How to beautifully decorate a garden plot with your own hands. Design of a summer cottage (59 photos): planning. Installation of garden paths, lighting and sculptures. Fairytale straw goby

A small area is your opportunity to prove in practice the correctness of A.P.’s words. Chekhov, who, as you know, compared brevity with the sister of talent. After the implementation of your plans, the site will not increase in size, but it may be completely transformed. And even increase visually. All in your hands!

Three basic rules

The meaning of the three basic rules that are used when creating landscape design small plot, comes down to a declaration of war on gigantomania and the words: “Giants, you are not welcome here!”:

Style selection

Start developing your landscape design by drawing up a detailed plan. In the absence of skills to work with specially designed computer programs, draw a plan on paper. On the plan, indicate the location of the house and the erected outbuildings, designate the future recreation area, proposed places for planting trees, shrubs, and a vegetable garden.

Decide on the design style of the site - will it be regular or natural (landscape). The regular style requires the presence of a main axis of the composition, in relation to which the plantings are made symmetrically.

Advice. Regular style design is more suitable for large areas. However, this does not mean that you cannot use this style on yours.

The paths in this area are laid straight. Compliance with strict geometric shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles is mandatory. The choice of geometric shape depends on the configuration of your site. So, for a narrow and elongated shape, a rectangular shape is more suitable. Squares will look natural on an area whose sides are approximately equal.

Registration in landscape style provides more freedom in the placement of plantings and decorative elements. It is better to avoid straight paths with this design.

The existing unevenness of the relief is played out or a mini-relief is created in one or two zones with your own hands. This could be a small pond with a humpbacked bridge, a retaining wall, or an alpine slide. Don't want to do excavation work? Create volume by arranging a flower garden with plants of different shapes, colors and heights. The solution is simple, and the flower garden will look amazing.

Techniques for visually expanding the area of ​​a site

To visually expand boundaries, designers use several techniques, the main one of which is to focus on smooth, smooth shapes and lines. A garden path, slightly bending or meandering between plantings, will visually make the area larger. Interspersed flower arrangements and decorative elements also successfully solve this problem.

Advice. Take as a basis a composition from a famous magazine dedicated to landscape design, or search interesting examples in the Internet. Evaluate what you can apply to yourself. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and try to develop an idea you like.

You should not chase the number of flower beds and shrubs. Using culinary terminology, there is a risk of “oversalting the dish.” Less is more. Select color compositions and shrubs for planting so that they delight you with flowers and greenery for as long as possible - from spring to late autumn. The site will be decorated with a dry stream, a miniature pond, and a decorative well.

Brighten up the far corners with plants with yellow or white flowers. This simple technique will visually “move them aside”.

Landscaping of a small dacha plot

When doing landscaping, follow the well-known rules:

  • Consider the lighting requirements of plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Plant plants and trees so that their height increases from south to north. The shortest place is in the southern part of the site, the tallest (apple trees, pears) are in the northern and northeastern.
  • Bring fertile soil to your plot if your soil is poor. Compost and manure will not immediately correct the situation.
  • Think it over color scheme your site. With the help of a properly selected color scheme the boundaries of a small area can be visually significantly expanded.
  • Don't go for a wide variety of colors. Much does not mean good. Choose a basic color theme and create variations in different areas of the site. This way you will be able to achieve harmony in the design of your small “latifundia”.

Very important! Measure seven times, cut once. No one has canceled folk wisdom. Study what and how best to plant in your region, find out what problems your neighbors face, delve into all the nuances. And only then start landscaping the area. The pleasure that you get from communicating with flowers and plants, the joy of contemplating how handsome and beautiful your “pets” grow up, is difficult to compare with anything.


Start with flower beds. Experts advise setting up flower beds on the sides of the entrance. Just don't make them symmetrical. To decorate flower beds, you can use literally everything that is on the farm.

Using flowers, arrange a “stream” in a small summer cottage, frame a small pond with flowers. Well-known themes will sound in your landscape design in a new way.

Cozy and secluded sitting area

Choose a place for a small recreation area, 5-6 m² is enough. Make two small pergolas from timber and slats. Dig the timber into the ground so that the pergolas form an angle or place them opposite each other. Secure the pergolas together at the top with long slats. Place a bench, plant climbing plants (convolvulus, wild grapes, climbing roses) near the pergolas and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Container plantings

Be sure to use container plantings for landscape design in a small summer cottage. Moreover, you can grow almost any plants and flowers in them. Not even big trees They grow well in them.

