The flowers are unpretentious perennials. Unpretentious perennials for growing at the dacha Unpretentious flowers at the dacha

A dacha can become a source of not only tasty and healthy food, but also a place of aesthetic pleasure. To do this, you should not be lazy and plant on the site the ones you choose according to your taste. ornamental plants. Most gardeners prefer to grow perennial flowers, since they require the least amount of time and effort. We will consider the most popular perennial flowers for the garden- photos with names. The catalog below will help you with your choice if you have not yet decided how to decorate your area.

Perennials for the garden, blooming in summer-autumn: photos with names


This flower, quite unusual for our latitudes, will delight you from the middle or end of summer, depending on the variety. It has many varieties and does not like too hot sun and drought. It can grow in the same place for up to 20 years!

Astilbe is one of the most original perennials from our catalog


This flower from our catalog blooms throughout August and September. It is cultivated only in dachas located in the southern regions. It is demanding of sun and loves acidified soil.

Acidanthera is grown only in the southern zones


Colchicum is very beautiful, but poisonous


This flower, quite famous among summer residents (and not only) blooms in June. It has a large number of varieties, which are divided into two groups, depending on the required conditions.

Photo of cornflowers


Surely, there is no one who does not know what this highly decorative perennial flower looks like. It has no less than 10,000 varieties. They prefer sunny areas and well-fertilized soil.

Gladiolus is the most decorative flower catalog


Summer residents are very fond of this perennial flower because of the long flowering period (from June to the very frost). The land where pelargonium grows needs to be fertilized with manure.

Pelargonium garden


A beautiful, densely flowering perennial for the garden. Tolerates any unfavorable conditions. Looks great both in a separate planting and in a flower garden.

In the photo: decorative yarrow


Well, how can we not place a photo and name of a flower such as chrysanthemum in our catalogue? It is considered sacred in Asian countries. Many varieties of chrysanthemums decorate summer cottages until frost. They are often used to make bouquets that can last for about a month.

Chrysanthemums delight the eye for a long time in the countryside and at home in a bouquet


Asters are the symbol of the school

We tried to select for you the best, in the opinion of the majority, perennial flowers for the garden. Photos with names (catalogue), we hope, helped you navigate the issue of choosing ornamental plants for your site. Do not forget that by combining flowers with different flowering periods, you will receive the joy of contemplating their beauty from the beginning of spring until late autumn.

Verbena: when to plant and how to grow a flower Gypsophila: planting and care in open ground, photo

We miss it on snowy winter evenings, looking at the white patterns outside the windows. We take care of it in spring and autumn so that we can fully enjoy its fragrant and delicate beauty in the summer. Lovers of country nature have already guessed that our conversation today will be about the garden, and more specifically, about its flowering.

The main decoration of any garden is bright, well-groomed flowers. What to do when you want to take care of your flowerbed, but have nowhere to find free time? The simplest solution in this case is to grow unpretentious flowers for the garden. We call unpretentious those flowering plants that practically do not require special care and constant attention from the owner.

Such a beautiful flower bed will look great in any country house or garden. The most important thing is that you don’t need to take care of that flowerbed every day or week

Among these flowers there are also plants of one year of life and perennials. The right place and soil, periodic watering and good “neighbors” are all that unpretentious garden flowers require.

There are quite a few hardy types of flowers, here are some of them that experts recommend for growing:

Shade-loving perennials

Professionals give first place among perennial unpretentious flowers in the shade to spring and autumn bulbous flowers. You can safely place tulips, lilies of the valley, snowdrops, erythroniums, scillas and similar species in shady flower beds for many years.

Look at these beautiful flowers - tulips, lilies of the valley, snowdrops and scillas. Such flowers will not require you special attention and will look great in your garden

Not only bulbous ones can decorate a little sunny places plot. We recommend the following species to help “lazy” gardeners: fern, pachysandra, budra, tenacious, cuff and others. Shade-loving vines, such as virgin grapes, clematis or kirkazon, are excellent and trouble-free to grow in gardens.

A sunny flowerbed for many years

Hollyhocks, lupins, bluebells and carnations - these beautiful varieties of flowers are perfect for your flowerbed, which you do not have to look after all year round

The most popular sun-loving, unpretentious flowers for flower beds are lilies, peonies and. Mallow, rabatka, lupine and bluebell are also held in high esteem. A shrub aster or carnation can serve as the border for a sunny flowerbed or lawn.

Unpretentious peers

Beloved annual flower“of all times and gardeners” we can safely call petunia. The beauty and diverse palette of this plant will not leave anyone indifferent. And the whole difficulty is to plant the seedlings in the prepared soil. The best part is that it will bloom from the first spring buds until the cold weather.

Other types of unpretentious annuals are also in demand among busy summer residents: calendula, nasturtium, annual aster, marigolds, salvia and others.

Petunia is the most popular non-picky flower. The only thing you need to do is plant it in a place you like, and then it will bloom and delight your eyes

A short video about annual unpretentious flowers for a summer cottage:

Getting a guarantee of an unpretentious flower garden is not a guarantee beautiful garden. An important point is the correct planting and design of flowering plants.

1. Blooming carpet

Lovers of bright lawns and lawns that do not require extensive care can be offered to create a lawn-type flower garden at their dacha. To do this, you just need to sow the designated area with wildflowers. The most successful flowers for such a lawn can be poppies, clovers, daisies, cornflowers and other similar varieties.

