How to make a vertical flower bed from pallets. DIY products made from pallets for the garden. Path made of plastic pallets

Wooden pallets, which, by the way, can be made with your own hands, have a wide range of uses. First of all, they have always been used as containers for loaded boxes, packs, building materials, bags of dry mixtures, etc. That is, exactly as they should. But certain qualities of these products, namely good geometry, strength and durability, led summer residents to believe that they can be used to make playgrounds, prefabricated objects, fences and furniture.

How to make a structure

Pallets can have different parameters and purposes, be purchased or homemade. As for assembling them yourself, it’s quite simple. You just need to sketch out a plan with exact dimensions, take quality material production, namely boards and timber, and simply fasten everything together according established scheme. As you can see, here the question of purchasing and overpaying disappears, since a skilled summer resident can easily make a good dozen pallets in a day.

Features of wooden pallets

Why are these warehouse accessories used so widely in the country? What prompted us to pay attention to a standard wooden product, which has become an element for many practical products.

First of all, this is the cost of the finished product. For production, inexpensive wood is used, and more often, pine. It is rough, without a bright expression of texture, like expensive wood, but quite strong and durable. In addition, wood lends itself well to processing, due to which the service life can be extended for a certain period.

Ideas for use in the garden

Yes, we have indeed talked several times about pallets and their practicality, but today our topic is more expanded, which will give you the opportunity not only to use our ideas, but also to generate your own.

Wooden pallet platform

The platform may have different purposes, but more often it is used as platforms raised above ground level in places where there is loose and impassable soil. For example, this is part of the utility yard where water often collects. The reason for such puddles and pollution may be high level groundwater, heavy rains, melting snow, and therefore the platforms are built temporarily, but often remain in such a place for a long time.

A platform made from pallets is very easy to create. It is necessary to place several pieces to cover the required area, very evenly. You can use wedges, bricks, boards, construction waste. Most often, this is exactly what happens - the site is filled with bulk materials, and the main production element is installed on top.

But there is one thing important requirements which will ensure safety. This is a single surface, which means the pallets must be fastened together. This can be done with small wooden planks, which are inserted into the gap between the elements, the seam of the platform. Next, they are simply screwed on with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

Flooring in outbuildings

This flooring is installed in barns, hangars, cellars, cellars, storerooms, storage rooms and even farms where animals are kept. It ensures floor dryness and ventilation, as well as minimal contact with the same cold concrete floor. The only negative is that if the floor is laid in rooms with high humidity, the production material will not last long. If such a floor is installed as an insulating layer, so as not to walk on a cold floor, the flooring can last for decades with proper care.

There are very few differences here with a standard street platform, because wooden pallets are also evenly laid on the surface and connected to each other. The only addition may be an additional floor certain requirements. For example, such a wooden floor is often laid in winter poultry houses, but to prevent chickens, ducks and other representatives of this class from falling into the cells, a fine steel mesh is laid on top of the floor. In other cases, after strengthening the structures on the floor, for example, in cellars or tool sheds, an additional flooring of wooden boards is possible.

Wooden pallets for household needs

We looked at many small country houses where pallets can play a fundamental role. They are good in quality building material for prefabricated frame objects, and therefore it’s quite simple to build the same woodshed or rabbitry out of them!

The standard geometry of the correct shapes makes the pallets very convenient to use. From them you can assemble a square or rectangular structure of the required height and area, you just need to correctly determine the loads and the number of supports. Therefore, in economic construction data wooden products are being used more and more often.

A kennel for your favorite dog, a pen for small birds, a stall for larger animals - all this can be made from the mentioned structures.

It is worth remembering such structures as compost heaps, where a cube made from such elements will become the best closed storage. This is a durable and ventilated place into which it is convenient to load various waste, and from it get homemade fertilizers of excellent quality for the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse and flower beds.

Country fencing made from pallets

We have reviewed a huge number of fences and all kinds of enclosures on the website for recent years. Frame, brick, metal and plastic, polycarbonate and even wheels, decorative wooden and wrought iron fences, stone and concrete fences, simple and attractive, as well as with maximum security. All of them are painted by us from start to finish, or more precisely, from production to installation. But there is one more interesting view fencing, which we would like to call very simply - economic.

