Where can a refrigerator be placed in the apartment? How to successfully place a refrigerator in a small kitchen: simple solutions to a complex problem. Location options for a two-chamber refrigerator

In new apartment layouts you rarely see a small kitchen anymore. Apparently, the architects studied the list of items necessary to ensure life household appliances and organized the appropriate space for this. However, until recently apartments were built according to a completely different principle. Here you can find kitchens from 4 m².

The average kitchen area in Khrushchev-era apartments is about 6.5 meters, in Stalin-era apartments it is 9 m2.

When there is a lot of space, organizing it correctly is not so difficult - here you can place what is really important and add all sorts of modules and interesting details like a minibar, a cabinet for cookbooks and many built-in household appliances. But what if there is not enough space? Here you already have to set priorities, and put in the kitchen only what is really needed in the kitchen. Everyday life. One such essential item is a refrigerator. Without it, food storage becomes almost impossible.

Let's look at how you can correctly fit a refrigerator into the interior of a small kitchen.

Custom size

Who said that a refrigerator must be 60x60x180? You may well purchase a non-standard model, thereby significantly reducing the area occupied by the dimensions of the refrigerator.


How can you store items above the refrigerator?

a) standard built-in refrigerator - it is slightly smaller in volume than a free-standing one, but it makes it possible to use storage space in the same cabinet above the refrigerator itself. About 40 cm high and 60 cm deep, this is a fairly wide shelf that can accommodate many useful but infrequently used items;

b) low refrigerator - there are models even 140 cm high. They are quite capacious, and at the same time give you the opportunity to use about 80 cm more height for cabinets above the refrigerator itself.

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Two in one - this is not about us

Let's go back to standard model refrigerator and try to divide it into two separate devices: a refrigerator and a freezer. First, think about it: do you really need a freezer? Or do you eat only fresh food and one quick-freezing compartment in a regular refrigerator will be enough for you? If you still need a freezer, place it and the refrigerator under the countertop, in the cabinet area in the kitchen.

The built-in equipment looks very neat and is completely invisible. But, in fairness, it is worth recognizing that the option with a very small refrigerator is suitable for 1-2 people. When a third person appears in the apartment, such a small refrigerator will clearly not be enough.

Another option for “studio” layouts, when the living room and kitchen form a single whole. If you can afford to buy such a wonderful little designer refrigerator, like any other with an interesting appearance, you can put it almost in the most visible place - and, of course, in convenient place.

Original, funny and very stylish, this refrigerator will become the highlight of your interior. As they say, “if you can’t get rid of your shortcomings, make them your strengths.” Perhaps it is a small kitchen that will help you create an unforgettable interior.

We use niches

If you started thinking about the location of the refrigerator long before the renovation, you probably have the opportunity to partially redesign it. It’s not necessary to tear down all the walls, but it wouldn’t hurt to make something like a niche for tall and bulky items in the kitchen, such as a food cabinet or a refrigerator, if the opportunity arises.

This way, you will practically hide large pieces of furniture from view and save yourself from a situation where you just have to say goodbye to the idea of ​​​​a large and spacious refrigerator that you actually need.

Storage pantry

Pantry room or spacious wardrobe next to the kitchen also provides you with good opportunities. You use the refrigerator quite often, and it is completely inconvenient to move it to another room (and also unaesthetic - what will the sound cost and in general appearance such an “elegant cabinet,” say, in a narrow hallway. Most likely, yours is really small, since the kitchen is also modest in size). But the freezer can very well be hidden in this kind of cabinet or small closet.

Refrigerator in the loggia

In many small apartments Ah, they practice combining a living room with a loggia. And that's pretty rational decision- if the apartment has another balcony, then it is quite rational to add a few more to the kitchen square meters area.

After demolishing the section of the wall in which the window and door block, on both sides of the opening that formed there remain load-bearing columns, which cannot be dismantled under any circumstances. So, it is precisely behind these columns that there is enough space on the side of the loggia to hide the refrigerator behind them. And it’s not far from the kitchen, and the large object is not visible at all.



