Features for any garden area. Options for designing a backyard area with a small country house. Design of functional spaces

Happy owners of their own homes want to see their garden plots beautiful and well-maintained. Landscape design will provide invaluable assistance in creating an attractive and harmonious territory. You can make unique compositions in accordance with your taste and desires yourself, without the involvement of specialists. You just need to turn on your imagination, supporting it with relevant literature.


First, you will need a thorough plan that takes into account all the nuances: the weather conditions in the region of residence, the terrain, the location of the house and the adjacent area. It is necessary to think carefully in advance where the different zones will be located, depending on their intended functions. All design details, including garden furniture, fences, varieties and number of plants, types of materials and much more require a careful approach to design. This is especially true for small areas where there is a risk of cluttering the space with unnecessary “scenery”. Therefore, planning is the most important stage on the path to realizing your plans.


Plants play a huge role in home decoration and personal plot. In summer, to protect the house from overheating, it is recommended to use hops, ivy, wild grapes, climbing very high, forming continuous picturesque carpets of greenery and flowers. Their ability to grow up to several meters can be successfully used to disguise necessary, but not very attractive buildings: sheds, garbage boxes, etc. Climbing plants It is good to decorate gazebos, summer kitchens and garages. Arches entwined with greenery will look great on the site.

The estate must have a place for recreation, sown with grass intended for lawns. A green lawn will look great surrounded by flowers and shrubs. Plants must be selected so that their flowering period is different, this will allow you to enjoy bright colors and aromas from spring to late autumn. Depending on the conditions in which the flowers will grow, in the shade or in the sun, the appropriate varieties are selected. You can always get advice on this from sellers in specialized stores.

If it is planned to grow fruits and berries on the site, to obtain good harvest It is necessary to adhere to some planting rules. Plant fruit trees, berry bushes and, for example, strawberries should be in different places so that they do not interfere with each other.

The decoration of the estate at the house will be deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs. To get the most out of your day sun rays, they are recommended to be planted at a distance of three meters from buildings. But too much large number tall trees can “kill” the space of the site and interfere with the normal growth of lower plantings. Timely pruning will help limit the height of plants and give them a well-groomed appearance. This applies to a greater extent to bushes. Acquiring cutting skills over time, you can get creative and use pruning shears to create unusual green sculptures.

When starting to landscaping a site, it is necessary to take into account some features landscape style– free placement of plants, close to natural growth. Such planning of plantings will give the garden area a special charm.


By arranging a flat plot of land, you can diversify its topography with alpine hills or other small embankments, decorating them with stones. Multi-level flower beds will also be appropriate. If the height differences are large enough, arranging terraces with flower beds arranged on them is suitable. Shrubs and ground cover plants will look very beautiful on the slope.

Site fencing

Great attention should also be paid to fencing the site. As a fence, you can use shrubs that act as hedges: hawthorn, blackthorn, acacia, lilac. Metal mesh, stretched between climbing plants, makes it possible to obtain a beautiful green fence.

Any material is used to make fences: cinder blocks, corrugated sheets, reinforced concrete, wood, willow vine, poles. It all depends on the climate, opportunities and imagination. You should not get carried away with high blind fences, which are especially unacceptable on the front side of the site.

If you want to grow vegetables, you should think about the optimal location of the beds. To make them look neat, they can be enclosed with a border. It can be made from scrap materials: broken bricks, wooden remains, twigs.


Paths play an important role in landscaping the garden area, since they are part of the composition. They can be soil, gravel, wood, concrete, rubber, tiles, natural or artificial stone.

The paths do not have to be made from the same material. Different types coatings – a unique design look and cost savings. Therefore, you first need to plan the location of the paths, taking into account their purpose, and then decide what they can be made of. The style of the plot and financial capabilities will help you make the right choice.

Small tricks of landscape design

Small tricks landscape design are able to turn even small properties into a paradise. For example, a self-made pond will look great on the site. A small wooden bridge or well, built even where there is no water, will fit perfectly into the surrounding space. And garden sculptures will become a wonderful piece of home decor. Correctly selected garden furniture, located in the recreation area, will successfully complement the overall composition of the garden plot.

