Which laminate is warmer and better for heated floors, video instructions. What to do if the laminate sag when walking: how to fix the problem yourself? Cold laminate in the apartment


18.12.2008, 17:23

The floor is laminate, tell me how to insulate, it’s just very cold


18.12.2008, 17:53

You can put a thick substrate under it, 8-10 millimeters, or - which is better, but quite a bit more expensive - cork. You need to take it off, lay down a backing, then put it back on again.

25.12.2008, 18:28

Make heated floors, for example - Caleo. Easy to install and the floor will be warm


04.01.2009, 21:57

The first advice on insulation is not correct. Laminate is cold due to the high specific heat capacity of the material. The substrate on which the laminate is laid is already a fairly good heat insulator. The reason is the particular perception of cold by humans. For example; metal and foam, heated to 20 degrees. Celsius, a person will perceive cold and warm, respectively.

Future Mom

15.02.2009, 12:59

What is your opinion about CALEO floors? Should they be laid on a pre-leveled floor?

02.03.2009, 13:33

Entrepreneur, Laminate Hut showroom. I’m telling you: a laminated floor will definitely be warmer when using a 7mm thick Isoplaat underlay, and a regular 3mm polyethylene foam roll has no quality characteristics at all. In addition to isoplat made from pressed shavings, I recommend cork or isonord (foam 3 or 5.5 mm). The most reliable information is the feedback from our clients.


02.03.2009, 21:41

Sergey Chubatyuk, it is possible to increase the temperature of the laminate due to the heat-insulating substrate only in the case when heat leaks through the floor. For apartment building, in which the laminate is lying on top of someone’s ceiling, your advice is useless. You can argue which is stronger, reviews from your clients or physics. But I won’t, the client is always right.

Hopelessly in Love

08.11.2009, 10:53

Can someone tell me what if I had a heated floor in my home’s steam room? Is this option possible?


08.11.2009, 17:25

Tatyana, this is both possible and correct. In the case of electric heating, you need to be careful when choosing a location for the temperature sensor.


18.12.2009, 04:43

We solved this problem - we live in our house and the heating was completely “walled up” in the floor - a metal-plastic pipe (15 - bends well) was laid like a snake on a sawdust-concrete cushion, then a screed, a substrate and a laminate. IN bathroom - tiles. All connections are in secluded places, but at the top in case of leakage. Boiler and pump. Cheap and cool!

03.03.2010, 19:31

everything is very simple, you need to use “teplofol” instead of a backing (insulation, lined with a foam base) which will serve as both a backing and insulate your floor.


14.09.2010, 21:14

It is correct to make a warm floor not from metal-plastic, but from a corrugated stainless steel pipe! Metal has higher heat transfer and a lifetime warranty (this is true for a walled pipe!)!


03.11.2010, 06:02

Mikhail, it turns out there is no point in insulating the floor, the laminate will still be cold? I have a first floor and I planned to sheathe the sawn from the side with polystyrene foam...


05.11.2010, 07:28

Abdulgalim, it always makes sense to insulate the floor if there is low temperature. If the laminate has a temperature of 20 degrees, it will still feel cold to the bare foot. And if, in the absence of floor insulation, the laminate will have a temperature of 16 degrees. then it will take heat from the air in the room and carry this heat under the ceiling.


05.11.2010, 07:37

Sergey Medvedev, heated floors DO NOT REQUIRE high thermal conductivity of the pipe material. Do not pass off your own fantasies as real experience. If the thermal conductivity of a floor heating pipe is high, the water flowing through the pipe will cool extremely quickly. This will cause the heating of the floor to become noticeably uneven. When using stainless steel, a significant increase in the flow rate in the pipe will be required to reduce the carrier delta to the required 5 degrees.


06.11.2010, 01:34

The problem with this *floor covering is its steam insulating *properties:)


07.11.2010, 20:34

Mikhail Istratov! Unlike you, I don’t fantasize anything and my goal was not to become clever like you! You are completely off topic! I have exactly these floors at home - it’s a real experience! The pipe must have high heat transfer!!! Because it should warm!!! And don’t drive water in a circle and burn a source of energy (in this case gas) while idle. It’s simple physics! And the CARRIER DELTA is the fruit of an inflamed consciousness! If you are so concerned about the uniformity of heating of the floor (which I do not observe in myself), lay the pipe in the form of a snail, and not in the form of a snake! Your advice is good for economy class repairs, but nothing more! The premium class uses other materials that you probably haven’t heard of! Corrugated stainless steel pipe produced in South Korea is made specifically for heated floors, it is extremely rarely used due to its price (about 120 rubles per meter), and also because of the biggest and most common problem in our country - stupidity and lack of education. Moreover, the presence of crusts and education levels usually do not match!


