How to properly position the stairs in the house. A variety of types of stairs to the second floor. Using the space under the stairs for utility rooms

To climb to the second floor in a private house or cottage, various staircase structures are used. Of the stationary types, straight marching spans are more often installed than screw or spiral ones, sometimes they are combined with each other. If you need to go up to the second floor not constantly, but from time to time, then use attached options.

Where should the stairs be located in the house?

The place for the stairs to the second floor can be located absolutely anywhere in the room, it all depends on the wishes of the owners and the design of the house. However, there are several requirements that may affect the location of the structure. So, if the staircase is massive and multi-flight, intended to become the “highlight” of the interior, then it is installed in the center of the room. IN small houses When building a staircase with your own hands, they try not to clutter up the space and place it in a corner or along the wall.

Wherever the location of the lifting span is planned, it is important to maintain both a comfortable and safe angle of inclination of the stairs. The angle of inclination of a staircase in a house is understood as the degree value between the horizontal projection of the structure and the inclined one, in this case the flight of stairs.

A sloping structure will require more space; a steep structure can become a source of injury.
Therefore, in the corner they try to place options from one flight of stairs with the maximum possible angle of inclination, or install a structure of two spans connected by a platform.

A spiral staircase takes up less space in the house compared to a straight staircase. The length of her feet can be from 80 to 120 cm. A horizontal projection on the floor of such a design takes up minimal space, but at the same time it has restrictions on the number of people who can simultaneously walk along it and the volume of cargo.

Stairs in the corner: safety and convenience

A self-designed structure for lifting to the second floor of a house must not only be comfortable and take up little space, it must meet all standards and safety requirements. The main queries boil down to the fact that the staircase is in the corner:

  • Must be properly lit;
  • Must meet biomechanical requirements;
  • Must have reliable supports designed to support the weight of the average person in the family.

Light sources are installed in such a way that the corner staircase and all its flight steps and landings are well illuminated. This is especially true if there are elderly people or young children in the house.

As for the supports, if you build a straight flight of stairs with your own hands, then it should rest on 1-2 stringers. If the project provides for a design without stringers, then in this case the edges of the steps are located on the crowns or fixed in load-bearing wall. In any case, the design of the flight of stairs must be designed to withstand a weight of at least 150–180 kg.

The fastening of the screw variation must be reliable in the part of the support rod. Its task is to withstand the steps “strung” on it and the weight of a person, usually an estimated weight of up to 100 kg. The weight limit is due to the fact that 1 person usually climbs the spiral staircase and does not lift a heavy load. The length of the steps of the screw structure should be 0.8–1 m; this value will allow you to use the lifting structure comfortably.

When building a staircase in the corner of the house, be sure to take into account the requirements of biomechanics. This is important precisely from the point of view of comfort and safety, for example, the width of the tread should be about 30 cm. Thanks to this, the foot of a person resting on the plane of the step will not hang over the edge, the person will feel confident and reliable.

If the design has narrow steps, a high riser and no railings, then you will need to use such a staircase with caution.

Staircase parameters

  • Height of the structure;
  • Horizontal projection length;
  • March inclination angle;
  • Amount of elements;
  • Riser height;
  • Tread width.

The height of the structure, which is planned to be placed in the corner, corresponds to the distance between floors, taking into account the width of the upper floor. If calculating the height is not difficult, you will have to work hard to find out the length of the horizontal projection. To do this, you need to determine how many steps there will be in the flight, what height and width they will be.

The number of steps from 3 to 16 is considered an excellent parameter. If, according to calculations, there are more steps, then it is better to design winder steps or an intermediate platform. If, according to calculations, the result is a low-height option, only 3-5 feet, then this can be safely replaced with an inclined ramp.

Design engineers recommend making the number of steps in the flight odd, since it is convenient for a moving person to start and finish with the same foot.

By dividing the height of the structure by the number of steps, we determine the height of each element of the rise - the riser. If we indicate the extreme boundaries, then, according to the requirements of SNiP, the height of the riser should be in the range from 150 to 200 mm.

