Angelic Angela from Kordes. Park rose (grandiflora) ANGELA Standard angel rose

The floribunda rose, which means “abundantly blooming,” is a real decoration of the garden, and besides, growing this species is not at all difficult. Many varieties have been bred today, and one of the most popular is the Angela variety. This flower boasts a wonderful decorative appearance and an easy-going character. Let's find out what the Angela rose is, in what conditions to grow it, how to care for it.

Rose Angela is a bush-shaped floribunda with a short stature. But the milder and warmer the climate in which the shrub is grown, the higher it can grow: in a cool climate only a meter, and in a warm climate up to two. The variety, like many other floribundas, was bred by German breeders.

External description

The rose boasts wonderful bright foliage of a delicate green hue. The leaves are medium in size, but their number is quite large. There are few thorns on the shoots.


The flowering period begins quite early and lasts a long time. Literally from the very beginning of summer until mid-September, the Angela rose delights with its decorative buds.

The flowers deserve a separate description: they have a regular cup-shaped shape, semi-double structure, and a delicate light pink hue. The diameter of one flower is only 5-6 cm, however, due to their huge number, the bush looks almost completely pink (see photo).

The pink color of the buds is uneven: it is lightest at the base of the petals, but darkens as it approaches the edges. The buds are not located singly, but are collected in small inflorescences. The aroma of the plant is very pleasant, reminiscent of apple.

Other Features

This plant boasts not only an amazingly decorative appearance, but also high resistance to diseases, including fungus. Particularly noteworthy is the rose's resistance to black spot and powdery mildew: the main enemies of flowering garden shrubs.

In addition, the rose is not afraid of either wind or rain. Even after a heavy rain, the bright buds will not lose their shape and color, and after the wind they will remain in their places.

Application in design

Floribunda Angela is great for growing both in group compositions and in single plantings. In addition, the plant is often used to form an elegant hedge on the site.

As for neighboring plants, Angela will look most advantageous against the background of coniferous specimens. If we talk about low-growing flowers, then the best neighbors for floribunda will be blue, white and purple clematis. The following plants will also be good partners: delphinium, aster, monarda, narrow-leaved lavender, loosestrife, catnip.

Note that roses can also be used for making bouquets: when cut, they last a long time and stand well.

Growing conditions

Let's find out where it is best to plant this rose and what conditions it needs for a prosperous existence.

Location and lighting

This pink variety loves the sun, so you need to choose an appropriate place for planting. In the shade, the plant, of course, will not die either, however, lush flowering will not be seen in this case.

But at least sunlight and is needed in abundant quantities; the rose should not be in direct rays throughout the day. In this case, there is a high risk of the delicate buds quickly withering, burning out, and burns are possible. Best choice There will be an area where the sun shines brightly in the morning or evening, and at midday the plant is provided with light shading.

Choose an area that is open and preferably on a slight hill. Flower shrubs should not be planted in lowlands, since stagnation of water in the soil is harmful to its roots.

Temperature and humidity

Rose Angela needs moderate air temperatures: however, it tolerates both short-term drought and not very prolonged cold weather. In winter it requires shelter, and in extreme heat in summer it is recommended to spray the bush.

The plant tolerates light drafts without problems and is not afraid of them at all. However, the plant does not need gusty wind. The rose should be protected from strong wind on the north side, and avoid planting it on the corners of buildings, in the aisles between buildings.

Soil composition

The soil in the flowerbed should be well-drained and moderately fertile. The soil should contain both sand and clay and be moderately moist rather than dry. If the soil is poor or dense, clayey, add humus to it: this fertilizer will loosen the soil and make it more nutritious. Prepare the place for planting the rose in advance by digging up the soil and adding compost or manure to it.

Selection of seedlings

When purchasing a seedling of this rose, pay attention to the presence of at least 2-3 woody shoots extending from the trunk. The bark of the plant should be free of damage and rot and have a greenish tint. The roots of the seedling must be mature and developed, branched.

How to care

Let's find out what kind of care this rose needs for lush flowering and rapid growth.


