The most unpretentious tomatoes for open ground. What varieties of tomatoes are suitable for open ground. The best varieties of late tomatoes

Choosing certain type tomatoes, the summer resident must be puzzled by the question of where he will grow them - in a greenhouse or natural conditions, because they are suitable for open ground and film greenhouses different varieties tomatoes. Approaches to growing fruits in a greenhouse and open ground are very different.

Advantages of growing different varieties of tomatoes in open ground

The most productive variety of tomatoes, intended for growing in a greenhouse, will not give high yields under natural conditions. And vice versa: tomatoes for open ground planted in a greenhouse will not give high yields and will not have as good a taste as they should have if all cultivation conditions are met.

Choosing tomato varieties, be sure to pay attention to whether they are intended for growing in open ground.

Characteristics of different varieties of tomatoes

The types of tomatoes are extremely diverse. Each of them has unique taste qualities and timing of fruit ripening. For example, an early-ripening tomato variety ripens very quickly, while the number of days from germination to fruiting is very small. Another species requires special care conditions, for example, requires pinching, etc.

Some fruits are more suitable for consumption in fresh, others are only good when canned.

The shape of tomato fruits also has a wide choice. Some of them have unusual shape(for example, there is a type of tomato shaped like a banana, the fruits of which have a bright yellow color characteristic of this fruit). These fruits are good for decoration. festive table, because will look very impressive.

IN general view Tomato varieties are classified according to their characteristics food consumption and there are 4 large groups:

  • Pickling fruits, the fruits of which are usually small, red in color, and have excellent taste;
  • Canned fruits, characterized by very small fruits and thin skin;
  • Salad dishes that do not have a uniform characteristic, because They can be red or yellow, large or small;
  • Saucy, with soft pulp, which contains a lot of liquid, and also contains large seeds.

Yield varieties of tomatoes, differing in bush shape

Plant bushes can be:

  • Shtambov;
  • Neshtambov;
  • In the form of potato tops.

Knowing these features, an experienced gardener can at least approximately determine the types of tomatoes visually.

The first type in the above list has low bushes and medium-sized castings.

Non-standard bushes have larger leaves, but their stems are very thin, so they require a garter. The advantages of tying tomatoes are:

  • To prevent the growth of excess shoots, which can subsequently interfere with the normal development of the plant and the ripening of fruits;
  • In maintaining stems tall plants, which, unable to withstand the weight of very large fruits, can break (stakes support the stem of the plants);
  • In preserving the integrity of the fruits, because, having fallen on the ground, tomatoes can be subject to rotting, insects, etc.

Thus, gartering tomatoes is the right solution for those gardeners who strive to get the maximum yield from the bush.

Tomato bushes in the form of potato tops can be extremely difficult to distinguish from potato bushes themselves. Sometimes even experienced agronomists cannot do this.

Climatic conditions for growing productive tomato varieties

Any productive type of tomato has its own requirements for growing climatic conditions. What is good for one can be disastrous for another. Some varieties are suitable for growing in the southern regions, others - in the northern. Due to ignorance of this fact, unfortunate agronomists often receive a zero harvest.

However there is universal species, suitable for growing in different conditions, suitable for open ground and film greenhouses (as a rule, they all belong to early ripening varieties):

  • Bear paw;
  • Mazarin;
  • Grandma's secret;
  • King of the Giants;
  • Bull's heart and many others.

The best tomato hybrids for open ground: early and mid-ripening

Gardeners who grow tomatoes in open ground for fresh consumption or canning are primarily interested in varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for open ground that ripen early. This is not surprising: every gardener wants to see the results of his labors as quickly as possible.

There are a lot of such types of tomatoes, but the best of them (no more than 10 types) have long been the subject of attention of experienced gardeners.
The fact is that not every variety is easy to grow. Many plants require pinching or other specific care conditions. If the plant is more than 30-40 cm high, it requires tying. Thus, most gardeners excluded a number of tomato varieties from their attention.

For open ground and film greenhouses you need to choose different types tomatoes, as we found out earlier. And which of them are super-yielding, we will tell you further.

So, these are the following varieties of tomatoes, very tasty and healthy:

  • Lemon liana (or its other name - wonder of the world);
  • Roma;
  • Anniversary Tarasenko (hybrid-35);
  • Anastasia;
  • Crimson giant, etc.

Let us consider in more detail the features of each of the listed types, remembering that they do not belong to the universal ones, i.e. are not suitable for open ground and film greenhouses, but are intended only for cultivation in natural environmental conditions.

The fruits of the raspberry giant variety of tomatoes are very large, even one of the largest. This is an early ripening variety. They are red in color and have a characteristic crimson tint. The weight of each fruit exceeds 500 grams and often reaches 700 grams. This species does not require pinching or other special cultivation conditions. The fruits are located on the branch of the plant in several pieces; they are very heavy, so it is often necessary to tie up the bushes. The plant is about a meter high. This is perhaps the only drawback in caring for the variety.

The fruits of the lemon vine, as the name of the variety suggests, have the shape and appearance of a lemon, although the weight of the fruit is inferior to the weight of a lemon and is no more than 100 grams. The fruit ovaries are numerous: on each branch there are 30-40 pieces.

