Advantages of solar panels. Solar batteries and the efficiency of their use. Where are solar panels made?

Like any other energy source, solar panels have their pros and cons. These should be carefully assessed before you begin selecting components for your home's heating and energy system. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this energy source?

Pros of using solar panels

If we compare them with other energy sources that are autonomous and alternative, then solar panels can be considered the most efficient among them. To get enough energy from them, you need to combine several of these panels. Already from the square ten square meters you can get up to 1 kW of electricity. And for a house in which three or four people live, a combined battery panel with an area of ​​twenty square meters is quite suitable. During the day, in summer period this energy source is quite capable of powering the entire house. Twice big sizes The panels make it possible to generate almost 500 kW of electricity per month from solar energy. This is enough even for a heating system.

Among other advantages of solar-powered batteries, it is worth noting their long service life. In addition, you will not be in any way dependent on possible problems that occur in the company supplying electricity. Remember, you probably had to sit without light just because there was a break in the power line or for some other reason. This simply cannot happen with solar panels. They do not require constant maintenance, and the likelihood of their breakdown is extremely low. After installing the system, you will no longer have to pay for electricity (and in some cases, for heating).

Disadvantages of Using Solar Powered Batteries

The number of shortcomings of these batteries is not so great. However, they are quite serious and may well force a person to refuse to purchase this energy source. First of all, they include high price for these batteries. This means that they will pay off for a very long time. And people, as you know, are rarely willing to wait, and want to benefit from their purchase as soon as possible.

Compared to traditional energy sources, the efficiency of solar energy batteries is quite low. Their power also leaves much to be desired, and therefore it is impossible to power devices that are very powerful from them.

The problem with the prices of these batteries is not so much that they are very high, but that this amount has to be paid all at once, rather than gradually. So afford to buy something like this alternative source energy can only be provided by those who have significant available funds and can spend them without compromising the current budget.

The battery owner will also have to ask other questions, for example, “How to synchronize the voltage from the batteries with the voltage coming from the local substation?” To do this you will have to purchase special equipment, which will also result in additional costs.

In general, summarizing all of the above, we can say that at present only fairly wealthy owners of their own homes can benefit from this source of energy. They can calmly wait until the batteries pay for themselves.

Almost any method of generating electricity (except geothermal or tidal) depends on external factor- a source of energy, be it gas, oil, coal, wind or sun. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider the advantages of a particular source in isolation from real conditions, nor does it make sense to compare their advantages or disadvantages. Let's talk about the immediate prospects, taking into account differences in the levels of use of solar power plants.

Individual use level

The active implementation of solar power plants is currently hampered by several factors:

  • The relatively high cost per watt of electricity produced using solar panels. But over the past 10 years, the cost has decreased 10 times (according to Citigroup) and is $0.75 per watt in the US for wholesale buyers.
  • Lack of a developed infrastructure for promoting goods on the market, which includes design, installation and further support.
  • Lack of support from the state. Although, with regard to major players in the wholesale electricity market, Resolution No. 449 of May 28, 2013 “On the mechanism for promoting the use of renewable energy sources in the wholesale market” was adopted electrical energy and power."
  • Lack of a well-thought-out system for selling excess electricity to a centralized network. A solar power plant project of any level requires a certain safety margin, which depends on the importance of the power supply facility. This leads to the generation of excess energy in separate periods of time, which has nowhere to go.

Even a small move to eliminate these factors makes a solar power plant a complete and attractive product.

The positive qualities (advantages) of a solar power plant in the private sector include:

  • Energy independence (full or partial). Many people have faced the problem of power surges in our country and only a few have received compensation. And no compensation is provided for lost time or information, because... the losses are not material. Five hundred watt solar station with a calculated battery will allow you to forget about computer power failures or turning off the alarm and security system.
  • The attitude towards electricity is changing, because it becomes property that can be disposed of and managed. This, ultimately, teaches careful management not only to adults, but also to children.
  • A solar power plant is a long-term investment in home ownership, the profitability of which does not fall over the years. A person who thinks about tomorrow is capable of such investments, and not a person who is ready to “snatch” today, and tomorrow there will be a flood.
  • This is the quietest way to generate electricity and will always work as long as the sun shines.

No breakthrough technologies are expected in the production of solar power plants. Promising film and nanotechnologies will not reach industrial level another 15 years, and, besides, no one forbids increasing or replacing capacity with new models, because technology for converting and controlling energy flow is retained.

