Act on the division of operational responsibilities for electricity. The act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks - legal nature and purpose

Appendix No. 8 to the Rules for technological connection of consumer power receiving devices electrical energy, electrical energy production facilities, as well as electrical grid facilities owned by grid organizations and other persons included in electrical networks

(introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2014 N 130)

ACT of delimitation of operational responsibilities of the parties N ____________ dated "__" ____________ 20__ ___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as (full name of the network organization) the network organization, represented by _____________________________________________, (Full name of the person - representative of the network organization) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________ , (charter, power of attorney, other documents) on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________, (full name of the applicant - legal entity, full name of the applicant - individual) hereinafter referred to as the applicant, represented by _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________, (F.I. O. persons - the representative of the applicant) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (charter, power of attorney, other documents), on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have drawn up and signed this act, defining the boundaries of the operational responsibility of the electrical installations of the parties. The electrical installations of the parties, in respect of which this act establishes the boundaries of operational responsibility, are located at the address: _______________________________________________________________________. Act on technological connection dated _____________ N ____. Connection characteristics: maximum power ______ kW; the total rated power of transformers connected to the electrical network is ______ kVA. List of connection points:

Connection point Power source (name of supply lines) Description of connection point Voltage level (kV) Maximum power (kW) Rated power of connected transformers (kVA) Power supply reliability category
The parties have operational responsibility for the following technologically connected elements of the electrical network:
Name of the electrical installation (equipment) operated by the network organization Name of electrical installation (equipment) operated by the applicant
The boundaries of the operational responsibilities of the parties are established: ___________________________________________________________________________ (description of the boundaries of operational responsibilities) Schematically, the boundaries of the operational responsibilities of the parties are indicated in the electrical installation connection diagram below.

A single-line diagram of connecting the applicant’s power receiving devices to an external network (not owned by the applicant) with the boundaries of the operational responsibilities of the parties marked on the diagram. The single-line diagram must indicate the owners of the electrical installation (equipment), indicate the placement of commercial metering devices, indicate the length and brand of wires (cable), transformer substations indicating the type and power of transformers, compensating devices (electric power reactors, static capacitor banks) of electrical networks.

Other: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signatures of the parties ___________________________________ ______________________________ (position) (position) _________________/_________________ _____________/________________ Signature (full name) Signature (full name)

The act of delimiting balance sheet and operational responsibility is a document that is necessary to regulate the relationship between the company supplying various resources (electricity, water, gas, heat, etc.) and the consumer.

Goals and objectives of the act

The main purpose of this act is to clearly define the boundaries beyond which lies the area of ​​responsibility of the resource supplying organization and the consumer. At the same time, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of “delimitation of balance sheet and operational responsibility”, and there are also no explanations as to how exactly it should occur.

You can more or less understand this only by carefully studying the regulatory documents.

The boundary of the balance sheet is considered to be the line that separates the general network from the network of a specific owner.

That is, for example, if we are talking about apartment building, then there is a section of networks belonging to the list common property and the rest.

Documentary differentiation is made by signing an appropriate agreement between the parties, as well as drawing up a special act. It happens that an agreement cannot be reached (as a rule, due to the fact that the resource supplier unreasonably expands the client’s area of ​​responsibility) - in this case, the delimitation takes place in court.

So, based on the above, we can conclude that separation is necessary so that each party has an idea of ​​who exactly services this or that section of communication networks, and also, in the event of establishing the fact of damage or wear and tear of the networks, can understand exactly who is responsible for its repair and restoration. In addition, the act becomes a point in the process of connecting newly built objects to communication networks.

If for some reason it is not possible to determine operational responsibility, a balance sheet is established - usually it corresponds to the line external wall buildings or structures.

By mutual agreement of the parties, other ways of determining boundaries are possible.

What is needed to draw up an act

As becomes clear from the purpose of the document, it is equally necessary for both sides of the relationship.

If the demarcation act is not drawn up by the resource supplying organization itself, then it is not so difficult to obtain. To do this, you need to send there a copy of the certificate of ownership, construction permit, documents for putting the facility into operation, etc. In due time, you will be able to receive the document in your hands.