The fruits of this tomato variety are often used in canning.
Housewives marinate them in their own juice, it turns out beautiful and delicious snack. This is also an early ripening variety of tomatoes, like the previous one described. Plant up to 70 cm high.

I would like to talk about Anastasia separately, because... This productive variety giving a lot of fruit. This plant, about a meter high, also does not require pinching, like the previously mentioned tomato varieties. Medium-sized tomatoes, up to 7-8 on each bunch. The fruits are good raw; often after picking they are served immediately and are not used for canning. They are slightly elongated in appearance and are red in color. One bush gives Anastasia high yield(up to 12 kg of delicious tomatoes). The plant is no more than one meter high.

The Roma variety was bred in distant Holland, but has also taken root here in Russia. The fruits are plum-shaped, light in weight (up to 100 grams). Even though the weight of the tomatoes is not great, but on one cluster of the plant an average of 20 small tomatoes are tied.

If the Roma variety is not universal in terms of growing conditions, then its fruits can easily be classified as such. They are used by housewives both in pickling and canning. IN vegetable salads Such tomatoes would also be appropriate. Note that this is a productive variety that gives large number tomatoes from the bush.

The anniversary variety Tarasenko is classified as mid-season tomatoes, but this does not affect its popularity among gardeners. The fruits of this variety of tomatoes have the correct shape and average weight (up to 200-240 grams).

Growing tomatoes of this variety is not difficult, because... the plant is unpretentious. True, it does not have any special resistance to diseases, as experienced agronomists note. But this is not a problem, since various diseases in the plant occur infrequently. The plant is usually 70-80 cm high.

Thus, early varieties of tomatoes are suitable for cultivation in open ground, none of which require pinching, and all of them are unpretentious to external conditions. Usually these are low-growing varieties, because tall bushes need gartering, which can only be done in greenhouse conditions. However, some gardeners, preferring tall varieties of tomatoes, still grow them in open ground (for example, the pink honey variety). Of course, the yield is somewhat reduced.

What varieties of tomatoes are good for open ground in your opinion? What do you prefer to grow in your summer cottage?

Seeds of low-growing tomatoes are leaders in personal plots. The reason is that they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. Small tomatoes do not require tying or pinching; they ripen early and the tomatoes do not have time to get late blight. Let's look at the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Among the variety of varieties and hybrids, every gardener who grows tomatoes chooses his favorite variety according to his preferences. To understand the varieties Here is a description of just some varieties.

Abakan pink large-fruited

The large-fruited tomato belongs to the mid-late varieties, since it takes 120 days from the first shoots for the fruits to fully ripen. The salad purpose and harvest period are extended in time, which is suitable for planting it for consumption in summer vitamin salads.

The bushes are determinate, growing to a height of up to 80 cm and do not require tying to stakes, as they have a strong stem. The variety is grown with two stems. The yield is 5 kg. with 1m 2.

The fruits of the Abakan tomato, appearing during the growth process, have pink and the weight of a single specimen is 300 grams, the pulp is fleshy and sugary.

The fruits ripen gradually, having a long fruiting period.

The fruits ripen 98-100 days after the first shoots appear. The variety has a simultaneous yield. It grows quite compact to a height of 45 cm. It has average resistance to diseases.

The berries are red, round in shape and light in weight. The largest fruits reach only 110 grams. Their taste is sweet and the flesh is fleshy. Possess long shelf life and are easily transported to the point of sale.

They have the peculiarity of simultaneous ripening of fruits in one cluster.

This is an ultra-early variety of tomatoes that can be grown in small containers on the balcony and window sills. Height is only 40 cm. No need for stepson.

Fruiting is continuous from July until the first frost. The fruits are small, 25 grams each. yellow color. They have a good sweet taste. Used both in salads and in canning.

Can be grown in containers- this is suitable for city residents.

This is a mid-early hybrid, from the moment of germination it takes 105 days until the fruits ripen. Bushes of determinant type are standard. Possessing big harvest ness, which can be planted in open ground or a greenhouse. Height is only 60 cm.

The fruits have pink tint and oblong shape. The weight of an individual tomato reaches an average of 90 grams, the tomato skin is matte and dense. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Ballerina tomatoes are well transported over long distances and can be long-term storage. Hybrid is good resists fungal infections, which can appear on tomato bushes.

Balcony miracle

As the name suggests, tomatoes do well when grown on the balcony. The tomato is self-pollinating, the ripening period is mid-season, since 90 days pass from the moment of seed germination to the ripening of the fruit. The bushes are standard and reach a height of 40 cm.

The fruits are small, only 30 grams. round in shape and red or yellow in color, it depends on the subspecies. The taste is sweet and the flesh is aromatic. The yield is quite high and can be harvested up to 2 kg. from one bush

With a minimum of space You can get a tomato harvest suitable for canning.

The variety has bushes of a determinate type, and they reach 80 cm in height. The leaf blades are tomato-type and green in color. Does not require pinching and is not susceptible to tomato-type diseases.