Industrial use level

Industrial generation of electricity using solar power plants is hampered for a number of reasons:

  • The high cost of a megawatt of electricity compared to existing generation methods. But in general, there is industry interest in renewable energy sources (RES) and energy waste recycling technologies.
  • Lobbying the interests of existing generating and distributing electric companies at all levels, which is expressed in the adoption of laws and blocking the implementation of those few programs for the development of energy based on renewable energy sources.
  • The complexity of the investment climate, which, on the one hand, does not allow reckless participation of foreign capital in Russian industry, and on the other, does not stimulate domestic capital to invest in their own industry. In this regard, the Sharp Solar company’s project to clone solar cell production, which it proposed to Saudi Arabia, is interesting. The essence of the project is that the company is building a highly automated battery production facility with a capacity of N MW, which is powered by a solar power plant. This production produces solar panels for the next two production facilities with a capacity of N+75-100 MW, which are being built at the same time. These two make solar power plants for four factories, etc. in progression 1+2N. The capacity of subsequent production may vary and should not be lower than the base one (N MW). The settlement cycle is three years, i.e. in 15 years there will be 63 factories, which can be located in any part of the planet with sufficient solar resources. Russia currently has neither government money nor interested “energy engineers” for such projects.

The use of solar energy at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (greenhouse farms, etc.) and in the urban management system ( administrative buildings, healthcare facilities and facilities with a stable level of electricity consumption) and housing and communal services. This is due to low operating costs and long service life.

The pace of solarization of global energy is evidenced by the fact that 2/3 of the capacity of all solar power plants has been commissioned over the past three years and approximately another 30% is planned to be commissioned in 2014. The share of solar power plants will be more than 32-35%. And the process becomes irreversible.

Very often one comes across the opinion that it is inappropriate to use, that they are expensive and do not pay for themselves. Many people think that it is much easier to install a gas generator that will provide energy to your home. Let's try to figure it out and determine the pros and cons of using it.

First, about the advantages of using solar panels

A photovoltaic solar battery has an almost unlimited service life (over 25-30 years, their production decreases by 10-20%). It does not make noise, does not require fuel, does not smell, there is no need to carry cans, change oil and build a separate (preferably fireproof) room with soundproofing walls, exhaust ventilation and exhaust pipe.

If you have a solar power system, you can listen to the birds and watch the children play in the garden without breathing in CO 2 . But the main thing is electricity around the clock, and not only when the generator is running, started on the 10th attempt, and rattling to the “joy” of you and your neighbors. You always have a screwdriver, phone, camera, etc. charged. Is it logical to reduce the resource of a powerful generator in order to produce a few watts?

An undoubted advantage of round-the-clock power supply is the ability to install an alarm system. There are many options. From the simplest car alarm to an intelligent home with a DVR, GSM module, video on-line, and other bells and whistles. If you have a house, a temporary shed, or a sauna made of timber, then it is enough to install a car alarm with a seismic sensor (shock sensor). These are the simplest, cheapest and most sufficient options, because... wooden houses conducts low-frequency vibrations very well. The best for a reason Acustic systems(speakers) wooden. In the event of a break-in attempt, it will probably work, and even if it doesn’t arrest you, it will certainly have a psychological effect on the attacker (Who knows, maybe the whole “village” will come running now, or the neighbor with the “bazooka” will wake up?). The same can be said about a house made of logs; it is not much inferior to timber. For brick and stone houses A car alarm with a volume sensor is more suitable; they are not much more expensive, 15-20%. And your property is “at least” protected.

A canopy made of solar panels solves 2 problems - electricity generation and sun protection

One solar battery with a power of 80-100 W provides the necessary lighting, operation of a small TV, water pump, and trimmer. And anyone who went to school can handle the installation and connection. There are no “mechanics” in solar panels (in fact, there is nothing to break), tempered, textured glass is used, which does not reflect rays, allows you to collect 15% more scattered radiation, and withstands any hail and wind.

Moreover, it is very practical and aesthetically pleasing to use as roofing material. In addition to generating electricity, partial shading and lighting of the attic or attic space occurs. Not to mention a self-sufficient gazebo, with lighting, a fountain and multimedia gadgets.

They often say: “In winter there is almost no sun.” I agree, almost not, but:

Now a little about the cons

Thus, with a properly designed system autonomous power supply Solar panels can improve the quality of life, living comfort and the cost of generating electricity not only in summer, but also in winter. In our climate, in winter it is necessary to back up solar panels with a generator, and more closely monitor the condition and temperature of the battery.

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Choosing solar panels for your home

Not so long ago, free electricity seemed like something out of science fiction. But engineering is moving forward and now the share of alternative energy is becoming larger. Gradually, more and more people are using autonomous solar systems based on solar panels. They become an effective source of free energy with reasonable financial investments. Solar energy is converted into electrical energy through photocells, and you receive it absolutely free. At the same time, the sun is a renewable and free source of energy. Solar systems are becoming increasingly popular amid rising tariffs for electricity and heat. The production of solar panels on an industrial scale has been launched in the USA, Europe, China, and some CIS countries. In Russia, there are factories in Moscow, Zelenograd, Krasnodar, and Ryazan.

Solar batteries as part of solar systems are mainly used to generate electricity for private homes, country houses, as well as various mobile structures that are located far from power lines. IN southern regions such installations can be found in rest homes, sanatoriums and other institutions. In fact, solar panels can be installed in any home where there is a need for additional electricity. Of course, to install the system there must be free place. A solar cell consists of a set of photovoltaic converters connected in a series circuit. The batteries themselves can be combined in parallel or in series to increase the power of the system.