Beautiful dachas - photo of a cozy house

Greetings, dear summer residents and lovers of fresh air and nature. In today’s material, I have prepared for you photo ideas for beautiful summer cottages - inspiration for arranging your garden and home. All about the dacha in beautiful ideas, which can be implemented on your own site.

Photo of a small beautiful wooden dacha

Let’s not talk long and tediously, but let’s immediately start looking and here’s an idea for you - a small beautiful wooden house under a metal profile roof. The veranda is made in the form of a smaller extension; in front of the entrance to the veranda there is a paved patio and flowers in tubs.

Beautiful dachas - photo of a house with flowers

Here's another interesting design cottage in the country ordinary people, everything was done with your own hands, in the photo pay attention to the roof of the building - how much it is buried in flowering plants. Maybe you won’t be able to plant exactly this kind of planting, but even grapes on the roof can look very picturesque.

Trick 1 - Add Colors

Beautiful country house painted in bright colors

Brick house in the country - painting in White color

However, even painting it white will make your house look nice and lively. Plus, white color repels excess sunlight, which means your room will be less hot in the summer heat.

Trick 2 - climbing plants

Photo of a two-story wooden cottage with an attic

Another trick and interesting thing is landing climbing plants, capable of covering your building with a green plant carpet over time, also cooling in the heat and giving rest to the eyes. Please note that in the photo the dacha is also painted white; if you use high-quality paint, it will last a long time and will not peel off.

Trick 3 - relaxation corners

Relaxation corners in the country are extremely important

Be sure to think about relaxation areas at your dacha, because we come primarily to rest, relax and get a positive charge from communicating with nature. Make a patio, terrace or gazebo, place comfortable furniture, place a table, and decorate the surroundings.

Trick 4 - sculptures and figurines

Pay attention to the little things - place decorative sculptures or figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters in the garden. This will give your dacha individuality and warmth. Sculptures can be placed in flower beds or simply in suitable places, as is convenient for you.

Trick 5 - front garden design

Photo of a stone cottage with a large entrance door

6 installations - country tricks

Returning to the ideas of patios and seating areas, you can get inspired by this option; I took a photo through the fence on one of my trips. The owners of the dacha created a semicircular flowerbed, paved the space with stone in the center, and placed tree trimmings as seats. Between the flower beds, the space of the dacha is simply sown with lawn grass.

Trick 7 - vintage comes into play

Photo of a country style cottage

The owners of this dacha find use for all the old things that come their way. Passion for “antiques” is a subtle science, and the main thing here is not to turn your dacha into a landfill. This is a warning to those summer residents who take old things and furniture out of town in the hope of using them in the future on their site.

Trick 8 - paths around the site

Paths in the country

I also recommend thinking about paths at your dacha, it’s convenient and beautiful. Moreover, you don’t even have to use the solution, but simply fill it with gravel. Beautiful winding paths without a doubt they will add originality and style to your site.

Trick 9 - decorating the steps

The general concept consists of subtle nuances beautiful dacha— in the photo we see an option for arranging the steps. Instead of plain concrete, the bottom step is decorated with pebbles.

Photo of steps in the garden at the dacha

If you have elevation differences on your site, then it would be quite appropriate to decorate them with tiers and steps decorated with mosaics or stones.

Trick 10 - use hanging plants

Beautiful dachas - photos of decorating the porch with hanging plants

An original idea for decorating a dacha - using hanging plants. As certain tubs fade, the composition can be changed. The photo shows an example of placing ampels on the porch railings. Also, flowerpots can be hung on the upper beams of gazebos or verandas.

Climbing roses in the country

Photo of a gazebo at the dacha

Nice idea - use climbing roses in the design of decorating a gazebo in the country. Roses can be spread along a trellis; over time, the plant will cover a large surface of the gazebo and give it sophistication and charm.

Ponds and bridges in dacha design

A small bridge at the dacha - photo idea

If you have a pond or stream on your site, then decorate it with a bridge. Such a design can be simply decorative or functional - you can walk on it.

Design of a patio at the dacha

Photo of a patio at the dacha

An interesting example of a Spanish-style patio - white walls, terracotta tiles on the floor, potted plants. The sitting corner is ready, the only thing is that I would recommend placing it on the north side, otherwise there will be a fairly strong reflection of the sun’s rays from the white walls and it will blind you.