07.11.2010, 20:48

It is best to make heated floors from wooden pipes!!))) The water will not cool down and everything will be fine with DELTA! :-D


07.11.2010, 22:24

Sergei Medvedev, maybe Yuzh. Korea is a zone free from “Stupidity and lack of education,” but there is also the whole of Europe, which has both a carrier delta and many years of experience in installing floor heating, which is not present in the South. Korea. Corrugated stainless steel pipe is used in heating in the form of quick installation kits for piping boiler equipment, as well as in the form of ready-made insulated pipelines, known in Russia under the Casaflex brand. Your arguments indicate a complete lack of understanding of the processes, which is usually characteristic of traders. You can continue to be rude, I don’t argue with traders. Trade further, but the provincial bazaar is the limit beyond which your stainless steel will not go, unless the patronage of local authorities helps. Under pressure from the district administration, services will buy this rotten stuff. And without support, this stainless steel will not be successful, like other trends of the Seoul trading house. The heating materials market in Russia has become much more civilized. Cross-linked polyethylene Rehau survives from the market of cheap metal-plastics, which about fifteen years ago themselves survived this Pex with their low price. Even the passion for Virsbo products passed in about five to six years. The same can be said about polybutylene pipes. Market leaders have become more visible than ever before. South Korea is in the zone of so-called American technical influence. American heating technologies even more backward than American cars. This influence will always be a drag on South Korea. This is especially evident in the invention of bicycles - heating boilers with an efficiency like a steam locomotive and stupid hot water heat exchangers - “pig tails” made of copper pipe, exactly like in American boilers. A simple screwdriver assembly of clones of European boilers would have much greater success from a Russian buyer. Turkish experience confirms my words. Demir Dokum products easily pass certification in Russia. These boilers are understandable to service engineers because... built on a familiar element base.
As for heated floors, there is a special copper pipe for laying heated floors, but... it is covered with a PVC sheath, which protects the copper from friction against the screed and from contact with the salts of this screed. No one burdens themselves with the struggle for high thermal conductivity. Well, you need to sell your junk somehow. Try to interest installers of gas boilers for apartment heating in it. This is a big piece of the market.


07.11.2010, 23:21

Mikhail Istratov! It is not clear for whom you wrote this dispatch, but your goal is clearly not practical help to the group members, but personal ambitions in my direction, based on the fact that you are a resident of Moscow, and I am a resident of the region. I think for most readers this is not as interesting as to me! If you want to let off steam and talk about politics, then you are clearly in a different group! I want to upset you on three points at once: 1. I’m not a huckster! 2. I bought the pipe in Moscow! 3. I dug the pipe under a different brand than you indicated! I indicated the country of manufacture and price, for example, and is not mandatory. On top of everything else, you are bad not only with physics but with chemistry! You can, of course, speculate about Luzhkov’s former zone of influence... but I won’t! You can see that, like most Muscovites, you have never held anything heavier than a telephone in your hands! Some philosophers in whose vocabulary you will hear more often than other words: Market, bazaar, rotten, hucksters, pressure from the administration mixed with an arrogant and arrogant attitude towards those who are not from Moscow and, accordingly, they are ignorant suckers in the relations between America and Korea and with them all heated floors with irregular deltas and OXIDIZED stainless steel taken from unsold stock or cut from the nearest boiler room!


07.11.2010, 23:37

Sergei Medvedev, don’t make excuses by being dense. If for you “CARRIER DELTA is the fruit of an inflamed consciousness,” then I can disappoint you that all trained heating engineers live with this nonsense. ?t "supply - return" for heated floors differs from the radiator heating schedule. But this is not a decree for you. All your ambitions come down not to possessing some kind of information, but to believing in the corrugated stainless pipe. I don’t believe in such a pathology of your mind; there is something else causing it.


07.11.2010, 23:55

Sergey, I figured out what to do with you! I invite you to the group of plumbers. It's boring there, you can make us laugh.


08.11.2010, 00:38

I'll be TwaimS

08.11.2010, 08:32

Mikhail Istratov! No need to make fun of the group members! Be smart somewhere else! If you have something relevant to say, speak up. Stop rolling cotton wool!


08.11.2010, 21:14

By the way, Mikhail’s biology is not all right either! (See post below) Foam and metal of the same temperature will be perceived by a person the same! Specific heat has nothing to do with it! (operates with concepts the meaning of which he does not understand) It’s just that at the same ambient temperature, metal and foam will have different temperatures, because metal has higher thermal conductivity (physics 5th grade) Mikhail, I don’t think it’s out of malicious intent that he’s misleading everyone. Just like in the scripture: If a blind man leads a blind man, then both will fall into the abyss!