You need to moisten the rose moderately: only after the top layer of soil has dried. But during the period of active growth and development of water, a rose needs a lot: these periods coincide with bud opening, flowering, and the formation of new shoots and foliage. After the first phase of flowering, watering should also be especially abundant in order to stimulate the early start of the second phase.

Water the plant in the evening or morning: but not at midday. In the latter case, it is very likely that the bush will receive burns from sunlight falling on drops of water.

Loosening and mulching

Floribunda will grow well only in soil that is sufficiently permeable and loose: therefore, the loosening procedure is necessary. However, you should not go too deep: the roots of a rose often lie close to the surface. Experienced gardeners loosen no more than 10 cm in depth.

When caring for a plant, mulching can be of great help. A layer of mulch will help keep the roots moist for a longer period, get rid of weeds and make the loosening procedure practically unnecessary. You can use hay, decomposed dry manure, peat, and fallen leaves as mulch.

Top dressing

For successful development, the shrub needs additional nutrition. The optimal frequency of fertilizing is twice per season. Fertilizers are applied for the first time in the spring, at the very beginning of the growing season, and the second time before flowering.


The bush needs both sanitary and formative pruning. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring, before the first leaves begin to appear. Sanitary pruning involves removing branches that have been frozen over the winter, diseased, old and broken branches. In addition, the procedure should include the removal of shoots that thicken the crown and grow inward.

During formative pruning, branches are shortened by about a third of their length. However, if the bush is not tall, shortening occurs to a proportionally lesser extent.


Angela is quite a winter-hardy variety, however, in our climate the winters are too frosty to allow the rose to spend them without shelter. In the south of the country there is no need to cover it if the plant is already mature.

Starting from the fourth climate zone, floribunda needs protection for the winter. To do this, before the onset of cold weather, the bush is hilled up with soil or peat, forming a ridge of 20-30 cm. You can use compost for hilling: this way you will also additionally nourish the rose.

The top of the bush is covered with burlap or non-woven material, of which there are many on sale now. The space between the branches is paved with spruce branches.

Rose Angela, whose photo is in front of you, is very beautiful and unusual. Her popularity continues to grow. Rose Angela is also called Angelica. This wonderful variety was bred in Germany, it belongs to the group of floribunda roses. “Profusely blooming” is how the name floribunda is translated, which is completely true, since roses belonging to this group are simply doused with flowers. This variety was obtained by crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. It is because of this that this group of flowers has a very diverse bud color and excellent resistance to disease and frost.

Rose Angela: description

Rose variety Angela is a low bush. The height of the plant depends on the climate in which it is located. IN middle lane(4th climate zone) rose Angela reaches one meter in height, the branches of the bush are erect. In warmer climates, the rose bush can grow up to two meters.

The leaves are glossy, bright, green, and medium in size. Angela begins to bloom early, at the very beginning of summer, the flowering is long, the last flowers delight the eye in September. The buds are beautiful, semi-double, cup-shaped, reaching 5-6 cm in diameter. The flowers are light pink at the base, closer to the edges the petals are much darker, collected in lush inflorescences several pieces each.

The Angela rose is valued not only for its beauty; in addition, it has many other advantages. The plant has increased resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot. Angela is not afraid of either wind or rain. The buds do not fade in the sun and have a faint delicate aroma, similar to the aroma of apples. The flowering of the bush is abundant and long-lasting.

Planting and care

Rose Angela requires well-prepared soil with drainage when planting; the place for the rose bush must be selected so that there is no stagnation of air. Plant young bushes better in spring, it is recommended to deepen the budding site by 7-8 cm.

Rose loves the sun, so the “place of residence” must be determined taking into account the wishes of the queen of flowers. It is advisable to plant rose bushes in a sunny place with permeable and fertile soil. As mentioned earlier, the air should not be stagnant; the place with a rose flower bed should be well ventilated.

Roses should be watered sparingly as the soil dries. The bushes need feeding twice a season. The first time is at the beginning of the growing season in the spring, the second time is before the flower buds bloom.

