Proper watering of cucumbers is a wonderful harvest. How to make drip irrigation from plastic bottles for cucumbers? Drip watering cucumbers from bottles by hand

The cucumber fruit consists mostly of water, which is why it is important proper watering this crop, especially during the fruiting period.

How to water cucumbers in open ground

Useful tips for watering cucumbers:

Proper watering of cucumbers in open ground

There are several methods of watering.

Drip irrigation

The technology was taken from industrial enterprises where a hydroponic system is used. Hydroponics is a structure for growing fruit plants, in special containers with a watering system. This system helps save space for growing crops.

Drip irrigation

The drip option is soil irrigation using special system, which includes a pump that pumps water, as well as many tubes leading to the plants. This option allows moisture to enter the soil evenly.

The cost of such a system was very high recently, but modern technologies, including Chinese ones, will make it accessible to everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Watering occurs automatically. The pump starts pumping water as soon as the timer starts counting down, and it automatically flows to the beds. This option saves time and effort, which is especially useful for older people and those who do not have enough time to garden.

    If you install a large barrel for watering, the effort will be minimized, even the liquid will need to be added only once a week.

  2. Watering is done correctly and evenly. Due to regular receipts large quantity water to the roots of the plant, they do not rot.
  3. With this option, productivity increases.
  4. There is no need to be afraid that the plantings will die from hypothermia, since while the liquid is being collected by the pump and flowing through the pipes, it is heating up.


The system has practically no disadvantages, but the installation complexity can be highlighted.


To work you will need a pump, plastic pipes and connectors for them. You can also buy a ready-made drip irrigation system; all you have to do is assemble it. They happen different sizes and ramifications.

Ready system

All materials can be purchased at construction and hardware stores. The cost of drip irrigation will depend on the number of plants to which pipes will need to be laid. How many pipes are needed depends on the length of the bed.

Work progress:

  1. Lay pipes around the site, near the plants, if they are already planted. The parts are fastened using connectors.
  2. Make holes in the pipes.
  3. The pipe system is connected to the pump. It can be regular or automatic (with a timer). The pump is connected to a water source (well) or placed in a barrel.

The advantage of a pump with a timer is that you can completely automate the watering operation.

Important! It is more convenient to install a drip irrigation system when the plants have not yet been planted. Then you can position the system as you wish, and plant the seedlings directly under the water holes.

Another way to make such a structure is to build it from bottles. This method is much cheaper. You need to take several plastic bottles, make many holes in the neck, place it neck down and bury it. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and the bottle itself is filled with water.

Wick watering

This option is most often used for indoor plants and on balconies. But also for cucumbers open ground The wick method of supplying water is also often used.

Wick watering

Wick irrigation is a system in which one end of a cord or fabric is lowered into a container of water, and the other is placed in the ground, next to the roots of the plant. As needed, the roots themselves pump water from the container through the channel.

Benefits of watering:

  1. Easy to install and use. This option can be made very easily and quickly from scrap materials.
  2. Automation of soil irrigation. You don’t have to keep track of how much water the plant needs, because different periods its growth and development (period of germination, seedlings, flowering, fruiting) it requires different amounts of moisture.

    With this type of watering, the cucumbers themselves will “control” the amount of moisture.

  3. The plant receives as much moisture as it needs.

Features of installing wick irrigation

For correct installation In such a system, it is important to pay attention to some features, failure to comply with which will lead to incorrect operation of the system. This may harm the roots.

  1. It is important to constantly replenish the water container with warm, settled liquid. If the bed is large, you need to bury or install a barrel of water nearby. If the bed is small, you can install a ten-liter bucket for water. You need to bury the container so that the side is flush with the ground. This is necessary so that the roots can pump water freely.
  2. The best thing to use for the wick is cloth. The material must be durable and not rotting. The width of the fabric strip should be 2 cm or more. The wider the strip, the better the soil will be irrigated. The length of the wick must be determined by the distance from the bottom of the barrel to the stem, taking into account the fact that its edge (about 10 cm) will be buried.
  3. You need to bury the edge of the strip next to the stem, to a depth of about 10 cm, and do this so as not to damage the roots.

Attention! You need to make sure that the water from the container and from the wick does not evaporate. To prevent this from happening, the barrel is covered with a lid and the wick is placed in the shade.

There are many more ways to water cucumbers. For example, a holey hose, plastic bottles with holes, sprinkling and others, but they are all similar to the previous two. And the above watering methods are simpler and more convenient.

In dry, hot weather, automatic options are an excellent solution, but in rain, such watering can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to limit it.

Drip irrigation using bottles

By the way, drip irrigation using bottles is convenient for applying fertilizers. To do this you can add required quantity fertilizer into a bottle of water and it will flow evenly straight to the roots.