08.11.2010, 21:46

Sergey, I was asked not to “fake” you, but you successfully cope with it yourself:
“It’s just that at the same ambient temperature, metal and foam plastic will have different temperatures, because metal has higher thermal conductivity (physics 5th grade)”
Forgive me, Sergei, for classifying you as a merchant. Even traders understand that all the items in this very environment have the same temperature at steady state.


10.11.2010, 22:40

Mikhail, you should be working on spaceships, not pipes! Maybe there, in space, there is an established regime, but not in our apartments! An outdoor wall will always be colder than an interior wall, and the air under the ceiling will be warmer than near the floor, although it will strive for a stable equilibrium indefinitely! I hope your Eurosewer elite knows about this!

Nowadays, the requirements for materials are much higher than before.

When deciding to make a heated floor, many people are faced with the question of which laminate is warmer. The flooring must not only serve faithfully for many years, be durable and resistant to mechanical damage, but also warm. The requirements are especially high for families with small children.

A heated floor is a structure in which heating elements are installed.

A heated floor is a structure in which heating elements are installed, differing in type (convection, infrared) and installation method. In addition, for a warm floor you need a warm underlay for the laminate, which is better depends on the type of heating chosen. Placed directly on top of the heating elements flooring. In addition to heating elements and cables, the underfloor heating system includes temperature sensors, a thermostat, and additional parts to speed up installation (corrugated pipes, mounting tapes, etc.). The installation plan for a heated floor depends on its type.

Laminate is a wood fiber board coated with special resins, compounds and impregnations to increase strength.

What is a “warm” laminate?

You need to figure out which laminate is warmer and whether there is a “ warm laminate" as such.

Laminate is a wood fiber board coated with special resins, compounds and impregnations to increase strength. Since this material has high strength and density, it conducts heat worse than parquet or solid wood. If you touch such material, it will probably seem quite cold. Therefore, even when purchasing thicker slabs, you cannot be completely sure that the resulting floor will be warmer than one covered with conventional 7 mm tiles.

There is no such material as warm laminate, but there is one specifically designed for laying on top of a warm floor.

All flooring materials have the property of thermal conductivity, that is, they are able to transfer heat from a warm area to a colder one. Thermal conductivity is measured in W/m. Conventional tiles have one of the highest thermal conductivities - 1.5 W/m. Parquet and solid boards have approximately the same thermal conductivity - 0.15 W/m. The thermal conductivity of linoleum is slightly higher, within 0.18. Finally, the thermal conductivity of the laminate is 0.46. Having compared all these indicators, we can conclude that it, just like, for example, linoleum, does not equalize the surface temperature. Therefore, the question of which laminate is warmer is somewhat misleading. There is no such material as warm laminate, but there is one specifically designed for laying on top of a warm floor. Regular laminate can also be installed, but it is unlikely to be able to withstand changing temperatures for a long time, it may become deformed or begin to let in heat.

Thermal conductivity of the laminate - 0.46

To prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant effects, we have developed a special laminate that “works” perfectly together with a heated floor. Such plates have special properties: they are more resistant to temperature changes, but at the same time appearance and durability remain at the same level. It’s easy to figure out which laminate flooring you need to buy thanks to the special markings on the packaging. Next to the icon you can see the temperature limit and a recommendation on what type of underfloor heating the laminate can be used with.

Types of heated floors

Having decided on the material, it is worth deciding one more question about which heated floor is best suited for laminate. Technologies do not stand still and at the moment There are 3 main options for installing heated floors:

  1. electric;
  2. infrared;
  3. water.

A water floor is good because it does not depend on electricity, and therefore is safer. If the installation technology is followed, the water floor will serve for a long time without causing any difficulties during operation. At the same time, maintenance will be cheaper than underfloor heating.

A water floor is good because it does not depend on electricity, and therefore is safer

The disadvantages of water heated floors stop many from choosing this option. First of all - duration repair work increases significantly, since installation requires pouring concrete screed, which should dry well. This may take more than one day. Due to the screed, the floor level rises somewhat, which is a huge disadvantage for apartments with low ceilings.

The main disadvantage of the floor is the complexity of its installation and arrangement. If a pipe breaks, repairs will be slow and quite complicated.

For all these reasons, electric flooring has become a common option. The ease of installation and maintenance prompts many buyers to choose this option, and then decide which laminate will be warmer for a given room.

The advantage of an electric floor is the ability to control the temperature, as well as set different temperature regime depending on the area of ​​the room. So, to heat a living room, a 150 W cable is enough, while to heat a loggia or balcony you cannot do without a 220 W cable.

