Aeschynanthus signs. Aeschynanthus is a liana with unusual flowers. Transplantation, pruning, propagation

It is difficult to find specimens of eschynanthus in stores, the care and propagation of which are quite simple. This is a flowering, ampel-type crop. Great for hanging pots. The color of the inflorescences varies from orange to dark red.

Varieties for growing at home

IN wildlife Aeschynanthus can be found in tropical forests. This is a liana-like plant that covers the crowns of trees. There are many known varieties of it:

  1. Aeschynanthus beautiful. This is the most popular variety. The shoots are long - about 0.5 m each, hanging down. The foliage is oval, 10 cm long. It has an olive tint. The inflorescences are tubular in shape, bright yellow tint.
  2. Aeschynanthus marbled. It has beautiful leaves. They are olive in color with light stripes. Their underside is brown. The inflorescences are also tubular, but have a light green tint.
  3. . It is considered the most picky crop among all varieties. Olive foliage. The flower is bright red. Aeschynanthus Mona Lisa will decorate any home.
  4. Lobba. This variety has attractive red inflorescences. The shoots are long and have many small leaves.
  5. Aeschynanthus Twister. This species is distinguished by the curled shape of its leaves. They are glossy, dark green. The inflorescences are also red, like the previous varieties.
  6. Caroline. The flower is very compact. He is also curly. Has long leaves- 8 cm each. A special feature is that the new leaves are distinguished by their raised position. Inflorescences are burgundy.
  7. Rasta. The foliage is long and has a curled shape. It is dark green in color. The flowers themselves are scarlet, but gradually turn red. The shoots are weaving and very long.
  8. Bella Donna. The difference is the shape of the leaves - they are more round. Their surface is glossy. The inflorescences are bright red.
  9. Tricolor. The leaves are medium in size. The inflorescences have an unusual shape. The cup is widened. Its shade varies from pale pink to dark red. There are orange lines along the petals.
  10. Rocky. In the wild, you can find this variety on stones with moss, in rock crevices, where the plant clings to trees and stones.
  11. Firebird. This name is due to the fact that the inflorescences have a bright orange-red hue.

Now new varieties are being developed that are distinguished by pink and purple tones.


After purchasing this beautiful flower, like Eschynanthus, it is recommended to transplant it immediately. If the pot is too small, it will have a bad effect on the development of the plant. The same applies to low quality soil.

For a young flower, replanting is recommended every year. It is better to carry out this procedure in early spring. But adult specimens, oddly enough, will develop much better in cramped containers. Therefore, when the flower is already about 2-3 years old, transplantation should be carried out only in urgent need. For example, when the roots have completely encircled the entire soil and moved onto the drainage layer, even peeking out through the holes for draining water. Also, replanting an adult crop can be done when the flower is growing slowly. If there are no such problems, then it is best to do a transshipment.

The new pot for eschynanthus should be 3 cm larger than the previous one. You should also not choose containers that are too large, as this may slow down the development of the culture. For adult flowers, a pot with a diameter of approximately 18-20 cm is suitable. It is best to choose baskets and flowerpots that can be hung. You can also plant it in a simple pot, which will be installed on a high stand.

In the wild, such plants require loose, light and porous soil. The same applies to growing at home. There are several suitable options:

  1. Mix 1 part of chopped sphagnum moss with perlite and peat soil. Then add a small amount charcoal and 0.5 parts vermiculite.
  2. Take peat and plain leaf soil in equal parts. Then add moss, sphagnum and coarse sand - take these components in volumes 2 times less than peat and soil.
  3. Mix coconut fibers, peat, perlite and leaf soil in equal volumes.

In addition, the drainage layer is very important. For this purpose, expanded clay, gravel, pebbles, and broken brick are used.

The algorithm for transplantation is as follows:

  1. First, all components that will be used for the soil mixture must be disinfected. To do this, use fungicidal preparations.
  2. Make a drainage layer at the bottom of the container. Then sprinkle a small amount of soil mixture on top.
  3. Carefully remove the flower from old container along with a lump of earth around the roots.
  4. Place the root system in a new container. Sprinkle with substrate and compact slightly.
  5. Water the plant and place the pot in the place chosen for it.

After a week, the plant will fully take root and adapt.


Eschynanthus propagates by seeds and cuttings. The first option requires a lot of effort. In addition, it is necessary to maintain greenhouse conditions constantly. Because of this, flower growers rarely use this propagation method.