The fruits have an elongated shape and yellow color. The fruits are set in clusters, each containing up to 10 pieces of ripening tomatoes. The average weight of one tomato is 75 grams. The yield from one bush is up to 5 kg. tomato aligned by color.

Variety has good productivity and tolerates transportation well.

White filling – good early ripening

The bushes are low 50 cm. They have early ripening; for full ripening the variety needs 80-95 days. Does not suffer from tomato-type diseases and does not require pinching. Has high productivity in good year harvest up to 7 kg. with 1m 2.

Round, red, but immediately after formation they milky, for which the variety got its name. Each individual tomato weighs in the range of 80-125 grams. transports well to different distances.

The fruits do not crack.

This ultra early ripening type of tomatoes, because ripening occurs on the 95th day from the moment of seedling germination. Grow it in a seedless way, and it does not require pinching or tying, since its bushes are 40 cm high and belong to the determinant type. Not subject to late blight.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color. The weight of the fruit reaches 120 g. The taste is above average, the flesh is sweet and meaty.

Well grown in areas of unsustainable agriculture.

Rich house

Belongs to the determinant type, standard, height is 45 cm. Productivity is 8 kg. with 1m 2. The ripening period is 100 days from the moment of seed germination when growing seedlings. Variety resistant not only to late blight, but also to other tomato-type diseases.

The fruits, when ripe, become red in color and weigh up to 70 grams. They have a well-defined tomato taste with a slight sourness. They tolerate transportation well.

Due to its compact size, this type of tomato can be grown in containers on balconies or in courtyards where the area of ​​land is covered with asphalt.

Low, only 25 cm, so it can be cultivated in pots on the balcony. The yield from such a bush will be up to 3.5 kg. Ripening times vary depending on weather conditions - 105-114 days.

Round and red when fully ripe. Tomatoes weigh 30 grams. dense and sweet in taste. All ripen at the same time on a bush.

Suitable for fresh consumption.


It is an early superdeterminate hybrid with good disease resistance and grows well in risky farming areas. For tomatoes to fully ripen, it takes 103 days from the start of seed growth. The height of the bush is 55 cm.

Large up to 250 gr. red and round in shape. Universal purpose.

The Explosion variety produces a consistently large harvest in any weather and on any chemical composition earth.

This type of tomato has a friendly, vulnerable harvest. Determinate type, strong and stocky, height does not exceed 100 cm, but can be up to 50 cm in height.

Fruit clusters begin to form above the 4th leaf plate, and each subsequent one after one leaf. Productivity from one bush is up to 5 kg. aligned to the size and shape of pink tomatoes. The average weight of the fruit is 100 g.

The fruits are not subject to cracking.

The indeterminate type grows to a height of 2 m. The early ripening period takes 100 days for the tomatoes to fully ripen. When cultivated, it is formed into three stems.

The fruits are collected on the bush in long clusters, each containing up to 30 fruits. She with her appearance reminds bunch of grapes , for which the variety got its name. The fruits are round, about the size of large cherries red in color and weighing up to 15 grams.

Can be used in conservation.

The variety tolerates bad weather well weather conditions, early ripening, since the fruits begin to ripen 95 days after germination of seedlings. The bushes belong to the determinant type, grow compactly and are no more than 55 cm in height. The yield is 3 kg. with 1m 2.

Red, oval-shaped with smooth skin. The pulp is dense and sweet. The average weight of an individual tomato is 60 grams. They tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.

Fruits are universal and when canned as a whole, the skin does not crack.

An early-ripening type of determinate type tomato with a long fruiting period. Resists well against various tomato-type diseases.

They have a bright crimson hue, excellent taste and excellent presentation. Tomato weight 200 g.

Fruits picked at milk ripeness are stored for a long time.

Ultra-early ripening variety, ripening 85 days after emergence. The growth is dwarf only 30 cm. The bushes are standard, determinate type. This type of tomato does not require pinching. The yield is small, only 250 grams. from one bush.

The fruits differ in their yellow tint, the skin is smooth and thin, the weight of an individual tomato does not exceed 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour.

Suitable for growing in containers on the balcony.

A determinate type variety with a large thick trunk. The bush itself is compact, growing to a height of 50 cm. has ultra-early maturity. It takes 83 days for a species to grow on a bush. good tomatoes. Excellent disease resistance. Productivity 7 kg. with 1m 2.

Red in color, perfect round shape and weighing 90 grams. have wonderful taste qualities and tolerate transportation well.

Tolerates light shade when grown.

Determinate type, 45 cm high. The variety tolerates drought well, but suffers from late blight during rainy periods. Ripening occurs on the 107th day. Has high productivity at 8 kg. with 1m 2.

They are colored orange, turning into red, have the shape of cream and a tomato weight of 110 grams. The taste is good.

To protect Kyiv tomato bushes from late blight, they must be treated with chemicals and not planted densely in a row.

This is a fairly early variety with a high yield; 2 kg are harvested from the bush. tomatoes aligned according to weight and shape. Fruit ripening period is 95 days. Determinate type bushes up to 70 cm high. There is no need to tie them to a support, since the variety has a thick stem.