The angle of inclination of the structure also depends on the ratio of the height of the riser and the width of the tread. The standard options are 17 to 29, 16 to 30 and 18 to 28. Now it’s time to determine the size of the tread, that is, the step element of the structure. You can simply use the above ratios, and experts recommend relying on well-known formula a step away from Francois Blondel.

He concluded that the average human step length is 60–65 cm, with an average of 63 cm.
Accordingly, the specified distance should include the height of the riser in double size and one step width.

Substituting average length step and the resulting height of the riser, you can easily calculate the width of the tread. Let us remind you that if you add up all the tread values, it is easy to calculate the horizontal projection of the stairs. Knowing the height and length in the horizontal plane, using mathematical rules, calculate the length of the flight of stairs. After this, using the obtained values ​​of the length of the marching span and its height, the angle of inclination is calculated.

What angle of inclination is acceptable for stairs in a residential building?

One of the main parameters is considered to be the angle of inclination of the stairs, since the ease of movement is determined by it.
A safe angle for a living space starts at 30 degrees, with a steeper angle of 38–45. Devices whose inclination angle lies in the range of 24–37 degrees are considered flat.

For stationary structures in residential premises, stairs with an angle of more than 45 degrees are not installed to climb to the second floor, because they turn out to be very steep and inconvenient. This angle of inclination is permissible only for special-purpose ladders, for example, a fire ladder.

Calculating and installing a staircase in the corner of a private house or cottage with your own hands is a simple task for modern man. Having basic knowledge of geometry, you can easily build a drawing and install a strong staircase in the corner of a house of any configuration.

In most cases, a ladder is a mandatory attribute country house. In addition, structures of this type can be used in two-level apartments or offices. Stairs today perform not only a practical function, they are also an additional element of the interior and add zest to the overall design of the room.

Staircase options

According to certain design features, stairs can be represented by marching, spiral or a combined variation. The total area and layout features of the room will determine which of the above types of structures is most appropriate to use in a particular case.

It is necessary to ensure that the installed structure meets all necessary ergonomic requirements.

Marching staircase

This design of the staircase is distinguished by its reliability and extreme ease of manufacture.

The structure in this case will consist of one or several flights (this is the name of a straight fragment with steps).

To maintain ergonomics, the number of steps in one flight should not exceed sixteen.

Spiral staircase

This structure consists of a support rod around which steps are arranged in a spiral.

The total area of ​​the classic variation of a spiral staircase does not exceed one square meter, as a result of which it can be installed even in small spaces. The peculiarity of such a staircase is the possibility of its location anywhere in the room.

Combined staircase

In this case, we are talking about an arched architectural structure.

The combined staircase combines elements of marching and spiral structures. This allows you to implement design tasks of any level of complexity.

Before starting the corresponding calculations, it is necessary to take into account the specific layout of the room. You should also take into account total area rooms. It may be necessary to create a project that will coordinate all further actions during the installation work. At the initial stage, the following points should be taken into account:

  • distance from the ground floor floor to the ceiling;
  • features of the location of the walls;
  • features of the placement of doorways;
  • total area of ​​the room;
  • planning features.

The height of individual steps of the stairs should be absolutely identical. It is recommended to avoid the formation of differences in these indicators. Width landing should be equivalent to the width of the march. The length of one straight fragment with steps should be no more than 3 m. The minimum indicator in this case will be kept at 1.5 m.

The size of each individual step depends on the total number of these elements. The length of the span or section is also taken into account. The total width of the staircase is determined by the required level of its throughput. The minimum value for one person will be 0.7 m.

The level of comfort during ascent and descent will depend on the height of the steps. More often this indicator varies from 12 to 20 cm. The optimal depth of the steps is 28-30 cm. Provided that an uneven step is implemented, these indicators should be calculated based on the total length and height of the structure.

How to determine the angle of inclination?

The angle of inclination should be such that a person can move forward proportionally while walking up the stairs. The formation of the final indicator will depend on the height and width of the steps.

In most cases, it is recommended to settle on a number that is in the range from 23 to 37 degrees. It should be noted that a very steep angle of inclination can somewhat complicate the procedure for lifting and transporting heavy objects up the stairs.

Important! The greater the angle of inclination of the staircase, the less space may be required to accommodate it. However, too steep an angle significantly complicates the procedure of climbing to the second floor.

