Renklod charitonova plum reviews. Brief description of plum varieties (Renklod Kharitonova, Skorospelka red and round, Smolinka, Sukhanovskaya). With green and white fruits

It is difficult to imagine a garden, if the climate and availability of space permits, without a plum tree. Renclod is a group of plum varieties, part of the Prunus domestica species, which deserves close attention of domestic gardeners. The fruits have a wonderful taste, but they also have other advantages.

Renclod is an ancient plum variety grown in Western Europe from the 16th century. His homeland is France. The group of varieties owes its name to the daughter of King Louis XII, Claudine (or Claude).

Subsequently, Claude herself ascended the throne as the wife of her father's successor, Francis I. The dynastic marriage turned out to be successful. The king demanded that a new plum-based variety, Verdicchio, brought as a gift and improved by his gardeners, be named in honor of his wife, noting that her appearance and disposition were as pleasant as the taste of the fruit. Reine Claude is translated from French as “Queen Claude”.

Presumably, this is a portrait of Queen Claudine - a lady who, albeit indirectly, contributed to the development of breeding

In Russia, this variety is known as “Green renklod”. In Europe, it is enough to simply say “renklod” - and it will become clear what you mean. Subsequently, other plums similar to the French hybrid began to be called renclods, so there was a need for more specific names.

Most renklads reach 5–7 m. The crown, even without special formation, has a rounded outline, but some “flaws” are within the norm. Young branches droop, bend easily, have a noticeable reddish-brown or red-green tint, and a short edge. With age, the bark turns gray and the “hairiness” disappears.

The petioles are also pubescent, like the leaves, but the latter only from below. The longest villi are located along the veins. With age, the petioles acquire a noticeable reddish tint.

A typical tree belonging to the Renclod group of varieties

The fruits of the greenweed have the shape of a ball or an egg pointed at both ends. The size is quite decent - 4–5 cm in length. Color varies from yellow-green to reddish-purple. They are slightly rough to the touch; a thin layer of waxy coating is erased at the slightest touch. The fruits are attached to the tree using a short, pubescent stalk.

The main thing that gardeners value renklads for is their high-quality pulp. It is very sweet (sometimes the epithet “marmalade” is used), juicy, literally melts in your mouth.

Other characteristics strongly resemble Hungarian plums. With rare exceptions, renclods are self-sterile and bloom towards the end of May. Fruiting is not annual, frequency cannot be traced. Productivity depends greatly on how warm, dry and sunny the summer is.

Green plums are mainly grown in Europe. They are especially loved in France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece. But Russian gardeners can choose from several dozen zoned varieties.

Blooming springclod will decorate your garden, even if only for a short time

Typical renklod - video

Description of varieties popular among gardeners

Renklod Sovetsky appeared in the late 80s of the last century. The new variety is the result of cross-pollination of Record plum and Ulyanishchev renclod. Maximum best qualities hybrids appear in the Central Black Earth region.

Renklod Sovietsky is different small in size. Mature tree rarely grows higher than 3–3.5 m. The crown is sparse and rather sloppy. From a distance, the plum resembles a disheveled broom placed with the handle down. There are relatively few leaves - because of this, the fruits receive more light and heat.

The fruits of the Soviet greenweed weigh about 40 g and are covered with a bluish-blue waxy coating. They are almost spherical in shape, but there are individual specimens that are slightly compressed from the sides. The skin is inky purple, the flesh is amber, very juicy. When overripe, it becomes a little mealy and looser, but this does not affect the taste in any way. The plums are sweet, but not cloying, rather with a refreshing, slightly noticeable sourness. The taste is rated 4.5 out of 5.

The variety is distinguished by good winter hardiness (-27...-30 ºС), regularity of fruiting, and early fruiting. The first harvest is harvested 4–5 years after planting. Having reached the age of 8–10 years, the Sovetsky renklod annually produces 35–40 kg of fruits (in especially successful weather conditions years - 55–60 kg), before that - 10–15 kg.

The harvest is harvested in the last ten days of August. The variety is almost universal, only the compotes are not very presentable due to the fact that the plums boil into porridge. A significant disadvantage is the frequent susceptibility to polystigmosis.

Renklod Sovetsky - a variety of universal use with the exception of compotes


The Renklod Kolkhozny plum variety was bred personally by I.V. Michurin at the end of the century before last. The “parents” of the hybrid are damson and greenweed. However, it acquired its name only in the late 40s of the last century. The hybrid is successfully grown throughout the European part of Russia.

The tree is not tall (up to 3 m, more often 2.5 m), the crown is not dense, but rather spreading, in the shape of a ball flattened on top. 90% of the fruits ripen on bouquet branches, the rest - on the shoots of the previous season. This is something to keep in mind when pruning.

The plums themselves are small (15–20 g), one half of the fruit is noticeably larger than the other. The skin of the Kolkhoz renclod has a beautiful yellowish-green hue. Characterized by the presence of many small grayish subcutaneous dots. Where the sun hits the plums, a brick blush appears. A thin layer of bluish waxy coating is erased with the slightest touch.

The lime-colored pulp melts in your mouth. It is tender and juicy, but compared to other green vegetables it is sour (taste rating - 4 points). But it contains a lot of vitamin C (more than 11 mg per 100 g).

Fruiting is annual and widespread, in the middle of the second ten days of August. About 40 kg of plums are removed from an adult tree, 2–2.5 times less from a young tree. You can’t delay picking plums - if they overripe, they quickly fall off.

