The influence of color on modern man: truth or myth. The influence of blue color on humans. The influence of the color pink on humans

Our usual living environment, which is formed through design, has a huge impact on the health and psyche of all people living in the apartment. That is why it is vital that the layout, objects and colors around us are consistent with the character traits of the residents, create a healthy psychological climate and contribute to comfortable living.

IN recent years Particular attention is paid to color. Human color perception is a mysterious physiological phenomenon. We are able to perceive color only with our eyes, but it affects almost our entire body: our mood, well-being, health. Some believe that it has the ability to heal illnesses and set the tone for life. Let's look at how color affects interior design.

How does color affect a person?

It has long been known that the right choice of colors when decorating a room can work wonders. It not only decorates the interior and creates a positive mood for the people in it, but also supports a person in his endeavors.

For example, there are color combinations, which help to significantly increase productivity and make work easier, create a calm and cozy environment conducive to good conversation and relaxation.

In addition, with the help of color you can form an idea about objects, their beauty and purpose. Color allows you to focus on certain details indoors, and hide others.

There is a whole science that studies color, but it is closely related to other areas of human knowledge. It is at the intersection of psychology, physiology, physics, lighting engineering and art history that you can learn how and why color affects our bodies.

Long-term studies and observations have revealed that the colors of the short-wave part of the spectrum (blue, green, cyan) and the long-wave part of the spectrum (yellow, red, orange) affect different parts of the human nervous system. Therefore, the first group of colors began to be called cold, and the second - warm.

Warm colors affect us like coffee in the morning. They temporarily tone up nervous system, briefly increasing a person’s performance, and then bright, flashy colors begin to depress it - and the person has no resources left for active activity. These colors are great for sports facilities.

On the contrary, cool colors in the interior calm the nervous system. They help to use the body’s resources wisely and maintain performance longer. In addition, they allow you to quickly relieve tension and calm a person. These colors are great for rooms where you have to do mental work and often work at the computer.

There is a special group of colors: shades of the middle part of the spectrum (blue-blue, green-blue, yellow-green colors) and mixed soft pastel colors(green-gray, gray-blue, turquoise colors). Their effect on humans is most favorable. They have a calming, calming effect.

Psychologists and painters know that color affects a person, causing certain emotions. In addition, in different psychological states we can perceive the same color differently. In addition, historically it has developed that certain colors contain clear symbolism - state, religious, secular. Using this body of knowledge, designers select colors for the interior.

Pay attention!
Color has a tremendous impact on a person, but it is not the only color that can influence us. Any piece of furniture, any structure in a room never appears to us uniformly colored. Lighting sets the contours of an object, blurring or enhancing its outlines, and forms color shades, places emphasis. Therefore, light often plays no less important in creating psychological comfort than color. Keep this in mind when choosing what color to paint your walls!

The impact of color on the human psyche

A professional, like any artist, understands perfectly how different colors are distributed in the spectrum, interact with each other, as well as what effect colors and the shades obtained by mixing them have on a person.


Symbolizes purity, peace, chastity, solitude, serenity, concentration, perfection. This is a positive color that includes all shades of the spectrum. It is often associated with spirituality and mental health. It is believed that it cleanses and at the same time energizes, opens the vision of new possibilities and gives strength to overcome obstacles. But an excess of this color creates a feeling of superiority or, on the contrary, strengthens the inferiority complex. Recommended to use white only in combination with other shades. It is an excellent backdrop for various accents and allows you to expand the room.


It is considered the most mysterious color of the spectrum because it easily absorbs light and hides what it carries. Therefore, it is often associated with curiosity, mystery and knowledge. Its symbolism is ending, silence and peace. It gives hope for change, but can increase depression and despondency, and instill weakness and cruelty. This is a very rich, meaningful color that can motivate, push to create and reveal strong qualities. In some circumstances, it stands out as graceful and sexy. This is a business, serious color. It is not recommended to be used in interiors in its pure form. But it is perfect for contrasting highlighting. In addition, black allows you to visually reduce and remove the object.


