Emu natural habitat. Habitat and lifestyle. Emu breeding

The real dignity and calling card of Australia after kangaroos are ostriches. This family contains 15 species. The emu (or, as it is also called, the Australian ostrich) is sometimes mistakenly attributed to them. In this article, you will learn what kind of bird it is, what it looks like, and what are the features of its breeding.


For the first time this bird was met by European travelers in the 16th century on the Australian continent. She amazed everyone with her long and powerful legs, which allow her to reach speeds of up to 50 km / h and take a step of 275 cm. The first documentary description of this bird dates back to 1789. For a long time, many scientists have wondered: “Who is emu? Ostriches or cassowaries?

According to their external similarity, they were classified as stausoid, but in the 1980s the classification was revised. It has been scientifically proven that the emu is a relative of the cassowary. They got their name from big sizes("emu" in Arabic or Portuguese - "big bird"). But there is another hypothesis that claims that the bird owes its name to a piercing cry during the mating season.

Description and characteristics of emu

By appearance this bird is something between a cassowary and an ostrich, however, they have their own distinctive properties that make them stand out from their relatives.


The Australian ostrich is one of the largest birds in the world, only the ostrich is larger than it. In addition, the emu does not fly. In appearance, it is similar to both the ostrich and the cassowary. However, unlike the latter, which is the closest relative to the ostrich, the emu does not have a protrusion on the top of its head.


Many farmers are interested in the question of how much these long-legged birds weigh. The weight of an adult varies from 30 to 50 kg, sometimes it can reach 55 kg. But the chicks are not born so large (500 g), but by the year of life they can reach the weight of an adult.

There are 3 subspecies of these birds, which differ in their color:

The emu's eyes are protected by a membrane and have long eyelashes. These birds boast excellent vision. They are able to see a moving object at a distance of a hundred meters. And since these animals lead an isolated lifestyle, they try not to let either large animals or people near them.

The skin of the neck has a bluish tint, it is decorated with rare plumage. The length of the wings of this feathered one does not exceed 25 cm. There are underdeveloped claws on their tips. When emus work, they make flapping sounds with their wings.

On the neck there is a bag 30 cm long, in which the trachea are located. It is clearly visible during the mating season. Depending on how much air passes through it, the range of sounds made by this bird may change.

Important!Emus have no teeth, so for better digestion of rough food, they swallow pebbles and glass.

That is why their speech is predominantly loud booms, grunts and drumming, which can spread over a distance of 2 km. The sounds that males and females make can differ significantly. The greatest peak of talkativeness of animals falls on the mating season, when females announce their readiness for mating.

The legs are the main defense weapon for these birds. They allow you to reach speeds of 50 km / h, and sometimes up to 60. If you encounter such a bird, then it can break the bones not only of a dog, but also of a person.

Differences from an ostrich

Emu was not so long ago attributed to the ostrich family, but in the second half of the 20th century, the classification was revised. The reason for this was the scientific justification of the genetic proximity of this bird to cassowaries. However, due to the external similarity, many still call them ostriches.
How are emus different from ostriches? Ostriches have a longer neck, which makes them the tallest birds. So, the growth of an African representative of this family reaches 2.5 m, while for emu - only 2.

Long legs allow you to develop colossal speeds. Ostriches develop a speed of 20 km / h more than emus. However, the paws of the latter have three fingers with three phalanges, unlike ostriches, which have only 2. Emu eggs are smaller than ostrich eggs, have a dark blue color, they are more like cassowary eggs.

Habitat and lifestyle

So where does the emu live? By the second name of this bird, it becomes clear that it lives on the Australian continent. They can be found in sparsely populated places where there is no drought and large thickets; not far from roads, where you can rarely find large shrubs that are a potential danger to these birds.

Did you know?Emus tolerate temperatures well, as in +45°C so in +20°С . They are able to calmly endure a drop in temperature at night to -5 ° C.

Due to the increased interest in these animals, special farms have appeared in different parts of the world that are engaged in industrial breeding of emus. Such farms have appeared in China, the USA, Canada and Peru. For our compatriots who have decided to breed this bird, a logical question arises as to which natural area can breed emus.

For breeding, it is best to choose areas with a subequatorial, tropical or subtropical climate. However, they also do well in temperate latitudes. With the onset of cold weather, they need an additional source of heat.