Renklod Kolkhozny can withstand cold temperatures down to -30...35 ºС practically without damage, and if damaged, it is completely restored in 1–2 years. Gum formation is rarely observed, but resistance to pathogenic fungi is rather weak.

The best “companions” are the Hungarian Moskovskaya and Pulkovskaya, the Skorospelka red plum, Eurasia 21, and Ternovy renklod. Any varieties of Chinese plums will not work.

Renklod Kolkhozny is one of the many breeding achievements of I.V. Michurin, which received recognition only half a century later


Renclod Yellow is a vigorous (5–6 m) tree that exhibits high growth rates. The crown is wide, but not thickened.

Plums weigh about 30 g, and anomalies in the size and shape of the fruit are rare. They have an almost regular spherical shape, slightly flattened on the sides. Characterized by a thick layer of waxy coating.

The flesh of this renklod is greenish-yellow and very juicy. The skin is sunny yellow, the juice is colorless. The taste of plums is sweet and sour (rated at 4–4.3 points). Renclod Yellow is the champion among varieties of its group in terms of vitamin C content - more than 17.5 mg per 100 g.

The fruits are harvested at the end of August or early September. They can withstand transportation well over long distances. An adult tree annually produces 20–30 kg of plums, a young tree – 8–10 kg.

An additional plus is good winter hardiness (down to -25 ºС). The best pollinators are Egg blue, Mirnaya, and Tula black plums.

Renclod Yellow is valued for its juiciness and high vitamin C content.


Renclod Early is a variety of Ukrainian selection (then Ukrainian SSR), bred in the early 50s of the 20th century. The hybrid is the result of cross-pollination between Jefferson and Peach plums.

The height of the tree is about 6 m. The crown is spherical, not too dense. The shoots quickly increase in length.

The weight of fruits taken from young trees reaches 50 g; with age they become smaller to 35–40 g. Renclod Early are round plums, slightly flattened on the sides. The halves are separated by a clearly visible seam, one of them is larger than the other.

The yellow-orange skin is covered with a whitish coating. The presence of a pinkish blush in the form of individual dots and spots is acceptable. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour (4.4–4.5 points), there is a taste of honey and a characteristic plum aroma. The stone is separated from the pulp with some effort.

Renclod Early, as the name suggests, ripens quite early - in the first ten days of August. And if you are lucky with the weather, plums can generally be removed at the end of July. The fruits tolerate transportation well, the tree is not susceptible to cold temperatures down to -30 ºС and extreme heat. However, if the heat is combined with a lack of moisture, the plums become noticeably smaller. The best pollinators are the Karbysheva renklod, the Donetskaya and Donetskaya early Hungarians.

Renclod Early, which is logical, is one of the first to mature


The homeland of the Altana greenberry (also known as the large Violet plum) is the Czech Republic. It has been known there since the 19th century. This is a spontaneous mutation that arose in some seedlings of Greenweed, grown from seeds. In Russia it is mainly found in the Central Black Earth region.

The tree is tall (up to 6.5 m) and grows quickly. The crown first stretches upward, forming an ellipse, then takes on a spherical shape.

The variety demonstrates good drought and frost resistance and is rarely affected by pathogenic fungi (with the exception of moniliosis in rainy, cold summers). Aphids avoid it. It takes root in almost any soil, even with a high salt content.

In the subtropical southern regions, the harvest is harvested on the 10th of August, where it is colder - 2.5–3 weeks later. The yield is remarkable - 80–90 kg from mature trees (over 20 years old) and 35–40 kg from those that bear fruit for only 2–3 years. Once every 4–5 years, the plum “rests.”

The Altana renclod is positioned as self-fertile, but the presence of Ekaterina, Anna Shpet, Victoria, Kirke, Hungarian Home, Italian and Early plums, Nancy mirabelle, and Green renclod on the plot increases the yield.

Large plums (40–45 g) are slightly compressed from the sides. The side seam is flat, almost invisible. The salad color of the skin is almost everywhere hidden by a red-pink blush with a lilac tint and a bluish-blue coating. Dark brown spots under the skin are normal. The pulp is golden, very juicy, tender and tasty.

Renklod Altana - old Czech variety


The “parents” of the Tambovsky genus are the Green genus and Skorospelka red. The hybrid is suitable for cultivation in the European part of Russia, tolerating frosts down to -30 ºС. But such resistance is more characteristic of flower buds, and not of shoots.

The culture is self-sterile. For pollination, the Kolkhozny, Zeleny, and Skorospelka red plums, Blue Gift, and Pamyat Timiryazev are planted nearby.

The tree rarely grows higher than 3.5–4 m. The crown is spreading, oval, and grows wider than upward. A significant drawback is weak resistance to clasterosporium blight.

The plums are not too large (about 20 g), elongated along the vertical axis. The skin is inky purple. Characterized by the presence of many brown subcutaneous spots and a thick layer of bluish plaque. The pulp is yellow-orange, juicy, but rather sour than sweet. Renklod Tambovsky is mainly used for home canning and winemaking.

From each mature tree, 15–25 kg of plums are harvested annually. The fruits ripen in early September. The variety is distinguished by early fruiting - plums can be tasted 3 years after planting.

The fruits of the Tambov greenweed are sour, but aromatic, therefore they are mainly used for home canning.


Renklod Karbysheva is a variety of Ukrainian selection. Known for quite a long time - since the 50s of the 20th century.

Plums on young trees weigh about 50 g, then shrink to 35 g. The tree itself exhibits rapid growth rates. The crown is very thick, so you need to pay regular attention to pruning.