To grow aeschynanthus from seeds, they are sown in a moist substrate made of a mixture of peat and sand. Then you need to cover the container with film or glass. Place the pot in a warm place where the temperature is approximately +23...+25°C. The lighting must be very good. Do not remove the glass or film until the first shoots appear. Watering is carried out through the tray. When thin sprouts become noticeable, they need to be ventilated regularly, but do not completely remove their cover. After half a month, the seedlings will get used to it and it will be possible to remove the film or glass. When the seedlings grow up, you need to make a pick, that is, transplant them into a new large pot. The distance between them should be approximately 4-5 cm.

But this method is quite complicated. In addition, you will have to wait a long time until an adult aeschynanthus forms from the seedlings. It is best to use the cutting method. Despite its simplicity, it is considered the most effective.

The cutting procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Long shoots from last year that have not yet become woody need to be cut sharp knife. The cuttings will be 10 cm long. You need to make sure that there are 2-3 nodes left on each of them.
  2. Remove the lower leaves.
  3. In order for the cuttings to take root faster, it is recommended to treat the cut areas with phytohormonal powders. For example, Zircon and Epin are suitable.
  4. Pour light soil substrate into the container. Moisturize it.
  5. Bury the cuttings into the soil 2 cm - up to the first leaf. Carefully compact the earth around it (do not leave any voids).
  6. Water all seedlings.
  7. Cover the container with plastic wrap, glass, or simply place it in a greenhouse.
  8. When the seedlings take root, new leaves will appear. Then it is necessary to transplant the plants into a small container with a diameter of up to 10 cm. Several bushes can be planted in one container. To stimulate growth, pinch the crown.

Within a year the plants will bloom.

Competent care

Eschenanthus can be grown at home, but you will have to carefully ensure that all conditions meet the requirements. Here are the basic rules to follow:

  1. Lighting. The shrub is light-loving, but direct sunlight will harm it. It is best to place the pot in a place with diffused lighting. In summer, it is best to place it on a windowsill on the west or east side. During the rest period, light is required at least 14 hours. Because of this, in the fall and winter it is best to place the pot near a window on the south side of the house. As a supplement, you can use phyto- or conventional fluorescent lamps.
  2. Temperature. The plant is considered heat-loving, so the optimal temperature is +20...+25°C. But in winter it should be about +15…+18°С. Drafts, cold and sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed.
  3. Watering. It is better to underwater the aeschynanthus than to over-water it. The plant can survive a short dry period, but overwatering can kill it. You always need to wait for the soil to dry. Usually in summer 2-3 waterings per week are enough. The water should not be too cold.
  4. Humidity. It is imperative to spray the plant to maintain high humidity levels. Water should not get on the inflorescences. Twice a year it is recommended to take a shower with warm water. To avoid white streaks, the water must be desalted. It is best if it is heated to 40°C. To maintain air humidity, you can place a container of gravel next to the flower, which must be constantly moistened. In addition, you should always wipe the foliage with a damp soft cloth.
  5. Top dressing. Use complex mineral fertilizers during the period of active growth and flowering, that is, from March to September.
  6. Trimming. It is not required for crown formation, but to rejuvenate the plant, it is always necessary to remove dried shoots. This will stimulate growth and flowering. If you shorten the upper parts of the shoots, the side stems will grow more actively.

As for diseases, the most common are powdery mildew and gray mold. Use Fundazol against them. The most common pests are: aphids, thrips, scale insects, spider mite, mealybug. Use insecticidal and acaricidal preparations against them.

The aeschynanthus flower will decorate every home. There are many varieties. Caring for the plant is quite simple - you just need to water it correctly, fertilize it, replant it and maintain it necessary conditions. Reproduction is carried out mainly by cuttings.

Aeschynanthus is an amazingly beautiful plant, common in South America, Southeast Asia, and the Malay Islands. Prefers a tropical climate and belongs to epiphytic plants of the Gesneriaceae family. In nature, there are about 100 species of Eschynanthus, among which there are: herbaceous plants, as well as vines and shrubs. In appearance, these flowers are similar to columnae, but differ in the size and shape of the buds. The name of the genus comes from the Greek words aischyneia and anthos, which translated means “distorted flower.” Eschynanthus flowers are bright and large, red, orange, burgundy, crimson. Plants living in natural conditions can reach 70 centimeters in length, while the leaves grow up to 10 centimeters. They bloom from June to October.

Purple buds of Eschynanthus "Mona Lisa"

Taking the natural varieties of the plant as a basis, breeders have developed many varieties for growing at home. Indoor flowers of aeschynanthus, depending on the variety, can be all shades of red and orange, or multi-colored with black or yellow stripes, lilac with dark splashes.

Interesting fact. Folk beliefs They say that aeschynanthus belongs to the “husband” indoor plants. According to legend, if a woman is passionate about growing these flowers, no man will stay in her house for long. But these are just prejudices.

Let's take a closer look at the varieties of aeschynanthus that are most suitable for growing at home.