Types of solar panels

Solar panels for the home are usually classified by the type of solar cells from which they are assembled. These photocells differ in their manufacturing technology and surface. There are three main types:

  • Photocells made of amorphous silicon. Batteries made from these elements are often called film coatings or. The thickness of the semiconductor layer in them is 80–100 microns. They have not yet been widely used due to their low efficiency. Perhaps a little later, with further improvement, they will become more in demand. So far, the main problem with them is to create the same directionality in silicon crystals;
  • Photocells made of silicon monocrystals. The most expensive and efficient elements that allow you to assemble batteries that operate in cloudy weather. The production technology of such solar cells uses slow cooling of molten silicon. The result is a homogeneous single crystal of silicon in the form of an ingot. After cooling, it is cut into plates and heat treated to form the necessary structure on the surface. Typically these solar cells are dark blue in color;
  • Photocells made of polycrystalline silicon. In this case, the technology of forming crystallization centers is used in the production of photocells. One ingot produces several crystals. Their subsequent heat treatment is the same as for single-crystal plates. By electrical characteristics they are inferior to single crystals and are cheaper. Externally, they differ in areas on the surface of different colors.

Important parameters of the solar system

When choosing solar panels for your home, you should take into account climatic conditions your region. The effectiveness of their work will depend on this. The region should also be taken into account when choosing the type of photocells discussed above. In the southern regions of Russia, in order to save money, you can install polycrystalline ones. There are many sunny days and it is not very cold in winter. For use in the north, it is better to use single crystals that can operate in diffuse sunlight.

Key features to pay attention to:

  • Efficiency Usually at the level of 12-15%;
  • High resistance;
  • Tightness and case material. Usually made of aluminum profile;
  • Glass. It's better if it's hardened.

Typically, electric or gas energy is used to heat a house, while the solar system simply supplies the necessary current to the network, working in conjunction with the main source of electricity. There are systems that include, which are connected to a boiler or heating system. In this case, during installation you still need to allocate space for the collector.

As already mentioned, solar panels work as part of solar systems. In addition to them, it includes:

  • Battery (one or more);
  • Inverter;
  • Wires, fasteners.

It is worth noting that during operation solar system for the home, the batteries will have to be changed quite often. The solar panels themselves last 25-30 years. During operation, the current from the solar panels charges the battery, and from it, through the inverter, electricity is supplied to electrical appliances in the house.

As a result, the battery is constantly being charged and discharged. Knowing the price and service life of a conventional one, you can estimate the cost of replacing it when operating a solar system.

One more point is worth noting. Advertising convinces us that solar panels do not require maintenance, but this is not true. The surface of the panels must be regularly cleaned from dust and dirt, and in winter from snow. Otherwise, the efficiency of their work is significantly reduced. And if the panels are installed on the roof or on the facade, the cleaning procedure will be fraught with difficulties. Only with clean panels your little one solar power plant for the home will be able to work at full capacity.

There is also a negative effect from heating batteries in the hot season. Because of this, their efficiency decreases and electricity production decreases.

Recently, the study of alternative energy has become increasingly popular.

The urgency of environmental problems and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves annually involves an increasing number of countries in the search for renewable heat sources. One of these environmentally friendly, inexhaustible natural resources and is solar energy. Today, this is perhaps the most technologically advanced and promising sector of alternative energy.

The scope of possibilities in this area is truly limitless. Scientists have calculated that, in terms of resource capacity, twenty sunny days are equal to all the reserves of oil, coal and other organic fuels on the planet!

Solar battery as the most economical DC generator

Based on the process of generating solar energy into electrical energy, solar batteries were created, which in our time have become available to a wide consumer.

The operating principle of solar panels is based on the “photoelectric effect”.

The battery itself is a solar cell with many semiconductors on the surface. When interacting with sun rays, semiconductors begin “movements”, as a result of which electric current is generated.

It is worth noting that the power of one such panel is relatively small and directly depends on their geographical location, seasonality and even time of day. To increase efficiency, several panels are combined into modules, increasing the battery area. As a rule, the required area depends proportionally on the scale of the energy supply facility. Currently, the largest solar panels in the world are located in the Mojave Desert. Their power is 354 megawatts, and their occupied area is about 1000 hectares!

Benefits of using solar panels

The main and indisputable advantage of solar panels is their inexhaustible source of energy - the Sun! Users of this universal generator absolutely do not depend on the functioning of suppliers, rising prices or problems in the fuel industry.

The service life of most modern solar panels reaches 20 or even 40 years! At the same time, everything Maintenance equipment consists only of inspecting and cleaning the panels from organic debris.

Another undeniable advantage of this type of energy is its environmental friendliness. Since when converted into electricity, solar energy does not pollute the air and does not affect environment, then we can confidently say that solar panels are a universal, profitable and safe source of electricity, as for most industrial enterprises, and for household needs!

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