DIY installation of concrete stairs. Brand of concrete for monolithic stairs. Finishing of monolithic concrete stairs

Not a single residential or industrial building is conceivable without such structural element like a staircase. A series of steps serves as a communication point between rooms located on different levels. She experiences considerable stress every day. Therefore, increased demands are placed on it in terms of comfort, reliability and safety. This article will talk about how to make a concrete staircase with your own hands.

Reinforced monolithic concrete stairs

  • Stair structures can be rectangular shape, rotary and spiral. But regardless of the type, the concrete architectural element has the following advantages.
  • Resistance to moisture, temperature fluctuations and aggressive environments. Therefore, such structures are erected both indoors and outdoors.
  • High strength is achieved by reinforcing the concrete mixture. The steps can withstand very impressive loads, which makes them incredibly reliable and practically durable.

Monolithic concrete stairs photo

  • Concrete stairs provide ample opportunities concerning decorative finishing. Here you can use porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, wooden planks (parquet, laminate) and other materials.
  • The steps do not require special care or regular impregnation. If a defect occurs on the surface, it is enough to re-fill the area to be restored with concrete.
  • Construction of the structure is underway on our own without the use of special or expensive building materials, as well as without the involvement of special equipment and specialists.
  • Filled steps are ready for use within 7-10 days. This allows you to use them at all stages of construction, carry tools, materials, etc.
  • Since the staircase is erected simultaneously with the construction of the house, in addition to its direct purpose, it plays another role - constructive.
  • Among the disadvantages are its impressive weight, massiveness (takes up a lot of space) and solidity - the staircase cannot be dismantled, rearranged or modified.

Concrete grade for staircase structures

  • To make concrete stairs, ready-made mortar M200 class B15 or M250 class B20 is usually used. This material is based on fine crushed stone, with the addition of binders, modified additives and other fillers.
  • When choosing concrete for the construction of external stairs, it is important to pay attention to the frost resistance (F) and water resistance (W) indicators.

For kneading concrete mortar Brand 250 uses the following proportions on its own:

  • 1 part concrete M400;
  • 2 parts washed sand;
  • 4 parts of crushed stone fraction 10x20 mm;
  • about ½ part water;
  • 0.7% by weight of cement plasticizing additive C-3.

Mixing the mortar the old fashioned way, using a pallet and a shovel, is incredibly difficult, especially since filling the steps must be done in one go. Therefore, it is recommended to borrow a compact concrete mixer from your neighbors or rent it from construction crews.

First, sand and crushed stone are poured into the device, and the bulk materials are mixed for at least 2-3 minutes. Then a plasticizer (in dry or concentrated form) and water are added. All components are mixed for at least 5 minutes.

Important! Poor mixing of all components reduces the final strength of concrete by 20%.

How to make a concrete staircase with your own hands

Staircase design

  • If work on the construction of a staircase is carried out independently (without the involvement of specialists), then the project on paper is drawn up on its own. The plan calculates the dimensions of the room, the slope of the structure, its length and width, and also takes into account the presence doorways, method and direction of door opening.
  • The construction of a concrete staircase requires special attention angle of inclination. The optimal value of this parameter is in the range of 26-37º. A staircase that is too steep can become life-threatening, while a staircase that is flatter will take up a lot of usable space, and it is not particularly comfortable when ascending/descending.

  • When developing a project, you must act consistently. First, the number of steps is calculated, then their length, width, angle of rotation, platform parameters, etc. Only with the right approach can we talk about the safety and convenience of the design.

Calculation of stage parameters

  • In addition to strength characteristics, such a design must meet operational characteristics. The selected parameters should be as comfortable as possible when ascending or descending while maintaining evenness of step.
  • As for the width, it can vary from 0.9 to 1.5 meters. Undoubtedly, the wider the staircase, the more convenient it is, but the area of ​​the room does not always allow the construction of structures of the preferred size. Therefore, when designing, we take into account not only comfort, but also free squaring.

There are average indicators of steps that determine ease of use:

  • height 190-220 mm;
  • width 250-330 mm.

