In order for the carrots to germinate faster, it is necessary. How to sow carrots: videos, tips, recommendations. Preparation of seed material

We all love early, juicy vegetables. They contain so many vitamins and other beneficial substances. And every gardener dreams that carrots will sprout on his plot as quickly as possible and he will be able to harvest an early harvest. You can influence this process with simple manipulations. Below we will talk about the main factors that can speed up seed germination, and also consider the recommendations of experienced agronomists for planting carrots.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the seed. Not every seed can produce a healthy sprout from which a full-fledged plant will grow.

Surprisingly, carrot seeds have their own shelf life and it is quite short compared to other crops. Raw materials for sowing can be stored for no more than 2-3 years.

It is also important to consider the storage temperature. In a warm, humid environment, seeds may sprout unexpectedly or become moldy. In the cold they will freeze and lose their ability to germinate. It is best to store carrot seeds in dry and cool places. Air humidity should not exceed 50%, and the temperature should not be higher than +17°C. It is recommended to use paper or burlap for packaging. Set aside plastic bags for other needs.

A good carrot harvest can only be obtained from healthy seeds. Make sure that their surface is evenly painted, without stains or damage. Do not under any circumstances allow the seeds to get wet and dry again, otherwise you will never see the long-awaited carrot bushes. In order for seedlings to appear faster, you need to pay attention and pre-landing preparation soil and material.

Another important factor affecting germination is the condition of the soil. The soil must be loosened, because in hard and compressed soil, thin and delicate shoots simply cannot break through. It is especially important to ensure that a dense crust does not form on the surface of the sown beds.

Germination is also affected weather conditions, so when spring planting you must be sure that morning and night frosts have passed. Carrots love the sun, so choose the brightest areas for it, where there is direct light most of the day. sun rays. It is also important to remember that seeds love moisture. If the area is not sufficiently moist and the weather is still cold, cover your beds with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Video “Planting in spring”

To ensure even and high-quality seedlings, before sowing the seeds, they must be properly prepared. The most commonly used method at home is soaking. To do this, the seed material is laid out on a soft napkin and moistened with water. room temperature and leave for 3 days until the sprouts hatch. The room should be warm, about +23-+24°C. Germinated seeds grow much faster, especially if the weather is fine.

Another piece of advice that experienced gardeners give is to plant carrots before winter. This method is applicable in regions with snowy but relatively mild winters. If the soil freezes completely even under snow cover, then it is better to abandon the method. For pre-winter planting, varieties such as Shantane-2461, Nantskaya-5, Vitaminnaya-6 and Incomparable are suitable.

Seeds are sown just before frost. The seed must be dry. When snow falls on top of the ground, it will need to be covered with a thick layer and covered with spruce branches until spring. After the snow melts, the beds are covered with film or burlap. This helps the soil to warm up quickly and the carrots to sprout. It is worth noting that any early carrots are not suitable for storage, so if you are growing this vegetable in reserve, do not chase quick shoots, but pay attention to quality care.

To make carrots grow quickly, you need to do fertile soil. To do this, the soil must be dug up and fertilized in the fall. Carrots respond well to wood ash, humus and the drug Nitrophoska. Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers. When planting, the seeds should adhere well to the soil. In order for this to happen, the soil in the furrows is compacted a little, and the bed is filled with loose soil.

There is also an interesting folk method planting carrots, in which seedlings appear very quickly. As soon as the snow in the garden begins to melt, dig a hole in the area as deep as a shovel. Moisten the seeds with water and place them in a linen bag. The bag should be placed in a hole in the ground, covered with soil and sprinkled with snow on top. After 10-12 days, the bag can be dug up and the germinated seeds can be sown in the garden bed. For best results, the seed is mixed with dry river sand. This will help distribute everything evenly. After this procedure, the first shoots will appear within 5-6 days. Don't forget to mark the location where you bury the bag with a flag.

