Acrylic paints and how to use them. What are acrylic paints? Review. Proper lighting for working with acrylic paints

Watercolors, pencils, felt-tip pens - all this is familiar to us since childhood. But acrylic paints for painting appeared on sale relatively recently, and not everyone knows how to paint with them correctly. This article will help you understand this issue.

A little about acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for drawing - a universal option: you can draw with them on the most various surfaces. Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are great for painting and decorative works acrylic paints. Great creative scope, the opportunity to realize your ideas and imagination - that’s why many people love this type of paint.

For painting with them, both natural and synthetic brushes are suitable, as well as a palette knife and, if the paint is properly diluted with water, an airbrush. For those who have painted with gouache or watercolor before, painting with acrylic paints will be easier than ever. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for painting, you will receive a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack, and dry quickly.

Painting with acrylic paints for beginners: instructions

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve a watercolor effect. If you use a palette knife or a coarse bristle brush for painting, you will have the effect of a painting painted oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Working condition of paint

Due to the fact that acrylic paints dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely purchase a sprayer to moisten the paint if you are using a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush

Every time you wash your brushes, you need to dry them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave unsightly marks on it.

Color transparency

If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or just dilute them slightly with water on the palette, the color will be rich and opaque. And if diluted with water, the color transparency will be the same as that of watercolor paints.

The difference between acrylic washes and watercolor washes

Unlike watercolor, acrylic wash dries quickly, is fixed on the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers to the dried ones without fear of damaging the previous ones.


If you need glaze in several translucent layers, then the layers need to be applied very thinly so that the bottom layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.


You can improve the fluidity so that the color intensity does not change with a special thinner, but not with water.

Mixing colors

Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing occurs not on the palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Edge Sharpness

To make the corners sharp and sharply defined, you can stick masking masking tape onto the dried paint without harming the design. But you need to make sure that the edges fit tightly. Also, don't draw too quickly along the edges of the tape.

Painting with acrylic paints on canvas: features

In order to give the canvas whiteness, it should be coated with an acrylic primer. But if you want to add contrast to your work, you can also use dark acrylic emulsion. You can apply the primer using a brush in one or two layers. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. In this case, the canvas should be placed horizontally and primer should be poured onto it, while using a scraper to distribute it in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Proper lighting for working with acrylic paints

Skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process. It is worth following some rules to make your work more comfortable and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should blind the creator.

Acrylic-based paint contains acrylic - this is a polymer substance for the production of which acrylic acid is broken down. For these purposes, water or a technical solvent in the form of ethanol, chloroform and ether is used. This substance is characterized by the absence of color and the presence of a very pungent odor. Acrylic is a synthetic material with a transparent texture. In addition, it has good mechanical characteristics, resistant to thermal influences.

Among the advantages of acrylic-based products are high strength and lightness. In addition, acrylic is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

In order to make acrylic paint, you will need the presence of acrylic itself; in addition, the paint contains small dispersive parts of plastic and is prone to dissolution in water

After the paint has dried, a film is formed that protects the painted surface and the coloring pigment from external influences.

What is included in acrylic paints

Any of the acrylic-based paints contains:



Coloring pigments;




With the help of a binder component, all the paint ingredients are connected to each other. In addition, this improves the degree of adhesion of paint to the surface being painted. The material used as a binder is in the form of a polymer dispersion, for the manufacture of which acrylic resins are used. It is this component that determines the strength, service life, and resistance to paint abrasion. The quality of acrylic paint directly depends on the type of acrylic resin used to make it. With the help of a binder, a structure is provided on which the coloring pigment and other additives are located.


The filler is a composition with which the paint is able to cover the surface that is painted with it. Filler refers to larger parts of acrylic inclusions that increase the viscosity of the paint, its adhesion to the surface, protective characteristics and matting.

Color pigment

With the help of pigment, paint achieves the desired color or shade. As a pigment, a finely dispersed powdery mass is used, which is not able to dissolve in the binder, and gives a certain color.