South facing terrace design country house

An example of an entrance design on the south side - a terrace with a roof protects big windows to the floor from penetration of sunlight. Next to the display windows there are rocking chairs for relaxation.

Design ideas for a small summer cottage

Photo idea for a small summer cottage

An example of decorating a small summer cottage in a geometric design. The paths are made of square tiles, there are flower beds around the perimeter, a lawn and a patio for relaxing under the shade of a large tree.

Terraces at the dacha

Beautiful dachas - photo of the terrace

Returning to the differences in heights, if your dacha is on a slope, then here’s an original idea for you - decorate it with terracing. The steps can be designed in the form of rounded podiums, layered one on top of the other. Lay the curb stone in a circle on cement mortar, A inner part cover with gravel.

Dry stream on a summer cottage

An example of the design of a dry stream in a country house

Nowadays, a design technique called “dry stream” has become quite widespread. Speaking in simple words, it’s like a dry bed of a mountain stream, in which there is no water, only stones. Beautiful and stylish, I think. I have already seen similar solutions among many summer residents. By the way, the imitation of a stone waterfall, instead of a stream, in my opinion, is also very elegant!

Decorating a flower bed in a tree trunk circle

Ideas for decorating a flower bed in a tree trunk circle

Another interesting technique, which you can use at your dacha - a flower bed in a tree trunk circle. The photo shows one of the options; I usually plant shade-tolerant hostas under trees. Highly recommend! And the tree will be better off, because you will constantly loosen the soil under it, giving access to oxygen, plus regular watering will improve its condition.

Flowers in retaining walls

Blooming retaining wall at the dacha

If you have a retaining wall made of stone, then decorative low-growing perennials can be planted in the crevices; they will bloom and enhance the structure with their appearance.

Photo of a dacha - design in a geometric style

Another example of decorating a dacha patio with geometric shapes. An option when the squares look quite organic. Although I am a supporter of natural rounded shapes, I respect those who prefer the aesthetics of corners.

Border flower bed with live shrubs

The photo shows a flower garden, the fencing of which is a border made of living dwarf shrub. When planting a border like this, consider how tall your shrub can grow without pruning.

Evening lighting at the dacha

Already in August, when it gets dark early, the design of lighting in the dacha will become a rather pressing issue. Therefore, decisions on lighting should be made in advance. You can limit yourself to simple flashlights on solar powered, but you can create a real light show! In any case, the rest area should be illuminated somehow.

An example of an open terrace with a pergola

Beautiful relaxation area in the country under a tree

An interesting idea for a relaxation corner at the dacha in the shape of a heart, a flower garden with a bench under a tree. A very relevant option for large areas.

Beautiful dachas - photo idea for designing a pond with a bridge

An original idea for decorating a small backyard with a pond and a bridge. Everything is compact and at the same time stylish, harmonious and fresh!

Potted plants on the terrace at the dacha

By the way, if you go to the dacha for the whole summer, then do not forget to take your four-legged friend with you - a dog or cat. Even animals can take a break from the bustle of the city!

Beautiful dachas - photo ideas

Country house with attic

An attractive country house with an attic, an original idea for a small building. The house is lined with white siding, there are shutters on the windows, and you can see the fireplace chimney on the right. I really like the idea!

Cozy country house

Well, to conclude the material, one more photo of a cozy fairy-tale country house. The building is frame, made of wood, painted in terracotta color, the porch is made in the form of a pergola. There is a fireplace in the room, as evidenced by the brick chimney. Great idea for a small cottage.

Today, a dacha is not just a garden with a house. Nowadays, the dacha is becoming a place summer holiday. And any vacation implies a beautiful and cozy environment, so that everything around us pleases our eyes.

Therefore, in last years The fashion for creative design of your summer cottage is gaining more and more momentum. Moreover, decorating flower beds is not the only possible direction for improving your dacha. There are a huge number of photos with ideas for giving. But the M.Art company offers only modern types of landscaping using the latest technologies.

You can and should decorate the territory of your dacha using available materials: old things, unused furniture, parts from cars, and the like.

Thus, you will not only get rid of trash and decorate your dacha, but also get pleasure and satisfaction from the work done.

We will tell you in detail below about best ideas for a do-it-yourself dacha.

Craft ideas

When decorating a site using available materials, your main assistant should be your imagination. For example, plastic bottles can become both an original flower bed and guiding paths.

In addition, it is easy to create animals and birds from bottles and decorate your territory with them. Ordinary stones are also a good material for decoration. They are often used to frame your own pond.

Car tires have long been the best flower beds, but now they have learned to make swans and other animals from them.

Ideas for children's play areas

A dacha is a family place, and if so, it is necessary to provide recreation not only for adults, but also for children. The best thing for children is their own play area.

If you have large trees growing on your site, they are well suited for creating a swing. Creating sandboxes, treehouses and slides: here is a partial list interesting ideas for a summer cottage in a children's play area.

Original fence

If a person is first judged by his clothes, then dachas are judged by his fence. And what more unusual idea decorating the fence, the greater the impression will be made on the guests.

You don't need anything fancy to give your fence its own personality: just paint and imagination.

By cutting out stencils of pictures and then transferring them to the fence, you can achieve impressive results. Any picture made to scale can be a stencil; it’s just a matter of your taste and patience in coloring.

A flowerbed is the best decoration for a garden

One of the oldest, but never out of fashion, country decor solutions are flower beds. An original flowerbed contains not only an unusual container (be it a tire, a cart wheel, a jug or a homemade container of a non-standard shape), but also the flowers that grow on it.

Therefore, it is necessary that the color of the flowerbed be one composition with the planted flowers.

In addition, the flowers themselves show how they are cared for and serve as an indicator of the diligence of the summer resident and his love for his garden.

An original idea for a summer house are stuffed animals. Very few summer residents use them due to the stereotype of their use as scarecrows. However, if used in creating stuffed animals original decor and not limit yourself to the standard figure of a scarecrow, you will get a very unusual and eye-catching country decoration.


Decoration of a vacation spot

When you come to your dacha in the summer, you don’t want to hunch over in the garden, but rather relax on fresh air. Therefore, the more comfortable and beautiful you decorate a place for relaxation on the site, the more pleasant it will be to be there.

You can place a lot of things in the recreation area, for example, your own pond. It’s not difficult to make, just dig a hole the size of it, cover it with material that does not allow water to pass through (polyethylene will do), and decorate it beautifully with stones on the sides, then fill it with water - the pond is ready!

Also now they often set up barbecue areas and gazebos at their dachas, and you can hang a hammock from a tree. Garden tiles for transitions greatly change the impression of ordinary walks around the site.

Some people prefer active recreation. For them, the installation of sports equipment at the dacha will be very much to their liking - you can install a horizontal bar, parallel bars and rings - we will get a mini-gym in the fresh air.

How to decorate your site is up to you. With a lot of imagination and due perseverance, a summer cottage plot is quite capable of even becoming John Tolkien’s “hobby hole”! Or another fabulous corner, good luck!

Photos of ideas for a do-it-yourself garden


For most people, the dacha has ceased to represent a place with endless beds in which one must work tirelessly almost all summer. Now suburban area- This is an area for relaxation and aesthetic pleasure. Landscape design will help ensure a harmonious unity between man and nature. Read about great ideas for the garden in our article.

Features of landscape design

Landscape design is at the intersection of construction, architecture and plant growing. To properly design a landscape, you must also have certain information about style directions and rules of harmony of forms.

Decorating landscape areas is a real art, which has been practiced by professionals for many centuries. However, if you want to transform the territory of your dacha yourself, you just need to familiarize yourself with the basics of planning and ready-made projects to put into practice the ideas that resonate with you.

So, before starting work, pay attention to the following points:

- to transform the site, both objects of living and inanimate nature, and objects created by man are used, and each of them must fit into the overall composition;
- a finished garden needs to be looked after, so if you can’t regularly devote time to this, stop at simple solutions;
- think over the main idea and work plan, create a basic diagram, and then add decorative elements to it;
— not every project can be implemented in practice. Consider the quality of the soil and the degree of light - each plant requires special conditions for normal development.


It is easiest to work in one theme, which will determine the geometry of the planting arrangement. Please note that her choice is influenced by the architecture of the buildings.

Classic style

A garden in a traditional style is also called regular. First of all, it is characterized by consistent order and symmetry. Ideally, the direction is embodied in country estates with a vast territory, but even in small spaces of a dacha, it is quite possible to implement such projects.