The advantage of an electric floor is the ability to control the temperature

The disadvantage of an electric heated floor is that it is less safe compared to a water floor (due to magnetic radiation), as well as depending on the electrical network and the high cost of maintenance.

Most modern version today is infrared floor. It is more technologically advanced, as it allows the surface to be heated evenly. Thanks to the more comfortable mode, you don’t have to think about which laminate is warmer for this floor. There are not many disadvantages to film infrared floors: the high cost of installation and the impossibility of using them in rooms with high humidity.

It is necessary to choose which heated floor for laminate will be more preferable based on the needs and wishes of the apartment residents.

The most modern option today is infrared flooring.

Choosing a laminate for electric heated floors

The combination of electric heated flooring and laminate remains the most popular today due to the relative ease of installation. But to choose which laminate is best suited for a warm floor with electric heating, you need to be as careful as possible, having first studied everything technical specifications material.

Important! Laminate is not the best best coverage for such a floor, since it does not withstand its impact very well.

Like the substrate, this material does not have high heat transfer, so the cable first warms up the floor screed, then the substrate warms up, and only after that the floor begins to warm up. Accordingly, it will take more time to heat the panels, and then the costs of heating the floor will be high.

For electrically heated floors, regular tiles are best suited. But if laminate still seems most preferable, then you need to choose a material with the appropriate markings on the packaging and indicating the appropriate type of heating.

In order for an electrically heated floor to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to make the screed correctly

In addition, the material must meet the following characteristics:

  • good thermal conductivity;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • safety.

In order for an electrically heated floor to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to make the screed correctly; it must be perfectly level. The command and control system must also be reliable. Only in this case can one count on maximum thermal conductivity.

Laminate for water heated floors

There is only one answer to the question of which laminate to choose for a warm water floor - the most reliable. The material must be high quality, with high density and always with a protective coating. If the laminate meets these requirements, then with a high probability it will be able to endure the “neighborhood” with a water floor.

heating on water based certain points are typical: humidity combined with sufficient high temperature. Ordinary laminate tiles will not be able to withstand such conditions for long, but high-quality laminate tiles will be able to maintain an attractive appearance and good performance for a long time.

Water-based heating is characterized by some issues: humidity combined with a fairly high temperature

When choosing which laminate is best suited for warm water floors, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. high wear resistance (class 33 and above);
  2. moisture resistance;
  3. thickness of at least 8 mm (otherwise the laminate will quickly lose its shape);
  4. marking.

The packaging of laminate for heated water floors always contains the H2O marking

The packaging of laminate for heated water floors always contains the H2O marking. Instead, there may be an inscription - “Warm Wasser” or “Underfloor heating”. You need to choose exactly these and use them for their intended purpose (that is, do not place them on infrared or electric ones).

Attention! When using a heated floor, it is important to observe the temperature regime.

Ideally, the temperature should be around 27°C. It is undesirable to heat the panels above 30°C, as they may become deformed and lose their appearance. An increase in temperature is also dangerous because strong heating will lead to the release of formaldehyde, which will have a bad effect on people’s well-being.

You can adjust the temperature using special device temperature changes. This device displays the difference in temperature between the laminate and the floor. The specified value must be changed smoothly, since sudden heating increases the likelihood of deformation of the laminate.

Laminate and infrared completely

Infrared flooring is considered, although expensive, but modern and the most convenient option for heated floors. And laminate is the most suitable material for this system. Moreover, film floors were created specifically for laying under laminate.

Infrared flooring is considered, although expensive, but modern and the most convenient option for heated floors.

The infrared floor consists of a thin film with stripes (conductive elements). The backing is laid out on the film, so heating the screed is not necessary. The material warms up due to contact with heating elements. Due to this, high performance is achieved: the screed does not need to be heated, so the floor heats up better and faster, and its maintenance is cheaper.

When choosing which laminate is best for infrared heated floors, you need to focus on the following characteristics:

  1. thickness does not exceed 8 mm;
  2. wear resistance class 33;
  3. marking.

The most modern development today is considered to be a laminate with a built-in heating system. It became possible to buy it quite recently. The material is perfect for those who cannot decide which laminate is warmer and which type of heated floor is more profitable and reliable.

The total cost of a warm laminate is 3 times cheaper than the cost of an electrically heated floor

The difference is that the heating elements pass inside the laminate slabs, therefore, when installing the flooring, the heating system is also installed at the same time. The advantage of the system is that heat is released into the air more easily. Heating element is located between the HDF board and thermal insulation, due to which heat loss is reduced by 30%.

