What home heating to choose. Heating a country house

Types of pipe routing

Single pipe system

Two-pipe system

Collector wiring


Warm floors

Combined system

Which boiler to choose?

Electric boiler

Solid fuel boilers

Liquid fuel boilers

" class="sdt_h3">Heating radiators


One of important tasks related to housing is to decide which heating is better. Don't think that the answer is easy. After all, you need to decide what type of heating to use. This choice will determine the financial costs of installing equipment, the efficient operation of the heating system, and cost savings due to high efficiency highways and so on. All these factors encourage you to take the installation of a heating system seriously.

What are the common heating options?

There are different options for heating a house. For example, some prefer stove-based, which has been used for centuries. But this method is usually resorted to out of hopelessness. This is not the best option considering energy costs and carbon monoxide, which gradually seeps into the room. Another approach is when each room is heated separately. For this, various radiators or air heaters are used. But this type of building heating also has many disadvantages. First of all, the energy consumption that is spent on each heat source is striking. In addition, you will have to monitor these devices so that each one is turned on and off in time, and also to prevent them from catching fire and short circuiting the network. It is not for nothing that in our time of progress, water heating is the most popular. The essence of his work is simple. The boiler heats the coolant, and it transfers its energy to pipes and batteries. However, when choosing this method of heating a room, you should pay attention to some issues. After all, you need to choose not only the type of boiler, but also pipe layout options, types of batteries, pipes, and so on. Any mistake will affect the efficiency of the entire system, and the saving of fuel and money. Therefore, it is worth examining in detail the main components of heating.

Types of pipe routing

Much depends on a well-chosen wiring. There are 3 options: single-pipe, two-pipe and manifold. It is necessary to understand each method in detail in order to determine which one is better in a particular case.

Single pipe system

Its essence is that all radiators are connected in series to one pipe. Thus, before reaching the last battery, the coolant must heat all the previous ones.

single pipe heating

It is worth looking at the advantages and disadvantages of a single-pipe system. As always, first the advantages:
  • it is easy to design such a system,
  • easy installation,
  • relatively low equipment costs,
  • quick installation compared to other options.
However, one must also see the disadvantages:
  • uneven heating of all rooms - the first is hot, and the last is cool,
  • elements are highly dependent on each other,
  • inefficiency large quantity radiators on one riser,
  • The heat in each battery is not regulated.
As you can see, this option is economical in terms of installation and is suitable for a room with a small area.

Two-pipe system

This method differs from the first in that 2 pipes are connected to each radiator. Through one of them the heated coolant flows, and through the other, the cooled coolant returns back to the boiler.

two-pipe heating

Here you should also pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the system. The advantages are:
  • when it becomes necessary to temporarily suspend the operation of one element of the system (for example, a radiator), then the rest of the line can continue to function,
  • both the first and last radiators heat up equally, which allows the entire room to be heated evenly,
  • The temperature in each room is conveniently regulated.
Such efficiency of the system complicates some aspects of its organization:
  • more difficult to install,
  • It is not easy to design such a system yourself,
  • equipment costs more.
To summarize, it becomes clear that this wiring method is more convenient to use, economical and effective. Although installation will cost more than a single-pipe system.

Collector wiring

The collector looks like a comb to which various heating equipment is connected. From the boiler, the heated coolant is supplied to the collector. It distributes the coolant to different heating devices separately. Thus, liquid of the same temperature is supplied to each radiator.

collector heating

In this option, it is also necessary to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the advantages, they include the following points:
  • If you do everything according to the instructions, the installation is quite simple,
  • thanks to the manifold, each heating device is regulated and turned off individually,
  • the number of pipe joints is significantly reduced, which eliminates the possibility of leakage,
  • convenient repair of each element of the system.
The only thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages of such wiring is the cost of the equipment. However, the convenience and savings that this system provides will quickly pay for all the investment.

Warm floors, radiators or a combined system?

This is another question that will definitely arise. Here you should carefully weigh everything and understand the essence of each method, as well as the pros and cons.


Today, batteries are the most common way to heat a room. They come from different materials: cast iron, steel and so on. The principle of operation of heating with radiators is that heated coolant is supplied to each radiator, and they heat the room.