Birds prefer to live alone, but sometimes they periodically gather in groups of 7 to 10 individuals, migrate together in search of food. During the nesting period, emus stop in the place where there is a lot of food and water.
They often enter agricultural lands, which cause significant harm. So, for example, in the 30s of the last century, the confrontation between man and emu reached its maximum, as a result of which a large number of these birds were destroyed. During that period, the so-called emu war brought up to 57 thousand carcasses per year. Their meat was used as food, and their fat was used as a fuel for lamps.

Now the war against emus continues, but not on such a scale, as they are subject to the Australian Environment and Biodiversity Act (although it is not uncommon for cases where big birds enter the farms and destroy the entire crop with their powerful legs).

Did you know? The size of the brain in these birds is commensurate with the size of the eyes and does not exceed 40 g.

Often near the reservoir you can meet an Australian ostrich, which swims with great pleasure or just rests. At the same time, these birds drink water only once every 24 hours. The actual length of the day of these giants is approximately 7 hours, at which time they constantly move in search of food.

In nature, these powerful birds have no enemies. But there are some animals that emus shun. Foxes are capable of causing an irreparable appearance to future offspring, but eagles, hawks and dingoes prey on adults. As a defense, the bird tries to jump high, flaps its legs and wings strongly.


Despite their large size, these birds have a friendly disposition. They easily get along with a person. However, with all this, the animal always lives in some tension. During sleep, they wake up up to 8 times, and their head is never lowered to the ground. However, as in the mating season, these animals become unpredictable and even aggressive.

Productive qualities

For industrial purposes, emus are grown for valuable meat and eggs, as well as for reproduction. An adult bird weighing about 50 kg can produce up to 30 kg of dietary meat. Young offspring can be slaughtered as early as a year old, but the most optimal age for slaughtering an emu is 15 months. It is at this age that the net yield of meat will average about 26.5 kg. The taste of meat is very similar to veal, but it remains as lean as chicken.

For cooking, they prepare on its basis diet meals as well as sausages. In addition to meat, up to 7 kg of fat is obtained from the carcass of a young emu, which is used in medicine and cosmetology. That is why keeping ostriches up to 15 months is a cost-effective production.

By-products after slaughter are feathers and leather. From one killed individual, you can get from 1.8 to 2.5 kg of ostrich feathers, up to 2 sq.m. skin. Feathers are highly valued in the fashion industry and are used for decoration. The feather can be sheared periodically and throughout the life of the birds. For example, for the first 2 years of life, feathers are sheared at 6, 16 and 24 months.

Emu leather is used to make shoes, bags, belts, and even as trim for yachts, cars or airplanes. Approximately 4.5 kg comes out of other by-products, which include claws and even eyelashes.

The population of these birds is increasing very quickly, since one female can carry from 20 to 50 eggs in one season. When hatching, the survival rate is up to 85%.

The high productivity of females continues throughout their lives, and they live for 10-15 years. The first egg-laying begins at the age of 2, in natural conditions this period doubles. After the first laying, egg production increases by 15%.

An emu egg weighs an average of 700-900 g, which is comparable to a dozen or a dozen chicken ones. Its color can vary from dark blue, which is sometimes mistaken for black, to greenish blue. In their coloring, they resemble the eggs of their relatives - cassowaries. They are used as decorative material(and even spoiled ones are not disposed of, but used for the production of unusual souvenirs).

In emu breeding, there is another additional offal that is also used in various industries. This is about eggshell. It is in demand in the jewelry craft, and designers use its fragments to decorate the interior.

Important! Eggs are incubated for 56-66 days, while the air temperature should be maintained within + 37 - 38 degrees Celsius, and humidity - 40 - 70%.


Puberty begins at the age of 2 years, and the peak of reproduction is in December and January. The male is in charge of building the nest. He also brings up future offspring. The male of this breed of birds can have more than one female. That is why during the mating season, unlike other species, females show an aggressive disposition and conduct real fights for the chosen partner. Such fights can last up to 5 hours.

After the formation of a pair, partners begin mating games. Having bowed their necks, they synchronously move towards the nest, which is a small depression covered with grass. Joint residence can last no more than 5 months.
As a result of such courtship, the female can lay up to 20 eggs. However, there are also single females that lay no more than 8 eggs. Males incubate their offspring, while furiously driving away all predators and unwanted guests. They leave the nests only when necessary, that is, for food. During the incubation period, the male can lose up to 15 kg in weight. During his absence, the female warms the eggs.