  1. Aeschynanthus "Mona Lisa". When compared with other varieties, it is the least capricious. Blooms with bright red large buds. It is grown using the ampelous method.
  2. “Twister” is an aeschynanthus variety with twisted shiny dark green leaves, blooming with buds of a red-orange hue. It is also grown using the hanging method - in hanging pots or on specially equipped shelves.
  3. "Carolina" - rather large leaves in the shape of an ellipse, burgundy cups of light.
  4. "Marble" variety. It got its name due to the original color of the large leathery leaves: green on top with orange splashes, brown on the bottom with a purple tint, decorated with a marble pattern. The flowers are yellow-brown.
  5. "Aeschynanthus beautiful" - bright green leaves, red flowers, bloom at the ends of long stems and have a tubular shape. Buds are formed in one peduncle of 10 - 12 pieces.
  6. “Aeschynanthus beautiful” - in comparison with other varieties, the leaves are small, the buds are bright red on the outside and pink on the inside. It blooms, like the previous variety, in a “bundle”; the calyxes are tubular and can reach 7 centimeters.

“Bunch” of inflorescences of Eschynanthus “Beautiful”.

There is an opinion among flower growers that aeschynanthus is a rather finicky plant, and caring for it is difficult. On the one hand, this is true. However, if you strictly follow all the rules and persistently pursue your goal, a guest from the tropics will certainly delight abundant flowering and magnificent looking large leaves, which in themselves look quite original.

Watering and fertilizing

Like any tropical plants, aeschynanthus loves moist air. In hot weather, the plant should be sprayed at least once a day. For spraying use soft water with a low calcium content. IN winter period spraying is stopped.

Soft purified water is also used for irrigation. room temperature. Water procedures should be moderate as the top layer of soil dries. The soil moisture level can be checked with a long wood chip. During the dormant period, watering is halved. During active growth (March - September), the aeschynanthus flower needs feeding twice a month. Use liquid mineral fertilizers.

Air temperature and lighting

Caring for aeschynanthus at home requires having the right light and air temperature. Soft diffused lighting is preferable. The main thing is that the flower is not in direct sunlight. In the summer, it is better to shade it by placing it among others, more large plants on the east or west window. In winter, you can keep aeschynanthus on a south window. If you notice that the leaves of a plant are turning yellow, it is not getting enough light. You can add lighting artificially using a phytolamp.

For the flowering of eschynanthus, the optimal temperature will be from 22 to 25 degrees. The plant does not favor drafts and sudden hypothermia. Even with the slightest cold snap, it can shed both buds and leaves. As for the dormant period (from November to February), 16 - 18 degrees of heat is enough for the flower.

Features of transplantation

The plant is transplanted using the “transshipment” method. The soil from the roots is not completely cleared; the flower is simply transferred from one pot to another without destroying the earthen ball. The new container should be slightly larger than the old one. If you take a pot that is too large for replanting, the plant will use all its strength to form new roots. And this will interfere with flowering.

Soil for replanting can be used either purchased or made independently. You need to mix 2 parts leaf soil and peat and 1 part each of sand, moss and sphagnum. For greater lightness and breathability, you can add pieces of charcoal to the soil. A layer of expanded clay must be placed on the bottom of the pot. This will prevent moisture stagnation and root rotting.

Young plants need annual spring replanting; adults change their place of residence every 2 to 3 years.

Rejuvenation and pruning of aeschynanthus

For the plant to have an attractive appearance and the correct shape, it is necessary to trim it regularly. The procedure is carried out immediately after the end of flowering, pinching or carefully cutting off the top two leaves from each crown.

Unfortunately for lovers of indoor flowers, it is extremely difficult to maintain the decorative quality of this species for a long time. Upon reaching the age of five, the plant loses its beauty. The shoots become too long, the flowers become small, bottom part naked. This indicates that it is time to replace the flower with a young one.

Propagation of Eschynanthus by cuttings

For the procedure, the upper cuttings with 5–6 nodes approximately 10 centimeters long are taken. Further propagation involves removing the lower leaves and placing the cuttings in a container of water until roots form. This takes approximately 2–3 weeks. As soon as the roots appear, the young plant is transplanted into a small pot.

Reproduction of eschynanthus by cuttings is a rooted young plant.

To make rooting faster, you can use a wet mixture of sand and peat instead of water, and treat the tip of the cutting with the preparation “Kornevin”. Bottom heating of the container and a plastic cap will also help the formation of roots. In this case, you should ventilate the greenhouse daily to prevent the formation of mold.

What does Eschynanthus suffer from?

The plant is susceptible to infection with gray mold, as well as powdery mildew. Both diseases occur when the temperature is too low or the humidity is too high. In the first case, a solution of foundationazole will help. In the second - garlic juice mixed with water in equal proportions.