Associated with fire, heat, dynamic life, activity, will and energy. In extreme states, it symbolizes anger, passion, aggression. It is believed that red not only excites the nervous system and increases the release of adrenaline, but also has a positive effect on blood circulation and stimulates sexual desire. This bright and rich color is well suited for melancholic and insecure people, but for extroverts and choleric people it can be excessive, developing in them intolerance, stubbornness and cruelty. It is recommended to use it in rooms where movement and activity are necessary: ​​in gyms, stairwells and hallways.


It's pleasant warmth and soft light rising sun, and also flowing lava. Therefore, this color pleases the eye, improves mood and keeps you in good shape. In many ways it is similar to red, but its impact is softer. It also strengthens the will, enhances sexuality and stimulates appetite. Orange goes especially well with cool colors, enhancing them positive characteristics and clearing away heaviness. In general, it is able to bring joyful revitalization to almost any interior.


Primarily associated with the sun and warmth. It also represents freedom, intelligence, knowledge, intuition and intelligence. This color helps to concentrate attention and fight difficulties, speeds up the process of analyzing facts and making decisions. Yellow frees thoughts from negativity and improves self-esteem, gives self-confidence. If there is an overabundance of yellow details, you can become very tired - this color becomes intrusive.

Green shades

Associated with nature, life and harmony. But green color not only unites us with nature, but also helps people get closer to each other. It relaxes and calms. In fact, this color does not emit energy, but rather generates and accumulates it for future endeavors. It is the color of relaxation, stability and prosperity. But with its excess, boredom and drowsiness appear. allows you to neutralize the influence of other colors.


This is the sky, wind, ice and cold. Traditionally it is associated with sincerity and purity. This color is strongly associated with intelligence and speech. It allows you to detach yourself from the world, focus on your thoughts, or simply contemplate what is happening. In addition, it improves communication, overcomes shyness and fear public speaking. Too much blue leads to disagreement and manipulation.


Embodies constancy, rigor, devotion, seriousness. This is the color of order and systematization, integrity and ideals. It is like the depths of the sea, which intoxicates, beckons, and invites you to search for truth. But this is not the color of singles. On the contrary, it symbolizes camaraderie, belonging to the whole, unification. Like any cool shade, it allows you to visually enlarge the room: make it taller and more spacious.


The most majestic. It symbolizes wisdom, nobility, creativity, inspiration and law. This is the most sensual color that hides great excitement - the joy of creative self-realization. Researchers believe that purple allows you to concentrate and think productively. This color unites body and spirit, material and spiritual needs.

Please note that the above descriptions only apply to pure colors. Shades of these colors can have other effects on a person, including the exact opposite.

Interesting to know!
Often, color is chosen to regulate a person’s temperament and character. If a choleric person lives in an apartment, there is no point in painting it in bright, invigorating shades. But a melancholic person will benefit from warm colors.

What colors are suitable for the room?

The choice of color for your interiors is determined by your taste, temperament and the task facing the designer. And yet there are some regularities that are almost always observed.

  • For the external premises of the apartment, which are located closer to front door, bright colors or contrasting combinations of warm and cold tones are better suited.
  • For the living room it is also better to use revitalizing and invigorating shades.
  • What color to choose for the bedroom? Of course, he must pacify. Therefore, rooms for sleeping and relaxation are painted in pastel and cold colors. Sometimes you can liven up the palette with bright details, but don't overdo it!
  • Calm shades are also suitable for the toilet and bathroom.
  • The color of the kitchen walls should stimulate the appetite and encourage good conversation. Therefore, moderately bright colors will fit perfectly here: orange, yellow, brown and green.

And finally...

If you are going to choose the colors for your interior yourself, download a color wheel on the Internet that will allow you to combine colors in pairs in accordance with the rules of artistic harmony.

Max Luscher, a psychologist and the author of a unique color test, said: “Colors influence us, and this influence deeply affects our mental and physical state - whether we want it or not.” Color is necessary for any person, as it nourishes the soul and affects the body. Together with music therapy, it leads to the healing of even the most serious diseases of the body and changes in mood. Color is associated with the state of mind and mental processes. Color is important for artists and designers, for doctors and psychologists, for builders and scientists, for advertising creators and politicians, for teachers and sellers - absolutely for everyone! And if color heals us and influences our mood so much, then why don’t we take it as an ally and listen to the advice of this miracle doctor?

