Flowering perennial shrubs: photos with names. Ornamental shrubs Flowers and shrubs

With the arrival of autumn, the bright colors of summer fade. An ornamental shrub with blue flowers called karyopteris will help correct the situation. At a time when most summer shrubs have already finished flowering, it is just blooming and pleasing to the eye.

Karyopteris: description and types

The karyopteris shrub has the following description: the plant is hemispherical, compact in shape. The top of the hemisphere is covered with small flowers of white, blue, light blue or violet, and the bottom is bordered by carved leaves of silver-green color.

The flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences, which, in turn, form paniculate inflorescences.

The height of the bush varies from one to one and a half meters. Stems are erect and even. The leaves of the plant are jagged on the sides, lanceolate, and have a heady, spicy-pine scent. The plant was brought to our region from Northern China, Mongolia, and Central America. Natural habitat - mountain slopes, rocks.

Did you know? For the characteristics of its flowering, people called Karyopteris blue mist, blue beard, and nutwing.

Nutwing blooms from August to October. There are 15 species of Karyopteris. The greatest demand among flower growers is Karyopteris clandonensis and gray-haired.

Karyopteris grey. The semi-shrub plant lives in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Nutwing has woody, slightly pubescent shoots. The height of the plant does not exceed 1.2 m. The leaves are narrow, oblong, yellow-green in color. The flowers are small. The stems and leaves of the bush have a pleasant citrus scent. Blue mist blooms in July.

Karyopteris clandonensis. Due to its variegated colors, the Kladonian nutwing is also called variegated. Karyopteris variegated was developed as a result of hybridization of hoary and Mongolian karyopteris.

The leaves of hybrid varieties of this plant species are oval, covered with villi, and can be either one or two colors (yellow-green, green-brown, light green with stripes along the edges). The color of the tubular flowers is violet-blue. The height of the plants does not exceed one meter. A winter-hardy plant native to Northern China.

Forrest's Karyopteris. This is a flowering subshrub with white-green or light blue flowers. The leaves are grey-green, oblong, oval, covered with villi.

Karyopteris sticky. A plant reaching a height of one and a half meters. The leaves are oblong, narrow, shiny, sticky. Small flowers of lilac-blue color. Small shoots, buds and ovaries are covered with villi. Sticky karyopteris blooms in early September.

Karyopteris Tangut. An erect plant up to two meters high. The pubescent shoots of the bush are gray in color. Leaves are oval shaped. Blue-purple flowers form a spike-shaped, dense inflorescence.

Karyopteris mongolian. A semi-shrub plant with a height of 30 to 150 cm. The shoots are erect, brown in color, covered with villi. The leaves are oblong, oval. The bush blooms from August to October. The flowers are blue-lilac.

Important! The shrub is classified as an express perennial. The plant blooms in the year of sowing.

Where to plant karyopteris

Everyone knows that the right place for planting a plant is the key to success in its further cultivation. Nutwing was no exception to the rule. Features of growing karyopteris, namely planting and care, are outlined below and a photo is presented.

Lighting for blue-eyed shrubs

Karyopteris must be planted in an open, well-lit area. The area should not be blown; it is better that it be protected from drafts. Shrubs planted in the shade do not develop well, leaves and buds turn pale, losing their decorative appearance. Karyopteris with yellow leaves looks more attractive in intense sunlight.

What kind of soil does Karyopteris like?

The karyopteris flower prefers to grow in well-drained soil mixed with sand. High acidity and stagnation of moisture in the soil are unacceptable for the plant. The plant easily tolerates large amounts of lime in the soil. Shrubs cannot be planted in sandy soils.

Rules for planting karyopteris

In order for shrubs with blue flowers to grow in your yard, bringing pleasure with bright, saturated colors and abundant flowering, you must adhere to some rules. The rules are quite simple, but their implementation will already half ensure your survival and successful development of the nutwing.

How to choose seedlings for planting

Karyopteris is usually grown from seedlings or seeds.

Choosing a seedling, carefully inspect it for rot on the stems and holes in the foliage. If there is even the slightest sign of damage, you should refrain from purchasing a seedling.