  • To correctly calculate the parameters, use the simple formula 2a+b=640, where: a - step height; b - step width; 640 mm - average length human step.
  • Substituting the average data, we get: 2x190+280=660. As can be seen in the example, the selected dimensions fully correspond to comfortable performance characteristics.
  • Using the Pythagorean theorem, we calculate the length of the march. Here it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the decorative flooring. The result obtained is divided by the height of one step. For example: 3000/190=15.8, which means there are 16 steps for a 3-meter long flight.
  • If during the calculations the tenth part is small (for example, it turned out to be 14.3 or 16.4), then it is recommended to take only the whole number as a basis, and distribute the remainder evenly over the height of all steps (the damage to the comfort of ascent and descent will be insignificant).

Important! When calculating, you should take into account the height of the tallest family member. So that when he gets up on the second step he doesn’t hit his head on the ceiling. Here it is necessary to add 400 mm to a person’s height (the average height of two steps without finishing material!)

Formwork for pouring concrete stairs

  • Formwork assembly is one of the key aspects of construction. To make the concrete surface as smooth as possible, use moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 20 mm. For the side walls of steps and the formation of risers, edged boards with a thickness of 30-35 mm are used.

  • For the bottom surface, take a solid slab. Its installation at the desired angle is carried out using vertical bars or special telescopic racks, which can be easily rented from construction teams.
  • Since the mass of the concrete mixture is quite large, it makes sense to use metal corners and bars to strengthen the formwork. It is recommended to attach additional reinforcing elements to the bottom of the formwork every 50-80 cm.
  • Next, steps are formed using edged boards. During installation, the internal dimensions are taken as a basis, that is, when fixed, the external parameters of each step will be 30-35 mm (exactly the width of the lumber used) larger than the design parameters.
  • Wooden elements must fit tightly to each other, the formation of gaps and cracks is not allowed. To prevent the solution from being absorbed into the lumber, before pouring it, it is generously moistened or the walls are protected with plastic film, as well as any waterproofing material.

Important! When assembling the structure, self-tapping screws are used. Their location should be only external, so that when dismantling the formwork there are no difficulties that could lead to partial destruction of the concrete surface.

Technology for reinforcing concrete stairs

  • To give strength to the staircase structure and prevent the edges of the steps from crumbling, reinforcement is carried out. For the work you will need steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 and 14 mm, knitting wire, as well as a tool for bending and cutting rods, pliers.
  • For longitudinal reinforcement, thicker steel rods are used, and for cross bars smaller diameter. At a distance of at least 30 mm from the bottom of the formwork, 14 mm reinforcement is laid out in increments of 150-200 mm. To do this, it is enough to place broken pieces of brick or ceramic tiles under it.

  • Transverse rods are also laid out at a distance of 150-200 mm from each other. Fixation of the reinforcement in the form of a mesh is ensured by means of a knitting wire, fastened and tightened with pliers.
  • For reliability, you can lay out the second row of the finished mesh with 150x150mm cells from 4 mm reinforcement. This layer should be positioned in such a way that the concrete layer covers the metal by 30-40 mm. To ensure such parameters, original chairs are prepared from metal rods.
  • If the structure will rest on three sides (top, bottom and side), then reinforcement is laid in advance during the construction of the walls. As a result, the most durable fixation of the ladder from the side is ensured.

How to properly pour concrete stairs

  • The concrete solution begins to be poured from the bottom step. The frame is filled in small portions. After filling, tamping is performed with an electric vibrator. This tool will help get rid of air voids that adversely affect the strength characteristics of the finished structure.
  • In addition to the vibrator, you can gently tap with a hammer on all sides of the formwork. As a rule, the mixture will settle 2-3 cm from the required level; the deficiency is compensated by a new portion of the concrete mixture. Next, the tamping process is repeated.

  • If the solution no longer settles, then the surface is finally leveled with a trowel or rule. Between concreting each step, a break of 10-15 minutes should be maintained, during which time the pressure of the solution drops slightly.
  • To move upwards, you can lean a standard wooden stairs or use regular boards. After completion of the work, the concrete is covered with plastic film, which prevents it from drying out prematurely.