Features of drawing up the act, general points

If you are tasked with creating an act of delimitation of balance sheet and operational responsibilities, and you have no idea how to do this correctly, we recommend that you carefully read the tips below. Check out the sample document as well - you will probably be able to create your own form based on it.

Today there is no single unified form of the act. This suggests that employees of resource supply companies have the opportunity to write it in any form or, if the organization has an approved document template, according to its type.

Regardless of which method of execution is chosen, when writing the act, it is necessary to take into account several common points that are characteristic of all such papers. For example, you need to ensure that the structure and content of the form meet certain office work standards.

In other words, the act should be divided into three parts:

  1. the so-called “header”, where data about the document itself is entered;
  2. main block - includes data about the provider and consumer of services, address and some individual technical specifications object, etc. Quite often, this also includes a graphically designed diagram of the location of communications (however, it can also be attached as a separate document);
  3. the conclusion is the fact of approval of the division of responsibility.

It is permissible to draw up the act in ordinary clean slate any convenient format (generally applicable A4), by hand or typed on a computer - these values ​​do not play a role in determining its legality. The only important thing is that the act is drawn up without errors or omissions, and if any do occur, it is better not to correct them, but to draw up a new form.

In addition, the document must be endorsed using seals (provided that their use is enshrined in the company’s accounting policies).

The application is being drawn up in three identical copies.

  • One is sent to the service consumer,
  • the second - to the controlling supervisory structure,
  • the third one remains with the resource supplying organization.

The act must be signed by representatives of two parties: the resource supplier and the recipient.

Sample document

At the beginning of the document it is written:

  • its full name;
  • number and date of compilation;
  • names of companies, positions and full names of their representatives;
  • the address where the building or structure is located.

After this, the technical characteristics of the object are given (they can be presented in the form of a table or a list), and the boundaries of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility are established.

If necessary, the form can be supplemented with any other information (depending on individual circumstances). All additional papers attached to the act must be marked as a separate item.

At the end, the document is signed by representatives of the parties.

In accordance with current legislation, it is necessary to carry out the execution of certain documents accordingly. Including the division of borders.

This issue is resolved by drawing up a demarcation act. Its formation is enshrined in legislative norms and defined standards.

It is necessary, if possible, to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance. Moreover, there is large number a variety of nuances.

It is important to remember that regulatory organizations pay close attention to such an act. If it is compiled improperly, there is a high probability of difficulties arising.

This includes the imposition of certain fines. The list of situations when drawing up such an act is strictly necessary is listed in the relevant regulations.


Today, engineering communications are usually divided conditionally into certain areas. Most often, this separation occurs through switching devices. And this concerns how electrical networks, and many different others.

This point is disclosed in sufficient detail in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Gas services, heating networks also necessarily draw up an act of this type.

Before you start drawing up this kind of document, it is important to study the basic legislative norms, all the features and nuances.

The main and most significant questions:

  • necessary terms;
  • what is his role;
  • legal regulation.

Required terms

All the most significant issues regarding this document are disclosed in specialized legislative norms. But to correctly interpret such documents, you will need to familiarize yourself with all the terms used in them.

The basic concepts that are most essential include the following:

  • the act of delimiting boundaries;
  • balance sheet affiliation;
  • list of consumer responsibilities;
  • building connection diagram;
  • operational responsibility.

An act of delimitation of responsibility or an act of delimitation of boundaries is drawn up in accordance with certain standards.

It is a document used to implement several different tasks simultaneously. First of all, determining responsibility for a specific section of any engineering communications.

Moreover, such communications can be anything. The distinction itself is made between the consumer and the operating company.

The ownership of the parties is determined in each case strictly individually. Balance sheet ownership - this term refers specifically to the ownership of any specific section of engineering communications by one of the parties.

The list of consumer responsibilities is a specific list of actions that a specific consumer is required to carry out. This refers to the final point of supply of electricity, gas, etc.

Building connection diagram - this diagram must be present in the act under consideration. Since it is on the basis of such a scheme that this document is formed.

The scheme is carried out in principle, in accordance with the algorithms established at the legislative level. Operational responsibility is a list of responsibilities of the person operating utilities.

In addition to those indicated above, there are also other terminologies. But it is less specific; there are usually no difficulties with its understanding and decoding.