Renclod Karbyshev has almost spherical fruits, covered with a dense, but not hard skin of a bright scarlet color. When overripe, a noticeable purple shade and a bluish coating. The pulp is yellowish-brown, very sweet and aromatic. Even professional tasters rate the taste of plums 4.8 out of 5.

Karbyshev's springclod is no different in winter hardiness. At temperatures below -20 ºС, the tree suffers severe damage. Another disadvantage is low transportability.

The fruits ripen in the first half of August. For pollination, greenweed Early and Green, Hungarian Donetskaya and Donetskaya early are suitable.

Renklod Karbysheva - wonderfully tasty plums, unfortunately, not winter-hardy


Renclaude Green (in Europe - simply Renclaude) is the same old French variety that gave the name to the whole group. It still remains an unsurpassed standard of taste, despite all the possibilities of modern selection.

Widely distributed in the south of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In Russia it is found only in southern regions with a subtropical climate. Although some manage to grow a tree and make it bear fruit in the Voronezh or Kursk region.

The crop retains varietal characteristics when propagated by seeds (this indicates its venerable age), is rarely affected by fungi, but in rainy, cool summers rot is possible.

The first harvest is harvested 5 years after planting in the ground. In a couple of years you can get 25–30 kg of plums, after waiting the same amount - 45–50 kg. The harvest is harvested towards the end of the second ten days of August.

Suitable for pollination are the Altana springclod, Hungarian Azhanskaya, Domashnyaya and Italian plums, Kirke plum, Rannyaya, Anna Shpet, Egg early, Victoria, Ekaterina.

The tree will take up a lot of space on the site. With a height of 6–7 m, it has a spreading, flattened crown in the shape of an oval. Its width is approximately equal to the height of the plum. The trunk bends as it grows, and more than once. When choosing a location, remember that Greenland is not too picky about the soil, and it categorically does not tolerate excess and stagnation of moisture.

The plums themselves are rather inconspicuous - yellow-salad in color, weighing about 20 g, covered with a bluish coating. The pulp appears green or yellowish, but if you peel the plum, it becomes clear that it is almost transparent. It is also juicy, tender, and very sweet. The taste is simply amazing.

Renclod Green, or simply “renclod”, despite its venerable age and modern selection capabilities, remains an unsurpassed standard of taste


Renklod White ripens towards the end of August. The tree is of medium height - 4–4.5 m.

The appearance of plums is determined by their name - they are matte white, quite large (35–40 g), and look very unusual. The pulp is almost colorless, pale lemon or greenish, but the taste is excellent. Plums are very juicy, aromatic and sweet, literally melting in your mouth.

Variety the best way suitable for use in fresh. Any preparations are also tasty, but because unusual color They don't look very presentable.

Renclod White has good cold resistance (down to -30 ºС), and almost does not respond to prolonged droughts. The first harvest is harvested 3 years after planting. Good pollinators are Greenweeds Green, Altana, Hungarian Donetskaya, Donetskaya early.

The fruits of the Bely renclod look very exotic, attracting experimental gardeners; the taste also does not disappoint


Renclaude Beauvais (or de Beauvais) is a variety of Belgian selection. More precisely, a random mutation that was discovered among seedlings grown from the seeds of the Green genus.

The tree is of medium height, the crown is untidy, fast-growing branches stick out in different directions. However, it does not differ in thickness.

The harvest ripens in the second ten days of September. The variety is extremely demanding in terms of availability sunlight and warmth. The fruits are ignored by the plum moth; when fully ripe, plums can remain on the tree for 2–3 weeks. If the summer is rainy, most likely, most of the fruits will crack or rot before they ripen.

The fruits belong to the dessert category. Plums have a very pleasant sweet taste with noticeable nutmeg notes and an amazing aroma. The spherical plums are flattened on the sides. The skin is very thin, but durable, the fruits tolerate transportation well. The plums themselves are yellow-green, with a crimson blush from individual spots. Characterized by a thick layer of easily erasable silvery coating.

The tree demonstrates insufficient winter hardiness for most regions of Russia. It can be grown in Crimea, Kuban, and the North Caucasus. The yield is excellent - 10-year-old trees produce 40-50 kg of plums, 15-20-year-old trees - twice as much. Since the variety belongs to the late category, a prerequisite for obtaining high-quality fruits is a warm autumn.

Fresh plums in optimal conditions are stored for 1.5–2 weeks. The variety is considered self-fertile.

Renclaude Beauvais is a very successful spontaneous mutation, nature is the best breeder


Renklod Kharitonova is a relatively new hybrid that recently “celebrated” its 20th anniversary. Varietal characteristics appeared in several seedlings grown from Altana greenweed seeds.

The tree reaches a height of 5 m, the shoots quickly increase in length. The highly sparse crown resembles an inverted pyramid. There are few leaves.

Renklod Kharitonova bears fruit annually and is distinguished by early fruiting. The first plums are harvested 4 years after planting. The yield is not bad, but not outstanding - 20–25 kg. A significant drawback is insufficient winter hardiness.

The plums are oval, with an average weight of 35–40 g. From a distance, the fruits appear black, but are actually inky purple. When overripe, plums become covered with a thick layer of bluish-blue coating. The flesh is tender, salad-like, almost crispy. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, rated 4.2 points.