Video “How to grow productive carrots”

How to prepare the soil, seeds, how to sow and care for the garden bed - you will find the answer to these and many other questions in the video below.

Carrots are a difficult crop to grow - the number of sprouts is much less than those embedded in the soil. Year after year, many summer residents try to plant carrots in different ways so that they sprout faster. But efforts aimed at accelerating seed germination are not always justified and the result is often disappointing. Common troubles - prolonged germination, ugliness and poor taste of carrots - are usually attributed to poor quality planting material. But that's not really the problem. The cultivation technology has certain subtleties, the observance of which guarantees excellent harvest.

Timing of emergence

IN favorable conditions sprouts may appear on the soil surface 14 days after the carrot seeds are planted. In cold weather, root crops sprout after 3-4 weeks. During this time, the bed becomes overgrown with weeds, which directly affects germination.

The long period of germination is explained by the fact that the root rod grows first, and only then the shoot begins to make its way to the surface. Because of this feature, it is recommended to water carrots a week after germination so that the roots go deeper into the soil in search of moisture.

What affects seed germination

When stored in a cool, dry place, planting material retains the ability to germinate for 2-3 years. But in any case, only 45-70 percent of the seeds are fertile. You can achieve rapid growth of carrot seedlings by following the following recommendations:

  1. Procurement of seeds. Planting material should be purchased from trusted suppliers so as not to collide with the products low quality.
  2. Landing dates. Some gardeners sow carrots in late autumn; in this case, the crop is ready for harvest two weeks earlier. But if the winter is severe enough, there is a risk of seeds freezing. When planting in spring, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the type of root crop: it can be early-ripening, mid-ripening and late. Early varieties can be planted in beds at a stable temperature of +5°C. As a rule, this is the second half of April. May is suitable for planting other varieties, or at least early June.
  3. Processing of planting material. To protect the seeds from pests, they need to be soaked in a weak solution of manganese.
  4. Priming. The soil must be fertile, capable of providing the plants with the necessary nutrients. Ash and compost are suitable as fertilizers. When using chemicals, it is important not to exceed the dosage, otherwise toxic substances the sprouts will be destroyed.

To make it easier for shoots to break through to the surface, and for root crops to have beautiful shape, you need light, loose soil. If the site has heavy clay soil, it should be dug up, adding rotted sawdust or sand.

The root crop does not like an acidic environment; a substrate with a neutral reaction is preferable.

Ways to speed up seed germination

To ensure that the harvest of root crops does not take long to arrive, you can use proven techniques:

  1. The bed must be prepared in the fall. The soil is cleared of roots, stones and wood chips. If a root crop encounters an obstacle during its growth process, it will bend. Carrots do not like lime and manure, so it is better to add organic matter in the fall, and add it in the spring. mineral fertilizing, containing phosphorus and potassium. It is necessary to monitor the nitrogen content, because if there is an excess of it, the plant spends most of its energy on growing tops. There is no need to fertilize during the summer.
  2. The seeds are sown in the grooves, the distance between them is 5-7 centimeters. Depth at clay soils- about 1.5 cm, on loose, sandy ones - 2.5-3 cm. The surface of the depressions needs to be slightly compacted and moistened warm water. To repel pests, the grooves are watered with a regular solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. The appearance of sprouts can be accelerated by proximity to parsley, calendula, and marigolds. Other root vegetables cannot be placed next to carrots.
  4. Planting material should not be sown too thickly so as not to damage the roots during thinning. Excess shoots are removed during the first week after sprouts appear. This will make it easier for the plants to recover.
  5. To speed up the germination of carrot seeds, the bed can be covered with agrofibre. It is better to water from a watering can with a strainer so that a strong stream does not drive the seeds deep into the soil.

Pre-sowing treatment

Carrot seeds contain a high concentration of essential oils. They create a protective shell that prevents moisture from penetrating inside. If you sow dry seeds, this process can take 20 days or more, and daily watering is required.