Important! During the first 2-3 days, the polyethylene is periodically removed, and the concrete surface is wetted by spraying; a direct stream of water should be avoided.

  • The frame is dismantled after 3-4 weeks, during this period concrete mixture will gain at least 80-90% strength.
  • The undoubted advantage of concrete surfaces is their absolute maintainability. Therefore, if any defects are found after drying, they can easily be corrected by partial “patches” or re-filling. However, in order to avoid financial and time costs, it is better to do it once according to all the rules, putting in more effort and effort.

Finishing materials

  • It is not recommended to leave a concrete staircase without further finishing. After some time, the edges of the steps will begin to crumble. Yes and appearance the stairs leave much to be desired, although many modern styles welcome concrete structures in its original form.
  • Depending on style direction the steps are lined with porcelain stoneware, ceramic mosaics, and wooden planks. Side walls and the bottom surface of the stairs is usually plastered and then painted.

  • For safety of movement, the staircase structure is equipped with fences. Balusters and railings are made of wood and chromed metal. Tall decorative qualities differ forged products, which can be called real works of art.

In private housing construction, a concrete staircase becomes the main type of access to front door with a high base, on the upper floors. Compliance with design and manufacturing requirements will ensure safety in use, strength and durability of the structure.

Monolithic concrete stairs have considerable weight. Floors and walls bear additional load on the staircase structural elements until the concrete polymerizes. As a result, the concrete staircase turns into one of the structural rigidity elements of the building. An ascent angle steeper than 45 0 is impractical. 30 0 is accepted as optimal. If the climb is too steep, it will be difficult, and descending the stairs will become dangerous.

Requirements for the size of steps and treads:

  • Depth – 27–30 cm;
  • Height – 15–20 cm;
  • Width – 1–1.2 m.

The staircase elements are monolithic with the floors and the adjacent wall during the construction process. Release of reinforcement and embedded elements from floors and load-bearing wall planned at the project stage. Street stairs bottom rest on the foundation.

For a two-flight staircase, you will have to build an intermediate platform with stationary intermediate supports.

Monolithic connections will strengthen the structure of the house

Formwork assembly and reinforcement

The next step in construction is the construction of formwork. Concrete stairs require a strong frame for pouring. The base is made of moisture-resistant plywood with reinforcement at the bottom with boards to prevent the formwork from deflecting.

Vertical supports are installed with support on shoes to prevent shifting. The racks are made from 50–60 mm thick softwood boards. On the wall side, the base rests on metal brackets. The side board is attached to reinforced corners to provide rigidity to the structure.

Before pouring concrete, care should be taken to eliminate leaks of cement laitance and adhesion of the concrete mixture to the formwork. The joints and cracks of the joints are sealed with sealant. The surface of the formwork is treated with compounds that prevent sticking.

As one of the means, the formwork is covered with polyethylene film with tension. This will lead to a reduction in the subsequent finishing of the stairs. Reducing the cost and reducing the amount of finishing work is planned at the stage of preparatory work.

When pouring concrete, concrete stairs do not experience serious dynamic loads. Therefore, it is advisable to assemble the formwork using self-tapping screws. The screed will leave fewer gaps between the parts; after dismantling, the structural elements can be reused.

The basis for the strength of a concrete staircase is at least a double reinforcement mesh. Steel period and fiberglass ø 12–14 mm are used. Grid pitch 100–200 mm. The lattice is fastened with binding wire or pulled together plastic clamps. Vertical bars at the edges will replace the upturned ends of the excess length crossbars. A distance between the gratings of 5–10 cm will provide sufficient bending resistance.

A clear example of reinforcement and hardening

Plastic supports under the lower part of the lattice hold the structure above the formwork. Holes are drilled in the wall into which crossbars are inserted to prevent displacement reinforced frame. The ends of the formwork reinforcement are not allowed to touch.

Reinforcement of each flight of stairs is carried out separately, but before pouring the part metal frame tied together by overlapping and adding rods. The frame is connected with special care to the reinforcement outlets from the floor slabs.