Temperature for watering

Cucumbers are quite picky about water temperature. Watering cucumbers in open ground is only necessary warm water. Under no circumstances should you water them with cold water. Temperature changes inside the soil can lead to a severe decrease in yield and even death of the crop due to hypothermia. For the same reason, they are not watered with a hose. A strong pressure of cold water will destroy the sprouts, both small and adult.

Maintaining temperature

The best water temperature for irrigation: +20…+25 degrees Celsius. It is best if it is approximately the same as the soil temperature. The irrigation procedure should be carried out in the morning.

Seeds: pecking, sowing, watering

Cucumbers love water very much, all of them life cycle connected with her very closely. Even planting cucumbers begins with soaking the seeds. For germination, it is important to follow the following instructions:

  1. Seeds are disinfected using potassium permanganate. To do this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is diluted with 200 ml of water. The seed material is kept in this solution for about 10 minutes and then washed well.

Important! In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and amicably, it is recommended to soak them in biostimulants for plant growth, such as Epin, Zircon and others. This procedure will also increase the immunity of the seeds.

  1. You need to wet a piece of canvas and place the seeds on it. All procedures are carried out in warm (but not hot or cold) water. The best temperature for seed germination is around 28 degrees Celsius.
  1. Cover the seeds with a plastic bag or place in a glass container and place in a warm place. They hatch after 3 days.

Planting cucumbers

When the seeds hatch, they are planted in separate pots or open ground.

The seedlings must be watered with warm (+20...+25 degrees Celsius) settled water. Watering should be done in the first half of the day (before 12 o'clock) as the soil dries. It is important not to overwater the sprouts, otherwise not a single seedling will survive.

Planting cucumbers

The seedlings are fed for the first time 2 weeks after planting, then again after 10 days. After 3 weeks to a month, you can plant the plants in the ground. Cucumbers are fed with ash, yeast, and hydrogen peroxide. The fruits ripen 1.5-2 months after emergence.

How to choose the right time to plant cucumbers

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop. That is why they are planted when the air and soil warm up enough.

The soil temperature should be at least 15-18 degrees Celsius. It is important that the temperature increases daily so that the cucumbers grow quickly.

Important! If the temperature drops sharply, the cucumbers need to be covered with covering material or film. Warmth and moisture will be retained under it, and the seedlings will not freeze. By the way, heat is retained very well in polycarbonate greenhouses.

Where to plant

Planting can be done in open ground and in a greenhouse. The temperature in a greenhouse or greenhouse is higher, so you can plant cucumbers there earlier.

There are also vertical and horizontal methods landings. At vertical way you can save space. And with a horizontal method, the distance between the holes should be about 60 cm. With the vertical method of growing, the stems must be tied up.

The location for this crop must be warm and sunny.

Thus, watering is not a difficult task at all, if you take into account all the features of the structure, growth and development of this plant. By following all the rules of cultivation, the crop will definitely reward you with a good harvest.

Cucumbers are tasty and healthy vegetables that delight the gardener with crispy fruits from the very beginning of summer until almost autumn. They are great at fresh and in summer salads. And how nice it is to take a crispy cucumber out of a jar in winter! However, to get good harvest, you need to grow your plants correctly. Cucumbers are very heat-loving; these guests from hot countries cannot tolerate cold nights and prolonged drops in air temperature. However, the lack of moisture is even worse for them. That is why today we are considering watering cucumbers in open ground, its features and variety of options. Indeed, gardeners have come up with a lot of ways to optimize watering and get excellent harvest even from a small garden bed.

The main difficulties associated with watering

Watering cucumbers must comply with a number of rules. First of all, you need to remember that this is a heat-loving vine that requires optimal humidity. But not every watering will be to the liking of cucumbers. Cold, hard tap water They don't like it at all. It is especially harmful for them if additional water gets on the leaves, as happens with regular watering from a hose. This slows down plant growth and also provokes the emergence and development of powdery mildew. The fight against this disease is so difficult that most often it ends in defeat for the gardener or a severe decrease in yield. This means that in open ground it must be carried out in accordance with certain agrotechnical requirements. This is the only way to guarantee a good harvest. In addition, only a sufficient amount of moisture allows you to obtain good quality fruits.

Approximate irrigation scheme

Watering cucumbers in open ground depends on the period of plant growth and development. At the very beginning of the growing season, even before flowering, watering should be moderate, approximately 5-7 liters per square meter. It is produced every five days, depending on the air temperature. If you see that the soil is very dry, you need to water more often. During flowering and fruiting, plants require much more moisture. So in open ground it is necessary almost every day, you will have to plan more time for trips to your summer cottage during this period. In hot weather, you will need to water daily at the rate of 6-12 liters per square meter.

It is precisely because of the lack of moisture that the greens become bitter, which greatly reduces their nutritional value. You can water them only with warm water; the heat-loving vine does not tolerate cold water. Its temperature should be no lower than 25 degrees. Best time In order to properly water cucumbers in open ground, it is evening.