Make a Moorish lawn from poppy seeds - it will require minimal attention, but it will look very, very presentable

Such a “carpet” does not need constant watering or cutting. A picnic or meeting with friends in such a home meadow will give you a feeling of closeness to nature and real relaxation.

2. Colorful arches and gazebos

If you have or are planning a gazebo at your dacha, think in advance about how to make it bloom. To implement this idea, we advise you to grow flowering, unpretentious vines:

Unpretentious climbing plants will also fit perfectly into the overall landscape in your garden or cottage

  • Clematis. You can call this vine the most unpretentious of all. That is why it has become the most grown plant near porches and gazebos.
  • Maiden's grapes. Also very popular in our regions. The bright leaves and decorative fruits of this plant cannot but please the eye.
  • Campsis arborescens. Will decorate arches, gazebos, fences and any canopies around the house. Its bright flowers give the garden an oriental mood.
  • . This flower will definitely make your gazebo or arch truly royal. A cup of early morning tea in a pink scent - best start new country day.
  • Climbing annuals. A simpler option is decorative beans, peas or morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see them in your garden next year.

3. Unpretentious flowerbed

Forget-me-nots and daisies - just looking at these beauties will instantly lift your spirits

To create a fresh and unusual flower bed, experts advise combining flowers of the same year with perennials. So, they should be planted at the base of the flower bed, and annuals should be changed every year, refreshing the flower bed.

Viola and Turkish cloves a vivid example of the boundlessness of our mother nature’s imagination

To summarize, we note that for constant bright flowering of unpretentious flowers for the garden, you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that you can then relax and admire the result. It is advisable to fertilize the soil, fluff it up and prepare the flowers for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each variety. You won't have to wait long, and soon your hardy flowers will decorate your cottage or garden. We wish you real blooming masterpieces!

Perennial flowers have many advantages, and one of them is that they do not need to be planted every spring. And this, say, is not a little, since in the spring there is already a lot of land work on your site. With the help of perennial flowers they create beautiful flower beds that retain their decorative look not less than five years. Later, some flowers grow greatly and require replanting or removing part of the bush to plant it in a new place.

Most of the perennials are able to survive our winters and only a few require digging up, since their homeland is more southern areas. Therefore, to create beautiful flower beds you need to know about the perennials themselves - what they look like and what they need for good growth. We’ve already talked about them, today we’ll talk about perennials.

This plant tolerates the dry months of summer well and is resistant enough to cold snaps so as not to freeze out in the winter months of the year. It is absolutely not demanding on the soil and does not require any particular complex care. It is planted to decorate garden plots; it looks good in rock gardens and when decorating borders.
Compositions created with allisum look good next to ground cover plants, as they complement each other.

Allisum inflorescences have a pleasant aroma and rich, bright colors. It should be planted in areas where there is often sun, and for the first time after planting it is necessary to water the plant more often so that it successfully adapts to the new place.


This type of perennial has flowers of various shades. They may be:

  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Red.

But this perennial grows only in southern regions In Russia, in its northern regions it exists only as an annual plant.


Planting these flowers is quite simple, since the tubers are not buried deep, only 5 cm. The soil in the flower bed where anemones grow should be light so that air can penetrate to the roots of the plant. If the soil is not fertile, then the flower will need to be fed once a month with complete mineral fertilizer.

Pansy (viola)

This is a fairly popular plant, but in our country it is not a perennial, since it cannot survive harsh winters. But its remarkable flowers already delight us early spring and therefore it is planted through seedlings. The splendor of viola flowers is colored in various shades of summer:

  • Snow-white;
  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Yellow;
  • Two-color.

Plant them in sunny places and water them as the soil dries out. If the summer does not indulge in rain, then watering is done more often, preventing the flower from dying. To prolong flowering, faded buds are cut off so that the plant does not waste time ripening its seeds.

This flower has always attracted gardeners with its exotic appearance. This perennial has many varieties that differ both in growth height and in the color of blooming flowers, which are collected in beautiful panicles.

The requirements for cultivating this flower are proper care:

  • Flowers are planted in partial shade;
  • The soil should be rich in humus;
  • Watering in the absence of rain should be regular;
  • Peduncles that have bloomed require removal.

Also, if the plant is not planted in the southern regions of Russia, then for the winter they should be cut off and the astilbe rhizome covered with any covering material.

Perennial asters (September)

These responsive and low-maintenance flowers are often in demand when decorating not only garden plots, but can often be seen in urban flower beds in various cities. Caring for them is simple:

  • Timely watering;
  • Applying potash fertilizers twice a season;
  • Pruning trunks for the winter to make it easier for new young foliage to grow in the spring.

The flowers are rich in shades from soft lilac to burgundy, from pale purple to almost blue, there are also varieties with stunning white flowers. Adult bushes require replanting approximately every 6 years.

The leaf blades of the plant have a smooth oval shape with a shiny surface. Blooming buds are pink. Responds well to full mineral supplements and at good care forms beautiful rosettes. Bergenia is planted in various flower beds, decorating the foreground with it. Looks beautiful in flower beds with rocky areas, as well as in borders.

There is one peculiarity of bergenia - in the spring its rosettes should be treated with any drug against fungal infection so that the plant does not die from the disease.

This is a fairly common plant with creeping ground cover green branches. It is not a whimsical plant, which, if its growth is not limited, quickly grows over the entire width of the free territory. The leaves are small, leathery, dark green. Flowers that bloom in May have beautiful shape and blue color.

When all the flowers bloom, the green carpet turns blue. It is so unpretentious that it does not even need timely watering; hyacinths and heucheras will be successful neighbors in the flowerbed.