The total cost of a warm laminate flooring is 3 times cheaper than the cost of an electrically heated floor. It only takes 10 minutes to heat up the stoves, given that the room temperature is 20°C. Finally, warm laminate tiles can be combined with regular ones, creating separate heated zones where it is especially necessary. All these qualities make new look truly unique material.

Choosing a underlay for a heated floor

Laminate for heated floors, as you know, must have appropriate markings. The same goes for the substrate.

When choosing laminate flooring for a heated floor, you also have to decide which underlay is best suited for this purpose.

The underlay intended for heated floors has a special marking. The corresponding icon is indicated on the packaging. Next to the marking is the permissible temperature. There you can also find an indication of the possible thermal resistance coefficient.

Cork backing

When choosing which underlay for a laminate flooring you will need to take into account characteristics such as noise insulation, thermal insulation, and shock absorption.

Important! The underlay for a heated floor should be no more than 3 mm thick in order to smooth out small irregularities, but not to insulate the heating element.

For heated floors, it is better to choose from cork, polystyrene foam or polyethylene foam.

Laying laminate flooring on a concrete screed

The cork backing should be denser. Optimal thickness- 2-10 mm, but the thicker the material, the better. The cork backing should be laid on good polyethylene.

It's no secret that the most popular of all floor coverings is laminate. It is in demand due to its unique properties, as well as its unpretentiousness and affordable price. This material is made from pressed wood fibers, so it partially has the properties natural wood. It is not a cold material, so in the summer it creates an extremely pleasant feeling underfoot. But in the winter months, you also want to go barefoot, without the unpleasant consequences associated with a cold. Therefore, it is important to know how to make laminate flooring warmer.

The first thing that comes to mind is to install a heated floor. But such a reconstruction is a troublesome task, and the materials and cost of the work will add up to a tidy sum. In addition, it is best to install an infrared heated floor under the laminate, since other types of heating will be less effective. This is due to the fact that laminate does not transmit heat well, since it (together with the substrate) is to some extent a heat insulator.

In some cases, a wonderful alternative to the labor-intensive and expensive installation of heated floors is a warm underlay for laminate flooring.

What is a substrate and why is it needed?

Modern laminate is often sold with a ready-made bottom layer, but despite this, the warm underlay remains extremely popular and is in demand among buyers. When choosing a substrate, it is not necessary to give preference to one that is produced by the same manufacturer as the laminate itself. The main thing is to choose from the whole variety the option that is suitable specifically for your situation, based on operating conditions.

Types of warm substrates

Made from foamed polyethylene foam. Has porous structure and is available in all construction stores, since it has a very valuable property from the consumer’s point of view - a reasonable price and good quality. Polyethylene foam is valued for its resistance to moisture. It has good antistatic properties, but does not have a good level of noise insulation. Laying such a substrate is simple: it is easy to cut and takes the desired shape. The disadvantage of the material is considered to be its “fear” of straight lines. sun rays, and also the fact that during use the substrate gradually becomes thinner.

Made from foamed polystyrene. It has all the positive qualities of polyethylene foam, but is more durable. Of all the synthetic insulation materials, it is this one that is recommended by experienced finishers as a warm underlay for laminate flooring.

To the varieties cork backing include:

  • Rubber cork. It is a mixture of rubber and cork chips passed through a press.
  • Bitumen-cork. It is made by applying cork chips to prepared paper impregnated with bitumen. This material has waterproofing properties.

Felt. It comes from natural felt or rope and artificial. Thickness varies from 1 to 4 mm. This underlay has a soft base, which facilitates its rapid leveling on the floor surface, and many air bubbles in the structure of the underlay make it warm.

Compositional. Consists of several synthetic components.

Before starting work, you should thoroughly clean the floor of debris and dust. The base must be dry. A polyethylene film is placed on it. This is necessary for waterproofing. Then proceed to laying the substrate.

Pay attention! If the substrate is corrugated, it must be laid with the corrugation down. If one side of the substrate has a layer of foil, it is placed with the foil facing up.

To cut the substrate you will need construction knife, but it wouldn’t hurt to first mark the material with a marker and ruler so as not to make a mistake with the dimensions.

The substrate, regardless of whether it is rolled or sheet, should always be laid strictly in the same direction as the future laminate panels. The underlay is placed end-to-end on the floor without overlapping or using glue. It is recommended to secure the edges with tape or construction tape.

Pay attention! You should not lay the underlay in two layers, this will not make the floor warmer, but the locking joint on the panels may become unusable. In addition, under load, a substrate that is too thick will sag, walking on such a floor will be uncomfortable, the boards will deform and wear out quickly. Therefore, one layer 1–4 mm thick will be quite enough.