Plant shrubs and trees with thick crown, which can later be given the correct shape. Take care of them and trim them in a timely manner. Lay the paths straight, and arrange flower beds, alleys, lawns, ponds and parterres in geometric configurations (polygons, ovals and circles are suitable).

Classic requires the selection of natural materials and the implementation of other buildings in a similar direction. Color palette- discreet, suitable basic shades. You can complement the design with a fountain in the center of the composition, topiary plants, as well as beautiful sculptures in an antique style.

Country style

The simplicity and coziness of village front gardens and gardens look nice and relaxed. It is this direction that has been familiar to humanity since time immemorial, when all members of society lived in simple houses with modest but neat lawns.

Country music is characterized by the following elements:

— fruit trees, vegetable beds;
lush flower beds free design;
— paths made of wood cuts, stone, gravel, ordinary earthen options;
- decorative details made by hand;
wooden gazebos and benches surrounded by vegetation;
— a small reservoir of natural shape;
- combination natural colors with colorful and cheerful shades.


The trend direction softens the contradictions between the technogenic environment and natural motives. The purpose of the eco-garden is to recreate the area wildlife on a private area. Therefore, the main rule is naturalness and ease, use:

natural materials;
— cultivated varieties together with field and forest plants;
- awnings and huts;
— wooden bridges, benches, stumps and saw cuts;
creative crafts and lamps;
garden furniture rough configurations.

Japanese style

A somewhat exotic current for our open spaces. It requires appropriate minimalist finishing for buildings, which is not always typical for dachas. And yet, individual motives can fit quite organically onto a standard basis.

To organize a garden with features of Japanese tradition, use:

— streams, bowls of water, small lakes;
rock gardens using pebbles;
— light, asymmetrical spaces conducive to contemplation;
- short conifers, moss, sand;
- bamboo fences;
— combined paving;
— consistent colors (black, white, sand, green, brown, gray);
— the main focus is on harmony and naturalness.


Minimalist style comes from interior design. It stands on the same principles - simplicity and conciseness in everything. With a limited set of tools, it is necessary to perform maximum functional tasks, express the main idea, creating lightness and spaciousness.

A minimalist landscape has the following features:

— the site resembles a studio apartment;
— the paths have smooth and straight lines;
rectangular shapes;
— black, white, gray, beige, terracotta and green shades;
— abstract sculptures;
- mirrors, spotlights;
- furniture made of aluminum and plastic.

Green spaces

To start landscaping, you need to make a plan and decide on the varieties of plants to plant and their location. In this situation, it is best to use the traditional zone division algorithm:

Outer side- this is a fence, which can be a fence or hedge;
— Internal – located directly next to the main building;
- Intermediate - places for recreation and areas accessible to the eye that need to be improved.

As for the external part, you can landscape it at will. Install beautiful fence and gates, and then complete the fence with a hedge along the entire plane or partially. Various types of vegetation are suitable for fencing: fruit trees or shrubs in one or two lines. Tall trees are planted in one row, this could be: cedar, fir, pine, plum, mulberry or apple tree.

For two-row planting, choose shrubs: roses, currants, lilacs. You can also arrange vertical gardening, hang pots of flowers on the fence or plant climbing plants next to it. Such vegetation will provide an excellent aesthetic appearance and an incomparable smell.

For the area near the house, plant low-growing bushes or organize a neat flower bed. In this area, a border flower bed, monoflower bed or mixed border looks organic. Set boundaries and maintain your flowers regularly to create a cheerful look for your porch.

The intermediate zone is the most important and labor-intensive. Place a lawn over the entire area. Then everything depends on your plans. For example, combine lush green grass with alpine slide or rock garden. Structures in the form of swings, gazebos, and pergolas can be transformed with ivy or bindweed. All types of flower beds will be appropriate for this zone; it is only important to combine them correctly with the rest of the design details. Decorate the area with original flower beds: multidimensional, in the shape of a stream, on elevations, in boxes, baskets, old shoes, logs and so on.


Reservoirs deservedly occupy one of the main positions in landscape decoration, emphasizing the features and perception of space, as well as filling it with functionality. Modern design offers many different variations of reservoirs that you can pay attention to when planning: fountain, pool, stream, pond (classic, landscape), garden aquarium, mini-pond in any container (you can do it yourself), multi-level (including streams and waterfalls).