Marbled aeschynanthus during the dormant period.

When growing aeschynanthus, some gardeners encounter problems for which they cannot determine the cause. The tips below will serve as a kind of guiding star in plant care:

  • brown spots on leaves - use too much cold water for watering and spraying;
  • the flower loses its leaves in the cold period of time - low temperature indoors;
  • sheds leaves in summer - there is not enough moisture, the earthen ball is overdried;
  • dry tips on the leaves - low humidity, the plant is hot;
  • The aeschynanthus bloomed, but dropped its unopened buds - most likely, the pot was moved from place to place - the plant does not like this during the flowering period.

Important observation! If the aeschynanthus does not bloom, it means that it was too hot during the period of bud formation. From mid-December to mid-January it is recommended to place the plant in stressful situation– reduce the temperature to 15 degrees. Also, the flower will never throw out buds in a too dark room.

Blooming buds of Eschynanthus "Twister".

You can buy eschynanthus at any specialized store. The cost depends on the plant variety. For example, the price for Eschananthus “Mona Lisa” ranges from 900 to 1200 rubles. The maximum cost of a plant reaches 2,000 rubles.

Allergists warn that skin allergies in the form of urticaria may develop from the juice from the leaves of Eschynanthus. Therefore, be careful when caring for the plant, especially during transplantation and propagation. Use rubber gloves.

Aeschynanthus is an ornamental plant from the Gesneriaceae family. The name is translated from Greek as “distorted flower,” which is explained by the asymmetrical, curved shape of the corolla. The plant is native to the tropics of South Asia (India, Vietnam). It feels great in room conditions. The plant is quite exotic and unusual, and therefore will be a wonderful decoration for the room. Its flexible shoots can be fixed in the form of a bush or allowed to fall freely from the flowerpot. Having studied a few simple rules, it is easy to achieve active growth and lush flowering.

Description of the plant

Aeschynanthus – evergreen perennial. Flower growers call it both flowering and decorative deciduous. The fact is that between blooms, shiny leaves with a bright pattern attract no less attention. In its natural environment, Eschynanthus is an epiphytic plant. It settles on the trunks of large trees and snags, but does not feed on their sap.

Flexible shoots entwine trees and large branches, like a vine. The length of the stems of the indoor plant is 30-90 cm. Thin, smooth shoots are branched, and at the nodes they are covered with opposite leaves with short petioles. The fleshy leaf blades are oval in shape with smooth edges and a pointed end. They are colored bright green and are sometimes covered in patterns. The leaf length reaches 10-12 cm, and the width is 3-4 cm.

During the flowering period, the ends of the shoots are covered with elongated peduncles collected in loose brushes. The buds in the form of elongated tubes due to burgundy bracts resemble tubes of lipstick. This is often why the plant is called “lipstick” (“lipstick”). The base of the tube is painted yellow, and towards the edge of the petals an orange-red hue predominates. A long white ovary tube protrudes from the center of the blooming flower.

Types of Eschynanthus

The genus Aeschynanthus is diverse. It includes almost 200 plant species. However, no more than 15 of them are used in culture.

Aeschynanthus marbled (long-stemmed). A plant with decorative leaves hangs flexible shoots from a pot. The internodes are located close to each other. The opposite dark green leaves have a variegated coloring. Uneven light stripes are drawn from the central vein to the edges. The reverse side is painted in various shades brown. Flowers of this species are less attractive. The narrow tubes are green even after opening.

Aeschynanthus marbled

Aeschynanthus is beautiful (beautiful). One of the most popular plants among gardeners has flexible shoots covered with fleshy, monochromatic emerald-colored leaves. The length of the leaf with a pointed edge is 10 cm. Stems up to 50 cm long reach the ground. At the ends, during the flowering period, dense inflorescences of 9-12 flowers bloom. Soft scarlet petals grow from a thin, curved tube.

A distinctive feature of this species is its shiny dark green leaves. They seem to be covered with a waxy coating. The foliage, like the shoots, has a curved shape and resembles curls. Orange-red asymmetrical flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves.

Flexible branched stems are covered with oval dark green leaves with a shiny surface. They have a prominent central vein. During the flowering period, dense clusters of wine-red tubular flowers bloom. The variety is considered less capricious.

Long flexible shoots are colored reddish-purple and densely covered with small ovoid leaves. The lower surface of the leaf is lighter (light green). At the ends of the shoots, dense clusters of pubescent tubular flowers of bright red color bloom, which emerge from a narrow funnel of fused bracts.