Looking through other tips on this matter, it is still common to see the idea of ​​“placing” a refrigerator in one of the aisles or, worse, living rooms. And before you decide to take this step, ask yourself a few questions.
You will understand for yourself whether it is worth doing:

  • How loud is my refrigerator? Will this sound in the room interfere with our rest?
  • How much space will it take up and will it interfere with movement from room to room?
  • Does it look harmonious and fit into the interior of the room in which it is supposed to stand?
  • won't you be bothered by the smell that is present in the refrigerator anyway?
  • will your family members recruit excess weight, because you don’t even need to go to the refrigerator to the kitchen anymore?

The refrigerator is one of the vertices of the “stocks-washing-cooking” work triangle, which means the convenience of the kitchen and even the cooking time largely depend on its placement. And the size of the unit is so large that one way or another you have to carefully plan the place and method of its arrangement, especially if the kitchen is small. In this material we will tell you where it is best to install a refrigerator, how to plan the design of a small kitchen with a refrigerator, how to organically fit it into the interior, and what planning decisions should not be made.

13 principles for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen

1. The refrigerator should not “break” the working triangle

The main principle that should be followed when choosing a place for a refrigerator is the rule of the working triangle, which we have already mentioned.

The work triangle is the area of ​​most activity in the kitchen, which includes three vertices: the storage area (refrigerator and supplies cabinet), the preparation area (stove) and the washing area. To make the kitchen as comfortable as possible, all these zones should form a triangle, ideally an isosceles one. At the same time, they should be in reasonable proximity to each other (no more than 200-180 cm), and on the way from one point to another there should be no obstacles in the form of, say, a table or a bar counter. If you break this rule by placing the refrigerator too far from the sink and stove, the triangle will break and during cooking/serving the cook will have to run back and forth with food in his hands, wasting extra time and effort.

Options for constructing a working triangle for the main types of kitchen layouts

Of course, in practice it is not always possible to comply with the rule of the working triangle in kitchen planning, but nevertheless you should strive for this.

4. Convenient places to install the refrigerator - in the corner or near the door/at the entrance to the kitchen

Placing the refrigerator in the corner will save space, and a large unit will not look so bulky here.

Placing a refrigerator near the door, firstly, will be convenient for unloading bags of groceries, and secondly, it zones the space by creating an additional “partition”. With this layout, the refrigerator can be built into a plasterboard niche or the door can be removed, creating a wide and open portal that visually lightens the space.

5. Sometimes a refrigerator can be fit into a niche formed by moving a doorway

In this case, the entrance to the kitchen is blocked, and a new opening is created in the partition between the kitchen and the living room. Often this technique can be used in small kitchens in Khrushchev and some other typical houses.

Refrigerator in a niche in a redesigned kitchen in Khrushchev

6. The depth of the refrigerator must correspond to the depth of the cabinet

This way the unit will not break a straight line kitchen furniture, and the interior will visually look orderly. This advice is especially relevant for free-standing refrigerators and small kitchens.

7. If possible, the refrigerator should be built into the unit

The built-in refrigerator saves precious centimeters and allows you to create uniformity on all kitchen surfaces, making the space visually lighter and larger, and the interior appears neat.

Built-in refrigerator in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

In addition, built-in equipment is much easier to keep clean - you just need to wipe the facades and the chamber itself. A free-standing unit requires cleaning the top, the space behind the back and around the walls.

  • Embedding a refrigerator is especially desirable not only for small kitchens, but also kitchens decorated in classic style , rustic and ethnic style.

Built-in refrigerator in the kitchen interior classic style in Stalin

8. For a small kitchen you should choose compact models

For example, a narrow but tall model (only 40-55 cm wide and up to 180 cm high), a mini-refrigerator that can be placed/built under the countertop, or simply a small-volume unit (for example, with a volume of 120 l).

  • And of course, it is desirable that the refrigerator in a small kitchen be built-in.

Below are photo examples of the technique in mini format.

Small refrigerator built under the oven

Small free-standing refrigerator by the window

Embedding a mini-fridge under a countertop is as easy as, say, a washing machine, a large dishwasher, or a cabinet with shelves. For those who live alone or with a couple, this is a great solution.