If the angle of inclination is less than twenty-three degrees, then you can resort to installing a ramp. This flat design will make it easier to descend and ascend. It should be noted here that a staircase with an inclination angle of more than forty degrees can become an insurmountable obstacle for users.

Parameters of railings and fences

When carrying out the appropriate calculations before installing the stairs on the second floor, you should take into account the parameters of the railings and some of the structure’s fences. In particular, it is necessary to determine the following points:

  • baluster height;
  • handrail length;
  • height of support posts;
  • railing width

The optimal width of the railing will be equivalent to 100 mm. This indicator will contribute to the comfortable use of the stairs by an adult. Railings are most often located at a height of 900 mm. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that the height of the baluster will be approximately 800 mm. In this case, you should pay attention to the method of installing the baluster. If this element is mounted in grooves, then its length should be slightly longer. The final indicator is formed taking into account the depth of the groove.

As for determining the height of the support posts, you should also pay attention to the installation features. If the support used is installed on steps, then its length will be identical to the height of the baluster. Provided that if the rack is a vertical rack installed on the floor, then standard height the height of the placed support should be added.

The length of the railing should be equivalent to the length of the flight of stairs. The total length of this element can fully correspond to the dimensions of the staircase or be slightly larger. The increase in indicators tends to increase if the handrail extends beyond the steps.

The staircase structure can be prefabricated or monolithic. The first variation of the structure is not very popular, since installation work in this case will involve certain difficulties. In addition, all relevant work must be carried out at the construction site.

Prefabricated stairs made from large-sized elements are in great demand. The installation procedure of the entire structure does not involve any particular difficulties. This variation of stairs can be used not only in private country house, but also in public buildings. Additionally, marches of structures of this type can be reinforced with frames.

Flights with solid steps are presented in the form of a panel, which is significantly reinforced on the sides through the use of special stiffening ribs. The upper plane of such a panel has a stepped structure.

If a private house has more than one floor, you cannot do without a staircase. But besides the fact that it must connect the floors, the staircase must also fit into the interior. Therefore, when choosing a design, you need to pay attention not only to the dimensions and how much space it takes up in the room, but also to take into account the style. Then a hand-made staircase to the second floor will not only be a functional item, but also an interior decoration. The work is difficult and responsible, but you can do it.

Types of stairs to the second floor in a private house

All these structures can be made of metal, wood, concrete, glass, marble and others decorative stones, and often use combinations of these materials. But most often, the staircase to the second floor is made from wood, a little less often - from metal or combinations of metal and wood.

In addition, there are two types of degrees - open and closed. In open stairs there is only a horizontal part - the step itself, in closed ones - there is also a vertical part - the riser.

Design standards

When designing a staircase, it is important to make it comfortable and safe. There are very specific numbers and recommendations that relate to the parameters of the steps and the general angle of elevation:

The number of steps is determined by simply dividing the height of the planned staircase by the selected riser height. For example, the height of the room is 285 cm. It was decided to make the elevation angle 40°. From the table we see that the height of the riser is 19 cm. Divide 285 cm / 19 cm = 15 steps. If the number turns out to be even, we slightly adjust the size accordingly to get an odd number.

If one of the steps turns out to be several centimeters smaller, this height is “taken away” from the first step. All others, including the last one, should be the same.

When choosing the size of the steps, comfort can be checked. If the double height of the riser is added to the selected step width, the result should be from 60 ms to 64 cm. The second test option is that the sum of the lengths of the tread and riser is optimally equal to 45 cm, but deviations of 2 cm in both directions are acceptable.

All these parameters must be taken into account when designing a house. If the house has already been built, you have to proceed from what is there and adjust the dimensions to the existing dimensions.

Spiral staircase

As already said, spiral staircase in a private home it takes up the least amount of space. But it has a serious drawback: it is inconvenient to walk on it, and it is almost impossible to lift anything bulky to the second floor. So they are not very popular, although they look good and fit well into any interior.

Calculation features

When designing a spiral staircase, it must be taken into account that in some positions there are other steps above your head. Therefore, it will not be possible to make small risers.