It is also undesirable to buy flowering seedlings; they may not take root. A healthy seedling has a powerful trunk and is well covered with green leaves. Yellow leaves are a sign of a weak seedling.

Did you know? Karyopteris is used as a honey plant.

Landing dates

If you decide to grow nutcracker from seeds, then to harden them at low temperatures, it is better to sow the seeds in late autumn or early spring. It is best to plant purchased seedlings in open ground in mid-April. If the shrub was purchased in the fall, it is better to plant it in a pot for the winter and take it to the basement or cellar for storage.

Technology for planting karyopteris in the garden

Karyopteris requires that planting and care be carried out as should be done in relation to fastidious shrubs. Planting is best done in groups.

The depth of the planting hole should be 5-10 cm greater than the height of the earthen root ball. The width of the pit is made three times the width of the clod. The planting hole must be drained, since the root system of the nutcracker rots when moisture stagnates. Humus and sand are used as drainage.

If the seedling was purchased in a container, it must be carefully removed. The root system is carefully straightened and the seedling is placed in the hole. The earthen ball should be at the same level as the soil level. Sprinkle with soil and irrigate the seedling.

Features of growing karyopteris

Like any flowering plant, karyopteris requires full care. Timely watering, fertilizing, pruning and reliable shelter for the winter are all that an express perennial needs.

Important! Nutwing flowers can withstand temperatures as low as -3 ºC.

Watering Karyopteris

Karyopteris is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need frequent watering. Watering the bushes is carried out when the soil is sufficiently dry. Irrigation should be moderate, without stagnation of moisture.

Fertilizer and feeding

The plant is fed at the beginning of the growing season with complex mineral fertilizers. During the growth of the bush, it is watered in small quantities with solutions of organic fertilizers. Karyopteris, which is grown in fertile soil, does not need fertilizer.

Pruning Karyopteris

Karyopteris bushes grown in the country, just like those grown at home, require regular pruning.

Since color forms only on newly formed stems, the main pruning is done in early spring.

The bushes are cut no higher than twenty centimeters from the ground level, giving them a spherical appearance.

Frozen and weak shoots are pruned more, even at ground level. This method of annual pruning makes it possible to maintain a certain type of shrub. Autumn pruning of the plant involves removing faded panicles. Once every few years, the nutcracker is rejuvenated by cutting it at a level of at least five centimeters above ground level.

Features of caring for karyopteris in winter

If complete moisture replenishment is ensured during the season, karyopteris will not freeze in winter. In order for the shrub to survive the winter without damage, it must be covered. The soil around the bush is covered with straw or sawdust, and the bush itself is wrapped in paper or burlap.

When grown in harsh winter conditions, the plant is cut off for the winter and replanted in a pot or container.

The transplanted plant is moved to a room with a temperature of no more than +10 ºC.

Once a month, water the plant with a small amount of water.

Decorative flowering shrubs are an excellent option for decorating any garden plot. With their help, you can create a unique atmosphere of comfort in your backyard, decorate your garden, create a hedge or partial shade in a gazebo. The main thing is to make the right choice and plant ornamental shrubs in your garden that will fit into the landscape design of the site and that will not be a burden to care for. Plants planted with different flowering periods will decorate the garden with their flowers all spring, summer and autumn.

Ornamental shrubs blooming in spring

It is very pleasant in the spring to plant vegetable crops in your garden among ornamental shrubs, which at this time are already blooming beautifully and abundantly.


One of the first to decorate the garden is the elegant and surprisingly unpretentious spirea. This lushly flowering shrub will delight you with its pink flowers. Features of spirea include:

  • long and lush flowering;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • rapid growth;
  • undemanding to soil.

Shrubs can be planted both in sunny areas and in partial shade. Spiraea is perfect for creating hedges or shrub compositions. Its dwarf varieties can be planted along the border or in rockeries.


In early spring, an amazing plant, forsythia, begins to bloom profusely. Sunny yellow flowers first appear on its branches, and only after flowering do leaves appear. Features of cultivation:

  • the shrub should be planted in sunny areas with light, fertile soil;
  • the plant does not tolerate waterlogging;
  • Forsythia is heat-loving, so in the winter it is mulched and the shoots are bent to the ground.