The following types of pigments are distinguished:

Organic origin;

Inorganic origin;

Piece origin;

Natural pigments.


Using a solvent reduces the viscosity of the paint.


Additives act as auxiliary components that change its characteristics,

Acrylic paint manufacturing technology

The technology for manufacturing acrylic-based paints includes the following processes:

Installation in a container acrylic composition and coloring pigment;

The process of mixing all components in homogeneous mass, product quality control;

Packing paint into separate containers and preparing it for sale.

Advantages of acrylic paints

Among the undoubted advantages of acrylic paints are the following:

1. Environmental safety.

This advantage is achieved by using substances that are harmless to human health in the paint manufacturing process and do not affect human health in any way.

2. Comfort and ease of operation.

Due to the fact that acrylic-based paints are odorless, they are easy and simple to work with.

3. Fire safety.

Acrylic paints are not prone to fire, since they do not contain flammable substances.

4. Unlimited color palette.

A wide variety of colors and shades of acrylic paint allows it to be used not only for painting various types of structures, but also for creating paintings.

5. Quick drying.

Drying time for acrylic paint is 1-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer that was applied to the surface.

6. The qualities of elasticity, strength, ease of maintenance and abrasion resistance - these advantages make acrylic paints quite popular in the construction industry.

7. In addition, dirt does not accumulate on a surface painted with acrylic paint, and the film formed after the paint dries is breathable on one side and resistant to moisture on the other.

8. Duration of operation of the coating.

Some manufacturers claim that acrylic paints can serve their owners for more than ten years without losing their attractiveness.

9. Wide scope of application.

This advantage is explained primarily by the paints’ resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and mechanical stress. Paints are approved for use in rooms where there is high humidity and outdoors, in direct sunlight.

10. Versatility and versatility.

These characteristics allow the use of acrylic paints in combination with other building materials, when finishing premises both inside and outside. Acrylic paints can be applied to almost any type of surface, with the exception of some types of plastic.

Where and how are acrylic paints used?

The use of acrylic paints is associated with both the construction industry and painting. In addition, acrylic paints are used to apply designs to the surface of the car, they are even used for painting on nails.

Before applying acrylic paint to the surface you should:

Clean the surface from dirt, dust and grease;

If the material has high moisture absorption, then before painting, it is recommended to treat it with a primer;

Before using the paint, carefully check its consistency and, if necessary, dilute it with water or solvent;

To apply acrylic paint, use a roller, brush or spray gun;

The minimum air temperature for working with paint is ten degrees Celsius;

Use plain water to clean brushes, paint containers and other accessories.

If not all of the acrylic paint has been used, it should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid, since the entry of air changes its properties and makes it unsuitable for further use.

(End to follow)

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of different information about. Of course, each artist’s approach to work may differ from each other. And every way of drawing will be correct!

Nevertheless, I decided to make my tiny contribution to the “web of the Internet”, since I work with this type of paint, along with traditionally oil and varnish stained glass paints. You can view my paintings in different execution techniques at

The whole complexity of painting with acrylic paints lies in the details. General principles The application of these paints and their combinations differs little from oil. But nevertheless, mixing, applying them to the surface, as well as transparent glazing are somewhat specific. Previously I wrote in painting.

For those who are just looking at acrylic and trying to paint for the first time, it is useful to take the first steps using a proven method. That's why this article appeared: I will tell you in it how to paint with acrylic paints in such a way as to take into account their main features. This is, of course, not an absolute rule, since any painting is a whole living world and accordingly, improvisation in art is welcome.

Two sketches with acrylic paints

In the photo I choose one of the acrylic sketches for further work on canvas in oil.
There would most likely be no jazz in the art of music if it were not for the virtuoso musical improvisation of musicians. By the way, did you know that many musicians have shown talent in fine arts? Take an interest and see for yourself the talent

In the future, if you decide to continue working with them, you will be able to experiment with certain subtleties, improvising and creating your own music on canvas! So, let's go...

