Goji berries from seeds. Temperature, humidity and soil requirements. The most important question is how goji winters

The fashion for goji berries is growing at a tremendous speed. Some seek to show their effectiveness against excess weight, while others talk about colossal beneficial properties and a unique vitamin and nutritional composition, which makes berries almost a panacea for many diseases.

Botanical certificate

The question immediately arises: where do goji berries grow and what are they? The plant is a deciduous shrub belonging to the nightshade family. The plant is also called wolfberry (popularly, although it has nothing in common with them), red medlar, Chinese wolfberry, Chinese wolfberry, common wolfberry, wolfberry, Tibetan barberry. Homeland - Ningxia Hui (Tibet), China. The distribution area covers Southeast and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Primorye, central Russia, and Ukraine.

In adulthood, the height of the plant reaches 3 m, and the crown is 6 m in diameter (photos of the goji bush are presented). The branches are drooping and prickly, with small foliage, colored light green above and bluish below. The root is very powerful, growing into the ground, and not on its surface.

Flowering begins in June and continues until October with the blooming of purple, pink, brown-violet buds with a pleasant aroma.

At the end of flowering, oblong berries of purplish-red or orange color are formed.

It is strictly forbidden to eat fresh fruits, because they contain poisonous components. But after drying, the berries can be consumed.

Goji berries: planting and care in the Moscow region

This heat-loving plant, therefore, for excellent development of goji, care and cultivation must be optimal or close to it. In northern climates the weather is completely different and effort must be made to grow berries.

Selecting a location

The plant grows very quickly and at the same time has a well-developed root system. It should be planted either in areas devoid of vegetation, or along supports to create a hedge.

When choosing a place, you need to be extremely careful, because the wolfberry can “crush” nearby plants.

It is best to select sunny areas or located in slight shade. In addition, keep in mind that the height of the plant reaches three meters - take care of reliable support.

Temperature, humidity and soil requirements

As was said, dereza is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures in the range from -26 to +40ºС. There are also no special requirements for humidity. Tolerates drought calmly.

The shrub is not picky about the soil. Favorite substrates are alkaline and neutral. The plant can also be planted in acidic areas, but there it will develop somewhat worse.

The only thing that dereza does not tolerate is stagnation of water. Therefore, you should be very careful when watering and do not plant the plant in areas with rocky substrate.

Watering and fertilizing

Tibetan barberry is watered depending on its age. In the first year, watering should be no more than twice a week. As the plant grows, watering can be done less frequently and adjusted according to the weather and dryness.

Only young growth should be fertilized. For these purposes, humus is used. After growing into an adult plant, there is no need for fertilizing, since wolfberry thrives even on very poor lands.


Three methods are used for propagation.


Seeds are taken from pre-dried berries. To receive seed material You should take dry fruits, soak them in water and, when they soften, remove the seeds. In order for them to germinate well, they need to be kept in a growth stimulator. Afterwards, sowing is carried out in a container with a mixture of ordinary soil in a ratio of 1:2, deepening it into the substrate by 2-3 mm.

To maintain necessary conditions For germination, the container is covered with film and sent to a warm place, inaccessible to light. When the sprouts hatch, the box is taken out into the light and protected from cold and drafts. Watering is done from a spray bottle.
After a week, the film can be removed, and when 3-4 leaves are formed, pick (transfer) the seedlings into separate pots (deep).

On permanent basis open ground The resulting goji seedlings, grown from seeds at home, are planted in the spring, when it is certain that frost will not return, or already at the beginning of summer.

Planting seedlings

This option is acceptable if you managed to buy goji seedlings grown at home, or you purchased planting material from your own hands.

With this method, two weeks before planting, holes should be made 40-50 cm in size. If for the southern regions the “harvesting” is done in the fall, then for colder regions - in the spring. This will allow the plants to withstand frost well.

Coarse sand is poured into each hole and half filled with a substrate consisting of humus and fertile soil, 8 kg each. Add 30 g of potassium sulfate (can be replaced with a glass), 0.15 kg of double superphosphate, mix directly in the hole and plant the seedling, sprinkling fertile soil and then watering.
The tree trunk circle must be mulched using humus or peat.

The distance between copies must be at least 2 m.


