Winter Williams pear harvest time. Williams pear variety: photo and description of the variety. Care Tips

This variety was bred back in 1796 in England. Now Williams pears are grown in many regions of Russia. In addition, trees are found in gardens in Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Latvia and Moldova. It is believed that this is a summer variety of pears.

This dessert type is widely used for industrial purposes, and it is also loved by lovers of country farming.


An adult tree is small in size. Williams has a wide crown of a pyramidal shape, but it is not symmetrical. It can be easily formed at your own discretion. The bark is smooth to the touch, mostly gray.


This variety produces thick shoots. Moreover, they can be either straight or arched. On the shoots you can see yellow lentils, which are small in size.

Form on the tree large leaves. Their shape resembles an egg. Moreover, they are folded like a boat. The foliage is smooth to the touch and has a glossy shine. All leaves have a short pointed tip. The veins on the surface are colored yellow. The buds of this variety are slightly pointed and short.

During the flowering period, inflorescences of 6-7 medium-sized flowers are formed. Pear trees usually bloom late and for quite a long time. Flowers do not suffer from spring temperature changes and unfavorable weather.


The Williams variety mainly produces large-sized fruits. The weight of one pear can reach approximately 170 grams. And on young plants the fruits can weigh 180 grams. The surface of the pear may be slightly bumpy. The fruit has an oblong and slightly elongated shape. The fruit has a pleasant fragrant aroma. The skin is thin with a waxy sheen. Unripe pears have a light green tint, and as they ripen they become yellow. At the same time, there are small specks of a grayish color on the surface. From the side where they came sun rays there is a slight blush. The fruit is supported by a thick and not very long stalk. It may be slightly curved. Cutting a pear open reveals small seeds. brown, shaped like an egg.

Williams has light flesh, mostly slightly yellowish. It is very tender and immediately melts in your mouth. The pulp is juicy and aromatic, has high taste characteristics.

It was found that the fruit contains many useful substances, namely:

· ascorbic acid in the amount of 5.4 milligrams in every 100 grams of product;

· 0.42% titratable acid;

· only 13.8% dry matter;

· sugar in the amount of 8.3%;

· for every 100 grams of pear there are 42.6 milligrams of P-active catechins.

Fruits are formed on the tree, 2-3 pieces side by side. They hold tightly to the branches. Harvesting usually occurs in mid-August. To prevent fruits from losing their presentation during transportation, they are removed from the tree before they are fully ripe. Thus, they can last up to 15 days. At the same time, in the refrigerator they can be as fresh even for 45 days.

Williams is used for different purposes. Pears are good for eating fresh. They are also used to make a variety of compotes and preserves. In addition, dried fruits made from these fruits have excellent consistency and good taste.

To obtain fruits of excellent quality, it is recommended to plant Williams next to Forest Beauty or Clapp's Favorite.

The tree begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. Depending on the region where the tree grows, its yield varies. In some places, one plant can produce up to 150 kilograms of fruit.

The young tree is sensitive to low temperatures. Therefore, in severe frosts, the pear can freeze.

Almost all garden plots In addition to the usual apple trees, currants and raspberries, pears are also planted in a wide variety. The fruits of this tree are loved by everyone for their pleasant taste, juicy pulp and good qualities during storage and processing. All varieties of this plant are divided according to ripening time, and depending on this and according to quality characteristics, into 3 groups: summer, autumn and winter. Each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of summer ripening pears

The earliest pears are very popular among gardeners - summer term maturation. The ripening of fruits on trees occurs in fairly early dates, from late July to early September. And although ripe pears are not subject to long-term storage(it should last no more than 2 weeks), they are very suitable for processing and drying. The summer fruits of this plant make excellent preserves, jams and confiture. The Williams pear stands out in particular.

Characteristics of the variety

A favorite among summer fruits is a variety like Williams. This pear has rightfully earned the title of a classic variety of world importance. A seedling of this plant was completely accidentally found in Western Europe V late XVI century by R. Williams, who spread the pear, giving it his name.