The fruits are set in bunches of up to 5 tomatoes each. Tomatoes have a small mass of 70 g., which is well suited for preservation in its entirety. The color is red, the pulp is sugary, juicy with a small amount of seeds.

Due to the high content of sugars and amino acids, it is suitable for baby food.

The variety has an average ripening period of 115 days, bushes of determinate type up to 100 cm high. The yield per bush is 4 kg. tomatoes.

Elongated shape reminiscent of cream. The color of the tomato is pink, the pulp is fleshy, good for salads. The weight of an individual tomato is 200 grams.

A variety with an average ripening period of tomatoes of 100 days from the first shoots when growing seedlings. It's surprising that when good care Up to 40 kg are collected from a bush. tomato. Bushes only 100 cm high. Determinate type.

The orange-colored, oval-shaped fruits have a sweet taste. It is better to grow in a greenhouse.

The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 4.5 kg. with 1m 2. The bush requires pinching of the indeterminate type.

The fruits are cylindrical in red color, the weight of the fruit is 90 g.

Resistant to cracking.

An ultra-early tomato variety that requires 87 days to ripen the fruit. The height of the bush is only 35 cm and it can be cultivated in pots and hanging flower pots. Fruiting is long lasting.

With good care, one bush can produce up to 300 pieces. fruits aligned in shape and color.

Pink colored fruits small size only 20 gr. There is a possibility of balcony culture.

Low-growing bushes 50 cm tall, determinate type, tolerate bad weather conditions. Resistant to various tomato-type diseases. Productivity is excellent 15 kg. per square meter.

Red color and round shape, 80 gr. each tomato weighs. The taste is slightly sour.

Suitable for growing in large areas.


Bushes no more than 60 cm high. Determinate type have early and friendly ripening of fruits. The variety is resistant to diseases inherent in tomatoes.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color, even in size and tolerate transportation well.

Sibiriada is good for its resistance to bad weather - suitable for cultivation in northern regions Russia.

Bushes of determinant type, 50 cm high, standard. The first inflorescence forms near the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones will appear every two leaf blades. The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 5 kg. from one plant.

Tomatoes are red and cylindrical in shape. The skin is dense, but chews well; the weight of an individual tomato is 250 grams.

Even when ripe, it is well stored in a place with a low temperature.

Siberian Garden

Low-growing bushes of determinate type grow to a height of 50 cm. Good resists diseases and has high productivity. Large tomatoes weighing up to 350 g.

Suitable for planting in the northern regions of Russia.

This dwarf species Tomatoes are well cultivated in hanging pots. Its branches do not exceed a length of 100 cm. The fruits ripen very quickly, 85 days after germination.

Long-term fruiting with small red tomatoes weighing 20 grams. They have a sweet taste.

Suitable for growing in hanging pots.

Determinant type has early dates ripening fruits The height of the bush is 65 cm. If the temperature in the region rises to 40 degrees, then it is necessary frequent watering and shading from the scorching sun.

The red fruits grow in the shape of a heart and weigh 600 grams. The pulp is fleshy and sugary. Universal use.

Needs tying up large fruits.

It has early ripening, bushes of indeterminate and determinate types.

The fruits cover the bush heavily, as they are formed in large clusters, they are red and not large in size, only 15 grams each. They have a strong aroma and a very sweet taste.

Can be grown in 5 liter pots.


An early variety that needs only 102 days to fully ripen the fruit. Bushes of determinate type and standard, grow up to 55 cm in height. The species resists well various diseases that appear on tomato bushes. The yield of the variety is 2 kg. s m2.

Fruit orange color with a nose resembling the nose of a duckling, for which the variety got its name. The fruits gain weight up to 80 grams. They have excellent presentation and sweet taste.

Possesses long shelf life.

First of all, this variety is self-pollinating and short-growing, so it can be planted in containers. The height of an adult bush is 35 cm. With good care, however, the yield is record-breaking and amounts to 10 kg. s m2.

Round red tomatoes have smooth, dense skin and good pulp density. A single tomato weighs 90 grams.

Absolutely Ephemeral variety not subject to late blight, which is a huge plus.

Comparison table for tomato varieties

Variety Without stepson For the Urals For Siberia Dutch variety Ultra-soon-ripe Early Pink Standard Mid-ripe Indeterminate Determinant
+ +
+ + + + +
+ + +
Balcony miracle + +
+ + +
+ + + +
Rich house +
+ +
Explosion + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
Sibiriada + + +
+ +
Siberian Garden + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
Duckling + +
+ + +

Tomatoes up to 100 cm tall are always popular with gardeners, since almost all varieties do not require pinching

The tomatoes described above are a godsend not only for beginning gardeners, but also for people with extensive experience in cultivating tomatoes. Because tomatoes are planted on large areas with greater yield and less care, since tying and pinching takes a lot of time, farmers prefer varieties with small growth.

There are many varieties of tomatoes. Sometimes it's a choice good seeds lasts for hours in specialized stores or days, or even weeks at the computer! But if we take into account that most gardeners focus on the taste and yield of the resulting fruits, then the quantity worth attention varieties can be significantly reduced. Yield varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground, which have mostly universal purposes and excellent taste, are discussed below in the article.