Seed propagation requires a lot of effort and greenhouse conditions, so it is rarely used by ordinary gardeners. To grow eschynanthus from seeds, they are sown on a moist sandy-peat substrate and covered with film. The greenhouse is kept in a well-lit, warm place (+23…+25°C). Before the shoots appear, the glass is not removed, and watering is done through a tray. When thin sprouts appear, they are regularly ventilated, but there is no rush to completely remove the shelter. After 2-3 weeks of adaptation, the glass of the greenhouse can be removed. Grown seedlings dive into another box with a distance of 3-5 cm between plants or into small pots of several pieces.

At home, eschynanthus is often propagated by vegetative means. During spring and summer, cuttings can be taken from the tops of shoots. They should have 1-2 nodes. The lower cut is treated with a growth stimulator and immediately planted in small pots with a mixture of sphagnum, sand and peat. The cuttings are covered with a transparent cap and kept at a temperature of about +25°C. When the roots appear and the seedling adapts, the shelter is removed and the plant is transplanted into new pot with soil for an adult flower. Aeschynanthus is propagated using separate leaves in the same way. They are cut as close to the shoot as possible.

Plant care

In order for the aeschynanthus to grow and bloom well at home, its maintenance must be as close as possible to its natural habitat. In urban homes, the difficulty lies in maintaining humidity and temperature conditions.

  • leaf soil;
  • high peat;
  • river sand;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • charcoal;
  • coir.

It is preferable to carry out all planting work during the spring. After the procedure, the plant needs slight shading and high humidity.

Lighting. Plants love bright, diffused light. This is especially important for Eschynanthus marmorata. Hitting straight sun rays on leaves is unacceptable. The sun very quickly burns through the thin skin and burns form.

Temperature. The optimal air temperature for the plant is +20…+25°C. The plant needs a regular supply fresh air, but under no circumstances should you leave it in a draft. Sudden temperature changes are also unacceptable. Therefore, in the summer, due to cold snaps at night, the flower is not taken outside. To achieve flowering, it is necessary to provide it with a period of rest. To do this, in February for 1-1.5 months, aeschynanthus is kept at a temperature of +13...+14°C and good lighting.

Humidity. High air humidity is the key to the successful growth of tropical plants, so aeschynanthus is regularly sprayed and bathed in a warm shower.

Watering. The soil in the pot should not dry out more than a third. Typically, plants are watered 1-2 times a week. Excess liquid must be removed from the pan immediately. Water should be purified and well-settled at room temperature.

Fertilizer. From May to September, aeschynanthus is fed 1-2 times a month with a solution of mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. Fertilizer is applied to the soil at a distance from the stems.

Trimming. In winter, especially when kept warm and insufficiently lit, the shoots become bare and become very elongated. Therefore, pruning is carried out in the spring. It is better to wait until flowering is complete. Remove up to a third of the stems, dry leaves and thin out too thick shoots. But even pruning cannot preserve the aeschynanthus forever. Once every 5-6 years the flower is rejuvenated.

This article will talk about one capricious plant with a luxurious crown.

This is not a very popular houseplant because growing it at home requires a lot of patience and proper care. And this is only within the reach experienced flower growers. But if suddenly you decide to purchase a beautifully flowering hanging plant, then many gardeners recommend it - aeschynanthus.

After reading the article, you can find out what this plant is. Eschynanthus (photos and care are presented below) requires special attention to yourself.

General information about the characteristics of the plant

Eschynanthus belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. This plant is known botanically as Aeschynanthus. According to some reports, the genus of these plants has approximately 80-170 varieties growing in the Asian region (in China, Indochina, India). This plant got its name from a combination of 2 words (Greek) describing unusual shape its flowers: aischyneia, translated as “distorted”, and the word anthos - “flower”. It was popularly dubbed the “lipstick flower” due to the very bright color of the bracts.

This flower, like all tropical plants, loves warmth. Comfortable atmosphere for him the air temperature is warmer than for others indoor plants. And most main feature is that for it to bloom in winter, like many plants, it requires a lower air temperature.

Quite light-loving. It can grow and therefore can be placed in hanging pots or on shelves.

Plant in nature

The plant genus Aeschynanthus is part of the huge Gesneriaceae family. In the wild, these plants grow in the humid, warm regions of Asia (Southeast) and the Pacific Islands.

Under natural conditions, the flower looks quite impressive. The plant is included in the class of evergreen perennial representatives of the flora and belongs to the decorative deciduous group. It has a gracefully bending oblong stem.


The home flower Eschynanthus has several varieties.

1. Aeschynanthus marmoratus. Translated this means marble aeschynanthus. It received its name in connection with the beautiful texture of long waxy leaves (10-12 cm) - there is a thick yellowish mesh on the main dark green background. It represents the main value of this variety. And the flowers are green in color with chocolate-colored spots.