Overripe Kharitonova renclod plums are very easily identified by a thick layer of waxy coating


Renclod Michurinsky is the result of cross-pollination of plum Eurasia 21 and Renclod Altana. The hybrid was obtained at the beginning of the 21st century. The tree is not too tall, the crown is neat, spherical, not very dense.

The plums are red-violet, weighing about 25 g. Multiple dark brown spots under the skin are clearly visible. The pulp is yellow-orange, juicy, melting. Juice with a barely noticeable yellowish tint. Sweet and sour taste, about 4.2 points.

Plums ripen in early September, the yield is not outstanding - 18–25 kg. The variety is positioned as not entirely self-sterile, but the presence of pollinating plums (Tulskaya, Mirnaya, Yaichnaya blue) flowering simultaneously with it increases the yield. Renclod Michurinsky is distinguished by early fruiting (fruiting in the third year), cold resistance (down to -30 ºС), and the versatility of its fruits, which are also suitable for transportation. It has no obvious shortcomings.

Renklod Michurinsky is not distinguished by record performance and high taste, but it also has no obvious drawbacks


Renklod Kuibyshevsky was developed in the 50s of the 20th century specifically for the northern part of Russia. As a result of cross-pollination of seedlings of the yellow local and Lenya renclods, a hybrid was obtained that survives and bears fruit in the North-Western and Middle Volga region. It tolerates frosts down to -35 ºС with minimal damage.

The tree is tall (6 m or more), with a spreading but not too dense crown. The vast majority of fruits are set on bouquet branches that are 2–3 years old.

The average weight of plums is a little more than 25 g. Almost perfect balls are slightly compressed from the sides. The skin is a beautiful lime color, with small rounded light spots underneath. A thick layer of whitish plaque is erased without effort. The flesh is slightly lighter than the skin, not too dense, but juicy. The sweet taste with noticeable sourness is rated at 4.2–4.4 points.

Plums are harvested at the very end of August or in the first ten days of September. It depends on the weather. Even fully ripe fruits will not fall from the tree for another 5–7 days. The yield of young Kuibyshevsky greenweed is 6–8 kg, of an adult – 20–30 kg.

The variety is considered self-fertile, but pollinators (Renklod Lenya, Hungarian Oktyabrskaya, Kuibyshevskaya damson, Skorospelka red plum) are still desirable.

The tree reacts with abundant gum production to prolonged droughts and sunburn of the bark received during the winter. However, the Kuibyshevsky greentail almost does not suffer from the codling moth. Fresh fruits can be stored for 20–25 days.

Kuibyshev's renklod has good yield; plums are rarely affected by the codling moth


Renclod Lia is one of the oldest varieties, known since the beginning of the 20th century. “Parents” – Ochakovskaya white plum and Green genus. With rare exceptions, it is found only in Samara region.

The tree is about 3 m high, the crown is oval, it grows wider than upward. Fruiting is annual, but yield varies greatly depending on the weather. The average value is 12–15 kg. To increase it, plant pollinators nearby - Lenya greenberry, Volzhsky damson, Skorospelka red plum.

A significant disadvantage is the short lifespan of the tree (no more than 25 years). Plums ripen en masse, towards the end of the first ten days of September.

At home, the variety winters well, but will not survive more severe frosts. Leah is rarely affected by pathogenic fungi, but she is not immune from gum disease and black cancer. In winter, the bark regularly gets sunburned. Renklod Leah is different good performance transportability, but it will not be possible to preserve the fruits fresh for more than 8–10 days.

The plums are small (10–13 g), golden yellow, with many lighter subcutaneous spots and a whitish coating. Pulp lemon color very loose, sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. Mainly, Leah's greenweed is valued for its taste and juiciness. Separating the pit from the pulp is quite problematic.

Renklod Liya - nondescript, but wonderfully tasty plums

Tenkovsky (aka Tatarsky)

Species such as Tatar yellow plum, Jefferson plum, Reforma renclod, and Local blackthorn took part in the creation of Tenkovsky's renclod.

The tree is low (up to 3 m), compact, grows slowly. The crown is neat, spherical, not too thick.

The plums weigh below average (15–20 g), the fruits are round, but one half is clearly smaller than the other. The skin is burgundy- purple covered with a bluish coating. She is noticeably bitter. The pulp is yellowish-brown, granular, loose, and does not differ in juiciness. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour.

Plums ripen on the 10th of September. You will have to wait 3-4 years to try them. The best pollinators are plum Sineglazka, Skorospelka red, Eurasia 21, Tatar yellow, any damsons.

Renklod Tenkovsky has average frost, drought and heat resistance, and is susceptible to klyasterosporiosis and rust. Slimy sawflies love it. Flower buds often suffer from spring frosts, because of this, fruiting is not annual.

Renclad Tenkovsky has a very beautiful colour skins - true royal purple


Renclaude Ulen was discovered in the south of France. The “pedigree” could not be reliably traced. It is believed that this is a wild green genus that has adapted to local conditions. It is rare in Russia - as an addition to the extensive collection of those who like to grow interesting exotics or among breeders.

The tree quickly grows and rarely suffers from diseases typical of stone fruits. Cold resistance is sufficient to winter in southern regions with a subtropical climate.

The fruits are large (up to 45 g), spherical or slightly elongated vertically. The skin color is bright yellow, with a whitish coating. A light orange-pink blush appears on the side facing the sun. The taste and aroma deserve exceptional praise. Tender juicy pulp melts in your mouth. The bone is difficult to separate from it.

The fruits do not differ in keeping quality. The maximum shelf life is 5–6 days. For pollination, the plum varieties Egg Yellow, Peach, Victoria, Ispolinskaya, and Altana are used.