Plants are pruned before the first leaves appear. It is necessary to remove broken, frozen and old branches with a brown shell. To prevent the bush from thickening, branches that grow inward and cross each other are pruned. If the bush is tall, then, in addition to those listed, all other branches are cut off by one third. This rule does not apply to low bushes.

Angela looks beautiful both in group plantings and in single plantings. You can make a beautiful one out of bushes hedge. Rose looks great next to evergreens coniferous plants and against a backdrop of purple, blue and white clematis.

Preparing for winter

Rose Angela is a relatively winter-hardy variety. In the southern regions (fifth zone), the plant does not need to be covered for the winter. In colder climates (the fourth zone), rose bushes must be hilled to a height of 20-30 cm before the onset of winter. It is better to make a pile not of soil, but of compost. The top of the plant also needs to be wrapped with covering material or burlap; for this you can also use spruce branches or brushwood.

Rosa Angela: reviews

Reviews from flower lovers about the rose variety Angela are only positive. Flower growers note that it blooms for a long time, looks great in border plantings, and is also grown in flowerpots and containers. From permanent neighbors the best way Juniper, boxwood will suit this beauty, blue spruce, thuja. Everyone who is familiar with this flower claims that the Angela variety blooms beautifully; when cut, the buds do not fade for a very long time. This rose can serve worthy decoration any flower garden.

Rose Angela

A very winter-hardy rose variety. In the middle zone, it requires light shelter for the winter.

Floribunda rose "Angela" requires well-prepared soil with drainage when planting. The landing site should prevent air stagnation. Very high resistance to heat. A rose variety that is very resistant to diseases.

For planting, select a well-lit place that prevents air stagnation.

Rose Angela is used for border plantings, rose gardens, growing in containers and flowerpots. Also good for cutting.

Availability and prices for “Angela” roses can be viewed on our website on the “Rose Price List” page

You can view the possibility of purchasing this and other plants by going to the website of our Eco Garden online store.

Rose Angela is a floribunda rose with light pink flowers, lighter towards the center, with a soft aroma. The size of the flowers is 3-4 cm. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of 1-5 pieces. The leaves are medium sized, glossy. The size of the bush is from 80 to 150 cm. A grafted variety of rose, a rootstock, perhaps, rose rugosa and rose horse. The rose was bred in Germany in 1984.

Rose Wings of Angels 4.33 9

Description: This charming beauty feels great both in the flowerbed and in various containers. Compact bushes are strewn with beautiful semi-double and double flowers. Abundant flowering until frost. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness.
Features of agricultural technology: Express perennial. The optimal temperature for seed germination is +18-20?C, for plant growth +10-14?C. When sowing, sprinkle the seeds with 2 mm of fine vermiculite or loose soil substrate. While creating optimal conditions Shoots appear in 20-30 days. It begins to bloom after 10-11 weeks. Unpretentious. Blooms well in sun or light shade. Placed on loose and fertile soils. Sowing: February-March. Thinning, transplanting: April (2.3 decades) - May (1). Planting pattern: 25x25.

Rose Wings of Angels reviews

I was flattered by the fact that the rose begins to bloom in the first year with small roses, and in one bag you can get both double and simple flowers, pink and white!! This is what happened to my neighbor. Out of 10 seeds, not one of me sprouted, but next year I will definitely try again!

Planted this spring, after 2 months it already produced the first flowers, small pink, 5 petals. Of the 10, 5 sprouted, but 3 died. 2 left, both are blooming. At home in a pot. Please advise, maybe we should put them outside? Or let him stay at home for now? (region - Ural).

Rose bushes

It really did not grow with double flowers, but this does not at all spoil the impression of the variety. Bushes grown from seeds have overwintered without shelter for several years, do not get sick, and bloom profusely.

rose angel wings

I had this wonderful rose growing for several years, what a miracle, what a beauty, there were all sorts of flowers, it spent the winter without shelter even here in the Urals, now I bought the seeds again, I want to plant it and admire it, and it doesn’t require any special care

I planted it about five years ago. I bought it in the store. All the seeds sprouted, but there was not a single bush with double flowers and they faded greatly in the sun. Didn't like it.