Completes the assembly of the formwork monolithic staircase installation of level dividing risers that determine the depth of the step. Fastening to the wall and board is carried out with reinforced corners or vertical bars.

We are waiting for concrete

Difficulties with concrete

We refuse to buy ready-made ones. We purchase crushed granite stone of 15–30 mm fraction. If it is not planned to finish the staircase with other materials, marble chips are added. Coarse river sand is required. Quarry is not suitable - clay inclusions will reduce the strength. Cement grade 400 will do.

Mixing proportion:

  • Cement – ​​1;
  • Sand – 1.3;
  • Crushed stone – 2.6.

The monolithic staircase will be reinforced with polypropylene fiber in the concrete mixture. The fibers are evenly distributed in the solution. Concrete acquires remarkable qualities:

  • No shrinkage is felt;
  • Internal stresses are smoothed out;
  • Strengthening the product;

Adding plasticizers will speed up the setting of concrete. The concrete staircase formwork is filled from below in 2-3 steps with a gradual rise upward. Preliminary compaction of the mass is carried out by bayoneting.

Tamping does not give the same result that we can achieve using an electric vibrator. Vibration results in an even distribution of gravel filling. Air bubbles in the thickness of the concrete and shells in areas adjacent to the formwork will disappear. Manual seal will reduce the strength of the product by 10–12%

Vibration causes the mass to slide along the concrete stairs. The steps are filled without pouring cement laitance under the edge of the riser formwork. Filling the cavity signals the transition to the next level. Avoid underfilling the formwork.

Filling proceeds without stopping, regardless of the amount of work. A delay of 2 hours will lead to layering of the monolith. The planned strength is lost. The joint is comparable to a crack running the entire depth of the stairs. The embedded elements for fastening the balusters are installed into the filled steps according to the template.

After 1–1.5 hours, as the concrete sets, the steps of the stairs are smoothed with a float or trowel. It is recommended to trim the mass along the formwork and blunt the right angles to avoid chipping.

Bringing beauty

Decoration and finishing

The concrete staircase was built with my own hands. We waited until the ladder under the shelter gained the necessary strength. There is room for imagination. Ceramic tiles, natural wood and imitations, carpet - available materials finishing is not with honor.

What if you surprise yourself and your family with the beauty of concrete? There will be more work, but the rough concrete staircase will turn into a work of art. Want to try it? We'll have to go back to kneading and pouring. Adding pigments to a concrete mixer will turn the gray mass into a colored one.

Buying white or light cement will allow you to diversify your palette in addition to rich colors pastel colors. The steps will turn from faceless attacks into decoration. But the work of polishing the steps of the concrete stairs will be added.

Imprinted into the unhardened top layer of treads are fragments of multi-colored glass, flat pebbles, even shavings after metalworking with ordered pretentious ornaments or the chaos of inconsistency in the arrangement of waste decorative elements will hit.

Self-deception or desire for traditionalism?

Below is an example of how a staircase made of ordinary ready-mixed concrete without finishing already attracts attention. Enterprises willingly accept orders for the production of concrete products. You hand over a sketch on a piece of paper, and you get an improved version of the idea.

The developer's gain is obvious:

  • No cracks or internal stresses in the product after the steaming chamber;
  • Reduced labor intensity - installation and embedding take several hours;
  • Time saving - no need to wait for concrete to polymerize;
  • No chipping guarantee;
  • Does not require processing.

It is uneconomical to do this with your own hands.

Concrete stairs without wet processes

And this is possible. In a home where there is mostly wood around, moisture evaporation is the enemy. We order the frame modular or welded. And we cast the steps in a multi-seat mold ourselves in the garage or at the dacha.

The only peculiarity of such an amateur activity is that the front side will be at the bottom. Patterns and ornaments will appear upside down. But there will be no restrictions on imagination in any form.

The photo below shows a composition on a concrete surface made of broken bottle glass. The battle was poured into the mold, leveled and poured cement mixture. The fine chintz pattern is colorful and it wouldn’t hurt to dilute it with several solid bottle bottoms for a logical completion of the composition.