The Williams pear variety (otherwise called summer duchess) has the following characteristics, which have long received both recognition and excellent reviews from many amateur gardeners:

  • a vigorous tree with a wide pyramidal crown shape;
  • The pear is quite winter-hardy, although the flower buds are sensitive to very low temperatures;
  • fruiting begins in the 6th year of plant growth;
  • Williams pear is a self-sterile variety, therefore, in order to have good harvest, trees of such varieties as Klappa's favorite or forest beauty should be planted nearby;
  • The fruits are medium in size and have juicy pulp with an excellent spicy, slightly nutmeg taste.

Why are Williams pear fruits valued?

Williams pear description and characteristics of the fruit are as follows:

  • When ripe, they are quite large, pear-shaped with a slightly bumpy surface. The skin is very thin, bright yellow, covered with small gray dots.
  • The ripe fruit emits a pleasant nutmeg aroma.
  • The pulp is slightly yellowish or white and very juicy, with a wonderful dessert taste.

Thanks to these characteristics of the Williams pear variety, this pear has become a real favorite among the late-summer varieties of this plant. They allow the fruits to be widely used for consumption not only fresh, but also for the production of excellent taste qualities conservation.

Removable maturity of summer duchess

The fruits of this variety begin to ripen for harvest from the second ten days of August. It can be determined by appearance fruits:

  • they reach a mass of 170-180 g;
  • the skin takes on a soft green color.

Fruits picked at this time are easy to transport and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 45 days. After full ripening, shelf life is reduced to one week.

this variety

Williams pear has many useful properties, thanks to which she gained a lot of fans:

  • Eating these fruits not only improves immunity, but can also improve mood in case of depression. This is facilitated by the presence of essential oils in them.
  • Thanks to the organic acids contained in the fruits of the Williams variety, the pear of which is eaten, there is a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. This is very useful for both the stomach and the kidneys and even the liver.
  • Pear Williams - natural source vitamin C. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and tidies up blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic.

Traditional medicine

Such varieties as Williams pear are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. It is recommended to use it for the following diseases:

  • Lung diseases, bronchitis, tuberculosis. They use baked fruits, which have antitussive properties and also help against fever.
  • A decoction of the dried fruits of this variety has good diuretic properties, therefore it is very effective in all inflammatory processes occurring in the urinary tract, as well as in urolithiasis.
  • Both decoctions and freshly squeezed juice of this pear have an excellent antibacterial effect and help clarify urine that has been infected, therefore, in the Williams variety, the fruits are used to remove toxins from the body.
  • In the case when a person is diagnosed with diseases of the circulatory system, the juice from the fruits of this variety is used as a remedy that strengthens the blood capillaries.
  • Williams pears contain tannins, which have a remarkable effect on stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • These fruits are antidepressants and help with tachycardia resulting from anxiety.

This is just an incomplete list medicinal properties this fruit, which is used in folk medicine. It helps to avoid the use of conventional medications, which, along with bringing benefits to one organ, can cause irreparable harm to another.

For those gardeners who do not yet have this magnificent fruit growing on their plots, there is an excellent opportunity to plant a tree such as the Williams pear, a photo and description of which can be found both in gardener’s reference books and in this article.

The second name is Williams Rouge Delbara. A variety of Williams pear, which was bred by the Englishman M. Weller in 1796.

However, it was the red Williams that was received in France later.

Richard Williams distributed the seedlings, hence the pear variety takes its name.

Description of the variety

Growing up, the seedlings do not reach large sizes. The crown is quite sparse, small, pyramid-shaped.

The shoots in the central part of the tree are inclined at a slight angle, closer to the bottom they smoothly bend in an arc downwards. There are cracks in the bark.

The branches have an average number of smooth oblong leaves of a dark green color. The tree begins to bear fruit after reaching the age of 3-4 years.

Description of the fruit

The pear bears fairly large fruits, weighing 160-190 g.

If the tree is grafted onto quince, the weight of the fruit can reach 270 g. The shape of the fruit is oblong, there is a tuberosity. The skin is most often yellow in color, covered with a burgundy tint on top.

A distinctive feature is pink or yellow dots; there may be spots of a reddish color.

The pulp is sweet, juicy, and has a pleasant taste. The first round of harvesting occurs in mid-August - early September. Due to the average density of the fetus, the condition of its transportation is assessed as satisfactory.

Advantages of the red Williams variety:

  1. Unripe fruit can be stored at home; after 2-3 weeks it will reach the stage of full ripeness and will be suitable for consumption.
  2. Can be stored in a cool place for up to 4 months.
  3. Perfect for making jam, compotes, and other canned products.
  4. Short period of onset of yield, especially if the tree is grafted onto quince.
  5. Taste qualities.