The shrub looks good both in single and group plantings.


No garden can be imagined without lilac bushes. This tall perennial blooms with lilac-lilac, soft lilac or white flowers that emit an unusual aroma. The plant has many varieties and hybrids, is frost-resistant and unpretentious in care.

Features of cultivation:

  • it is necessary to plant in well-lit areas;
  • Lilac is undemanding to soil fertility, but does not like wetlands;
  • every spring it is recommended to cut out damaged, thickening, dry and too old shoots;
  • Timely pruning of wilted inflorescences will promote more luxuriant flowering.

When planting lilacs, you need to make sure that the area is spacious. The grown bush should not be crowded, because most varieties of this plant are spreading and tall.


Japanese quince or northern lemon is an ornamental shrub with edible fruits. It blooms beautifully at the end of May, grows up to 1 meter and is easy to trim.

Features of care:

  • for lush flowering, it is recommended to loosen and fertilize the soil around the bush;
  • every spring it is necessary to carry out a sanitary trimming of the plant;
  • ten-year-old bushes require rejuvenation, for which they are thinned out, leaving only about a dozen of the strongest branches.

The figure formation of Japanese quince can only begin from the age of five. In this case, under no circumstances should the horizontal shoots forming the “cap” be cut off.

Shrubs that bloom all summer: names, photos

The end of May and June are distinguished by a huge number of flowering plants. And, although there is a lot of color in the garden at this time, ornamental shrubs are irreplaceable.

Rose hip

Everyone has probably heard about the benefits of this plant. That is why rose hips are very popular among gardeners and are found on almost every summer cottage. Depending on the species, the plant has different “appearance” and properties. Some varieties of rose hips are strewn with double, rose-like flowers, others with vitamin fruits or beautiful leaves. These low-maintenance shrubs can be planted in sun or partial shade, trimmed and used as a hedge.


This one of the most beloved, and at the same time quite difficult to care for, shrubs can decorate the garden with its lush blooms all summer long. Rhododendron has three types:

  1. Evergreen.
  2. Semi-evergreen (wintering).
  3. Litopadny (falling).

For central Russia, it is best to choose deciduous shrubs that will grow up to 3 meters.

Features of care for biennial plants:

  • careful fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • regular fertilizing with organic acid;
  • watering with sun-heated rainwater;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with peat;
  • regular weed removal;
  • shelter for the winter.

In order for the rhododendron to bloom all summer, it must be properly cared for and on time. remove dried inflorescences.

Cinquefoil or Kuril tea

The shrub plant blooms profusely with bright flowers all summer. Growing up to 1.5 meters, cinquefoil is photophilous, frost-resistant and undemanding to soil fertility. However, before planting it, it is necessary to provide drainage. Every spring the plant requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and pruning shoots by a third of their length. During the summer, care is reduced to removing dried inflorescences and weak shoots.

You can plant cinquefoil against the backdrop of conifers, in rock gardens, along paths or fences, on lawns or flower beds.

Mock orange or jasmine

One of the most common, frost-resistant shrubs that bloom almost all summer, which is suitable for gardens in Central Russia. The plant has a large number of varieties, which differ in the shades of the leaves, the size of the flowers and the height of the bush. Most shrubs grow up to 1.5-2 meters in height and bloom in June and July.

The most popular among gardeners are:

  • Jasmine "Blizzard", which blooms for up to twenty days with small white flowers and grows up to two meters in height;
  • compact mock orange "Pearl", the maximum height of which is about 1.5 meters, and the flowers are large and double.

Jasmine care consists of monthly fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or humus, removing inward or damaged shoots and pruning branches that are more than two years old.


People call skumpia “smoking bush” and “wig tree”. This is due to the fact that the flowers of the plant are very similar to puffs of smoke or cobwebs. This is a fairly large shrub that can grow up to 12 meters. Therefore, it should be planted in areas where it will not shade other ornamental plants.

Mackerel blooms until frost with small flowers collected in large inflorescences, which in the fall become a rich, bright shade. The shrub is very unpretentious and can grow on any soil. The plant loves the sun and not afraid of frost. Mackerel propagates by cuttings or seeds.