Red- blood color - has the most active effect on the hematopoietic system human body. It is associated with the formation of red blood cells, increases the content of adrenaline in the blood, and normalizes heat exchange. After exposure to this color, breathing rate increases, blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, and blood circulation is stimulated. This color heals the skin very well and promotes wound healing.

Red increases efficiency and energetically stimulates the body. It is especially recommended for slow and sluggish people. A room painted red feels 3-4°C warmer than an orange room.

Flaw The color red in a person’s life can lead to nervous, mental or physical exhaustion, cause depression and self-doubt. But don't overdo it! After all, everything is good in moderation. Oversupply red color around a person can lead to stagnation and cause inflammatory processes in the body. At the subconscious level, its excess causes aggressiveness and thirst for profit in a person.

Yellow It stimulates mental activity very well and helps the development of intelligence. It promotes self-development and stress relief. In addition, it improves mood, increases immunity, cheerfulness, and fights congestion and atrophy. Yellow-orange promotes creative thinking and uplifting mood. Indoors, the transition from yellow to blue calms the nervous system. In addition, yellow color visually expands the room. For work and creating a business atmosphere, the yellow-green color and its various shades are most suitable. Its small doses increase the efficiency of mental work and stimulate brain activity. At work, moderate doses of this color help to achieve success in negotiations, as they are subconsciously perceived as a desire for compromise solutions.

Excess“doses” of yellow color can lead to stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract, generate greed, dissatisfaction, and too high demands. Flaw Yellow color can cause self-constraint, leading to fatigue, as well as envy.

Orange affects the health of many organs human body. Thus, it affects the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, stimulates the immune system and the thyroid gland, and helps in the treatment of any congestive processes. In addition, this cheerful color recharges the body with energy, helps with diseases of the lymphatic and reproductive systems, and stimulates sexuality. Orange color is also used in the treatment of kidney diseases, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, erysipelas, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Indoors orange color the temperature seems 3-4 °C warmer than in blue-green rooms. Orange and orange-red tones are most preferred during meals, as they increase appetite and stimulate digestion. But remember that excess this color causes uncontrolled sexual activity, and its flaw leads to chronic diseases, lethargy and inertia.

Blue is a calming color that sobers the mind and body. In color therapy, this color is used to treat liver diseases and increase the tone of a weakened body.

Blue color enhances certain feelings: trust, devotion, love for people around you, a tendency to self-sacrifice. In addition, blue color helps to better assimilate information. For this purpose, it is recommended to paint child labor rooms blue. It also helps to establish friendly relationships, which is useful for successful negotiations.

Excess blue color leads to blockage of blood vessels, dyskinesia of the bile ducts, as well as diseases of the urinary ducts. Flaw leads to nervous tension, high self-criticism, bad mood and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Blue - calming. It distracts attention, lowers blood pressure, slows down breathing and heart rate, restores the nervous system and brain structures, and cools. It has been noticed that the temperature in a blue (blue-green) room seems 6-8 °C lower than in a red one. When a person gets sick, overtired or overexcited, his need for blue increases.

Oversupply blue color has a bad effect on performance, so managers should take this aspect into account when carrying out renovations in offices. On flaw blue color causes increased tension, anxiety, fussiness, restlessness, as well as fear when communicating with people and fear of relaxing.

Green heals damaged cells in the body, activating their regeneration. "The Color of Hope" is filming headache, irritability, fatigue, stimulates the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, the pituitary gland, and also reduces blood pressure. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, pacifies, makes emotions lighter and the mood cheerful.

Excess green color can contribute to the formation of gallstones, blockage or dyskinesia of the bile ducts due to the thickening and concentration of bile in them. At the subconscious level, an excess of green, like red, awakens a thirst for profit in any person. Flaw Green color reduces performance, promotes nervous exhaustion, loss of faith in one’s abilities, and the emergence of constant doubts.