The next feature is that the steps are all unequal in width - narrower on one side, wider on the other. The narrow part is attached to the central support (post), the wide part is attached to the walls or balusters. The standard for the width of the tread is measured in the middle part, and the wide part should not be more than 40 cm.

The span width is from 50 cm to 100 cm. The entire structure is doubled - a square with a side of 100 cm to 200 cm is required.

Prefabricated column design

This type of spiral staircase is the easiest to make: a pipe is placed on which wooden elements- steps, intermediate cylinders, etc.

If we look in more detail, then except metal pipe(in this case with a diameter of 40 mm), steps and balusters (available in any design) there are turned wooden cylinders (segments) that set the distance from one step to another.

On the other hand, the distance between the steps is maintained using cuts on the balusters. The steps are attached to these grooves (with glue + fasteners).

Do-it-yourself installation of a staircase to the second floor begins with the installation of a pillar. A hole equal to the diameter of the pillar is made in the floor of the first floor and the ceiling of the second. We insert the pipe into the hole, put on the enlarged washer, and tighten the nut. Further assembly is simple: the corresponding elements are mounted on the rod, and in parallel with the installation of the step, a baluster is placed and secured. The dimensions of the steps for this spiral staircase with the given parameters are in the drawing.

The steps are cut from laminated boards or furniture board. You can use solid wood, but of furniture quality, that is, without any defects and dried, with a humidity of no more than 8-12%. Although laminated wood is considered more reliable: it will definitely not be damaged and will not crack when dried.

For an example of assembling such a design, see the video. It has a prefabricated pole, but you can also use a solid one, although assembling the steps will be inconvenient - you will have to climb the stairs every time.

The design of a metal spiral staircase is presented in the following video fragment. For those who are familiar with welding, this option will be easier.

Spiral staircase to the second floor: photos of interesting options

With or without railings - the choice is yours. In the photo on the right, a wooden spiral staircase on a bent stringer is a difficult element to execute. Forged twisted staircases are a classic of the genre.

Marching staircase to the second floor

Marching stairs are the most popular. Firstly, they are convenient to use, and secondly, the technology for their construction has long been proven. There are few specific features of the calculation. It is important to decide on the number of marches. One section should have from 3 to 15 steps. The most convenient ones have 11-13 pieces. If according to calculations it turns out that there should be more steps, they are divided into several sections, between which platforms are made. The dimensions of the platforms are multiples of the step length (600-630 mm). Then the ascent and descent will not cause inconvenience.


Stairs with landings take up quite a lot of space. If there is not enough space, turns are added. The most common option is to place the staircase at the corners of two adjacent walls. Also, to save space, you can make winder (turning) steps instead of a platform. Just one thing: the section with winder steps is the most dangerous. If the family has small children or elderly people, it is better to make a playground.

As has been said before, marching stairs made on stringers (beams with a sawtooth edge) and on terivs (just an inclined beam). Attaching steps to string beams requires more time and skill. Usually, a “seat” is cut out for each step - a groove is selected in the board. For additional reliability, bars are also nailed from below or corners are installed. The option with corners is reliable, but quite controversial from an aesthetic point of view. If the entire staircase is made of wood, metal parts very “cutting” to the eye. Carefully processed bars look much more organic. However, if the boards for the steps are thick enough and the string is wide enough, you can do without additional fasteners. In this case, it is important that the steps do not bend, otherwise they may jump out of the grooves.

Assembling steps on stringers is simpler: you have two or three supports to which parts cut to size are attached. The main task is to correctly mark and cut the stringers.

This is a staircase on stringers - one of the fragments of the assembly

Installation of a flight of stairs with step-by-step photos

Stringers are made from wide boards 75-80 mm thick and 350-400 mm wide. If there is no solid dry board, you can use glued ones. How to calculate the stringer is described in the form, but you can assemble the staircase to the second floor not only as a free-standing one.

An example of assembling a staircase on stringers against a wall is below. First, we attach the support pillars on which the winder steps will rest. We attach the upper stringers to these pillars.

Then we install the lower ones. We attach the stringer near the wall on top of a decorative board - it is easier to clean and the dirt is less visible than on the wall.

We attach the lower stringers - one to the post, the second to the finishing board

Intermediate stringers are installed last. This makes it easier to connect all the elements.