The root system of the “smoking bush” grows up to one and a half meters, which makes it possible to use it to create natural boundaries of a summer cottage or strengthen ravines.


Deutia blooms with small white and pink flowers almost all summer. It grows up to 2 meters in height and is very easy to care for. The shrub loves fertile soil, watering, loosening and pruning of old shoots. It does not tolerate frost, so for the winter it should be hilled up and covered with leaves. Otherwise, the plant may freeze completely. It is recommended to plant deutia in areas protected from the wind and scorching sun.

Photos and names of shrubs that bloom in autumn

Most ornamental plants bloom in the summer, but there are also those that delight gardeners with their flowers in the fall.


The heat-loving, but not picky-to-care buddleia blooms almost all summer and autumn. The height of the shrub can grow from 0.5 to 3 meters. To stimulate its growth, mineral fertilizers must be applied monthly to the bush. Once the plant reaches the desired height, fertilizing can be stopped.

In order for Buddleia to survive winter frosts, attention should be paid to preparing it for winter. To do this, the plant is hilled, and its roots are insulated with spruce branches.


In a shady, damp summer cottage, you can plant hydrangea, which is loved by many gardeners. With proper care, the plant will delight you for a long time with its bright inflorescences in the form of balls, located against the background of rich green leaves. Hydrangea can grow in acidic soils, which are unsuitable for most ornamental shrubs. The plant must be planted in an area protected from the wind, in acidic, moist soil. Wilted hydrangea inflorescences must be trimmed. It is recommended to cover the shrub with spruce branches for the winter.

The plant can be used in combination with other shade-tolerant shrubs or in a single planting, in flower beds or flower beds. Hydrangea looks good surrounded by ferns and hostas.


This low shrub blooms for a long time, is a honey plant and tolerates winter frosts well. For its growth and flowering, a forest plant requires proper soil, which should consist of from peat, sawdust, pine needles and sand. There are several varieties of heather. For your garden plot you can choose:

Caring for heathers involves weekly watering with acidified water, weeding, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and mulching with bark.

With the right choice of ornamental shrubs for your dacha, you can make combinations of them in which the plants will delight and amaze with their flowering from early spring to late autumn.

An important role in shaping the landscape of a personal plot is played by a competent combination of plants: annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees with varied foliage and beautiful inflorescences. A properly selected assortment of plants will delight the eye from early spring to late autumn.

The topic of today's conversation will be beautiful flowering shrubs, with the help of which you can not only diversify the landscape, divide the territory into zones, but also bring joy and celebration to it.

When planning to plant shrubs on a site, you should take into account the height and width of an adult plant, so that it does not happen that low-growing specimens end up in the “shadow” of taller ones, and their beauty will be almost unnoticeable. Although, of course, you can shape the crown of plants using garden shears.

Flowering shrubs for the garden - spring

As soon as the snow melts and the first rays of spring begin to warm the earth, it’s time to bloom forsythia (forsythia) , which, like a light, opens its yellow flowers even before leaves appear on its branches. Forsythia was named after the Scottish botanist William Forsyth. Plant height is from 1 m to 3 m.

Forsythia belongs to the olive family. As soon as flowering reaches its final stage, foliage and young shoots appear. The plant is very popular in Europe; some types of forsythia are frost-resistant, therefore suitable for growing in central Russia.

Forsythia will take the baton of flowering magnolia star - a low deciduous shrub, native to Japan, reaching a height of 2.5 m, with white flowers emitting a pleasant delicate aroma, which appear in the same way as forsythia before foliage. The shrub feels great in the European part of Russia.

More frost resistant Magnolia Siebold and Kobus – blooms in early June.

In southern regions with warmer climates and mild winters, a greater variety of magnolias are found in the form of ornamental shrubs or trees, with flowers ranging from white to deep pink. Most popular in gardening construction magnolia lilyflower - an unusually beautiful tree during the flowering period.