Trying your hand at being a designer, you can constantly adjust appearance the territory adjacent to the house, adding all new details and colors.

Landscape design of a summer cottage

It's always nice to come to the dacha and relax on fresh air, doing vegetation and home improvement. However, it is worth understanding that the issue of hygiene in such a place is quite acute. An excellent solution for summer residents will be a peat toilet, which after direct use can also be used to fertilize the land. Today we will try to consider important question- peat toilet for the dacha: which one is better. Happy reading!

How to get rid of wireworms in your garden in simple ways

How to get rid of wireworms on garden plot- tips for gardeners and gardeners will help avoid this dangerous pest harvest, how adult larva click beetle. With the right methods of pest control, you can keep the entire grown crop safe and sound.

Alpine slide: photos and ideas

In this article you will find information on choosing and creating alpine slides: from choosing a location to step by step guide about how to build a decorative element on your site that can last for many years. Now a fashionable element of landscape design is available to everyone; all you need to do is spend a few days of work on it and show your imagination.

Photo of decorating a flower bed near the house with your own hands

In this article you will learn how to properly make a flowerbed with your own hands near the house. You can also read what materials it can be created from, and what general rules must be observed. There are many ideas for decorating flower beds.

Garden plot: principles of arrangement

Every owner country house or cottage is faced with the question: how to arrange a personal plot? You can create a cozy natural corner around the house. Here inanimate compositions can harmoniously combine with green spaces. In the free space you can plant cultivated plants or fruit trees. In this case, you will be able to enjoy the gifts of nature that have grown thanks to your efforts. However, then you should familiarize yourself with the basics of agronomy and crop production.

To develop the land around the house, you need to start by drawing up a plan. It is possible to rationally use and artistically decorate the area around the cottage only if everything is carefully and thoughtfully planned. It is necessary to take into account the climate, natural phenomena, local nuances, everyday and national specifics. The best garden plots are photographed in full on the pages of fashion magazines for gardeners, builders and housewives, as well as on the Internet.

Principles of zoning of household territory

For the most optimal use of free land area, zoning is used today. With its help, the area is divided into:

  • recreation area;
  • fruit and vegetable plot;
  • front gardens;
  • flower beds
  • green bushes;
  • placement of additional buildings.

The photos reveal the arrangement of a personal plot with your own hands quite well, so you can take them as a basis for proper planning of your own land area. If you would like to exploit the area with maximum benefit, then the division needs to be carried out approximately in the following ratio:

  • 10% - residential area;
  • 15% - recreation area and outbuildings;
  • 75% - garden and vegetable garden area.

Rational land planning allows you to use the entire territory to the highest quality and create a beautiful garden plot with your own hands. By varying the size of the garden area, you can make your own playground for children with swings, a sandbox and slides in your garden plot.

Key considerations for land area planning

Do-it-yourself planning of a personal plot should be carried out taking into account the main factors:

  • bends of the relief and its features;
  • location in relation to the cardinal points;
  • shape of the territory;
  • climatic features;
  • natural formations.

This is necessary to choose the right plants, flowers, shrubs and trees. How to do landscaping of a personal plot with your own hands - the photo helps to visually present the variations of landscape solutions in order to choose the most practical and aesthetically attractive one specifically for your personal plot area.

How to design a personal plot with your own hands: the video shows in detail how to easily implement this on your own territory.

Landscaping of a personal plot

Decorating personal plots with your own hands, photos reveal various methods, using which you can make your land area unique and beautiful. Even a small area of ​​land can be turned into a cozy and attractive area, which will also combine several functions. And in order to achieve a high-quality result, you need to find the answer to the question: how to landscape your garden plot with your own hands. This mainly depends on the imagination and material capabilities of the owner, strength and free time.

Of course, everyone is concerned about the question: how to make the design of a personal plot as simple and easy as possible? To do this, you should follow a few tips:

How to arrange a personal plot with your own hands - photos can help you decide on decorative elements and methods of planning the land area.