Radiators have both positive and negative aspects. The advantages are:

  • large selection of equipment,
  • you can choose an affordable price,
  • installation does not require professional skills or special tools,
  • installation does not require large material costs,
  • when repairing one battery, there is no need to disconnect the entire system,
  • applicable with other types of heating.
It is worth paying attention to the disadvantages:
  • When installing, be sure to observe the slope of the pipes,
  • due to the fact that heat goes up, the temperature below is always lower,
  • improper distribution of energy (the ceiling is heated, not the floor) leads to wasteful expenditure of funds.
Thus, radiator heating is suitable in cases where it is important to install the system quickly and not very expensively.

Warm floors

This is also a common option, however, not everyone can afford it. This system is distinguished by pipes built into the floor. Thanks to this, heat comes not from the walls, but from the surface of the floors.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of heating? The strengths include the following:

  • the entire area of ​​the house warms up, due to the fact that heating is carried out from below and rises up,
  • the temperature in the legs is higher than at head level, so residents feel comfortable,
  • large cost savings due to rational distribution of heat energy,
  • can be combined with any type of heating,
  • there will be no cold zones in the building,
  • does not interfere with the interior of the rooms.
Here are some negative nuances:
  • difficulty of implementation in multi-storey buildings,
  • labor-intensive installation,
  • expensive repairs,
  • if there are problems with small area system, you will still have to dismantle the floors.
Generally good option heating, it is only necessary that the installation be carried out professionally. Then you won't have to worry about expensive repairs. The investment in installation, heated floors easily pays for itself.

Combined system

It combines both radiators and warm floors. It is often used when there are places where heated floors are ineffective. For example, a room with large windows. In general, this type contains the advantages and disadvantages of the systems listed above.

Which boiler to choose?

When it comes to choosing, you should start from 4 main options. When considering each, you need to take into account what fuel is available and cheap in a certain area.


The gas boiler is the most popular due to the availability of this fuel. If we talk about him strengths, then the following can be noted:
  • long service life,
  • high efficiency, which means cost savings,
  • ease of maintenance,
  • there is no need to waste energy on fuel procurement when there is access to the highway.
Now about some weaknesses:
  • permission to install the boiler is required,
  • to connect you need to call special services,
  • due to pressure surges in the gas pipeline, the unit turns off,
  • Gas makes noise when it burns.
Overall economical and reliable appearance heating, requiring only proper installation.

Electric boiler

This device is also quite popular. Here the heating of the coolant occurs due to electricity. Since it is widely available, it is worth considering this method from different angles. Advantages of electrical equipment:
  • works without noise,
  • relatively low cost,
  • does not harm health or the environment,
  • ease of operation.
The disadvantages include:
  • when voltage surges occur, the device turns off, and the automation is also disabled,
  • electricity consumption,
  • for a powerful unit you need a 3-phase network of 380 V.
This type of boiler is especially suitable when inexpensive price electricity.

Solid fuel boilers

Enough known species boilers Here, coal, firewood, and so on are used as fuel. Speaking about the advantages of such equipment, you should remember the following points:
  • inexpensive type of fuel,
  • ease of operation,
  • does not require any documents for installation,
  • easy to repair.
Here are some disadvantages:
  • a lot of time and effort is spent on fuel procurement and boiler maintenance,
  • There must be a chimney.
This heating method is quite often used in populated areas without a gas line.

Liquid fuel boilers

Liquid fuels such as fuel oil, kerosene and so on are used here. When listing the advantages of liquid fuel equipment, the following areas should be mentioned:
  • heating independent of communications,
  • ease of use,
  • high efficiency,
Speaking about the disadvantages, it is necessary to remember the following nuances:
  • a separate room for the boiler is required,
  • expensive equipment,
  • high cost of fuel,
  • need for large fuel tanks.
Typically, liquid fuel heating units are not often used.


At first glance, it may not seem important which heating pipes are used. But after considering the pros and cons of each material, it becomes clear why this is a serious issue.

One of the most popular types of pipes is metal-plastic. Their diameter ranges from 16 to 63 mm.

metal-plastic pipes

Among the advantages of this material are:
  • thermal conductivity is low,
  • easy to repair,
  • No professional tools needed for installation.
The disadvantages include the following:
  • connections may leak,
  • dents remain upon impact.
Another option that is often used is polypropylene.

polypropylene pipes and fittings

It has the following strengths:
  • large diameter – up to 125 mm,
  • resistance to mechanical pressure,
  • when the system freezes, the pipes do not become unusable,
  • There can be no fluid leakage after soldering.
However, there are also weaknesses:
  • the need for expensive equipment to do the installation,
  • elongate when the coolant is heated strongly,
  • If damaged, they are difficult to repair.
When choosing pipes, it is better to consider weather conditions, type of heating and financial capabilities.

">Heating batteries

One of the main elements in the heating system. The efficiency of the entire heating system may depend on the incorrect selection of batteries. Nowadays there is a huge selection of radiators. If we classify them according to the material from which they are made, we can distinguish the following types: steel, cast iron, bimetallic and aluminum. So as not to take everything apart possible options, it is enough to understand the basic principles for choosing a battery.
  1. System type. Whether autonomous or central heating, the necessary criteria for the radiator also depend. For centralized system It’s better to take batteries that can withstand pressure surges and water of varying acidity. For autonomous heating, you can use radiators of different pressures.
  2. Heat dissipation. According to this indicator, aluminum comes first, then steel, and then cast iron. But it’s also worth considering that, for example, cast iron takes longer to cool down.
  3. Service life. In this parameter, the first place is cast iron radiators, then bimetallic, steel and cast iron.
  4. Other criteria. This includes more visible parameters - design, price, manufacturer, and so on.
Taking into account all these factors, you can choose the best option for yourself.


Without this component, the heating system will not work. The most common coolants are water and antifreeze.
  1. Water. Still, it is used more often. Since you don’t need to buy water for heating, this is a very economical option, and it transfers heat perfectly. In addition, water does not cause environmental harm.
  2. Antifreeze. There is one specially made for the heating system. Although you have to pay money for it, its main advantage is that it does not freeze at low temperatures.
When making a choice between water and antifreeze, it is good to weigh financial capabilities, heating system failures, weather conditions, and so on.
The information listed above will help you choose the right elements of the heating system. Before choosing, it is important to carefully re-read all the advantages and disadvantages.

Do you want your private home to be warm and cozy? Choose a cost-effective heating system that suits your building.

Where to start?

The vast majority of sources recommend starting the selection of a heating system by choosing the available fuel. Indeed, there is no point in heating a house with electric energy if a main gas, or install a solid fuel boiler if it is not possible to purchase sufficient quantities of firewood or coal. The choice of fuel is important, but for modern house with minimal heat losses, the choice of heating principle is much more important.

Therefore, it is more advisable to start by determining what type your house is: heat-intensive or non-heat-intensive. To do this, you need to answer a simple question: does your house accumulate heat or simply store it inside, preventing thermal energy from escaping outside.

If the walls of your house are made of bricks, natural stone or concrete, then this is a heat-intensive structure capable of accumulating thermal energy, and then use it to maintain heat in the house even when the heating is turned off.

If the house is built of foam blocks or its walls are multilayer panels made of thermal insulation material, then this structure does not have thermal inertia and cannot accumulate heat. In such a house, heat must be maintained by a constantly working source of thermal energy. When the heating is turned off, it will become cold almost immediately.

Today there are several types of heating country house:

  • Pechnoe
  • Vodyanoye
  • Steam
  • Air
  • Infrared

Each type of heating of a country house can be implemented using any type of fuel.

For example, water heating can operate by burning wood, gas, fuel oil, using electric, geothermal or solar energy. Modern systems infrared heating can operate on electricity, gas and fuel oil. Even conventional stoves in a country house can operate and heat a home with wood, gas or electricity with equal success. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of heating, and it can be implemented using any available type of fuel, of course, by purchasing suitable equipment for this.

Features of heating an inertial house

For inertial houses, it is important to warm up the walls, thereby creating a reserve of thermal energy. This may take a lot of time, at least several hours, because cold house there is already a “reserve of cold” and is in no hurry to part with it. One feature: in an inertial house, even with a hot stove or hot radiators, the heat is not felt at first, but when the heating is turned off (for example, in the event of an accident in the system), the house can remain warm for several hours, or even several days.

To heat such a structure, it is better to use heating devices with a coolant temperature of 80-95C. This can be water or steam heating, as well as infrared electric heaters. To ensure heating of the walls, it is better to install heating devices on their surface. In this case, you can use convectors, water radiators, warm baseboards and heated floors.

Well-heated walls made of stone, brick or concrete will ensure a constant temperature in the house, as well as effective work ventilation system with natural impulse. Ventilation ducts located in an array of heated walls, create a constant outflow of exhaust air and provide an influx of fresh air masses. In an inertial house, you can safely open windows and doors, without fear that all the heat will escape into the atmosphere in a few minutes.

If the house is heated periodically...

For a massive (inertial) house, water heating can safely be called best choice heating, but only if the building is connected to electrical energy, and there is no threat to the heating system emergency stop and freezing of the coolant.

If there is such a threat, the heating system can be filled with antifreeze or steam heating can be chosen instead of water heating. But it is better to immediately abandon air heating in such a house. It works effectively only in houses that do not accumulate heat or are inertia-free.

Heating of frame and wooden houses

In frame and wooden houses, as well as in buildings made of foam blocks, heat does not accumulate in the walls. It is warm inside the house only if the air in the house and the objects inside the building (for example, a massive brick stove) are heated. Therefore, to heat such a structure it is recommended to use heating devices, providing intense convective heat exchange. These can be convectors, heat fans, air curtains, etc.

In other words, in a low-inertia house the most effective is air heating, for the implementation of which various equipment can be used, ranging from a “Buleryan” type stove to a “Canadian” heating system combined with an air conditioning and ventilation system.

In a low-inertia house, there is no need to wait for the walls to warm up. It becomes warm almost immediately after heating the air. If the house has not been heated for a long time, create comfortable conditions can be done in 30-40 minutes, unlike a massive thermal inertia house, which needs to be heated for several hours in a row.

If you don’t like air heating, you can go the other way and install a massive brick or stone stove that accumulates heat inside the building. Such a “heat reserve” will allow you to fully demonstrate the advantages of a structure made of light porous materials or wood, because its walls do not conduct heat, which means they do not lose it into the atmosphere.

This is how village log houses made of wood are heated. In them, heat is stored in the furnace array, and the house is warm until the furnace cools down. Depending on the size of the oven, it may take several hours to several days to cool down.

It should be noted that for ventilation of low-inertia houses it is necessary to use supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Natural ventilation can only be used when

Let's sum it up

If your country house built of stone, brick or concrete, choose water or steam systems to heat it. From stove heating, and it is also better to refuse air heating. A massive house must accumulate heat. Only in this case will it be comfortable and cozy. Another advantage of such a house is the well-functioning natural ventilation system, which is not the case in houses with low thermal inertia.

If you live in a frame or wooden house, as well as in a house made of foam blocks, choose air heating to heat it. If you don't like air currents, install a massive stove in your house. It will create the necessary supply of heat, and the walls will reliably retain it.

About heat pumps and solar collectors

Unfortunately, our climatic conditions are such that it is unlikely to be possible to effectively heat a house using the heat of the earth or the energy of the sun. affordable price. Heat pumps provide low-temperature heat, which is better used in low-inertia houses, but the cost of the equipment is still too high, which makes the resulting thermal energy unavailable for widespread use.

With the help of collectors, you can heat water to the temperature of the coolant, but they are not without drawbacks. Unfortunately, winter days in our latitudes are short, and it is impossible to heat a sufficient amount of coolant during this period of time. In addition, in cloudy weather this process may become completely impossible. Therefore, heat from solar collectors is used in combined heating boilers. When there is heating, the combustion of the main type of fuel is simply turned off, and when there is no sun and the water in the collectors is cold, the boiler is put back into operation.