The installation of steps begins. After they are cut, sanded and painted, everything is simple: put them in place, drill a hole for the screw, then tighten it.

The next step is attaching the balusters. In this case they are made from stainless pipe with wooden inserts. A hole is drilled under each baluster into which a tube is inserted and fixed with a pin or any other available method.

Photos of interesting marching stairs to the 2nd floor

Metal and glass - interesting combination Interesting idea, and at the end there is a pantry

Really nice staircase It is both beautiful and convenient at the same time. Before placing the staircase to the second floor in the house, in no case should you neglect technical requirements and standards for the sake of only the external beauty of the product.


No matter how attractive such a design may be, if safety standards are not observed, its use will be extremely undesirable. Thus, such a structure in a private house performs three main functions:

However, we should not forget that such structures are at the same time important element interior that cannot be hidden or veiled.


At the design stage of a staircase structure, it is necessary to think about its future placement and design features. This is what it depends on appearance and room layout. The features of this piece of furniture can significantly influence the location of the hall and entrances to the rooms, as can be seen in the photo. Here are the main tasks that need to be solved during the creation of a staircase structure in order for it to meet comfort conditions and harmonize with the interior of the room:

Structures made of concrete or natural stone can have a considerable weight, so you need to think about how to provide additional strength to the beams and floors.

Concrete structures

Concrete stairs are a structural component of any private house, so they are built already at the construction stage:

  • if the room is not spacious, the staircase structure is built between the main walls;
  • in case the staircase has a light weight, it is mounted on last stage construction, namely during finishing.

Wooden or metal products are relatively light in weight.

Spacious hall

At all stages of creating a staircase structure, you need to take care of its safety, which can be achieved if the following conditions are met:

Small private house with limited space A large, solid design is unlikely to be suitable. It requires a lot of space, and a house of this size does not have it. Therefore, for a small room it is rational to choose a wall structure or a neat screw structure placed in the corner of the room.

The nuances in creating a staircase project to the 2nd floor are determined by the layout, which, in turn, depends on the size of the house. Let's consider options for the arrangement of rooms in houses with different sizes: 10 by 10, 8 by 8, 9 by 9, 8 by 9 and 10 meters.

10 by 10

Square project two-story house(10 to 10) is quite popular. It can be made from various building materials - brick, aerated concrete or wood. As a rule, such a country house will have two entrances: through the porch (main entrance) and through the terrace (rear).

On the ground floor, it is best to place a kitchen and living room (with access to the terrace) on one side and a bathroom with a main entrance and a dressing room on the other. Between them is a small hall with an area of ​​10-12 square meters.

The staircase to the second floor will look good between the kitchen and the bathroom. On the second floor of a house with a similar layout you can place small corridor, three bedrooms (in the corners of the house) and another large bathroom.

8 by 8

This layout boasts a lot of obvious advantages. Firstly, all the rooms in such a house will be in symmetrical harmony with each other. Secondly, with such a layout it is very easy to set a single direction, which will appear even when selecting accessories.

On the ground floor in a house with an 8 by 8 layout, as a rule, there is a kitchen, a relatively large living room and a small pantry or boiler room at the entrance. On the second floor there are two identical-sized bedrooms. It is most convenient to locate a bathroom with all communications in the center of the building. It is best to make the staircase to the 2nd floor spiral or turning (to save space).

8 by 10

Perhaps the most popular aspect ratio in the house is the size of 8 by 10 meters. After all, he opens ample opportunities for the implementation of various plans.

A house of 8 by 10 allows accommodation on the ground floor (except traditional cuisine, living room, pantry and bathroom) and also a small office. On the second floor there can be freely located three bedrooms, a large bathroom and a small corridor.

8 by 9

A house project with such parameters can be classified as economy class. The main thing here is to use the free space as rationally as possible.

On the ground floor you can place a kitchen, a living room (these two rooms can be combined), a small hallway, a bathroom and a storage room. The staircase in such a project can be located in the corner of the building, right next to the main entrance. On the second floor of the house you can plan two large bedrooms and a bathroom (immediately opposite the stairs).