Which pink tomatoes have high yields?

Pink tomatoes are not only popular among farmers, gardeners and consumers, but they are also incredibly healthy and delicious. They are juicy, sweetish with a moderate amount of acid, although, of course, each variety has its own taste characteristics.

  • « » – an incredibly common and productive variety of tomatoes. 10-12 kg of juicy fruits weighing 350-500 g are collected from the bush - the largest fruits appear at the beginning of fruiting. Ripening period is medium late. The fruits are heart-shaped, 1-2 fruits are tied in a cluster, less often 3-5, while excess fruits, if they appear, should be removed, otherwise the branch will simply break under the load. They are consumed fresh, in salads, and processed into juices.
  • "Rosemary F1"– a high-yielding variety of tomato (10-11 kg/bush) grown in a greenhouse. The growing season lasts 115 days. The fruits are large, up to 400 g, pink, with a glossy skin. Can be eaten fresh or processed into juice.
  • "Shaolin F1"– a new, productive variety of tomato – 10 kg/bush. The ripening period is 115 days from the moment of emergence. Fruits up to 400 grams, fleshy, juicy. The use is universal.
  • "De Barao" in open ground with proper care produces up to 8-10 kg of fruit from each bush. When grown in greenhouses, the figure increases by another 1-2 kg. The tomatoes are neat, weighing 150 grams on average. Used canned and fresh. There is also "De Barao" yellow and black.
  • "Pink raisins" grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Productivity per season – 6 kg/bush. The fruits are plum-shaped, shiny, up to 5 cm long, weighing 50-150 g; up to 50 tomatoes ripen in a bunch! The fruits are dense, do not crack, and are transportable. The composition contains up to 5% dry matter. It is grown in open and closed ground.

You should not neglect another tomato variety popular among gardeners -.

Also check out these articles

Red tomatoes are not uncommon for anyone; they are usually easy to grow and can be found at any, even the smallest, rural market or store. They are tasty, healthy and look very beautiful when preserved.

  • "Emperor F1"– mid-early high-yielding tomato hybrid (10-12 kg/bush). The bush grows large (140-170 cm), spreading, has a developed root system. The fruits are elongated, very tasty, with a significant proportion of dry matter, so they are rarely juiced. The weight of each tomato is 150-250 g.
  • "Ivanhoe F1" produces bright red tomatoes. In total, 8-10 kg of fruits are collected from a bush in one season. Grown in greenhouses different types. Resistant to nematode, tomato mosaic and verticillium. Suitable for canning for the winter and fresh salads.
  • "Moscow Delicacy"- this is a new variety originally from Russia that produces 7-8 kg of tomatoes from each bush, each 70-100 g. It grows up to 190 cm, no more, requires shaping. The fruits are light red, dense, and shaped like an elongated plum. The harvest is stored for up to 2 months.
  • "Marmande"– an early ripening variety originally from Holland with a yield of 7 kg/bush. It grows up to 150 cm, the fruits are red, flat-round, there is mild spotting, the average weight is 175 g. Due to the density of the fruits, they almost never crack and are suitable for long-term transportation over long distances. The taste is excellent, like many other productive tomato varieties , universal in terms of use.
  • "Anastasia"- a high-yielding species, yielding 5-6 kg of tomatoes from each bush per season. It is grown in open and closed ground, the plant grows up to 130 cm. The fruits are almost round, neat, weighing 100-150 g, but the first specimens can reach 170 g. The dry matter content is 6%. Universal use.
  • "Waterfall"– mid-season variety. During the season, a gardener can, with proper cultivation, collect 3-4 kg of fruits from each bush, the size of large grapes. It is grown exclusively in greenhouse conditions and is not resistant to diseases and pests, so treatment is required throughout the season.

What are the best yellow tomato varieties?

Yield varieties of yellow tomatoes have lower yields than pink or red ones, which is why they are always more expensive and are always in demand.

  • "Golden Cockerel" sometimes called "Goldfish". The yield of the variety is 7 kg/bush. Mid-late tomato, extended fruiting. The bushes grow up to 170 cm and are formed from an early period. The fruits are highly elongated, spindle-shaped. The taste is sweet, weight 80-120 g, suitable not only for salads, but also for canning and juices.
  • "Wonder of the World"- a tall variety, the bushes of which can reach 3 meters! The yield is approximately 5-7 kg per square meter. There are 20-40 tomatoes in a brush. The weight of one fruit can reach 80 g. Recommended for dietary nutrition, canned or simply added to fresh salads.
  • "Orange Cream"- mid-season tomato. The yield from each bush reaches 5-6 kg. The plant is medium-sized, 130-160 cm, the fruits are bright orange, weighing 40-60 g, crunchy like cucumbers when bitten. Universal use.
  • "Banana Legs"- an unusual variety of tomato. Grown in closed and open ground, grows up to 150 cm, but under open air grows no more than 90 cm. Productivity 4-5.5 kg/bush. Almost never gets sick. The fruits are elongated and yellow, hence the name. 8-10 pieces weighing 60-90 grams ripen in a brush. The taste of tomato is unusual, with citrus notes.
  • "The Fairy's Gift"high-yielding variety. At the right conditions growing, 4-5 kg ​​of juicy fruits are collected from a bush. Ripening takes place in 85-100 days. The fruits are heart-shaped with slight ribbing, weighing approximately 115 g. Universal use, since there is not very much dry matter.