The industry cannot do this, only a craftsman

The thickness of homemade and purchased tread after processing does not exceed 50 mm. The weight is small, so the frame can be lightened. There is no need to prepare a powerful one. Installation does not require the use of lifting devices and powerful fasteners.

Lightweight format for lifting into the attic

Brief summary

Street and interfloor concrete stairs are similar in manufacturing technology. There would be a desire, free time and the necessary amount of money. Design features screw and curved were not considered due to the fact that each configuration needs to be devoted to a separate article, and not several general words.


Stair frame

Concrete staircase (rough = two flights + platform) with formwork made from forest residues.

In this article we will tell you how to make a concrete staircase with your own hands.


  • Long service life;
  • Strengthens the structure of the building;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Fireproof;
  • Silent;
  • Wide range of decoration and modeling.

Choose concrete option, since the costs are small. Investments are only for the purchase of material for production and personal time. Such a staircase is built simultaneously with the construction of a house. On the general drawing of the house construction, a place for installing a flight of stairs is planned.

First preparations

First of all, you need to calculate the number of steps to fit into a certain area of ​​the building. The ease of movement on the stairs depends on this. For standard height the step when lifting is 17 cm. The width must be at least one meter. Also take into account the embedded parts for future railings.


To prepare concrete, take: cement (1 part), crushed stone with a grain size of 10-20 mm (3 hours), sand (2 hours), water (0.7 hours). If the concrete is thick, you can add a little more water.

To create the formwork, purchase 10x10 cm construction timber, waterproof plywood with a cross section of 2 cm or more. edged board from 3 cm, fittings, metal corner. The wooden structure is secured with 3.5 cm self-tapping screws, which are conveniently removed during dismantling.

Formwork is a box into which concrete is poured. It is being built right on construction site. The best material wood is considered to be used. It can be easily removed after the solution has hardened. The width of the boards should be equal to the height of the steps. Supports are installed perpendicular to the base of the stairs using special fastenings to the support.

It should be remembered that concrete stairs are heavy, which means the supports must be massive and durable.

The formwork boards are additionally fixed with a longitudinal plate to avoid deflection when pouring concrete. The entire structure is assembled with self-tapping screws so that it can be easily disassembled after use. If the use of formwork continues, it is recommended to protect the wood with a waterproofing material: alkyd varnish (painting), roofing felt, glassine, oilcloth, old linoleum. This is done to prevent the boards from deforming when the concrete solution comes into contact with water.

To strengthen the flight of stairs, a frame is made of metal rods. It is laid along the load-bearing edges and connected by welding at a distance of 3 cm from the formwork to the reinforcement. To attach the iron assembly to the wall, pins are driven into it.

Types of staircase structures

Of all the designs, the main types can be distinguished:

  • helical – looks like a spiral twisted in the center;
  • rotary - marches can be located to each other at an angle of 90 o and 100 o;
  • straight - the most convenient for climbing; they do not require much physical effort to climb, but it takes large number usable area.

First, prepare the concrete mixture. Before pouring, wooden plugs or iron pins are placed in the formwork on the side where the handrails will be for further fastening. Then they begin pouring concrete into the formwork boxes. To prevent the edges of the steps from crumbling during operation, a metal corner is welded to them.

Filling should be done in one go to avoid peeling.

After filling the formwork, the solution must be compacted and leveled. Only after the concrete has completely dried do they begin to dismantle wooden mold and walk up the stairs.

Indoors, a concrete staircase is rarely left without cladding. For finishing reinforced concrete forms the following can be used:

  1. Laminate.
  2. Natural wood.
  3. Stone.
  4. Ceramic tiles.

Glass is used to make the parapet; the decoration of the entire staircase can be a piece of metal. They look rich wooden railings in the form of sculptures. The choice of fencing option depends on the style of interior design of the room and what material the flight of stairs is decorated with.

Cladding is done not only on steps and platforms, but also reverse side stairs. For this they use decorative plaster, ceramic or porcelain tiles. A staircase made using such methods undoubtedly always pleases the eye of people - regardless of whether it is located in a cottage outside the city or connects the floors of an enterprise.

