Wooden construction trailer, drawings. DIY change house. Change houses country houses

Most modern summer residents agree that without utility room it’s impossible to do on their site. Gradually, tools, work clothes and other equipment no less important for work begin to accumulate. It should be stored in a special place, because most parts are made of metal and are therefore subject to corrosion. To reduce the risk of rust and keep tools and clothing in good condition for several seasons, it is recommended to build a shed, which thereby becomes an inexpensive but effective structure. He will tell you how to build a shed without additional help detailed instructions with pictures and video materials.

How to build a country house from cabins

In some cases, it is necessary to create a small building that will allow the summer resident to spend his free time indoors. To achieve your goal, you do not always need to give preference to a new home with all the amenities. Sometimes the construction of such structures drags on for several years. To simplify construction, it is recommended to build a mini house from a change house. It’s quite easy to do, just use the tips that our video offers.

Naturally, in each individual case a special approach to construction is used, but the presence of 4 mandatory conditions is considered mandatory:

  • creating a foundation;
  • walling;
  • finishing of external wall surfaces;
  • heating installation.

Foundation for a future house

The main advantage of a change house as a country house is the ease of construction itself. This condition implies that there is no need to install a special foundation. Building a shed from timber will not be difficult if you create a base of posts.

In some cases, a small porch is immediately installed. It is created for ease of entry into the room. If it is necessary to build a global approach to the house, a small but noticeable terrace is created. In this case, the foundation under it is mounted in a separate order.


A change house involves creating walls from lightweight material. In most cases, it will be used only in the summer, and therefore the walls will be created quickly, without unnecessary problems and emphasis on insulation. Building a shed according to the drawings will not be difficult if you prepare in advance required material. The erected walls, in most cases, undergo only minor finishing inside and outside. A detailed description of the installation can be seen in the video.

If the owner of the building wants to get a full-fledged house, then the walls must be made of high quality. A special lathing is used here. It is recommended to use a thin profile, although sometimes it is enough to use a small beam. Fastening these objects involves the use of special plates that have holes for self-tapping screws. The width between the two walls should imply further installation of windows inside them.

You can build a 6x3 change house with your own hands using high-quality insulation of the constructed walls. In this case, the lathing must also take into account the width of the insulating material. The expected use of the building in the spring or autumn will require the use of mineral wool. The thickness of one mat must be at least 10 centimeters. If the house will be used in winter period years, then it is necessary to install at least two layers of this material. If the installation process is carried out correctly, the resulting building can also be used for temporary residence.

External wall finishing

When the construction of a log cabin is completed, a completely appropriate question arises about starting to decorate it. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the external walls of the house. Here you can take advantage of a wide variety of offers. Since a change house is either a temporary version of a living space or a building for equipment, most summer residents choose facing material in the form of siding. The first attention is drawn to the relative ease of installation, as well as the low cost of the material.

Sometimes the best option is the use of special siding, which resembles a log in appearance. The base version of the material is often used. Since in construction stores you can find several finishing options at once, choosing the optimal one will not be difficult. In some cases, the change house not only looks beautiful, but also acquires a unique style.

Heating in a building

The instructions for building a change house do not tell you how to create heating in it. Unfortunately, modern construction a house made of cabins implies not so much a large number of heating system options. Most often, it is customary to install a stove in this building, called a “potbelly stove.” Although many people associate this device with a very ridiculous design, in fact it has a lot of effect.

As a last resort, you can purchase a convector that runs on electrical network. If you install approximately 2 convectors of 1,000 W each, they can provide the necessary heat for the room.

Expansion of an existing building

Building a shed on a site, as the instructions show, is quite simple. But sometimes there is a need to expand an existing premises. In this case, it is enough to build an extension on the same foundation and from the same material. In some cases, it is permissible to combine two similar buildings, and sometimes more, together. The only condition is the installation of additional interior doors.

How to properly mount the frame and walls

In order for a change house to give a person the opportunity to fully feel himself inside, it is necessary to focus on detailed description frame construction and wall construction.

After the floor is covered with joists, it is necessary to consider the installation of vertical and transverse joists. The main frame is built, as a rule, mounted from timber measuring 150x100 millimeters. It is used to cover the floor and also create corners.

It is possible to build a change house at your dacha with high-quality parameters with your own hands only after laying and, most importantly, properly securing the logs. To do this, a small cut is made on each of them, at the ends. In this way, the bars are literally inserted into each other. To make them more likely to be fixed, they are secured with self-tapping screws. In this simple way, an effective frame of the building itself is created.

