DIY wooden garden furniture. Garden furniture made of wood, branches, stumps and driftwood Benches made of tree branches

For most people, a dacha is associated with a place where you can relax, have a great rest and have fun. The design of most summer cottages provides a separate area for recreation. But what could a holiday in a country house be like without tables, benches, benches and other elements of garden furniture? The easiest way is to make your own garden furniture from the most available materials: wood, stumps, branches and various snags.

Garden furniture made of logs

Logs make durable, massive and durable garden furniture. In the spring, in the surrounding forest plantations, you can find trees felled in winter, which, after a little processing, can become an indispensable element of furniture in any area - a bench or table.

The main advantage of making garden furniture from logs is its low cost. After all, in order to make such a piece of furniture, you just need to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw and thoroughly clean it, treat it with stain and cover it with varnish or paint. Log furniture will fit perfectly into the interior of any summer cottage. Such furniture will look especially natural in a country-style garden. The only drawback of furniture made from logs is the difficulty of delivering the material. It is very difficult to carry a thick log manually, so you need to use a trailer for transportation.

Garden furniture from logs

Garden furniture made from stumps

It’s as easy as shelling pears to build soda furniture from ordinary stumps. Moreover, many stumps may remain after uprooting old ones fruit trees. In this case, the issue of transporting the material disappears by itself. If you show a little imagination and creativity when working, the resulting stumps can turn out to be unique, exclusive furniture that will not go unnoticed. For example, the seats of hemp stools can be decorated with a mosaic of pieces of broken dishes. Small pieces of broken saucers, cups or ceramic facing tiles attached to the surface of the stump using liquid nails or epoxy glue.

Unnecessary stumps can be turned into unusual firefly stumps, which during the day will decorate the garden or summer cottage and serve as an ordinary seat, and at night they will turn into lantern stumps. Such stools perform two tasks at once - they illuminate the garden area and expand its boundaries. Making such an element is very simple. It is enough to put a fluorescent or LED strip on a well-cleaned saw cut and cover it with plexiglass and secure it with self-tapping screws.

If you have the skills to work with a chainsaw, you can make an excellent chair from a tree stump. If the cut height allows, the chair will have a back and even armrests. For a chair with armrests you will need a tall and wide stump. It will turn out to be an analogue of the usual soft chair.

Garden furniture made from stumps

Garden furniture made of boards

Wooden beams and boards are building material No. 1. Boards are used in the construction of fences, houses, gazebos, and surplus and waste can be used to make garden furniture. Moreover, furniture can be built in any style: from simple minimalism to modern modernism.

Bench made of boards

Garden furniture made from branches and driftwood

A huge number of garden furniture options can be made from ordinary branches, tree roots and driftwood. Seemingly trash can turn into real masterpieces of garden decor. The cost of original works of folk craftsmen made from branches and driftwood is quite high. But, if you show your imagination, you can make similar elements of garden furniture yourself. In terms of practicality and beauty, handmade furniture will be no different from its expensive counterparts.

In order to do a beautiful bench, sofa, stand or shelf, the material must be prepared in advance. In order for garden furniture to be in the same style, it is necessary to gradually select interesting specimens driftwood and process them.

Before you begin assembling furniture, the bark must be removed from snags and branches. The material must be thoroughly dried. In order to prevent the effects of insects and rotting processes, the wood must be treated with antiseptic and antipyretic agents.

Driftwood chair

Bench made of driftwood

The advantage of furniture made from branches is that to make them you only need the branches themselves, a screwdriver and a hacksaw. Collect the most simple furniture even fragile girls can make branches using only twine or any other textile material.

The finished product is given the desired shade using stain and varnished. You can also use acrylic or enamel paints for coating.

Bench made of branches

Dear visitors to the SAMODELKINDRUG website, in the material presented, you will be given ideas for creating furniture from driftwood, saw cuts and tree branches. Today, the production of unique furniture from driftwood is becoming increasingly popular; the products turn out to be very beautiful and even fabulous, you just need to use imagination and ingenuity.

By the way, the material for creating an exclusive one can be obtained completely free of charge. The first way is to go to a nearby forest and pick up suitable snags and branches. ATTENTION! You should collect directly from fallen and dry trees, because cutting down a growing (living) tree is punishable by a fine “depending on the type of tree.” But dried wood can be taken without fear, you even bring benefits by clearing the forest.

You can also collect driftwood along the banks of rivers and lakes, where they are much more interesting and “more elaborate”; the water has already removed the bark from them and washed them off with waves on the stones, so sometimes such driftwood does not even need to be sanded and processed.

After the material has been collected and delivered to the work site, you can begin to create furniture. There are no special rules here and everything depends on the author’s imagination, his imagination. Here is a small selection of ready-made furniture made from saw cuts, driftwood and twigs. Perhaps the ideas presented will help you create your own unique “masterpiece”

Ideas for creating furniture from driftwood.

A table with a leg in the shape of the image of the “Leshy” It looks truly fabulous.

Dining table made from wood cuts for 10 persons.

Swing made of driftwood and hollowed out logs.

Coffee table made from wood and root cuts.

Double bed made of twigs.

Garden furniture.

Billiard table.

4 benches and a table.

Stump stools covered (with snow) Sewn special white pads to stylize snow.

The table and chairs are made from aged wood.

Just a huge cut of a tree, playing the role of a table.

Bed made of solid logs.


Writing table with stackable legs different breeds tree.

Board table.

Garden furniture

Stands or shelves.

Bent wood (fallow)


Table made from wood cuts.


Chairs carved from a single tree trunk.

Bench and table made of logs.

Picture frame.

Longitudinal cut of wood filled with epoxy resin.

The coffee table, the manufacturing process of which is demonstrated in the master class, is an original piece of furniture. It is created from natural tree branches, their own appearance and reminds.


To do coffee table from tree branches with your own hands, you will need:

  • thick branches;
  • boards;
  • jigsaw;
  • marker;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • wood glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood putty;
  • wood varnish;
  • epoxy resin.
  • adhesive tape.

Step 1. The first step is to select a branch that, in terms of thickness, height and shape, can become the base for a table. The branch itself needs to be processed by removing the bark from it, cutting off all excess and treating it with sandpaper.

For sanding, you should use coarse-grained sandpaper and, for the final part of the work, move on to fine-grained sandpaper (from 40 to 220).

Be sure to check that the resulting table base is stable on the floor, and that the cut for attaching the tabletop is perfectly even. If there are even the slightest flaws, be sure to correct them.

Step 2. Now it's time to the hard part. You need to create tabletop decor. You can go two ways: make a decor in the form of a tree from branches or from a flat board. On a flat board you will need to draw the tree itself with branches and cut everything out with a jigsaw, then finishing the edges.

The work with branches will be much more painstaking. They will need to be laid out in the shape of a tree. Clear them of bark, cut off all excess so that you are left with only flat parts, and after all, fasten the branches to each other. Boards made from branches will also need to be sanded. To ensure that the cuts on the branches are as smooth and high-quality as possible, it is better to use a band saw for this.

Step 3. Attach the resulting tree to the tabletop and cut both parts, adjusting them to each other, and giving the desired shape to the table.

Step 4. Decorative tree Glue to the tabletop with wood glue, following the manufacturer's instructions. For reliability, you can secure its branches with small self-tapping screws.

Step 5. Place the tabletop on the base. Secure it with suitable screws.

Step 6. To finish the table along the end of the tabletop in this master class, willow bark of suitable height was used. You can take the same one or replace it with the remaining thin bark trimmings from already processed branches. Since the bark will need to be bent, it is worth walking over it with a damp sponge. Attach the bark better with self-tapping screws. Then you can reinforce it along the edges with wood glue.

The surface of the table in the places where the screws are attached must be treated with wood putty.

Step 7. Now the tabletop needs to be decorated. To do this, use a fine river pebbles. It needs to be washed and dried, and then poured onto the countertop, leveled with the decorative wood.

There are several ways to attach pebbles. You can glue it and then varnish it, but in this case the surface of the tabletop will be rough. Alternatively, you can fill the countertop epoxy resin. In this case, the surface will be smooth.

Once the glue or resin has dried, your table will be ready. If you wish, you can further decorate it, for example, by placing it under pebbles. LED strips. In this case, the tabletop will glow. The wires must be passed through the base of the table, after drilling a hole in it.

For many of us, a summer cottage is a place where we can fully relax, unwind and have fun.

The design provides for the allocation of a separate recreation area with benches, tables, benches and other garden furniture. However, you should not spend a lot of money on purchasing expensive materials. You can make garden furniture yourself from what you have on hand. These are various snags, stumps, trees or branches.

Logs are ideal as a strong, massive and durable material for furniture. You can find them in a forest plantation, process them a little and make a comfortable table or bench.

The main feature of log-based garden furniture is the lack of costs. It is only necessary to cut the log into pieces using a chainsaw, strip it and treat it with paint, varnish or stain.

Log furniture will do to any cottage interior, especially if your site is decorated in country style.

There is only one minus - delivery of logs to their destination. A thick log is quite heavy and will require a truck or trailer for transportation.

Making furniture from stumps is quite simple. Most summer residents have such material left after uprooting unnecessary trees. The delivery issue in this case has already been resolved.

Show your imagination and turn it on creative thinking, then unusual and unique furniture made from stumps will appear on your site, which will not go unnoticed.

An elementary solution is to make a stool, which can be decorated with patterns from parts of broken glass or dishes. Broken cups, saucers or ceramics are glued to the stump with liquid nails or epoxy.

Small stumps make lantern stumps. During the day they decorate the garden and serve as a place to sit, and at night they illuminate summer cottage plot. Thus, your territory will appear wider, and at the same time it will also be well lit. How to make such a firefly stump? It is necessary to thoroughly clean the cut of the stump, put an LED or fluorescent light on it and cover the structure with plexiglass, and then strengthen it with self-tapping screws.

If you know how to work with a chainsaw, we recommend creating chairs from tree stumps. They can be with backs if the stumps have a sufficient cut size. A large stump is useful for making a chair with armrests.

Wooden boards and beams are the main material for construction work.

Used for the manufacture of garden furniture simple branches, driftwood or tree roots. This so-called garbage allows you to create a real work of art.

Currently, the works of folk craftsmen made from driftwood and branches are quite expensive. Why don’t you create such furniture yourself on your own site? Such creations will be durable, beautiful and no worse than similar store furniture.

Before assembling furniture, it is necessary to remove the bark from branches and snags, dry the material well, otherwise it will begin to rot and insects will appear on it. Treat the tree with antiseptics against pests.

To assemble from branches, prepare branches, a hacksaw and a screwdriver. Even the fairer sex can assemble the most basic furniture from branches using twine or textile material.

DIY driftwood bench, photo