  1. Particularly sensitive to agricultural technology.
  2. It is whimsical to fertilizers.
  3. Average cold resistance.
  4. In terms of harvest quantity, it is inferior to the original Williams ordinary.

Like any other type of pear, red Williams seedlings are recommended to be planted in holes filled with fertilized soil.

The main importance of fertilized soil is to create favorable conditions seedling growth. It is generally accepted that the larger the planting hole, the longer the harvest period will last.

It is better to prepare the depressions in advance so that the soil has time to be saturated with useful substances in sufficient quantities. Since this pear variety is grown mainly in middle lane countries, then the best fertilizer in this case, wood ash or superphosphate in granules is considered.

One seedling contains about 1 kg of ash or a little more than 200 grams of superphosphate. Afterwards, you need to check the branches and trunk for dry buds.

If there are any, get rid of them. Pour plenty of water over the planting site to better retain moisture; for the first time, you can cover the area with improvised material, for example, film. After the plant has successfully taken root, remove the material, water the soil moderately, and loosen the soil around the trunk.

Take note: Successful rooting of a pear tree will be facilitated by a metal stake driven near the trunk, tying it to which will limit the swaying of the seedling from the wind.

The pear harvest has only positive reviews According to its taste qualities, it is distinguished by significant juiciness, a delicate sweetish taste, the hybrid was able to achieve real popular recognition. In this regard, the demand for the variety is quite high.

How to care for a pear tree in the fall, watch the advice of expert gardeners in the following video:

Williams pear is very popular among gardeners in our country. Moreover, both summer and winter varieties are equally popular. Why is it so popular and what valuable properties does it have? After all, Williams is cultivated in different regions Russia has been around for more than a century, and they have not changed to other more modern varieties. It is worth understanding why this particular fruit tree is so valued by modern summer residents, and is also grown in small farms, and the fruits are used for processing.

The variety was bred in the south of Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, but which varieties were taken as the basis when working on the new variety remained unknown. The variety was named in honor of Robert Williams, who introduced it at the beginning of the next century at the London organization engaged in the cultivation of fruit trees and others garden plants. It was this person who later advertised this variety, and a few years later the Williams pear began to be grown in France. Later it appeared in many other European countries.
In the second half of the 19th century, the Williams variety appeared in many orchards southern regions our country.

And at the end of the first half of the last century, the summer variety was tested at the state level and was zoned for cultivation in the regions of the North Caucasus.
The red Williams variety is the standard of pear trees, harvested in mid-August.

This variety has small sizes– about 3 m in height, the crown is pyramidal in shape, medium spreading and compact in size. The branches extend from the main trunk at an angle of about 35 degrees, and their ends bend in an arc towards the ground. The bark on the trunk is covered with cracks. The color of the smooth bark of the branches is gray and light. The foliage of shoots is average.

The foliage is large in size, ovoid, its surface is smooth and shiny. The edges of the leaves are slightly raised, covered with small teeth. Light emerald colored veins run down the center of the leaves.

The flowers are cream with a white tint, usually collected in clusters of 5-7 pieces. The buds open before the leaves appear. Flowering lasts up to 20-25 days.

The fruits are tied 2-3 pieces in a cluster and are held firmly. The weight of one ripe fruit is usually up to 165 g; on young trees, the weight of one Williams pear can reach 165 g.

The fruits can be large or medium in size, their surface is uneven, covered with a skin of medium thickness. Ripening pears are soft green; as they ripen, their color turns yellow, and the sides turned toward the sun turn red.

The stalks are thick, slightly curved. The seeds are small, brown, ovoid, pointed on one side.

The pulp is juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness, and has a delicate nutmeg aroma. The color of the pulp is white with a yellowish tint.

The Williams pear variety is a universal one, as its fruits are used fresh, and also used for making compotes, jams and preserves, and also dried.

The harvest is harvested in the second ten days of August. After harvesting, the harvest can be stored for no more than two weeks, but in the refrigerator the fruits can be stored for up to 45 days.

If this variety is grafted onto a pear tree, then the first harvest is harvested after 5 seasons, and Williams grafted onto a quince begins to bear fruit already in the 3rd season. But such trees do not live long.