It should provide, before subsequent actions, the marking of door and window openings. This procedure is quite simple to do using a previously prepared drawing. In places where it is necessary to create a window or door, the building will have additional frame reinforcement.

Lastly, it is necessary to create a frame for the future roof. Here it is customary to use a standard beam measuring 50x100 millimeters. Installation is carried out using the same technology as when constructing walls - cutting and fastening with self-tapping screws. You should ensure that the rafters hang slightly outside the building, but not more than 30 centimeters. Roofing material can be selected at your personal discretion.

Types of cabins

In the last part I would like to talk about what kind of cabins there are. Today it is popular to build four types of buildings, namely:

  • Panel;
  • Frame;
  • Beams and logs;
  • Container or metal cabins.

If there are no particular difficulties with wooden buildings, then cabins made of metal or built from a container require some attention.

How to build a metal shed if you have your own container? Quite simple if you know how to handle metal and the devices that process it.

In this process, the well-known sandwich panel is used. It is worth noting that this product is suitable exclusively for the installation of temporary housing. In this case, the frame will be made of metal. It is believed that such a structure will preserve heat in the room for a long time and provide a long period of preservation from various external negative factors. The analogy of insulation is the same as in a wooden cabin, with the only exception - the material is already laid between sheets of metal.

Change house – irreplaceable thing for storing construction or country tools, while you can hide in it from the rain, take a nap or just relax. You can even spend the night in it if necessary. And if you have a team of construction workers working on your site, then you can place them in a homemade cabin for an overnight stay, saving on transportation costs and extending the working day.

Self-assembly according to drawing

The easiest way is to make a wooden structure using frame construction technology. A frame change house differs from an ordinary small one frame house will be the lack of foundation and size. The role of a columnar foundation can be performed by placed bricks.

First of all we will make the floor panel. It will consist of chipboard or OSB-3 panels, boards, between which we place insulation and waterproofing. You can save money on a vapor barrier, since this room is not intended for permanent residence.

Instead of expensive synthetic insulation (mineral wool), you can use sawdust. Instead of waterproofing - a regular film.

When the floor is ready, we proceed to the walls. We make the frame of the cabin from timber or boards 100x150. The easiest way is to make a wall separately on the ground, in this case it is much easier to check the geometry, the evenness of the corners and diagonals. When the wall frame is ready, we install it and check the verticality again. The angle between the wall and the floor should be exactly 90 degrees.

We install all 4 walls one by one according to the drawings. The finished frame of the change house must be connected into one structure using the upper frame. We perform the strapping with a board or timber. For it to be level, the walls must be the same height. If some wall is lower, we place a wooden chip, block or part of the board under the lining board.

After installing all the walls, we begin to make the roof. The roof can be gable or single-pitch, for which we attach several boards or beams to the top of one of the walls. Thus, by raising one of the walls, we form a roof slope.

If you plan to use the change house only in the summer, the roof can be made flat without slope.

Tip: Use foam sheets along with mineral wool. They will serve not only as insulation, but also as complete wind protection.

The roof must be insulated with foam sheets or mineral wool. For waterproofing we use cheaper roofing felt. Roofing material for a change house can be as follows:

  • slate
  • ondulin
  • tiles
  • metal

If the building will be used for overnight accommodation in winter, it is recommended to install a stove with a chimney. Instead of a stove, you can use a potbelly stove.

Equip the building with a simplified drainage system mounted on bars. Exterior finishing can be made with lining, followed by painting with an antiseptic, or siding.

How to choose a plan and build it yourself

Since before any construction starts, a drawing of the future building is required, let’s consider the most attractive shed projects. So what is the plan?

Frame cabins usually have one or two rooms and a vestibule. Since the building is small, most often rectangular shape, it is necessary to arrange all rooms functionally. It is better to place the entrance and vestibule in a one-room wooden cabin on a short wall.

If you need 2 rooms, the vestibule is located in the center of the cabin on the wide side. Thus, from the vestibule you can go to both rooms.

More complex cabins with more rooms have the plan of a small frame house, and are rarely called cabins - rather they are a temporary or permanent home for equipment or builders.

So, frame cabins can be:

  • one-room with vestibule
  • two-room apartments
  • with flat roof
  • with pitched roof
  • with gable roof
  • complex cabins - with awnings, extensions, etc.
  • cabins for summer living
  • for year-round use

Sequence and time of work

When you have a project for a future change house in your hands, it’s time to purchase materials and do the installation. Let's take a step-by-step look at what you will need to do during construction. We will also find out whether it will be possible to build the most ordinary, simple, wooden cabin based on a frame in a month.