To make carrots germinate faster, you can soak the seed several days before planting. To remove the oil film, the seeds are washed in warm water, pour into a cotton bag and soak for 2-3 days. The water is replaced with fresh water every 3-4 hours. After spring soaking, the seeds are dried on paper.

If you often have to fight pests and diseases on your site, you can harden the planting material in the refrigerator. To do this, the bag is washed in running water, squeeze out and put in the refrigerator for 5 days. You need to make sure that the fabric remains damp. After this, the seeds are dried so that they do not stick together.


One of the most effective ways Soaking with simultaneous air supply is considered to allow harvesting a week earlier. If the carrots need to sprout faster, you need to carry out the procedure yourself, using car pump or an aquarium compressor:

  • fill the container with water at room temperature, install the device so that the air passes to the very bottom;
  • add liquid fertilizer;
  • the duration of bubbling is 18-24 hours, but if the shell begins to burst, the seeds must be removed immediately;
  • The planting material is dried and sown in moderately moist soil.

Germination in a humid environment

To avoid disappointment, you need to check the germination of the seeds 1-2 months before planting. To do this, they are soaked in warm water for 2-3 days and sown in a small container with soil. Good indicator is about 80% of seedlings. If the rejection is more than 50%, it is better to replace the seeds or take more planting material than usual, and then thin out if necessary.

To be sure of a good harvest, you need to know how to germinate carrots faster. After hardening, the seeds are laid out on a moistened cloth and covered with a layer of cloth on top. It is not recommended to use gauze; the sprouts may get tangled in it. To prevent the liquid from evaporating completely, it is necessary to spray the package with a spray bottle. You can cover the fabric with ordinary polyethylene and ventilate periodically.

At a temperature of about 20 degrees, after a few days the seeds will swell, and a little later sprouts will appear. Before planting, all sprouted seeds germinate within 5-7 days.

Agrotechnical techniques to accelerate the emergence of seedlings

To prevent plants from suffering from diseases and pest attacks, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a weak solution of manganese.

When it comes time to plant pre-sprouted carrot seeds, problems may arise with their even distribution. In this case, some areas will have to be thinned out, while others will remain empty. To avoid this, planting material is mixed with crumbly river sand, poured into the beds and covered with a layer of soil. Can also be purchased paper tapes with attached seeds or make it yourself using paste as a fixing agent.

To make carrots grow quickly: 10 ways to sow

To make carrots sprout quickly and 10 ways to sow

The carrots are crunchy!
Favorite carrots!
In digestion

Getting ready for sowing.

As is known, seeds have different properties, one of which is the speed of germination. If marigold seeds germinate already on the third day after sowing, tomatoes on the third - seventh, peppers require ten days to germinate, then carrots, which do not tolerate transplants and therefore are sown directly in the beds, will lie in the ground for weeks, introducing the owners of the garden into an exciting expectation: “Will it rise or not?”