If it is noticed that some deformations have appeared in the stairs, for example, cracks or something else, it is necessary to eliminate them in a timely manner. To do this, you can use the following methods, depending on the defect: cement-sand mortar, anchor bolts or something else. If you carry out preventive maintenance on time, you can avoid the occurrence of defects.

Have you built the stairs in your home yourself? Share personal experience with our readers by leaving a comment on the article.


We invite you to watch a video about the construction of a monolithic concrete staircase.

A concrete staircase can not only fulfill its straight functional responsibilities, but also to become excellent design solution for your home.

The presence of a staircase in the house can be not only functional, but also stylish, since in itself it is an excellent decorative element. But a staircase made with your own hands gives the owner a reason to brag about his skills and will become a source of pride for the home. In addition, it should be noted that installing it yourself does not require as much effort as it might seem at first glance.

How to make a concrete staircase

Concrete stairs are one of the most reliable and more durable structures, unlike their wooden brothers.

Types of concrete stairs

Concrete stairs are divided into two types:

1. Monolithic. This type concrete stairs installed in almost all places, for example, in basements, on the streets or for the porch.

2. Combined. The same type of concrete stairs implies complex design made of metal, which simultaneously serves as a frame for attaching concrete steps. The casting of the steps themselves occurs using formwork with reinforcing mesh. To make the steps themselves, concrete, crushed granite and marble chips are used. After the concrete mixture has dried, it should be polished.

How to make calculation measurements correctly

To make the work easier, you can use your own sketch of the future staircase, which may also come in handy in the future. Like any repair work, this process should also be divided into stages:

1. Calculation of formwork.Initially, you should determine the position of the ladder - it can be located on the ground, adjacent to a wall, connecting two opposite walls, etc. After all, the further calculation and construction of the staircase, and the formwork as a whole, depend on these moments.

2. When calculating a staircase, the number and size of its steps are taken into account. The recommended step height should be from 16 to 20 cm, and the width should be more than 27 cm. If you end up with more than 14 steps, then it is recommended to make two flights.

You should also take into account the residents of the house, since it is difficult for elderly people to climb high steps, and small children running around the house may accidentally trip and injure themselves.

3. When designing a staircase, you need to take into account that its angle should vary from 25 to 45 degrees, because the higher the angle of inclination, the more difficult it is to climb such a staircase.

4. The width of the staircase itself should not exceed 80-90 cm. Although, if the concrete staircase is part of the interior of a private house or summer cottage, then the width is chosen according to the taste of the owner of the house.

5. When choosing materials for constructing formwork, it is necessary to take into account the entire weight of the structure: 1 sq. A meter of concrete 20 cm thick weighs on average about 500 kg. And the weight of a whole march with a drop (height 2.5 meters, length 4 m) 1 m wide is approximately 2.5 tons.

6. To prepare a concrete solution you will need: 0 cement PC-400 (1 l), sand (2 l), crushed stone (4 l), water (0.6 l), plasticizer (S-3) (10 ml).

7. To obtain a high-quality concrete solution, it is better to use a concrete mixer, and use a special electric vibrator for compaction. After all, the strength of the support subsequently depends on the quality of the solution produced.

8. The poured surface is covered with plastic film to prevent drying out. The formwork is removed no earlier than after 3-4 weeks, while the concrete has strengthened by at least 80%.

It is important to remember that when calculating all the initial data, you need to take into account factors such as the thickness of the floor covering and the floor itself.

The design of the formwork is the very first stage of preparing a concrete staircase. To assemble it correctly you will initially need certain materials: waterproof plywood (approximately 20 mm in section), construction timber (section 100x100 ml).

For formwork intended for monolithic concrete stairs, the following materials are needed:

A piece of timber that will fasten the formwork elements to each other and the walls;

Also, for connecting steps, which will prevent the sheets from stretching when pouring concrete;

Formwork elements together with winder steps. If the length of the foot is 1 m, then the boards must be at least 30 mm thick, and a length of 1.2 m requires a thickness of at least 40 mm.