It often happens at the dacha - something needs to be done, but there is no time or money. This is understandable, because there is always more necessary purchases than the same fence separating utility yard, or even a vegetable garden from the palisade. But there is also a solution - fencing made of pallets.

Don’t think that this is an old village and inconspicuous option that neighbors and relatives will laugh at. Previously, we believed that a wicker fence in a country house was not the best. And having considered original examples, immediately changed their minds. Now we know for sure that the fence is made of wooden pallets It could turn out to be very successful.

What is needed for this? Only the main element of production, racks made of pipes or rods, a correctly marked installation line, and a little paint or varnish to complete our fence. Simple, cute and lasting for years to come...exactly what we need today!

Crafts from pallets in landscape design

It's hard to imagine wooden structures given plan in the landscape where we have beautiful gazebo, alpine slide, and maybe even a small pond with lilies or fish. But previously we had never thought about gabions, which today firmly settle on summer cottages. A composition of metal and stone can create an original and attractive look, but wooden pallets are not suitable for this? Of course not! We can easily fit these products into the landscape, depending on which side you look at.

We suggest starting with something simple, for example, building support walls for landscaping. Vertical structures They will be an excellent basis for hanging plants in pots and containers, especially since attaching such containers to a tree will be very simple. Next, you can move on to frame objects, on which, with the help of auxiliary materials, you can create a simple but very high-quality design. Pallet bridges, garden paths, flowering retaining walls and much, much more.

Country furniture made from pallets

Country furniture We have customized and created quite a lot, soft and hard, wooden and combined. But the time has come to pay attention when choosing furniture to wooden pallets, which can become an excellent basis for the production of so-called cabinet furniture.

The base of armchairs, sofas, benches can easily be created from pallets; all that remains is to sew or order pillows from a studio and attach them to it. As a result of minimal labor and financial investments, every summer resident can get quite practical and original furniture for the street and home, install it in a gazebo, patio, recreation area, or simply under a canopy.

Crafts for the garden from pallets (video)

What else can be made from pallets

In fact, we have several dozen ideas, and if we think carefully, we can easily get to a hundred. But we will present you only some of them and very briefly, so as to leave room for your own fantasies at your dacha.

So, the list country crafts from wooden pallets:

  • Shoe rack. We install the element vertically, paint it in one of the main colors of the hallway design, and it already serves as a stand or stand for shoes;
  • Hanger. We cut the pallet lengthwise into three parts, and each of them is ready to become a hanger. Just a few hooks for clothes, as well as mounting the entire structure on the wall, and the hanger is ready;
  • Roll-away table. Using just a few pallets, wooden beam and four wheels, you can make your own rolling table for the sitting area of ​​the veranda or terrace. This can also be used as a coffee table, depending on the size and height;
  • Utility wall in the garage. By installing the pallets vertically to the wall and strengthening them well, you can hang all the tools and small dacha equipment on the boards so that you don’t have to search for them around the dacha for a long time each time;
  • Vertical garden. We have talked many times about the practicality of vertical flower beds and beds in relaxation and cooking areas. On their area you can grow herbs and spices, and pick these products directly during lunch. So, racks for such accessories can be made from the same pallets.

In addition, the mentioned material can be used for decorating flower beds, when the product is simply laid on the soil, and the plants look out from the gaps, for the production of sun loungers in recreation areas, shelves for wine and dishes, a base for mounting lamps and lamps on the street and in the house. It’s also good to make a country cart, a bicycle rack out of pallets, organize a children’s sandbox out of them, or even build small house for little ones' games.

As you can see, the ideas don’t end there, and therefore we are waiting for your opinion on these crafts in the comments, where we would also like to receive instructions for the production of some products invented by you personally.

You can use wooden shipping pallets to create stylish fences for flower beds. Pallets (pallets) are usually left after delivery of building materials. They can be purchased separately or taken for free in stores where they are used to deliver goods.

The products do not require any special modifications; they can be immediately used for installation. The pallets have the same dimensions, which simplifies installation.

Advantages of pallet fencing

Fences made from wooden pallets have a number of advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • affordable price;
  • for arranging a flower garden small sizes takes only 2-3 hours;
  • high strength and durability;
  • protection against the entry of pets;
  • ease of replacement of individual structural elements in case of damage.

Important! To extend the service life of the structure, lumber should be treated with a special moisture-proof and antifungal impregnation, or at least painted.

Types of pallets for fencing

Depending on the design, pallets are divided into 2 types:

  • single. Made from bars and boards. Typically, such products are disassembled and the fence is assembled from separate boards. Assembled pallets are rarely used for arranging flower beds due to their less attractive appearance. appearance. Pallet bars can serve as support pillars;
  • double. Both sides are covered with boards. The best option for the construction of aesthetic fences around flower beds. They are usually installed assembled to make the fence more aesthetically pleasing.

Materials and tools

To build a fence you will need:

  • required number of pallets (depending on the size of the flower bed);
  • support pillars. For flower beds it is better to use wooden supports;
  • cement-sand mixture and crushed stone for concreting supports;
  • building level;
  • screws and a screwdriver. You can also use regular nails.

Pay attention! Concreting the supports extends the service life and increases the reliability of the structure. But, if in the future you plan to dismantle or move the fence, you should not concrete the pillars.

Installation stages

Typically, fences are erected in the following sequence:

  1. Marking the site, determining the installation locations for supports.
  2. Preparing holes for posts. A depth of 30 cm is sufficient for a flower bed.
  3. Installation of support posts. The bottom of the post is wrapped with roofing felt to protect it from moisture, and a small layer of crushed stone is poured into the hole. Leveling the supports and pouring concrete.
  4. Adding crushed stone after the concrete has hardened.
  5. Fastening pallets to support posts with self-tapping screws or nails.
  6. Treatment with moisture-protective and antiseptic agents.
  7. Painting and decoration.


You can decorate the fence in any way, based on your own preferences. Most often, fences are decorated in the following ways:

  • painting. For flower beds, it would be advisable to use several different bright colors; such a fence will turn out to be more original and attractive;
  • painting. The fence can be painted with all kinds of patterns;
  • boxes with flowers. Very good option for flower beds. The boxes are hung directly on pallets using a rope, or screwed with screws.

This way you can quickly and inexpensively build a colorful fence for a flower garden of any size. The fence can be decorated with any decorative elements. If necessary, the fence can be easily disassembled and moved to another location.

It’s difficult to pass by a vertical flowerbed without noticing it: it immediately comes into view and catches your eye. This is not the case with traditional “ground” flower beds - they can be examined in detail only by coming closer. Tall flower beds have several more advantages, for example, a variety of species and the fact that they can be made from the most common materials and old things that are no longer needed on the farm.

Types of vertical flower beds

There are ready-made vertical flower beds made of plastic. They are multi-tiered structures with cells for planting plants. Some are equipped automatic systems watering, simplifying the care of the flower garden. The cost of such a device is far from budgetary, so many gardeners are content with homemade flower beds, which are in no way inferior to store-bought ones in terms of aesthetics and convenience.

What types of vertical flower beds are there:

Taking one of the types of flower beds as a basis and using various materials, you can model and create your own variations of a vertical flower garden.

Advantages of vertical flower beds

Due to their compactness, this type of flower bed is popular for landscaping small areas. Occupying only a vertical plane, the flower bed saves space that can be used for other purposes. Where to create a traditional one you need to set aside a fairly spacious space, for a vertical flower bed you only need a narrow strip or a small “patch” of land.

A big advantage is the versatility of flower screens. They are used to zone a site, camouflage nondescript buildings and fences, and protect the yard from wind and dust blown in from the road. With their help, it is easy to decorate your vacation spot, hiding it from prying eyes.

For plants in limited space, are easier to care for than a regular flower garden, since they are practically not overgrown with weeds, and, therefore, do not need weeding. Also, to water them you need less water, since moisture flows exclusively to the root system and does not spread outside the container.