More information about the types of substrates and installation features of each type in the video:

Today on store shelves there are all kinds of finishing materials. For flooring installations you can find many amazing and unusual solutions, however, the classics, which both laminate and linoleum have already become, are considered by buyers first of all. This is not surprising, since these materials have good performance properties at a fairly affordable cost. Today we will talk to you about a very interesting topic: laminate or linoleum, which is better - the opinion of an expert who is faced with explaining the choice to clients almost every day.

We will structure our story as follows. First, we will separately describe each of the materials, talking about performance characteristics and various facts associated with them. Afterwards we will make a small comparison to accurately answer the question posed.

High-quality branded linoleum looks great even in the living room

We'll start with linoleum. This material has somewhat lost its popularity today, but is still good decision, moreover, for different budgets and tastes. What do we know about him?

  1. Linoleum is a rolled floor covering. Rolls come in widths of 1.5, 2, 2.5 m, and so on. That is, the size is fixed, so you need to focus on this parameter as one of the main ones when choosing a coating.
  2. Linoleum happens different types, but all of them are distinguished by their resistance to moisture and complete waterproofness. The material is easy to transfer wet cleaning, even with the use of abrasive cleaning agents. Provided that the material is laid in accordance with all standards, it is capable of holding a certain amount of water in the event of an emergency leak until it reaches the edges of the room and flows under the baseboards.

The quality characteristics of linoleum largely depend on the material from which it is made, as well as the method of its manufacture.

Types of linoleum

1. Natural linoleum– this is usually called a material made from raw materials of plant and mineral origin. It is usually placed in a separate category of coatings, which has an interesting name - marmoleum. Jute is used as the base of marmoleum. A wear-resistant chalk coating is made on top of it, wood flour, resins and linseed oil– the last two components are used as binders.

The drawing on the material is made using dyes, which are also of natural origin.

Marmoleum is quite expensive, which is justified by the environmental friendliness of the material and its excellent performance characteristics.

Author's thoughts. We think that when comparing the heroes of our review, we will not focus heavily on marmoleum, since it stands out somewhat from the overall picture precisely because of its price, but no one forbids you to draw your own conclusions.

2. Nitrocellulose linoleum– this option is not very common due to its increased flammability. Once it catches fire, it becomes very difficult to put it out. However, nitrocellulose has high strength and elasticity with a fairly modest thickness, so such coatings feel great in areas where the risk of fire is extremely low.

3. Glypthal linoleum looks a little old-fashioned and bright. This material is a special kind of plastic that covers the fabric base. What distinguishes it from others is its excellent sound and heat insulation characteristics. Among the disadvantages, one can note a high susceptibility to deformation - over time, it stretches in one direction and contracts in a perpendicular one.

4. Another type of linoleum is roll rubber coating. It is usually used in gyms, as the material is very durable, thick and soft. The elasticity of this material allows it to be laid on uneven surfaces; it can easily withstand mechanical loads.

5. More common than other options PVC linoleum. It is used in residential and commercial premises, so it is its properties that we will consider when comparing with laminate. From important qualities material, it is worth noting the possibility of shrinkage over time.

PVC coatings have a huge range of colors and textures. They are divided into classes according to wear resistance and manufacturing methods. Such linoleum can be made on a foam, felt, fabric base or not have it at all.

Types of PVC linoleum

PVC linoleum comes in two types - heterogeneous and homogeneous. What is the difference, and is it worth remembering when purchasing material?

  1. Heterogeneous linoleum has a multilayer structure. This allows manufacturers to make models with a variety of patterns, colors and textures. The multilayer structure contains a reinforcing fiberglass mesh that prevents temporary deformation of the coating.
  2. Homogeneous In other words, the option can be called cast. It has color throughout almost the entire thickness, which makes it resistant to abrasion. The material has few colors, but it can easily withstand the movement of loaded carts over it and will serve properly for at least 25 years.

Interesting to know! Homogeneous linoleum can be restored if scratches and abrasions appear on it. This is done by grinding, removing some thickness of the coating.

Regardless of the type of coating, it is divided into wear resistance classes:

  1. Household linoleum- most inexpensive material. Intended for use in residential premises where the load intensity is extremely low. It is designated from 21 to 23 - the higher the numbers, the stronger and better quality your coating will be.
  2. Semi-commercial type– indicated by numbers 31-34. Absorbed best properties extreme types. Occupies the middle price niche. Great solution to rooms with the highest traffic.
  3. Commercial linoleum- 41-43. Used in public places and production premises due to its properties.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that each type will have its own set of characteristics and corresponding cost. How to compare materials in this case? The fact is that with laminate everything is exactly the same, so you should look either at general properties, or for specific materials from one price segment. In the third chapter we use exactly the first approach.