How to choose a variety for open ground and greenhouses?

When choosing a tomato variety, you need to decide on the planting location. The fact is that the same species can produce different yields in open and closed ground. That is why it is necessary to know exactly where the seeds will be planted.

Information about where to grow productive tomato varieties is always indicated on the packages and should not be neglected. If the variety is intended for open areas, then in a greenhouse it may not produce a harvest. The reason will be related to the lack of pollinators, lack of light, fresh air, high humidity or temperature or something like that. The same applies to varieties of tomatoes intended for greenhouses, only in this case the plant will not produce a harvest (or there will be little of it) due to the too aggressive environment, the abundance of pests, diseases, strong wind, scorching sun, drought, etc.

So if the issue with the planting location has not yet been resolved, it is worth choosing universal tomato varieties. They bear fruit in greenhouses and in the open air, and in the first option their yield is usually higher.

In polite society one does not impose one’s opinion on taste and color. But this does not apply to tomatoes. Everyone loves the crop, and every year not only amateur gardeners, but also specialists try to determine the best, most delicious varieties. Of course, there are many parameters by which tomato varieties can be classified into good and not so good.

  1. Productivity.
  2. Maturing period.
  3. Size.
  4. Color.
  5. Taste.
  6. Growth conditions.
  7. Terms of use.

Let’s stop at one thing today and consider varieties of tomatoes with high taste, which are grown for fresh consumption in a greenhouse, in open ground or in an apartment.

Table. The best varieties tomatoes by taste

Varieties for soil cultivationVarieties for indoor (balcony) cultivation
"Miracle of the Earth""Sweet Bunch""Garden Pearl"
"Appetizing""De Barao""Children's relish"
"Bull's Heart""Andromeda F1""Balcony Miracle"
"Brown sugar""Black Prince""Pinocchio"

"Miracle of the Earth"

This variety is characterized with superlatives by both agricultural technicians, summer residents, and the breeders themselves. The variety is a collectible, and it is very important to buy original seeds for cultivation, since there are many fakes. Therefore, try to purchase seeds from proven, reputable seed farms and sellers. Mid-season. A medium-sized bush reaches maximum size 130 cm.

By the way! The fruits are similar to the "Bull's Heart" tomatoes. The same heart-shaped shape, the same pink, perhaps a slightly richer skin color. There is no green non-pink area near the stalk.

The texture of the fruit is dense but juicy. The flesh is fleshy and silky at the same time. The taste is exceptional. The fruits do not crack, are well stored, and have high marketability. The variety is medium-yielding - it ripens up to a bucket of fruit on the bush.


Mid-season large-fruited variety, which is highly valued in many respects. The variety is determinate, grows to a maximum height of 80 cm, but is usually limited to a bush height of 50-60 cm. It does not need a garter, no shaping is required. The fruits are red, very beautiful, round, ribbed, weighing about two hundred grams. The pulp is dense, has an ideal consistency and a balanced “tomato” taste. The fruits have a very thick skin, so they are stored in perfect condition for a long time. The yield is quite high - up to 10 kg can be harvested on average per square meter (from three bushes).


From large-fruited, high-yielding and early varieties. Determinate, bush growth is 90 cm maximum. The fruits are especially large - up to 350 g. Ribbed, the color of red wine. The taste of the fruit is unusually sugary and rich. There is also a high juice content in the fruits of this variety, despite the fact that the pulp is not watery, but dense. Stimulates appetite and the desire to continue eating. The variety is very popular among summer residents middle zone. The small greenery at the stalk, which does not turn red even when fully ripe, does not spoil the picture of people’s love for the variety. Not the highest yield - about six kilograms per bush - also does not make the variety less popular.

"Bull's Heart"

This is a long-time favorite of the public, a representative of the class of giant tomatoes. The average fruit size of about 500 g can be grown by any gardener without much hassle. In appearance, the fruit is a laterally flattened heart of silvery-pink color. The yield is unprecedented - from a bush to two buckets of aesthetic and incredibly tasty huge “hearts”. The bush grows up to 170 cm, human height, so it needs a garter. The variety is mid-season. By the way, today the varieties “ Bull's heart» yellow, red and even black. But the primacy remains with the pink “hearts”.

"Brown sugar"

It is not by chance that this curious varietal tomato was included in the list of the best in terms of taste. The fruits, which are dark burgundy in color with a brownish tint, have a surprisingly harmonious taste, combining sugariness and sourness. In addition, the fruits differ from other varieties in the high level of antioxidants they contain. So “Brown Sugar” is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. The variety is not afraid of cold, ripens late (in autumn), and needs staking. Tomatoes are perfectly round in shape and have a pleasant mass - 150 g. Three bushes are planted per square meter, and 10 kg of fruits are collected from them.