By the end of summer, the frequency of watering is reduced, this is due to the fact that the soil cools down greatly at night, and excess water in cold soil contributes to the development of root rot.

Preparing water for irrigation

Since it is necessary to water cucumbers in open ground every day, you need to make sure that there are large containers on the site, which are filled with water from a hose in the evening. During the day it will warm up, excess chlorine will evaporate, and by evening the water will be ready. Rainwater is great for watering plants, but it is difficult to collect in sufficient quantities, and the amount of rainfall depends on the region in which you live. However, prepare a barrel under the roof drain, you will have water for irrigation periodically. The water from the well is quite soft, but very cold, so it needs to be allowed to warm up thoroughly. If you have your own well, then you need to remember that such water is very hard, it contains impurities and salts. To soften it, you will need a little vinegar or citric acid.

Features of the root system

Cucumber belongs to the genus Cucurbitaceae and has a characteristic strong root system, which is located mainly in the top layer of soil. However, unlike close relatives, it is significantly inferior to them in size. Only 1.5% of the total mass of the plant falls on the root system. It is shallow-rooted and is located near the very surface of the earth, at a depth of only 20-30 cm. That is why it is important to know how to properly water cucumbers in open ground. Strong water pressure, like the rake you use to loosen the soil, can damage small roots. To restore the damaged part of the root, the plant will need up to 10 days, which means it will not bear fruit until the restoration process is completed. Thus, it is better to use a watering can so that watering occurs as naturally and painlessly as possible for the plant.


This is especially important for summer residents whose garden plot located far away. How often to water cucumbers in open ground is a question that is relevant for many. At the same time, there are the most different opinions. Some people believe that it is necessary to water every day, others prefer to maintain a certain regime. If you follow the recommendations of leading agricultural technicians, then you need to water abundantly, once every few days. This watering regime allows the soil to be well saturated with moisture, which means that the plants will not suffer from thirst. This goes against indoor floriculture, which recommends rare and not particularly abundant watering. However, today we are trying to establish how to properly water cucumbers in open ground, which means we need to take into account the specifics of these conditions. Light watering is good for pots, but outdoors will lead to thick crusts. In this case, it is better not to use loosening so as not to injure the roots. It would be much better to water abundantly, immediately for 2 days, and mulch.

Watering should be done in the morning or evening, but not during the day. It is not always possible to water at the root, and droplets of water on the leaves turn into small lenses that will lead to serious burns.

Watering in open ground

Not everyone uses it seedling method growing this crop, sometimes it is much simpler and easier to plant the seeds directly in the garden bed. Early ripening varieties grow well, and the gardener saves himself from replanting plants. In this case, it is recommended to water the ground well and dig a hole, plant the seeds and cover it with glass or film. This eliminates the need for watering, since a sufficient level of humidity is maintained in the mini-greenhouse.

After the seedlings become large enough for their greenhouse, the covering material is removed, after acclimatizing the plants. Now you need to transfer the seedlings to watering once every 5-7 days, carefully filling the hole with warm water.

Watering cucumbers after planting in open ground

However, another method is most common. Seedlings are grown in pots and then planted in open ground. Now the young cucumbers need to get used to the new conditions, so they may get a little sick. It is not recommended to water during this period. When transplanting seedlings into the ground, the bed is well watered, which means it can maintain normal level humidity.

After about a week, you can begin to water regularly. Do not forget that cold water is detrimental to these plants and sets them back several steps in their development. Depending on weather and climatic conditions, you yourself will determine how often to water cucumbers in open ground, but it is advisable to take breaks in watering for one or two days.

Common methods of watering cucumbers

When your seedlings have just sprouted, it is very useful to give them rain. Moreover, while she is in favorable conditions and is not affected by direct sun rays. As cucumbers grow older, this method of watering becomes less and less suitable. Once planted in open ground, you should completely forget about it. The first method is trickle watering. To do this, water is drawn into a watering can without a “shower”, then the entire soil is slowly spilled. At the same time, try to tilt the spout closer to the ground so that the soil does not wash away. This is how cucumbers are usually watered in open ground. How often to repeat this procedure will depend on the characteristics of the soil and air temperature.

The second method is more economical in terms of time spent. To do this, grooves are made in advance in the beds, between the rows. There is no need to make them too deep; 5-8 cm is enough. Your task is to fill them with water using a watering can, and then, when the moisture is absorbed, cover them with soil and loosen them well. The busier you are, the more suitable this type of watering of cucumbers in open ground is. How often it needs to be done is also an individual question, but with an average air temperature of +28 and well-watered grooves, the bed will last up to a week without watering.

Drip irrigation

This is the most revolutionary method of watering, which requires some investment or willingness from the gardener to work with my own hands. Drip irrigation of cucumbers in open ground is not so difficult to organize. To do this, it is enough to purchase necessary equipment and put together a simple circuit. You will need a large, elevated tank to fill with water. When heated in the sun, it becomes ideal for watering. It is necessary to connect a thick-walled hose with a number of holes in it. This is the simplest option, but in this case the water will flow out of the tank very quickly. Therefore, each hole is equipped with a special tap, which is adjusted to dripping. This type of watering allows you to fully automate watering and make it as comfortable as possible for plants.