Mid-May – flowering time spirea Grefshein a small shrub up to 1.5 m high, with snow-white flowers collected in numerous inflorescences located along the entire stem. With hanging stems, the crown looks very openwork. The shrub is light-loving, drought-resistant, and not picky about soil.

Chaenomeles "Japanese quince" - a very beautiful, unpretentious shrub of the Rosaceae family, eye-catching. Flowering period - late April, early May. Color range – white, pink, orange, red.

You can plant a low-growing specimen in an open space, or in a rock garden among stones. In the third year, the bush begins to bear fruit; the fruits are yellow, similar to small apples, edible and very useful. Branches not covered with snow sometimes freeze and need to be pruned.

Shrubs that bloom all summer

Chubushnik - better known as "jasmine" , belongs to the hydrangea family, a winter-hardy shrub common in central Russia. Common mock orange with white-cream fragrant flowers reaches 3 m in height. Tolerates frosts down to -25 °C. Flowering period: beginning, mid-June. The shrub is used for group and single plantings, as well as as a hedge.

An extremely common plant in Russia - lilac , with beautiful inflorescences and a delicate aroma, flowering time is June, belongs to the olive family. For abundant annual flowering, the bush must be formed; this requires regular pruning. The color palette of lilac flowers is very diverse (white, pink, bluish, pale purple, deep purple). A luxurious, hardy shrub that thrives equally well in both southern and northern regions.

Shrub roses or rose hips of the Rosaceae family will certainly become a decoration of the garden, especially species that do not require shelter for the winter and tolerate frost well. The shrub, 1-2 meters high, blooms in June-July, although not for very long, but their red or orange fruits, ripening in August-September, look impressive against the background of green foliage and will delight the eye until late autumn.

Park roses require more careful care, love sunlight. A bush planted in the shade of trees will not produce abundant flowering. Many varieties are quite winter-hardy, some require shelter for the winter. They bloom in the first half of June and bloom for a long period - a month or more.

Extraordinarily beautiful bushes hydrangeas . Tree and paniculate hydrangeas are considered the most unpretentious and winter-hardy species - shrubs with a height of 1 to 3 m. Large lush inflorescences, abundantly located throughout the bush, look very elegant. No wonder it is most loved by gardeners. It blooms for quite a long time - from June to September, loves moisture, acidic soil and partial shade.

Beautiful shrubs in the autumn garden

Cinquefoil shrub will delight you with long flowering - from June to October. A low bush 1.5-2 m tall is a medicinal plant, it is widely used in folk medicine. Most species bloom with yellow flowers, but there are also varieties with white or pink flowers. The shrub looks great in rock gardens or group plantings, is undemanding to soil, and winter-hardy.

Snowberry Blooms all summer through September with white, pink or red flowers. But its decorativeness is not limited to this. In autumn, abundant white fruits appear in the form of berries, which decorate the bush throughout the fall and winter. The uniqueness of this bush is that in the fall you can contemplate flowers on it at the same time as berries. The height of the plant is 1-2 m, it can be used in row plantings when creating a hedge or in group plantings.

Mackerel leather - a shrub that is unusually beautiful not only in summer, during flowering, but also in autumn, thanks to its foliage. In summer, the bush is covered with small flowers, collected in fluffy panicles, looking like smoke from a distance. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson, first the edges and veins of the leaves turn red, and then the entire foliage, bluish and purple hues appear. Mackerel is very impressive in the fall, good in single and group plantings, but not winter-hardy enough, so it is suitable for gardens in the more southern regions of the country.

Common barberry no less spectacular bush for the autumn garden. Blooms in June with yellow flowers collected in clusters. The height of the plant is 1.5-3 m. In autumn, in September-October, oblong red fruits with a sour taste appear on the bush. Almost all elements are used for medicinal purposes: fruits, leaves, and even roots and bark.

Extraordinarily beautiful common heather - an evergreen shrub with small triangular leaves and pink-purple flowers collected in racemes that end each branch. The height of the bush is from 25 cm to 1 m, a very hardy plant that grows both in the European part of Russia and in Western and Eastern Siberia.