Getting started: preparing the palette, brushes and paints

You can paint with acrylic paints on cardboard, thick paper, intended for acrylic, but better, of course, a suitable canvas is suitable for acrylic painting. Therefore, painting with acrylic paints on canvas will be the right decision!

If you are not ready to paint on canvas now, then start simple, with acrylic paper, with a canvas structure. You can later glue such work onto thick cardboard, hardboard or canvas. And as they say, frame it and hang it on the wall!

Supplies before starting acrylic painting

Already at the stage of preparation for work, you need to take into account the main features of acrylic paints.

First feature: they dry very quickly, both on the palette and on the canvas. Therefore, to prepare paints, you need to either use a special palette or constantly maintain them in a semi-liquid state. If you decide to apply the masks impasto or with a palette knife, then this feature will only help you.

How long does acrylic paint take to dry?

Everything directly depends on the thickness of the stroke; the thinner it is, the faster the acrylic dries! If the drying speed in acrylic painting confuses you, and you are hesitant to try them in your work because of this, then don’t worry. Today on Art Space appeared special drying retardants.

Retarders for acrylic painting

They dilute acrylic paint and it will not dry on the palette for hours, remaining in the desired consistency. It also dries noticeably slower on canvas.

Second feature: Acrylic paints darken slightly after drying, dulling by about a tone or two. Therefore, initially we select them so that in their working form they are a tone or two lighter than we need in the picture. This is especially important if you are adding where a stroke has already been placed. That is, one stroke on top of dry paint will be visible... try it and you will understand for yourself.

Sketch with acrylic paints

The photo above shows an example of a previously made sketch with acrylic paints. This sketch was prepared before the main work - painting on the wall. The drawing must be clear and correctly written. Therefore, the image on the wall must correspond to the sketch, since there will be an exact repetition, only on a larger scale.

Notice the transition from light to dark in the arch opening.... This effect can be achieved by glazing, as if transparently covering it with one paint on top.

A picturesque layer of paint is the main thing in painting, so we begin work by choosing the colors and shades of your future composition. As a rule, beginning artists simply take the colors of paints that are in their kit, that is, in tubes. What if you need colors that are not in the tube? Here the ability to mix colors comes to the rescue, to get a new shade. After all, it is through mixing that we get new interesting color variations!

A wealth of shades is obtained by mixing

Glaze with acrylic paints- a separate topic. If you are just learning acrylic, then paint in independent, dense tones, just get used to the colors and their features. Once you've mastered the basics, you can play around with creating translucent foiling layers.

Below in the photo from left to right: the usual method of applying paint, the second option is a post-pose technique, the third is a light watercolor-lisser technique.

Examples of paintings in different acrylic techniques

Important Feature: with each stroke, try to form the contours that you want to see in final version. Acrylic paints dry in literally a few minutes and it may happen that when you want to finalize the outline, it will already dry and fade, and the new layer on top will contrast with it and prevent you from correctly assessing the intermediate option.

It is advisable, of course, to immediately outline the contours of objects that have contrasting edges. This will make the task of drawing each individual one easier.

Another nuance: the brush needs to be washed often, especially when drawing very fine details. For example, animal hair, grass, small stones require very fine brush strokes. If it sticks to your brushes large number paint and it dries, the hairs stick together and the strokes become thicker and rougher. They fail to create the desired structure.

In one day or evening, it is advisable to complete one complete independent element, at least one layer of it. Then, after drying, the next day you can start with a new element and not worry about whether the part you completed today will contrast with the one you wrote yesterday.

Painting with acrylic paints on canvas


Remember that acrylic paints practically cannot be washed off clothes. Therefore, it is advisable to write with them in a durable apron or work coat.

This may be your first acrylic painting and it doesn't have to be perfect. Its task is to let you understand how to work with acrylic correctly, how it lays on canvas or paper, how long it takes to dry and what result is obtained when applying it.