Aeschynanthus lobbianus. This is quite an interesting plant. Aeschynanthus Lobba was first discovered and classified on the island of Java. There it grows on trees, hanging beautifully with its long stems with leaves of dark green, rich shades. Pubescent with a red corolla, they have a soft cream color.

Aeschynanthus speciosus. This is a beautiful aeschynanthus (not to be confused with magnificent or beautiful). He represents evergreen shrub grassy. The shoots, growing up to 60 cm, are decorated with fleshy leaves of an oblong shape (length up to 12 cm) and groups of beautiful orange flowers(10-12 pieces each).

Aeschynanthus pulcher. This flower is most widespread among ornamental plants, suitable for home grown. Its name is translated as “beautiful aeschynanthus” or “magnificent”. This flower differs from the previous species in the scarlet color of slightly smaller flowers, red borders along the edges of the leaves and stems of the same color.

Description of indoor plant

The indoor flower aeschynanthus (see photo below) is a perennial evergreen plant. It has pointed, oval-shaped, fleshy, leathery leaves at the end. IN natural conditions This flower uses the trunks and branches of other plants as its support. At home, it is usually grown in hanging pots or baskets. First of all, its appeal lies in the fact that it has beautiful, showy flowers.

They have a tubular irregular shape and crown the tips of the shoots or appear in the axils of the leaves. When buds appear at the ends of the shoots, the flowers are usually collected in beautiful inflorescences of 6-12 pieces.

Eschynanthus flowers are distinguished by their bright colors, from red to orange color. And the beautiful (or magnificent) Eschynanthus flower has hanging shoots up to 50 centimeters long. The flowers of this variety are quite large (up to 8 centimeters in length) and have the shape of a narrow expanding tube.

There are a huge number of varieties of hybrid aeschynanthus, united under one common name - hybrid aeschynanthus (in Latin - Aeschynanthus hibrida).

Growing at home

For home aeschynanthus, it is necessary to create maximum lighting. Also, this flower has special requirements not only for watering, but also for the water itself. It needs content large quantity calcium.

Although the plant is a moisture-loving plant, it should be watered moderately, since excessive soil moisture can lead to the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, after which they may even fall off. And when it overdries, yellowing and shedding of leaves is also observed.

This plant can be classified as a succulent plant, due to the ability of its leaves to accumulate moisture. It can do without spraying.

Indoor aeschynanthus flowers can be grown in any substrate with the addition of cultivators (perlite, vermiculite, fine expanded clay).

It should be remembered that in case of drafts and strong temperature changes, the plant may die.

Aeschynanthus can be called a subshrub. That's why beautiful view And regular pruning can add decorativeness to the plant. Cuttings can be placed in water until roots appear (up to 3 weeks).

Correct and good care monitoring the plant will help strengthen its resistance to various pests. But if there is insufficient moisture, drafts and dampness, it can become gray rot. Adding sphagnum will give the plant hygroscopicity and prevent the appearance of any rot on the roots of the flower.

During intensive growth, it must be sprayed with warm water. Constant feeding is also important for him. mineral fertilizers from April to September (twice a month).


There are certain difficulties in propagating this capricious plant. An overgrown plant is usually replanted in the spring, as a rule, at least once every 2-3 years. Moreover, it should be done together with pruning the longest shoots. Overgrown plants with bare stems should be replaced with young rooted cuttings.

Eschynanthus flower multiplying stem cuttings up to 12 cm long. They should be rooted in spring and early summer. For this you need a sand-peat mixture. The air temperature should be approximately 22 to 25 degrees Celsius.

There is another way - propagation by seeds. The seeds, fine as dust, are extracted from ripened pods and sown in an even layer on a watered substrate, and then the container is covered with glass. When the very first shoots appear, you need to move the glass a little, allowing the young growth to get more air. After strengthening the seedlings and growing, they can be planted in pots with a substrate of 3-5 pieces in each.

You should know that root system Eschynanthus is very delicate, so the plant tolerates transplantation painfully. In this regard, the most best option- transshipment of this flower, in which the root is not damaged.

Replanting should be done every year, but this should be done before or after flowering. To do this, you need to choose a container slightly larger than the previous one, always with a hole for water drainage.

Pests and diseases

The aeschynanthus flower (photos presented in the article) is more often damaged by pests such as thrips, scale insects and aphids. To avoid this, good prevention is necessary.

Aphids usually settle in large colonies. It quickly fills leaves, shoots, stems and flowers. All these insects feed on the juices of the plant, which leads to deformation of the shoots and a change in the color of the foliage. In this case, the buds may not open at all.