Now we’ll tell you how to grow goji from cuttings. Cuttings of 10-12 cm each are cut from an adult plant. Then they are placed in a root-forming solution and planted for rooting in a constructed greenhouse and placed in a warm place. It is best to plant the material in late July - early August. In the spring, the root will grow enough to plant goji in open ground. Caring for a young plant is not much different from an adult one.

Pruning and wintering

The bush needs regular pruning. In the first years of growth, 3-6 of the strongest branches are planned. They are taken as a basis and cut around them. Then shoots capable of bearing fruit will begin to form on these main skeletal branches.

If dereza is grown for decorative purposes, then choose one main shoot, drive in a long peg, and then “haircut”, trying to form a tree. The procedure is done as soon as numerous fruiting shoots appear and the total height of the plant exceeds 1.2 m.

To prevent freezing of the root system in winter time, the bush should be hilled up to 10-15 cm. The branches protect non-woven material(for example, agrofibre, lutrasil), folded in several layers, or with burlap. You can play it safe by additionally throwing spruce branches over the planting, and, as soon as the snow falls, make large snowdrifts.


The plant perfectly protects itself from pests. Nevertheless, for preventive purposes, the wolfberry tree should be regularly inspected for the appearance of any signs of diseases or pests. If this is the case, prune the affected parts and, if necessary, spray with insecticidal preparations, diluting them in the amount specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. We must not forget that the treatment is done more than once, especially if the pest infestation is huge.

Application and storage

The collected fruits should be stored in a dry, dark place. If an infusion is being prepared, it should be kept only in a cool place and for no more than 2 days.

Berries are used not only for weight loss, but also as an ingredient in the preparation of wines, fruit purees, desserts, soups, baked goods, yoghurts, tea, juices, and cereals. The seeds are used to produce oil. Fresh berries have a nightshade note to their taste. But as soon as the fruits are frozen or dried, the taste disappears, and the berries acquire a taste similar to dried apricots.

In the garden, dereza is mainly planted to obtain a useful harvest, as well as vegetable hedges. The plant is unpretentious and will not die if you do not water or apply fertilizer. But, when planning to plant goji berries on your plot, you should consider all the varieties in advance and choose the most suitable ones.

The berries are also widely used in medicine. So, they are taken for: back pain, diabetes, insomnia, anemia, obesity, excess cholesterol, problems with adenoids, vision problems, athletes thus restore their strength, etc.

As you can see, although goji berries are an exotic shrub, you don’t need to go to overseas countries or buy them at an incredible price. It is enough to follow some nuances, and you can easily grow a plant on your site and reap quite a considerable harvest.

Goji in the garden - video

Quite recently, a completely new product, unknown to the average consumer, appeared on the health products market - goji berries. Sellers position their product as a valuable means for weight loss and the main component for preparing the elixir of longevity. The crop did not go unnoticed by gardeners, who immediately had many questions. What does the mysterious plant look like? Is it possible to grow it in the country? Where can I get planting material? And how to care for goji? Let's try to figure it out.

Description of culture

In fact, goji is not such a rare crop. In botany, it is known under more prosaic names - Dereza vulgaris or Berber dereza. The plant is a tall (up to 3.5 m) deciduous perennial with drooping prickly branches, long elliptical leaves and pretty purple-pink bell-like flowers. Culture is undemanding in content and looks very impressive in landscape design. Due to its resistance to adverse climatic conditions and air pollution, it is excellent for urban landscaping.

Of course, all the magical properties attributed to goji fruits by marketers are greatly exaggerated. However, in Chinese medicine, berries are actually included in medicinal potions intended to treat impotence, insomnia, anemia, and dizziness. The juice of the berries is consumed as a tonic drink.

In view of all the characteristics, it is still worth planting wolfberry in the country. A cute bush will not only decorate the area, but will also please good harvests berries, the price of which at points of sale is fantastically high.

Reproduction methods and planting dates

The main task of gardeners who decide to cultivate goji is to acquire planting material. The crop can be propagated in any of the following ways:

  • seeds - today this is perhaps the easiest way, since the seed material is extracted from dried berries commercially available goji;
  • cuttings - very convenient way, if nearby (friends or neighbors in the country) there is an adult wolfberry bush;
  • root suckers - just as in the previous case, use this method Reproduction is possible only if there is a mother bush that produces root shoots.