How to make a vertical flower bed yourself

In production original flower garden the most available and simple materials: boards, plastic bottles, barrels, buckets, etc. In this matter, you also need to use your imagination and see an element of decor in ordinary things.

From plastic bottles

One of the options for a vertical flower bed is a green screen. A wall about 1.5 m high is erected from wooden panels, and carved from plastic bottles"vases". They can be made in different ways: cut into equal parts and get two containers, cut off only the bottom or neck and get one capacious pot, or make a hole on the side.

Homemade flowerpots are nailed to the shield on different heights, are filled with soil, and flower seeds are sown in them or seedlings are planted. At first, the wall does not look very attractive, but over time the plants will grow and cover the homemade flowerpots.

Using the same method, any vertical plane can be landscaped: a fence, a wall of a house, a barn, a gazebo. If the surface is brick, the flowerpots are hung on hooks.

From the boxes

Regular plastic and wooden boxesready material to create a vertical flower bed. Fertile soil is poured into them and placed one on top of the other, but not in an even stack, but so that there are gaps. The height of the tower can be any, but you should not make it too large so that it does not fall apart: 4 - 5 elements are quite enough.

Plants are planted in gaps that are not covered by higher boxes. Gradually growing, they will entwine most of the structure.

Made from metal mesh and garden film

You will have to tinker with the creation of this version of the flower garden, but it has a great advantage - water flows to the roots continuously through a pipe specially installed for this purpose. For production you will need a container (you can take a wide bucket), wire mesh, corrugated pipe with a diameter of 15 cm, thick dark film, expanded clay and tape.

How to make a flowerbed from wire mesh:

Seeping through the punctures in the pipe, water moistens the soil, so that the plants always receive the necessary moisture. As the water level drops, it should be added, and to prevent it from evaporating too quickly, the top hole is covered with a small piece of slate.

Video instruction:

Advice. In a similar way, you can make a flowerbed from a chain-link mesh. True, to construct it, you should take a slightly wider container, since the mesh has volume.

From geotextile

Several pieces of reinforcement up to 2 m long are stuck into the soil so as to form a circle. After making sure that the reinforcement is stable, it is wrapped with geotextile in several layers: you get a tall cylinder. Interior It is filled with earth, slits are made on the sides of the canvas, and plants are planted in them.

To ensure that the soil is always moist, watering is organized according to the principle described above: a pipe with holes is inserted into the structure and water is poured into it.

Advice. Geotextiles can be replaced with film. But it should be taken into account that transparent material allows light to pass through, which can cause the soil inside the flowerbed to “bloom.” In order to prevent "blooming", dark-colored film should be used.

From a pallet

To create a flower bed you need a whole pallet, without broken boards. Its front part is cleaned with sandpaper and, if desired, sanded to a smooth state. Since wood is very sensitive to moisture, all details are hidden with drying oil and then with varnish or paint. Now the pallet is prepared for “metamorphosis” into a flower bed.

Tools and materials for creating a flower bed from a pallet:

  • Landscape fabric (geotextile);
  • Furniture stapler;
  • Flower seedlings;
  • Fertile soil.

The geotextile is folded in 2-3 layers and, using a stapler, is stuffed onto the wrong side of the pallet. The fabric should also cover the ends and bottom; only the front side and the top part remain open, through which the flower garden will be watered.

The pallet is placed horizontally, upholstery down, and soil is poured into the gaps between the boards. During the backfilling process, the pallet is shaken several times to compact the earth, and soil is again added to the space freed up after shaking.

Seedlings of annual flowers are planted in the gaps between the boards close to each other and watered. The flowerbed is left in this position for 5-6 days so that the plants are well rooted, and then raised vertically. It can be placed leaning against the fence, or attached to the wall with hangers.

What else can you use to make a vertical flower bed?

There are many more items from which you can build a vertical flower garden. It is worth reconsidering the rubbish dumped in the barn, and the idea of ​​​​creating original item garden design will come by itself.