In different regions, the yield of the variety is different and can range from 80-120 kg to 100-150 kg.

The variety is self-sterile because only female flowers bloom on it.

Therefore, other pollinating varieties should be planted nearby. Suitable pollinators for Williams pear are:

  • Clapp's favorite;
  • Alexandrovka;
  • Bere Bosc;
  • Olivier de Serres.

Variety varieties

The Williams variety has several subspecies, but the most popular in our country are:

  • summer variety;
  • Williams red;
  • winter variety Williams - with late maturing fruits

Benefits of red pear

There is no fundamental difference between the fruits of the red pear and other varieties of this fruit tree. Therefore, we can say that the benefits of Williams pear are as follows:

  • thanks to a large number vitamins and minerals in ripe fruits, pears strengthen immune system, calm nerves, normalize sleep; removes toxins from the body;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Helps reduce “bad” cholesterol.

Tasting assessments

Ripe Williams pear fruits have a pleasant taste - residually sweet with a slight addition of sourness. According to tasting scores (on a 5-point scale), the fruits of “Summer Williams” were assigned 4.8 points.

It should be noted that this fruit is not too high in calories - 100 grams of fruit contains no more than 45 kcal. Pears contain the most carbohydrates, the second place is found in proteins, and the least amount of them contains fats.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the Williams variety include:

  • early fruit ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • good presentation of large fruits;
  • undemanding to soil characteristics.

But the pear also has disadvantages:

  • low resistance to cold;
  • the need for pollinator trees due to self-sterility;
  • requirement for regular watering, especially in hot, dry weather;
  • low resistance to scab, can also be affected by copperhead and aphids.

Selection of seedlings

For planting, you should purchase a two-year-old seedling up to 1.5 meters in height, the distance from the root collar to the lower branches is usually up to 0.5 m, and there should be no more than 5 shoots in total.

The length of the roots should be about 0.3 m. The seedlings should not have mechanical damage or signs of disease either on the above-ground parts or on the root system. The central trunk should be perfectly formed.

Landing Features

Williams pears should be planted in mid-autumn (after the trees have finished growing) or spring (before buds appear).

The site for planting should be sunny, and the soil requirement should be good water permeability and looseness. There should be no stagnation of water in the soil.

The size of the planting hole is 0.6 by 0.6 m, and the depth is up to 0.8 m. The nutrient mixture with which the roots are covered usually consists of:

  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part garden soil;
  • 1.5 cups superphosphate;
  • 1.5 cups of potassium sulfate.

The roots are carefully distributed along the bottom of the hole, covered with soil, and then with a nutrient substrate. After planting, 10 liters of water are poured under each tree, the soil is pressed down and soil is added. A wooden stake is placed in a hole next to the seedling, to which a young pear is tied.

Tree care

Summer Williams (like other subspecies of this variety) does not require special care.


During the first few seasons, young trees are watered regularly once every 1.5-2 weeks. More mature trees are watered no more than 5-7 times per season (depending on weather conditions), since the pear does not tolerate drought well.

Fertilizer and feeding

Fertilizers are applied to young pears every year in early spring. Typically, the fertilizer is rotted manure, which is placed in a circle around the trunk to a thickness of 5 cm.

For mature trees, fertilizers are applied during the autumn digging of the trunk circle. Usually they add at the same time mineral fertilizers(phosphate and potassium) and rotted organic matter. Fertilizers are scattered throughout the tree trunk circle and buried to a depth of 30 cm.


In young trees, pruning is carried out in the spring, leaving up to 5 main shoots; the central trunk is cut so that it is 25-30 cm higher than the side branches.

Older pears are pruned in spring and autumn. In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, during which frozen and damaged branches are removed. In autumn, formative and rejuvenating pruning is usually carried out.

Resistance to diseases and pests

This variety is quite resistant to most diseases that affect pear trees. However, Williams is extremely susceptible to scab. To prevent this disease, diseased fruits and foliage should be removed and burned. To combat scab, trees should be sprayed several times a season. Bordeaux mixture or colloidal sulfur.

To control pests that attack these fruit trees (different types aphids, copperhead, etc.), spraying with solutions of insecticides (such as Atkara, Komandor, Iskra, etc.) should be carried out.