Watering with plastic bottles

However, drip irrigation is a rather complex and expensive option; the gardener does not always have such resources. Therefore, a cheaper and simpler option was invented. This is watering cucumbers in open ground with plastic bottles. To do this, a two-liter plastic bottle is dug in near each bush, the top is cut off, and holes are made in the cap. After the bottle is dug in, it fills with water and gradually begins to release it directly to the root system of the plant. You no longer need to worry about the roots being washed away during watering or a crust forming on the surface of the earth. You fill the bottles with warm water and the job is done, the water will gradually seep straight to the roots of the plants.

Instead of a conclusion

Watering cucumbers is quite creative. Everyone can come up with their own ways to make their own work easier and provide themselves with a decent harvest of crispy fruits. For cucumbers, humidity level is one of the most important factors for growth and development, so be sure to follow the advice of professionals. There is nothing complicated about them, but by doing them, you get an excellent harvest.

Do you want to grow juicy, sweet cucumbers without bitterness? “Well, why are you asking, of course – yes!”, you will answer. Then know: main secret Such delicious crunchy vegetables that everyone loves - timely and proper watering of cucumbers. It makes no difference whether you water these plants in a greenhouse or in the ground (in a garden bed). The main thing is to find the right approach to watering: know how often to water cucumbers correctly and what you need (except water) to use for this. Experienced gardeners who grow amazingly generous harvests of pimply green fruits have learned to make drip irrigation systems themselves, using ordinary plastic bottles from mineral water and lemonade. At the same time, fertilizers and even yeast are often added to irrigation water.

To grow tasty cucumbers in a greenhouse, the gardener must monitor the regularity of watering and the ratio of soil moisture to air. Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse should be moderate - no more than five liters of water per 1 m² of seedlings once a week. After the first ovaries of plants appear, the amount of moisture consumed by plants increases: increase the volume of water to 12 m², and the frequency of watering to two or even three times every seven days. Be sure to follow appearance leaves. At the first yellowish spots or complete yellowing of the leaves, check the plants for pests and fungi. With excessive and frequent watering, the leaves of cucumbers also turn yellow, root rot appears, and the fruits themselves grow watery and tasteless.

Watering cucumbers in the garden differs from greenhouse watering in that the plants are constantly outdoors, under the sun, and often depend on the vagaries of the weather. It is stiflingly hot outside, and there has been no rain for almost a month and, it seems, no changes in the weather are expected - increase the rate and frequency of watering by 3-4 times. In the garden, during hot and dry summers, the volume of irrigation water increases to 20-30 liters per 1 m². Never water these plants with a hose: root system cucumbers is located close to the surface of the soil: you will damage it and wash out your own garden. To do this, it is better to use various devices, for example, plastic bottles for drip irrigation, left over from mineral water and lemonade.

Proper watering. We irrigate the cucumbers with water with yeast, ash and mineral fertilizers

Most the right way watering cucumbers in the ground, and in the greenhouse - from a watering can and only with lukewarm water. Cold water for watering - the best provocateur of root rot. Water must be poured carefully and slowly onto the stem so that its streams are gradually absorbed into the ground and do not violate the integrity of the plant’s root system. In your own garden, you can place a barrel of water or an empty rainwater tank. It is from there that you take water heated in the sun to water your plants. The rules for watering your cucumbers are easy to remember:

  • water them regularly, but not more than twice a week in moderate weather;
  • use only warm water;
  • Be alert for yellow leaves;
  • do not “flood” the plants or use a hose;
  • use mulching: this will protect the roots from exposure and damage.

When watering cucumbers, gardeners use various fertilizers, including the use of yeast, ash and mineral fertilizers most popular.

  • Yeast

    Dissolve a packet of dry yeast in warm water (up to 10 liters), adding 30-40 g of sugar to the mixture. Let the solution sit for 2 hours. Water the cucumbers with water with a yeast additive 2-3 times a month, and you will get bountiful harvest crispy cucumbers.

  • Ash

    You can sprinkle ash on the beds themselves, but it will be more effective to dilute a glass of ash in a bucket of water and apply this type of watering up to 2-3 times a month. This method of feeding during watering does not require any expense or much knowledge.

  • Mineral fertilizers

    When purchasing mineral fertilizers in specialized stores, follow exactly the instructions included with the fertilizer package. In most cases, fertilizers are used according to the following scheme: a packet of useful substances is dissolved in water and the cucumbers are watered with this solution.