When choosing the type of reservoir, take into account its functions, as well as the general concept of your dacha. Before planning, you should take a closer look at the natural reliefs of the landscape. Use them to create artificial ponds– it will look as natural and harmonious as possible.

The shape and size can be absolutely any. When deciding on these parameters, you need to take into account the style of the entire garden, the location of the water area and the functional purpose.


Garden paths are a necessary part modern design courtyard of a private house. Although main function paths are to create safe conditions for moving around your site; they also provide the opportunity to zone and decorate the yard area. Garden paths can be made from a variety of materials, such as large flat stones, a variety of bricks, pea gravel or concrete slabs. By combining materials, fencing paths with small borders or decorating them with additional elements, you can achieve not only the desired functionality, but also decoration of the area.

Depending on the wishes of the owner and the general concept, certain geometric shapes can be used. Straight or winding paths in the company of rectangular or oval flower beds will create a unique image of space.

Sometimes private property does not have a perfectly flat surface, but hills and holes. You shouldn’t fight nature and level the area; it’s best to succumb to its will and combine paths with steps. This will diversify the paths connecting areas of your estate.

Additional buildings

Landscape design involves creating building structures for outdoor recreation:

1. Pergolas allow you to organize beautiful flower arches, light protection from the sun and wind by the pool and behind dining table, as well as zoning the space. These can be arched buildings, canopies near the main building, or stand-alone structures.

2. C functional purpose Everyone is familiar with gazebos, and they can be embodied in a variety of configurations: open or closed, entwined with vegetation, located separately or adjacent to the house. Gazebos are created in classic, oriental, forest and rustic styles. There are also exclusive options with swing seats, in the shape of a ship, a huge teapot, an igloo with a hole at the top for smoke to escape from a fire, and so on.

Gone are the days when everyone at their dacha plot was busy with the beds and fruit trees, but didn’t think about decor. Once upon a time, the best decoration for a patio were unpretentious flowers along the fence or a small flower bed. Today, the dacha is becoming a place for country holidays, and many owners hire a landscape design specialist. But if your hands are in place and you have a few worthwhile ideas, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Original design Do-it-yourself summer cottage plots are made from scrap materials, which are abundant in every garage, on mezzanines, balconies or storage rooms.

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Mill at the dacha made of stones

Decorating a flower bed with wood

The main advantage of homemade country decor is that it is possible to attach everything that was a pity to throw away. Every thrifty homeowner has long-term deposits of all sorts of goods stored in the garage and on the balcony, mezzanine and pantry, which will soon become an adornment of the landscape.

You can adapt many items that have served their main life to your dacha design with your own hands:

  • bald car tires;
  • plastic bottles, containers and containers;
  • ropes, tarpaulin, burlap, camouflage net;
  • cutting boards and thin cuts of wood;
  • unnecessary plastic pipes;
  • thick wire, chain-link mesh, metal scraps;
  • old shoes and sports equipment;
  • plywood boxes and wooden containers;
  • empty barrels and other containers;
  • leaky teapots, bowls, pans;
  • unnecessary carts and bicycles;
  • old plastic and wooden furniture;
  • leftovers building materials And polyurethane foam.

First of all, you need to evaluate the “reserves” in order to distribute them for the arrangement of the dacha as needed. Some of the materials will be used to make fully functional devices.

In any yard, a “Moidodyr” (washbasin) in the barbecue or grill area and a sofa swing in the shade of the garden under a tarpaulin canopy will be useful. Make it out of other old things flower stands and flowerpots, all kinds of original garden decorations with your own hands.

Boar's head from a pile of earth at the dacha

Decorating a flower bed with flowers

Will need detailed plan site for proper zoning and marking. Even in a small yard country house or in country garden it is necessary to distribute functional zones that will delimit:

  • curbs;
  • sides from plastic bottles;
  • hedges;
  • decorative stonework;
  • original fences.

A well-maintained estate does not require redevelopment; all you need is creative design ideas for your dacha. On the new site, places for a comfortable pastime are determined:

  • outdoor cooking fireplace;
  • children's playground with decorative sandbox;
  • gazebos, benches, swings;
  • parking under a canopy for cars, motorcycles or bicycles;
  • a playground for a children's pool;
  • decorative beds, flower beds, flower beds and alpine slides.