Renclaude Ulena - wonderfully beautiful and tasty Belgian plums


Presidential renclod (not to be confused with President plum) is a hybrid bred with the participation of Altan renclod, Hungarian Ajanska plum and Great Blue plum.

The tree is about 4 m high, with rapidly growing shoots sticking out in different directions, reminiscent of a broom. Plums ripen closer to the second ten days of September. If the summer is unsuccessful in terms of weather, the fruits may not ripen at all. In this case, the renclod is only suitable for processing.

The undoubted advantages of the Presidential renclod are early fruiting (in the 4th season after planting), cold resistance (down to -35 ºС), and regularity of fruiting. Trees often suffer from gum disease, they can suffer from moniliosis, and the plum moth and shoot aphids cause great damage to them.

The plums are large (55–60 g), elliptical, noticeably flattened. The skin is purple with a noticeable brown undertone. Subcutaneous dots of the same shade are characteristic. The skin is dense, but not rough. The pulp is yellow-orange, dense, but juicy; the graininess does not spoil it at all. Pale lemon juice. The taste is refreshing, with sourness, rated 4 points.

Ripe plums remain on the tree, are little damaged during transportation, and are stored for 12–15 days. Productivity increases over time from 12–15 to 40–45 kg. For pollination, the Altana springclod, Kuibyshevskaya damson, red Skorospelka, Stanley, and Mirnaya plums are planted nearby.

Renclod Presidential often suffers from moniliosis; the fruits are loved not only by gardeners, but also by codling moths and aphids


Renclod Reforma was bred specifically for the Central Black Earth region at the end of the 19th century. The variety feels great in the Kursk, Voronezh, Oryol, and Tambov regions. It cannot be grown further north due to insufficient cold resistance. “Parents” are Green genus and several varieties of damson plums.

The variety is quite capricious and demanding to care for. This primarily relates to location, fertilizing and watering. Mandatory fertile soil, an abundance of sunlight and warmth, protection from the slightest drafts.

Productivity is not outstanding - 8–10 kg. The best pollinators are the Kolkhozny greenweed and the Skorospelka red plum.

The tree is about 3.5 m high. The crown is untidy, sparse, spreading. The fruits ripen at the turn of summer and autumn. Mass fruiting.

Yellow-green plums with a light whitish coating weigh approximately 20–25 g. The shape is spherical and regular. The pulp is slightly lighter than the skin, sweet and juicy, dense. The variety belongs to the dessert variety.

Renclod Reforma is a rather whimsical plant, but the taste of the fruit compensates for all the inconveniences

Nuances of cultivation and care

What should you consider when landing?

  • Greenberry plums are planted only in the spring - before the flowers begin to bloom. Seedlings purchased in the fall are buried in the snow.
  • Only an area that is well-warmed by the sun and sheltered from the wind is suitable for planting. Shade and drafts negatively affect taste and yield.
  • Greenhouses and pollinating varieties will take up quite a lot of space on the site. Minimum distance between trees is equal to twice the crown diameter, between rows of plantings - another 0.8–1 m more. One plum needs 8–9 m² to feed.
  • Sloes, common and hybrid cherry plums, and Chinese plums are useless as pollinators.
  • If there is even the slightest chance of stagnation of water and humid air in the chosen place, build a bulk hill about 60 cm high. The same thing - when it is not known how much groundwater approach the surface.
  • Planting greenweed in the ground is a procedure that even a novice gardener can handle

    How to properly care for renclod?

    Agricultural technology does not have any significant features compared to classic plums. Some nuances are important:

  • The soil is watered so that it is well saturated with water to a depth of 35–40 cm. The plum roots do not reach further. It is especially important to provide the spring crop with moisture from the moment of flowering until the formation of fruit ovaries.
  • Renklod reacts positively to rotted manure or humus applied under the tree in the fall. As part of complex mineral fertilizers Magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, and iron must be present.
  • Install supports under the branches in advance. Under the weight of the harvest, not too thick shoots of the greenweed may break.
  • The crown is most often formed in a sparsely tiered manner, leaving on each of the tiers, located at a distance of 50–60 cm above each other, 3–4 skeletal and twice as many semi-skeletal branches. As soon as the plum begins to bear fruit, pruning is reduced to the required minimum. We must not forget about sanitary pruning.
  • Renklod always sets more fruits than can ripen on the tree. It is necessary to thin out the ovaries, leaving the most well located ones. Make sure that the plums do not touch. The next year after planting, pick off all the flowers.
  • The trunk circle, approximately the same in diameter as the crown, is kept clean and regularly loosened. They don’t sow a lawn under a plum tree, they don’t grow flowers, they don’t plant spices, green manure. The root shoots are also subject to destruction.
  • Renklod Kharitonova

    Bred at VNIIGiSPR named after. I.V. Michurina. Obtained from the open-pollinated variety "Renclad Altana". Medium ripening period. The tree is medium winter hardy, medium strength tall, with a raised, pyramidal crown. Fruiting begins in the 4th-5th year. Productivity 18-22 kg per tree. The fruits are large (weight 33-40 g), rounded in shape. The skin is purple with a strong waxy coating blue color. The pulp is amber-yellow, compacted, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The bone is separated from the pulp. Transportability is the highest. A variety for universal use. Approved for use in the Central Black Earth region.