In addition, it is possible to purchase goji seedlings in specialized nurseries. But! Unscrupulous traders, taking advantage of the increased demand for the miracle berry, often offer barberry seedlings, which are very similar in appearance, instead of wolfberry.

IN southern regions goji bushes are planted as early spring, and in the fall. In the average climate zone it is recommended only spring planting so that young plants have time to acclimatize in a new place before the arrival of cold weather.

Growing goji from seeds

One goji berry contains about 15–30 seeds. To simplify their extraction, it is recommended to immerse the fruit in warm water for 3–4 hours. Fresh berries do not need to be soaked, but you should work with them with gloves - goji juice burns the skin of your hands. After extraction, it is useful to soak the seeds in a solution of any growth stimulant to speed up germination. Next, sowing is carried out in the following order:

  • A drainage is placed at the bottom of a low container, on top of which a medium-density soil mixture is poured.
  • Goji seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  • The crops are carefully watered with a spray bottle so as not to wash them away.
  • The container is covered with a thin film and placed on a warm windowsill under diffused sunlight.
  • After 7–10 days, the film can be removed.
  • With the appearance of the third pair of leaves, the seedlings dive into separate containers about 7 cm deep.

If sowing was carried out from January to March, then in the second ten days of May the seedlings can be transferred to open ground. It is also allowed to keep goji at home as a potted crop. In this case, the seedlings are transplanted into larger containers and provided with proper growth conditions - systematic watering, cool wintering (about +10°) and regular fertilization.


To obtain cuttings, the shoot of an adult plant is cut into pieces 10–12 cm long, after which each of them is dipped in a solution of a root-forming preparation and planted in a greenhouse for rooting. Best time for the event - late July - early August. The process of development of the root system lasts all winter. In spring, mature bushes can be transplanted to a prepared area.

Rooting of cuttings can be carried out in separate containers, placing them on an insulated balcony.

In the first months, goji grows very slowly and surprisingly resembles a tomato bush in appearance. Over time, the development of the seedling becomes more active, and in the 2-3rd year of development the plant enters the flowering phase.

Transferring seedlings to open ground

Since goji naturally grows in mountainous areas, it does not make any special demands on soils. Therefore, the most “uninhabited” corner of the garden, where more capricious crops do not grow, is suitable for an exotic guest. The main condition is that the place for the miracle berry must be sunny. 2 weeks before planting, a planting hole with a diameter of 40–50 cm and a depth of 50–60 cm is dug in the selected area. Coarse sand is added to the bottom and the hole is half filled with fertile soil mixed with humus (1: 1). To increase the nutritional value, the substrate is seasoned with double superphosphate (150 g), potassium sulfate (30 g), wood ash (1 glass) and the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed with a shovel. The following is the procedure:

  • The seedling is placed vertically in the center of the hole, lifting it so that the root collar is at ground level.
  • The empty space is filled with soil mixture.
  • The soil around the stem is compacted and generously watered with settled water heated in the sun.
  • The soil around the tree trunk is mulched with humus or dry peat.

Features of care

Due to the natural unpretentiousness of goji, caring for the plant is not particularly difficult and consists of regularly carrying out the following agrotechnical measures:

Thanks to simple procedures, goji grows well and bears fruit in the middle zone, without requiring attention to its modest person.

Collection and preparation of berries

Goji fruiting begins in the third year after planting. Like sea buckthorn, the berries densely cover the branches of the bush. The oblong fruits are bright orange or deep red in color, also externally resembling sea buckthorn, only very large (about 2 cm), and have a sweetish taste with a slight bitterness. The berries ripen throughout the summer, so they are collected in several stages. In one season, such fertility of the crop allows you to harvest up to 12–13 harvests. The yield of one adult bush is about 10 kg. The collected berries are dried at a temperature of about +50 °C and stored in sealed glass or ceramic containers. Dried goji tastes very much like raisins.

Goji berries have become very popular recently. They are widely known for their properties: they are used to combat excess weight. However, with further research it turned out that this is not the only beneficial quality. Thanks to the great popularity of these plants, the following questions have become relevant: is it possible to grow them yourself at home? How to plant correctly to get a harvest? How to properly care? In our article you will learn what goji berries are, planting, growing and caring for which is quite possible in the Moscow region, on Russian soil. A bush with such gifts looks very aesthetically pleasing and bright. If you follow all the recommendations/tips, the harvest can be rich.