9. If the kitchen is very small, then the refrigerator can be moved to an adjacent room or corridor

The main thing is that the design of the refrigerator matches the color and style of other interior elements, for example, curtains, an apron or furniture facades. It is also important to understand that a “designer” refrigerator involves discreet interior kitchens, without an abundance of colorful and elegant details.

Fill a small kitchen with pieces of furniture and household appliances many times more difficult than decorating the interior of, for example, a modest living room. After all, all this must not only fit on a few square meters, but also be connected correctly. The question of where to put the refrigerator in a small kitchen so that it works correctly and for a long time, and is easy to use, arises especially acutely. Without proven advice and knowledge of a number important rules can't get by here.

In addition to the fact that in a small kitchen the place for the refrigerator must be selected taking into account the shortage of square meters, it is important to remember other nuances.

Firstly, a refrigerator is a household appliance that requires connection to an electrical outlet. It requires the installation of a separate outlet with a dedicated power line (do not forget to make a note in the distribution panel). Never connect the device via an extension cord. The outlet itself should be located so that you can turn off the refrigerator from the network. Usually this is a distance of up to 10 cm from the floor level.

Distribution panel with signed power lines

Secondly, the surface of the device must be cooled. For this reason, it cannot be placed close to a wall or a tall cabinet. There should be at least 2-3 cm of free space on the sides. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 15 cm from the wall to the back of the refrigerator.

It is important! If the refrigerator is almost level with any piece of furniture, then a gap of at least 10 cm must be left between them. This is necessary for the smooth opening of the door.

Third, pay attention to quality flooring in the place where you plan to place the household appliance. The floor must be level, without strong differences in height, potholes or other defects.

Also worthy of attention: the configuration of the room, the height of the ceilings, the location and size of the window, the presence of other household appliances.

You also need to clearly understand where you absolutely cannot place the refrigerator, even if there is very little space.

  • In close proximity to gas or electric stove. In this area there are regular changes in air temperature, which can negatively affect the operation of the device.
  • Near heating device. For the same reasons.
  • Near the sink. High humidity in this area also entails the risk of the refrigerator not functioning properly.
  • Near the window into which straight lines “hit” Sun rays. Their impact will cause the device to overheat and contribute to its rapid failure.

Poor placement of stove and refrigeration equipment

Options for placing a refrigerator in a small kitchen

There are several options for placing this household appliance in a modest kitchen. They have been tested by numerous designers and the experience of residents of small apartments. The choice of a specific solution depends on your capabilities, needs and room configuration.

Installing a refrigerator in a niche

This is one of the most convenient and practical options. In the niche it will be partially protected from dirt, sunlight and mechanical influences. The main thing is that all the rules for connecting the device are followed, and nothing prevents its doors from opening.

If the refrigerator is small, then the free space above it can be taken up by shelves or cabinets for storing kitchen utensils, seasonings, etc.

Spacious niche – good decision to save space

A chic option for a retro style kitchen

Option for a kitchen interior in a classic style

In the absence of a niche provided technical documents, you can arrange it yourself. Consult an architect. In some cases, this is a redevelopment and requires appropriate approval from government agencies.

For work you will need metal profiles, fasteners and sheets moisture-resistant plasterboard. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Choose a place to build a niche.
  2. If necessary, level the walls, floor, and ceiling in this part of the room.
  3. Make all the necessary measurements, taking into account the “spare” distances and distances necessary for air circulation.
  4. Install the socket.
  5. Mount the frame from metal profiles, fixing them among themselves and on the main surfaces of the room. Use a building level for control.
  6. Sheathe the finished structure with sheets of plasterboard.
  7. You prime, putty and finish the niche according to your preferences.
  8. Connect the refrigerator, having first leveled it.

This is important: if there is no air circulation in the niche, the refrigerator will overheat, this will disrupt its normal operation. In the instructions for modern products, manufacturers usually indicate minimum dimensions niches for embedding.

Placing the appliance on the balcony adjacent to the kitchen

If your kitchen is adjacent to a loggia or balcony, then it makes sense to consider installing a refrigerator there.