This is an erect plant 60 cm tall, with a green stem at the end, the end of which is strewn with blooming yellow flowers. Among this plant there are varieties with healing properties.

Loosestrife prefers sunny places without shading. He also needs:

Shelter on winter period loosestrife is not needed.

In order for hyacinths to bloom and grow well, they require constant feeding with fertilizers. To do this, the first application of fertilizer begins when the first shoots appear. When the foliage is removed and loosened, dry fertilizer for bulbous plants is applied. The second feeding takes place at the moment of budding of the hyacinth. At the time of vegetative growth and flowering, the soil around the plant should not dry out completely.

There are different varieties of delphinium:

  • Persian;
  • Large-flowered;
  • Hybrid.

When planting delphinium seedlings or seeds, you need to leave a small distance between the bushes - this is done so that the bushes look dense.

Also, for good growth, regular watering, loosening and weed removal are necessary. So that the plant does not get sick powdery mildew, watering should be done on the ground, without affecting the leaf plates.

This is not a problem plant that does not require constant care for its plantings. The appearance of the arched inflorescence is strewn with white or pink flowers. The main thing for this plant is the correct planting location, as it prefers partial shade.

If a gardener takes the time and fertilizes the place where the plant grows, it will respond with more powerful growth of the bush.

This is exactly the plant that can tolerate any unsightly weather conditions. The survivor is not threatened by harmful insects or bacterial diseases. To create a good green carpet, this plant needs a minimum amount sun rays. Therefore, it is usually planted where there is no chance for another plant to survive.

Using this plant they decorate:

  • Rocky slopes;
  • They decorate tree trunk circles;
  • Supplement with various plantings of tall plants.

They replant it at any warm time of the year, moving it to a new place with a lump of earth.

This is a low shrub that, after flowering, leaves edible berries. There are a lot of varieties of honeysuckle, so the various plantings of honeysuckle on the site can be limited to varieties with edible fruits.

The shrub is unpretentious and takes root well on any soil of the site. The main thing that is vital for the shrub is an abundance of sunlight and protection from cold winter winds, which can freeze the plant in the cold season.

These charming flowers decorate vertical garden interiors. Their huge flowers of various shades burn like lights among the foliage located on stretched trellises. Clematis has a number of advantages:

  • Clematis can withstand winter cold;
  • Long flowering period;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • Durability.

When planting clematis in a permanent place, you need to take into account the fact that it loves sunny places. If you expect to plant several bushes in a row, then you need to retreat 2 m from the previous bush. It tolerates good proximity to tagetes, which protects clematis roots in extreme heat.

These gentle creatures prefer places with high humidity and lack of direct sunlight. Therefore, they look good under trees in the back of the garden. If the summer is consistently hot, then watering the plantings is inevitable. You should also fence off the area that is reserved for growing lily of the valley, since it tends to grow beyond measure.

To propagate lily of the valley, you just need to dig up a rhizome with one growth bud in the spring and plant it on a new plot of land. After which you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the first year after transplantation, the lily of the valley will increase root system, and on the second the first flowers will appear.

Nowadays, many varieties have been developed that have flowers with different shades of color. Daylilies are planted in small holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and the root collar is buried a couple of centimeters.

This plant needs regular watering and feeding. nitrogen fertilizers during the formation of the leaf mass of the flower.

Perennial lupins

This is a very decorative flower, with beautiful flowers collected in tall candles. The shades of colors are quite different:

  • Burgundy;
  • White:
  • Lilac:
  • Pink;
  • Blue.

The leaves also have an attractive shape, their outline reminiscent of a child's hand with outstretched fingers. The plant is not demanding on soil, but, like all other perennials, it will not refuse feeding with high-grade mineral fertilizers. Prefers acidic soil. If the soil on the site is not acidic, then it can be acidified with pine sawdust, which will be used as mulch around the plant.

There are many varieties of milkweed and therefore you can always choose something that suits the taste of the gardener. The main thing is to choose the right place for it. And it loves the sun very much; in the shade its flowers will not be decorative enough.

The plant practically does not need watering. All you need is timely pruning of dried flowers to give the bush an attractive shape.

This perennial comes from the hyacinth family. This is one of the first flowers to appear in early spring. It pleases with its flowering, when there are practically no other flowering plants around, standing out beautifully against the background of the dark earth. This flower does not refuse to grow in sunny areas and requires watering. Many varieties propagate by self-sowing.

Very often people grow the following varieties of muscari:

  • Turgenevsky (light blue);
  • Racemose (purple);
  • Armenian (blue with a white border around the edge of the petal);
  • Cluster-shaped (white and blue).

Daffodils look very beautiful with tulips, not only in spring bouquets, but also next to each other in a flower bed. They usually bloom in May, and delight with their flowering throughout the month. There are varieties with early and late flowering. You can choose varieties in a flower bed of daffodils in such a way that, replacing each other, they will delight us with their appearance and aroma.

The shape of the flower also differs depending on the variety of daffodil. Flowers are:

  • Tubular;
  • Small-crowned;
  • Onkeleform;
  • Terry;
  • Cyclomenes;
  • Large-crowned.

To plant such beauty, no special skills are required. They are planted in autumn or early spring, buried three times the height of the bulb in the ground. Then you only need regular watering and fertilizer for the bulbous plants. It will be beautiful if you plant each variety separately, creating mini flower beds with flowers of different shapes.