When fighting aphids, it is necessary to wipe the leaves and stems with an alcohol composition. If the pest has spread quite quickly, you need to use insecticides (for example, actellik). Among traditional methods The best means of control is spraying with a mixture based on hot pepper. For this you need approximately 600 grams of fresh pepper (or 200 grams of dry pepper). It is poured with a small amount of water and boiled for 60 minutes, and then infused for 24 hours. After straining the solution, it can be used immediately; the remainder should be stored in a glass container in a cool, dark place.

This pepper solution is mixed with soap and water (15 grams of pepper solution, 10 grams of soap and 1 liter of water). The aeschynanthus is periodically sprayed with the resulting product until the aphids completely disappear. After a week, the procedure can be repeated for preventive purposes.


The aeschynanthus flower is quite attractive, but capricious. Caring for it requires patience and enough time, but all this, on the other hand, also brings pleasure. The main thing is that when growing, you should determine the golden mean of the maintenance conditions necessary for this flower.

The natural habitat of such plants (rain mountain and tropical forests) and the corresponding way of life in natural conditions determine the rules for keeping them at home. Among other things, the hardiness of these flowers to some extent depends on the variety and type, but, in general, all of them cannot withstand sub-zero temperatures and should be grown in winter gardens, heated greenhouses and rooms with bright diffuse lighting.

This exotic and delicate flower belongs to the Gesneriev family. India and Vietnam are considered the birthplace of this flower. This exotic plant grows and develops well indoors.

Eschynanthus does not shed its vegetative mass in winter and is considered an evergreen flower. Not only does it have attractive flowers, but its greenery consisting of shiny leaves with beautiful patterns attracts flower lovers. In its homeland, the plant prefers to grow in crevices of tree branches and belongs to epiphytic plants. But the flower does not exist due to the sap of the tree.

At home, the flower can grow up to 95 cm. Beautiful flexible vines hang picturesquely from the edge of the container. Along the entire length of the branch there are opposite fleshy leaves with a smooth surface. The shade of the leaf blades is bright green and sometimes they are covered with a pattern of a light shade. In this case, the length of the sheet is 12 cm with a width of 4 cm.

When the flowering period begins, the ends of the shoots are covered with elongated peduncles. They are collected in sparse brushes. The blooming flowers resemble lipstick and have a vibrant orange-red petal hue. A white bract protrudes from the center of such a bud.

Types and varieties of Eschynanthus

This plant has more than 200 species, but people grow no more than 15 at home.

The main crops growing in our apartments:

Aeschynanthus marbled - has flexible decorative branches, on which beautiful leaf plates are located. The plates have a variegated coloring - stripes extend from the central vein of the leaf to the edge of the leaf. The flowers of this species are not at all attractive and the tubes are colored green.

Aeschynanthus beautiful - this plant is quite common among flower gardeners. Flexible branches grow up to 60 cm in length and have fleshy dark green leaves without any pattern up to 10 cm long. It blooms in dense inflorescences of 12 scarlet tubular flowers.

Aeschynanthus Twister - this subspecies is distinguished from all others by leaf blades of a bright green hue with a waxy coating. Not only its leaf blades twist spirally, but also its branches grow curved. From the outside, the bush looks like a curly wig. Bright red flowers grow from the axils of the leaf blades at the ends of the shoots.

Aeschynanthus Mona Lisa - this species has elongated oval dark green leaves with a shiny surface of the leaf blade. The central vein stands out clearly on the leaves. Blooms with red flowers. Main distinguishing feature This is because the species is the least capricious when cultivated at home.

Aeschynanthus Lobba - the shoots of this variety have a reddish tint and have small leaves with a light underside. Blooms in dense clusters with carmine-colored flowers.

Each type of Eschynanthus is good in its own way and many gardeners can afford to collect a complete collection of the most popular varieties this plant.

Home care rules

After this, Eschynanthus will require a transplant from purchased soil in specialized soil. It can be purchased ready-made at garden centers or make it yourself by taking all the ingredients in equal proportions:

Leaf soil;

Coarse river sand;

Sphagnum moss;


Coconut fiber.

Immediately after transplantation, there is no need to expose the container with the flower to bright sun.

Parameters such as temperature, propagation, planting and watering of the plant will play an important role in growing a flower. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on these factors in more detail.

Temperature and humidity

It is worth noting that in summer the air temperature within 24 degrees Celsius is suitable for Aeschynanthus. If the temperature creeps up, you need to provide the plant with more high humidity air, since elevated temperature the plant falls into a state of stagnation and stops absorbing water through the root system. The best solution will bring the flower into the room where there is a working air conditioner, but if there is none, then place it on the floor of the room oriented to the north.

In order for the plant to bloom in the summer, it simply needs to be given rest during the winter months. In this case, the temperature in the room where the flower stands should not be higher than +16 degrees.

Since in summer period The flower needs moisture, so do not forget about regular spraying with a fine spray from a spray bottle.