  1. We buy and transport to the site the blocks that will serve as the foundation for your shed.
  2. Mark the area, clear the area, install blocks.
  3. Purchase and bring boards and timber.
  4. Treat the boards with a septic tank.
  5. Buy OSB or chipboard (chipboard is preferable, as it is stronger).
  6. Put together a base from boards or timber, insulate, waterproof, and attach chipboard.
  7. Lay linoleum on the floor.
  8. Process timber or boards for the frame of the cabin and roof.
  9. Assemble and install walls.
  10. Make rafters for the roof or a panel for a pitched roof.
  11. Cover the roof with wind protection
  12. Lay sheathing and counter-lattice
  13. Cover the roof roofing material– tiles, slate or others.
  14. Buy and transport clapboard to the site.
  15. Secure the windbreak.
  16. Treat the lining with protection and cover the walls.
  17. Buy and bring a stove, purchase a chimney.
  18. Assemble the chimney and install the stove.

Each of these actions takes one day, except for covering the walls with clapboard and installation rafter system. Thus, a frame change house can be installed in 1 month.

Read about how to make a small, inexpensive panel house for temporary residence.

Change houses in the modern sense are compact and, as a rule, mobile premises for temporary residence of various functional purpose. It is precisely because of their convenience and versatility that cabins are considered the simplest and economical option for construction and can be used with a minimum amount of additional functionality in the form of internal partitions, extra doors, complex electrical and thermal equipment. Next we will talk about calculating the materials needed to build a shed.

To comfortably accommodate personnel on a construction site, it is enough to get by with a basic household trailer. The most simple design It is made in the form of a frame-panel support with a power metal frame and facing panels.

Price of materials and cost of work in Moscow

A turnkey change house will cost you from 70 to 150 thousand rubles in Moscow. In this case, you will spend significantly more money, but save yourself from having to build it yourself for at least a few days.

If you are planning self-construction cabins, then with the same dimensions, as a rule, it can cost twice as much as a purchased one - further in the text we will indicate prices first for ready-made options, and in brackets - accordingly, the likely lower costs for self-construction.

Note that it will be inconvenient to build alone; you will need at least one assistant to cut it off, hold it, and so on. Also, when there is nothing, a saw will be needed for construction - preferably with a good blade, a bow saw; as well as shovels and bayonets, a hammer and, probably, a sherhebel.

It all depends on the requirements you place on the functionality of the room. If the budget is tight, then you can easily fit in 50 (25) thousand rubles, but it will be a wooden change house. Ultimately, there is a direct dependence of the price on the dimensions of the cabin and the type of assembly.


The advantage of a wooden cabin, besides its price, is that it is easy to heat. But! It is not practical when moving and will quickly become unusable. If you expect to transport it no more than twice during its entire service life, feel free to install it.
  • The price for a wooden structure starts from 40 (20) thousand rubles, this is when finishing with fiberboard; with clapboard trim add 8-10 thousand. This will be an option without a vestibule.
  • Swing option will already cost around 60 thousand (30 thousand if you build it yourself).


When choosing a metal change house, you will pay one and a half times more. This choice is justified when you need to move the structure frequently. It withstands dozens of trips. The simplest option with fiberboard finishing will cost from 60 (30) thousand. The swing version, finished with clapboard, is already a decent 80-90 (40-80) thousand.

Add. expenses

Don't forget that there will be additional expenses. Below are some of the possible expense items:
  • Beam, 10 units 100X100 mm - 2600 rubles;
  • 12 units boards, 50×100 mm - 1600 rubles;
  • 8 cubic meters of mineral wool - 9600 rubles;
  • screws, staples for a stapler - 700 rubles;
  • vapor barrier rolls - from 800 rubles. per roll;
  • polyethylene sheets - 200-500 rubles. / meter;
  • Fiberboard - up to 1200 rubles.

Any adult who is more or less familiar with the basics of frame construction and has at least a little experience working with tools can assemble or make a change house with their own hands. Arrangement of a compact, light and well-insulated residential building with an area of ​​15-20 m2 will require at least a week for the box, and 3-4 days for finishing the trailer, connecting light, sewerage and water.

Does it make sense to build a change house with your own hands?

There are several ways to get a residential trailer for the temporary residence of a small team of construction workers. The situation is usually complicated by the fact that you will have to live in a change house in winter time in the conditions of a suburban area, when the dacha or house itself, as such, does not exist yet, or is just being built.

The problem of changing houses for workers is solved in several ways:

Most construction companies prefer to sell their standard trailers, heated trailers, and living boxes, which are produced on the market. Therefore, hope that the company will agree to make or build a good quality change house according to individual project and an acceptable price, there is no need at all.

In terms of price, a typical 6x3 m residential trailer costs $1100-1200, plus delivery and installation will require another 10% of the cost. If you add the costs of making a foundation and sewerage, it turns out that it is easier and cheaper to build a change house with your own hands. High-quality, solid, according to your taste and layout.

What can you build a cabin from?

Before planning construction, it would be right to think and select such an option for the change house project so that after completion construction work on suburban area make a useful room out of the trailer. For example, refurbish a bathhouse or build summer kitchen, or even small garage for a vehicle.

More often country cabins are built according to several standard schemes:

  • Frame building made of boards, wooden beam and lumber;
  • A change house with a metal frame and a subfloor base;
  • Construction from OSB boards and panel materials;
  • Panel board or temporary housing made of plywood;
  • A warm version of a cabin made from sandwich panels.

Any of the listed schemes is quite accessible to even a novice carpenter or carpenter to build a residential block with his own hands. If you have no construction experience at all, then you can find step by step instructions, which will help you make a change house with your own hands without making gross mistakes, and the quality of workmanship depends entirely on your attitude to the work. It’s clear that for your needs, you don’t need to force anyone to make a residential trailer efficiently and efficiently.

Wooden cabin

Most often, prudent owners plan to build a trailer or temporary living block with further plans to use the room as a bathhouse or summer kitchen. In this case, it is best to build a shed from timber 70-90 mm thick.

The box is installed on a permanent foundation made of concrete or bored piles. The walls of the cabin are assembled using the traditional technology of laying wooden beams.

Customers prefer to build the roof, window and door openings, and the floor of the cabin according to a temporary plan, for shrinkage. A residential block without any insulation with mineral wool or penoplex provides comfortable conditions residence from May to October, during the period of most intensive work at the dacha. It is at this time that most construction has to be done on a suburban site.

For your information! It is more expensive to build a change house from timber than to buy a ready-made standard version of a residential block or trailer.

The benefits of such a solution are calculated for the future. In just a year or a year and a half, when the dacha box has been built, rough cladding has been completed and electricity has been connected, the log cabin, which has completely completed the shrinkage processes, can be converted into a bathhouse or summer kitchen with a clear conscience.

Panel change house

The vast majority of inexpensive standard trailers or blocks residential type are manufactured according to the panel design. Most of the details of the walls, floor, roof and interior decoration cut on woodworking machines and sold as a set. All that remains is to transport the purchased change house to the site and build it according to the attached assembly diagram.

Features of panel residential premises include:

  • Simplicity and high speed of assembly. In order to build a panel shed, you will need a screwdriver with a double set of batteries, a saw and several hundred wood screws;
  • Low price for the building. On average, a panel structure costs 20% less than classic frame and metal trailers - cabins;
  • Minimum amount, and sometimes complete absence insulation.

The walls of the residential block are made of sheet plywood, practically without a frame, only the corners, ceiling and floor are sewn from timber. The rigidity and stability of the shed room is ensured only due to the strength plywood sheets. Often, strong storm winds can easily deform and sometimes even break the structure.

For your information! Panel structures of cabins are often used by unscrupulous shabatniks in order to build living quarters and blocks for urgent orders in the shortest possible time.

The box assembled from plywood is insulated with mineral wool and lined with clapboard or sheet metal profiles. The result is a beautiful building, but absolutely weak and practically uninhabitable.

Change house made of OSB boards

Approximately 60% of all dacha options cabins are built in the form of frame structures covered with OSB boards. A material similar in properties to plywood, but at the same time much cheaper, perfectly withstands atmospheric moisture, has best warmth and soundproofing. The strength of OSB boards is lower, so it will not be possible to build a panel shed from them; the walls of the residential block will simply delaminate and fall apart under load.

You can make a wonderful frame shed from OSB boards. It is somewhat more expensive to build a room box from panels, since the wooden frame made of timber is insulated with polystyrene foam boards and sheathed with OSB on the outer and inner surfaces of the sides. Of course, according to frame technology It is possible to make a residential block based on plywood, sandwich panels or SIP materials.