Nivyanik (chamomile)

The large heads of white daisies are very pleasing to the eye. It is easily propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, in the spring, an old chamomile bush is dug up and divided into parts, each of which will contain both roots and growth buds. Not deep holes are dug in a new place or in an old one, but slightly separately from each other, so that there is room for young bushes to grow. Further care consists of watering, loosening and removing faded inflorescences in a timely manner.

Nielberry plantings should be located in sunny places in the garden, as it will not bloom in the shade. Chamomile is replanted every 6 years.

Peonies beautiful flowers, which bloom in May. Flowers are found in various shades of pink, burgundy, and white. Recently, peonies have even been bred with yellow flowers. In one place, a peony can grow up to 50 years. They should be planted in sunny areas, since the peony will not bloom in the shade.

Over time, young bushes grow greatly and therefore, when designing a path, this must be taken into account and planted at a certain distance from each other. You shouldn’t overfill them with water, as this can cause rotting of the plant’s root system.

There are so many different varieties that have a wide variety of flower colors. The varieties also differ in height, there are:

  • Ground cover roses;
  • Curb;
  • Park;
  • Floribunda;
  • Climbing etc.

With the help of a rich variety of rose varieties, you can make a beautiful rose garden that will fill the entire garden with its aroma.

These flowers are planted only in sunny places; they require timely watering, pruning, and covering their bushes for the winter.

This plant resembles chamomile in its appearance, but differs from it in various shades of flowers. Rudbeckia grows on any soil, but only on nutritious soil will the bush develop better and the flowers will be large.

Rudbeckia can grow in one place for up to five years, after which it should be replanted. As the young growth grows, it is worth removing it, as it is prone to strong reproduction in different directions of the site.

Thanks to scientists, many new varieties with more magnificent flower caps have appeared. They vary in color and greatly decorate the flower beds of flower lovers.

If the soil on the site is too heavy, it can be diluted with a handful of coarse sand. When transplanting phlox to a new location, the root collar is buried three centimeters. They prefer sunny areas, since without sunlight the plant will not bloom.

Perennials for Beginners

Photo gallery of perennial flowers for the garden

Creating beautiful flower beds and caring for them takes a lot of time and effort. And for beginning gardeners this sometimes creates insurmountable difficulties. But what can we do? After all, I really want to see yours personal plot well-groomed and blooming. Of course, there is a way out! Unpretentious flowers for the garden will help transform it without unnecessary hassle. Indeed, among the huge variety of flowering plants, you can choose beautiful and undemanding ones to care for. Some of them are found in wildlife and hardened by harsh growing conditions. Let's do a little review.

Bulbous plants

When nature is just beginning to wake up from its winter sleep, bulbous plants are one of the first to welcome the coming spring. They are very attractive and no modern garden can do without them. Therefore, let's start with them, especially since for the most part they are very unpretentious garden flowers.

Plants up to half a meter high are considered low-growing; they are used to create flower beds, borders, and rock gardens. They…

Snowdrops (Galanthus) And Scilla– well-known forest primroses, they are very frost-resistant and unpretentious. They grow well in shady places. They prefer moist soil rich in leaf humus. You can plant them under trees, decorate an alpine hill, or create a spot of color on the lawn.


Wild or botanical tulips (Tulipa botanical)- all wild species of tulips were combined into this class, despite their diversity. Most of them are low-growing, multi-flowered (not just one flower, but a small bouquet at once), flowering early and long-lasting (the longer the spring cold, the longer the wild tulips bloom). The coloring is very diverse. Some species are even variegated (with stripes or spots). The shape of the flower is also varied. In addition to their visual attractiveness, their advantage is their ease of care and resistance to disease. They do not need annual replanting. Once planted in a permanent place in the fall, they can be left undisturbed for about five years. Now such tulips are gaining popularity. The most famous types: Kaufman, Foster, Greig, Velikiy, Achison, Lipsky, Dasystemon Tarde. These tulips are ideal for alpine slides. You can also use them in flowerbeds and other flower beds.

Greig's Tulip
Tulip "Dasystemon Tarda"

Muscari (mouse hyacinth, viper onion)

Muscari, mouse hyacinth, viper onion (Muscari)– one of the most unpretentious among spring bulbous flowers. Frost-resistant, undemanding to soil. It just really doesn’t like stagnant water. Does not require frequent transplantation. Can also grow in the shade. If you do not cut off the dry inflorescences, it can reproduce by self-sowing. It can be white, pink, and most often deep blue. Has a pleasant smell. It is good to use in stone compositions (rock gardens and rockeries), ridges, and to create color spots.

Onion or allium- an ornamental plant from the Onion family. Availability essential oils gives this plant a specific onion smell and burning taste. Ball-shaped onion inflorescences come in different colors. They begin to bloom in late spring. During the process of seed ripening, the drying inflorescences are also quite decorative. They are unpretentious, but, like all bulbous plants, they do not like stagnation of water. They are replanted approximately once every 5 years. There are low-growing and tall-growing varieties. Low-growing ones are used in rockeries and alpine slides, and tall ones are used in the background in various flower arrangements. Some varieties of decorative onions have edible leaves, but there are also poisonous ones.

Allium (onion) tall
Allium dwarf


If there is one in the garden shady place, where it is empty and sad in spring, then you can plant chiodonoxa there. Chionodoxa is a small (only 10-15 cm) spring bulbous plant. Peduncles and leaves appear simultaneously. From one bulb grow two leaves and several peduncles with up to 10 flowers. The result is a carpet strewn with bright blue, white, and pink star-flowers. It blooms in early spring, at the same time as snowdrops, which is why it is also called the “snow queen”. An undemanding plant that grows in any garden soil. Often used to create flowering islands among melting snow and rock gardens.