Laminate is panels of a certain size, which, through lock connection form a continuous coating. It is quite rigid and has different thicknesses, depending on the type and quality.

Laminate structure

  1. The fiberboard board is the main part of the product, determining its thickness and mechanical strength. The thicker the slab, the less material bends.
  2. Kraft paper – special coating with back side, which should protect the base from moisture penetration. Looking ahead a little, we will say that this protection is not the most effective and the laminate suffers greatly from contact with water.
  3. A decorative layer of paper is used to cover the fiberboard board on the front side. Forms a texture, that is, a pattern depicted on the panel. An additional layer of waterproofing film can be glued under the decorative paper.
  4. Protective polymer coating. Contrary to what most people think, the class and quality of a laminate does not depend on its overall thickness, but on the thickness of this layer. It is this that protects the surface from abrasion and serves as an additional barrier from moisture.

Laminate classification

The classification of laminate is practically no different from that given above for linoleum. As an exception, we note special classes with unique characteristics:

  1. Class 34 is a special type of panel, which differs from others in its very high strength and water resistance. No, the material is not invulnerable to water, but it can withstand prolonged contact with it without consequences. Its protective layer is very thick, which is why this coating is used in the halls of public organizations and in stores.
  2. Classes 42 and 43 - this laminate is made only to order, and you will not find it on store shelves. It is used at railway and air stations, as well as in rooms where the floor must have special strength. The cost of such coverage is very high.

There is another interesting classification of laminate depending on its resistance to moisture - moisture-resistant and water-resistant. These concepts should not be confused. In the first case, the material is impregnated with oils and resins, which makes it resistant to penetration of water into the structure of the material. In the second, in addition to the above, the panel locks are processed in a special way, which allows you to create a sealed seam through which water simply cannot seep under the material.

Laminate appearance

The undoubted advantage of laminate is its appearance. Manufacturers produce different models for every taste and color. Here's what can be identified on this basis:

  1. Wood imitation- the most common solution. You can find models that look like solid boards, or resemble parquet, etc. You can find models made for specific types of wood.
  2. Leather– it is unusual and extravagant to have a crocodile skin floor, but for many interiors this solution will be just right.
  3. Metallic shine- another variety decorative covering. It will look great in rooms decorated in high-tech or cyberpunk style.
  4. Stone surfaces– do you want a stone or ceramic floor, but does it seem cold to you? Then such a solution will be a way out of the situation.

Comparison of laminate and linoleum

Now let's compare the pros and cons of the materials to find out the winner in our dispute.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics

Thermal insulation characteristicsThe thermal insulation properties of the material are determined by the type of base, as well as its thickness. Options on felt, fabric and foam bases perform well. It is quite possible to walk barefoot on linoleum laid on a concrete floorLaminate itself is a cold material, so a heat-insulating backing must be placed underneath it. This property of the laminate depends on it. Substrates come in different types and thicknesses.
SoundproofingSince linoleum is a soft and quite elastic material, you can move on it completely silently. Nothing should bother the neighbors below.Walking on laminate flooring in shoes will be heard throughout the apartment. The neighbors will also not be disturbed by anything, since there is a substrate under the material that effectively absorbs sounds.
Ecological cleanlinessPVC linoleum is considered absolutely neutral, and toxic substances doesn't highlightLaminate flooring can be a source of potential danger. We are talking about cheap material that contains formaldehyde, which is harmful to our health.
Moisture resistanceThe material cannot be damaged by water. Works great in kitchens and hallways where footwear can cause moistureLaminate is afraid of water, with the exception of some classes. It is better to lay it only in rooms where there is no risk of getting wet. Cleaning laminate flooring is allowed only with slightly damp cloths.
CareWashing linoleum is very simple; there are practically no restrictions on the use of cleaning products. The coating is moderately dirtyLaminate flooring should be removed with care. The coating has a static effect, which leads to rapid accumulation of dust on the surface.
Mechanical strengthIt is quite easy to damage linoleum with strong pressure and impact. sharp objects, especially types on a foam backingThe material has good performance durability, able to survive the fall of heavy things. The front surface can be scratched.
TransportationRolled linoleum cannot be folded, so transportation requires a vehicle with the appropriate body parameters.Laminate is supplied in bundles that are easy to stack.
AppearanceDespite modern technologies and the ability to imitate coatings, linoleum does not give the impression of an expensive material. If you evaluate its appearance on a 10-point scale, you can give it a solid 6.Everything here is much more interesting, since the material is thick enough to create textured surfaces. This gives the coating more naturalness and beauty.

Comparison of materials laying methods

The last point by which we compare the heroes of the review will be editing. Here are two quick instructions.