Flowerbed ideas:

  • Leaky buckets, watering cans, basins. Digged into the ground and concreted metal pipe, and on her different levels unnecessary utensils are attached to the soil. The soil is filled in and plants are planted, preferably of different types;
  • Car tires. Tires different diameters installed in the form of a pyramid: large at the bottom, smaller at the top. The internal space is filled with soil for planting seedlings;

  • PVC pipe. A section of pipe is dug into the ground and poured into the internal cavity fertile soil. Holes with a diameter of about 7 cm are made at different heights, and flower seedlings are planted in them;
  • Flower pots and containers. They are fixed on the wall in several rows and used as flower pots;
  • Plastic and metal barrels. The bottom of the container is cut off, holes are made in the side walls (the distance between the holes is 20 cm), after which it is installed in in the right place and filled with earth. Seedlings of flowers or strawberries are planted in the holes, as well as in the upper part. For irrigation, a perforated pipe is used, which is inserted into the center of the barrel before the soil is filled.

What flowers to use in vertical gardening

Strongly growing, unpretentious annuals are most suitable for growing in a vertical plane: nasturtium, lobelia, begonia, brachycoma, alyssum, eschscholzia, mirabilis. The first place in this list is occupied by petunia: its thin stems are quite flexible and long, thanks to which they beautifully hang down, forming a lush cap strewn with flowers.

Flowering of petunia begins when the plants reach only 10 cm in height and continues until late autumn. One plant forms lush bush with gracefully hanging vines, abundantly strewn with fragrant flowers. Although in vertical gardening All varieties are applicable, preference is given to hanging varieties.

The best types of petunias for vertical flower beds:

  • Surfinia– characterized by growth rate, strong branching, endurance, variety of colors. Varieties: Lime, Blue, Pastel, Pink Vein, Double Purple
  • Tumbelina- medium-sized double flowers with dark linear inclusions. The variety Priscilla is popular with delicate flowers lilac color and beautiful veins on the petals;
  • Supertunia– is formed in lush bush with flowing lashes, completely covered with small single-color or two-color flowers. Varieties: White, Lavender Morn, Royal Velvet, Blushing Princess;
  • Conchita– there are varieties with regular flowers (Twilight Blue, Blossom Whiti, Summer Dawn) and with double flowers (Pink, Lavender, Velvet);
  • Fortunia– the size of the flowers is about 6 cm in diameter. Unlike other hybrids, which reproduce exclusively vegetatively, it can be grown from seeds. Varieties: Blue, Salmon, Pink, Purple, Rosy, Pearly.

Petunia looks great in any vertical flowerbed, but pillars and pyramids standing alone on a green lawn, strewn from top to bottom with bright flowers emitting a strong aroma, are especially impressive.

Strawberries in vertical beds

Growing strawberries in vertical beds has many advantages: the plants are inaccessible to rodents and ground-based pests, they are easier to care for, and the berries do not come into contact with the soil, which means they do not get dirty. Also a significant advantage is the spectacular effect when the bushes are covered first with white flowers and then with bright, mouth-watering berries.

Vertical beds for strawberries are made according to the same principle as for flowers. Because root system The plants are shallow, you don’t need a lot of soil for their normal development, you just need to monitor the soil moisture and apply complex fertilizers before flowering.

Interesting strawberry beds are made from bags of soil hung on hooks. The fabric is cut in several places, and seedlings are planted in the slot. It takes root easily and grows quickly. Watering is carried out by surface spraying or arranged drip irrigation at the top of the "flower bed".

The innovative method of growing strawberries has appealed to many gardeners, even those who have enough space on their plot to grow berries. traditional method. But creating vertical beds has its own nuances. For example, if the structure is quite large and heavy, it is recommended to assemble it in a permanent place. This will eliminate the need to move a bulky structure from one point to another. Also, when choosing a location, you need to take into account that strawberries love sunny areas.

In winter, plants should be protected from prolonged subzero temperatures, since, being in a confined space, the root system can freeze very much. If the flowerbed is collapsible and consists of flower pots, boxes and other containers that are easy to move, they are stored in a cool room in winter.