    Reddish early ripening (synonym: Pink early ripening, Early early ripening)

    A variety of folk selection. Early ripening. Harvesting maturity occurs in mid-August. The tree is winter-hardy, medium-sized, with a rounded or flat-rounded, slightly spreading, medium-unthickened crown. The variety is self-fertile or partially self-fertile. Fruits better when joint landing with varieties “Hungarian Moskovskaya”, “Renklod collective farm”. Fruiting begins in the 4th-6th year. Productivity 18-25 kg per tree. As the fruits ripen, they fall off. The fruits are small (weight 18-20 g), elongated oval, unequal, pointed towards the apex. The skin is pink-red to reddish with a waxy coating. The pulp is medium dense, low-juicy, starchy, amber-yellow, of medium taste. The bone is simply separated from the pulp. Transportability is excellent. Technical grade. Approved for use in the North-Western, Central Black Earth and Middle Volga regions.

    Early ripening round

    Local variety Leningrad region, from the collection of the Pavlovsk Experimental Station VNIIR. Medium ripening period. The tree is highly winter-hardy, medium-sized, the crown is wide-spreading, weeping, and dense. Affected by diseases. The variety is self-sterile. Precociousness is average. The productivity is the highest. The fruits are small (weight 8-12 g), rounded in shape. The skin is dark red-violet with a slight bluish waxy coating and small subcutaneous dots. The pulp is yellowish, fine-grained, juicy, sweet and sour. The stone is small, round in shape, and easily separated from the pulp. Transportability is excellent. A variety for universal use. Approved for use in the North-West region.

    Cherry is the name of a fruit and tree from the Rosaceae family and belongs to the Plum genus. The oldest

    Great taste of fresh fruits and ample opportunities during processing, plums are placed in one of the first places in cultivation personal plots. Compotes, jams, marshmallows, marmalade, liqueurs and even vinegar are an incomplete list of plum products. Acids, pectins and vitamins contained in fruits have a positive effect on the human body, and sometimes are simply irreplaceable. All varieties of plums are tasty, but many prefer the sweet renkloda plums and grow them.

    The history of the Renclod plum

    The word itself comes from French and is translated as “Queen Claude.” It can be traced back approximately to the beginning of the 17th century. It is possible that the tree was named after the daughter of Louis XII, the first wife of King Francis I. explanatory dictionary Ushakova renklod is designated as a variety of large, sweet and juicy plums.

    There is a legend according to which this tree was given to Francis by traveling pilgrims, it took root, and the queen, as well as many courtiers, really liked its fruits. Upon learning of this, Claude became furious and caused a scandal to her husband; in response, the king introduced the death penalty for theft of plums, so from then on the variety began to be called “Queen Claude,” i.e. greengage.

    Most likely, Greenland is one of the most ancient varieties, which gave rise to all the others, but this is only an assumption

    Variety of varieties

    There are many varieties of plums based on renclod. They all differ from each other in appearance, and the fruits - by shape, color and flavor. Each variety feels better in certain regions of the country, but not all of them are included in the register of breeding achievements. They are united by the sweet taste and round shape of the fruit. Almost all renclods are self-fertile or partially self-fertile, which means they need pollinators. The most suitable for pollination different varieties plums, provided they bloom at the same time as renclade.

    When determining the species, morphological characteristics and vegetative features, as well as varietal characteristics of fruits. The ripening times for these plums are different; they vary greatly depending on the region, but even in the same area they can be different - weather conditions influence.

    In cold regions with short summers, these plums are slightly sour than in hot regions, but still remain much sweeter than most other varieties.

    Popular varieties

    Some varieties of renkolds are especially loved and popular among gardeners. Each of them is attractive in its own way.

    An excellent variety of plums, included in the register for the Central Black Earth, Middle Volga and North Caucasus regions in 1986. Naturally, it grows in other places, but its varietal characteristics may differ significantly from those declared. The variety is universal. The first fruits can be tasted 5–6 years after planting. It is partially self-fertile, but better fruiting pollinators required. Plums ripen from August to September.

    They are large - about 40 grams, sweet, with juicy cartilaginous flesh, which is amber-yellow when cracked.

    The skin of plums is thin, red-violet. The blue waxy coating is thick. It is easily erased, leaving a shiny glossy surface of the fruit. Unripe plums make delicious compotes, and the halves in syrup are dense, crispy, as if they had just been picked from the tree.


    • high yield;
    • winter hardiness.

    Disadvantages include the need for additional pollinators.

    Renklod Kolkhozny

    The high yield of the Michurin variety made it popular. This is a tree of small height with a wide, spreading, translucent crown. The variety is self-sterile and needs pollinators.

    The fruits are small - 10–12, sometimes up to 20 grams in weight, with juicy pulp of good taste.

    Plum grows well in the Northwestern, Central Black Earth and Central regions. Its fruits are sweet, sour, with light green flesh and thin skin. A waxy coating is present, but it is weak and bluish. Good harvests require additional pollination. Included in the register since 1947. In the fifties and sixties, it was grown on a large scale on collective farms to prepare thick plum jam on an industrial scale. Carrying out preventive spraying will help protect bountiful harvest from these diseases.

    Advantages of the variety:

    • good tolerance to harsh winters;
    • high yield.

    Disadvantages of the variety:

    • self-sterility;
    • susceptibility to fungal diseases.

    Renclod Yellow

    This is a universal variety.

    Quite large - 25–30 grams, sweet and sour, yellow fruits remain tasty no matter how they are processed.