What is goji berry and can it be grown at home?

The fruits are widely known under the names: “Chinese wolfberry”, “wolf berries” or “Tibetan barberry”. You should be careful when choosing seeds so as not to mistakenly buy real barberry or poisonous wolfberries.

Initially, the plant was grown in Tibet, and over time, seedlings were brought to Asia, Ukraine, Kuban, the Caucasus, and now planting and caring for goji berries is quite possible in the Moscow region, in Russia.

The best ones can be obtained in August or mid-autumn. The bush can reach up to 3 meters. The branches have thorns with small leaves. The large crown reaches 6 m in height. The fruits themselves are large and resemble sea buckthorn.

The fruits of the bush can be grown both for medicinal purposes and for beauty. The shrub is suitable as a hedge due to the density of the crown. In addition, the plant can be trimmed and given any crown shape.

As already mentioned, the fruits of the Tibetan plant are excellent for weight loss, but in addition to this there are a number of other healing properties:

  1. help with insomnia;
  2. treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  3. anemia;
  4. restoration of vision;
  5. help with joint pain;
  6. relieving inflammation of the nasopharynx and lymph nodes;
  7. lowering cholesterol;
  8. fight against stress, neuroses and depression.

In addition, the fruits invigorate and add stamina and overall tone to the body, and are good for preserving youth. The most important rule is that they must be dried, since fresh fruits can be poisoned.

A tincture from the fruits of the wolfberry bush can relieve cough, fever, has a diuretic and laxative effect, which cleanses the body well.

Goji berry planting and care in Russia

The choice of soil for goji berries when planting, the creation of special climatic conditions and many other factors influence the harvest of a good and rich harvest. Monitoring the growth of the plant is quite simple, you just need to trim it in a timely manner and protect it from the cold, since dereza is a heat-loving shrub.

When caring for a plant, you must adhere to several rules that will help you reap a decent harvest.

The best option would be to water the plant twice every 7 days. It should be noted that Chinese dereza can grow in any type of soil, even in poor soil.

However, in order to get a rich harvest, the seeds must be planted in soil with average fertility. Supplements can be given to the plant only at a young age during the growing season (growth and maturation). You can prune the bush frequently, but do not overdo it.

New growth appears at the pruning sites, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of the plant. The most difficult period for shrubs is winter. hope for warm winter is useless, so it is best to make sure that the bush does not freeze.

To do this, you need to transplant the wolfberry into another, larger pot and leave it in the basement. If there is no basement, then you can cover the bush with film or spruce branches.

Goji planting

Buy a seedling that is at least two years old, as the cost of such a seedling will not be too expensive. If funds allow, then immediately buy a three-year-old seedling (the berries begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting).

It is best to plant in May; by the way, the plant blooms very beautifully.

To begin, remove the plant from its pot and place it in a larger bucket of water to allow the roots to soak.

Then we prepare a hole 50-60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep for the goji seedling. We place the holes for several plants at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Add 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of compost (humus, peat), 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash to the soil for filling and mix thoroughly.

Plant a goji seedling and fill it with compost. Compact the soil around the plant.

After planting, water well to strengthen the roots.

Goji care

  1. It requires very little water to maintain, but if you water regularly, the wolfberry will reward you with additional fruit. Water no more than 2 times a week, depending on the dryness of the summer.
  2. Young plants can be fed during the growing season; further feeding is not required.
  3. Trim the tree regularly. If you do not take care, the crown will be very large and dense. The shrub tolerates pruning well.

Goji can withstand temperatures down to - 26°C in winter and up to + 37°C in summer. There are cases among gardeners that goji does not survive the winter and freezes out. To be on the safe side, the plant is planted in deep containers and stored in basements until spring. Those gardeners who do not remove the plant cover it for the winter only with spruce branches, and it overwinters under the snow until spring.

Harvest in autumn

The plant needs a lot of straight sun rays. Therefore, carefully consider the place where you intend to plant goji. Tender care will be required from you, and there is no guarantee that there will be a harvest.

That's why best way buy a seedling in your garden that will give big harvest, is to buy a plant for at least two years. Goji will begin to bear fruit no earlier than the 3rd year. and then, every year, the harvest will become larger and larger.