Anyone can make crafts from pallets for their garden with their own hands. Pallets are very comfortable material for handicrafts, so that any owner can build interesting and useful things for his home and garden. In addition, pallets have a very wide range of uses. Initially, they were used as stands for boxes, bags and other materials, including in construction. But such wooden pallets are distinguished by their excellent quality, durability, reliability and convenient geometric shape, so it is not at all surprising that craftsmen began to make from them not only stands, but also furniture that can easily be used both at home and in the yard.

It comes out of ordinary wooden pallets beautiful furniture. To do this, you need to prepare screws, washers, bolts, a drill and angles in advance in order to fix the parts. Additionally, you will need glasses and gloves for protection. In addition, you need to choose paint of different shades and varnish.

  • Bench and chairs.

For the bench you will need 3 regular size pallets. In addition, you need to prepare wooden blocks. First, the pallet should be cleaned and then cut into equal parts - for the back and seat. To connect them, you will need additional boards, which will require disassembling another pallet into parts. In addition, the same boards or separate wooden blocks are needed for the armrests.

For the strength of the structure, double fixation is necessary, so it is recommended to additionally make a couple more slats. Now we need more legs for the bench. To do this, it is best to choose those boards that will be wider. They should not be too long, because... a high bench is inconvenient and unreliable. The legs should be fixed on the underside of the seat on both sides, and it is imperative to use metal corners and fasteners. When the entire structure is ready, all that remains is to make beautiful patterns on wood or paint the bench, and then varnish it. You can put pillows on top. The chair is made in the same way, only the design will be shorter. In addition, you can make corner benches.

  • Hanging beds and sofas.

On the veranda or terrace you can place a hanging bed or sofa. To create them you will need 2 pallets for the bed. The walls must be firmly fixed together. For more complex option, but more comfortable, you will need to make a regular box from boards (you can take them if you separate the pallets). This design is needed to place a mattress on top. Next you need to make sides from the same boards and racks in the corners. The resulting box is installed on top of 2 more pallets, which were previously fastened together. Everything is fixed with self-tapping screws. In between the pallets you can store pillows or bed linen. Additionally, a couple of boards should be secured at the headboard. Everything on top needs to be covered with fabric or painted. Next you will need a rope or thick ropes to simply hang the structure from the ceiling. The sofa is created in the same way as the benches.

  • Floors in outbuildings.

It happens that in a pantry, barn, storage room or cellar the floor is dirty or leaking. In this case, you can make an additional layer of pallets. In addition, a similar platform can be built in the yard in a place where there are large puddles or mud. And although this design begins to get wet after a while, it will still serve for quite a long time. In order for the device to serve longer, it must be properly cared for and covered. wooden boards special substances. In general, it’s enough just to lay several pallets and secure them with self-tapping screws. This design is very simple and convenient.

What can be done for the dacha

There are plenty already ready-made ideas about what can be built from pallets for a summer house. The main thing in this case is fantasy.

  • Swing.

Every child dreams of a tree swing. Moreover, any parent can make a swing from pallets with their own hands. In this case, you don’t even have to prepare boards or old tires. You can attach ordinary pallets to a rope, and fix the rope itself to a tree branch as usual. You can choose the width and length of the swing yourself. Even a hanging bed or sofa looks good. After wooden parts you need to paint it in bright flowers and put pillows on top. Anyone can enjoy relaxing in the shade.

  • Shoe stand.

Shelves for shoes can be installed both in the corridor and on the street. Simply place the pallet vertically - and the shoe stand is ready. You can paint it and add a few extra shelves.

  • Hanger.

To make a convenient and simple hanger, simply divide the pallet into 3 parts along the long boards. Each individual part is a ready-made hanger. It can be hung in the yard or at home. All that remains is to add hooks and varnish.

  • Garage wall.

For the garage, you can make shelves or even a whole wall from pallets. They need to be installed vertically and then attached to the wall. The shelves are convenient for storing various tools and small details, because in this order it will be easy to find everything. The length and width of the wall depends only on the desire of the owner - you can install several pallets together or separately in different places garage.

  • Vertical flower beds.