Secrets of drip irrigation from plastic bottles for cucumbers, video

Cucumbers are tropical plants, therefore they are moisture-loving. Drip irrigation from plastic bottles will ensure constant access of water to the roots of the plants. It’s very easy to make such a simple device yourself, and it won’t require any investment. To organize drip irrigation, take two-liter plastic bottles from gas or mineral water and cut off the top part of the “eggplants”. Make small punctures around the bottom of the bottles, sufficient in diameter so that water does not pour out of them, but flows out drop by drop (holes can be made with a hot nail). After this, dig a hole next to the place where the cucumber is planted and dig your homemade “watering device” there. Plant seeds around it: the emerging seedlings, and then adult plants, will receive moisture directly at the root - carefully, constantly and safely for the root system. In addition, the water from the bottles will drain slowly, having time to warm up in the sun beforehand, and your cucumbers will be watered correctly. Such a garden “unit” will save your time for caring for cucumbers and eliminate the possibility mechanical damage plants when watering.

During dry weather, gardeners have to pay a lot of attention to watering their plants, which requires a lot of time and a lot of water. These expenses are not always justified.

To reduce them, with great success ordinary plastic bottles are used, which are thrown away in large quantities by short-sighted people, but their use can greatly make life easier for summer residents. Drip irrigation from bottles is very popular among summer residents. Scheme of drip irrigation from bottles. Any amateur gardener can organize drip irrigation from plastic bottles.

This system has many advantages: it is cheap, practically free, easy to manufacture and use, and with a certain amount of imagination it can decorate your garden. Another important advantage: with such watering, plants receive moisture directly to the roots, which is especially important for crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc. Of course, there are also disadvantages: this irrigation system cannot replace full watering, but for maintaining a sufficient amount of moisture while you are busy with other, more important things, it is a good helper.

Several ways to organize drip irrigation with plastic bottles

  1. In the walls of a plastic bottle (1.5-2 l), several holes are pierced with a needle or nail at a distance of about 3 cm from the bottom; they can be arranged in several rows in checkerboard pattern. The number of holes is determined experimentally, because For various types soil required different consumption water. The bottle is buried between the plants, bottom down, to a depth of 10-15 cm and filled with water through the neck as needed. You don’t have to close the lid, but if you want to close it, don’t forget to make a hole in it so that the bottle doesn’t shrink after the water pours out of it. The bottle is prepared in exactly the same way as in the first method, but the holes are pierced closer to the neck, after then cut off the bottom and bury it upside down, not forgetting to screw the lid on. To prevent the water from evaporating, cover the hole with the cut-off bottom; for convenience, you can turn it over. This method is more convenient for filling with water due to the wider inlet. You can not make holes, but tightly close the neck with foam rubber, but this is only suitable for heavy clay soil. In easy sandy soil the water will go away very quickly. For very moisture-loving plants or with long breaks between waterings, you can use 5- liter bottles. In this case, holes need to be pierced only on one side of the plastic bottle along the entire height. A window is cut out in the opposite wall for pouring water and the bottle is buried horizontally, with the holes down. There are irrigation methods when the bottles are not buried, but suspended above the plant. In this case, holes are pierced in the lid or around the neck. You don’t have to pierce the holes at all, but adjust the amount of water poured out by gradually unscrewing the lid. This kind of irrigation is good because the water warms up in the sun, and many plants love warm water, but it is more labor-intensive due to the need to install supports for bottles, and also has its drawbacks: the ground under the plant is washed away or water gets on the leaves, which has a bad effect on some plants, for example tomatoes. To avoid water getting on the plant, you need to hang the bottles directly above the ground.

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It is important that the holes are small, literally 1-1.5 mm, so that the water does not pour out too quickly. To prevent the holes from becoming clogged with soil, you can stretch old nylon stockings over the bottles or wrap them in cotton cloth. Diagram of a drip irrigation system made from plastic bottles: 1 - racks; 2 - fastening bottles to the crossbar; 4 - plastic bottles without a bottom; 5 - water; 6 - plants.

Ideally, the number of bottles should correspond to the number of plants; the optimal amount is one bottle for 3-4 cucumber or tomato bushes or two heads of cabbage. Of course, the required amount largely depends on how often you come to your site, on the characteristics of the soil, and most importantly, on climatic and weather conditions. These methods can be used not only for garden plants, but also for garden and berry bushes, for example , for roses, currants, gooseberries, etc.

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Additional bonuses

With this method of watering, plants receive more moisture with less water consumption, the number of weeds is reduced, and the need for frequent loosening of the soil disappears. Since the above-ground part of the plants remains dry, the likelihood of rot and fungal diseases is reduced. Such irrigation can be used not only for watering, but also for adding liquid fertilizers to the soil, and most importantly, it allows gardeners who come to their garden only on weekends , do not worry about your plantings on hot summer days. With the onset of the summer season, gardeners have to solve issues not only about planting and caring for plants.

Ensuring that plants are properly watered during dry weather is also especially important. Watering with a hose or watering can requires large quantities of water.