Rose Wings of Angels Russian vegetable garden

Detailed description

Rose Angel Wings - very delicate and blooming profusely perennial flower. It is formed in compact bushes up to 30 cm high, so it is well suited for planting in flower pots or flowerpots. The flowers are white-pink and pink, semi-double and double (at least 80%). The aroma is subtle, delicate, almost inaudible.


Common parameters

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      Rose scrub Claire Austin: planting and care

      White roses have always stood out noticeably among other varieties of roses. They represent light, beauty and innocence. There are very few truly worthwhile varieties of white roses. This is due to the fact that, unlike their red counterparts, they are very difficult to hatch. Even the world-famous English roses of David Austin could not boast of a variety of white varieties. But everything changed in 2007, when David managed to bring out the pearl of all his collections - white rose Claire Austin, whom he named after his daughter.

      Description of the variety

      David Austin is a world-famous English farmer who turned the flower world upside down. With him light hand The world saw new varieties of roses, which became known as “English roses.”

      Crossing ancient varieties of English roses with hybrid tea roses, he brought out a large number of new varieties that are incredibly popular all over the world. He gave them different names that fully reflected their character and beauty. But only one variety was honored to bear the name of the dear person in his life - his daughter Claire.

      Claire Austin is rightfully one of the most beautiful varieties white roses It belongs to the scrub roses, which are characterized by the large size of the bushes and abundant flowering.

      The rose bush of this variety is distinguished by its spreading nature. Most often, Claire Austin is grown as a bush. At the same time, its height will be 1.5 meters, and its diameter will be about 2 meters. But it can also be grown as a climbing plant. In this case, due to the support, the bush can grow up to 3 meters in height. The photo below shows how beautiful Claire Austin looks when grown supported by an arch.

      As you can see in the photo, Claire Austin's bush is very leafy. But due to the arched, slightly drooping shoots, it retains its elegant shape. Leaves of this variety English rose They are bright green in color with a slight glossy sheen.

      During flowering, the bright green bushes are diluted big flowers incredible beauty. On each stem of this wonderful rose, from 1 to 3 large flowers can form simultaneously. At the beginning of its blooming, the Claire Austin flower looks like an ordinary rose with a cup-shaped shape and tightly adjacent petals. But when fully opened, the flower reveals numerous double petals and becomes more voluminous. The color of Claire Austin's flowers varies depending on the flowering period:

      • at the very beginning of flowering, the roses have a delicate lemon color;
      • in the middle of flowering they fade to a snow-white color;
      • At the end of flowering, Claire Austin roses become a beige-pinkish hue.
      • The photo below shows the color of flowers from the beginning of flowering to its end.

        Like all of David Austin's creations, the Claire Austin variety has a rather strong and persistent smell. It harmoniously combines the rich aroma of tea rose and notes of myrrh, vanilla and heliotrope.

        Unfortunately, these flowers do not have very good resistance to rain. During precipitation they do not open, so they have to be helped manually. But this must be done with extreme caution, trying not to damage the delicate petals.

        This minus can be compensated by the re-blooming of Claire Austin, which allows you to admire the flowers throughout the summer.

        In addition, this variety has good immune characteristics. The Claire Austin rose can only get sick with such common diseases as powdery mildew or black spot in unfavorable weather years. This quality allows you to successfully grow a rose of this variety in the middle zone.

        Despite the fact that this rose is an unpretentious variety, in the first year after planting it will need Special attention. At this time, she will only be settling into a new place, so without proper care she may get sick and die. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you about the rules for planting it and further care for her.

        Planting it begins with choosing a suitable place. Like other David Austin varieties, this variety tolerates partial shade. But its exceptional beauty can only be seen when planted in a sunny place.

        Claire Austin is very unpretentious. Of course, ideally you should provide it with light soil. But if this is not possible, then this rose will adapt to the soil that will be there.