Very interesting device- this is a vertical flower bed. It doesn't take up much space. It is possible to grow crops that do not have a developed root system. For example, this option is suitable for strawberries, as well as parsley, basil, dill, sorrel, lettuce and other greens in the form of small bushes. In addition, the entire yard can be decorated with flower beds in which beautiful flowers will grow, so that the yard will turn into a flower garden. The stands for the flower beds themselves need to be made from pallets, which will be placed in a vertical position, then they can be covered additional materials and pour soil into the holes. It is recommended to make holes in the material so that water can flow out after watering.

  • Separator for flower beds.

In the garden, to prevent plants from intertwining, it is recommended to make special wooden dividers from pallets. Plants sometimes lie down on the ground and tangle together instead of continuing to grow upward. Simply cut the pallet into pieces and install it between the flower beds. As a result, small bushes will be located just between the boards.

  • Sandbox, house, gazebo, cart and lanterns.

The kids will definitely love the sandbox in the yard.

However, very often the sand crumbles and spreads throughout the yard. To prevent this outcome, you can fence off the area with parts that can be obtained by cutting the stand into 3 parts along the length. In addition, the entire yard can be decorated with small lanterns, and the stand for them will be pallets divided into parts. You can make a separate house for the kids. Simply fasten the pallets together with self-tapping screws and you will get the shape of a house. It can be painted in bright colors and decorated with flowers, fabric and other elements. Children can also participate in this. You can also build a small cart for them. It is recommended to place flower pots in it - this will beautiful decoration yard

Prefabricated structures made from pallets look great both in the house and in the country. Moreover, the schemes for constructing such structures are so simple that anyone can make furniture or other useful things with their own hands. In addition, such an interior and exterior will look very original.

Flower beds made from pallets are considered the most convenient and in a fast way organizing the decoration of your site. The design of the pallets is so convenient that it even allows you to create hedges with green vegetation, pyramids or simply free-standing vertical flower beds.

Features of using pallets for flower beds

By design, pallets are wooden coasters rectangular shape. They are assembled from boards and timber. The products have one purpose. Products are placed on stands in warehouses, stores, and factories for further transportation. Transportation is carried out using special equipment. Hence, the pallets have a double bottom with a gap between the planes to make them easier to grip. It is the presence of emptiness that allows you to build a flower garden from wooden pallets in their original condition.

Standard pallets vary in size. Typically there are models with five or seven slats on the front plane. The boards are laid next to each other with a small gap. Three planks are usually fixed on the rear lower plane, but there are models in which the number of planks is the same on both sides. Such products are best suited for vertical flower beds.

The design of the pallets is ready for creating a flower garden, and this is their main advantage. Pallets can be connected to each other, creating simple and complex structures in the garden. By filling the void between the planes with earth, you will get a flower garden. Easy to assemble from pallets garden furniture. If you show a little imagination, a sofa, table or chair made from pallets can smoothly transform into a flower bed.

Advice! For economic reasons, a flower garden made from pallets is considered profitable. Old discarded pallets can be purchased for a nominal fee or received completely free of charge at your nearest warehouse.

Pallets are considered an excellent basis for those who like to express their creative fantasies. Flowerbeds are not all that can be made from pallets. The basis of the product are boards. By disassembling a couple of pallets into individual elements, you can attach many shelves in the yard and place flowers in pots on them. You will get unique hanging flower beds that look beautiful with weaving vegetation.

To give originality to elements landscape design, wooden structures are painted. Flower beds look beautiful in bright colors. The simplest option– paint each board a different color. If you get creative, beautiful designs in the form of patterns are applied to the front surface of the pallet, geometric shapes or simply depict an element of nature, such as a tree.

The video demonstrates ideas for using pallets:


Considering pallets as blanks for flower beds, you can find many advantages:

  • Cheap material. Often broken pallets can be obtained for free and can be easily restored.
  • Maintainability. If the board rots or breaks, it can be easily replaced without breaking the entire flowerbed.
  • Possibility of modification. The pallet consists of boards and timber. Elements can be disassembled. The owner has the opportunity to assemble a base for a flower bed of any shape at his discretion from blanks.
  • Wide range of uses. An ordinary flower bed is only a decoration of the yard. Flower beds on vertically mounted pallets simultaneously act as a hedge. Such flower beds are convenient for fencing a plot and zoning a yard.