End formwork. She may look like plywood sheets, or a template with pre-prepared dimensions can be used. The boards used for this formwork are selected to be approximately 30 mm in size.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that formwork elements are often secured using wood screws (diameter 3.5), since they are easier to remove than nails during dismantling work.

Technologies used in the production of concrete stairs

Such a thing as formwork serves as the basis for the high-quality operation of a concrete staircase, and its main criterion is that there should be no gaps or cracks in it. For the formwork frame, waterproof plywood is used, which prevents the concrete solution from leaking. Plywood is used in combination with boards that fit tightly together.

Before the resulting frame is filled with concrete mortar, a reinforcement cage is inserted there. The entire flight of stairs is framed by steel rods, which are firmly connected by cross braces.

To strengthen the front steps of stairs, transverse reinforcement is used, which prevents them from crumbling and cracks. Before pouring concrete directly, you need to leave wooden plugs or metal embedded plates, to which the staircase railings will later be attached.

The surface of the poured solution, before it has cooled, is leveled with special tools to make it easier to grind in the future.

You can move up the stairs only after the concrete solution has completely dried.

Staircase cladding – final stage everyone repair work. It is carried out no earlier than after 3-4 weeks, subject to drying at room temperature. The formwork frame is removed, and the embedded parts themselves and the surface of the steps are processed using a grinding machine.

It is intended for perfect alignment surfaces. For cladding concrete stairs, you can use materials such as ceramic tiles, tree, natural stones or porcelain stoneware.

To date modern market repair materials offers a wide range of stair railings - welded, prefabricated, aluminum, combined.

The positive aspects of concrete stairs

When developing the layout of a future home, you need to take into account that a concrete staircase, unlike wooden structures, is laid immediately on site, it cannot be transported. But, despite this, it has a number of undeniable advantages:

1. The operation of such a ladder can be carried out at any repair stages (in whatever form it is).

2. When developing the design of the staircase structure, you can add various hidden cabinets and niches into it, which will significantly save space and help get rid of unnecessary things.

3. The financial costs of building a concrete staircase with your own hands are only the cost of materials. And the cost, in turn, depends on the quality of the selected sources. Moreover, when independent work work time intervals are easily calculated.

4. Concrete, as a material, itself is very moisture resistant and is also not susceptible to fire.

5. The concrete staircase serves as additional support for the entire building.

6. Concrete stairs are very resistant to external mechanical damage, which allows them to be used more intensively.

1. It is important to remember that when concreting flights of stairs, it happens in one step and the process itself begins from the bottom up.

2. To avoid “mobility” of the concrete solution, it is recommended to add crushed stone with a particle size of 10-20 mm.

3. When choosing a brand of concrete for the stairs, you need it to be at least B15.

4. Interesting fact: if heavy concrete is not compacted by 1%, its strength will decrease by 5-7%. That is why such a nuance as compaction can significantly affect the quality of a concrete staircase. This is exactly what an electric vibrator is used for.

5. Pouring cement mortar preceded by the formation of a reinforced staircase frame. Its main function is to strengthen the internal strength of all structures.

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

Buildings of two floors and above cannot do without flights of stairs. To create such structures, they are used various materials. One of the most popular materials is concrete. Cast staircases made from it are erected both inside and outside buildings; they have many structural alternatives that satisfy the highest requirements and refined aesthetic tastes.

Advantages of monolithic stairs

Staircases cast from concrete have been in use for decades. They have the highest strength and bearing capacity, fire resistant and do not burn. Such staircases further strengthen the structural frame of buildings. The use of monolithic stairs inside and outside buildings is predetermined by their frost resistance and moisture resistance. The load-bearing reinforcement frame is reliably protected from corrosion.

The concrete base remains monolithic under the influence external environment. Any defects that arise can simply be filled with new solution. Interfloor passages are created on objects under construction, without requiring the use of expensive materials or cranes.

After removing the formwork, the stairs are available for silent movement of building materials. Any variants of such products stand without supports, which allows rational use of the space under them. Such designs have no restrictions on the implementation of engineering ideas and decoration.