    The skin of the plums is of medium thickness, but is easily removed, revealing the juicy, yellow-green pulp. The tree is large, spreading, grows very quickly, bears fruit already in 4–5 years. It needs pollinators, which can be Kolkhozny greenweed or other varieties that bloom in May. The harvest is harvested in August - September. One mature tree produces 20–30 kg of plums. Due to its good winter hardiness, it is grown throughout the central part of the country, including in the Moscow region.

    Renclod Yellow is good fresh and canned.


    • good transportability;
    • winter hardiness.

    Disadvantage - requires pollinators.

    Renklod Early

    A medium-sized tree about 5 meters tall. The fruits ripen quite early (from July to August).

    Plums are yellow, sometimes acquire an orange blush, very large - 45–50 grams, sweet, sour, with a honey flavor.

    The skin of the fruit is dense. The purpose is universal, but many people prefer to roll up aromatic compotes. This Ukrainian variety is self-sterile. The pollinators are the Hungarian Donetskaya and the Karbysheva greenweed. The variety does well in areas with cold winters, which makes its cultivation in the Moscow region quite possible.

    Advantages of the variety:

    • early maturation;
    • excellent taste;
    • abundant harvests;
    • good wintering;
    • drought resistance.

    Renclod Altana

    Czech variety of sweet plums, suitable for central and southern regions. Self-sterile. The best pollinators for it are Greenweed, Vengerka, Kirke and Victoria. The tree is low, of medium height, its crown is thick and wide. Sweet fruits are harvested in September, in the second half.

    The plums are large - 50 grams in weight, with a greenish-yellow skin covered with a red-brown coating.

    The skin of the fruit is thin and easily removed, revealing the juicy yellow pulp. The variety is quite popular among gardeners. Children love him most of all.

    The advantages include:

    • sweet taste;
    • versatility;
    • resistance to common fungal diseases.


    • not very good winter hardiness;
    • self-sterility.

    Renklod Tambovsky

    A productive variety of sterile domestic plum. An adult tree reaches a height of 3–3.5 meters and produces a harvest of 10 to 25 kg. The best pollinators are Blue Gift, Memory of Timiryazev and renclods. Suitable mainly for southern regions, since the tree trunk and its skeletal branches can be damaged severe frosts, although flower buds are resistant to them. In the central regions they found a way out - this plum is grown by grafting into the crowns winter-hardy varieties. Sweet fruits ripen in late summer or early autumn.

    The fruits are small, oval, with juicy flesh from greenish-yellow to orange.

    The wax coating is thick and easily erased. The taste is more sweet than sour.


    • high yields;
    • good taste.


    • poor winter hardiness;
    • susceptibility to clusterosporiosis - perforated leaf spot (removable if the tree is sprayed in time).

    Renklod Karbysheva

    A vigorous tree that produces a large harvest. The taste is rated very highly - 4.9 points during tasting.

    The plums are large - 35–40 grams, round-oval and juicy, with yellow flesh.

    Requires pollinators. The best of them are Renklod Early, Hungarian. The versatile fruits are used in canning and drying; they ripen in August. The variety feels best in the southern regions.

    The skin of plums is dense and has a faint bluish coating. The bone can be easily removed.


    • resistance to drought and clasterosporiosis - perforated spot;
    • early fruiting - for 3–4 years;
    • wonderful taste.


    • shrinking of fruits (correctable by strong pruning of the tree);
    • the need for pollination;
    • poor winter hardiness.

    Renklod Green

    One of the oldest varieties of plums. It can be found in many parts of the country. Grows well in the south. The tree is large, reaches 6–7 meters in height. Crown width 6.5–7 meters.

    Outwardly they are not very beautiful, but everyone likes the sweet fruits. Not very large juicy plums - 35 grams, round, slightly flattened at the poles, greenish-yellow with numerous spots.

    The skin of plums is thin. The fruits fully ripen in August. The young tree bears fruit in 5–6 years, immediately abundantly. The variety is self-sterile. Being a pollinator for other varieties, it itself needs additional pollination. Such pollinators can serve as: Hungarian, Greenweed Altana, Victoria and others. The yield is so high that branches are often required to be supported. The variety is very common, but many summer residents don’t even realize that they have Green genus and simply call it sweet plum.


    • high productivity;
    • resistance to fungal diseases;
    • sweet taste;
    • grows on any soil.


    • not very attractive appearance;
    • tendency to fruit cracking.

    Renklod White

    A vigorous tree about 5 meters high with large fruits that ripen in July - August. Self-sterile variety, can be pollinated by the Karbyshev and Hungarian varieties. The fruiting age of a young plum is approximately 5 years. A little earlier or a little later - depends on the region of growth. The tree winters well, so it grows throughout the central part of the country.

    The plums are large - 40–50 grams, spherical, with fleshy and dense greenish-yellow flesh.

    The fruits are sweet, sour, and have a universal purpose. Waxy coating white. The harvest is stored for up to 3 months. An excellent variety for preservation - it retains its shape during heat treatment.


    • good taste;
    • winter hardiness;
    • transportability.

    Disadvantage: self-sterility.

    Renclad Blue

    A medium-sized tree reaching a height of 3 meters. Plums are harvested in August. On average, about 30 kg of selected plums can be collected from one tree. This is quite a high yield.

    The fruits are large - individual ones weigh up to 80 grams with yellow, sweet and soft pulp.

    The skin of the fruit is green, with a dark purple coating, thickly covered with wax. It mainly grows in the south, but is also found in the southern regions middle zone. The variety is consumed fresh; you can make jam, pastille or marmalade. It is not used in the preparation of compotes, as it becomes limp and loses its shape.