Beautiful design is the path to perfection

Everyone who has completed the arrangement of a house and decided to take care of the empty land around it wants to learn how to beautifully decorate a personal plot with their own hands. The main thing, first of all, is to make a list of what, in your opinion, should be on the land area, to decide on the style, on which the aesthetic appeal of the landscape design will ultimately depend. Landscaping a personal plot with your own hands, photos help you make the right decision based on your preferences and the characteristics of the natural area.

Do-it-yourself garden plot design - video - helps you do everything easily and quickly, without significant material costs.

Do not overload the area with diversity. It should be remembered that both buildings and green spaces with paths and ponds will require your time and attention. Therefore, you should set up your personal plot step by step - the photos will help you set your priorities correctly, since you can choose what you like and need specifically for you, and will look harmonious on the area of ​​land.

How to decorate a personal plot with your own hands: photos on design, gardening and vegetable gardening will help you decide on a style and give food to your imagination.

Fashion trends in landscape design

Photos can reveal a garden plot from different sides. Many people like most of the options presented on the Internet. However, you shouldn’t take on everything at once. It is very important to decide on a style. Today, the following fashion trends are used to improve areas:

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the external design of the house and garden plot should be harmoniously combined with the interior. You will learn about the latter in this article. All buildings should be placed in accordance with the general style, but subject to all rules. you can find out more details.

How to make a personal plot with your own hands - photos will help you make your dream come true and create a landscape design land plot original, but at the same time practical and beautiful. To do this, arranging a personal plot in the photos offered below, just look through and select your favorite decorative elements and layout options.

Photos of garden plots with a pond help to visualize how one or another type will look on your area.

If you like to swim, then a do-it-yourself swimming pool on your garden plot will help you with minimal costs time and effort to make it on your own land area.

To create comfortable conditions on your site, you should adopt modern achievements in the field of landscape design. Today's trends present the garden as an extension of home ownership. Therefore, the transition from indoors to outdoors should be as comfortable and unnoticeable as possible. A similar effect can be achieved by using drought-resistant plants.

Features of modern garden plots

Modern landscape designers are able to create a real recreation area on a small plot of land with a relatively modest budget. At the same time, any design is designed without interruption from the design style of the building.

Many homeowners, when arranging their backyards, focus on environmental issues. To do this, small ponds are dug near the house, into which exotic fish species are released. And beautifully decorated flower beds attract bees, which collect nectar from fragrant flowers.

It is necessary to design a garden taking into account the individual needs of everyone who lives near it. If you have a child, then he should have enough space for entertaining in the garden. In this case, it is necessary to provide a place where warm time year there will be an inflatable children's pool.

The rest of the family should also be given the opportunity to fulfill their daily needs. With a well-designed project, the whole family will be able to fully relax on a country plot.

Requirements for landscape design

The main requirement for landscape design is ease of maintenance. This is due to the fact that the developed area cannot receive daily care due to its remoteness from the permanent place of residence of the dacha owners.

The main needs of owners of modern plots include:

  • reducing the amount of resources consumed;
  • effective illumination of the developed area;
  • replenishment of soil resources.

Water consumption can be significantly reduced after installation automated system watering plants. The easiest way to replenish soil resources is to use organic fertilizers. After using the lawn mower, do not throw away the cut grass. It is much better to scatter it on the site.

To reduce energy consumption, you will have to install sensors that respond to human movement. This way the light won't be on when no one needs it.

It is difficult to imagine a modern garden without a canopy or gazebo. Wooden structure will allow you to hide from the hot sun in the warm season. At the same time, you can use the spacious gazebo as an outdoor living room.

When arranging a backyard area, great importance is given to materials for paving paths. It is preferable to make paths from natural stone. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can use granite crushed stone. This natural material It will not only protect your plants from weeds, but will also allow you to walk along clean and dry paths after rain.

The article will discuss how landscape design and landscaping of a personal plot are created, where landscaping begins, how a plan is developed and implemented taking into account the characteristics of the area. Examples finished works in photos and videos will help you get inspired and find something very suitable for yourself. If you understand the information provided, you will know what to talk about with the landscape designer who has been entrusted with beautifying your suburban area.

Source yandex.ru

Factors that may be useful for designing landscape gardening

Before you start planning anything, it is important to collect as much information as possible about your site, find out:

    where and how located south and north, west and east;

    where is sunny side where the shadow dominates;

    from where and where they blow wind currents;

    what features does it have terrain.