The designs of staircases vary depending on the method of formation and location.

By manufacturing method

Monolithic stairs from artificial stone are divided into marching and spiral.


This interfloor transition configuration is created inside and outside buildings. This is a complex design to implement, the creation of which is relevant due to the need for rational use of living space. It takes up little space and does not require the installation of a central support column. The ladder is installed with support on the walls and away from them.

The formation of such a monolithic staircase is complicated by the need to create shaped formwork with smooth contours, planes and curved surfaces, the difficulty of strengthening an autonomous rigid reinforcement frame, as well as the use of many temporary support elements.


Marching monolithic staircase.

Used more often than the spiral design. Easier to create, more secure, but takes up a lot of space. Such interfloor transitions are divided into single-flight straight or corner (with winder steps), two-flight (straight or corner, connected through a platform). There may be more marches. Single-flight structures resting on the side walls are the easiest to implement - the formwork and its reinforcement are attached to the wall base.

This option can rest on one side of the wall or only on the supporting base and ceiling of the next floor. The latter will require a lot of supports when constructing the formwork. In some cases, two-flight crossings are created, connected at a selected angle by a platform. As a rule, they are placed with support on the wall (walls) on one side.

By installation type

Monolithic concrete interfloor connections according to the type of installation (installation location) are divided into internal and external.


Marching products can be cast on a prepared base (compacted soil, sand, etc.) or “hang” in the air with support on two “points”. Screw - mounted with support on the facade or only on the upper ceiling.


A monolithic staircase installed inside a structure can have any implementation option. At the same time, in contrast to external placement, there are opportunities to redistribute the load of the march from the foundation to the walls.


Work on the construction of a staircase made of monolithic concrete consists of the following stages: selection of an acceptable type of staircase, design, assembly of formwork, installation of reinforcing steel, and decoration.

Choosing the type of staircase

spiral staircase good to install if there is little space.

What type of staircase it should be is clear already when designing a building, which is determined by its location. However, there is room for clarification when the skeleton of the building is already ready. If there is not enough living space, you should consider installing a spiral structure in the middle of the room or supported on a wall (walls in the corner). This option will complicate the creation of formwork and the formation of a reliable reinforcement frame.

A marching passage supported by walls on both sides is as light as possible for the foundation. Supporting the march on the wall on one side will increase the load on it. But the most massive option is a marching interfloor connection, resting only on the floor and foundation (reinforced concrete beam).

In the last two cases, you will also need to carefully support the formwork. There will also be nuances when choosing a two-flight (corner, arched) or staircase with winder steps. Not least of all will be considerations regarding compliance with the overall design of the premises and their purpose.

Calculation of elements

At this stage, the inclination of the product, the number of flights, the dimensions of the platforms, the number of steps and their parameters, the angles of rotation of the winder steps, the width of the stairs are determined, and the heights of the screeds and future finishing are taken into account. Calculations affect the ease of use of the structure, material consumption, cost and duration of work. A drawing is then created showing all the dimensions.

Climbing angle

The sector within the range of 25 - 37 degrees is considered optimal in terms of space occupied and safe. It determines the length of the stairs. The shallower the angle, the longer it is. So, for example, with an interfloor height of 3 m, a march with a slope of 35 degrees will create a projection of the span onto the floor with a length of 430 cm, and at 25 degrees, the structure in concrete will occupy 640 cm of the room. Thus, the product will take up more space and require more materials.

Step sizes

Installation diagram of a monolithic staircase.

Convenient parameters for moving people - height 17 – 21 cm (a), depth 27 – 31 cm (b). The dimensions of the steps must be the same. Next, the length of the designed structure is divided by the size of one step so that, by selection, a whole number of steps is obtained (taking into account the equality 2 a b = 60 - 64 cm). For every 12 to 15 steps of the march, it is advisable to provide one platform 1.5 steps long.

Stair width

The parameters of the room can set existing restrictions on the width, but values ​​of 90 – 150 cm are considered optimal. These dimensions allow you to move furniture and allow people to move comfortably.