With the hatching of the offspring, the male's worries do not end. Chicks are born with a weight of 500 g and a height of about 12 cm. The active disposition of young offspring brings new worries to the male. Now he protects them from foxes, hawks or eagles, who strive to feast on delicious meat. Chicks are fed insects, which allows them to gain weight very quickly and by the age of one year they have the weight of an adult. However, the chicks need the male's course for 5, and sometimes even 7 months.

Important! When breeding emus at home, it must be remembered that there should be at least 2 females per male.

Emu breeding features

These unusual birds attracted the attention of our compatriots. And this is not surprising, because the correct maintenance of one emu is less expensive than the maintenance of one pig. As a result, the owner receives not only tasty and dietary meat, which is also exotic for us, but also High Quality skin and feathers.

These birds need a large space where they can safely walk. It is better to give preference to spacious pastures, where there is a lot of grass, and where birds will be protected from predators.
In the cold season, emus need additional heating. To do this, they are transferred to a spacious room, which will be commensurate with the space for walking. There are no special requirements for him, but it is necessary that the conditions of detention have the maximum similarity with the natural habitat of birds.

Emus are not required for breeding. special efforts, in this process it is necessary to give freedom of choice to the birds. They form their own pairs. If the goal of the poultry farmer is not to profit from the eggs of these exotic birds, then it is best to purchase an incubator that will significantly increase the survival rate of young offspring. You can also let the birds incubate their eggs naturally.

After the appearance of the chicks, they are placed in a special room prepared for them, where the temperature should be at the same level (+ 30ºС). The area should be large enough, because the chicks grow very quickly and by 12 months are no different from their parents. The pen area is built with the calculation of 10 sq.m. for one individual. AT warm time year they can be kept in a spacious aviary with an equipped canopy.

What to feed

In their natural habitat, ostriches are unpretentious in food. They regale themselves with the same appetite as grass or wild fruits, and even small insects. In the conditions of a poultry farm, it is customary to feed them with special combined feeds. You should not overfeed the bird, as excessive weight gain leads to obesity and curvature of the limbs. At any stage of development, birds need a sufficient amount pure water for drinking.


In the natural environment, the main food for these birds are fruits and leaves of trees, as well as mushrooms and food of animal origin (for example, insects or small vertebrates). When keeping adult emus at home daily rate a serving of food is 1.5-2.5 kg, which consists of 50% coarse and succulent feed. Very useful for emu alfalfa. On the free market there are a number of specially prepared mixtures containing most of the necessary substances.
However, the use of such funds does not exempt from adding components that are not present in the compound feed you purchased. The table below shows the composition of the mixture for one adult emu:

Product type Consumption rate in winter, g Consumption rate in spring, g Consumption rate in summer, g Consumption rate in autumn, g
Rye bread200 400 400 300
oats100 200 200 150
Barley50 100 100 50
Bran25 50 50 25
Oat groats100 150 150 100
Cakenot required20 20 not required
Peasnot required25 50 25
Chicken eggs20 not requirednot requirednot required
Meat150 50 100 100
Fish flour25 not required25 25
Potatonot required100 100 not required
Carrot300 200 300 300
Beet50 100 100 not required
Cabbagenot required200 200 not required
Grassnot required500-1000 500-1000 not required
Onion20 20 not required20
hay flour25 not requirednot required25
Yeast20 20 20 20
Fish fat10 10 not required10
Bone flour15 20 20 20
Shell15 15 15 10
Salt5 5 5 5

With the onset of cold weather, the body of the emu needs an additional source nutrients, vitamins and minerals. That is why grass flour, silage and various vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced into the diet.

It is worth limiting the amount of barley in the diet, as it contributes to obesity. For the same reason, corn should not be given. Wet or dirty green food is contraindicated. The leaves must be washed and allowed to dry. It is also impossible to give whole milk (this product is replaced with cottage cheese, whey or yogurt). Whey is given instead of water, as it contains a large amount of easily digestible minerals.

It is possible to give fish to an Australian ostrich, but only its waste is used (and then pre-boiled and chopped). More convenient to use is fishmeal. Since the industry in our country is more focused on growing chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, you can use compound feed for these birds for ostriches.

Important!With a properly formulated diet, an emu at home can live up to 28 years (while in the wild, the average life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years).

You can also make your own food. Low-grade hay is crushed and poured with heated water. This mixture is left for 30-60 minutes. After this time, the water is drained and bran, salt and other additives (for example, meat and fish meal) are added. The resulting mixture is fed to the emu. Adults and juveniles feed twice a day.