The next stage is a trip to the village administration. There you can get information about the type of soil on the site. Without this knowledge, it will be difficult to landscape the landscape. It will be easier to solve such a problem if you dig holes and see how thick the fertile layer is underneath. Litmus tests are sold in specialized stores. They help determine the acidity of the soil.

Source pinterest.com

It is important to determine the proximity of the location when drawing up a plan groundwater. If they come close to the upper layers of the soil, you will have to think in advance where to place drainage ditches.

Style selection

If you do not choose a concept for the future design of your personal plot in advance, all the plantings located on its territory will look like a tasteless heap of elements. To avoid this, it is important to first decide on the design style. There are three main directions that designers use in their work:

    natural landscape territory design;



When implementing the first option, plants are planted naturally, the way they usually grow in nature. But outwardly, the overall picture looks like a well-groomed forest or grove. This concept does not fit well vegetable beds, flower beds. However, this option is perfect for people who go to the country for relaxation and not for work.

Source pinterest.com

When implementing the second option, all plantings are carried out strictly according to the ruler. This style is used to decorate palace parks, but it also looks quite good on a private plot. When decorating it, borders, arches assembled from timber, openwork pergolas and rough trellises are used. Flowerpots are lined up in the area in front of the house, and devices with hanging plants. Plants are used to create fences, round or round labyrinths. square shape. At the dacha today this is not uncommon if there is a place to turn around.

Source chrome-effect.ru

When implementing the third option, elements of geometric and mixed styles are mixed.


It’s easiest when there is a completely empty area with a brand new dacha, with islands of green lawns and dull gray land. For modeling you can use special computer programs. They allow people with great imagination to use only a mouse to create and visualize different examples of landscaping on screens, to see where it is better to put a bathhouse, a barn, where to organize a recreation area.

The most convenient, from this point of view, are considered “Sierra Land Designer 3D 7.0” and “Realtime Landscaping Architect”. Anyone who is good with a computer can use them to create a plan for future landscaping in 3D images. Experienced designers are able to create schematic sketches on graph paper using the customer’s site plan available in the documentation.

Landscape design project created using a computer program Source vip-1gl.ru

Work begins with zoning. This is a very exciting activity. It is necessary to think through and place on paper everything that is already on the ground at this moment, everything that will need to be placed on it in the future. It is important to indicate:

    where the buildings are or will be located economic destinations (sauna, firewood shed, gazebo, summer kitchen, carports);

    where are the landing sites planned? lawn;

    where large ones are or will be planted trees;

    where they will crash flower beds, beds.

It is important to immediately designate all paths for movement and connect existing objects with convenient routes. First, the main ones are drawn, those that connect entrance gate, house, extensions, garage, recreation areas. Experts try to avoid straight lines; if the sidewalks are curved, the area looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Source dvamolotka.ru

When zoning, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the local topography, think in advance where the drainage grooves will be located, and how the lighting will be installed. Then you can go out into the yard and, using pegs and threads, try to transfer all the marked parts to the ground. This important point, it will allow you to see how the selected landscape gardening will fit into the existing parameters.

Implementation of planned plans

Before planting plants, it is necessary to level the soil, smooth out plowed areas and fertilize the soil. You can begin to create a landscape design by landscaping your personal plot only after the drainage system has been created and the paths have been laid. It is advisable to land first big trees and bushes. To do this, today you can choose already grown and formed plants and not wait for those cuttings to turn into branchy giants.

For two-row landscaping, a selection of beautiful flowering shrubs is made. The height of the steps is formed. At the top are the tops of the trees, in the middle part there are lilacs, honeysuckle, and currants. Under them are roses or any creeping plants.

Source aviarydecor.com
On our website you can get acquainted with the most . In the filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

The vertical line in the garden is an important component. It is carried out where it is necessary to place emphasis on any one area: to cover up an unsightly fence, to protect yourself from the attention of neighbors. With its help you can strengthen slopes, form sunny side shade corners for relaxation. It can be created using pyramidal, weeping, spicate and conical plants. They always look impressive in a group. The next photo proves this once again.

