectangular shape in a remote part of the garden, then so that it does not look alien among the “ wildlife“, you can “support” geometricity with the help of straight lines of paths and flower beds of equally clear, regular shapes.

What to make a pond from

There are several ways to arrange a country pond. The choice depends, again, on the size of the pond and the “seriousness” of your intentions. Do you want a pond to decorate your area for one or two seasons or for many years? Is it desirable for it to be “mobile” (that is, if desired, it could be moved to another place or temporarily dismantled)?

  • Concrete structure. Already from the name it is clear that this is a capital and durable option. Used for fairly large ponds. Installation is quite labor-intensive and expensive, but the concrete “pool” will serve you for decades. Disadvantages – you won’t be able to move such a structure or change its size.
  • PVC film. One of the most simple ways arrange a country pond. The advantages here are low cost, the ability to easily dismantle, move or change the size and shape of the pond. Disadvantages - the film material is not very durable, and besides, a large reservoir cannot be made this way.

A pond can be made from a ready-made plastic container

  • Plastic "pools". Intended specifically for creating decorative ponds, such containers can come in different sizes and shapes. Their advantages are ease of installation (it is enough to dig such a pool into the ground and, in fact, fill it with water), durability, and mobility. The downside is the size limitation.
  • Available materials. First of all, these are old bathtubs, concrete rings, bowl-shaped capacious containers. Pros: ease of installation and low cost ( old bath can be found completely free). The downside is the rather small size.

Advice. The edges of the pond can be laid out decorative stones, tiles (they will also prevent the soil from falling off) or even decorate with sculptures. Another option is to plant low plants near the pond or decorate the surface of the water with water lilies and lotuses.

Decoration of the reservoir

If you want the pond to immediately attract the attention of anyone who enters the area, the easiest way is to install light sources along its perimeter. Although there are more original options make it a bright accent of the country landscape. For example:

  • Underwater lighting. Special spotlights installed underwater will make the water surface shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Fountain. Both very small and impressive in size, it always attracts attention. As they say, you can look at flowing water endlessly. To create a fountain you will need a special pump.

Small bridges across a pond will look beautiful

  • Bridges. It will look very cute decorative bridge, thrown over the water. You can make it from wooden slats.
  • Waterfall, cascade of reservoirs, stream. If the size of the “land” allows, then this is an excellent way to decorate not only the reservoir itself, but also the landscape of the site as a whole. In addition, the flow-through design will not allow the water in the pond to stagnate and bloom. Although setting up such a large-scale “ensemble” will most likely require the help of a specialist.
  • Inhabitants. The most popular option is to put fish in a pond. They should be chosen very carefully, taking into account the conditions of detention and compatibility (not all fish get along with each other). If you are not a supporter of waterfowl, then you can populate the pond with plants.

Important! If you are planning to make a pond with plants, do not forget to purchase soil where you will plant them.

A few important points

Regardless of what size you will make the pond and from what materials, it is important to know the following:

As you have probably already seen, being your own designer is not that difficult. And while summer is in full swing, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with the opportunity to relax on the shore of a picturesque reservoir right in your own summer cottage.

How to make a pond with your own hands: video

Pond at the dacha: photo