When you write it, you will already understand why certain shortcomings arose, and in your next works you will be able to avoid these mistakes. That's why write boldly, evaluate the result, draw conclusions and improve. Perhaps acrylic will help you fully unleash your creative potential!

For those who want to improve and want to move forward, I offer a complete video course, a guide using the example of a painting in modern style. The video is the most convenient way learning, in my opinion. Lesson announcement 📌

Friends, so that the article does not get lost among many similar ones, save it to your bookmarks. It will always be at your fingertips at the right time.

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Acrylic paints for painting are a universal option: they can be used to paint on a wide variety of surfaces.

Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are excellent for painting and decorative works with acrylic paints. Great creative scope, the opportunity to realize your ideas and imagination - that’s why many people love this type of paint.

For painting with them, both natural and synthetic brushes are suitable, as well as a palette knife and, if the paint is properly diluted with water, an airbrush. For those who have painted with gouache or watercolor before, painting with acrylic paints will be easier than ever. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for painting, you will receive a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack, and dry quickly.

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve a watercolor effect. If you use a palette knife or a rough bristle brush for painting, you will have the effect of a painting painted with oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Working condition of the paint.
Due to the fact that acrylic paints dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely purchase a sprayer to moisten the paint if you are using a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush.
Every time you wash your brushes, you need to dry them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave unsightly marks on it.

Color transparency.
If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or just dilute them slightly with water on the palette, the color will be rich and opaque. And if diluted with water, the color transparency will be the same as that of watercolor paints.

The difference between acrylic washes and watercolor washes.
Unlike watercolor, acrylic wash dries quickly, is fixed on the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers to the dried ones without fear of damaging the previous ones.

If you need glaze in several translucent layers, then the layers need to be applied very thinly so that the bottom layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.

You can improve the fluidity so that the color intensity does not change with a special thinner, but not with water.

Mixing colors.
Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing occurs not on the palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Sharpness of boundaries.
To make the corners sharp and sharply defined, you can stick masking masking tape onto the dried paint without harming the design. But you need to make sure that the edges fit tightly. Also, don't draw too quickly along the edges of the tape.

In order to give the canvas whitenessy, it should be coated with an acrylic primer.

But if you want to give your work contrast , then you can use dark acrylic emulsion. You can apply the primer using a brush in one or two layers. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. The canvas should be placed horizontally and the primer should be poured onto it, while using a scraper to distribute it in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Correct lighting for working with acrylic paints, skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process.

It is worth following some rules to make your work more comfortable and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should blind the creator.

In the process of choosing paint to perform construction work, acrylic-based products are especially popular. After all, this type of paint is characterized by the highest color durability and brightness. We will talk further about the features of application and technology of painting with acrylic paints.

Acrylic paints: origin and manufacturing technology

Acrylic-based paint contains acrylic - this is a polymer substance for the production of which acrylic acid is broken down. For these purposes, water or a technical solvent in the form of ethanol, chloroform and ether is used. This substance is characterized by the absence of color and the presence of a very pungent odor. Acrylic is a synthetic material with a transparent texture. In addition, it has good mechanical characteristics and is resistant to thermal influences.

Among the advantages of acrylic substances are high levels of strength and lightness. Acrylic is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

In order to make acrylic paint, you will need the presence of acrylic itself; in addition, the paint contains small dispersive parts of plastic, the dispersion is characterized by a tendency to dissolve with water.

After the paint has dried, a film is formed that protects the painted surface and the coloring pigment from external influences.

Any of the acrylic-based paints contains:

  • substance, connecting direction;
  • fillers;
  • coloring pigments;
  • solvents;
  • additives.

With the help of the first component, all the paint ingredients are connected to each other. In addition, this improves the degree of adhesion of paint to the surface being painted. The material used as a binder is in the form of a polymer dispersion, for the manufacture of which acrylic resins are used. Strength, service life, and resistance to paint abrasion depend on this component. The quality of acrylic paint directly depends on the type of acrylic resin used to make it. With the help of a binder, a structure is provided on which the coloring pigment and other additives are located.