Water must be freely available to these birds. It is better to drink them in the morning. Clean water is poured into the drinkers, and it is changed as it gets dirty. In the hot season, the water is changed several times a day.

Diurnal emu

Like any newborn chicks, the emu needs frequent feeding. However, their nutrition has its own stages:

  • from the first days of life to three months of age;
  • from three months of age to 6 months;
  • up to a year.
Such a conditional division is due to the need of the chicks. In the first 3-4 days of life, the chicks do not need food, as they feed on the remnants of the yolk, which is in the bag. However, they are very thirsty. For this reason, for them freely available in large numbers should be milk or water. They should be fed at least 3 times a day. For normal growth, it is enough to provide the right temperature regime, since any hypothermia of the yolk causes it to solidify, and the young individual dies of hunger.
Starting from the fifth day and up to a month, the chicks are fed with compound feed, which is rich in protein content. They also give a boiled egg, cottage cheese and chopped greens (alfalfa or clover). Closer to a month, young animals are transferred to 4 meals a day.

From one to three months, the diet of chicks should contain a minimum of fiber. For better weight gain, you can feed insects. Below is a table of recommended diets for emu chicks under 6 months of age:

Feed, g Age of chicks in months
1 2 3 4-6
Bread 20 80 200 200
Millet 15 80 100 100
Bran 20 30 50 100
shit 10 30 50 100
Eggs 10 20 20 10
Cottage cheese 10 20 20 50
Milk 30 50 50 -
Lucerne 20 30 100 200
Carrot 20 100 100 100
Beet 30 100 200 200
Onion 5 20 50 50
meat and bone meal 5 10 15 20
Fish flour 3 5 10 20
Yeast 3 5 10 10
Chalk 1 3 10 10

Unlike adults, chicks can be fed milk for up to 4 months. It's a great substitute for water. From 4 months it must be excluded. Shouldn't give corn grits because it can lead to obesity. Grazing on the alfalfa field of chicks that have not reached 4 months is not recommended. Greens must first be washed and dried. This will protect future offspring from intestinal upset.

As the chicks grow older, the emu is gradually transferred to 2 meals a day. Young individuals who are 6 months old can already be accustomed to adult food. Such a nutrition system will allow you to get the maximum increase by the year, and in 15 months they will be ready for slaughter. Emus are quite unpretentious birds in keeping. They are a source of delicious dietary meat, valuable feathers and leather. And the biggest advantage to keeping this bird at home is cheapness.

Emu ostrich in nature lives in the desert of Africa, Australia and America. This bird easily adapts to the conditions of a temperate climate and can tolerate relatively cold winters down to -20 degrees, as its plumage perfectly warms in frost. What other features does an ostrich have, read on. And the photos presented in the article will help you learn more about these representatives of the fauna.

Emu is the second largest big bird. In the first place is the Australian ostrich. Previously, Emu was called the Australian ostrich, but today there are indisputable facts that this bird belongs to the cusso.

An individual grows up to 180 cm, and can weigh about 60 kg. These birds are considered excellent runners and in short sections they can develop a decent speed - up to 50 km / h, and steps reach up to 2.5 meters in length. However, they rarely run. In addition, the Emu ostrich can swim and can swim across entire rivers, and also loves to just splash in the water. It is worth noting that birds have excellent eyesight and excellent hearing, and an emu can notice an approaching danger hundreds of meters away.


Since these birds cannot fly, their wings are, of course, unusual. They have an underdeveloped structure, like most representatives that are not able to fly. In length, the wings do not exceed 25 cm, and on their tips there is a growth in the form of a claw. Emu ostriches compensate for their inability to fly with powerful developed legs with three fingers on each, which are distinguished by the presence of very sharp claws. In battles for females, they help the bird fight, and also allow you to defend yourself from some enemies.

They are brown in color and have rather soft feathers that help hide and camouflage themselves. environment. The feather is designed in such a way that in the heat, the Emu ostrich does not suffer from high temperature, and in cold weather, plumage can warm the bird. Male and female have few differences. Their coloring, appearance and weight are almost the same. And you can distinguish them in the case when the mating season is planned and the male begins to make sounds that call the female.

Emu usually live in a group of 5-6 birds, but there are also representatives who live apart. Special attention deserves the fact that females leave the nest after they lay their eggs. The male incubates and raises the chicks on his own, while showing full responsibility and care. The nest and chicks do not leave for a minute and during this period the bird is aggressive.

Their habitat

Emus have settled on the Australian mainland, but avoid noisy and populated areas, too dry areas and densely planted forests. Wild birds can often be found on the roads of Australia, they can simply run across the road, like a normal pet. Very often, farmers see them in their fields, where they can harm crops, so these birds are often exterminated.

It is also worth noting that, having settled in the Australian territory, Emu spread further, and merciless deforestation expanded the space where these birds found suitable conditions for life and reproduction. In general, in the natural environment, they live an average of 20 years. But as a rule, many birds live only up to 10. The enemies of the ostrich are Dingo dogs, hawks and eagles. An ostrich can fight off dogs with powerful paws with claws, but you have to flee from birds of prey.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Sitting Emu Photo 2. Emu chicks Photo 3.

Previously, the emu was classified as an ostrich, but in 1980 the classification was revised, and this bird was included in the order of cassowaries.

Emu classification

There are 3 subspecies of emus found in Australia:

  • in the north there is Dromaius novaehollandiae woodwardi, pale and thin;
  • in the southeast live Dromaius novaehollandiae novaehollandiae;
  • in the southwest live Dromaius novaehollandiae rothschildi, the dark emu.

Characteristics of emu

In the photo on the left is a cassowary, and on the right is an emu

Outwardly, the emu resembles a cassowary, but unlike it, it does not have leathery outgrowths on its head, which are called a "helmet".

The weight of adults varies between 30-55 kg, height, on average, 150 cm. Emu has long legs. When the bird starts running, it can take almost three-meter steps. And the legs of these large birds are very strong. They can inflict a fatal blow to the attacked animal, this is facilitated by sharp claws on the fingers. Excellent hearing and vision allow them to feel the danger in time and quickly retreat or defend themselves.

Physiologically, emus are similar to ostriches. For example, they, like these giant birds, have no teeth. Therefore, in order to grind food, emus also swallow small pebbles and sand. But, in addition, they can swallow dangerous materials for them - pieces of metal, glass. Therefore, if you decide to buy an emu for breeding, pay special attention to this.

Like ostriches, emus can go without water for quite a long time, but if they find a source, they drink with pleasure. Moreover, emus swim well and enjoy spending time in the pond. In the latter, they also differ from ostriches, as they prefer to bathe in sand rather than in water.

Male and female emus are visually similar, making it difficult to tell them apart. This can be done when the bird gives a voice, since individuals make different sounds. Females are more vociferous, while males are quieter.

It depends on the size of the bag, which is located on the neck of the bird. The loudness of the sound is the size of the bag and, accordingly, the amount of air that passes through it.


The plumage of an emu is very interesting. It is designed in such a way that the birds do not overheat in the heat, but at the same time do not freeze on a cold windy night. Like ostriches, emus tolerate sudden changes in temperature and can feel comfortable in both heat and cold. When keeping these exotic animals in the Russian region, it should be borne in mind that they tolerate frost well down to -10 ° C. If the temperature mark drops below, the emu needs to create warmer conditions.

Feathers on the bird's neck absorb solar radiation. The neck itself is pale blue, and the sparse feathers on it are grey-brown to brown.

But, unlike ostriches, emus have 3 toes on each foot, while those have 2. The structure of the legs helps in many ways to develop high speeds. These birds have no feathers, have few bones and well-developed muscles.

Emu food

Emu birds eat plant food, but they will not refuse the animal. They love herbs, roots, fruits. In captivity, they are fed with grain crops, grass mixtures, which consist of green fodder in summer and hay in winter. Mineral components are added to the feed. In the wild, emus sometimes feast on small animals; in captivity, bone meal is introduced into the diet of these birds, chicken eggs, meat and other products of animal origin.

These large birds are quite unpretentious. They get used to new conditions better than other ostriches. In this case, the chick must be allocated at least 5 sq.m. area, and an adult bird 10-15. When walking for one individual, 20? 30 sq.m. area.

A day for 1 adult emu takes 1.5 kg of feed. Excess food is unacceptable, because excess weight animal can lead to a large increase in weight, which can adversely affect the limbs of the bird - they are bent.

In winter, green oats, sprouted grains, cranberries are introduced into the bird's diet. In summer and winter, alfalfa is on the menu. Free access to clean water is a must.