And quite a lot of time is spent on this watering. People throw away a huge amount of plastic bottles. And as always there are craftsmen who use regular bottles made of plastic for drip watering of plants.

The use of this method by summer residents makes their life easier in many ways. Any amateur gardener is able to organize drip irrigation on his site with his own hands from plastic bottles. At the same time, using a little imagination, you can also decorate your site. The drip irrigation system has many advantages.

It does not require special skills from a person in its manufacture and further operation. This irrigation system is quite easy to make.

Very cheap, practically free. But the most important advantage, and probably the most important, is that with such watering the moisture goes directly to the roots of the plant itself. For crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and many others, this is especially important.

This method does not replace full watering. But it allows you to keep the soil moist and allows the gardener to do other, more important things. There are several ways to set up a drip irrigation system.

In the first method, several holes are pierced in a checkerboard pattern in the walls of 1.5 or 2.0 liter bottles at a distance of about 3 cm from the bottom with a small nail or thick needle. How many holes are needed can only be decided by experience.

The soil happens different types. This means that the water consumption will be different. The bottle is buried in the ground, bottom down, between the plants. The depth is chosen somewhere around 10-15 cm.

As needed, water is poured through the neck. Whether or not to cap the bottle is up to you.

If you decide to close it with a cork, be sure to pierce a hole in it and the bottle will not shrink after all the water has poured out of it. In the second option, prepare the bottle in the same way as in the first method. Only the holes need to be pierced not in the bottom area, but closer to the neck.

The bottom must be cut off, but not completely. Leave about 1.0 cm. It will serve as a kind of lid, the water will not evaporate. Bury it with the neck down, after screwing on the lid.

This method is good because the inlet hole is wide and it is more convenient to add water to the bottle. When there are long breaks between waterings or your plant is moisture-loving, you can use bottles of larger capacity (5 liters). Holes are pierced only on one side.

A small hole is cut out on the opposite side to fill in water. They are laid (buried) with the holes down, horizontally. Some gardeners prefer not to bury the bottles, but to hang them with the neck down above the plants.

In this case, holes are pierced around the neck or in the cork itself. Bottled water warms up in the sun, which has a beneficial effect on many plants. This method of irrigation during installation is quite labor-intensive. Supports for bottles must be installed.

Water hits the leaves and erodes the soil under the plant. This is unacceptable for some plants (tomato). Late blight will appear. The plant and fruits may die.

Therefore, bottles must be suspended directly above the ground. This is the only way to avoid water getting on the plant. With any of the methods described above, using a small amount of water, the plant receives enough moisture. This irrigation is convenient for summer residents who have the opportunity to come only on weekends. We recommend to your attention two useful videos on how to arrange drip irrigation with your own hands from plastic bottles:

Thanks for the repost, friends:

Watering from plastic bottles

We take a plastic bottle, remove the sticker and rinse it. Next we need to drill two holes with a diameter of 2 millimeters. If this is not possible, then you can take a small nail, heat it over an open fire and make holes in the lid.

In general, the number of holes must be selected experimentally. If the soil is sandy, then two will be enough, if clay, then four. After making holes in the lid of a plastic bottle that is intended for watering.

It is necessary to cut off the bottom, cut off about one third of the bottle. The next step is to place the bottle directly near the root of the tomato. The best time for installation is directly during planting.

But don’t despair, it can be installed in a few weeks. We retreat 15-20 cm from the tomato stem. Dig a hole 10-15 cm, but be careful not to damage the roots of the tomato plant. Next, insert the bottle with the lid down at an angle of 30-45° and carefully bury it.

Watering is as follows: we walk along the beds and fill the bottles with water; when watering from plastic bottles, the water will slowly flow directly to the roots of the tomato. You can also feed the plant, saving fertilizer.

Use plastic bottles in your garden! Crafts for the garden

You can also use these bottles to water cucumber, pepper, eggplant, pumpkin and many other plants in your garden. Way watering from plastic bottles Suitable for those who cannot visit the garden or dacha every day.

Drip irrigation through plastic bottles

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One of the main problems of those amateur vegetable growers who do not spend the entire summer months tirelessly at their summer cottage is ensuring systematic and uniform watering of their garden pets. In watering, an important role is played by the uniform supply of life-giving moisture to the roots. vegetable crops, and this condition is difficult to meet if you irrigate the soil using an ordinary watering can.

The ideal solution in this case, of course, is a drip irrigation system, but not all summer residents can afford it. Therefore, particularly savvy individuals came up with the idea of ​​producing a real drip irrigation through plastic bottles.This method of irrigation allows for the transportation of water and mineral fertilizers dissolved in it directly to the roots of vegetable, flower and fruit plants.

To organize a “bottle” watering system, you will need to stock up on a significant number of 1.5-liter plastic bottles (but you can also take 2-liter ones). It is advisable to select these containers with narrow and long necks, and they must also be equipped with stoppers.