        The Claire Austin variety is best planted in the fall, but no later than October, when the first frosts begin. Autumn planting The good thing is that over the winter the bushes will build up a good root system rather than sprout new shoots. Planting in the spring months is also possible, but to do this, the soil for the rose will need to be dug up in the fall and fertilized with humus.

        For a purchased seedling, a hole with dimensions of 50*50*50 cm will be sufficient. In order for the seedling to take root better, before planting it must be soaked for a day in any root formation stimulator, for example, Kornevin or Heterauxin. The main condition for successful planting of a variety is the deepening of its grafting. It should be 10 cm deep into the ground. After the seedling is correctly placed in the prepared hole, you can fill in its roots. To do this, use soil from a pit with the addition of compost or rotted manure. At the end of planting, the soil should be lightly compacted and watered.

        Water the English rose Claire Austin only when the top layer of soil dries out. As a rule, under normal weather conditions, the regularity of watering will not exceed once every 5 days. Watering should be done in the evening with settled or rainwater. In hot weather, watering should be increased more often, using water heated in the sun. If Claire Austin is grown as a bush, then 5 liters will be enough for one plant. If this rose is grown as a climbing rose, then more water will have to be spent on watering - up to 15 liters per bush.

        Roses are watered all summer, until the end of August. If the summer turns out to be rainy, then you should stop watering earlier than August - in July.

        Pruning bushes is an important step in caring for them. At the same time, it is worth starting it in the first year after planting. In the spring, not earlier than April, when the buds have already awakened and swelled, and the first shoots have grown by 5 cm, the bush must be thinned out, leaving only 3 - 4 of the strongest shoots. All broken, old or small shoots should be removed without regret. They will only draw strength from the plant, inhibiting its growth and flowering. Once every 5 years, it is necessary to cut out all woody shoots, giving the young shoots the opportunity to germinate.

        In addition, all sections are made 5 mm above the kidney and only at an angle of 45 degrees.

        In order to provide the Claire Austin variety with abundant and lush flowering For large roses, shoots should be shortened to half their length. If you shorten the shoots by a third of their length, the bush will literally be sprinkled with buds. After wilting, the flowers must be removed. Otherwise, re-blooming may either not occur, or it may occur, but not soon.

        The Claire Austin variety must be fertilized at least three times during the summer. Fertilizers for feeding are used depending on the needs of the bushes:

      • Before flowering, you can feed Claire Austin with nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
      • Before blooming buds, roses require complex microelements and organic matter;
      • Before harvesting for the winter, the bushes should be fed with potassium and phosphorus.
      • If, when planting a rose, humus or organic matter was added to the planting hole, then fertilizing should begin only in the second year of growth.

        Covering your Claire Austin English rose is an important part of caring for it. In our climate, without this, the rose will simply freeze over the winter. Therefore, it is very important to pay increased attention to this aspect of care.

        It is worth starting to prepare roses for wintering in early October. To do this, the bushes are first hilled and then tilted as close to the ground as possible. After the first frost occurs, absolutely all leaves and buds must be removed from the shoots. This is done to prevent the development of fungal diseases during the wintering of the bushes. After this, the shoots are covered with spruce branches and non-woven material.

        In this form, the bushes overwinter until spring. Before covering roses for the winter, we recommend watching the video:

        To date, Claire Austin is the best white rose among all bred. English varieties. Its planting and care will not require special knowledge and effort from the gardener.

    The rose Angela (Angela) is also called the rose Angelica (Angelica). This variety was bred in Germany. It belongs to the Floribunda group of roses. Floribunda means "abundantly blooming." This group was obtained by crossing hybrid tea and polyantha roses. Therefore, this group of roses has a wide range of flower colors, like hybrid teas, and disease resistance and good frost resistance, like polyanthas.

    Angela – short bush rose. In the middle zone, climatic zone 4, this is a bush usually about 1 m high with erect branches. In more warm conditions can grow up to 2 m. The leaves are bright green, glossy, medium in size. Flowering is long-lasting, from June to September. The flowers are 4-6 cm in diameter, semi-double, cup-shaped. Collected in inflorescences of several pieces. The color of the petals is light pink at the base, gradually darkening towards the edges.