Pink helps in the treatment of bone tissue damaged by fractures. It relieves mental fatigue and tension, heals chronic fatigue syndrome. It is recommended to use it in welding shops.

An interesting case was noted: in American prisons, overly violent prisoners were transferred to cells that were painted pale pink. After some time, the muscle activity of the prisoners decreased, and their mood changed - they became more peaceful.

In addition, the color pink helps in the treatment of mental illnesses (primarily children's) caused by a lack of love. And one more interesting observation: people walk on a floor painted pink with caution. So draw your conclusions.

Purple It cleanses the body very well of negative energies and toxins. It helps to feel lightness in the body and makes a person’s worldview clear. In addition, purple color heals bone marrow, improves lung and heart function, and helps increase the body's endurance.

Abuse purple may cause severe fatigue. So if you’ve been really wanting to buy something purple lately, it means it’s time for you to go on vacation - your body demands it.

White- the color of freedom - used in the treatment of pain of different nature and in treating the body at a subtle level. This color nourishes energetically, fills the soul of every person with peace and tranquility. But, again, you should not abuse it. Too much white, like too luminescent white, has an irritating effect on the nervous system.

Gray and silver colors They destroy viruses well, stimulate the circulatory system and hematopoietic organs. But avoid solid gray in rooms and offices. It has been noticed that people do not stay in such places for long, only in case of emergency.

Black It is quite heavy and is used in treatment mainly to restore the skeletal system after serious illnesses and injuries. It fills with inner silence, increases ambition and pride.


People have long noticed that a certain color affects a person in its own way. Color therapy began to be used in the treatment of various diseases and to control the mood of others. We don’t think about it, but our successes and failures, both in business and in personal relationships, depend on what color surrounds us. Let's consider what relationship exists between color and the psychophysical mood of a person. Certain colors affect all people the same. But each person is individual, so there are favorite and unfavorite colors. The fact that our aura is multi-colored, and that energy is intertwined in us and around us, has long been proven by scientists. If there are problems with a certain energy zone, this means that in order to recover, a person needs to work with exactly the color that is damaged.

Color in your bedroom.

It is very important to pay attention to what color predominates in your bedroom. It depends on how you can relax, restore your strength, and what kind of relationships will develop in the family. From negative influence color, a person can even get sick or, conversely, be cured. Purple walls in the bedroom will irritate you and your partner on a subconscious level. Researchers believe that this color will provoke quarrels and scandals. Dark brown wallpaper in the bedroom they have the same property. The predominance of red color will not allow you to fully relax. The state of depression and nervous excitement will not allow you to relax. You will quickly get tired and nervous. The optimal colors for the bedroom are cream (relieves excitement and tension), dark blue (calms) and green (increases harmony in relationships and reconciles partners). You can use interior items of other colors (red, yellow, black) in your design. Depending on what effect you expect, place different little things, indoor flowers and furniture of different colors in your bedroom.
If you want your children to behave calmly, cover the walls of the children's room pink wallpaper. Yellow-orange color in the kitchen or living room has positive influence to any person's appetite.

Color and human health.

The colors that encourage action, stimulate and excite are red, orange and yellow. Blue and purple - relax and calm. The colors that balance and distract from excitement are yellow, brown, white, gray, black, yellow-green, olive and green.
Blue Phlegmatic people prefer color. It relaxes, gives a feeling of reliability, order, composure, calm, and peace. Its physiological effect on humans: relieves emotional overexcitation, neuralgic pain. With the help of this color you can get rid of bad energy, toxins and waste, feelings of powerlessness, nightmares and painful memories.
Blue color helps get rid of insomnia, reduces agitation, and calms. It is used to treat high blood pressure and stop bleeding. Blue color relieves inflammation and acts as a pain reliever. It is used in the treatment of sleep disorders and for good rest.
Yellow color increases a person’s performance, improves his mood and stimulates brain activity. This is the favorite color of frivolous dreamers and optimists, which will provide you with hope for the best, cheerfulness and relieve you of bad thoughts. Physiologically, yellow color is responsible for digestion and lymph exchange. It has a beneficial effect on humans in the treatment of the nervous system and the prevention of arthritis. Using yellow color, you can achieve increased attentiveness and calmness.