It blooms in July-August, but after flowering stops, the flowers dry out, remaining on the branches of the plant. It seems that the bush blooms until late autumn. Loves acidic soil, moisture with good soil permeability. It does not require fertilizing, since in nature it grows on poor, rocky soils. Looks great in the garden surrounded by stones, in a rock garden in combination with other plants.

The list of beautiful flowering shrubs can be continued endlessly. But you need to select plants taking into account their adaptation in your region, and then your garden will always be filled with a variety of colors and shades, creating a festive atmosphere, delighting you and your guests.

Many gardeners like to plant shrubs exclusively with white or red flowers, but only a few know all their names. If you are also one of those gardeners, this article is for you. From the list of the most popular shrubs with white flowers, you can choose the right ornamental plant for yourself.


Flowers- This is a symbol of girlish tenderness and beauty. By planting this shrub, you will decorate your garden not only with beautiful inflorescences, but also useful fruits. The viburnum bush is spreading and grows up to 5 m in height and up to 4 m in width. The shoots are grayish-white or red, the leaves are dark green.

Most often, gardeners plant a shrub with white inflorescences in the form of balls, which has the name "Snow Globe", or "Buldenezh". Flowering begins at the end of May, the flowers fade in early June.

Viburnum fruits contain 32% sugar, 3% tannins, as well as C, organic acids, trace elements and carotene.

Did you know? Kalina is the national symbol of Ukraine.


Spiraea belongs to the rose family. The plant has flexible shoots and grows in steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts.

Spiraea can be like dwarf(up to 15 cm in height), and very high(up to 2.5 m). The branches are erect or recumbent, the color is light brown. The flowers are collected in paniculate, spike-shaped, corymbose and pyramidal inflorescences. They have any color, but most often gardeners choose light colors.

Spiraea is planted in groups or as a single plant. Tall plants are used for, and dwarf plants are suitable for creating rocky gardens and “living carpets”.


Mock orange is often confused with jasmine, as their aromas are similar to each other. Gardeners use the plant to decorate hedges or alpine slides.

The white flowers bloom profusely and have a sweet scent.

All varieties of shrubs have straight trunks with thin gray bark. Mock oranges can be dwarf (up to 70 cm) and tall (up to 6 m). The leaves grow up to 7 cm in length and are shaped like a wide egg. Flowers can be double or semi-double. lasts approximately 3 weeks.


The next popular bush with white flowers is. This shrub grows up to 8 m in height. The leaves reach up to 35 cm in length, and the flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. They are white in color and bloom from May to June. The fruits ripen in August and are black in color.

Both flowers and fruits of elderberry are used in industry. The flowers contain organic acids, rutin and the glycoside sambunigrin. It contains ascorbic acid, carotene and tannins. By planting this shrub on your site, you provide yourself with not only beautiful and abundant fruits with a sweet aroma, but also medicinal fruits. They have diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent and disinfectant effects.


Under natural conditions, the shrub grows up to 4 m in height. The plant is evergreen and deciduous. Hydrangea leaves are large and opposite. It blooms in spherical inflorescences with small white flowers. The color depends on the pH of the soil. This means that in neutral soil you will have white or cream flowers, and in acidic soil you will have blue or blue flowers.

Hydrangea is planted in group plantings. The distance between plants should be at least 1 m.


Clematis is a diverse shrub. All its types are not similar to each other. Most of them are lianas. The shoots are thin and green. The leaves are simple and green. The flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, panicle or shield.

The color can be different - pale pink, light blue, white, yellow, dark red, velvet blue. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. The scent is reminiscent of jasmine, almond or primrose.


In our gardens you very rarely find such a plant as. It is mainly planted in botanical gardens. Shrubs are used for single or group planting and for creating alleys.

The bark of the shoots is brown and smooth, the leaves are large and elliptical. The flowers are large and fragrant, they have 12 petals that overlap each other. Magnolia has a pleasant aroma. However, the plant is very demanding and capricious, so it is better to enjoy magnolia blossoms in parks and botanical gardens.


Hibiscus belongs to the genus of shrubs of the family. There are about 300 species of this plant; they grow in the subtropics and tropics.

The shrub grows up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are petiolate and incised. The flowers are large and bright.

Hibiscus is grown in gardens and greenhouses.