There are many more benefits to be found. One of them is ease of disposal. If the pallet has reached the end of its service life or the flowerbed is simply not needed, the structure is dismantled and simply used for firewood.


Despite many advantages, decorative flower beds made from pallets have a number of negative qualities:

  • The material of the pallet is wood, which in the flower bed is constantly in contact with water and wet soil. The use of protective impregnations briefly extends the life of the pallet. Usually after 3-5 years the boards rot.
  • The second disadvantage is that the flower bed in the pallet is not in contact with the ground. The filled soil mixture is quickly depleted by plants and requires frequent fertilizing.
  • A thin layer of soil dries out quickly in the heat. The flowerbed requires frequent watering. In winter the soil freezes. Plant roots die, which makes it impossible to grow perennial flowers in flower beds.

The big disadvantage is the limitation in varieties ornamental plants. A small amount of soil in a flowerbed does not allow growing flowers with a large root system. In such flower beds, low-growing or climbing plants are usually planted.

DIY flower garden made from pallets

There are many ideas for creating flower beds. Review of photos of flower beds made from pallets and brief description their production will help owners of private yards decorate their plots.

Vertical flower bed made of pallets

It is not interesting to use a pallet in the form of a box for an ordinary flower garden. The most popular option is a vertical flower bed made of pallets, which is installed anywhere in the yard and fixed to a support to protect it from tipping over. The manufacturing process consists of 5 steps:

  1. Work begins with the preparation of tools, building materials, soil and seedlings. For one pallet you will need an appropriately sized piece of geotextile. The tools you need are a stapler, a hammer and nails.
  2. A piece is cut out of geotextile so that it is enough to cover the back of the pallet and wrap it on its sides. The fabric is fixed to the boards with staples from a construction stapler. The resulting design resembles a large pocket.
  3. The flower bed frame is laid horizontally with the front side up. Soil is poured through the gaps between the boards, compacted lightly by hand, and moistened. When the pocket is completely filled with soil, begin planting seedlings or sowing seeds.
  4. To prevent soil from spilling out of the flowerbed frame, the pallet is left in a horizontal position for up to 1 month. When the roots of the plants grow, they will carefully intertwine and strengthen the soil mixture.
  5. After the flowers have rooted, the flower bed is installed vertically. It is optimal to lean the pallet against the wall of the building and secure it with anchors.

If vertical flower beds are used for hedges, the pallets are connected to each other to form a fence.

Flowerbed made of pallets and lining

Another option for a vertical flower bed is an unusual but convenient design. Pallets are used here as a strong support. You will need two of them. In this option, the use of pallets for flower beds involves the construction of a pyramid from them in the shape of the letter “L”. The pallets are connected to each other with self-tapping screws at the top at the point of contact. Wooden lintels are attached to the bottom. The pyramid must stand firmly on the ground. The finished structure is painted and allowed to dry.

From wooden lining knocking down boxes. The lengths of boxes and pallets must match. One pyramid will require 4 boxes. They are hung 2 pieces on each side. Waterproofing and drainage are installed inside the box. The boxes are filled with earth and seedlings are planted.

Fence for flower beds made of pallets

Pallets for a flower bed will make an excellent fence if they are dug vertically into the ground. First, the area that will be immersed in the ground is treated with bitumen. Waterproofing will protect the wood from rotting and extend the life of the fence. The upper part of the fence is painted with bright colors.

Pallets are dug into two boards around the perimeter of the future flower garden. Be sure to leave an opening for entry. In the future, it can be closed with a beautiful door hung on hinges. To prevent space from being wasted, the voids in the pallet fence are filled with soil and planted with flowers. The result is a combination of horizontal and vertical beds.

Other design ideas

The pallet does not have to be placed vertically to organize a flower garden. It can be laid on the ground and covered with soil mixture. The only drawback is the rapid rotting of the boards. The pallet is sometimes not covered with earth, but is used as a rack for flower pots. To do this, all the boards are torn off from the back. The remaining internal jumpers will serve as shelves.