Both types of coating require a well-prepared base and acclimatization in the room, so we will not indicate these points in comparison.

Table 2. Laying linoleum

Steps, photoDescription

Linoleum is carried into the room and rolled out across the floor. The advantage is that we cover the entire room at once. Minus - there should be nothing unnecessary in the room.

Advice! The task becomes more complicated when the piece of linoleum is clearly larger than the room - you have to tinker.

Next, the material is cut to fit the room in such a way that there is a 5-7 mm technological gap left to the walls. This is done very quickly using a stationery or special knife. Then the linoleum is laid out and the baseboards are installed.

Everything is extremely simple and fast. In some situations, installation is performed using glue or double-sided tape.

Table 3. Laying laminate

Steps, photoDescription

At the first stage, the floor in the room is covered with a substrate. It can be rolled or sheet. The joints of the material are taped.

Then the coating is assembled. A technological gap is also left to the walls, which is subsequently covered with a plinth. Assembly is carried out either piece by piece or in sequence. The second option is simpler, but one pair of hands may not be enough to perform it. The whole procedure takes much longer than laying linoleum

The finishing panel of each row is trimmed according to the fact. An electric jigsaw is used for this. When cutting, a lot of dust gets into the air, so it is recommended to wear a respirator. The next row starts with the remaining piece of laminate. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that in the rows there is an offset of the transverse seams in increments of at least 20 cm relative to each other.

The laminate is also cut at the junction with the pipes - again, linoleum is easier to fit in such a situation.

It is worth mentioning separately about the laying of the last row - it is trimmed along its entire length, after which it is neatly joined to the already assembled canvas. If you lack experience, it may not be possible to perform this procedure efficiently - it requires tools and skill.

So, in our opinion, the fight is approximately equal. Each of the participants takes the lead according to one criterion or another. Great value has a type and class of material, so it is very difficult to make an unambiguous verdict.

Prices for Tarkett linoleum

linoleum tarkett

Video - Laying linoleum

Video - Laying laminate

Video - Laminate or linoleum: which is better?

Cold floors are one of the very popular problems that worries many residents of our state. But any question, even a very nasty one, can be resolved if there is a desire. And cold laminate is no exception. The main thing is to determine the cause of this phenomenon and remove it. After all, the difficulty is not necessarily hidden in the unfortunate location of the room. You don’t even see that your floor can become warm with small modifications.

Laminate floors

The main causes of cold floor coverings

  • Very often, cracks and crevices between panels are considered to be the basis for excess cold in the floor area. It's very easy to get rid of them. For example, you can use an ordinary putty compound, and after applying the mixture, veil it with floor paint or varnish. You can also carefully cut out the cracks a little and drive suitable sized pieces of wood into them. After sanding the surface to be repaired and covering it with paint or floor varnish, virtually nothing will be visible.
  • Not should be forgotten about the fact that the floor will never be warm if its base is characterized by high moisture and dampness. To remove this problem, it is recommended to lay an ordinary polyethylene film under the insulation material. However, if the issue is not resolved, experts recommend abandoning vents altogether and organizing underground ventilation specifically in the house itself.

Laying polymer ethylene under a heat insulator

  • Another disadvantage may be the presence of a reduced layer of material for insulation. Depending on what kind of heat insulator you used, look at the instructions for its use to see what thickness should be provided.

Main! In this case, you do not need to remove the entire coating. To make the floor warm, you can simply remove one panel in a not very noticeable place and measure the thickness of the insulation material with a standard metal ruler.

  • Also not should be forgotten about the cold foundation. No one is immune from this.
  • Don't forget that cold the laminate flooring itself. This is all due to the fact that its top decorative layer has high heat conductivity compared to a wooden floor. What to do in this option - you ask yourself. Just lay cork material under the laminate. It will provide an opportunity to save heat. Or use, in other words, “underfloor heating.”
  • No matter how surprising it may sound, it never should be forgotten about the physical phenomenon of absorption infrared radiation. Because laminate is very thermally conductive, it allows warm rays to pass through and warms the underground. To prevent this, you can place sheets of foil under the covering.

Laying foil under laminate

  • And our tactile senses cannot go unnoticed. Professionals say that the floor covering makes a person feel cold, although this is simply a lack of warmth. Various materials differ in their characteristic heat absorption from various sources. All this is supplied for change general balance. And that surface seems a little warmer if it absorbs heat more slowly.

You should not endure the constant cold of the floors. You need to make a little effort and turn on your imagination so that every morning begins with pleasant and warm feelings.

To get rid of the problem forever cold laminate, you can insulate it. This is what is discussed in detail in the following video:

How to remove gaps between laminate boards