Varieties for greenhouse cultivation

"Sweet Bunch"

The taste characteristics are reflected in the name. Popular, delicious variety, which is ideal for greenhouse agricultural technology. The clusters bear small fruits, weighing 40 g. One ovary produces up to 40 bright red tomatoes. The clusters are formed on a tall stem. The variety is indeterminate, early ripening, and is grown using a trellis method. Up to 3.5 kg of harvest is harvested from the bush, which is an excellent indicator for the existing size of the fruit. Among all the advantages, its extraordinary resistance to viruses is highlighted.


Early (even ultra-early) low-growing variety, which does not need to be tied, trellised or shaped in any way. Some implementers call it dwarf. It will not grow more than forty centimeters; it will remain compact and suitable for dense planting (up to five plants per square meter). On the ovary there are up to six fruits, 60 g each. Very pleasant, classically red, perfectly round fruits have a sweetish taste, dense pulp and a bright “tomato” aroma. Due to early ripening, it is not susceptible to late blight and other diseases. Standard bush shape, no need for pinching. In general, it’s not for nothing that this variety is included in the top five greenhouse varieties.

"De Barao"

A very popular variety, one of the leaders for greenhouse soil. The most common. It can also grow in an open ridge, but when grown in greenhouses it acquires the most vibrant taste, which is fully revealed at the time of consumer maturity. The variety is mid-season. Tall - the bush can grow up to two meters. It ripens about three kilograms of equal weight - 70 g each - and a pleasant elongated oval shape of fruit. The color of different subspecies of "De Barao" can be from black to golden, but the public unanimously identifies the pink variety as the best and tastiest. Despite the average and even late dates ripening, the variety is resistant to late blight.

"Andromeda F1"

An early classic red-fruited hybrid with a flat-round tomato shape. Determinant. It grows to a maximum height of 70 cm. Productivity is very high - 10 kg per square meter. The fruits are 120 g, scarlet, sweet, juicy, tart, bright in taste and color. The tomato is ideal in salads and is disease resistant. The fruiting period is quite long, and storage is good. This 100% productive variety is respected for the fact that it grows even in less than ideal conditions, while retaining all its taste.

"Black Prince"

Delicious, medium-fleshy fruits weighing a quarter of a kilogram, and even an original black and burgundy color, will not leave anyone indifferent. The fate of this variety is interesting, and its path to popularity was difficult.

By the way! The Chinese bred the “Black Prince” using genetic engineering. The variety took time and many examinations to prove that it does not contain GMOs.

But now this sweetest tomato, which grows up to two and a half meters and is considered mid-season, is grown in every fourth greenhouse in the middle zone. The weight of each “prince” is quite impressive - about 300 g. When planting up to three plants per square meter, the yield of 5 kg per bush makes this variety not just a favorite, but a favorite of summer residents. “Black Prince” has only one drawback - a short shelf life and high damage during transportation, so you need to eat it literally straight from the bush.

Varieties for balcony growing

"Garden Pearl"

This variety, delicious in taste, is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and early ripening. Ideal for growing on a windowsill. The bush is tiny in height - 25 cm. The fruits on it are also tiny - 15 g each, sweet, so tasty that you can eat them straight from the bush, like strawberries. Growing the “Garden Pearl” is not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing. It can be planted in a flower pot, from which juicy pink “pearl beads” will beautifully hang.


This variety is more suitable for an insulated balcony than for a window sill, since it is tall and can grow up to two meters in open ground. At home, growth is limited to a meter. The brushes are very beautiful. About a hundred plum-shaped, canary-yellow, twenty-gram fruits ripen on the bush. They have a buttery sweet taste with subtle sourness and a unique aroma.

"Children's relish"

It is not known whether the breeders foresaw the children’s love for the new variety, or whether the children fell in love with the tomato because of the name, but children really like the “Children’s Relish” tomato, as evidenced by numerous reviews from parent gardeners. The variety is ultra early ripening. The fruits are very sweet, elastic in texture, juicy, weighing 20 g. The height of the bush is half a meter.

"Balcony Miracle"

One of the most loved by gardeners indoor varieties, a variety of old selection and consistently good fruit taste. A compact dwarf thirty-five-centimeter bush produces two kilograms of juicy, sweet, dense, strong fruits of bright red color per season. The variety is considered early ripening, reliable, with guaranteed fruiting and low whimsicality. For example, in summer and autumn he does not need lighting in his room.


An unpretentious, early-ripening, surprisingly aromatic and tasty red-fruited cherry variety. The height of the bush is about 30 cm. It bears twenty-gram spherical tomatoes. Not meaty, surprisingly tender and juicy pulp that simply melts in your mouth. The bush is highly decorative. It can be grown in flower pot or hanging planter. In the summer, place it on the balcony or in the garden, and in winter continue growing it on a windowsill or insulated loggia.

