What does love for the color purple mean? Favorite color is lilac, what does it mean?

Do you see this Circle? - Look at its center. Hold your gaze. Stop your gaze in the center of the circle. Look at the crosshairs. You will see that the Lilac Dots have disappeared. What remains is a green marker running around the circle. Look away. Everything fell into place. This is the Psychology of Visual Thinking.

Lilac color in psychology- the color of a bright future, nostalgia and creativity. (In general, any shade of purple creates a feeling of mystery and mystery). Typically selected in adolescence. This is due to the fact that lilac color is a mixture blue and red (this mixture of two principles - the principles of masculine and feminine). Lilac color (like violet) is the basis of color therapy. It also denotes immaturity or vanity.

Lilac is the color of new beginnings and growth. It is like a long-awaited spring after a cold and long winter. Lilac is also the color of vigilance, regarding untapped opportunities.

Psychologists say that the color lilac signifies a strong attachment to things, people and lifestyles. It is for this reason that people who love this color have a very difficult time with separation. For them this is a “little death.”

If you love this color, then you are sensitive, creative, sophisticated, sometimes... infantile personality. However, you are also distinguished by distrust, secrecy, patience and reticence. It is commendable that you can steadfastly endure all the troubles presented by fate. You are always ready to help everyone, without demanding anything in return. You are responsive and optimistic, but still prone to depression, which, by the way, you come out of without outside help. Your “plus” is that, under no circumstances, do you blame fate for anything.

You strive to be non-standard, completely different from other people. Your goal is to be perfect. You adhere to the point of view that absolutely all the dark sides of life, if desired, can be ignored. The first impression of a person and his appearance are extremely important parameters for you. You are savvy, although you are not distinguished by a subtle mind. You strive to gain complete independence. You have a talent for creating a cozy atmosphere and harmony. You are very susceptible to colds.

Since lilac is a “close relative” of violet, people who give it their preference are very talented and unique. They are drawn to what is limitless and free. Lilac is their favorite color.

Lilac is a vibrant color, but a joyless one: it often causes a feeling of anxiety. If you absolutely do not like a given color, you - business man. You hate it when a person “walks away” from a direct, important conversation, because you yourself prefer to be straightforward. Nostalgia is not for you: you prefer to live only in the present. You do not favor superficiality as in appearance, and in behavior. If you don't like something, you definitely talk about it.

Lilac color in human psychology is the color of style. Piercing, mystical and strong. However, it is quite easy to overdo it. This is all because, in nature and in everyday life, this color is extremely rare (you can remember plums and grapes, but they are purple, not exactly lilac). The color lilac has a significant impact on the spiritual human state: thanks to it, you can learn to “take” power (creative) from your consciousness and free yourself from deep-seated fears.

Lilac is a unique expression of identification, impressionability, passion and curiosity. (From the fact that it constantly fluctuates from blue to red, from “calm” sensitivity to impulsive desire).

Whitened lilac is the color of meditation. Here it means calm and balance, but at the same time, this color is distant, unearthly and alienated.

Lilac, like violet, is like a cooled red. In this regard, he “sounds” a little sad, extinguished and painful. He is loved by those who have a rather unstable character. Lilac affects blood vessels, the psyche and the heart.

Lilac color in the interior. Color combination. How can this color be used correctly in an apartment or in the rooms in which you are located? Below you will find some interesting information regarding this.

So, let's start with your personal account. The color of eggplant (the one that is closer to purple) is perfect here. The lilac color will suit your bathroom very well: it will remind you of bouquets of lavender and lilac. This color brings warmth, creates comfort and real coziness.

In a nursery (for girls), it is best to use lavender, since this is Barbie doll's favorite color. In the dining room and living room, purple is much more suitable than lilac.

By the way, it’s useful to know that lilac goes very well with white (in large quantities), with yellow, orange and gold (but here, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the room can simply easily turn into a clownery).

There was a time when lilac (and violet) was a completely unpopular color in America and was worn only by elderly ladies.

Anyone who rejects the color purple is prone to eroticism, afraid of losing his own self. These people are rational and know how to control their sensitivity.

“Lilac” is unique and cannot be influenced. He is an attractive and charming psychic. Surprising with its ability to quickly make all dreams come true. He is patient, playful, and accepts people as they are. His “goal” is to charm those around him. He often has his head in the clouds and loves to build “castles in the air.” In people, first of all, a lover of lilac appreciates kindness, tenderness and sincerity. If a person prefers dark lilac, then this indicates the need to manage his life.

Dark lilac color unites thinking and body. It is the color of inspiration, which is characteristic of creative people and healers.

The best professions for “purple” people are artists, actors, politicians, critics.

Since ancient times purple endowed with mystical properties. Being a combination of red and blue, passion and prudence, fatalism and fanaticism, strength and blind love, the color violet in psychology is considered a reconciling color, uniting opposites. Thus, people who prefer this unusual color, have a very creative approach to life and are capable of incredible achievements by combining seemingly incompatible things.