However, even if there is a shortage of square meters in the kitchen, this option is rarely used, since there are several defining points:

  • Maximum room insulation. Even in severe winter, the temperature on the balcony must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the device’s operating manual.
  • High-quality balcony ventilation. It is necessary to prevent overheating of the refrigerator or, conversely, excessive formation of condensation.
  • Proper installation of the device. It should not be exposed to precipitation or direct sunlight.
  • Device weight. Of course, if you carried out global work on insulating the loggia, you probably took care of strengthening its foundation. But given the considerable weight of the refrigerator and the condition of the floor slab, this may not be enough.
  • Prohibition on installing a power outlet on the loggia. It is worth noting that many people neglect this ban, as well as the ban on using an extension cord.

In this case, there is no proper shading of the device - this is wrong

Thus, if initially your plans did not include landscaping the balcony, placing a refrigerator on it can cost you a pretty penny. Not to mention the loss of time and nerve cells when coordinating all your actions with the relevant authorities.

Removing the refrigerator onto the balcony is possible only if a number of conditions are met.

Corner placement options

IN small kitchen it is important to properly manage every centimeter of space, so even with linear layout The refrigerator most often ends up in the corner.

Corner placement of the appliance in a very small kitchen

Perfect option– matching the depth of the corner and the dimensions of the refrigerator

Taking into account the basic rules for installing a refrigerator, you can find a place for it in the corner:

  • By the window. In this case, it is usually separated from the stove and sink by a small cutting table. Please note: this option will not suit you if the refrigerator protrudes beyond part of the wall and blocks the window.
  • In the dining area. However, in this case, it is necessary to carefully consider where and how the table for eating will be located. It may even have to be moved to another room.

Even such a handsome man was put in a corner like a naughty child

Note! Such solutions are especially relevant for rooms with linear and L-shaped layouts.

The advantage of installing a refrigerator in a corner is that it does not interfere with free movement around the kitchen. If you are just about to purchase a device, choose narrow models with shallow depth.

The refrigerator in the corner and the stove are separated by a small countertop

Refrigerator at the entrance to the kitchen - a hindrance or a good solution

Often, near the entrance to the kitchen there is a fairly large “dead” zone where nothing stands. There is also a quite attractive corner, a niche. It’s worth taking a closer look at this place, because a properly selected and installed refrigerator can completely transform the room.

Firstly, the rest of the kitchen space will look lighter and more spacious. This effect can be enhanced by light furniture and finishing materials. Secondly, bright original design the device can become the accent that defines the beginning of one of the functional areas in the apartment.

A bright refrigerator is a real decoration of the kitchen

Refrigerator at the entrance to the L-shaped kitchen

In order for such a solid device to be in line with the headset, its back part was placed in a niche

Note! This option is not suitable for elongated rooms and kitchens with narrow corridors leading to them.

As for the shortcomings, such a decision often entails abandoning kitchen door. Not everyone is ready for such sacrifices. But if you are ready, then you can go even further - widen the doorway. Then the refrigerator itself will be perceived differently. Against the background of a wide opening, it will visually appear smaller.

A neat opening without a kitchen door

You can also place the device near the entrance to the kitchen, but on the other side - in the corridor. Of course, in this case it is necessary to clearly assess how much it will interfere with movement between rooms. But if you can boast of a spacious corridor, then this is a good solution for a small kitchen.

It is important! A refrigerator in the hallway should not look like an alien object that is standing there temporarily and is about to be moved. Careful design of the interior will help to avoid this effect. You may even have to decorate the device itself. For this purpose, there are magnetic and slate boards, stickers, etc.

Not The best decision, but sometimes the only possible

Embedding a refrigerator - camouflage and space saving

Built-in refrigerators have been at the peak of popularity for several years now. The ability to hide a fairly large device and fit it into any interior style, thanks to well-chosen furniture fronts, appeals to many.

Built-in under the countertop

If you have a choice, then a small device built under the countertop would be a good option. In a similar way, a washing or washing machine is placed in the kitchen. dishwasher.

Two small chambers under the tabletop

Note! The most modest models are only half a meter high. The most popular segment is with refrigerators with a height of 60-100 cm.

This solution involves several variations and depends on the availability and location of the freezer.

  1. Refrigerator only. It is installed under the countertop and pleases with its size without losing functionality. Suitable for you only if you do not need freezer- For long-term storage products.
  1. Refrigerator with freezer drawer. Such a box fulfills its direct function, but has very modest dimensions.
  1. The refrigerator is in the kitchen, the freezer is in another room. One of the most popular options. You significantly save space in the kitchen, but at the same time do not lose the functionality of the device. The only caveat is that all the rules for connecting the refrigerator will need to be followed twice.

Compact refrigerator with freezer drawer

Such low refrigerators usually fit easily under the countertop without compromising the integrity of the kitchen interior or interfering with traffic. work area. To best match the dimensions of the device and the piece of furniture, it is recommended to purchase them at the same time.

Small refrigerator compartment for essential products

Undercounter refrigerators are not able to meet the food storage needs of a family of 3-4 people, but for 1-2 people this is quite enough.

Building a refrigerator into a cabinet

Behind the furniture facade you can hide not only a compact refrigerator, but also large equipment. In such cases, the refrigerator is more like a single-door cabinet and completely blends in with the rest of the furniture in the set.

Its features are as follows:

  • No blank back wall. It is successfully replaced by a grille that provides ventilation to the rear.
  • The box is made strictly according to the size of the refrigerator.
  • The device itself is not on the floor, but on the bottom of the cabinet.
  • Furniture fronts are hung on the doors using special fasteners.

Rational use of corner space

The result is pleasing with its aesthetics, but it should be taken into account that the internal volume of such refrigerators is less than that of similar ones separately standing models occupying the same area.

Furniture facade successfully disguises even the largest refrigerator

How to save space in the kitchen

Total space saving will help you fit a refrigerator in a small kitchen. To do this, use the next practical advice.

One of the main ways to save space in the kitchen is to reduce the number of household appliances.

  • First, think about what you can give up. Perhaps life can be improved without a dishwasher. Some people don't even need an oven.
  • Secondly, give preference to multifunctional appliances. There is no point in buying a vegetable cutter, meat grinder and mixer separately when you can buy a food processor.
  • Thirdly, evaluate the possibility of installing and storing some household appliances in another room. May be, washing machine Will it still fit in the bathroom?

Consider also the need for placement dining area in the kitchen. It is not necessary for a family of 3-4 people to crowd together at a small table. Meals can also be moved to the living room. If you categorically reject this option, then consider replacing a full-fledged table with a narrow bar counter or folding tabletop. Folding chairs will also come in handy.

Small table like a bar counter

Make the most of your free space. This is especially true for verticals. Wall shelves, cabinets, railings and other wall storage systems will become indispensable assistants for 4-7 sq. m. Even on inside The cabinet doors can be hung with small shelves for spices. Don't forget about the window sill - it can also serve as a shelf. So that loose fabric curtains do not bother you, you can replace them with roller curtains or even blinds.

Beautiful use free wall area

A small room is not a death sentence. Your imagination and design ideas, seasoned with a rational approach to the choice of furniture and household appliances, will help make the most modest kitchen functional, practical and cozy!

Video selection of “refrigeration” ideas for small kitchens

Perhaps the refrigerator is the largest and most necessary unit, without which you cannot live in the house. You can skip the microwave, toaster, or juicer, but perishable foods need to be stored somewhere anyway. It’s great if the task of fitting a refrigerator into the kitchen does not turn into a large-scale problem that occupies all our thoughts and energy.

But what to do when the kitchen area is 6-8, or even 4-5 square meters?

Which is not uncommon, unfortunately. And it is very difficult to find space for a unit with an average size of 60 by 70 centimeters and a height of 180 centimeters. This can take up a quarter of the entire kitchen area, leaving no room for family members.

We have analyzed everything possible options placement of a refrigerator in the kitchen and share them with our readers.

Of course, all small kitchens are equally small, but they can also have different shapes - narrow and elongated, square, rectangular, corner. Obviously, atypical options need to be dealt with individually, but general principles placement of bulky items is the same for everyone.