Here are the products that should be present on the menu of this bird: carrots, rye bread, bran, oats, barley, cake, meat, peas, oat groats, chicken eggs, beets, onions, potatoes, yeast, hay flour, shells, fish fat, salt, bone meal, etc.

Another difference between emus and ostriches is that they carry dark eggs, while those of ostriches are white.

But masonry is preceded by mating games. They are very interesting. The female and male stand opposite each other, lower their long necks and shake their heads near the ground itself. Previously, the male makes a nest, and after such mating games, he leads the lady of his heart to him. This happens in May - June.

Interestingly, unlike many other animals, female emus often fight with each other if they cannot share a cavalier. This is especially true for a free male without a pair - then in a fight the ladies decide which of them is worthy of starting a family with the male they like. Such fights can last up to five hours.

The clutch of the female consists of several eggs. Every day, or every two or three days, she lays an egg. On average, a female carries 11–20 eggs, the weight of which is 700–900 g. Several females lay eggs in one nest made of leaves, grass, twigs, and bark.

In the photo on the left (dark green) - emu eggs, on the right (white) - ostrich

Only the male emu is engaged in incubation of offspring. While this process lasts (about 2 months), he rarely eats, drinks little. If at the time of laying the eggs are dark green, then by the time the chicks hatch, the outer shell becomes black and purple.

The chicks hatch after 56 days and have a birth weight of 500–600 g. They quickly become active and after a few days can leave the nest, and after 5–24 hours they can follow their father. Chicks are born sighted, covered in down, have distinctive cream and brown camouflage stripes that disappear after 3 months.

The male takes care of his offspring for 7–8 months, and he brings up the brood alone, without the female.

The information below was taken from Wikipedia:
  1. Emu was an important source of meat for Aboriginal Australians in the area to which it is endemic. Emu oil was used as a medicine and rubbed into the skin. It also served as a valuable lubricant. Traditional paints for ceremonial body ornaments were made from fat mixed with alder.
  2. Emus are mainly bred for their meat, skin and oil. They have lean meat (less than 1.5% fat) and a cholesterol level of 85 mg per 100 g, so their meat can be compared to lean. Fat is used for the manufacture of cosmetics, dietary supplements and medicinal substances. The oil consists of fatty acids such as oleic (42%), linoleic and palmitic (21% each).
  3. Emu skin has a characteristic patterned surface due to raised follicles in the feather area, so it is used to make wallets, shoes (often combined with other skins). Feathers and eggs are used in arts and crafts and crafts.
Informative video about emu birds:

Ostrich Emu

Australian Emu belong to flightless birds, and are among them the largest. The height of an ostrich can vary from 1.5 to 1.8 meters, and weight - from 45 to 55 kilograms. These birds cannot fly due to the underdeveloped structure of their wing skeletons, which lack flight feathers and tail feathers. It is at the expense of them that most birds fly.

Emu has very long legs that are well developed. They have three fingers, as well as one inner finger. This finger inside is the Emu's main weapon in the fight against enemies. It is on it that there is a huge thick claw with which Emu hit rivals during a fight.

Emu ostriches are able to move on land and in water. The structure of the body helps them to swim perfectly, and strong legs - to reach speeds of up to 45 km / h on land.

Male and female Emu ostriches have an almost identical appearance, and even specialists cannot distinguish them at first glance. The height and weight of males and females are approximately the same. The differences between them become clearly visible during the mating season. First of all, you can immediately distinguish the male, who, with his piercing cries, calls the female to mate.

The mating season for Emu ostriches begins in early autumn. This strange feature is due to the fact that the homeland of Emu ostriches is the southern hemisphere, where spring just comes during this period. A feature of pairs in Emu ostriches is their fragility. After mating, the female waits until it will be possible to lay eggs, and only for this time remains with the male. After the eggs are laid, she moves away from her male and does not care for her own offspring.

All worries about incubation of eggs, as well as future care for their cubs, are borne by the male ostrich Emu. First, he incubates the eggs laid by the female for 53-66 days. Moreover, he has to endure long periods (two weeks each) when he cannot get up from the masonry. In those moments when you can get up from the nest, the ostrich does a little warm-up, I run around the masonry.

Emu ostriches eat various types plants - these can be fruits or berries that have fallen from trees, as well as leaves or seeds. Emu ostriches are very fond of eating cereals from agricultural fields, periodically spoiling the crop. They take food, for the most part, in the morning.