If the cabin trailer is going to be made mobile, then it is best to use a metal frame made of a square pipe. But in this case, after the completion of the construction of the dacha or cottage, the change house will be suitable for a maximum of building a utility block or garage.

Change house made of metal profiles

As a rule, sheet metal and rolled metal are not used for temporary summer cottages. The change room turns out to be cold in winter and hot in the summer heat. Considerable expenses will be required to make effective thermal insulation of increased thickness.

In addition, the cost of purchasing metal will be approximately twice as high as the cost of building a frame wooden structure. Metal profiles and profiled sheets are used for the construction of capital premises at the dacha with high level comfort.

In this case, it is easier to buy an old sea container; its price will not exceed $400-450. About the same amount will be required to finish the inside of the box, install windows, insulate the walls, build a sewer system, and install water and electricity.

With an estimate of $800, spending a week of vacation, you can build not just an excellent shed, but a full-fledged guest house in which you can live in the winter, store materials and tools, like in a safe, and not worry about your country property.

Change house made of sandwich panels

Of all the existing temporary housing schemes, trailers and residential blocks made of SIP panels are considered the warmest and most comfortable. Make a change house with your own hands from metal sandwich panels industrial type It is unlikely to succeed, since the dimensions of the slabs may exceed the required dimensions of 6x3 m. Full-fledged hangars and garages on a metal frame are built from sandwiches; such structures are not used as living quarters.

The process of building a cabin from SIP panels is in many ways similar to the technology of panel houses. Finished blocks of polystyrene foam, cut to size, covered with two OSB parties slabs, laid on a rough timber frame and secured with polyurethane foam.

If you first make a high-quality pile foundation and cut out the blocks; it will take a maximum of two to three days to build a trailer box with one assistant.

Types of frame cabins

If we proceed from the criterion “price – quality – comfort”, then the best option is temporary housing, built according to frame diagram. Popularity of cabins on load-bearing frame is explained by two factors:

  • Flexibility of the construction scheme. You can choose materials for insulation, room decoration and exterior cladding to your taste, without being tied to a specific type of wall construction;
  • High comfort and relatively simple technology construction, forgiving mistakes even to inexperienced workers.

If you make a defect or make a mistake in calculations during the work, you can always correct the defect, although this will require additional costs and resources.

Change house with wooden frame

A residential trailer with a frame made of timber and boards can be built on almost any soil. According to the technology for constructing a trailer cabin, it is usually necessary to make a small foundation of brick, concrete blocks or piles, on which, like on a pedestal, the following are successively built up and installed:

  • The base of the floor of the future living space;
  • Wall frame posts and horizontal ceiling beams;
  • Insulation is laid and wall cladding is made of wooden lining, siding or corrugated sheets.

Thanks to the separation of processes, a frame change house can be built simultaneously by a team of two or ten people, everyone will find a task to do. The shed can be done in one go or assembled gradually over several weeks or summer months.

The only problem frame structure protection of insulation and wood from rain and ground moisture is considered. Therefore, residential blocks with a wooden frame are either built and covered with a roof as quickly as possible. short term, or use special expensive oil-varnish impregnations for protection.

Change houses with a metal frame

In addition to wood, you can use metal corner, square pipe of any profile. Most often, cabins on a steel frame are built for mobile trailers with a base on metal supports.

If the suburban area is located in marshy areas or on soils with high levels groundwater, usage metal frame avoids deformation of the building body due to frost heaving.

The most popular option is to use a frame from a steel railway container. In order to build a change house, sheets of walls and ceiling are cut out, leaving only the frame. The floor and ceiling are reinforced with a square pipe 60x60 mm, in places where windows and doorways boxes are welded from angle steel.

After laying the insulation, the walls are sheathed with profiled sheeting.

Portable cabins

Construction on a suburban site does not always require the arrangement of a full-fledged, albeit temporary, living space; a team of workers can come to the site on a separate schedule. But even in such a situation, you will need to make a temporary trailer to organize the simplest living conditions, where you can shower, wash, go to the toilet.

The version of the change house shown in the diagram can be made from wooden lining, or built from galvanized steel profile. Best suited for bathroom cladding plastic panels, the material is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb odors.

Change house from a construction trailer

The scheme for making a temporary shed from a mobile construction box is no different from using a wheeled version of the shed. Most owners suburban areas They don’t even try to remodel or refurbish the premises.

The box is simply delivered and installed on a prepared, planned site on concrete blocks. Construction sheds and wagons are usually used as temporary housing mainly in the autumn-winter season, since the cabin box lined with corrugated sheets or plastic does not get wet and does not lose its thermal insulation even in heavy rain and wind.

DIY cabin projects

The most popular are frame cabin cars made on the basis of hulls sea ​​containers or assembled using timber technology.

The change room is divided into two sections - sleeping and living. The dimensions of the container allow you to make a small kitchen.

A container shed, in fact, remains the only option when you can build an entire house to accommodate 7-10 people without any problems.

If necessary, you can build a non-residential change house, make a shower stall and install wardrobes or clothes hangers.

Wooden shift cabins are considered more comfortable when it comes to staying for several weeks or months. It is clear that perception metal box And wooden house different, a room made of wood is more convenient and pleasant.

In this case, you will need to make a comfortable bathroom inside the room, build a small steam room and a covered terrace at the entrance to the room. All these are little things, but it is thanks to them that you can maintain the proper level of comfort.

How to build a 6x3 shed with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

If you want to make a simple, inexpensive and at the same time convenient cabin trailer, then it is best to try to build with your own hands an ordinary frame room from timber and clapboard.

Premises made from timber, boards and OSB boards are inferior to those made from containers or car boxes, but this is an invaluable experience for novice builders and an opportunity to avoid mistakes when building a cottage or bathhouse.

Foundation installation

As a basis for a wooden cabin measuring 6x3 m, you can use supports made of concrete blocks or build brick supports to a height of at least 20 cm. First, the turf and fertile layer of soil are removed from the area of ​​the base of the foundation, the soil is leveled in a horizontal plane, compacted, covered with geotextiles and dumped layer of sand with crushed stone screenings.

In total, for a change house measuring 6x3 m, you will need to make 12 pillars, three rows of four supports. The tops are carefully leveled and adjusted in the same plane along the horizon so that the trailer does not turn out crooked or sway. Roofing felt is glued onto the supports using mastic insulation.

Next, on top of the foundation you need to make a frame box from timber. If the change house is planned to be built in winter, then the base will additionally need to be insulated. For example, after filing the subfloor boards, lay film waterproofing and cover it with expanded clay.

Frame installation

The supporting structure of the cabin can be welded from a square pipe; on top of the wooden frame you will need to make and secure a metal frame, to which the vertical frame posts will be welded.

The frame of a metal trailer is assembled by welding from a square profile pipe 20x40 mm.

For an ordinary wooden cabin, the frame system can be built from pine timber, cross section 90 mm. Each rack must be aligned vertically and temporary side braces must be made. The racks are attached to the frame with steel angles, which you can make yourself from the remnants of rolled stock.

The heads of the wooden racks must be trimmed to the level, making sure that the ends of the vertical beams of each row are located in the same horizontal plane. To strengthen the frame, two struts need to be made under each rack.

Installation of windows and doors

Installing door and window units is not particularly difficult. First you will need to make markings on the racks where exactly you plan to build the windows. Based on the marks, you will need to build supporting horizontal jumpers on which the boxes will directly rest.

The final installation of windows and doors in the cabin can be done after laying insulation and installing film insulation, the edges of which will need to be tucked under the edges window frames. After finishing the walls with OSB boards, you need to make and install platbands on the windows and doors, otherwise the wall insulation will quickly become damp.

Traditionally, plank and slab floors are used in cabins. After laying the mineral fiber layer, the surface is covered with a vapor barrier film and hammered with a tongue and groove board.

The second option for arranging the floor instead of boards involves laying sheets of bakelite waterproof plywood. If you have to enter the change house in very dirty shoes, then it is better to supplement the plywood with linoleum.

Advice! Before building a plywood floor, markings of the location of the joist beams are transferred to the sheets. In this case, the risk of the self-tapping screw missing the support beam is practically zero.

Roof installation

For wooden trailers use pitched roofs. The row of vertical posts on the front side of the building needs to be made longer, about 40 cm higher than the supports with back side frame.

The rafter system rests on two parallel beams. A sheathing is sewn onto the rafters, followed by a film vapor barrier, a layer of mineral wool, waterproofing and plywood padding for laying the roofing.

Wall cladding and insulation

The easiest way is to make a warm layer of the walls of the cabin based on polystyrene foam or mineral slabs. It is best to use PPS insulation in a metal trailer; basalt fiber mats are laid in the walls and secured with sheathing slats.