    A distinctive feature of this variety is its increased resistance to powdery mildew and black spot. This rose is not afraid of rain and wind, does not fade in the sun, has a faint delicate aroma, and blooms profusely and for a long time.

    Rose Angela loves sunny places with fertile and permeable soil. The place should be well ventilated so that the air does not stagnate. Watering is moderate. Fertilize roses twice a season. Once in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, the second time before flowering begins.

    Pruning is carried out in the spring before the leaves appear. It is necessary to trim frozen and broken branches, old ones with a brown shell. Branches that cross and rub against each other, growing inward, are also pruned so as not to thicken the bush. All others are cut by one third. Although if the bush is not tall, then this is not necessary.

    In zone 5 and further south, the bush does not need shelter for the winter. In the 4th climate zone, the bush must be well hilled for the winter to a height of 20-30 cm. It is better not to collect soil around the bush, but to organize a pile of compost. The top of the bush will need to be covered with brushwood or spruce branches. You can use covering material or burlap.

    It is best to plant young bushes in the spring. In this case, the budding site must be deepened by 6-7 cm.

    I read a lot positive feedback about this rose variety, including from gardeners from Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.

    For decorative purposes, Angela rose can be used as a tapeworm or grown in a small group. In this case, the planting interval should be about 80 cm. Or you can make a hedge from the bushes. The rose will look beautiful against the background of blue, purple or white clematis, against the background of evergreen conifers.

    As partners for it you can use delphinium, long-leaved speedwell, monarda, willow loosestrife, small-petalled aster, novobelgian aster, angustifolia lavender, Fassin's catnip, broadbell, chist.

    This rose lasts quite a long time when cut.

    Flower garden on the window. Beauty in the countryside.

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    1.5-1.7 m

    1x1 m

    Country: Serbia

    Flowering time: July-September

    Pink colour

    Group: park roses (grandiflora)

    Planting in the ground: May

    Article: 6.01

    Quantity per package: 1 piece

    Location: sun

    Manufacturer: Monte Agro

    Rose refers to continuously blooming roses. The flowers are pink with a crimson reverse, deeply cupped. There are 5-10 flowers on the stem, with a weak aroma. The flower size is 5-6 cm. The flowers do not open completely and are in tight racemes. The height of the bush is 100-150 cm and the width is 100 cm. The bush is abundantly strewn with shiny, green foliage. Very resistant to diseases: powdery mildew, black spot. The rose is also resistant to rain, the flowers are not damaged. Excellent for growing in any climate, in single or group plantings. Frost hardiness zone (USDA) - zone five.

    Park rose (grandiflora) ANGELA is part of the group of park (grandiflora) roses, which are distinguished by their abundant and long flowering, like floribunda roses, and have the shape and size of a flower. like hybrid teas, but at the same time they are superior to both in winter hardiness and growth vigor. Vigorous bushes 1.5-2.0 meters. Park (grandiflora) roses, like all roses, are picky about where they grow. Roses need rich, well-drained soil, as roses have very deep root system. The location should be sunny, preferably protected from the winds. Rose plants are quite large, so it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. The rose is planted in May; before planting, it is recommended to store the seedling in a cold place, not allowing it to dry out, or immediately after purchase, plant it in a deep pot and transfer it to open ground in May. For the winter, roses require shelter, which must be well ventilated in winter to prevent the rose from damping out.

    Seedlings are sold with a closed root system. The roots of the seedling are in the soil, which is wrapped in paper and packed in a plastic bag. The package, in turn, is placed in a cardboard tube with a plastic bottom. The tube contains a photo of the rose, a description of the variety and a diagram of planting the seedling. When planting, the tube and plastic bag are removed from the root system; the paper should not be removed, as it protects the earthen ball from destruction and therefore reduces injury to the roots. The seedlings have a well-formed trunk, with a diameter at the grafting site of at least 0.5 cm, 2-3 main shoots and 2-3 main roots, at least 20 cm long. SMITH IDEAL and LAXA rootstocks are used for the seedlings. The shoots of the seedlings are filled with wax, which does not need to be removed; the wax protects the seedlings from drying out and is not an obstacle to the awakening of the buds. Careful and thoughtful packaging allows you to keep the seedlings in excellent condition until planting in the ground. It is important to prevent overdrying and excessive moisture of the seedling's earthen coma.