Little tricks for gardeners

To harvest quickly and efficiently, you need to lay a film or cloth on the ground, under a bush, and shake it. The fruits will fall onto the litter.

You have received basic information about planting and caring for goji berries in Russia, in the Moscow region. This knowledge will be quite enough to get a rich harvest. All that remains is to act and enjoy the beautifully grown plant.

The foothill regions of Tibet gave us amazing plant- goji, also called Tibetan barberry and common wolfberry. The bush has slightly hanging soft vines. They have spines and can reach up to 80 cm in length. The leaves are lanceolate, tapering to the tip, green, with gray tint. The flowers are five-lobed and reach 3 cm in diameter. The flowering period lasts from early June to mid-August. Color purple. The growth of the perennial ranges from 6 to 9 meters. The berries are bright red, oval, no more than 2 cm in length.

Goji has one peculiarity: when touched by a person, it causes an oxidation reaction, at which point the skin turns black. Therefore, during harvesting, they do not pick up the fruits with their hands, but stretch a special flooring and shake the branches. Under natural conditions it is found at an altitude of 3 thousand meters above sea level. Habitats include China, Australia, America and Africa. It is actively used not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes.

Use in landscape design

Tibetan barberry is an indispensable design element garden plot. Specialists, by cutting and modeling it, create exquisite compositions. It is actively used by gardeners to create hedges, group and single plantings, as a way to zone a site.

This unpretentious garden plant thrives in winter gardens and container plantings. In any case, the common wolfberry perfectly complements the landscape. The perennial has long become a permanent participant. In them, it acts as a lawn frame, protecting fragile flower beds from wind and trampling.

Combination with other crops

Most often combined with different varieties. Can be used as the main or background. Bright flowers and prominent berries appropriately fill contrasting accent areas. Harmonious compositions can be created in partnership with:

  • azalea;

The lower tier of the ensemble is filled with:

  • asters.

When selecting “neighbors”, it is important to take into account agricultural requirements and color compatibility.

Plant propagation


Small sizes of planting material do not provide pre-landing preparation. But for better germination you can soak them for 3 hours in the Zircon solution. The soil must be prepared in advance (a mixture of loam and peat in a ratio of 3:1). You can purchase a ready-made soil mixture with a neutral reaction at a specialized store.

The seeds are not buried in the ground, but sprinkled on its surface in a thin layer. They are covered with a small layer of substrate on top. The container is placed on a well-lit, sunny side. Humidity and temperature regime must remain stable. There should be no drafts or heating devices. After the first shoots appear, the pot can be moved to a more shaded place.

As soon as 2 or more full leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into individual containers. But you shouldn’t be late with diving: the root system develops quickly. To enhance branching, pinch the tops.

Stronger plants are planted in a permanent place in a planting hole 35 cm deep.. A complex of mineral and organic fertilizers. For a more favorable effect on the roots, they are mixed with soil. The seedling is slightly deepened, and the soil around it is carefully compacted. The process is ending abundant watering and mulching. Goji are planted in pairs.

Planting and care

Site selection and soil preparation

In the natural environment, the “berry of happiness” grows in the most extreme conditions. Therefore, there are no special requirements for site selection. Garden planting feels equally good in the shade and in sunny flower beds.

The plant adapts well to different soils. It is important to choose a soil with a neutral reaction. In acidic species it grows poorly, flowering and harvest are poor.

Landing requirements

It is better to plant the eastern miracle in mid-spring. Cross pollination requires 1-2 more representatives to be located nearby. Suitable size holes - 35 cm deep and 45 cm wide. The optimal distance between them is 130-140 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 250-300 cm. The soil that is poured into the planting hole is mixed with compost in large quantities.

The root zone, after planting, is mulched or covered with straw. The tree can be strengthened with a support; its height should not exceed 2 meters.

Loosening and mulching. Have a beneficial effect on growth and development. It is important to carry out shallow loosening so as not to damage the root system. During this process, all weeds are also removed. With the help of humus or peat, young plants are protected from moisture evaporation during planting.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering should be scanty but regular. Over-watering should be avoided. This is especially true for young seedlings. They are more sensitive to both the abundance and lack of water. Drying out of the soil and the formation of crusts is unacceptable.. If there is heavy rainfall for a long time, the root zone is covered with plastic film to prevent the roots from rotting. Instances planted without a drainage layer are covered on the very first day of heavy rains. The irrigation regime is closely related to weather conditions. During drought, it is carried out every 3 days. Young specimens are watered more often. Unlike adults, they are not able to withstand dry soil. Inhabitants of sunny areas require more moisture.