Then, in the upper part of the bottles (the one that will be buried in the soil), 14-16 holes must be made in each along their perimeter. An awl, nail or drill heated over a fire will do for this job. The last thing left to do is to cut off the bottom of the bottles.

When planting cucumber seedlings, the bottles are buried in the soil with their necks down at the level of the plant root system (approximately to a depth of 15-20 centimeters). To prevent the holes through which water will flow from becoming clogged, cut nylon can be pulled over them (torn stockings, socks, tights, etc. can be used for these purposes).

If the plants are arranged in two rows, then the watering container is screwed into the center of the rectangle formed by the plants, i.e. in fact, one bottle is quite enough to provide water for 4 cucumbers. Drip irrigation through plastic bottles promotes the formation of additional roots in plants of this crop, which stretch into the deeper layers of the soil in search of water.

This, in turn, can provide a noticeable increase in the yield of crispy greens and even extend the season for their consumption. When planting tomatoes in a single row, plastic bottles with the bottom cut off are dug into the ground every 15-30 centimeters. To ensure that the plants are completely protected from the effects of drought, the soil between them and between the rows is mulched with mown grass or hay in a layer of up to 10 centimeters.

Under such shelter, the soil remains loose, breathable, and earthworms and other soil creatures actively breed in it. Thus, this method of watering saves not only water, but also our energy (there is no need to loosen the surface of the bed after each watering). Another advantage drip irrigation through plastic bottles is that it allows you to combine watering with fertilizing, thereby making the work of the summer resident even more significantly easier.

When using mineral fertilizers, the required dose simply needs to be put directly into the bottles - in dry form. The water will deliver everything directly to the root system of the plants.

But with organic fertilizers Care should be taken: use only weak solutions to avoid overfeeding. For example, I do this: I dissolve a liter of slurry in a bucket of water or chicken manure, and then I dilute the resulting solution another 20 times and pour it into bottles.

Thus, a double benefit is obtained: the plants receive both watering and moderate nutrition. For watering fruit and berry bushes for each plant you will need at least three 2-liter bottles, which need to be dug in on three sides in the form of a kind of right triangle. I hope you are convinced that organizing watering through bottles has a lot of advantages, not to mention what it looks like your beds will be much neater, cleaner and more well-groomed. This is perhaps one of the most obvious and simple solutions watering problems for those busy summer residents who do not have the opportunity to visit their plot regularly enough at the height of the season.

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Experienced gardeners know that the best way Watering a tomato is subsoil watering. Plastic bottles work very well for this watering. The benefits of subsurface watering for a tomato plant are very significant.

Firstly, the materials are free. Secondly, saving water, time and fertilizers. All nutrients and the water goes directly to the tomato roots.

Thirdly, high air humidity is eliminated, which has a beneficial effect on the plant and the infection and spread of viral and bacterial diseases of the tomato is eliminated. There are several types of watering: from a hose directly along the rows of plants, sprinkling using finely dispersed sprinklers, and drip irrigation.

All of these types require time or money. But our task is to grow a healthy and rich harvest with minimum costs. For this we will need plastic bottles. I like to use two or two and a half liter bottles.

Take a plastic bottle, remove the sticker and rinse. Ready bottle for watering Next, we need to drill two holes with a diameter of 2 millimeters.

If this is not possible, then you can take a small nail, heat it over an open fire and make holes in the lid. In general, the number of holes must be selected experimentally. If the soil is sandy, then two will be enough, if clay, then four.

After making holes in the lid of a plastic bottle that is intended for watering. It is necessary to cut off the bottom, cut off about one third of the bottle. The next step is to place the bottle directly near the root of the tomato.

The best time for installation is directly during planting. But don’t despair, it can be installed in a few weeks. We retreat 15-20 cm from the tomato stem. Dig a hole 10-15 cm, but be careful not to damage the roots of the tomato plant.

Next, we insert the bottle with the lid down at an angle of 30-45° and carefully bury it. Watering is as follows: we walk along the beds and fill the bottles with water; when watering from plastic bottles, the water will slowly flow directly to the roots of the tomato. You can also feed the plant, saving fertilizer.

You can also use these bottles to water cucumber, pepper, eggplant, pumpkin and many other plants in your garden. The method of watering from plastic bottles is suitable for those who cannot visit the garden or dacha every day.

What is drip irrigation. This is a dosed method of watering, which is carried out directly under the root of the plant. Thanks to this irrigation, the root system receives the required amount of moisture. To create such structures, a minimum of effort is required, little water consumption, as well as low material costs. If you wish, you can make drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands. This is an excellent alternative to more expensive systems. Everything is made very quickly and simply. It is enough to have the required quantity in stock consumables and only a few hours of free time.