Violet color is responsible for human creative energy. It is used in the treatment of psychophysical stress, restoration of mental strength, and stabilization of a shaken psyche. If a person acutely feels his loneliness, then purple becomes his favorite color at this stage of life.
Green the color will relieve headaches, blood and eye pressure, and improve vision. It has a positive effect on sleep and calms nervous disorders. Green color is also used in the treatment of heart pain, to get rid of bad memories, feelings of anxiety. He good antiseptic. With frequent use, you will achieve love and harmony, relieve tension and nervousness. Green is defined as the color of renewal and liberation.
Orange color brings love and tranquility, enthusiasm and joy, warmth and comfort to a person. It is able to strengthen and cleanse the human biofield. Orange color is used in the treatment of various fears, pessimism and neuroses, rheumatism and spasms, asthma. It has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, the circulatory system, increases appetite and rejuvenates the body as a whole.
Red color preferred by people leading active image life. This is the color of power and strength. It increases blood pressure and increases heart rate. When there is a lot of red, it can cause aggression and depression. Try to use it in reasonable quantities and selectively. For example, wear a red sports uniform.
White and gray colors will help you relieve tension, and black is used to increase attention and better concentration. Olive brings calm and gentleness to a person, brown brings calm.


When using color therapy, it is very important to believe in yourself and your strengths, and think positively. Knowing the properties of flowers, you can improve your health, improve relationships and improve your life. The use of color therapy is effective in combination with musical compositions. Then the positive effect on the body increases several times.
In everyday life, we can use color therapy in our clothing, in choosing the color of beds and curtains in rooms, in arranging decorative figures and stained glass windows made of multi-colored glass.
A relaxing bath is very beneficial for healthy and sound sleep. Using salts of different colors, we will only enhance the positive effects of this procedure on our body. In this way, you can attract good luck, someone’s attention, financial success and success in business negotiations. Feel free to use color therapy in your life to change it for the better and control your luck.

Have you ever wanted to take a set of gouache, go outside and paint the gray and white landscape outside your window? Or cover the office walls orange wallpaper? If you answered yes, this means that your body is signaling a lack of some color in your life. Scientists have proven that some colors can not only affect our mood, but also have a therapeutic effect on the human body! Now let's look at everything in more detail.

Let there be color!

Color therapy (chromotherapy) originated in ancient times and was especially widely used to treat certain diseases in Egypt, China, India, and Persia. Since artificial light sources did not exist then, doctors placed colored glass or fabrics dyed in the desired colors in the path of the sun's rays. Egyptian temples even had special rooms designed so that those entering them sun rays refracted into one color or another in the spectrum. The patients seemed to bathe in healing streams of rays - and felt better.

European scientists became interested in the healing effect of various flowers only in the 19th century and first used chromotherapy to treat neuropsychiatric disorders. Later it was proven that each of the colors of the spectrum has a certain effect on the human body.


Affects the heart, blood, liver, kidneys, rectum.

Effect on the body:

  • improves blood circulation,
  • helps to increase blood pressure and hemoglobin growth,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • regulates the activity of the liver and kidneys,
  • restores the disturbed menstrual cycle, increases libido,
  • Gives energy, stimulates activity.

People who eat a lot of red foods (berries, beets, red peppers, tomatoes, red apples) are active, mobile and physically resilient.

Red is not recommended for high blood pressure, inflammatory processes, rapid heartbeat, elevated temperature. It should not be abused by easily excitable people, as well as children and adolescents. Excess red can cause nervous tension and aggression even in a completely healthy person.

To make it easier to concentrate, hang a painting in red tones in your workplace.


Affects the nervous and lymphatic systems, brain, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum.

Effect on the body:

  • improves digestion and brain function,
  • recommended for people with increased acidity gastric juice
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gallbladder,
  • improves mood,
  • clears the mind
  • brings you out of a state of melancholy.

“Sunny” foods (pears, pineapples, honey) have a cleansing effect.


Affects blood vessels, lungs, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • stimulates blood circulation,
  • regulates metabolism,
  • helps restore nerve and muscle tissue,
  • has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract and skin condition.