The filler is a composition with which the paint is able to cover the surface that is painted with it. Filler refers to larger parts of acrylic inclusions that increase the viscosity of the paint, its adhesion to the surface, protective characteristics and matting.

With the help of pigment, paint achieves the desired color or shade. This substance is used as a finely dispersed powder mass, which is not able to dissolve in the binder, but is present in the paint in the form of a certain color. The following types of pigments are distinguished:

  • organic origin;
  • inorganic origin;
  • piece origin;
  • natural pigments.

Using a solvent reduces the viscosity of the paint. Additives act as auxiliary components that change its characteristics,

The technology for manufacturing acrylic-based paints includes the following processes:

  • installation of acrylic composition and coloring pigment into the container;
  • the process of mixing all components into a homogeneous mass, checking product quality;
  • packaging paint into separate containers and preparing it for sale.

Acrylic paint: photos and advantages

1. Environmental safety.

This advantage is achieved by using substances that are harmless to human health in the paint manufacturing process and do not affect human health in any way.

2. Comfort and ease of operation.

Due to the fact that acrylic-based paints are odorless, the ease and convenience of working with them improves.

3. Fire safety.

Acrylic paints are not prone to fire, since they do not contain flammable substances.

4. Unlimited color palette.

A wide variety of colors and shades of acrylic paint allows it to be used not only for painting various types of structures, but also for creating paintings.

5. Quick drying.

Drying time for acrylic paint is 1-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer that was applied to the surface.

6. The qualities of elasticity, strength, ease of maintenance and abrasion resistance - these advantages make acrylic paints quite popular in the construction industry.

7. In addition, dirt does not accumulate on a surface painted with acrylic paint, and the film formed after the paint dries is breathable on one side and resistant to moisture on the other.

8. Duration of operation of the coating.

Some manufacturers claim that acrylic paints can serve their owners for more than ten years without losing their attractiveness.

9. Wide scope of application.

This advantage is explained primarily by the paints’ resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and mechanical stress. Paints are approved for use in rooms with high humidity and outdoors, in direct sunlight.

10. Versatility and versatility.

These characteristics allow the use of acrylic paints in combination with other building materials for finishing premises both indoors and outdoors. Acrylic paints can be applied to almost any type of surface, with the exception of some types of plastic.

Scope of application and technology of using acrylic paints

The use of acrylic paints is associated with both the construction industry and painting. In addition, acrylic paints are used to apply designs to the surface of the car, they are even used for painting on nails.

Before applying acrylic paint to the surface, you should perform the following steps:

  • clean the surface from dirt, dust and grease;
  • if the material is highly absorbent of moisture, then before painting it is recommended to treat it with a primer;
  • Before using paint, carefully check its consistency and, if necessary, dilute it with water or solvent;
  • to apply acrylic paint, use a roller, brush or spray gun;
  • the minimum air temperature for working with paint is ten degrees Celsius;
  • Use plain water to clean brushes, paint containers and other accessories.

If not all of the acrylic paint has been used, it should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid, since the entry of air changes its properties and makes it unsuitable for further use.

The main types of acrylic-based paints

Depending on the area of ​​use, acrylic-based paints are:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • automobile;
  • used in painting.

Acrylic facade paint contains substances and additives that improve its resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and abrasion. This type of paint is suitable for painting various types of facades, fences, gates and other surfaces located outside the premises.

Interior acrylic paints are less resistant to external stimuli. They fit well on the surface and are different long-term operation. Distinguish individual species paints intended for painting walls and ceilings. In addition, there are universal compositions that are suitable for work both indoors and outdoors.

Automotive acrylic paints are applied to the body, with their help turning an ordinary car into a real work of art. Paintings are painted using artistic acrylic paints; in addition, a special variety is designed for painting on nails and fabric.