Of course, there are methods for preparing seeds to speed up germination. The main and most common method is to soak the seeds in water. At the same time, the seed shell becomes wet, swells, opens, and the sprout, without any obstacle in front of it, quickly breaks out.
Of course, the seeds can also be sown dry. This is exactly what they do with carrot seeds, because few people imagine sowing small and wet seeds that will stick to their hands and are unlikely to fall evenly into the grooves. The heat and moisture present in the ground will still do their job, so a young sprout will appear from a dry seed. But while the carrots sprout, the garden bed will be covered with weeds, which will cause a lot of trouble. I hate hanging over the bed for hours, thinning out small seedlings and removing weeds. This task requires patience, which, however, my wife has enough of. Apparently, therefore, despite emancipation, there is still a division of labor between us, in which the carrot bed does not concern me. And yet, everyone who grows carrots wants to make this routine work of weeding easier and, as it turns out, it’s easy to do.
Quite by accident I came across a film posted on You Tube, where Olga Voronova, a landscape designer and author of books on gardening topics, talks in detail about how she grows carrots. Most interesting point in the story lies in the preparation of seeds, which promotes rapid germination, as well as in the method of sowing. So, in order:
1. Place the seeds in a rag. Carefully roll up the rag, tie it with rubber bands, or tie it with threads so that it does not unravel, and keep this rag under the stream for a minute hot water. The temperature should be about 50 degrees. That is, the water should be hot, but not to such an extent that the seeds cook. The human hand can tolerate the temperature of such water. Easier for those who have a thermometer.
Such minute procedures should be repeated three times a day, for two days. That is, only six times. After each hot treatment, the seeds are placed on a saucer with water at room temperature. Water is required, since the seeds should not dry out during this period.
After the last, sixth, hot treatment, the seeds are dried by placing them on paper, and the paper on a hot radiator.
So, the seeds are dried and now we can sow them. But don't rush. If your seeds sprout earlier than usual, you still cannot do without thinning. And to avoid this procedure, there is a sowing method described by Olga Voronova.
2. Boil jelly (liquid paste), add seeds to it, stir, pour into a small teapot or baby watering can. In the jelly, the seeds are distributed evenly. Therefore, in the grooves watered with such jelly, the seeds will be distributed in the same way, evenly. After the carrots sprout, the crops do not need to be sown, and the weeds will not have time to gain strength (and maybe even sprout).
What a trick! Let's try! There is still time to prepare the seeds, but May is just around the corner! Hurry up if anyone is interested. Good luck!

10 Ways to Sow Carrot Seeds

How to plant carrots correctly? What's the problem, you might say, if there were seeds. You, as always, were right. :) The main thing is that sowing carrots does not turn into a tedious and time-consuming process. There are many ways to avoid this, and I want to tell you about them.

1. The most common method that many people use is sowing dry carrot seeds. Just use your hand to sprinkle the carrot seeds little by little into the grooves. One problem: the seeds of carrots are small, and if you pour a lot of seeds into the furrow, they will sprout thickly, and then you will have to sit in the garden for a long time, thinning out the seedlings. If you add few carrot seeds, they may not sprout.

When sowing carrots with dry seeds, you have to wait a long time for germination. Because the seeds still need to swell. Of course, there is always at least a little moisture in the soil, but most often carrots emerge after the first rain, and only then does their growth begin.

2. Sowing carrots with soaked and sprouted seeds will immediately require watering both during planting and in the following days. With this method of sowing carrot seeds, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, otherwise the sprouted seeds will die. Naturally, with this method the seeds germinate faster.

3. There is a way to sow carrot seeds, in which friendly shoots appear quickly. It's called "carrots in a bag". As soon as the first thawed patches begin to appear, you need to dig a hole in the area with a spade bayonet. Moisten the carrot seeds in a linen bag with water, put them in this hole, cover them with earth, and cover them with snow. In order not to lose the place where the carrot seeds are buried, you need to put any identification mark, for example, a stick. After 10 - 12 days, the carrot seeds hatch. Then they are taken out, mixed with dry river sand and scattered over the garden bed. The soil is lightly harrowed and covered with film. Friendly shoots appear already on the 5th - 6th day.

4. The next method of sowing carrot seeds is convenient and economical. Need to mix one or two tablespoons of carrot seeds with a bucket of sand and scatter this mixture into the furrows. It is important that the sand is dry, otherwise the seeds will not mix well with the sand and the crops will be uneven. Then water the carrot beds well, cover with a small layer of soil on top and you can stay away from the carrots until autumn. There is no need to thin out the carrot beds. In the fall, you should have large, even carrots.

5. Grandma's way of sowing carrots: pour water into a glass (half-liter jar) and add carrot seeds. Then, after stirring this mixture well, take water into your mouth along with carrot seeds and sprinkle it onto the garden bed. This is how they used to spray dry laundry while ironing. The sowing of carrots also turns out to be more or less uniform.