The next step is to lay a vapor barrier on the floor of the cabin to make the canvas durable and airtight; the joints between the individual tapes are taped. Windproofing needs to be done on the outer surface of the walls; it is also fixed with slats and tape.

Arrangement of a change house

The outer walls of the cabin trailer are sheathed with clapboard or OSB boards if finishing is planned for painting. In this case, the overhangs along the perimeter of the roof are not large enough, or the building itself is located in an open area, it is best to cover the outer walls with profiled roofing sheets. Ventilation windows are cut out along the upper and lower edges of the sheet, or it is better to build independent vents for water vapor.

Interior decoration of the cabin

If the building is planned to be built with subsequent repurposing as a bathhouse or guest house, then the best finishing option is considered to be cladding the walls and ceiling with ordinary clapboard.

After two or three years of operation of the cabin, the material darkens, a dark coating of dampness and even mold may appear along the lower edge, so anything else is rarely used for the walls.

The exception is the bathroom and shower block of the change house. In this case, it is best to make the walls and ceiling based on plastic panels.

Lighting in the cabin

According to the rules fire safety The exit from the room and the installation location of the heating device, stove, air heater must be illuminated. The rest of the room is equipped with lighting at your own discretion. Typically, a change house is divided into two parts in which ceiling lamps need to be made - a bathroom and a recreation area.

All electrical wiring of the cabin is mounted in metal corrugations. All lines must be located on top of the wall cladding. The place for the box with the circuit breaker and the bags is chosen so that the working panel is illuminated by a ceiling lamp.

Water supply and sewerage in the cabin

The supply of water and drainage communications into the premises is carried out through the subfloor of the trailer. To prevent the pipes from freezing in the winter, a caisson or collector is built in the ground under the sewer and water supply system, insulated with polystyrene foam and covered with a plastic box.

For mobile and summer options trailer, you can build a connection to water and drainage using flexible and corrugated pipes.

Heating in a change house

To heat the room, you can use two options:

  • Make heating with a wood stove with a cast iron body;
  • Build a heating system for a cabin using several electric convectors.

The electrical option is simpler; you only need to lay power copper wiring from the entry point of the switchboard and circuit breaker. In this case, for each heater you will need to make your own wiring and grounding branch, and build a suspension. To heat a room with an area of ​​15-20 m2, you will need to make two points of 1 kW each.

For a wood-burning stove, you will need to build a niche or set aside a corner of the room for it. The walls and floor are lined with thick metal with vermiculite thermal insulation. It is clear that if they plan to build a bathhouse on the basis of a change house, then it is better to choose a place for the stove in the warmest corner of the room without windows.


At first glance, building or making a change house with your own hands is difficult and troublesome; you need to complete and construct a large number of auxiliary parts. But this is a misleading impression, most complex work What remains is the installation of the water supply system and the arrangement of the system stove heating. The remaining components and parts of the cabin building can be made on your own.

The first thing you should start with is to determine for what purposes the change house will be used. It is usually erected directly on the site before the construction of the main house begins. You definitely need to have a place to store tools, cook food, protect from the weather, etc. Perhaps workers will live in it in the winter, or perhaps boards or other bulky material will have to be stored there; all this must be taken into account at the construction planning stage.

Where is the best location? If we assume that a change house is a temporary structure, then it can, in principle, be installed anywhere on a plot of land. Naturally, it is necessary to build at some distance from the future construction site, the passage of construction equipment and storage areas for building materials. You should also avoid utility lines and the future location of the well drilling. If, after completion of construction, you are going to transport the construction trailer to another place, provide access roads for a manipulator or crane.

What size should I make the change house?

To determine the size of your shed, decide whether you plan to stay in it overnight, store large building materials or house workers, and heat the space in the winter. In this case, a size of 2.4 meters wide by 6 meters long will be optimal. If you plan to use the building only for storing tools and clothes, as well as shelter from the rain, then you can get by with a smaller size, for example 2 by 4 meters.

Basically, you can build a shed of any size based on your needs. However, it must be borne in mind that if you are going to sell or simply transport the change house to another place in the future, then it is advisable to keep within certain dimensions. On Russian roads, without special escort, it is allowed to transport goods with a width of no more than 2.55 m and a height of no more than 4 m (from the road surface). Thus, you should not make a change house more than 2.5 meters in height, 2.4 meters in width, no more than 6 meters in length and weighing no more than 5 tons. Then a regular manipulator can handle the transportation.