In addition, it helps to relax, gives a positive attitude and saves you from the blues. It is especially useful for older people to surround themselves with orange-colored things.

Orange-colored food will make you invulnerable to viral infections, give you vigor and good mood.


Affects the eyes, nervous system, bronchi, and hormonal system.

Effect on the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision,
  • useful for hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems,
  • relieves bronchospasm,
  • helps with headaches and dizziness.

Green foods (apples, cucumbers, cabbage) cleanse and rejuvenate the body, removing toxins from it.

If you need to make a choice and you are hesitating, close your eyes and for a moment imagine yourself in a green garden. To give your eyes a rest, look at a picture of a green landscape for 1-2 minutes.


Affects the lungs, nervous system and thyroid gland.

This color should not be overused, as it affects the endocrine system and affects the production of hormones.

Effect on the body:

  • helps with lung diseases,
  • helps with intestinal and stomach disorders, toothache,
  • suppresses addiction to cigarettes and alcohol

equalizes the psycho-emotional state,

Calms and even slightly depresses emotions.

Blue color promotes calm deep sleep. It is best to use it in the bedroom, just be sure to dilute it with light shades - blue or white.

How to use color therapy in practice?

  1. Eat foods, wear clothes and jewelry made of stones of the color that you need now. Add details of certain tones to the interior.
  2. Take a sheet of paper (20x40 cm) desired color and fix it at eye level. Sit a meter away from him and watch for 10-15 minutes.
  3. “Charge” the water you drink with color: pour it into colored bottles and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  4. You can use colored bath salts.
  5. Buy lamps in different colors. Screw the lamp you need into at the moment into the lamp, turn it on and be exposed to color for 2-3 hours (other lighting sources should be turned off during this period).
  6. Use your imagination: sit, relax, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a room painted in the color you need for treatment (or imagine objects of the desired color and mentally look at them). The duration of treatment is 10-20 minutes.

No matter how amazing color therapy is, it is important to understand that it is not a panacea, but an adjunct to treatment. First of all, you need to consult a specialist doctor; the information in the article is provided for informational purposes only.

Department of Education of the Administration of Stary Oskol City District Municipal educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 12 with in-depth study of individual subjects"

« The influence of color on human health.

Color therapy»


Kokoeva Diana 10 "B"

Krylova Ekaterina 10 "B"


Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Soschch No. 12"

Stary Oskol

Project passport

Project name

“The influence of color on human health.

Color therapy"

Regulatory - legal

Resolution of the head of the administration of the Belgorod region “On approval of the Regulations on the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Belgorod Region”

Scope of design


Project customer

Department of Education of the Administration of Stary Oskol City District of the Belgorod Region

Project developers

Kokoeva Diana 10 "B", Krylova Ekaterina 10 "B"

Supervisor: ,

Biology teacher at Municipal Educational Institution "Soschch No. 12 with UIOP"

Project implementation timeframe

academic year

Project goal

study the influence of color as a factor affecting mental performance schoolchildren, on a person’s character, in the interior, on a person

Project objectives

Green treats headaches, has a beneficial effect on organs located in the chest.

As you can see, the effect of flowers on a person is a whole science that can be used to cure a person and give him new life. And if you comprehend this science, you will undoubtedly be cured of many ailments and solve many of your problems, and most importantly - without side effects!

Each organ is the source of color, and by the absence or insufficiency of one or another color one can judge which organ is sick and in what condition it is. And since each organ emits its own color, the sick organ should be nourished with this color. The seven primary colors of the rainbow are associated with the tissues of the body and soul. The actions of these seven colors can help restore a person's health. If gelatin paper, painted in any of seven colors, is wrapped around a container of water (jar, bottle, jug) and placed in the sun for 4 hours, the water will absorb color vibrations. If you drink this water, the effect on the body will be beneficial. Research by scientists has shown that the rays of the sun, passing through glasses painted in various colors, are of great benefit in the treatment of skin and other diseases.

How to determine what color a person needs first?

Sensitive people react very much to color - be it the room where they receive a client, or the healer’s clothing. And the color of the candles will determine how quickly the client can recover and feel comfortable. session.