Colchicum (colchicum)

Colchicum or Colchicum- this plant differs from its bulbous counterparts in that it blooms not in spring, but in autumn (hence the name). Outwardly, it looks like a large crocus or a tulip flower growing straight from the ground. Coloring can be varied. The bulbs are planted in a permanent place in July-August. Does not require transplantation for a long time. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, but prefers sunny places. Serves as a decoration for the garden when other flowers have long faded. Due to its short stature, it looks good on alpine hills and lawns. It can also serve as a color spot between trees and shrubs. A very poisonous plant.

All of the above plants reproduce by overgrown bulbs and sometimes by seeds. We have looked at just a few of the bulbous flowers, which, once planted in the fall, can be enjoyed for many years without any special worries. The list can be continued with daffodils, crocuses, pushkinia and others.



Among the perennials, you can also choose many easy-to-care and beautifully flowering plants. The good thing about perennials is that by planting them once, you provide yourself with the pleasure of seeing these plants on your site for years to come. And if caring for them does not take much time, then this is a dream for a beginning gardener. What kind of miracle flowers are these?

Aquilegia (catchment)

Aquilegia or catchment (Aquilegia)- one of the most unpretentious perennials. It has a gentle, discreet beauty. Has unusual shape flowers with spurs on which water collects (hence the second name - catchment). The color is varied, both single-color and two-color. Height from 15 cm to 1 m. Prefers partial shade, but can also grow in sunny areas. Grows in one place for up to 6 years. Looks good with ferns on the banks artificial reservoirs. Widely used in mixborders. Low-growing varieties can decorate shady areas of rockeries. Suitable for cutting.

Perennial aster (Aster)- is a people's favorite. From late summer to late autumn it blooms in almost every garden. It captivates with its unpretentiousness and variety of colors. It comes in different heights. You can choose varieties and asters will bloom from late spring to mid-autumn. Aster is undemanding in everything. Only areas that are flooded during spring and autumn bad weather are not suitable for it. Suitable for rock gardens and rockeries low-growing varieties astr. You can also use it in various group plantings. And when cut, these flowers remain fresh and decorative for a long time.

Astra perennial
Aster low-growing


Periwinkle (Vinca)– creeping evergreen. Intertwined, the shoots form a green carpet. It blooms in May with blue-violet and pale blue flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm. Undemanding to soil and lighting of the site. It is winter-hardy, but it is advisable to lightly cover the young shoots for the first year. Used as ground cover plant in stone gardens.

Veronica- a very popular plant, there are perennial and annual species. Among the perennials, broad-leaved (about half a meter) and gray-leaved (25-35 cm) are popular. Blooms in late spring and first half of summer. The leaves are slightly or completely pubescent. Small flowers collected in dense brushes. They come in purple, white, pink and blue. An undemanding, frost-resistant, light-loving plant. There are ground cover forms that, covering the soil with a thick carpet, do not allow weeds to germinate. Tall varieties of speedwell are used in borders and other flower beds, and low-growing ones in rocky gardens.


Kupena or Solomon's seal(Polygonatum multiflorum)- a perennial plant, a bit like a large lily of the valley. Like a lily of the valley, the stem is curved, but only high - 60-70 cm. On the stem there are whitish-cream flowers, similar to bells, up to 1.5 cm. The leaves are arranged in symmetrical pairs. Virtually odorless. Blooms in early June. Then black berries appear in place of the flowers. The shoot dies every year. Kupena is very unpretentious, but does not like dry places. Therefore, it is great for decorating shady areas of the garden and goes well with ferns. Poisonous.

Kupena (Solomon's seal)
Berries purchased

One cannot help but remember the tender lily of the valley (Convallaria). But his tenderness is deceptive. This is a very persistent and unpretentious plant. Tolerates frosts well and is undemanding to soils. Grows well in the shade. The only difficulty is that it grows very quickly and can become a weed. Used in planting under trees and near shrubs, in forests and eco-gardens, as a ground cover plant. Suitable for cutting. It has a very pungent aroma and is poisonous. Growing in one place, it can survive without replanting for about 10 years.

Mountain cornflower (Centaurea)- the most famous and unpretentious appearance perennial cornflowers. Grows up to half a meter. It has ribbed stems and leaves with a light whitish edge. The flower buds are somewhat reminiscent of fir cones, which then bloom into basket-like flowers. Classic color Mountain cornflower is, of course, blue, but there are varieties with white, purple and pink colors. It blooms for a long time, from June to the end of summer. Despite its southern origin, it has adapted well to frost and winters normally. It can last up to 10 years without a transplant. Loves sunny areas. Not damaged by pests and diseases. White cornflower (C. dealbata Willd) is very similar to it and also unpretentious. Cornflowers are used in various plantings (group and single), as well as for cutting.

Mountain cornflower
Whitened cornflower

Daylily (krasnodev)

Day-lily or krasnodayv (Hemerocallis)– a very undemanding and resilient plant. Due to their unpretentiousness, daylilies even received the nickname “flowers of intelligent lazy people.” They grow up to 1 m, the leaves form a rosette at the root. The flowers are large, funnel-shaped, and come in yellow, orange, brown-red and other colors. It is unpretentious to soils, but highly acidic soils are detrimental to them. Tolerates partial shade well and is frost-resistant. Without transplantation, they grow for about 8 years, however, during this period they can grow greatly. Recently, varietal low-growing daylilies (about 30 cm) have appeared. Look great in group plantings against a light background. They are planted both with other plants and by combining some daylilies. different heights and colors. Suitable for creating borders and decorating the edge of a pond.