As for fertilizing. Unpretentious shrub able to grow even in poor soil. There are no special requirements for minerals. It is enough to add compost and a complex with phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in the spring.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem is the appearance powdery mildew , during the rainy season. Significant harm decorative bush she doesn't apply. For prevention, the bush is sprayed soap solution. Special chemicals do not apply. They can start on young shoots Colorado beetle, caterpillars and aphids. The affected areas are treated with a strong wormwood solution.

Pruning and preparation for winter

Pruning begins with the formation of the “skeleton” of the garden planting. The method is very similar to crown formation grapevine: only fruit “shoulders” are left on the main branches (branches no more than 30 cm). By pruning and shaping, you can create a columnar shape of a perennial with drooping branches. The standard is selected to be 100-150 cm high. It is supported by a metal rod. During the period of crown creation, support is required.

Severe winter conditions will immediately destroy a useful representative of the flora. It is very important to conduct a thorough and proper preparation to the cold season.

IN middle lane In Russia, the shrub is carefully removed from the soil, having previously dug up its root circle, and, together with a lump of earth, is placed in a deep container.

It is transferred to the basement until it warms up completely, winter garden or a warm veranda. If the climate is mild, then mulching the trunk will help protect against temperature changes. The first layer is applied from sawdust. It must be at least 13 cm. They are covered with spruce branches on top.

Species and varietal diversity

To date, more than 35 species of this useful representative of the flora are known. Shrubs and their fruits, different varieties, have significant differences:

  • variety " New big". Appeared thanks to the work of breeders from Poland. Its height is 340-350 cm. It is grown as a shrub or vine. Fruits decorate the branches in the first year. The eastern miracle grows very quickly: adding up to 90 cm in height per year. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious and very decorative. The berries ripen in September-October.
  • Chinese. The semi-drooping representative reaches 180-200 cm in height. Resistant to diseases and insect pests. The preferred planting location is slight shade. Young plants are planted in pairs. The pulp of the berries is sour, with a characteristic bitterness. Ripens earlier than other representatives. The fruits hang on the branches until the first frost.
  • Lhasa. Height 300 cm. The branches are arched, dotted with small thorns over the entire surface. It is very popular due to its high yield. One bush can produce up to 5 kg of berries. The flowers are purple and self-pollinating. The fruits are orange and large in size.

Recently, goji berries have become incredibly popular; it is considered to be one of the most effective means for weight loss and a source of numerous trace elements and minerals. Another name for goji is Chinese wolfberry, a shrub no more than 3 meters high, growing mainly in northwestern China. The plant prefers a warm climate, but thanks to the work of breeders, some varieties can be successfully grown in a summer cottage in central Russia. Experienced gardeners will tell you how to grow goji and care for shrubs.

Choosing a variety of goji berries for cultivation in central Russia

Externally, goji berries are similar to barberries: oblong in shape, no more than 2 cm long, orange-red in color. The shrub is quite attractive in appearance and will serve as an excellent decoration for a summer cottage. Its branches are light, with a yellowish tint, have small spines, the leaves are light green, elongated, the flowers are delicate purple. To date, varieties have been bred that can withstand frosts from -15 °C to -25 °C. The most popular ones are presented below.

  • "NEW BIG"- the result of the work of Polish breeders, fruits are round in shape, with a pleasant sweet taste. Tolerates drought, wind, and city smog well.
  • "Goji Lhasa"- the variety is early ripening, fruiting occurs already in the 3rd or 4th year after planting the seedling.
  • "Chinese Goji"- the variety guarantees high yield, ripening time is average.
  • "NR1 Lifeberry"- has good frost resistance and unpretentiousness, has immunity to a number of diseases.

Goji berries have a strong diuretic effect; using them in food in unlimited quantities can be dangerous to health!