    Rose Angela is a flower of extraordinary beauty, characterized by abundant flowering and uniform arrangement of flowers throughout the bush. This variety is one of the most popular in the world, since the Angelica rose (otherwise known by many rose growers) has excellent characteristics, and in particular, adapts perfectly to any climate, both Mediterranean and continental.

    The variety was developed by foreign breeders more than 30 years ago. The author of the hybrid tea rose, Angelica Reimer Cordes, is a famous German rose grower.

    Rose Angela: description of the characteristics of the variety

    The Angelica rose variety is in particular demand among flower growers, because it is hybrid tea plants that have excellent climatic characteristics. home distinguishing feature roses Angela lies in its appearance. The flowers are deeply cupped and do not open completely. The color is pastel pink with crimson edging around the edges of the petals. The bush itself is quite powerful, with strong stems, and grows up to one meter in height. The aesthetics of the “Angel” rose lies in the fact that several rose inflorescences are located on one stem. The bush is well leafy, grows intensively, the buds have a beautiful oval shape and a pleasant subtle aroma.

    Rose Angela

    The rose variety Angela floribunda is the most successful type of plant for forcing. The main features of the plant are described below.

    Plant parameters

    Angel Rose adapts remarkably well to the climate in which it is grown. The growth and size of buds depends on weather conditions. In hot climates the bush grows quickly and abundantly; in cool zones the plant is less active. Average parameters:

    • Bush height - 100-150 cm;
    • Width - 80-90 cm;
    • The size of the flower itself is 6-10 cm;
    • Flowering period - repeat flowering;
    • Leaves are glossy, bright green, dense;
    • The bush is strong, growing, erect.

    Rose bush Angela

    Climatic features

    Angela (Angela) rose perfectly tolerates both cold and heat. Is winter-hardy variety roses. When grown in the middle zone, it does not require careful shelter. The height of the bush will strictly depend on the climate in which it is grown. In the middle zone, the plant reaches 1 meter in height, and the bush itself is erect. In warmer conditions, the hybrid tea rose Angelica can grow up to 2 meters in height. The bush is slightly inclined and curved. This “fluffiness” will decorate any facade and will delight the eye of every plant owner.

    Additional Information! The buds tolerate heat well, do not crumble or fade. This aspect distinguishes the rose well from other types of hybrid flowers. The bush blooms profusely, and in warm weather it looks like a well-leafed spherical bouquet of roses. Aesthetic and attractive.

    Flowering period and yield

    The presented variety is good because it blooms from early summer until the end of September. Continuous flowering appearance buds do not lose their attractiveness and elasticity. The leaves of the flowers are bright green and do not fall off. The flower is resistant to diseases, does not require scrupulous care, tolerates well powdery mildew. The buds open on the stems in several pieces, the diameter of the cups is 5-7 cm.

    Rose gives great yield. Almost the entire bush is covered with buds; when cut, the flowers last a long time and do not fall off. The spines are small and frequent. It is worth noting that Angela can bloom until frost, while the presentable appearance of the buds does not change.


    The Angelica variety is used both in private homes in flower beds and for decorating streets. Suitable for border plantings, rose gardens, container and pot growing.

    Gorgeous rose bush

    Method of growing and caring for the variety

    Despite the fact that the floribunda rose Angela is not as demanding to grow as some types of roses, it requires correct landing and care. If all the conditions are met correctly, in the future the plant will be pleasing to the eye and will not get sick.

    To grow a bush of angel roses, you need to first prepare the soil with drainage. Flowers do not like stagnant air, so you need to plant the bush in an open space on sunny side, since the plant loves moisture and sun. It is desirable that the soil be fertile and breathable, i.e. it is imperative to loosen the soil.