By working on your own country house design, you have the opportunity to realize long-standing dreams and plans of the whole family. Free areas can be covered with small stones and sowed lawn grass, low-growing border plants and flowers, as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself gazebo in the country

Flowerbed at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Garden paths

Discussions about whether paths are needed in a dacha last until the first rainstorm. In some regions, the soil is so viscous that you can’t pull your feet out of the mud - it sticks to your shoes in a heavy lump. The only way out is to provide aesthetically pleasing paved passages between summer cottages.

Paths made of different materials will help you decorate your dacha with your own hands:

  • bricks or foam blocks;
  • cutting boards and round cuts;
  • sea ​​pebbles and wild stone;
  • compacted fine gravel and sand;
  • homemade paving slabs;
  • marble chips and other bulk materials of small fractions;
  • concrete paths with a mosaic of broken glass and ceramic tiles.

The country alley leading to the garden will be functional and attractive in itself when it has original borders or rows of annual flowers on the sides. But the original idea of ​​laying it will make it a real decoration of the garden with your own hands from scrap materials.

Decorating a summer cottage with plants

Flower beds at the dacha

A paved path can be lower than ground level or slightly elevated, and have a flat or slightly convex surface. Alleys will last for many years if done according to all the rules.

You need a shallow trench, which is marked and the boundaries are fixed using a rope between driven pegs. This is the only way to make the path the same width.

The bottom of the trench is compacted with gravel and sand, regardless of the type of paving material.

Next, you need to organize formwork for concrete with filler or sides for large blocks. Low log pegs and rows of glass or plastic bottles of the same size dug upside down are suitable as decorative borders.

Sandbox with flowers

Flowers in pots at the dacha

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

Between the formwork, the compacted trench is filled with a concrete base under the recessed Decoration Materials. Between the pieces of mosaic path tiles, you need to carefully fill the seams.

Alleys made of bricks, blocks and solid tiles (without connection cement mixture) sprinkle sand along the seams.

When laying tiles or bricks on sand, use a rubber or wooden hammer for adjustment and leveling.

The horizontal is adjusted using the building level.

If the site is located in a lowland, be sure to organize drainage, otherwise the alleles may turn into drains during a rainstorm. The situation will be saved by a shallow drainage ditch parallel to the garden path, paved with ceramic fragments or filled with cement.

Design ideas for the dacha will be implemented the best way, if all stages of the path construction and its decoration are done slowly and efficiently, following the laying technology. The easiest way is to use ready-made lattice templates for homemade cement walkways with filler, as in the photo. The template is step by step moved into the prepared trench with a bed of sand and gravel, filled with base material.

Forms for paving slabs and “Euro fences” of various sizes and shapes are available for sale. You can organize an entire production for your summer cottage or start your own business.

Gardening the border at the dacha

DIY border at the dacha

Decorative hedges, fences and borders

Using the technology described in the previous section, decorative sides are made to strengthen the levels of a sloping summer cottage and the walls of a cascading flower bed. The picket fence method is also suitable as a decorative fence.

The edge of the low side can also be used as paths between flower beds and sandboxes. Children love to run along the rows of buried stumps.

Hedges are a great way to save money on zoning your summer cottage with your own hands. Suitable shrubs for pruning, regular or standard roses in the form of a tree. Low-growing plants are planted between them border roses, you will get a two-row flower wall.

The simplest side is made from plastic bottles. Containers of the same color are filled with sand, gravel or soil. Bottles are dug halfway into a small trench and covered with earth or stone chips. They may be empty, but they last longer when filled with something.

Attention! Plastic bottles cannot be filled with water - under sun rays Lenses are formed that burn nearby plants. There might even be a fire.

DIY flowerbed

Castle made of stones in the country

Do-it-yourself barbecue made of stones in the country

Flower arches and arbors made of climbing plants

Climbing roses and other climbing flowers are a great way to decorate a homemade summerhouse or arch made from scrap materials. As a basis metal will do rod, angle or channel that can be assembled into a structure welding machine or bolt it together.

Ready-made supports for arches must be securely fixed in the ground. Dug holes with columns underneath country decor with their own hands they compact it well with crushed stone and sand, after which they cement it and fill it with stone chips. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, grapes or fragrant flowers may spread along the top of such a gallery.

In hot climates it is better to make an indoor gallery. Remnants of light-transmitting ones will also work. roofing materials. Canopies along decorative paths can only be on the south side, but at an angle to provide more shade. A wire trellis is stretched between the posts where the plants will climb. The most economical way is to grow cucumbers, decorative beans or pumpkins along the arch.