Dicentra (diclitra fine)

Dicentra or dicletra beautiful (Dicentra)- a plant popularly known as “broken heart”, since the shape of the flower is a heart with a droplet at the bottom. The flowers are collected in drooping clusters (like lilies of the valley). The color is determined by the variety and can be pink and white, pure white, pinkish-purple. The leaves are pinnately divided with serrated lobules. Depending on the variety, they bloom from May to early autumn. It can have a height from 30 cm to 90 cm. They can grow in one place for up to 6 years. Dicentra is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. Does not like damp places and constant wetting. The short one is suitable for mixed borders and borders, and the tall one is suitable for single and various group plantings. Can be used for cutting.

Khosta or funkia (Hosta, Funkia)- this is one of the most shade-tolerant plants. Hosta grows where other ornamental plants die, for which it is called the “queen of the shady garden.” Its main advantage is its large decorative leaves of various shapes and colors. They can be green, blue, gray or golden, as well as white-variegated (with edges and stripes). Hosta flowers are less decorative. These are small flowers, similar to lilies or bells, on a high peduncle, collected in a loose cluster. Their color is quite varied; there are white, light purple, dark and light shades of lilac, and dark purple. All types of hosta are frost-resistant and unpretentious. However, excessive dampness is undesirable. Variegated varieties prefer illuminated places. Lush bushes Hostas are good for borders. Used in various flower beds, in shadow plantings under trees, and also around bodies of water.

Plants are planted in most cases in the spring and only as an exception is possible. It is important that the roots have time to gain a foothold in the soil before frost.

Hosta (function)

Goldenrod (solidago, goldenrod)

When considering unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden, you cannot ignore herbaceous plant, called the “golden rod”. Goldenrod, solidago or golden rod (Solidago) blooms with yellow panicles from July to October. Its bright colors blend seamlessly into the autumn color scheme. It can range from 60 cm to 1 m or more. A good honey plant, very loved by bees. Undemanding to either soil or lighting. Very winter hardy. It just multiplies quickly by self-sowing, which is why dry flower stalks should be picked immediately. It is good to plant along fences and buildings. Can serve as a middle tier in mixborders and borders. Suitable for cutting and after drying for dry bouquets.

Monarda (bergamot, American lemon balm)

Monarda or bergamot, American lemon balm (Monarda)- a medicinal plant, can be perennial or annual. Grows up to 80 cm. Blooms in the second half of summer. Flowering is very long and abundant (one bush can have up to 200 inflorescences). The inflorescences, located in the axils of the leaves, have a diameter of about 6 cm and consist of small flowers. They have a pleasant mint or lemon scent. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, bright red, purple (depending on the variety). Monarda is undemanding to soil and light, winter-hardy. However, frequent winds can cause its branches to bend greatly. Can be used in the background of mixed borders or in single plantings using varieties of different colors. Suitable for decorating shady areas of the garden. And also for creating currently fashionable gardens herbs.

sedum or sedum– winter-hardy perennial varieties of sedum with erect and creeping stems are unpretentious in care. Sedums are characterized by the presence of fleshy stems and leaves of green, bluish, yellow and gray shades. In August, small green flowers collected in small caps form at the ends of the shoots. At the beginning of autumn, these flowers gradually change their color to white, light purple, deep pink, burgundy and carmine (depending on the variety). They remain attractive until October, gradually darkening. Sedum is drought-resistant, overwinters normally, and is undemanding to soil. However, it prefers to grow in bright sunny areas (only light shade is acceptable). Without transplantation it can grow for about 5 years. Creeping species are used in rockeries, ridges, borders, and taller ones are used for mixborders and single plantings.

Sedum (sedum) erect
Sedum creeping

Meadowsweet or meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)- since this plant comes from the forest, it is, of course, unpretentious and frost-resistant. It loves moisture and shade, but will grow well in the sun, just remember to water it. Undemanding to soils. You can not replant for 5 years. When rubbed, the leaves emit a characteristic cucumber smell. It blooms in mid-summer with lush erect panicles consisting of small pale pink, white and light yellow flowers. The shortest of the meadowsweet plants is about 50 cm, and the tallest ones exceed 2 m. A medicinal plant. High varieties of meadowsweet are good for decorating fences and just in a single group. And low ones are used in mixborders and for decorating reservoirs.

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet)

Polypetallus (erigeron)

Very unpretentious garden flower can be called polypetal or Erigeron. It is undemanding to soils and frost-resistant. True, he prefers sunny places. Outwardly, it is very similar to the Alpine aster. There are a huge number of species of this plant. Its height is from 40 cm to 1 m. The flowers are white, pink, blue, lilac color. It blooms from the second half of summer until late autumn. Suitable for mixed borders and borders, and low-growing varieties for stone gardens. When cut, they retain their attractiveness for a long time.

Lupine (Lupinus)- has annual, biennial and perennial species, belongs to the legume family. These are tall plants or subshrubs (from 80 cm to 120 cm), with palmately compound leaves, slightly fleecy, slightly reminiscent of palm leaves. On high shoots there are large spike-shaped inflorescences with moth-like flowers. They are white, lilac, blue, violet, pink. It blooms all summer; by immediately cutting off dry flower stalks, you can achieve repeated late flowering. In perennial lupins, through long-term selection, early-flowering varieties were bred and the color range was replenished with cream, yellow, salmon, cherry and even bicolor varieties. Lupines are frost-resistant and grow up to 5 years without replanting. They prefer sunny areas and any soil except acidic. They reproduce by seeds, and its perennial species by cuttings. Due to the characteristics of the root (taproot, deep into the ground), propagation by dividing the bush is very difficult. Used in mixborders and for cutting.