9 by 9

You should not think that the modest parameters of a 9 by 9 house do not allow you to organize comfortable accommodation. Despite the limited space, a family of 4-5 people can easily live in such a house.

The arrangement of rooms in a house 9 by 9 very often has next view: on the ground floor there is a small hall, a storage room-boiler room and a living room adjacent to the kitchen. On the second floor there are three small bedrooms and a bathroom.

Stairs to the second floor: what do you need to know?

Before you order (or make your own) a staircase for your home, you need to pay attention to several important points.

First of all, we are talking about the size of the building. If the area of ​​the house is small, then you should think about a compact staircase design that will occupy a minimum of space.

That is, at the very beginning it is necessary to take all measurements and draw up a drawing of your future staircase. As for its main parameters, there are also several important rules. The slope of the stairs should be between 30-45 degrees.

If elderly people live in the house, then the angle of inclination, naturally, should be minimal. The width of one step should not be less than 30 centimeters. And here total the steps will depend on the height of the floor and the slope of the flight.

Types of stairs. Which staircase is better to make in your home?

There are several types of stairs to the second floor, which are most often used in the construction of private houses. This:

  • single-flight stairs;
  • stairs with two or more flights;
  • rotary; rotary staircase; spiral;
  • folding (attic type).

In conditions of limited free space and a small area, you should choose small-sized structures (these are the last three types in the list). Such stairs will take up minimal space in the house.

Recently, so-called ladders on rails have been gaining popularity. Most often they can be found in high-tech interiors. Such a staircase is attached to a load-bearing wall on one side, and on the other it is protected by a handrail.

The choice of one or another staircase to the second floor depends on the size of the house, its layout, as well as the personal tastes and preferences of the owners.

Project of a staircase to the second floor in a private house

How to build a simple one with your own hands wooden stairs to the second floor? And what funds will need to be spent? This will be discussed further.

Drawing and dimensions

Space is the main factor that will determine the construction of the stairs to the second floor. It needs to be fit into the layout of the house so that it does not occupy half of the entire area. And to do this you need to create a competent drawing indicating all dimensions.

There are two options here: order a staircase diagram from professionals or do it yourself. In general, a person who has basic knowledge of mathematics and geometry will be able to cope with such a task without any problems.

The easiest way (especially if you are a beginner) is to equip a straight wooden staircase. It will cost approximately 20-40 thousand rubles (depending on the size, choice of wood, presence or absence of decor, etc.). If you order such a ladder from companies, you will have to pay 2-3 times more for it.

The simplest version of a staircase is to fasten the steps onto two strings, while a more complex and costly one involves the use of stringers - beams located under the steps at an equal distance. The structure can also be further strengthened with vertical supports, which will simultaneously serve as the basis for installing the railings.

Design of steps and handrails

The staircase to the 2nd floor should not only be comfortable and safe, but also beautiful. After all, it is an important element in the interior of a two-story house.

In the design of staircase steps, everything plays a role: color, wood density, and shape. Some people prefer thin and graceful steps, while others prefer bulky and rough “sleepers”. It all depends on personal tastes and the overall style of the home's interior. In general, the design of the steps of the staircase should be such that the person ascending them will experience pleasant emotions and a feeling of comfort.

Railings are usually installed at a height of 80-90 cm. They can be made of metal or wood. Forged stair railings add elegance to the interior, while classic wooden ones add warmth and home comfort. The second option is more accessible and less troublesome. Working with wood is very easy and pleasant, and the finished railings only need to be treated with protective mastic - and they are ready for installation and use!

Decoration of the entrance to the second floor

It is important to note that the staircase is a special element in the interior, since it actually connects two different floors in the building. Therefore, it must be consistent with the general style of the house and echo and harmonize with the decoration and furniture of both the first and second floors.

How to arrange the exit of the stairs to the second floor? There are several important rules here. First of all, there must be a good light source above it (chandelier or Wall Light). At the entrance to the second floor, if the space allows, you can place a small chair and small table. The wall near the stairs can be decorated with small paintings or photographs of household members.


In a two-story country house you cannot do without a staircase. Its design depends on the layout of the house and its area, and the design depends on the general style of the interior and the personal preferences of the homeowners.