What is his role

The act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of electric networks in SNT or in other organizations is used to implement various tasks.

The main ones include the following:

That is why the drafting of such a document should be taken with maximum responsibility. Since if for some reason it is declared invalid, a large number of difficulties will arise.

Especially if you need to protect your rights - in court or any supervisory authority. Also, such an act can be used for reporting.

For example, if there is a need to incur costs for a certain type of action, they should be documented and confirmed. It is for this purpose that the act of delimitation is used.

If possible, it is worth studying the sample before proceeding with formation. This way you can avoid the occurrence of a large number of different problems and difficulties.

Legal regulation

Legislative documents for each individual type of act of delineation of responsibility differ depending on the type of networks themselves.

For example, in the case of electrical

It includes the following regulatory sections:

Basic rules of non-discriminatory access basic provisions;
the procedure for drawing up and subsequent conclusion of a special agreement;
how the procedure for accessing electrical networks is determined, and how their capacity is limited;
how the procedure for determining tariffs for using electric networks is implemented;
how the procedure for calculating losses in electrical networks is implemented;
the process of providing and disclosing information on the capacity of electrical networks;
algorithm for considering various types of complaints about the work of an organization engaged in the supply of electricity
Rules for gaining access to services regarding operational Dispatch control
Rules for providing access to administrator services Trading network

This resolution requires special attention to be paid to the main applications. The most significant ones include first of all:

application No. 1 How is an act drawn up in the event of a technical connection procedure?
application No. 2 How is the act of delimiting the boundaries of balance sheet ownership drawn up?
application No. 3 How is operational responsibility demarcated?
application No. 4 The process of drawing up and submitting an application for a legal entity to connect to a source of electrical energy
application No. 5 Application from a legal entity/individual, individual entrepreneur for temporary connection to a specific source of electrical energy
application No. 6 How to prepare an application if it is necessary to connect to an energy source up to 15 kW inclusive
application No. 7 How to submit an application for connection to power receiving devices
application No. 8 Compilation standard contract regarding technological connection

The process of drawing up a demarcation act is outlined in Appendix No. 2. But the rest of the legislation presented above is no less important.

Moreover, the demarcation act drawn up must necessarily comply with the regulatory and legal documents presented above. Otherwise, it will simply be declared invalid.

How to obtain an act of delineation of balance sheet ownership

First of all, you need to carefully read all the nuances associated with drawing up the act. Also decide who issues an act of this type in a particular case.

If you have no experience in this area, you should contact qualified specialists. Typically, such issues are handled by the person in charge.

Most often, this is a power engineer responsible for electrical equipment. Basic questions that must be considered regarding how to obtain a demarcation act:

Electrical networks

On at the moment for each type utility networks This act is drawn up according to an individual plan.

In the case of electrical networks, the document must include the following:

Full name Companies
Legal designation of a specific subscriber His address and contact details
Object name Which will need to be supplied with electrical energy
Power output To provide the subscriber with electrical energy
All main parameters are indicated Power plants
The boundaries of belonging are indicated
A special table with the following sections is filled in power transformer power;
voltage class;
current account number;
calculation of losses;
responsibility is indicated
A special diagram is drawn up that contains the following information balance sheet boundaries;
boundaries of operational responsibility

Heating networks

In the case of drawing up this act for heating networks, things are somewhat different. The following main sections should be present:

City name Drawing up and designation of the document
Date of compilation
The supplier and consumer are indicated
Identified in text format Boundaries of ownership of heating networks
The method of administration is indicated Commercial metering of supplied energy
Designated circuit By which a specific consumer was connected
Must be indicated by different color codes Specific networks
Signatures of the relevant responsible parties are affixed Required with transcript

Water networks

The act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of water supply networks should also be drawn up in accordance with certain requirements. But there is no special unified form.

Typically such an act includes the following:

  • name of supplier and consumer;
  • name of the document, date and city of preparation;
  • contact details, addresses;
  • a reference is made to the agreement for the provision of the relevant type of service;
  • A special consumer connection scheme is drawn up.

Today, such documents are most often used for connection individuals. But at the same time, legal entities must also have this type of act in their hands. It is used to solve the list of tasks indicated above.

Gas networks

The easiest way is to draw up a boundary division act for gas networks. But there are a large number of different nuances.