You can also note such unpretentious perennials as the well-known and beloved peony, gypsophila, bergenia, geranium, dronicum, and the list goes on.


All perennials reproduce approximately equally. The easiest way is to divide the bush. It should be carried out in the spring before growth begins or in early autumn after flowering ends. You can also propagate them by cuttings and seeds, but these methods are often more complex.

You can choose such unpretentious perennial flowers that will provide you with beautiful blooming flower beds all summer long.

Recently, it has become fashionable to design flower beds (and sometimes even an entire garden) in one color scheme. Such…

Annual plants

Among the easy-to-care garden flowers you can also find many annuals. They bloom brighter and more intensely than perennials, but they need to be sown (or seedlings) every year. Although this also has its advantage - a flowerbed or other flower garden can be decorated in a new way every time.


Marigolds (Tagetes)- these are well-known flowers found in almost every garden with bright “velvet” petals. They gained popularity due to their rapid growth, Spartan unpretentiousness and amazing decorativeness. Has many types. The flowers have a characteristic color of bright yellow, red-brown, orange, and sometimes white. Inflorescences are simple, double and semi-double. Their height ranges from 20 cm to 1.2 m. The most common types are erect, deflected and thin-leaved. All of them are very easily propagated by seeds. They bloom all summer until the very first frost. They love sunny places, but also tolerate partial shade. Drought-resistant. They have an amazing ability, with the help of produced phytoncides, to disinfect the soil from pathogenic fungi and drive away some pests. They have a pleasant rich aroma. It is a medicinal plant and spice. Used in landscape design they are very wide. These are monobeds, borders, in various flower beds with other plants.


Calendula- also a well-known medicinal plant, which, due to the shape of the seeds, is also called marigold. Everyone knows their bright orange-yellow flowers. Now withdrawn decorative varieties both simple and terry. Now you can find cream, light yellow, dark yellow, brown colors, and there are even varieties with stripes. Grows up to 60 cm. This is one of the most stable, undemanding plants that makes us very happy abundant flowering until frost (you just need to immediately pick off the dried inflorescences). Propagates quite well by self-sowing, as well as by autumn planting of seeds in open ground. Loves sunny places. Used in various flower beds and to create bright spots of color.

Eschscholzia (California poppy)

Eschszolzia or California poppy (Eschscholzia)– a very decorative annual plant. They are not the only ones beautiful delicate flowers, but also openwork leaves of green and grayish-blue color. Forms a small bush up to 30 cm. The flowers consist of 4 glossy petals, which close at night and in bad weather. There are both simple and terry ones. Blooms in early summer and blooms until frost. The colors of the flowers are so varied that it is impossible to list all the shades. These are yellow, white, pink, salmon, bright orange, cream, red and a great variety of combinations of these tones. There are very decorative varieties with slightly wavy petals. Eschscholzia is thermophilic and loves bright areas. But it can withstand light frosts. Undemanding to soils. Drought resistant. Does not like excess moisture and fertilizers. Easily propagated by seeds, self-sows well. Large carpet plantings of Eschscholzia are very beautiful; they effectively create splashes of color. Suitable for creating a Moorish lawn. Used in discounts.

Snapdragon or Antirrhinum– Many people are familiar with “dog” flowers from childhood, which can open their mouths funny. It is a perennial plant, but is grown in gardens as an annual. At the top of the shoot there is a spike of large flowers of irregular structure. The colors are varied from pale yellow to almost black. The height also varies from 20 cm to a meter. Even terry varieties have been bred. It is advisable to plant it in sunny areas. Does not require special care. Resistant to frost. During a snowy winter, it may not freeze out and produce young shoots in the spring. Propagated by seeds. Often used in discounts and mixborders. Suitable for cutting.

Iberis or stennik (Iberis)- a profusely flowering plant, quite unpretentious. Resistant to frost and drought, light-loving. The height of the bush varies from 15 to 35 cm in different varieties. It is completely covered with flowers. The most popular types: umbrella (inflorescence is a dense shield, consisting of small white, pink, lilac and crimson flowers), bitter crown (inflorescences are columnar, white, have a pleasant delicate aroma). They reproduce by seeds, self-sowing is possible. Plant care is the most common. For longer flowering, dry inflorescences must be picked. Used for borders and when creating ridges. Low-fragrant Iberis crowns are well suited for cutting.

Iberis (stennik) umbelliferous
Iberis bitter crown

Sweet tobacco (Nicotiana alata)- even though this plant comes from South America, but feels quite good in our gardens. It likes sunny areas, but also tolerates partial shade. Protection against strong winds. But in general, this is a very unpretentious plant. We grow two species (out of 60). Wonderful or winged tobacco, from 30 to 90 cm in height. The stem is shaggy and covered with a sticky substance. Inflorescences are loose panicles. The flowers are large, similar to a five-pointed star on a long tube. Their color is white, pale yellow, pink, cream and reddish-crimson. In the evening and at night they smell very strongly, but pleasantly, and in the morning the flowers close. Sander tobacco is similar to winged tobacco, but has larger flowers of various shades (there are even two-colored ones), which are odorless and do not close during the day. They bloom from June until frost. They reproduce by seeds and give good self-seeding. They are used in flower beds near the house or gazebo to be able to enjoy their wonderful aroma on a warm summer evening.