    It is advisable to plant roses in early or mid-spring (the plant is not afraid of light frosts). It begins to bear fruit in early June, although this parameter will largely depend on climatic conditions.

    The plant loves drainage soil with an acid-base reaction of at least 5.6 and no more than 7.3 pH. The planting hole must be free to accommodate the entire root of the plant. The depth is at least 50 cm. The drainage can be made from sand or gravel in advance to prevent stagnation of water during irrigation.

    If the root system of the seedling is open, it is recommended to keep the rhizomes in water for 4-6 hours. You should pay attention to damaged shoots. If there are any, they must first be removed. Long shoots need to be shortened, weak ones should be cleaned and removed, and only strong and healthy ones of medium length should be left.

    Soil fertilization

    So that the rose takes root and has blooming species, flower growers suggest preparing the soil thoroughly as follows:

    • Manure (three parts);
    • Soil layer (fertile) two parts;
    • Sand (two parts);
    • Peat (one part).

    The most current planting time is May. By this period, the soil is already considered sufficiently warmed up.


    They don't like Rosalia abundant watering, you need to moisten the soil after it dries. Flowers need feeding. This procedure must be done twice - the first time at the beginning of spring (during the growing season), the second time before the buds open. The feeding method is quite varied; the choice of complex fertilizers is determined independently and depends, first of all, on the type of soil and the acidity of the earth.

    Rosa Angelskaya loves complex mixtures of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The proportions are 1:1:2. Many rose growers use organic fertilizer in the form of bird droppings, manure. However, they need to be diluted with water and left for several days.

    Additional Information! Spring composts make the soil loose, which increases the breathability of the soil. This procedure can be done in combination.

    The first feeding is carried out for intensive plant growth, the second stimulates the re-blooming of buds.


    In spring, it is important to prune rosalia before buds form.

    The pruning procedure should only be carried out with sharp and clean garden tools. This aspect allows you to grow beautiful ornamental plant and direct the correct vector of bush growth.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    In fact, hybrid tea roses, and in particular the Angelica variety, are quite convenient plants for rose lovers. They are not so whimsical, have resistance to weather conditions, and withstand diseases well. Rose park Angela has the following advantages:

    • Tolerates both warm and cold climates well.
    • Watering is carried out once a week (the presented roses are not particular lovers of water, which is very convenient for the owner).
    • The bush grows strong and is compact in size (not spreading).
    • The entire bush is covered with bright and delicate buds.
    • It blooms continuously, the petals do not fall off or turn yellow.
    • Roses stand up well when cut (they don’t wither for a long time, about 7 days).
    • Floribunda roses grow abundantly and often on stems than other varieties of hybrid tea roses.
    • IN winter period easy to hide and do not require landing.
    • The flowers emit a pleasant and delicate aroma medium strength, which allows you to place bouquets of roses in the house.
    • Resistant to many diseases.

    Tea rose

    However, with the tea rose Angela, not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. Yes, this variety can be easily grown at home, but it is important to find a suitable place to form a flower bed. Angelica is a grateful and fruitful plant, but if planted incorrectly, this bush will not please the owner with an abundance of flowers. Among the disadvantages of a hybrid decorative rose The following can be noted:

    • Systematic and high-quality soil preparation. If the owner of the seedling has not provided for all aspects of planting, the rose may simply not take root in the soil.
    • Ventilation. The bush should be located in a well-ventilated place. Otherwise, from a lack of air, it will begin to hurt and wither.
    • Sunny side. The owner must have sunny place in the garden to plant this plant. Angelica loves light very much, and if it is not sufficiently filled with UV rays, the bush begins to “fade” and wither.
    • Requires thorough feeding. Ideally, gardeners recommend fertilizing three times per season. The last time is carried out at the end of August for better preservation of the plant during the winter.

    Compared to other hybrid tea roses, Angela has the most interesting color. The petals are equipped with a beautiful crimson reverse, which makes the rose even more profound and extraordinary in appearance.