Furnishing a kitchen with household appliances is an important process that requires care and a serious approach. Correct placement of each device guarantees safety during operation of the equipment you need and ease of use. Let's consider the optimal installation locations for various devices in the kitchen.

Each appliance in the kitchen should have its ideal place. From correct location Household appliances depend on their convenient use and long service life.

Conventionally, the kitchen space can be divided into two zones:

  • water zone. It includes a dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator and sink;
  • hot zone. Includes hob, stove, oven and other items related to thermal use.

Place the equipment elements taking into account the above zones - it is this proximity that will ensure the ideal location of the devices.

Where to put the refrigerator?

The correct location of the refrigerator determines its long operating life, as well as the interior and appearance of your kitchen. For free movement around the kitchen, you can place the refrigerator in the corners of the room or at the entrance. Remember - the device is very sensitive to changes in the microclimate in the room. In accordance with the recommendations of experts The refrigerator cannot be installed:

  • Near heating batteries and heaters;
  • next to gas and electric stoves;
  • near dryers;
  • under direct sunlight.

The higher the air temperature near the refrigerator, the longer the compressor wears out and consumes more electrical energy. It is not recommended to place the refrigerator next to the sink. Splashes of water may penetrate the insulation of the device, causing it to malfunction.

It is better not to place other household appliances on the refrigerator. It should also be located at a certain distance from the wall: approximately 10-15 cm. In addition, we recommend that you install a separate electrical outlet for the device, and do not use an extension cord.

Proper installation of a refrigerator in the kitchen is very great importance. If the location is incorrectly chosen, the household appliance may create obstacles for you to move around the kitchen or quickly break down.

Hood placement

Ventilation of the kitchen space is of great importance, so over hob or stove hoods are installed. We would like to draw your attention to the following recommendations that will help you place the hood so that it works as efficiently as possible and does not spoil general form kitchens.

The main purpose of a kitchen hood is to effectively draw in various odors. Important to remember: the distance between the hood and the hob or stove should not create a fire hazard, and also interfere with the work of the hostess.

Please note Pay attention to the following standards for placing hoods at a distance from the stove or hob:

  • a gas household appliance (direct hood) is installed at a height of approximately 75-85 cm;
  • We recommend placing the lower part of the inclined gas hood at a height of 33 to 65 cm;
  • direct electric hood needs to be fixed at a height of 65-55 cm;
  • the lower part of the electric inclined hood should be at a height of 35-45 cm.

The distance range between the stove and the hood is not designated by chance - before choosing the height of the hood, you should focus on the following factors:

  • power of a household appliance;
  • kitchen configuration, its design;
  • the height of a person, most often standing at the hob.

You can slightly increase the installation height of the hood at your discretion, but reducing it is not recommended.

Remember: before installing the hood, you need to pay attention to two very important issues, which directly influence the choice of location for this household appliance. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the gas is vented into the ventilation shaft. Secondly, decide where to connect the household appliance to the electrical network.

Usually the hood is placed higher over the gas hob than the electric one.. This is explained by the fact that on gas stove open fire burns. Soot settles on the hood filters, so it can ignite if installed household device at insufficient height.

An electric hob is less fire hazardous, so the distance between it and the hood can be reduced if desired.

Before choosing a hood, you need to decide on its power and size. The device must completely cover the stove or hob for efficient and convenient work.

The location of the hood depends on its type:

  • the corner device is mounted in the corner of the room;
  • dome hood is attached to the wall;
  • the fireplace hood is located similarly to the dome hood;
  • the island unit is attached to the kitchen ceiling;
  • the upper part of the flat hood is fixed in a hanging cabinet, and the back wall is attached to the kitchen wall;
  • The built-in hood is completely mounted in a wall cabinet.

Correct installation of the hood will provide you with convenience, comfort and safety while cooking.