Video - The best varieties of tomatoes

Video - Varieties of delicious tomatoes

At the moment, not a single dacha, not a single garden plot, cannot do without such a vegetable as a tomato. This is a very tasty and nutritious vegetable and is present on absolutely every table. The main advantage of this crop is that it can be grown all year round. When on the street warm time years - tomatoes grow mainly in open ground, and in winter period- in a greenhouse, and it is also possible to grow in own windowsill. Well, of course, a rich tomato harvest is obtained in the summer. But in this article we will try to figure out which tomatoes to plant in open ground at this time.

How do tomato varieties differ from each other?

This article will allow you to find out what the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground exist today. But before we name these varieties, we will talk about the difference that exists between these varieties. So the difference is diversity color shades, forms and terms of ripeness. A growing season is approximately eighty days. We cannot help but point out the fact that there are varieties of tomatoes that have the property of being preserved for a long period of time, and there are, on the contrary, perishable. Tomato varieties, such as late-ripening ones, grow year-round, the ripening period is about one hundred days.

Selecting the optimal tomato varieties for planting in open ground

Before planting tomatoes, you will need to start growing seedlings. To do this, seedlings need to be grown in advance in March. And it should be transplanted into the garden bed in the month of May. The most optimal tomato varieties for planting in open ground are:

Anastasia. This variety is considered early in yield. A harvest of eleven kilograms is harvested from one tomato bush, and the record harvest was all thirteen. Why is this good harvest, yes, because this variety has tall stems, and many brushes form on them. And in turn, one cluster bears fruit up to seven tomatoes. One fruit weighs up to two hundred grams. The tomatoes are red in color and taper towards the end. Since there are a lot of tomatoes on the bush, it should be tied up. The very first garter should be done when the plant reaches 20 centimeters. And the taste of the fruit is simply amazing.

Mystery. Very at very early maturation. The mystery variety was developed not long ago. The first tomatoes can be seen on the 75th or 85th day. The tomatoes turn out smooth and round. This variety has smooth stems and even foliage. The height of the riddle variety is only about forty centimeters, so it is not worth tying it up. One fruit weighs approximately one hundred and fifty grams. Also, tomatoes of this variety can be easily transported, since they are not too soft. This variety produces a large number of stepsons during the growth process. It follows that they need to be trimmed regularly. But there is no need to throw them away; you can get wonderful seedlings.

Crimson giant. The name directly reflects reality. The maximum weight of the fetus can be eight hundred grams. And the average size of the raspberry giant fruit is five hundred grams. The brushes produce up to five tomatoes, each one. And brushes are formed mainly through two or three sheets. You may ask, do the stems break under such weight? Our answer is no. The stems of the crimson giant are very strong, and this fact is laid down at the genetic level. Tomatoes are red and round in shape, with flattened poles. This variety is considered the most delicious, the fruits are sweet and juicy. The peel is not thick. The tomato itself is perfectly stored and transported.

Fruitful. It is also a mid-early variety. If you provide proper care and good conditions cultivation, then a productive variety can bring almost eleven kilograms from one bush. At the very beginning of August you can already taste the harvest.

Roma. This variety differs from others in its relatively small fruits, about one hundred grams. But on one brush the number of tomatoes reaches twenty pieces. The stems grow two meters in height. Therefore, he must be tied up. The rum variety is considered an imported variety. His native country of Holland accordingly prefers a warm climate. Roma tomatoes are ideal for canning and will also be a great addition to any salad. Tomatoes are red in color and have a round shape; they can be stored for a long time.

In addition, there are many other varieties that are suitable for planting in open ground, for example.

Giant. It is distinguished by very large fruits up to one kilogram, and also has excellent taste. Ideal for salads. The bush itself reaches a height of sixty centimeters. But he needs a mandatory garter.

Pink elephant. Characterized by small fruits, weighing 70 grams. Has a sweet taste. And on one brush, maximum, they can reach up to ten pieces. The pink elephant has different color scheme– orange, pink, raspberry, red and yellow tomatoes.

Matroskin. Small tomatoes, only one hundred grams. The bush itself is from 60 to 100 centimeters in height. A harvest of twelve kilograms is harvested from each bush. And the color scheme is varied.

De Barao. It is considered a mid-season variety, tall. The fruits reach almost four hundred grams. Tomatoes have an oval shape. The colors are red, yellow and dark purple. The bushes reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. Tomatoes are strong, so they are well stored and transported. Suitable for twists. The maximum weight of tomatoes of this variety reached eight hundred grams.

Orange cream. Small tomatoes with crispy skin. Very juicy and tasty. One fruit weighs about 80 grams. One brush can produce almost eight pieces. The bush reaches a maximum height of one meter.

Wonder of the world. Fruit yellow, appearance resembles tomatoes. And people call it Lemon-liana. A tomato weighs from 60 to 100 grams. The brush produces a harvest of five tomatoes. The bush itself resembles a vine. He must be tied up.


Now you know what the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground exist today. Read our article with a large selection of photos. After reading our publication, you will definitely find a variety for your garden that will delight you with a rich harvest throughout the summer. So there are many varieties, choose the one that suits you best and make your loved ones happy delicious tomatoes from your own garden.