Source gardennews.ru


Its creation is part of the work aimed at creating landscape gardening and landscaping. At correct landing you can create complex objects, simple partitions, high green walls that will hide a residential area behind them, protect it from noise, dust, and create a special microclimate.

Source kak-zabor.ru

Flower beds and flower beds

Without them, the cottage will not look cozy. In order for such compositions to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary to select plants according to texture, height, and color. Frame all this in the correct shape and make sure that the created composition fits perfectly into the chosen style. To make caring for a new garden easier, experts prefer to choose microborders made from perennials for planting. They are more reserved and calm. Annuals are very decorative and brightly colored, but using them, you will have to plant new plants again and again every year.

Flowers can decorate not only flower beds, they can also be used to frame paths and the banks of country ponds. Original objects are obtained when flowering streams appear inside the garden. They look very impressive and decorative.

Source 4usky.com

Climbing crops

They are chosen to camouflage unsightly outbuildings and to create gazebos - light openwork structures planted with liana-like plants. With their help, it is easy to decorate verandas, gazebos, and any other open structures.

Source pinterest.co.uk

It should be noted that climbing plants are sometimes the only option for landscaping a particular element local area. Therefore, it is important to choose them correctly. Although experts claim that many of them are universal plants. They grow quickly, do not take up much space, are well trimmed, and have a large green mass.

Video description

A detailed story about climbing plants is presented in the following video:

Alpine coaster

They can only be collected where they can be viewed from three sides of the site. Their design must be in harmony with the overall style of the site and the natural landscape around. It is important to foresee and think through the shape of the structure in advance, to ensure that there is a smooth transition from the top to the bottom and then to the area around it. A win-win technique is to create a small flower bed at the base or a meadow with evergreen grass.

Source in.pinterest.com

Green lawns

When landscaping will be almost finished, you can start creating beautiful lawns. Today it is difficult to set up a country cottage without them. Almost all homeowners strive to create a fragrant herb meadow. The popularity of this design element is quite understandable: against the background of a green lawn, any group plantings look most advantageous, ornamental shrubs, flower beds and small architectural forms. The lawn is good in itself, it visually expands the space and harmonizes well with any surrounding world.

When choosing grass to plant, it is important to consider the type of soil. Best suited for poor non-black soil white clover, for fertile meadow bluegrass.

Source yandex.ru This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about .

Basic principles

The landscaping design of a summer cottage will look like a single whole if you can arrange and combine all the elements of landscape design listed in the article. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose plants that are in harmony with each other. The overall picture should be formed according to existing principles. Must be taken into account:

    integrity and proportionality;

    proportionality and repeatability;

    smooth line transitions.

The first two criteria indicate that all elements cannot be distributed chaotically in one garden; it is important to maintain consistency and take into account the sizes, shapes, and textures of plants. It will be easier to implement such a requirement if you take one central object as a basis and build on it. It could be alpine slide, a small pond, a grove planted in a heap in the corner. Around it it will be easy to arrange other groups of plants that are most suitable for each other.

Source andex.ru

Another technique is to divide the site into functional zones, and then form its own small center in each. Agree that a lonely tall tree planted framed by low-growing bushes will not look very beautiful. These are the mistakes you should try to avoid.

When decorating a garden, it is important to maintain proportions. Designers like to take the principle of symmetry as a basis, dividing the territory into two identical zones, which will then mirror each other when decorated. This is possible if the house is located in the center of the site, in one corner.

Creating asymmetrical designs is difficult. Here we have to play with contrast. But here too it is important to use the same plants; they must be repeated in two halves. Many designers like to combine such areas with the same color scheme. Repeatability is the main connecting line.

Source makemone.ru

Smooth line transitions are the basis of professional landscape gardening. Clear geometry adds rigor to the design. Gardens and flower beds created according to the principle of multi-tiered structures look more natural. Selecting the right plants for such groups is the main task, which can only be solved at the planning stage.