6. Mixed planting method: For example, you can mix carrot and radish seeds in one cup, add a little river sand there for uniform sowing and sow in the furrows.

The radish sprouts quickly and is gradually eaten, but all that remains is for the carrots. free space in a row. In the future, there will be no need to thin out such a bed.

Radishes can be replaced with any other fast-growing and ripening plant. Spinach or lettuce are good for this purpose. Idea mixed beds very good, it gives good results.

You can get several harvests from one bed if you draw up a planting plan correctly. vegetable crops according to ripening period. However, in order for the yield of all crops, both early and late, to be high, it will be necessary to apply increased agrotechnical conditions: watering, timely loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, fertilizing with both organic and mineral fertilizers.

7. Sowing carrot seeds can be combined with sowing onions. Onions can be alternated in rows, or you can sow “beacon” onions. At "beacon" method It is preferable to sow carrot seeds in rows, and plant regular onion sets in the same rows. As soon as the onion and carrot shoots sprout, the onion will mark the carrot shoots like a dotted line. This planting method allows you to reduce the labor intensity of weeding significantly. This method is convenient for those joint plantings carrots and onions protect each other from pests: from carrot and onion flies.

8.Sowing carrots with seeds on a tape. Seeds on tape are available for sale, but you can make such a tape yourself by gluing carrot seeds onto a strip of paper using paste. This technology for planting carrots is very convenient: you just need to stretch the purchased or prepared tape along the furrow onto the beds and sprinkle it with soil. One thing! It’s good if you came across the exact variety of carrots on sale that you wanted to buy. But sitting and gluing carrot seeds is quite an activity!

9. A great way is to buy pelleted seeds. Each carrot seed is contained in a hard dragee made of dry hydrogel and fertilizers with microelements. The size of the dragee is also optimal - a little larger than a peppercorn, even if the dragee falls out of your hands in the wrong place, you can easily find it and pick it up. The jelly beans are bright in color and so easy to see on the black ground. Dried carrot seeds are provided with all the necessary nutrients for the first time.

Lately I have been using coated seeds. In the garden bed intended for sowing carrots, I make holes at a distance of 10x10 cm, 2 cm deep, 1.5-2 cm in diameter with a pointed stick (I even have to bend over) :). The stick makes even little dimples, into which I then put 2-3 pellets. After the seeds are spread out, I simply level the bed on top reverse side rake. There is no need to thin carrots. I just pull out extra carrots for soup at the end of June and July.

Experienced gardeners advise replacing seed pelleting at home with mixing regular moistened carrot seeds with dried, well-crushed (ground) mullein (4 parts mullein to 1 part seeds). (Not for everyone!)

10. And this method of sowing carrot seeds is for those who like to experiment. Take water and dissolve some fertilizers in it, preferably complex fertilizers with microelements. Then cook a paste using this water from flour or starch. Let this jelly cool completely. Feel free to add the cooked carrot seeds and mix well.

Then, in any of the means at hand: empty plastic bottle(you will have to make a hole in the lid) pastry syringe with a large nozzle, an empty ketchup bottle - put or pour (depending on what consistency you get) into it paste with carrot seeds. In accordance with the laws of physics, seeds mixed in the paste do not stick together, but are kept at a distance from each other.

Then you go boldly to the garden bed, make grooves and squeeze this paste into them. The paste with seeds lays down easily and evenly, the carrot seeds are moistened and fertilized. Seeds are used sparingly, and there is no unnecessary work on thinning carrots. And you can choose any carrot variety you like, the seeds of which are not coated.

What other methods of sowing carrot seeds do you know?


  • Use the method of experienced and resourceful gardeners.