Advantages of drip irrigation from plastic bottles

  • Saves water by 2-3 times compared to other irrigation methods.
  • Targeted irrigation supplies moisture only to the bushes of vegetable, fruit or ornamental crops - the weeds are left without recharge.
  • Autonomy. You can leave tender, freshly planted pepper or tomato seedlings unattended for a week without them drying out.
  • The soil does not harden or crust over, as with heavy watering.
  • Drops do not fall on the leaves. The problem of plant burns in hot weather and fungal diseases or rot with regular evening watering is eliminated.
  • Water does not flow into puddles and does not fall on the paths between the beds.

What plants can be irrigated using drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Today, summer residents use a drip irrigation system in gardens and orchards, in greenhouses and on open beds. + This method provides water directly to the roots of the plant throughout the growing season. With its help you can irrigate all vegetable and berry crops:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Potato;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Raspberries;
  • Strawberries;
  • Grapes, etc.

What is needed for drip irrigation from plastic bottles

To make your own drip irrigation from bottles, you will need:

  • Knife for cutting containers. You can use scissors.
  • Sewing needle for punctures. But it is better to use nails or an awl.
  • Plastic bottles. For making drip irrigation, containers with a volume of 1 to 2 liters are suitable. If the system is installed under bushes or young trees, then you can use 5-liter bottles.
  • Nylon tights. If necessary, they can be replaced with cotton material.
  • Empty ballpoint pen refill.

Suspended drip irrigation method from plastic bottles

This watering option is more suitable for low-growing plants, such as cucumbers, for example, or greens (parsley, basil, lettuce). In order to implement such a system, you will need a base or frame made of wood or metal. The frame for bottles is made in the form of the letter “P” or “G” and is placed above the ground level at a height of no more than 50 cm, otherwise the drops will simply hit the ground, creating depressions and splashing heavily on the sides.

Bottles are selected in accordance with this parameter (their length should not exceed 40 cm). The number of containers depends on the number of plants that need drip irrigation - one bottle is located above each bush. It is best to hang a container of water so that the drops do not fall on the plant itself, but fall between neighboring bushes. This will avoid sunburn and various infections due to wetting of the green mass.

Holes are made in each lid, the size and number of which depend on the required intensity of watering - the more holes, the faster water will flow out of the bottle. Now you can cut off the bottom of the bottles and make holes near the cut edges. Through these holes the bottle will be attached to the frame with wire or rope. Drip irrigation is ready, water is added through the bottoms.

Drip irrigation method from plastic bottles and rods

Do this system Watering can be done in two ways: by attaching the rod to the bottom of the bottle or to its neck. In the first case, the bottle can be installed on the ground without additional equipment; in the second, the process of adding water to the bottle is greatly simplified.

In any case, the first thing you need to do is prepare the rod. To do this, wash out the remaining ink from it (in the case of using ballpoint pen refills) and close one of its ends with a plug. To do this, you can use a piece of a match or a wooden toothpick. Using an awl, make a small hole 3-4 millimeters from the closed end.

Now, 1-2 centimeters from the bottom of our container, we make a hole into which we insert the rod. It is no coincidence that the word “container” is used instead of the word “bottle”, since depending on the manufacturing method you choose, the bottom of the container can be either at the bottom of the bottle or at its neck. If you have placed the rod at the neck of the bottle, then you need to screw it (the neck) with a cork. We cut off the upper part of the resulting container, and essentially the bottom of the bottle, using a knife or scissors.

It makes sense to “capture” 2-3 centimeters of its wall along with the cut off bottom of the bottle. By making a vertical cut on it, this part of the bottle can be used as a lid to protect the container from debris. Now fill the bottle with water and see how quickly the liquid flows out through the closed edge rod hole. The optimal speed is 10 drops in 5 minutes. The finished system is installed near the plant, and the end of the rod is placed in close proximity to the root system. To do this, the container with the rod is attached to a peg of sufficient length using wire or tape. The free end of the peg is stuck into the ground next to the plant.

Underground drip irrigation method from plastic bottles

To organize watering using this method, you will need a plastic container with a volume of 1.5–2 liters. You need to make several holes in it with an awl or a gypsy needle at a distance of 3–4 cm from the bottom. The number of holes depends on the type of soil, for example, for sandy soil two will be enough, but for loamy soil you will have to make at least four holes. To water moisture-loving plants, small holes are pierced across the entire surface of the bottle. Dig the container between the plants upside down to a depth of approximately 10–12 cm, while keeping the neck above the ground. Pour water through it using a watering can and screw on the lid, in which you have previously made a hole for air to escape.

Another option is to bury the bottle in the ground, neck down, after making several holes in it and screwing the cap tightly. The bottom of the container is cut off in such a way as to form a kind of lid that will prevent water evaporation. This method of irrigation is more convenient, since the tank is filled with water through a fairly wide hole.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles is an excellent irrigation method for those summer residents who do not want to spend money on installing a full-fledged system. It is cheap and combines all the qualities and advantages that conventional drip irrigation from plastic pipes with your own hands. As a temporary measure, such irrigation can be considered ideal. And you can also see how to build it in the video.