    • high productivity,
    • winter hardiness.

    Disadvantages include poor resistance to polystigmosis - red leaf spot.

    Video: renklod Blue

    Renklod Kharitonova

    A productive variety included in the register for the Central Chernozem region in 1993. It has a universal purpose and is suitable for conservation. A tree with a spreading crown is moderately resistant to drought and frost. The first harvest comes in 5–6 years.

    Juicy plums are round, large - 33–40 grams. The fruit has bright yellow, tender, melt-in-your-mouth pulp with white veins.

    The skin is purple-brown in color, covered with a waxy coating. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.

    The variety has good resistance to klyasterosporiosis - holey fungal spotting.

    Renklod Michurinsky

    A mid-early plum variety of domestic selection. It is grown mainly in the Central Black Earth region. This variety is partially self-fertile and begins to bear fruit early - young tree brings a harvest for the 3rd year.

    The fruits are of average weight - 26–29 grams with orange-yellow pulp.

    The fruit is round, with a purple-red skin covered with a waxy coating that protects against various diseases.

    Advantages of the variety:

    • high yield;
    • winter hardiness;
    • annual fruiting;
    • transportability of fruits.

    Disadvantage: pollinators are required.

    Renklod Kuibyshevsky

    A versatile, abundantly fruiting plum variety. It was entered into the register in 1959 in the Middle Volga and Northwestern regions. Feels great in the Moscow region. This tall tree annually produces good harvest sweet and sour plums ripening in August.

    The fruits are round, small - 25 grams, greenish-yellow, with a delicate blush and fibrous but juicy pulp.

    The waxy coating of plums is weakly expressed. A large bone can be easily removed. The purpose is universal. When canned, plums retain their shape well.

    The variety has a good wintering ability.

    Renklod Leah

    Quite an old variety that is now rare. The greatest distribution was noted in the Samara region. The tree is of average height - about 3 meters, bears fruit annually, but the yield depends on weather conditions. Pollinators - Skorospelka Red, damson, Lenya. Sweet fruits with a slight sourness ripen en masse by mid-September.

    They are small - 10–13 grams, but very tasty. The pulp is almost lemon-like, loose, the stone is separated with great difficulty.

    The peel is golden yellow, dense, with a barely noticeable waxy coating. Most often, this plum is used in making jam.

    In fruits of the Liya variety, the stone is difficult to separate from the pulp


    • resistance to fungal diseases;
    • winter hardiness;
    • transportability.

    Disadvantages include susceptibility to gum formation.

    Renklod Tenkovsky

    In the register for the Volga-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions since 1988. Tree of medium height, spreading. This variety, like Michurinsky, is partially self-fertile and bears fruit well. If pollinators are planted on the site, the yield increases sharply. Feels great in the Moscow region.

    Fruits are small to medium - 18–25 grams. The pulp is tender, fine-fibre, amber-yellow and juicy.

    The skin is yellow with a red blush covering the entire plum, of medium thickness. It can be easily removed. Subcutaneous dots are clearly visible - small and gray. The waxy coating is strong, but easily erased.


    • drought resistance;
    • winter hardiness.

    Disadvantages include self-sterility.

    The variety was bred in France. The tree is vigorous, self-fertile and productive, one of those rare varieties of renclods that do not require additional pollination. Fruits in 4–5 years, fully ripens in August. It has good resistance to diseases, especially fungal ones. It is attractive because it requires almost no maintenance.

    The fruits are large - 40–45 grams, spherical, yellow with slight spotting and yellow aromatic pulp.

    Plums are covered with a slight waxy coating and taste sweet. Used in compotes, pie fillings and fresh. The jam turns out to be especially tender - almost transparent, amber-honey.

    Renklod Ulena - sweet and juicy plum

    Renclad Presidential

    Partially self-fertile plum late date maturation. The first harvest is harvested two years after planting, in September. The tree is medium-sized and fast-growing, bears fruit annually and winters well. Good winter hardiness allows you to grow the variety in the middle zone.

    The fruits are dense, round-oval, very large - 55–56 grams, brown-violet in color. Tender pulp - yellow-orange, contrasting, sweet and sour.

    The rough skin allows plums to be transported over long distances without any problems. There is a waxy coating, it is thick and abundant. The oval bone can be easily removed. When preserved, the fruits keep their shape well.

    Presidential greenweed produces delicious compotes - sour, aromatic, beautifully colored


    • winter hardiness;
    • regularity of fruiting;
    • transportability.

    Renklod Enikeeva

    Another variety with large fruits, which is quite rare. This is a winter-hardy tree, moderately resistant to diseases. Ripens in mid-August. Self-sterile variety, needs pollinators. From one tree you can collect 20 kg of plums.

    The weight of the fruit reaches 20–25 g. The plums are round, dark purple with a purple coating, and sour-sweet.

    The use of plums is universal.

    Features of planting and care

    Planting and caring for spring crops is almost no different from the generally accepted agricultural technology of plums. General rules must be taken into account:

    1. Choose sunny places for landing.
    2. Do not plant where groundwater is close.
    3. Do not water too much when the fruits are ripening - they may crack.
    4. Avoid excessive thickening of the crown - good lighting increases the sugar content in fruits.
    5. Place supports in a timely manner high yields- branches can break.
    6. Plant pollinating varieties.

    If you have a neighbor’s garden near you and suitable plums grow there, they will serve as excellent pollinators for your varieties.