Heating a country house has always been a matter of great importance. Right installed system will allow you to enjoy comfort and warmth at any time of the year. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the most suitable model for your case in order to avoid subsequent problems or inconveniences that arise during operation.

Basic requirements for heating systems

  • High reliability
  • Availability
  • Safety
  • Compactness
  • Efficiency
  • Economical

Even if your home is still under construction or you are just planning to purchase it, it is never too early to start choosing the optimal heating system for yourself. It will take time to decide on its type, since in most cases it is selected individually. First of all, it is necessary to start from the availability and efficiency of a particular type of fuel on which the system operates:

Depending on the resource used in the work heating systems are divided into the following types:

  • Air systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Water systems
  • Heating gas boilers

In addition, room heating using a stove or fireplace, based on an open fire, is very often used. However, it is ineffective. In addition to the fact that this system will require additional resources (firewood), this type heating will not allow you to heat your country house evenly and quickly. This method is used extremely rarely and only for small houses.

Air heating systems

These room heating systems, despite their efficiency, were highly appreciated Russian market just about 10 years ago.

Air heating systems are based on hot air. The principle of their operation is quite simple - a special fan drives air through a heat exchanger or heater, heating it and releasing it into the room through special channels. These systems can operate on various types of fuel, it all depends on the model and design. The air may become hot hot water, steam (in heaters), heat released from combustion various types fuel (in fire-air heaters), as well as electricity (in electric air heaters).


  • High room heating rate
  • Additional installation of an air humidifier during installation
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Lack of a central heat supply system - you will never encounter boiler leaks or freezing during the cold season.


  • High cost
  • The need for a large area to install the system
  • Average heat dissipation level

Air heating systems are ideal for houses with seasonal residence, since the high maintenance costs of this design are somewhat higher than others alternative methods heating the house.

Electric heating systems

Electric heating systems are one of the most popular today. The principle of their operation is to uniformly supply current through special conductors, which is how the room is heated.

This design is suitable for any country house, since, unlike a gas system, every house is equipped with electricity. The design is extremely simple to install and operate and does not require the installation of auxiliary communications, periodic cleaning, construction of fuel storage facilities, a separate installation room, etc., which significantly affects the cost of the system and its installation in a positive way for the buyer.


  • Fast room heating
  • High heat dissipation
  • Low economic costs
  • Using a gas boiler you can quickly heat large rooms


  • If there is no gas pipeline, you will have to use special gas cylinders
  • If the area of ​​the house is less than 100 square meters, then using a gas boiler is not economically profitable
  • In terms of safety, it is inferior to some other types of heating
  • High complexity of installation and installation

Selecting the type of fuel for the heating system

As noted above, any heating system operates on a certain resource, be it electricity or gas. Depending on its type, the cost of operating the product will be higher or lower, respectively, based on this fact and fact technical characteristics, will be selected optimal system heating of a country house, corresponding to the most favorable price-quality ratio.

Electricity - the most affordable type of raw material for the heating system. However, despite this, it is one of the most expensive. That's why, electrical systems heating is usually used for country houses with non-permanent residence or as an additional source of power for the heating system.

Gas - the cheapest fuel on the Russian market. Systems based on gas boiler, such as water heating, are the most popular. Gas systems heating systems are one of the most economical systems for heating a country house.

Solid fuel (peat fuel briquettes, pills) - most often used as an alternative to gas in areas where there are no supply systems for this type of fuel.

Liquid fuel (for example, diesel fuel) - this type of fuel is also considered one of the most economical. Its low consumption allows you to heat a country house in a fairly short period.

Firewood - in addition to its high cost, this resource is also a risk factor. The high flammability of this material and the inconvenience of use do not place it in a leading position in matters of room heating, therefore, at present it is almost impossible to find a heating system that runs on wood.

Depending on the type of fuel used (resource) and the structure of the heat supply, heating systems are divided into several types. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, for each home the heating system is selected individually, depending on the wishes of the owners and their capabilities. A huge range of models allows you to choose a system that 100% meets the buyer’s requirements and guarantees warmth and comfort in the house, even when it’s minus outside.

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