Reproduction of Eschynanthus

This plant can be propagated using:

Seed propagation ;

Vegetative way .

With the help seed propagation the flower reproduces very difficultly and this is mainly used by breeders when breeding a new variety of Eschynanthus. But if you really need to carry out such propagation, here are the basic recommendations for growing seeds:

You will need coarse river sand and peat. The two components are mixed, taken in equal proportions, and disinfected. The procedure for disinfecting the mixture can be carried out by calcining it in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius or by placing the mixture of soils in freezer refrigerator for a day;

The prepared soil is poured into a container, which must have drainage holes to drain excess water after watering;

The poured soil is moistened with warm water with potassium permanganate diluted in it until pink color. After this, the seeds are sown;

The sown seeds are covered with transparent glass or film to create greenhouse conditions for germinating seeds;

The room in which the seeds will be germinated should be bright and warm, the air temperature should not fall below 25 degrees Celsius.

Having completed all these recommendations, all that remains is to wait for the moment when the seeds begin to germinate. When most of the seeds appear above the surface of the ground, remove the cover from the container and place the container in a bright place, but not in direct sun, since the sprouts are still weak. When the Aeschynanthus seedlings grow, they are planted in separate cups suitable size 2-3 seedlings each.

But most often Eschynanthus is propagated vegetatively. Throughout the warm season, apical petioles can be used for propagation. When cutting cuttings, you should pay attention that the cutting must have at least 2 developed internodes. The lower cut is treated with any solution to form roots and planted in nutritious and loose soil with the addition of sphagnum moss. In order for the cuttings to take root, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions; for this, it is worth covering the cuttings with transparent plastic or glass containers, while the ambient temperature in the room should be at around 25 degrees Celsius.

When the root system appears, the cuttings are gradually accustomed to environment, occasionally removing the can for a short time. The appearance of roots will be easy to notice if the cuttings are planted in transparent plastic glasses, which must have drainage holes. Grown cuttings are planted in cups corresponding to the size of the root system.

Reproduction is also carried out using a leaf plate cut near the very base.

Planting and replanting eschynanthus

Transplantation is carried out only in spring time, since after winter dormancy Eschynanthus actively moves into growth. The pot is selected such that the width is much greater than the height and the size should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous container. The soil is purchased ready-made. A soil that is intended for growing orchids or for Uzumbara violets has proven itself well. If there is no such soil, then you can make it yourself, as described above.

Transplantation technique :

A drainage layer of at least 2 cm is poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Then they put 2 cm of nutrient soil and carefully remove the plant from the old container and transfer it to the new one.

The void between the old soil and the walls of the pot is filled with new soil, lightly compacting it with your fingers to get rid of voids in the soil.

After transplantation, it is necessary to water with warm water.

Watering aeschynanthus

We must remember that you need to water Aeschynanthus with water that has been standing for 24 hours at a temperature of 30 degrees. The frequency of watering is once every 7 days, but at the same time you need to test the soil in the container, because between waterings it should dry out by 1/3 of its volume.

Lighting aeschynanthus

Eschynanthus prefers good lighting, but direct sun can cause burn spots on the leaf blades of the plant, especially in summer. Burn spots are not treated and over time the burned foliage disappears.

The best habitat in the apartment would be an eastern window, or if the apartment has only windows facing south, then the flower is placed on the table and shielded from the sun with tulle.

Pruning aeschynanthus

It is carried out immediately after Eschenanthus has faded, and is done annually. All branches are shortened by 1/3 of their length. Cut branches can be used for propagation. All this will stimulate the growth of side shoots, and the bush will grow lush and beautiful.

Diseases and pests of Eschynanthus

When a flower is cultivated in poor conditions that are not suitable for its normal growth, various diseases may occur:

Spider mites - this pest appears during dry periods or if the flower is rarely watered and the air in the place where it stands is not humidified. To get rid of it you need to remove all the cobwebs from the plant. cotton swab soaked in alcohol. Then treat the entire vegetative part of the flower with Actellik solution, and pour the remaining solution onto the soil in which Eschynanthus is planted. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of 7 days.

Thrips - they are easy to spot by the small white spots that appear on the leaf blades. You can get rid of them using the same Actellik or you can use Fitoverm.

Gray rot - manifests itself when there is excess moisture and low temperature. If this disease is detected, it is necessary to raise the temperature and reduce the humidity of both air and soil. Then treat with any appropriate fungicide.

Eschynanthus is a rather beautiful flower, which some gardeners consider capricious. But in reality this is not the case. You just need to take proper care of him, creating living conditions for him that match those he has in his homeland. For the sake of spectacular flowering and beautiful leaf mass, you can try to recreate them at home.