Since color has a therapeutic value, it must be taken into account that the same color on different people will act differently. The simplest diagnostic method- this is to invite a person to choose, for example, from several candles. He will always choose correctly. And during sessions, it is advisable to monitor the patient’s condition and comfort level.

Avicenna advised wearing red clothes during times of blues and illness. Red color expels melancholy and negative emotions, stimulates the functioning of organs and muscles. The color of blood is a signal of the need to mobilize one’s strength for action. To cheer up, sometimes it is enough to lay a red tablecloth and napkins on the table, put a red cup, dish, or vase of flowers. Charge the water by covering the vessels with water with a napkin or red film.

When our grandmothers had erysipelas, they covered the sore spot with a red cloth and chalk. If a child fell ill with measles, they curtained the windows with red cloth; in case of inflammation of the appendages, painful menstruation, they advised to wear red panties; in case of cough, they wore red T-shirts and blouses. A red woolen thread tied around a bruise has long been used to relieve pain and speed up recovery. Is it a coincidence? - No! It stimulates blood circulation, speeds up blood flow, and stimulates liver function if irradiated in the appropriate area.

Orange is associated with the color of spiritual joy, is responsible for the functioning of the lungs, stimulates their activity, is useful for tuberculosis and emphysema, has an effect on all pathologies associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland, and is beneficial in the treatment of fractures and osteoporosis. This color encourages unprecedented generosity, strengthens the will, improves metabolism, increases blood circulation, sharpens appetite and gives a feeling of joy, restores balance, gives strength in grief, helps maintain courage and the ability to openly express one’s feelings in communication. Healthy orange foods include carrots, oranges, and apricots. Harmful orange foods are the meat of some fish.

Pink. A pediatric clinic in France introduced pink underwear for children, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of people recovering. This color does not allow femininity and tenderness to dry out, protects the romantic nature from the rudeness of the outside world, and allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Yellow - this is the color of health, gives vital energy, helps with melancholy, promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and can be used for any pathology of the nervous system: paralysis, Parkinson's disease. Yellow color stimulates the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, enhances the activity of the pancreas and intestines, and improves immunity. It protects the warmth and goodwill of the home, saves from depression, promotes intellectual activity, and unites the family with a common emotional mood.

Lemon color influences chronic pathologies. Helps cleanse the respiratory tract. Affects the formation of bones and teeth, stimulates the function of the brain and thymus gland, which is important for maintaining immunity and growth. It affects the speed of muscle contraction and energy distribution.

Blue relieves pain during muscle spasms, i.e. has an antispastic effect. It also stimulates the stomach, secreting protective mucus. Helps in case of constipation, relieves gases. Helps maintain unshakable order in the house, cleanses the space of the house and gives it strength, firmness and fearlessness, helps with pain, both physical and mental, smoothes out unpleasant memories, helps to understand the true essence of events and phenomena in life. Stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and activates the production of phagocytes. Treats ulcers, granulomas. Being an analgesic, it can be used in anesthesia, but long-term exposure can disrupt the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, leading to bone decalcification and cramps. In this case, it should be replaced with orange.

Blue helps with itching, irritation, increases sweating, lowers temperature, stimulates the brain gland (epiphysis), which secretes the hormone melatonin. The production of the latter increases at night (which is why you want to sleep), and decreases with the first rays of the sun. If you are depressed, feel depressed, get up at dawn, and Bad mood will pass. This color calms, pacifies, softens rude behavior, develops compassion, and promotes intellectual pursuits.

Green normalizes homeostasis, stimulates the pituitary gland, which plays main role in the functioning of the endocrine system. Gives self-confidence and improves heart function. Helps dispel negative emotions, gives peace, helps with shock and has a hypnotic effect, has a beneficial effect on migraines, glaucoma, hypertension, hysteria and insomnia. It can be used to treat dystrophy and myasthenia gravis (severe muscle fatigue). Has a bactericidal, disinfectant, antiseptic effect. This color supports emotional openness and joy of life, calms the nervous system, and helps protect inner freedom from outside attacks.