While black means absolutely nothing,

purple represents a hidden secret...

Gottfried Haupt: dissertation “Color symbolism in sacred art.”

Violet flowers are often associated with the color violet: violets, lilacs, dream grass, autumn colchicum, which bloom primarily with the change of seasons.

H. Frieling and X. Auer in their book “Man, Color, Space” distinguish between red-violet and blue-violet color shades. Psychological impact red-violet color was described by their subjects as “bewitching, ambiguous, contradictory, frail and painfully weakened,” and the effect of blue-violet as “mystical, restless, burdensome, aggravating” (Frieling H., Auer X., 1956).

Among the stones associated with the color violet, first of all, amethyst with its delicate lilac color. In the Catholic Church, a cardinal wears a purple amethyst in his ring as a symbol of abstinence. Amethyst is also believed to protect against drunkenness.

Purple is a heavy color. It must be diluted with gold, otherwise it can lead to depression. Not recommended for working with children; reduces heart rate.

Purple in psychology personifies not only the unity of opposites and negations, but also the dissolution, destruction of these opposites in him and the creation of something extremely new and previously unseen. This is precisely the mysticism and mystery of purple.

Treats physiological diseases: concussion, epilepsy, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis.

This color is loved by homosexuals; Because of the veil, pregnant women choose. Preference - when there is a need for identification with someone, sentimentality. Such people are completely surrendered to their feelings. Also, this color is chosen by lower-class Lyuli, because... They cannot find the strength to realize themselves. This color is rejected due to a penchant for sensuality and eroticism; such people are afraid of losing independence; they have rational control of their emotions, as well as a critical look at their own emotions and actions.

Along with the combination of properties of blue and red, receptivity and desire, purple color in psychology is also defined as very sensitive and vulnerable. A person who gives preference to this color tends to lead a dreamy lifestyle; he does not want to put up with generally accepted norms, but builds his own reality, understandable only to him, with his own rules, principles and values. Unlike the obvious “red” leader, “purple” people never strive for high positions, but, on the contrary, possessing innate intuition, remain on the sidelines and become, as it were, secret advisers to the first leaders. Often, the enormous influence of “purple” people goes unnoticed, but this does not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Helps with negative mental states: neurosis, loss of faith, despair, loss of self-esteem.

Purple color has a calming effect on nervous system representatives of creative professions.

Organ with which the color purple is associated: right hemisphere brain, pineal gland.

Purple color in psychology secretly and unobtrusively makes itself felt in the area of ​​the subconscious and intuitive thinking. Often “violet” people cannot give a logical explanation for their actions and thoughts, but on a sensory level they are confident that they are right.

In myths - in the Middle Ages - the color of repentance.

In psychology, each color has its own meaning. That is, according to psychologists, when we see a color, it evokes a certain emotion in us, and can even influence our mood.

There is a theory that a person’s love for a certain color can tell about the characteristics of his character, personality, and the qualities of this person. One of my favorite colors is purple. By the way, my husband also likes this color.

One day, I decided to find out how love for the color purple characterizes me and my husband.

Such a controversial purple

At school I went to art school and, since then, I remember very well: to make purple, you need to mix blue and red in certain proportions. If you think about it, it turns out that purple is a mixture of opposites: passionate, hot, expressive red and quiet, calm, measured and reasonable blue.

They say purple is the color creative people. Lovers of this color have superbly developed intuition, they are sensitive and artistic. These people are simply created to develop global plans to conquer the world and great ideas.

They like to control everything and everyone, the percentage of pedantic people in this group is also very high. However, there is an opinion that they are at the same time prone to nervous disorders due to this fusion of inconsistencies.

It is interesting that pregnant women are advised to wear purple clothes, because it personifies the mystery of a pregnant woman, her increased sensitivity. However, young children are not advised to choose things from this color scheme. Psychologists consider this color difficult for children's perception.

By the way, once, while preparing for an interview, I read that if you wear a purple blouse to an interview, your self-confidence will instantly increase, as it increases self-esteem)

The versatility of purple

An interesting fact is that the predominance of blue or red gives a different shade to the purple color, and, accordingly, gives each shade its own unique characteristics.

Dark purple color, in which there is much more red, is characterized by rudeness and authority, unshakability. This color is perfect for a manager or to an influential person. If you have made a serious decision, a dress of this color will only strengthen your confidence!

Lilac– this is a kind of balance, the strength of the two contrasts in this shade is approximately the same. Psychologists write that this color even helps improve vision if you periodically focus your gaze on it.

Lilac color is at the mercy of blue. This shade conveys immaturity and indecision. It's reminiscent of adolescence.

Analyzing myself and my husband, I would say that his shade is lilac. I have him like that, calm, but decisive, reasonable. But I'm more dark purple. I like to control everything, calculate everything, I am explosive, like a real choleric person.

Do you like the color purple? Which shade would you consider yourself to be?