How to place the stove correctly

The location of the stove in the kitchen should be as convenient, correct and, most importantly, safe as possible. We have prepared row useful tips for the location of the stove or hob:

  • Place a gas hob or free-standing stove at a distance of at least 50 cm from windows and doors. Remember - you cannot shorten the specified distance! A draft can extinguish the flame or, on the contrary, provoke a fire of flammable objects;
  • the gas stove should be located near the gas distribution and ventilation compartment, with easy access to the gas shut-off valve;
  • to install an electric stove, powerful electrical wiring is required;
  • do not place the stove near the refrigerator - these are two incompatible household appliances;
  • It is not recommended to place the hob and stove near the kitchen wall, as splashes will fall on it during cooking.

For convenience, place all kitchen items necessary for daily cooking near the stove or hob. We do not recommend placing it near the stove drawers if you have little helpers. A child may get burned on the hot surface of the hob.

Let us separately dwell on the disadvantages of the proximity of the stove and sink:

  • electric stove - possible short circuit;
  • gas stove - explosion hazard;
  • risk of burns when washing dishes from boiling water or hot oil on the stove.

The greater the distance between the hob, stove and sink, the more convenient the cooking process.

Oven - choosing a place in the kitchen

Today there is a large number of options for placing an oven in the kitchen. The installation is very popular oven above the table top. Designers highlight the following positive points installation like this:

  • additional convenience during cooking;
  • the oven is easy to wash and clean;
  • safety for children.

You can place the oven under the countertop - this is the standard installation option. It is convenient for kitchen areas small sizes. We recommend placing the oven in a cabinet– thus, you will save additional space in the kitchen.

Experts identify the following main options for oven location:

  • into the cupboard– this technique is successful for a spacious kitchen space;
  • to the island. In a large kitchen with an island, the oven can be mounted directly into it;
  • in the cabinet. The advantage of this arrangement of the oven is the presence of additional work space in the kitchen;
  • in the corner kitchen set.

It is important to remember that the oven height should be as comfortable as possible.

Basic rules for placing an oven:

  • do not place the oven close to the refrigerator - this may negatively affect the operation of both devices;
  • leave a distance of at least 10 cm between the wall and the oven;
  • do not install the gas oven far from pipes;
  • When installing an electric oven, be sure to provide a powerful outlet;
  • Remember that the oven must open freely.

Washing machine and dishwasher - the best location

If you decide to buy a dishwasher, we recommend installing it to the right of the sink. If you are left-handed, install the device on the left side accordingly.

The dishwasher should be very close to the sink– then it will be easier to connect it to the necessary communications. If the sink is equipped with a drying wing, we recommend placing the drying wing on the countertop above the dishwasher when installing it. It will be easier, faster and more convenient for you to move your cookware from the rack to the dishwasher and back again.

On modern kitchen washing machines are installed quite often.

Key Points You Need to Consider When Choosing an Installation Location washing machine:

  • water pipes. In the kitchen there is only one option for connecting the washing machine to the water supply - the connection point for the mixer;
  • sewerage. The washing machine drain can be connected directly to the sewer, or to a siphon, or directly to the sink sink, at worst;
  • electricity. We recommend that you install a powerful electrical outlet near the installation of the washing machine;
  • door opening space in the case of front-loading machines.

Microwave Oven Dislocation

The microwave, due to its small dimensions, can be placed in the kitchen according to the residual principle, i.e. - almost in any empty (and convenient!) place. Including fastening to the wall. And some craftsmen even create special niches in the walls for this device. If something doesn’t suit you, then reinstalling it will be very simple, because it only needs two factors:

  • availability of power supply;
  • sufficient clearance to back wall for hot air to escape.

Power supply anywhere in the kitchen can easily be achieved with a reliable extension cord.

Microwaves can be placed even on low refrigerators or on wide window sills. In the latter case, you will have to control the effect of hot exhaust on window glass (especially in winter) and indoor plants.


In conclusion, we would like to draw your attention to important aspects placement of household appliances in the kitchen. Each device should be located in the most optimal and safe place in the room.

Correct installation of devices ensures:

  • convenience while working in the kitchen;
  • ergonomics of the kitchen space;
  • safety in operation;
  • long service life.

Remember: you cannot install incompatible equipment nearby. This is fraught with various consequences - from equipment breakdown to fire in the apartment.