After planting carrots, cover the bed with wet old newspapers in 8-10 layers, on top of which put film. An excellent effect is achieved: moisture is retained in the soil, the temperature rises in the germination zone, and weeds in the dark under newspapers are in no hurry to sprout.
After 2 weeks, you can remove the newspapers and wait for the carrots to sprout. After ten days, the strong carrots can be easily thinned out and the weeds can be weeded out.

  • but I sow differently. I take a little kerosene, moisten the dry seeds with it and immediately sow it in the garden bed, distributing it evenly in the line. I don't cover it. They germinate in a week. Sora is not enough. If the weather is dry and hot, they germinate in ten days. But I try to sow earlier, while there is moisture from the snow in the ground.

From a scientific point of view, I don’t know why kerosene. I read this method somewhere a long time ago and began to apply it. But back in school, we watered the carrot bed with kerosene and the weed died, but the carrots remained. In the garden bed I make lines with indentations, spill them with water, scatter the wet seeds (I got used to it evenly and less often, if I get several seeds together, I separate them. (Painful, but it’s worth doing). I sprinkle it with dry soil and tamp it down a little. (The hollow remains about 2 cm depth, then, when it grows, I gradually hill it up) I start watering when it sprouts, try it a little, you will like it. There are no weeds in the hollow.

We also water the weed with kerosene, and now I’ll try to plant it this way. Interestingly, does kerosene affect the taste? We water on top, but what about inside?

The taste does not change, because only the surface of the seed is processed. And in what proportion do you water or with pure kerosene?

Clean. I pour it into a spray bottle and go to fight weeds!

I also process parsley this way. I take a little kerosene, just to moisten it. I pour the excess into the groove.

And I have a hydroseeder! Here is a simple stopper attachment for a milk bottle (or Biola juice bottle). Pour in water, add seeds according to the instructions (any seeds, from small to large) and off you go singing!

Last year I adapted a tip from something medical, I think it was a syringe. I just glued it to the lid and made a hole in the lid with a hot nail.

BUT!!! This year I will not use jelly, but hydrogel. The seeds in it are also suspended, and, according to the instructions, the hydrogel ensures earlier germination - this still needs to be verified - and also retains moisture longer - this has already been verified. So, friends, learn new tips!

There is another good way: soak any seeds that are difficult to germinate for two hours (a tablespoon of warm water and baking soda on the tip of a knife). Soda softens the shell from here and quick germination.

And for the rapid germination of seeds, I use a “bath” (taught long ago by employees of the Research Institute of the South-East). Pour boiling water into a thermos and close it to warm up for a few minutes. Seeds, previously soaked or pickled, are placed in a damp cloth bag or cloth, then drained water from a thermos, put the seeds in. Close the thermos and leave for several hours (2-3). Then take it out, ventilate and sow the peas, otherwise they will get wet.

Discussion here:

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Many people understand that gardening is a very difficult task, and not everyone is suitable for this type of activity. Here it is important not only to know how to sow, because there are often cases when diligence, endurance and patience are required from the gardener. This is especially true for the latter. And this is doubly true when you plant something so familiar to modern man plant like carrot. If the seeds of many other cultivated vegetables, for example or peppers, germinate quite quickly (they need about a week for this), then carrots can remain in a “dormant state” for a long time, forcing its owner to languish for weeks in anticipation.

However, there are several different way avoid this. The first, and easiest, is to soak the seeds in water. This is a very simple and very common method. They become swollen, then they open up and a sprout appears. But in this case there is one significant drawback. Wet seeds that always stick to your hands are not very convenient to sow. In addition, the chance that they will lie evenly in the bed is critically small. Moreover, this technique requires immediate care, since the soil must always remain moist. Otherwise, the carrot seeds will die.

There are also people who do nothing at all and just sow dry seeds. However, then you will have to face the problem of weeds, which will certainly appear by the time the sprout appears. You will have to thin out the seedlings, which requires a lot of time and especially patience, which not everyone has.