Video description

The following video explains how men's gardens are created:

Conclusion on the topic

So, to summarize, we can safely say: you need to start landscaping a site by dividing it into zones, by determining the design of each zone, and by laying paths. Then you need to close the fence, plant the most tall plants, then select companion shrubs from top to bottom. You can decorate the area inside with alpine slides, flower beds and borders, pergolas, and vertical elements. Climbing plants should be used to decorate outbuildings.

For owners of private houses, their backyard territory is an object of pride and constant care. Its improvement, beautification and landscaping requires constant monitoring and requires significant effort. How to do this correctly will be discussed in this article.

  • 2 Stages of creating the desired landscape
  • 3 Elements of design and landscaping of the territory
  • 4 Conclusion
  • Where to start and what to consider?

    When landscaping the territory of a private home, it is important to do everything in a certain sequence. If you deal with each corner of your estate separately, then the overall picture may greatly disappoint you. Where should you start yours? hard work landscaping and landscaping? Let's figure it out.

    The first thing to start with is making a plan. It will help you clearly understand the desired design concept and the possibility of its implementation. Today, to make a plan, you can use services of design agencies.

    If you don't want to spend additional funds, then you can do everything yourself. There are many photos on the Internet with options for arranging and landscaping a backyard area. In addition, today there is large selection special programs that will help you cope with the design task.

    When making a plan, you need to consider the following recommendations from specialists:

    In addition, it is worth thinking in advance illumination and visibility of the area. Don't pile up the entire area various elements decor. It is much better if you can observe other areas from any point in your yard. The same applies to lighting. There should be enough light both from a functional point of view and from a decorative perspective.

    Stages of creating the desired landscape

    After drawing up a plan for the improvement and landscaping of the backyard of your private home, it is worth starting to implement it. At the first stage, you will need a lot of effort so that in the future everything goes “like clockwork.”

    At the preparatory stage you The following work needs to be done:

    Don't forget about laying communications. If there is a swimming pool or artificial pond on the territory of your private home, then it needs a water supply and sewerage system. In addition, power lines need to be laid throughout the entire site. It’s better to do it underground, so you’ll improve general view territories.

    Also, do not forget that all plants need watering. Of course, you can irrigate using garden hoses, but this method can significantly complicate the work and worsen the appearance. Automatic watering systems hidden in greenery or soil will look much more aesthetically pleasing.

    Elements of design and landscaping of the territory

    When designing a personal plot, you can use many architectural forms and other elements. Let's name just a few frequently encountered details that help improve the territory of a private home.

    Flower beds and clubs are the most common design element. Few country house owners can resist the temptation to plant various flower plants on their garden plot. Flowerbeds can be either independent design elements or part of an ensemble.

    But don’t think that flowers can only be used to create a flower bed. These plants look great in design elements such as an alpine slide, green border, rockery, etc.

    Small architectural forms can also often be seen on the territory of private houses. For example, a gazebo is great place to relax the whole family. But besides this, such an architectural element can decorate the entire territory adjacent to a private house. But besides the gazebo, there are also arches, fountains, sculptures, etc.

    One of the small architectural forms can be an artificial pond. There are many options here. You can create a small pond that will simply serve a decorative function. If you have desires and opportunities, then you should think about a big artificial pond. Here, in addition to aquatic and aquatic plants, ornamental fish can reproduce. It will be a pleasant time to spend time near such a reservoir in hot sunny weather.

    Trees and shrubs. Plants can become not only a detail of the landscaping of your territory, but also design elements. For example, shrubs can be planted in groups and used to create hedge. Having planted correctly large plants, you can create the effect of a smooth flow of one type into another.

    Even paths and paths can become a decoration of your territory. They can follow strictly straight lines, or create bizarre curves. And if any path goes around the entire territory, passes through all the interesting corners of your site, winds through thickets of bushes and flower beds, and even spans an artificial pond with the help of a bridge - then this will become the highlight of the entire design of the site.


    Improving the garden plot of a private house is one of the important tasks any owner. The quality of outdoor recreation and the opinion of guests about your design capabilities and wealth will depend on this. To complete this task you will have to make an effort. You need to make a plan and implement it. But after spending money and time, you will get a landscaped area where in a short time you can visit a pond, the alpine slopes, and a real forest. The main thing is to show imagination and diligence.