A distinctive feature of Emu ostriches from other types of ostriches is their reluctance to swim in the sand, they bathe in small ponds.

The emu is one of the few birds that cannot fly. They live in Australia and avoid meeting people. Scientifically, the emu and the ostrich Nanda do not rightfully have the status of this bird, and the only breed of ostriches is African.

Emu is a flightless Australian bird, weighing up to 55 kg with an average height of 170 cm. This ostrich is a representative of a huge bird species, a giant bird. Their skeleton is underdeveloped, and the plumage does not allow them to take off and flap their wings, which is why the birds are flightless.

What does an emu look like? It has some of the features of an ostrich, such as distinct earlobes and a flattened beak. The plumage on the body is quite dense, the feathers are long. The head and neck are also covered with feathers, however, here they are much shorter and darker in color.

A distinctive feature of the emu breed are powerful lower limbs. Of course, they are slightly inferior to African ostriches in this, however, one blow to an emu can lead to a bone fracture, and for small animals to a fracture of all ribs. Males and females differ little from each other, which presents certain difficulties for farmers during the mating season.

These birds are excellent runners. The speed of their movement can reach 50 or even 60 kilometers per hour due to the impending danger. And on the run they are able to consider the smallest details environment and distinguish objects located at a distance of several hundred meters. This ability allows ostriches to avoid approaching humans or dangerous animals.

Australian ostriches not only run well, but also swim. They gladly accept water procedures and easily cross the reservoirs that come across in their path.

Gallery: emu ostrich (25 photos)

emu habitat

The main residence of the emu is Australia. They are also found on the island of Tasmania. These birds fill Australia everywhere, with the exception of too dry areas. Ostriches prefer to settle in savannahs, where there are a lot of shrubs and grass. Birds often visit plantations and garden plots farmers, thereby harming the crop.

Sometimes emus gather in groups of 5, but more often they wander alone. Due to the fact that they have few enemies, birds fearlessly move separately from each other. They do not allow a person or other animal to approach them.

In captivity, an emu can live for about 25 years, in the wild - 15. He has few enemies, but this does not mean that they are not at all. Ostriches are destroyed by eagles, hawks, foxes, dingo dogs. Ostrich nests can be destroyed by wild boars that were once brought to the mainland.

What does it eat

The emu bird is omnivorous, feeding on plants, inflorescences, and root crops. He also loves small animals: mice, lizards, frogs, small birds, and swallows them whole. To improve and speed up the digestion of food, the ostrich uses small pebbles and sand. The bird prefers to eat pasture, rather than pick it from the branches.

In captivity, ostriches are fed:

  • hay;
  • freshly cut grass;
  • cereal crops.

Often added to the diet:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • meat of animals and birds;
  • chicken eggs.

Already a year later balanced nutrition young ostriches practically do not differ from adults. emu pretty can go without water for a long time, easily tolerates drought. But, being next to a clean reservoir, he will drink a little.

How it breeds

The mating season for emus is in the spring. At this time, the male seeks to attract as many females as possible and mates with everyone in turn. At this time, it is interesting to watch the mating games of birds. The male and female stand opposite each other, sink low to the ground and shake their heads. After that, they go to the place of masonry. The task of the male is to prepare a nest for the female. Usually it is a small depression in the ground.

The female lays one egg at a time, for the entire laying period - up to 10. Several females lay eggs in the same place, total eggs in the nest can reach 25. The male is engaged in incubation. Hatching time lasts from 55 to 66 days, and the ostrich spends 20 hours a day on it. He leaves for a short time and does not go far from the nest. Emu loses up to 20 kg in weight during this period.

Not all eggs hatch into chicks, because the ostrich cannot cover all the eggs with its body at the time of incubation. The father takes care of the cubs exclusively. Males protect chicks from predators, bring them food. This time lasts from 5 to 7 months. Females do not pay any attention to their offspring. Furthermore, they become aggressive towards males and quickly leave in search of a new one.

  • This ostrich from Australia is the second largest bird in the world.
  • The female does not participate in incubation of eggs and raising offspring, this is done by the male.
  • Emu eggs can reach up to 900 grams in weight and come in a variety of colors from black to dark green and blue.
  • The length of one step of an emu is 3 meters. It easily walks up to a hundred kilometers a day in search of food.
  • Can and loves to swim
  • The bird has no teeth, it swallows food whole and digests it with the help of pebbles consumed after eating.

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