Choosing a foundation for a cabin

You don't need to make a strong foundation out of monolithic concrete or use piles. The main task is to protect the temporary structure from moisture coming from the ground. The most economical option would be to use old sleepers, cinder blocks, or asbestos-cement glasses as the foundation.

Laying is done as follows. Clear the area where the shed will be built of grass and debris. Remove the fertile layer of soil in the corners and those places where the supports will be installed (6-8 points are enough). Make a cushion of crushed stone, screenings or sand, lightly moisten and compact the material with improvised objects. If you use asbestos-cement glasses, you can lay them under paving slabs to increase the support area. Set the cinder blocks or sleepers to the same level using a spirit level or water level. For better protection wooden frame, roofing felt can be laid on top of the supports.

It is quite easy to lay such a foundation yourself in a few hours. And when you get ready to dismantle the shed, dismantling such structures will not be difficult.

Columnar foundation for permanent sheds
You can also build a more solid, columnar foundation. For it, in addition to crushed stone, you will need bricks, concrete and reinforcement. The sequence of work will be as follows:

Walls and decoration

After constructing the foundation, we begin to install the walls of the cabin. If you used cement mortar When constructing a foundation, give it at least 3 days to gain strength. When the concrete hardens, we attach the beam of the bottom frame. You can use a board with a cross section of 100×150 mm. We fix the beam to the base using anchors.

We install corner posts on the beam of the lower frame, and then the remaining posts and beams of the upper frame. In doing so, consider the following points:

  • You can use a board with a section of 50x150 mm. Fastenings can be made using nails, screw nails and self-tapping screws.
  • It is better to make knots using notches and secure them with reinforced corners.
  • Once the post is level, secure it with two long temporary jibs.
  • Please note: In frame construction vertical posts must be strengthened with diagonal braces - permanent jibs. You don’t have to do them when building a cabin. In this case, additional stability of the structure will be provided by sheathing sheets well secured to the racks.

  • Install the floor joists on the bottom trim beam. If you insulate the floor, you will need to make another floor lining on the underside of the joists, on which the insulation will lie.
  • Choose the distance between the racks so that it is several centimeters less than the width of the insulation boards. This will greatly facilitate further installation of mineral wool. In places where windows and doors are installed, the required space should be left.

  • Immediately plan and, if necessary, cut out those places where communications will pass (electricity, water, sewerage)
  • After installing the frame, sheathe the outer wall with OSB sheets, fill the internal cavities with a heat insulator such as URSA, Isover, Rockwool or others. Seal the cotton wool with a vapor barrier film. After which you can install the internal cladding (boards, drywall, plywood and the same OSB sheets). Finishing make the outside and inside to your taste and based on your budget. At a minimum, external walls must be protected from precipitation; for example, a galvanized sheet is suitable for this.


After the frame is assembled, logs and rafters are installed. For this, the same board that was used in the frame, with a cross-section of 50x150mm, is suitable. The ceiling lining is nailed to the joists from below, for example, inch boards, plywood, OSB sheets, etc. A vapor barrier film is laid on the surface of the lining, and mineral wool insulation is placed on it. As a rule, cabins use a single-pitched roof structure.

Sheathing boards are fastened flat across the rafters, and the roofing covering is mounted on them. From economical materials, you can choose slate or galvanized corrugated sheet. Metal tiles look more attractive, but will cost more.

Windows and doors

Quite suitable for a household wooden windows, although for good thermal insulation of the room, it is better to choose plastic windows with double-glazed windows. You can install metal or wooden door. For reliable protection from the cold, you can equip a small vestibule with a second door. If Entrance door located high above the ground, make several steps from boards or other building materials, from those that are at hand.


If you are going to use the cabin in winter, think in advance about how the cabin will be heated, with electricity or wood. It is not practical to use more complex systems. When choosing a heating system, take care, first of all, about the safety of the room. Special attention should be given to places of contact with open fire, structures exposed to strong heat, as well as correct installation suitable electrical wiring.

The cost of building a cabin with your own hands

In order to save money, it would be a good idea to use the remains of old building structures, possibly available on your site. If you build it yourself, entirely from new materials, then your cost will start from 20 thousand rubles, which is half the price for a new ready-made change house from a construction company. In the Moscow region, for example, for 20 thousand you can buy 16 sheets of OSB, 3 packages of insulation, 1 package of roofing felt and half a cube of 50x50 mm timber.

Video reports on the construction of a cabin