Choosing a site for growing goji

How to grow goji in central Russia? For successful growth and development, the shrub needs good lighting. However, on open areas may feel uncomfortable under the scorching sun. It is better to provide the dereza with light shading, for example, by planting trees or shrubs with openwork, finely dissected leaves (rowan, sea buckthorn) on the south side.

The shrub does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil, but wildlife grows on rocky terrain. In order for the growing conditions in the garden to be as close as possible to natural ones, the substrate must be alkaline in composition, but wolfberry will grow quite successfully on neutral soils. The soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged; in swampy and frequently flooded areas, the plant may die. To prevent moisture stagnation in the roots, drainage is placed in the hole before planting the seedling.

Growing goji from seeds

How to grow goji from seeds? Many summer residents ask this question, because seedlings of this popular plant are quite expensive. In order to grow seedlings yourself, you need to order seed material online or purchase it at a nursery. Some people prefer to buy a handful of dry goji berries at the market and take a seed from them, but in this case it is impossible to predict how the seedling will grow and whether it will be able to grow in a moderately warm climate.

Sowing is very simple. It is necessary to prepare a box and fill it with a light nutrient substrate (mixture for growing seedlings). Next, the surface of the earth is slightly moistened and the seeds are laid out, pre-treatment they don't require it. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil; it should be no more than 3 mm. How to grow goji (seedlings) after planting? The box with the substrate is transferred to a well-lit room, the surface of the earth is sprayed daily with a spray bottle and wait for sprouts. At favorable conditions young seedlings will appear after 15 days.

As soon as the cotyledons open, professionals advise treating the plants with phytosporin, which will prevent the development of fungal infections. As goji grows, it is fed with complex mineral fertilizer and potassium humate, which stimulates the growth of seedlings. As soon as the plants reach a height of 7 cm, you can begin planting them in the garden bed.

Planting goji seedlings

Knowing how to grow goji from seeds, you need to study the technology of planting seedlings on the site. Planting is carried out exclusively in the spring, so that over the summer the plant can grow its root system and become stronger before the onset of frost.

If several shrubs will be grown, then it is better to plant them in rows, keeping a distance of at least one and a half meters. Row spacing is made at a distance of 2.5 m. A planting hole is dug measuring 50x50x50 cm. The dug soil is mixed with fertilizers:

  • compost - 1 bucket,
  • wood ash - 1 liter jar.

All components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a hole, having previously placed a drainage made of crushed brick, expanded clay or river pebbles. If the seedling was purchased from a nursery and is in a shipping container, then planting is carried out together with a lump of earth. It is recommended to drive a strong support next to the seedling; it should rise two meters above the ground. You can use wooden or metal frame. Support is necessary so that shoots growing downward do not bend to the ground.

Features of goji care

How to grow goji on personal plot? Caring for dereza is done in the same way as for others. fruit and berry crops: watering, fertilizing, pruning, organizing winter shelter.

Watering and fertilizing

The shrub can withstand drought well, so frequent moistening of the soil can even be detrimental to it. Watering is necessary only in the first year after planting; its frequency should not exceed twice a week. If it is installed on the street rainy weather, then there is no need to moisten the soil. In subsequent years, it is recommended to water the wolfberry only in particularly dry months.

Contributions large quantity no fertilizers required. If the soil was enriched with organic matter during digging, then there is no need to feed the plants this year. Starting from the second year of life, in the spring, during the phase of active foliage growth, you can apply complex mineral fertilizer.

Goji pruning and shelter for the winter

Knowing how to grow goji in a summer cottage, all that remains is to learn how to prune the plant correctly. In the first years of life, it is necessary to distinguish 3–6 strong skeletal branches and further work carry out, focusing on them. Subsequently, numerous fruiting shoots will appear on the skeletal branches. Sometimes wolfberry is grown exclusively as ornamental plant and form into a small tree. In this case, not supports are driven next to the seedling, but a strong peg 3 m high; pruning is carried out so that only one main shoot remains. As soon as the seedling reaches a height of 1.2 m, a trunk and crown begin to form.

To prevent freezing of the root system and above-ground parts, the bush is hilled up, the soil is insulated with a layer of mulch (10–15 cm thick), and the branches are covered with burlap or non-woven material folded in 3–4 layers (lutrasil, agrofibre). Additionally, the plantings can be covered with spruce branches, and as soon as snow falls, snowdrifts can be formed.

Video on how to grow goji