Wonderful tobacco (winged)
Sanders tobacco

Ankhusa (oxwort)

Anhuza or oxwort (Anchusa) is a bushy plant that is either an annual or a short-lived perennial. It has slightly pubescent leaves and stem. It grows up to 70 cm. Its inflorescences-curls, consisting of small tubular flowers with five spreading petals of a rich blue color, look very decorative. Ankhuza can make a bright blue carpet. Winter-hardy plant. Can grow on any soil. Does not tolerate waterlogging. It is propagated by seeds, and its perennial species by division of the bush. Used in the back rows of discounts and mixborders.

As a rule, annuals reproduce by seeds. If the plant self-sows well, its seeds can be planted in the fall. Some flowers are sown only in spring. Unpretentious annual plants also include cosmos, coreopsis, flax, poppy, malopa, verbena and many others.

Poppy self-seeding

All, even the most unpretentious garden flowers, require minimal care. They require moderate watering. To ensure long-term flowering, it is necessary to pick off dry inflorescences. Remove weeds and sometimes loosen the soil. If necessary, feed a little. That is, the very minimum of physical costs. But in response to your concern they will respond magical colors blooming flower beds and lawns.

For most of us, flowers are an indispensable decoration of the garden plot, but for many of them, the flowering period is limited to a few days or weeks. Long-flowering, unpretentious perennials can turn your garden into a real sea of ​​colors and aromas for the entire season.

The most popular perennial long-flowering plants


The luxurious beauty is also famous for its huge number of hybrids and varieties, many of which can bloom continuously from early June until late autumn. not complicated, however, as befits the queen of the garden, the crop is quite sensitive to growing conditions and susceptible to diseases and pests.


A perennial Mediterranean compact shrub with violet-blue or soft pink fragrant flowers that appear at the end of May and decorate the garden until the first frost. Lavender requires virtually no care, its fluffy bushes are great when planted in groups, and are a wonderful option for decorating borders, mixborders and in the Mediterranean style. Goes well with roses and carnations.


A fragrant and unpretentious long-flowering perennial. Depending on the type, the color palette is white, pink, purple or blue. Flowering is long - from spring to late autumn. Tolerates periodic droughts well. Indispensable in creation.

Multi-grass or lofant

This plant is often called Mexican mint because of the pleasant anise-like scent of the leaves and flowers. Great for creating mixed flower beds and herb gardens.


It is characterized by multi-colored double flowers that resemble small pillows. Height, depending on the type, from 25 to 70 cm. Flowering period from July to mid-October.


Numerous hybrids and varieties allow you to paint your garden with a wide range of warm colors, ranging from shades of yellow to purple. Tiny flowers are collected in large flat inflorescences, which look impressive against the background of dark green carved foliage. Grows well in both sun and partial shade and is drought-resistant. Together with sage and polygonum, you can create a magnificent composition in.

Dianthus grass

The height of this miniature plant is only 15-20 cm. Ideal for decorating rocky gardens and rock gardens in naturalistic compositions. Abundant and fragrant flowering begins in May and continues until the end of August. Tolerates poor soil and drought. Popular varieties: bright yellow “Golden Queen”, hot pink “Diamond”, snow-white “Wisley White”.

Antemis or navel tincture

A completely low-maintenance, long-flowering perennial with bright yellow or orange daisy-like inflorescences and bluish lacy leaves. The height of the plant is about 60 cm. It is best to plant it in groups of several pieces. The golden meadows of anthemis look impressive against the backdrop of coniferous crops and in a rocky garden.


Garden echinacea pleases with its bright flowering from July to September. Group plantings allow you to create wonderful flower beds in warm colors.


The hardy plant reaches a length of 25-35 cm and looks like mint. Its pride is its white, lavender-blue, purple or bright blue inflorescence spikelets and the lemon scent of foliage in some species. It is often planted in rockeries, in the herb garden next to oregano, echinacea, and sage. The most popular drought-resistant ornamental species is Fassin's catnip, which is ideal for border landscaping, as well as such magnificent varieties as "Purple Haze" and "Walker's Low".


Tall, up to 2 m in height, powerful stems are strewn with beautiful and large flowers blue and pink shade. The flowering period is from June to the end of September. The tall, handsome delphinium is an excellent solution for creating mixed flower beds, decorating low buildings and fences.

Flat petal geranium

A ground cover species of garden geranium, blooming from June to August. Loves diffused light and moist soil. This modest plant is well suited for landscaping areas around bushes and trees.


The unpretentious, long-flowering plant is popular among gardeners. Its flowers, like little suns, fill the garden with their golden, cozy warmth from early July to September. The plant easily adapts to almost any conditions, but prefers a sunny position and moderately fertile soil.


Pink, white and lavender luxurious oblong inflorescences on long peduncles decorate the perennial from July to September. It is not for nothing that it is often called a “burning star”. The tall sun-loving plant is characterized by hardiness and high decorative value.

Evening primrose

The beautiful evening primrose with bright gold and soft pink flowers decorates the garden from June to August. Grows well in full sun, fertile and moist soils. Excellent in group plantings.


The bright pink and white flowers of miniature armeria, collected in capitate inflorescences-balls on thin stems, do not fade all summer. This ideal option for rocky gardens and small alpine slides.


The plant's calling card is its bright and large pink and lilac-blue inflorescences, which retain their decorative value after being cut dry. It is completely undemanding in care, as it grows naturally in the steppes. Almost no watering is required. It blooms in July and remains decorative until frost.