Flower lovers can different methods decorate the cottage with your own hands from scrap materials. They make vertical flower beds in wide holes plastic pipes, wooden or openwork metal shelves for pots, as in the photo.

Flowerbed made of stones at the dacha

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

Garden sculptures and decor from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself garden design from scrap materials is mainly associated with the following materials:

  • car tires (bald tires);
  • templates from plywood scraps, from which it is easy to make the missing elements for the “smiling characters” of country decor;
  • plastic containers;
  • ceramic flower pots;
  • unnecessary shoes;
  • metal and wooden barrels etc.

Some homemade garden sculptures are so good that they can compete with real masterpieces. For example, foam frogs or plaster swans.

But most role models are made from car tires- cut and turned. Acrylic paints will transform any material to make characters recognizable for country house design with your own hands. Depending on the skill and style of garden and patio design, you can choose any idea. This is what swans and parrots look like made from rubber, palm trees made from plastic bottles.

Decorating a flowerbed with snails with your own hands

Decorating a cottage with improvised materials

Table and chairs made of hemp in the country

Original flower beds and mini-beds

Mini-flower beds with succulents and cacti (other small plants) inside large shells look original. No less interesting to many will be the idea of ​​using shoes as flower pots or old hats on the wall.

Small containers are suitable for succulents and indoor plants, exhibited for the summer under open air. But before you decorate the dacha with your own hands, keep in mind that you will have to bring them into the house during rain, hail and gusty winds. It is better to make original shapes and flowerpots stationary, and insert flower pots for the season or upon arrival at the dacha on weekends.

Traditionally, broken vehicles are used as original DIY garden decorations. Trolleys and bicycles, large car body parts are suitable for a small flower garden. Musical instruments are also suitable. Creative idea– a piano with flowers and a waterfall.

Fountain, artificial pond

Mini pond – perfect solution for decorating a dacha with your own hands. A small tank can be equipped using available materials:

  • old rubber boat;
  • large metal barrel;
  • excavator bucket;
  • tub;
  • tank trim.

The bottom of a homemade pond is made in a small pit, with a compacted cushion of gravel and sand. The top is lined with tarpaulin and thick film in 2-3 layers, the edges are secured with stones in the form of sides. All that remains is to fill with water and decorate with the raised plants.

Advice. To maintain eco-balance, you need to monitor the condition of the water, which is periodically drained or circulated. A fountain requires a pump and a filter. To complete the “lake” design, add homemade frogs, swan or crocodile.

Flowerbeds at the dacha with flowers

DIY flower bed at the dacha

Landscape design with a children's playground

So that children don’t get bored at the dacha, and they don’t waste time while working in the garden and beds, there is a solution - a children’s playground with a sandbox and funny homemade figures.

An important condition is that the place for children’s games should be clearly visible from different angles of the summer cottage in order to observe what is happening.

The sides of the sandbox can be easily built using available materials:

  • palisade made of logs;
  • painted boards;
  • wide wooden box;
  • big tire, etc.

With any type of sandbox, children need a place to sit and lay out the molds. A country children's corner can be fenced off from neighbors with a fence in the shape of pencils or decorated with other homemade decor - paints to the rescue!

If you have enough space, you can build a more interesting sandbox on the site - in the form of a ship, car or mansion. Somewhere nearby you can build a tree house with rope ladders and a slide for descending into a sandbox or a tent city made from old blankets. Stretch ropes between the trees, give them clothespins and fabric, they will happily build houses for themselves.

Original garden furniture

The imagination of folk craftsmen is limitless - from plastic bottles, awning materials and wood waste they make garden furniture on the verge of masterpieces. After pruning the garden and removing dead wood, there is a lot of material left that is easy to use to make:

  • armchairs;
  • swing;
  • rocking chairs;
  • tables and stands.

For comfort, soft seats are made, and natural-shaped material is used on the sidewalls and frame of the products. It is very convenient to use ready-made pallets or pallets as the basis for a sofa or a corner under a canopy. Poufs and banquettes, tables and armchairs are made from plastic bottles. If you have time and experience, make an entire sofa for your dacha out of plastic bottles, but you will need many containers of the same shape and volume. A cover or cover for a homemade sofa is sewn from old curtains.

More original ideas They will prompt you with a photo from our gallery.