The next method is slightly similar to the first. The carrot seeds should be placed in a small rag, then folded and tied with string or thread (rubber bands will also work). After this, you should hold it under hot water. The temperature should not exceed 45-50 degrees. This can avoid both burns and damage to the seeds themselves. Perform this operation three times a day, for 2 days. Total: 6 times. But that's not all. Remember! They should not become dry between washes. It is recommended at that time to place them on a saucer of water at room temperature. After the sixth time, you need to spread the seeds on paper, the paper itself needs to be placed on the battery.

Some gardeners say that even after completing all these simple operations, you should not rush into sowing, since if early shoots thinning cannot be avoided.

This method is quite unusual and is relatively rare, because here. You should pour the seeds into it, mix and pour into the teapot. Since mixing will distribute the seeds evenly, the distribution of seeds in the furrows will also be uniform.
What follows is a very convenient technique that many recommend. The seeds must be mixed with sand (be sure to be dry!), then mixed. The resulting mixture is distributed along the furrows. After this, you need to water the seeds generously and cover them with a layer of soil. If everything is done correctly, the sowing will be uniform, and there will be a good carrot harvest in the fall.

There are also old method, which, however, some consider ineffective. The instructions are quite simple: pour water into a half-liter jar, cover with seeds. After this, you should take the mixture into your mouth, after stirring it, and spray the beds. It is believed that the seeds will be distributed evenly.
Very in a useful way A mixed planting method is considered, which allows for several harvests of early and late crops. To do this, mix carrot seeds in a cup with the seeds of another early crop, for example. After this, add a little dry sand so that the sowing is uniform. Then comes the sowing itself. Radishes (or any other early crop) ripen and are then harvested. However, this technique also has disadvantages. Since for good harvest not only is it necessary good soil, but also a combination of fertilizing, timely watering and loosening the soil.

At first glance, it seems that sowing carrots is quite easy. But in fact, this is not easy; it requires skill and knowledge of certain sowing rules. Let's figure out together how to sow carrots so that they sprout quickly.

Rules for planting carrots

For ease of sowing, it is recommended to mix carrot seeds with dry sand and sow the resulting mixture on a prepared bed. The liquid method has worked well - prepare a starch paste and let it cool. Carrot seeds are poured into it and everything is thoroughly mixed. Sowing can be done through a teapot or a bag with a hole.

Several ways to sow carrots:

There are quite a lot of them, let’s look at the most used ones.

  • The simplest is considered to be dry sowing - scattering seeds into furrows. But at the same time, it is quite difficult to maintain the uniformity of their planting. With this method, seedlings appear for a long time, because the seeds have not been pre-swelled. As a rule, this happens after the first rain.
  • The next method is to soak the seeds and germinate them. This method requires watering on the day of planting and thereafter. It is important here that the required percentage of moisture is always maintained in the seeds, otherwise they may die. This method gives quick results on germination.
  • Carrots “in a bag” sprout quickly. During the first thawed patches, a small hole is dug in the area. Carrot seeds are placed in a bag, moistened with water, placed in a hole, covered with earth and covered with snow. In ten days the seeds will hatch. You can take them out, mix them with sand and simply scatter them on the garden bed. The soil is then harrowed and covered with polyethylene. Shoots appear on the fifth day.
  • The next method is quite economical.
    A couple of tablespoons of seeds are mixed with a bucket of sand and the resulting mixture is introduced into the prepared furrows. It is very important that the sand is dry. Otherwise, mixing will be uneven, which will subsequently affect germination. After this, you need to water the beds generously, sprinkle them with a small layer of soil, and you can ignore the carrots until autumn. In this method, thinning can be omitted.

A number of other methods available to everyone

Let's look at them without details, simply listing them:

The seeds are placed in water and the sowing is sprayed using the mouth,

mixed method - carrot seeds are mixed with radishes, sand is added and sown evenly,

combining sowing of carrots and onions,