Typically, a document of this type includes in its format:

Name of the act itself
City In which it is compiled
Formation date Such a document
Legal names are indicated Service provider and recipient, consumer
Exact addresses are indicated Supplier and recipient
Necessary references are made For example, that the supplier party does not bear any responsibility for gas networks that go beyond the boundaries of operational responsibility
Signatures of responsible persons of both parties are affixed consumer (with transcript);
supplier (with transcript)

Sewage networks

Responsibility for sewer networks (drainage, catchment) lies with the water utility. Thus, the preparation of an act of the type in question can be carried out according to the model for water supply networks.

To this kind engineering communications Often the same requirements apply as networks for water transport. But with some digressions.

A sample of such a document will not be difficult to find on the Internet. But it is important to use only well-established sources.

How to obtain an act of delineation of work during construction

The act of delimiting the boundaries of responsibility during construction is formed in a standard way. Moreover, regardless of the type of specific engineering communications.

The algorithm for obtaining such a document is as follows:

A special commission is being assembled
Based on the completed project, a special document is formed On the basis of which it will be necessary to draw up an act
In several copies in quantities depending on the type of utilities The act itself is drawn up in accordance with legislative documents
The act is signed by the responsible persons It is necessary to have a transcript of all signatures, the position is indicated next to it
Stamps required If any, the parties drawing up an agreement for the supply of services, operation

The drafting of acts of this type has a large number of different nuances. You will need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

This will allow you to avoid making major mistakes when processing various types of documents.

This is a document drawn up in the process of technological connection of energy receiving devices (power plants) physical and legal entities to electrical networks, defining the boundaries of balance sheet ownership.
What does this actually mean?
This document denotes the boundary between energy facilities, sharing responsibility for the operation of networks between the network organization and the electricity consumer, i.e. in this case, by you. The same document determines the ownership of various equipment and cable lines.

All acts must always be signed on three sides:

  • Network company;
  • Electricity consumer company;
  • The relevant territorial regulatory authority.

What does the Balance Sheet Delineation Act include:

  • A detailed diagram of the consumer's power supply: protection settings, power supply parameters, etc.
  • The degree of reliability category of the power supply circuit.
  • Data about other subscribers electrical installation and their characteristics.
  • A complete list of responsibilities that the consumer assumes in relation to the network company.
  • List of additional conditions.

The act of delimiting balance sheet ownership is concluded for an indefinite period. However, the act may be issued for the period during which the power connection permit is valid. This happens in the case of construction of a facility when a temporary power connection is required. If re-issuance of the Act is required, this does not require re-issuance of permits and other previously issued documents.

The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership is a legal document necessary for:

  • Obtaining a Technological Connection Act.
  • Concluding a contract for power supply to the facility.
  • Receiving an admission certificate.

Also, this Act necessary to resolve controversial issues in the event of emergencies and accidents.
Usually, four copies of the Act are signed, one of which remains with the network organization, the second with the energy sales company, and two with the consumer.

When is the Balance Sheet Separation Act signed?

The act of delimiting balance sheet ownership is concluded immediately after execution technical specifications and completion of technological connection work.

There are cases when re-issuance of the statement of balance sheet ownership is required:

  • In case of expiration of the previous act.
  • When the consumer's volume of connected power changes.
  • In case of a change in the power supply scheme of the facility.
  • When the category of reliability of electrical energy supply to the facility changes.
  • In case of change of owner of power receiving devices.

The procedure for drawing up the Act for consumers in Moscow:

  • Sending by the consumer to Moscow Cable Networks an application with an application for receiving a consumer questionnaire, an agreed upon power supply project and an act on technological connection or permission to connect power.
  • Receiving and filling out a consumer questionnaire.
  • Sending by consumer to Moscow cable networks a completed consumer questionnaire and an agreement on technological connection to power grids.

There is also such a thing as The act of delimiting the operational responsibilities of the parties:

A document drawn up by the network organization and the consumer of services for the transmission of electrical energy in the process of technological connection of power receiving devices, defining the boundaries of responsibility of the parties for the operation of the corresponding power receiving devices and power grid facilities.
Often these two acts are combined into one document - The act of delimiting balance sheet ownership .