In relation to additional functions, acrylic paints are:

  • lightfast;
  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • washable.

In relation to gloss, acrylic paints are:

  • on a glossy base;
  • on a matte basis;
  • silky matte;
  • semi-gloss.

Depending on the type of surface on which the paint is applied, there are:

  • acrylic paints for wood;
  • acrylic paint for metal;
  • acrylic paint for walls and ceilings;
  • universal compositions.

How to dissolve acrylic paint

The first and easiest option for thinning acrylic paint is water. Since it is precisely what is present in acrylic-based paints. However, one should take into account the fact that after drying, it forms protective film, which is waterproof, therefore, you need to clean all tools after work as quickly as possible, before the paint dries.

Another option that will help thin acrylic-based paints is a thinner recommended by the paint manufacturers themselves. With its help, the characteristics of the paint are changed, for example, the painted surface acquires a glossy or matte sheen.

  • a one-to-one ratio of paint and water results in an ideal mass that is easy to apply to the surface and is the basic basis for painting;

  • painting with paint to which two parts of water have been added allows you to achieve the thinnest layer that evenly impregnates the surface;
  • the amount of water with which acrylic paint is diluted depends on the type and thickness of the layer that needs to be obtained; the thinner the layer of paint needed when painting, the more water should be added to the paint.

To dilute dried acrylic paint, grind it thoroughly into a powdery consistency. Next, the container in which it is located is filled with hot boiled water. After the water has cooled, it is drained and the procedure is repeated again. Next, the excess water is drained and the paint is mixed. It is not recommended to paint critical areas of structures using this paint, since it still loses some of its properties. However, for painting an old outbuilding, this is an ideal option.

How to paint with acrylic paint: technology for working with the material

The procedure for painting with acrylic paints is quite simple if you follow all the technological points and subtleties. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for painting the ceiling with acrylic paint:

1. First, the surface is prepared for painting. The ceiling should be free of dirt, dust and grease. In addition, the base must be perfectly level. If painting has not been done before, then before applying paint it is recommended to treat the ceiling with a primer, which will not only protect it from mold and mildew, but will also significantly reduce paint costs during its application.

2. If available on the ceiling old paint, you need to remove it using a spatula. Please note that the presence of small parts of paint on the ceiling during the painting process is unacceptable.

3. If there are cracks or chips on the ceiling, they must be repaired with putty. After the putty has dried, it is grouted, then primed and only then painted.

4. Before applying paint, care should be taken to prepare tools in the form of a roller, brushes, paint tank, ladder and the paint itself.

5. Start working from the corner areas, working on them with a brush. First, the ceiling around the perimeter is painted. Next, use a roller to paint the rest of the ceiling.

6. The direction in applying the first layer does not matter. But the final painting should be carried out in such a way that the paint is applied in the direction of the window. Thus, the surface will appear perfectly flat and smooth.

Since the drying time of acrylic paint is quite short, one day is enough to paint the ceiling. In addition, acrylic paint is odorless, so it is very popular for interior finishing work.

There are two ways to apply paint to a surface:

  • pre-diluted with water or special mixtures;
  • in paste form, in which case a special paint thickener will be required.

Please note that the paint should be diluted in a separate container, not in a jar, since the paint, after the moisture evaporates, becomes unusable.

To paint a facade using acrylic paint, follow these steps:

1. Prepare the surface.

There should be no dirt or plaster settling on the facade, the surface should look durable. In addition, you should make sure that there is no fungus on the surface of the walls. If there are cracks or other defects, you should get rid of them.

2. Applying primer.

The next stage involves applying primer to the surface of the façade. After this, the adhesion between the surface to be painted and the paint improves, and the level of paint consumption is reduced.

3. Staining procedure.

Paint is applied manually using a roller and brush, and mechanically- using a spray gun. The minimum number of layers of acrylic paint is two. Please note that the second coat should be applied only after the first has completely dried.

Acrylic paint video: