Entertainment in kindergarten in summer for senior group. Fun outdoor games for kids for an outdoor summer party

The entertainment takes place on the kindergarten playground.

Scenario of educational entertainment for older preschoolers

Scenario of educational entertainment in senior, preparatory preschool educational institution group

Entertainment scenario in kindergarten « Electric current»

Goal: to teach children how to properly use electrical appliances. Equipment: electric train for travel, paintings depicting a power plant, factory, city, electric constructor, socket and plug for display, illustrations, electric train doll.

Scenario for a holiday on the theme “Mushrooms” in kindergarten for older preschoolers

Scenario for preschool educational institution. Leisure "Signor Fly Agaric"

Lesovichok comes to visit the children.

Lesovichok. Hello guys! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest to pick berries and mushrooms. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries?

Scenario of the event on the topic “ Proper nutrition» for kindergarten

Scenario for older preschoolers “Let's talk about nutrition”

1st child

Hello people,

Happiness to you, joy,

Stay healthy until old age!

Raising a Question for Discussion

Mathematical KVN in the senior, preparatory group

Entertainment scenario for senior and preparatory groups

KVN "Mathematics is fun." Scenario

Members of two teams stand opposite each other. Teams come up with (or call previously composed) their names - “Schitariki” and “Pochemuchki”. Team captains are selected.

Scenario summer holiday in the senior, preparatory group. Visiting a fairy tale

Scenario of summer fun for older preschoolers

Scenario for preschool educational institution. Holiday “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Takes place on the verandas and sports ground kindergarten, divided into sectors. In each sector, the attributes correspond to a specific fairy tale. Near the houses there are presenters - heroes of fairy tales. These roles are played by educators. All children are divided into groups.

Scenario for a summer holiday for older preschoolers. Summer is a glorious time

Summer holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario

The scenario is built in the form of an entertaining journey through the stations.

Scenario “Summer is a glorious time” for older children preschool age in kindergarten.

Duration of the holiday: 40 minutes

1 commentNeptune's holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario for a summer holiday for older preschoolers

Holiday "King Neptune". Scenario

The action takes place in an open area of ​​a kindergarten, decorated with flags, stars, and portraits of cartoon characters. In the center of the site there is one large inflatable pool and many small ones.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the senior, preparatory group

Summer holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment script for preschool educational institutions. Holiday "Hello, June!"

Preliminary work: reading and learning works of oral folk art, poems about flowers; walk in the forest.

Summer Birthday Day in the junior and middle groups

Entertainment scenario for children 3-5 years old “Birthday”

The hall needs to be decorated with balloons, flowers, and flags.

Children, dressed up, enter the hall. They are greeted by the Hostess (teacher) in a Russian folk sundress.

Entertainment in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old in summer

Summer fun for younger and middle groups

Scenarios for summer holidays in the junior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions

Fun on the water “Let's swim!”

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten, where there is one painted and several inflatable pools, around which children sit on benches. There are towels and dry clothes nearby. All the action is accompanied by cheerful music.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the junior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions

Scenario for summer fun in kindergarten

Holiday "Hello, summer!" Scenario

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten.

Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue.

Municipal preschool educational institution Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 21, Istra Urban District

Musical director Svetlana Yuryevna Sidorova July 2017.

Celebration progress:

Children gather on the playground to cheerful music. They stand up in two round dances.


The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light!
The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping!
The sun is shining playfully, and in the ravine, by the river,
Wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone.

Song "Multi-colored round dance" (by show)

Host: It’s so good that summer continues! Everyone's mood is simply wonderful! The sun gives us its hot rays. We will not be bored, we will sing, dance, we will celebrate the holiday. What kind of holiday should we come up with today?

Summer has brought us a holiday, music flows all around,

Today we will call this holiday the Holiday of Friendship!

1 child:

Girlfriends and comrades, we live happily,
We love each other very much, we don’t give offense!

2nd child:

We are friendly guys, we don’t quarrel at all,
We are friendly guys, tell that to everyone!

3rd child:

Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone into the circle of guys.

4 Child. I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five...
It's a pity that we can't count them all.

Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Song "Kindergarten" (Filippenko).

Leading. Today we have the most fun holiday dedicated to Friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that we have our first friends and girlfriends.

I want to check if you know polite words.

Game "Say the word" .

  1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you).
  2. The old stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon).
  3. If you can’t eat anymore, tell him at the table... (Thank you).
  4. In both Belarus and Denmark they say goodbye...... (Goodbye).

5. If you don’t want to be considered ignorant,
I beg you, be wise,
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be... (kindly), be... (kind).

Leading. I want to know if you can distinguish good deeds from bad ones.

Game "Good - bad"

The presenter names an example of an action, the children indicate the correct one with applause: he tore his clothes, defended the weak, quarreled with his mother, warmed and fed the kitten, tore a branch from a tree, broke a toy, broke a vase, helped the baby get dressed, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked her for her help) .

The Lying Bully enters to the music.

Liar-Bully. Hi all! Yeah! This is where I need it! (rubs hands).

Leading. Where does this “here” go?

Liar-Bully. Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Liar-Bully. I am the Bully Liar. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not just any holiday, but the Festival of Friendship, the celebration of true friends. And we came to have fun.

Liar-Bully. Are these short little kids friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, they made me laugh! (laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys really know how to be friends, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Liar-Bully. Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up and, therefore, hasn’t learned to be friends!

He starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing the ball to them.

Leading. Well, no! This won't work! If you're going to play, then for real.

Liar-Bully. How is this for real?

Leading. This means according to the rules. Look, now we’ll take the ball and pass it around, and you can catch up. Agreed?

Game "Pass the ball around"

Liar-Bully: That's it, I don't play like that. It's not fair. Now, if I were the only one playing with a ball, and you all would run after me, it would be great!

Host: Do you want to play with the guys? interesting game “How are you living?” . Let me teach you and you guys. Or to the music "If life is fun" .

Liar-Bully. Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don’t know such a game or something.

Game "How are you doing?"

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you living? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

The Lying Bully plays incorrectly, the presenter asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know who I need to introduce Vraka-Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully liar hides to the side and covers his ears.

The clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?

Smeshinkin. Are you having a holiday or fun? How I love all this!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun.

Leading. To us on a long wet leg
The rain is bouncing along the path.
Dance "Rain" (girls)
Liar-Bully. Yes, of course! Shorty kids!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Lying Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?

Leading. Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, the Lying Bully claims that our

Boys and girls are still very small and do not know how to be friends.

Smeshinkin. But I think quite the opposite. For example, do you know, Lying Bully, what you need to do in the morning?

Liar-Bully. Of course I do! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

"Fun exercise" (“Hey, couch potatoes!” )

Liar-Bully. You’re so grown up in kindergarten, but when you come home... You can’t do without me there, what will you do without me, so pretty and mean?

Leading. But there’s nothing like that, our kids are not only friends in kindergarten, but also friends with their moms and dads and always try to obey them

Liar-Bully. Eh, you! You didn't turn out to be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask?! Just look at yourself: is it possible to find friends with such a harmful face, on which there is never a smile?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen to what a kind, good song our girls will sing for you.

Song “We divide everything in half” .

(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Ivanov)

Lying Bully (claps his hands). What a wonderful song! I've never heard this before!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time!

Liar-Bully. How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading. With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We are your name

We'll give you a new one. Want?

Lying Bully (embarrassed). Well, I don't know... Will I be able to...?

Smeshinkin. You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's give the Bully Liar a new one good name-Veselushka-Laughter..

Smeshinkin. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Liar-Bully. How to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to start with. I picked up different flowers along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are the flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns asking the guys riddles. Agreed?

Liar-Bully. I will try.

1. He got leeches
I sold Karabasu.
The whole smell of swamp mud.
His name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

2. He walked through the forest boldly.
But the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye.
His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

3. Poor dolls are beaten and tortured,
He is looking for a magic key.
He looks terrible.
Who is this... (Aibolit - Karabas)

4. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years.
Finally saw the light.
He has grown a beard,
This kind... (Father Frost - Old Man Hottabych)

5. He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests returned him.
He's grumpy like an old man.
This sad... (Piglet - Eeyore)

6. He is a big naughty man and comedian,
He has a house on the roof.
Braggart and arrogant,
And his name is... (Dunno - Carlson)

Or riddles about flowers
Leading. And now my boys
Listen to the riddles together.
And my riddles are about summer flowers. Are you ready?

What's my name? Tell?
I often hide in the rye,
A humble wildflower,
Blue-eyed... (knapweed)

Here is a rough stem
In the middle there is a coal.
- The petals shine like varnish.
Red blossomed... (poppy)

The little blue bell is hanging,
He never calls. (Bell)

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.


Familiar to everyone since childhood
Their white shirt
With a bright yellow center
Cheerful... (chamomile)

Dance "Daisies"

Smeshinkin. Well done guys! And you said (addresses the Bully Vrake) that our children know nothing. Would kids be able to solve such difficult riddles?

Liar-Bully. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher. I even wanted to play a game with you "Carousel" .

Game "Carousel" (with umbrella)

Dance "Friendship" (group "Barbariki" )

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?

Liar-Bully. Of course! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for me and Veselushka-Laughter to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka. Bye!

The heroes leave to the sound of cheerful music.

Drawing "My friends" .

At the end of the holiday, another surprise awaits the children: the teachers hand out colored crayons to the children. Children draw their friends.

Entertainment for older children

“Invaluable and necessary water for everyone”

Target: create a joyful mood in children, show the enormous importance of water for all living beings, clarify children’s ideas about the different states of water, and develop the ability to solve riddles.

Previous work: playing with water, observing rain, ice, snow, talking about water, the states of water, how water helps a person, reading and looking at illustrations on the topic “Water”.

Attributes: 2 buckets, 2 bottles, 2 funnels, 2 glasses, 2 umbrellas, soft shampoo bottles (shower gels), “droplets” emblems for awards (small and large).

Progress of entertainment:(

To the music of a waltz, in the costume of the Queen of Water (crown with the image of drops and a transparent cape), the teacher enters

Educator: Hello guys. Do you recognize me? Probably not. I am needed in heaven and on earth; no one and nothing can do without me. I am needed by everyone, everyone, everyone.

One to swim

For others - to quench their thirst,

The third is to wash something,

And for housewives to cook different dishes!

Who am I? I am Queen Water!

Do you guys know who needs water and why? Answer my questions, and for the correct answer you will receive a “drop” of water, and whoever collects the most “drops” will win today.

Who can't live without water? (people, plants, animals, birds)

Why do plants and animals need water? (to live and grow)

What do people do with water? (cook dinner, drink, bathe, wash, wash, water)

Where on earth is water found? (in seas, rivers, lakes, oceans, streams, in puddles).

Is there water in the sky? Where? (yes: in clouds, in clouds, in snowflakes, fogs)

IN.: Well done guys. Everyone said it correctly: plants need to be watered, otherwise they will dry out, animals need to drink water, and some, for example, fish, live in it. People need water constantly: to drink, bathe, wash, wash, harden and relax near water. No living creature can survive without water. I am the Queen on earth and in heaven. Queen of all nature. On earth I am in the seas, oceans, and rivers, and I am also underground in wells and springs. People know that spring water is the cleanest, tastiest and healthiest, and when they come to the spring, they take for themselves clean water. So you and I will now fill our bottles with clean spring water.

(The relay race “Fill the bottle with water” is held. 2 teams take turns filling glasses of water from buckets through a funnel into bottles at the other end of the site. Whoever fills the bottle first wins. Members of the winning team are awarded “drops”).

IN. : But I’m also in the sky when clouds are crawling across it. Come on, who can tell me about heavenly water?

(two children come out and read poems about rain)

  1. - It's raining. rain, 2. Rain, rain, water,

What are you pouring? There will be a loaf of bread,

Won't you let us go for a walk? Rain, rain, let it rain

I water rainwater Let the peas grow!

My land, mine, mine.

My street and yard,

My roof and fence,

I'm washing the gate

And trees and bushes,

To be there for May Day

Everyone is washed and clean!

IN.: Well done guys, good poems about rain. Here are my “drops”.

And I have a suitable game for the guys: “Umbrellas”

(The relay game “Umbrellas” is held. 2 teams, 2 umbrellas. A child with an umbrella runs to the pin at the other end of the court and returns back with his back, passing the umbrella to the next player. Members of the winning team are awarded “drops”)

IN.: Oh, how clever and skillful you are. Do you like to solve riddles? Just remember that all my riddles are related to water (who guessed the riddle - “a drop”)

Without a path and without a road

The longest legged one walks

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground (rain)

Without boards, without axes,

The bridge across the river is ready

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light! (ice)

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter,

But the sun will bake her, -

She will cry and die (icicle)

Stars are falling from the sky,

They will lie down in the fields,

Let him hide under them

Black earth.

Many, many stars

Thin as glass

The stars are cold,

And the earth is warm (snowflakes)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

Here's the cotton wool below - and the rain is closer (clouds)

IN. : Yes, guys, all these natural phenomena - snowflakes, icicles, ice, clouds - are also associated with water. Ice and icicles are frozen water, snowflakes are frozen rain, and clouds are droplets of water flying across the sky.

(a child comes out and recites a poem about clouds)

Clouds, clouds -

curly sides,

Curly clouds

Whole, holey,

Light, airy -

Obedient to the wind.

I'm lying in a clearing.

I'm looking at you from the grass.

I lie there and dream:

Why don't I fly

Like these clouds?

Clouds to any country

Through mountains, oceans

Can easily fly:

Higher, lower - whatever you want!

On a dark night - no fire!

The sky is all free for them

And at any time of the day.

(the teacher gives the child a “drop”)

IN.: And now we will play with you. Guess the riddle:

I'm running down a flight of stairs,

Ringing over the stones,

From afar by song

You will recognize me. (stream)

Our game is called "Stream"

(the teacher plays the game “Stream”: children stand in a column of two, make “collars”, the child without a pair goes through the collars, and, choosing a pair, stands at the end of the column. The child left without a pair repeats everything from the beginning)

IN.: How well our water festival went! And in conclusion, let’s count the best “water” expert (“droplets” are counted; the winner gets a “big drop”; maybe 2-3 winners with the same number of “drops”)

And at the end I have a surprise for you - “living fountains”. You guys have probably seen how fountains work, how beautifully the jets of water shoot up. On a hot day, it is very pleasant to be near the fountain: it gives off coolness, and the drops of water sparkle in the sun. Take yourself a bottle each (The teacher walks around the children with a basket of empty bottles, the caps of which have small holes pre-made) and fill them with water on the site. We will launch our fountains in the kindergarten area, in our main flower bed - let our flowers become even more beautiful!

Children go out to the site and the game of “fountains” continues.


"Visiting the Bees"

Target: create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, expand children's knowledge about bees, honey and its benefits for humans.

Preliminary work:Observation of bees in the kindergarten area, active game “Bees and Flowers”, talking about bees, honey, learning poems about bees.

Attributes: hats-headbands with images of bees (5 pcs.) and flowers (5 pcs.), toy bear, 1 balloon, filled with gel, paper images of bees for launching, painting “In the apiary”.

Progress of entertainment:(can be carried out in the kindergarten area)

The teacher invites the children to take a walk with him in the clearing and finds a toy bear under a bush.

IN.: Look guys, Barney Bear. He is crying.(takes the toy in his hands, strokes it, soothes it).What happened, little bear? Maybe you need our help?

Teddy bear: ( the teacher speaks for him)I wanted to try the honey, I came to the apiary, stuck my paw into the hive, and the bees bit me!

IN. : (addresses children)Is it possible to do this? You have to know how to handle bees. Let's help the little bear learn more about these insects?

Teddy bear: Let's go to the apiary, see how the bees live, and ask them for sweet chalk.

(children with a teacher approach the painting “In the Apiary” and sit on benches around the easel)

IN.: Here is the apiary. Here bees live in hive houses. They work all summer, collect juice from flowers, which is called NECTAR, and then turn it into sweet, fragrant and healthy honey. People have been using honey for a very long time. It helps with various diseases, colds. People notice that when bees pour nectar into honeycombs, they become very active, they can be seen on every flower and the bees cannot be touched at this time, otherwise they may bite.

And we have our own bees (3 girls in bee headbands run out and read poetry):

1. Furry bees have so much work to do

The honeycombs need to be filled with honey.

2. As a friendly family we fly over the gardens,

We collect sweet nectar from flowers.

3. We don’t get tired of work,

We collect nectar and sing songs.

IN. : Don't worry bees, don't buzz, we won't hurt you. We came to meet you and ask for sweet honey for Barney Bear. And we also want to play with you.

An outdoor game “Bees and Flowers” ​​is played. Children are divided into 2 groups of 5 people - “flowers” ​​and “bees”, put on headbands. They read poems in chorus:

Bees, bees,

They fly above

They fall to the flowers,

Nectar is collected

They drag me to the hive,


The “flowers” ​​run away, the “bees” catch up with them, the caught “flowers” ​​become “bees”, the game continues.

V.: We played so well, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, and I have a surprise for you: we will release our bees far into the sky, let them fly to other meadows for sweet nectar.

The teacher takes out a ball with three paper bees tied to it and, together with the children, releases the ball into the sky.

You can end the entertainment with a treat of honey.


Fun for kids middle group

“Water, wash my face”

Target : to instill hygiene skills in children.

Previous work:reading and discussion by A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s Grief”, learning the rules of washing, memorizing the poems by E. Moshkovskaya “Nose, Wash”, E. Farjon “Soap Bubbles”.

Attributes: bright illustrated books from previous work, boxes with soap foam and straws for each child, a doll, an envelope with a letter.

Progress of entertainment ( can be carried out on site):

Educator: Guys, a letter has arrived in our group, let's open the envelope and read it.

(teacher reads a letter)

A letter to all children on one very important matter.

My dear children!

I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash more often

Your hands and face.

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!

Be patient - no problem!

And ink and jam

Wash off with soap and water.

My dear children!

I really, really ask you:

Wash cleaner, wash more often,

I can't stand dirty people!

And signature: your doctor Aibolit.

This is the letter Aibolit sent us. But he probably doesn’t know that you and I know the rules of washing well. Let's repeat them and show them.

(an imitation game is played based on the poem by E. Moshkovskaya “Nose, wash your face”, children together with the teacher read the poem and pretend to wash their face, can be repeated 2 times)

Tap, open!

Nose, wash your face!

Wash right away

Both eyes!

Wash your ears

Wash your neck!

Cervix, wash yourself


Wash, wash,

Get wet!

Dirt, wash away!

Wash off the dirt!!

IN.: And one girl from the book came to us, who did not like to wash herself and became a “grimy girl”

(The teacher takes out a doll whose face and hands are dirty, reads and acts out A. Barto’s poem “The Dirty Girl” with the help of the doll, and at the end washes the doll using small washing supplies).

IN. : Now our doll has become a clean and tidy girl, and you can play with her.

(the teacher plays with a doll“Doll, doll, dance.” Children stand in a circle and, to the sound of a tambourine, pass the doll to each other in a circle. As soon as the tambourine is silent, the child who is left with the doll in his hands goes out to

middle and dances with the doll, the children sing: “Doll, doll, dance,

Kids love you

Like this, like this -

Doll, doll, dance"

The game is played 2-3 times)

IN.: Well done kids, you played well with the doll.

And now our favorite game “Bubble” (The game “Bubble” is played - 2 times).

IN. : And we also have real ones soap bubbles, and we even know a poem about them. Now we will divide into 2 teams and play with real soap bubbles.

The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. First, one team blows bubbles, and the other watches them and reads the poem “Soap Bubbles” in chorus, then the teams change actions.

Caution - Bubbles:

Oh, what!
- Oh, look!


They sparkle...

They're having a blast...

They're flying...

Mine is plum!

Mine is the size of a nut!

Mine didn't burst for the longest time!

The fun ends with a general game of soap bubbles.


Entertainment for children of preparatory and senior groups

"It's in the bag"

Target: create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, develop an understanding of the history of hats and their purpose.

Previous work: looking at various types hats, looking at illustrations of hats, talking about hats of different times and peoples, reading N. Nosov “ Living hat", "Dunno and His Friends", Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", memorizing poems about hats.

Attributes: hats of different styles and purposes for children; an exhibition of drawings by children and parents “Parade of Hat”, a collage from fashion magazines “Different hats are needed, different hats are important”, “medallion hats” cut out of paper.

Progress of entertainment:

The hall is decorated with drawings by children and parents, and on the central wall is a collage of hats. A teacher wearing a beautiful big hat comes in to the music.

IN .: Fanfare, sound louder

I am glad to see all the guests today.

Come quickly to the elegant hall,

The start of the hat parade awaits you!

A child wearing a hat comes out.

R. : Ladies wore hats

In the old days

Charlie Chaplin loved them

I have a hat.

But it happened, friends,

I don't know anything about hats.

IN.: Well, buddy, don't worry. We have gathered here to learn more about hats, and to begin with, I, the Hat Queen, am announcing a hat fashion show.(children in hats come out to the music and read poetry, showing off their hats.)

1. Nice, cute little hat, -

You can put it on your palm.

It fits only Thumbelina.

The hat was made just for her.

2. The owner himself is very happy -

The exhibit is visible everywhere,

The hat is bright and big

So cute.

3. It’s impossible not to notice

This wonderful thing.

Obviously above her

I had to work for a long time.

4. Put on this hat -

Go back to your childhood right away

First, smile

Then you will laugh out loud.

5. If you decorate the hat with stones,

The hat will suddenly become a crown,

And add daisies from the meadow -

It will turn into a flower meadow.

IN.: Well, thank you, friends, you made both me and the guys happy. Your hats are wonderful, unusual, even magical. I also love my hat very much and often play with it. And I invite you all, guys, to play.

(games are played with hats)

"Pass the hat."To the music, children pass the hat to each other in a circle. When the music stops, the one who has the hat in his hands fulfills the wish of the hat queen: he guesses the riddle, names his favorite headdress, dances with the queen, etc. The game is played 3 times.

"Hit the hat."Three teams of three people must hit their hats with paper balls.

IN.: Well, let's continue our holiday. Hats have been worn at all times by men, women and children. The hat saved from rain, wind, and sun. Hats can be made of straw, fabric, felt, paper, feather and even cork. There are many mysteries about the hat. And now I’ll make a wish for you.

(for the correct answer - hat medallions cut out of paper)

What hat do you wear when it rains?(under the umbrella)

Which fairy-tale heroes did you wear hats?(Dunno, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelina)

What grows with the cap? (mushroom)

In which story did the headdress scare the boys?(N. Nosov “Living Hat”)

How can you call a cap, beret, panama, cap, hat in two words?(headdresses)

What was a helmet made of in Ancient Rus'?(made of metal)

Which hat do people bow down to?(before the mushroom cap)

IN.: Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles. And now it's game again

(games are played with hats)

"An extra hat." There are 6 hats laid out on chairs. Seven people playing music walk in a circle. When the music stops, you need to put on your hat and sit on a chair. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The game is played until there is a winner, the chairs are reduced one by one.

"Hold your hats." According to the music, 2 children put on the other two children as many hats as possible from a common pile, one on top of the other. The goal is to keep as many hats on your head as possible.

IN.: Well, well, it's time to say goodbye to you. We played happily and learned something about hats. And I say goodbye to you and wish you a happy summer. Goodbye!


Entertainment for middle group children

"Games in the Forest"

Target: Create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, improve motor skills and throwing skills. Learn to play together.

Previous work: games with throwing, jumping, running, climbing.

Attributes: artificial flowers, several pieces of the same color (red, blue, yellow, white), flexible twigs with a paper butterfly at the end (5-6 pieces), a ring net, pine and spruce cones, an umbrella with multi-colored ribbons in the form of a carousel, arcs for climbing, cord, bench, 2 baskets.

Progress of entertainment ( carried out in the kindergarten area):

The path to the site is an imitation of a forest: a “path” made of cord, a bench (“a fallen log”), arches for climbing (“the tree is bent”)

The teacher in the group tells the children that today they will go for a walk in the forest, lines the children up in a column one at a time, and warns that they need to overcome various obstacles in the forest. Children follow the teacher. After the obstacle course, the children go to the group area and sit on stumps and benches.

IN. : So we came to a forest clearing, and there were apparently no flowers here. Let's collect bouquets.

The game “Collect a bouquet” is played. The teacher gives the children one flower each. Children run around the clearing to the accompaniment of music (tambourine), and at the signal “Bouquet!” gather in a circle with flowers of the same color, lift the flowers up. The game is repeated with another subgroup of children.

IN.: And in the forest clearing there are many, many colorful butterflies. Let's play with them.

The game exercise “Catch a Butterfly” is carried out. 5-6 children play. Everyone receives a flexible rod with a paper butterfly at the end. The teacher takes a net for himself. On the command “One, two, three – catch!” butterflies with raised twigs fly around the site, the teacher catches butterflies with a net until the “Stop!” signal sounds. The children's task is to dodge the net. The task can be repeated by changing the teacher to the child.

IN.: Look how many cones there are in the clearing (teacher scatters pine cones) and pine and spruce trees, the squirrel probably scattered them. Let's collect cones in baskets and help the squirrel.

The game “Who will collect the most cones” is played. Children are divided into two subgroups. At the signal “One, two, three – collect!” each subgroup collects cones in its own basket. The number of collected cones is counted. The game continues with another subgroup of children.

IN.: But someone lost an umbrella in the forest, but it’s not simple, but magical:

"Umbrella, umbrella, spin around

Turn into a carousel!”

The game "Carousel" is played.

The teacher raises an umbrella with ribbons, the children take hold of the loose ends and run in one direction to the verses: Barely, barely, barely, the carousel is spinning

And then, then, then,

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Stop the carousel

One, two, one, two, -

The game is over!

The game is repeated with another subgroup of children.

IN.: It's time for us to return to kindergarten, say "Goodbye" to the forest clearing!


Fun for kids junior group

"Merry vegetable garden"

Target: To consolidate the names of vegetables, to expand children’s ideas about distinctive features vegetables, that they can be eaten raw and boiled, that they contain a lot of vitamins.

Previous work:reading and memorizing poems about vegetables, looking at vegetables, playing “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”, dominoes “Vegetables and fruits”.

Attributes: 2 sets of fake vegetables, headbands with images of vegetables (beets, zucchini, cabbage, tomato, cucumber), a tray with pieces of boiled and raw vegetables for the game, 2 baskets, 2 hoops.

Progress of entertainment:

The teacher in the image of a “mystery grandmother” (on her head is a scarf, in her hands is a basket with fake vegetables) is included in the group.

IN. : Hello guys. I am a mystery grandmother, I have saved you vegetables for both soup and cabbage soup. Do you want to play with me? Then sit down next to each other and let’s talk well. (children sit in a semicircle on chairs).

Mysteries grew in my garden bed, and the answers were in my basket. Listen carefully, be sure to find it.(the teacher asks riddles, the children guess, then find the guessed vegetable in the basket and take it out).

A girl sits in a dungeon

And the braid is on the street. (carrot)

Curved, long

And their name is “little blue ones.” (eggplants)

Everyone calls him Signor

This is red...(tomato)

It grows in the ground

Known throughout the world
Often on the table

Shows off in his uniform. (potato)

In summer the garden is green,

And in winter it is salted in a barrel. (cucumber)

IN.: Well done guys, you guessed my riddles. Do you yourself know poems about vegetables? I want to listen to you.

(The teacher puts hats and headbands on the children, the children take turns reading poems about vegetables)

1. Aunt Thekla,

Red beets!

You salads, vinaigrettes

Decorate with scarlet color.

Nothing tastes better

And rich borscht!

2.Zucchini, zucchini,

Lay down on my side to take a nap,

You look like a pig

But where is the patch?

3. In the garden behind the fence 4. Among the green leaves

The tomatoes are ripening. The cucumber hid.

They hold on to the pegs, It’s not difficult to find him -

Basking in the sun. Here he is, my dear!

It's shiny and prickly

5. Young cabbage It is crispy and fragrant,

The leaves are curling. I'll put it in the salad -

It will become like a round ball, That will be the aroma!

Big as a head.

IN.: Well done, guys, you know good poems. And now

Let's go with you to the garden:

Let's see how it grows

Carrots, dill, parsley.

Is the tub full of water?

Everything is ripe, everything is ripe -

There will be a good harvest!

There's something for everyone here,

Don't be lazy, collect!

Now we will play the game “Harvest the Harvest.”

(The teacher divides the children into two teams, places identical sets of dummy vegetables into 2 hoops, gives the teams 2 baskets, into which the children take turns collecting one vegetable, run to their team and pass the basket to the next player. The first team to collect all the vegetables in the basket wins)

IN.: And I have vegetable pure sayings for you:

I'll start, you finish

Together, answer in unison!

The tomato laughed

(children: or-or-or-or)

A delicious zucchini is dancing


Cucumbers are marching


Peas live in the house


Carrots hiding in the garden bed


The bitter onion is crying loudly


IN.: You helped me very well, I want to play with you the delicious game “Guess the Vegetables”

(The teacher shows the children pieces of raw and boiled vegetables on a tray, and invites them, with their eyes closed, to guess the taste of the proposed vegetable: raw carrots, cucumber, boiled potatoes, radish, raw onion, boiled beets, tomato)

IN.: Well done guys, you all guessed right and played well.

And to say goodbye to you - carrots from my garden (hands out a small carrot to each child).


Entertainment for older and older children preparatory group

"Flower Glade"

Target: Using folk signs, poems, riddles to expand children's understanding of wildflowers. Create a joyful and cheerful mood for children.

Previous work:Excursions to the park, around the city, to the square, to the fountain in order to look and admire the flowers, remember their names. A conversation about wild and garden flowers. Learning proverbs, sayings and poems about summer and flowers.

Attributes: Headband hats with images of flowers - bell, poppy, chamomile, dandelion, cornflower. Artificial flowers 4-5 pcs. one color (blue, red, white, yellow) for the game. A wreath of artificial flowers for the game. 5 hoops.

Progress of entertainment: (can be carried out in the kindergarten area)

Hall decorated with flowers. Children walk in to the music and are greeted by July (teacher).

IN.: Hello children! I am one of the summer months. Do you know me and my brothers? Say our names(children call the summer months)

I am the middle brother - July, they call me the middle of summer. And there are many proverbs and sayings about me, tell me them.

Children: “Even if you take off your clothes in July, things won’t get any easier.”

"July - the crown of summer"

“July is with flowers, and August is with fruits”

IN. : That's it, it's about flowers that I want to talk to you.

I really like flowers

Fragrant, tender, sweet,

I hope you love

Carnations, daisies and lilies.

I invite you to a flower festival!

Child: Hello white daisy!

Hello, pink porridge!

Let's pick some flowers now

For bouquets and wreaths!

IN.: So many flowers around! Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess them:

Grandfather stands in a white hat

If you blow, there is no hat! (dandelion)

Yellow hearts with white rim

How many of them there are in the meadow, how many of them there are by the river! (chamomile)

Hey flower, the color blue

With a tongue, but no ringing. (bell)

IN.: You're good at solving riddles. I brought you my favorite flowers.

(children come out with flower headbands and recite poems)


The sun dropped

Golden ray

The dandelion has grown -

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.


Bloomed in the field

Blue cornflower.

That's how beautiful

Little son!

Blue shirt,

Blue belt,

Little son

Himself, like a cornflower.


Poppies wandered along a narrow path into a meadow

“Who is the smartest here?

Come out to the circle!”

These are the poppies

Bully poppies!


Daisies, daisies


blue bell

Bowed to you and me

Bells - flowers

Very polite, and you?

White shirts

Yellow rings

We ran to the river

We joined hands and here we go

They dance together in a circle!

IN. : Here they are beautiful flowers grow in summer.

I'll collect flowers in a bouquet,

Let's play you and me

The game “Collect a bouquet” is played

The teacher lays out 5 hoops on the floor and places flowers of the same color in the middle of each. Children stand near the hoops, while listening to music (or a tambourine), take one flower from the hoop at a time (there should be one flower left in the hoop), and run and dance with the flowers. At this time, the teacher swaps the flowers. At the end of the music, the children must gather around the hoop, the flowers of which correspond to those in their hands and raise them up.

IN.: Goddess of Flowers - Flora loved to play with flowers and weave them into wreaths. So you and I will play the game “Wreath”

The game "Wreath" is being played

A subgroup of children come out.

July puts a wreath on his head and approaches the children with the words:

"I came to pick a flower

To weave it into a wreath"


“We don’t want to be torn down

And they wove wreaths out of us

Don't ruin our beauty

We will stay in the forest"

Having said last words, the children run away. July catches one of them, the caught child becomes the driver. The game is played 2-3 times.

IN,: Thank you guys for the holiday, it’s time for me to go back to the flower meadows, forests, meadows, and have a happy summer and a cheerful mood to you.


Entertainment for children of the preparatory group

“Quiz game “What? Where? When?"

Target: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the animal world and birds.

Previous work:reading educational literature about animals and birds, memorizing riddles and poems about animals and birds, looking at illustrations, magazines, encyclopedias on the topic.

Attributes: a spinning drum with an arrow, envelopes with tasks, emblems for teams (“owl” and “fox”), flags of different colors (blue and red)

Progress of entertainment:

To the music, the group includes 2 teams and with them a leader. The audience sits at the opposite end in a semicircle.

Teams sit opposite each other

IN.: Come on, come on,

I'm very glad to see you

With interesting tasks

I'll introduce you now.

One, two, three, four, five!

Do you want to play?

The game is called -


Guys, today we are playing the game “What? Where? When?" Do you know what the participants in this television game are called? That's right - experts. To receive such a high rank, you need to know a lot and answer all questions correctly.

The host of the TV show himself could not come, but sent an envelope with tasks.

And we will play now. So here we go.

1st competition – “Captains, go ahead!”

And first, the team captains will come out to solve the riddle. Whoever knows the answer first raises his flag.

Who goes to bed in the den -

Wolf, bear or fox? (bear)

And the team that guesses right is given the right to the first task.

Let's spin our drum

Competition 2 - “Finish the sentence”

(the number of correct answers is counted)

1. The hare is white in winter, and in summer….gray

The hedgehog sleeps during the day and hunts...at night

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog in... a hole

The fox hunts alone, and the wolf…in a pack

A hare is saved from enemies by his legs, and a hedgehog... by thorns

  1. The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...prickly

The fox lives in a hole, and the wolf in….a den

The squirrel's coat is red in summer, and gray in winter.

The hare has a short tail and ears... long

The fox has a little fox, and the squirrel has...a little squirrel

Competition 3 – “Name it correctly”

(the answer is given by one of the team members, after a meeting with all players (10 sec.) - the flag is raised)

Name the animals that hibernate in winter. (bear, hedgehog)

Name the longest-legged animal. (giraffe)

What bird swims but doesn't fly? (penguin)

What is more scary for birds in winter: hunger or cold? (hunger)

Name the beast that cuts down trees with its teeth without an axe. (beaver)

Name the most cunning animal that is found in many Russians folk tales. (fox)

Name the birds that served in the fairy tale Baba Yaga (geese-swans)

Name an animal that can make a fountain of water with its nose. (elephant)

What bird doesn't hatch its chicks? (cuckoo)

Which bird sings more beautifully than all the others? (nightingale)

(The number of correct answers for both teams is counted)

V.: I announce dynamic pause– so that experts and spectators can rest a little

A logarithmic game is played:

Children stand in front of the teacher and say the words “That’s it!” and show movements in accordance with the text that the teacher pronounces.

Text Children say and show

How are you living? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you swimming? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

Looking into the distance! Like this! (put palm to forehead)

You wave after him. Like this! (waves hand)

How are you being naughty? Like this! (hit puffy cheeks with fists)

Can be done 2 times

IN.: We spin the drum one last time.

4th competition – “Riddles from the forest”

Four riddles for each team (the number of correct guesses is counted)

  1. What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head. (hare)

Not a tailor, but all my life

Walks around with needles. (hedgehog)

Sleeps during the day

Flies at night

And it scares passersby (the owl)

Who carries a forest on his head? (deer)

IN.: Well done guys. Our quiz is over. The winners will receive a prize, the losers will receive an incentive prize.

  1. He sleeps in a den in winter, Previous work : memorizing poems about cats, mice and kittens, reading S. Marshak “The Mustachioed and Striped One,” looking at illustrations and pictures of cats and mice, reading the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.”

    Attributes: toys: cats and mice of different colors, hats and hoops for active play with the image of a cat and mouse.

    Progress of entertainment:

    Toys (cats and mice) are placed around the group, the children sit opposite.

    Educator : Today we have an unusual concert and our guests are unusual. Look, guys, how many cats and mice have come to us. And today they do not quarrel, do not fight, today they are friends. And our guys will show them a concert, which is called “Concert in honor of cats, mice and kittens.”

    Just don’t forget to clap loudly for our artists.

    And the first number of our concert is “About the Red Cat”

    Child: (goes to the middle of the group, takes a red toy cat and reads a poem)

    The kitten has smooth fur,

    And she's probably sweet

    Because Vaska is red

    He licks the fur often.

    (children applaud)

    IN. : And our next cat likes to sit on the fence

    R.: (with a white cat)

    The pussy is crying on the fence,

    She has great grief:

    Evil people poor pussy

    They don't let you steal sausages.


    IN .: And there are also cats who want to learn to count

    R.: (with a black cat)

    One, two, three, four, five.

    Slowly, little by little

    Adds a cat to a mouse.

    The answer is:

    “There is a cat, but there is no mouse!”


    IN. Now is the time to listen to poems about mice

    R.: ( with a toy mouse)

    One day the mice came out

    See what time it is


    The mice pulled the weights.

    Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

    The mice have run away!


    IN .: Well, since we remembered about cats and mice, then maybe we can play their favorite game “Cat and Mouse”? Everyone stand in a circle and choose a cat and a mouse with a counting rhyme. (The teacher himself counts and puts on hats with a picture of a cat and a mouse to the selected children. The game is played 3 times with a change of heroes)

    IN.: And we also have an offended cat. Well, let's ask her what happened?

    R.: (with a gray cat)

    Pussy, pussy, where was it?

    Why did you leave us?

    I don't want to live with you,

    There is nowhere to put the tail.

    Walk, yawn,

    You step on the tail.

    IN.: Well, don’t be angry with us, pussy, we will now be very careful and will not offend you. We can sing you a song too. (children with a teacher sing the song “Little Gray Cat”)

    Little gray cat

    Sat on the window

    She wagged her tail,

    She called the children:

    Where are my boys?

    Gray kittens,

    It's time for bed, boys.

    Gray kittens. Meow, meow!


    IN.: Well, our concert has come to an end. Thank you guys, kittens and mice. See you again!

    Characters: Presenter, Bear, Cornflower, Kikimora, Leshy, Lesovik.

    Children go to the site and sit on chairs.

    Leading: Summer has come, you will go to the village, to the dacha and, of course, go to the forest, listen to birds singing, smell flowers, admire the beauty of nature. Who can we meet in the forest?

    Children: Fox, bunny, bear.

    Leading: It seems the bear himself decided to come to us.


    Congratulations on the arrival of summer,

    I brought honey as a gift,

    While I took it from the bees,

    They bit my nose!


    Children, Teddy Bear,

    Join the round dance!

    All the guys will be happy

    Dance and eat honey!

    Children dance to any dance tune.


    Oh, and I danced!

    Goodbye, friends!

    Sunbathe, eat honey,

    May you be lucky in the summer

    Come to the forest quickly

    You will find friends there.

    1st child:

    The bear invited us to the forest,

    And the forest is full of miracles!

    2nd child:

    Here is the pink porridge,

    There's white chamomile here too!

    3rd child:

    For bouquets and wreaths

    We need a lot of flowers.

    Leading: Guys, what forest, meadow and wild flowers You know?

    Children: Bluebell, chamomile, buttercup, lily of the valley, cornflower...


    Let's say these words:

    “Cornflower, cornflower!

    Our favorite flower

    Come visit us

    And bring your friends!”


    I am the famous flower

    Blue-blue Cornflower,

    I'll tell you a secret:

    I was waiting for you to visit me,

    I could barely wait for you,

    We will play with you,

    On the flower carousel

    We'll have fun riding.

    Game "Flower Carousel"

    The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground, forming a ring, the ends of the rope are tied. The children lift her from the ground and, holding on to her, right hand, walk in a circle to the music. For example, to the song “A Million Roses”. Music by Pauls, poetry by Voznesensky. The melody suddenly changes to another. For example, "Lilies of the Valley". Music by Feltsman, poetry by Fadeeva. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction. In the game you can change not only the direction, but also the rhythm.


    We have a Lesovik in the forest,

    He's good, in general, he's an old man,

    But he became sad from melancholy,

    I called him to you now.

    Don't let him get bored

    Entertain the forest man!

    And I will return again to flowers,

    The bees there really need me!

    Bye, and don't be bored,

    Meet Lesovik.

    Cornflower leaves. Lesovik appears, walks with his head down, not looking at the children, and sits down in front of them.


    Balalaika swear and swear,

    It's boring if you're alone.

    If only someone would come

    That would be good!

    Eh, it’s so boring, there’s no one there. Summer has already begun a long time ago, but there is no one to play and have fun with. (Raises his head, sees the children and gets scared.) Oh, who is it? Why are there so many children? Why are you here?

    Children: We want to cheer you up!

    Lesovik: Oh, how great! What will you do?

    Children: Play, sing, have fun.

    Lesovik: Then I suggest playing a game.

    Game "Maple Leaf"

    The game involves two children or two teams. On the trays lie one maple leaf (or according to the number of children in the team), cut into pieces. At the signal, the children collect the leaf. The winner is the one who is the first to make a piece of paper from scattered parts.

    Lesovik: Well done, you completed the task quickly. Look what I have. (Takes colored handkerchiefs out of his pocket.)

    Look what colors summer has painted these scarves with. I will name the color, and you say that it can be decorated with this color. These are my handkerchiefs. The boys will dance with them now.

    Dance with handkerchiefs

    Lesovik: Oh, and you’re good at dancing! Who is this coming to us?

    The children sit down, Kikimora appears.

    Kikimora: Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! Do you recognize me?

    Children: Kikimora!

    Kikimora: I was collecting fly agarics here, I see some children. Let me, I think, I’ll go in and see what they’re doing. What do you have here?

    Children: Summer holiday.

    Kikimora: Yes?! I also love holidays. What do they do with them?

    The children answer.

    Kikimora: Are they playing? How I love to play! I know such wonderful games! For example: smear a stump with marsh mud, and when someone sits on it - what fun! Good game?

    Children: No!

    Kikimora: Then another: a man walks through the forest, and from a tree I pour a bucket of dirty swamp water on him. Great?

    Children: No!

    Lesovik: Listen, Kikimora, get out of here. What games do you teach children?

    Kikimora: That's it, that's it, that's it, I won't do it anymore. Lesovik, can you help me? There are ripe berries growing on a bush at the end of the path, go and pick them, treat us and eat them yourself.

    Lesovik: You forgot to say something.

    Kikimora: Well, please.

    Lesovik: Okay, I'll go, but don't teach your children anything bad. And you guys will tell me later.


    Kikimora: Gone, finally! I invite this boy (chooses) to play a game with me. I was walking through the forest and lost a magic cone (drops a cone tied on a string to the floor). Boy, help me, lift the bump, please.

    The child bends down to pick up the pine cone, and Kikimora pulls the string, the pine cone “runs away.”

    You can't, boy! (Invites another.)

    Lesovik(appearing): Kikimora deceived me. There are no berries there. What did she teach you here? Good?

    Children talk.

    Lesovik: Well, Kikimora! Now we'll play another game.

    Game "Bank and River"

    On the ground, two lines are marked with ropes at a distance of about 1 m. Between these lines there is a river, and along the edges there is a shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The forest worker gives the command “River”, and all the guys jump into the river; at the command “Bank” everyone jumps out onto the bank. The Lesovik gives commands quickly and randomly in order to confuse the players. If someone ends up in the water at the “Shore” command, they are out of the game. Those inattentive players who ended up on the bank during the “River” command also leave the game.

    Kikimora: It's a tough game, it's hard for me.

    Lesovik: Don’t be upset, we will amuse you with a song! A song about summer sounds.

    Kikimora(offended): I really need your songs! They don’t want to smear the stumps, they don’t want to douse themselves with swamp water either... I’ll organize a holiday for you!


    Lesovik: But we are not afraid! Let's continue the holiday! I have a riddle for you:

    No sun and no rain

    Not a single nail

    And they built it in no time

    Celestial Gate. (Rainbow)

    What are the colors of the rainbow?

    Names and distributes ribbons to children. Dance with ribbons.

    Lesovik: It's time for a treat, I'll bring it now.


    Kikimora(appears on the other side): You won't get anything! I took everything and hid it.

    Runs away.

    Lesovik: Guys, all the treats have disappeared somewhere. You don't know where it is?

    Children talk.

    What should we do? I know! We will call my friend Leshy for help. Do you know who this is?

    The children answer.

    Well, let’s all shout together: “Leshy!”

    Goblin: Hello, children, what happened to you?

    Lesovik: Kikimora stole all the treats, she needs to return them.

    Goblin: I will definitely help, but I need the guys’ help.

    Can you stomp your feet? (Shows, children repeat.)

    How about buzzing like airplanes? (Shows, children repeat.)

    How about growling like wild animals? (Shows, children repeat.)

    Now listen to me carefully.

    Goblin: Kikimora, give up, you're surrounded! An army of brave soldiers came with me. Can you hear them coming? (Indicates that the children should stomp.) Planes are flying in the sky. Do you hear, Kikimora, their roar? (Shows the children to buzz.) And terribly angry tigers hid in the bushes! (Indicates that the children should growl.)

    Kikimora: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! (Runs out.) Take your treat. I will never come to you again!

    Runs away.

    Lesovik: That’s great, that’s nice, that’s good.

    Goblin: Wow, you not only have guests, but also treats, well, we can start celebrating.

    Lesovik: We had a good summer holiday this year, it was fun! Help yourself, kids, and you, Leshy.

  2. The sun, air and water are our true friends. Lesson notes, projects, scripts
  3. Ivan Kupala. Celebrating the holiday with children, scenarios, rituals
  4. Day of family, love and fidelity. Peter and Fevronia Day, July 8
  5. Showing publications 1-10 of 3293.
    All sections | Summer. Summer holidays. Scripts, entertainment

    Summer holiday in the senior group. Scenario Description : This summary is intended for children 5-6 years old. The material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, as well as for parents. Target: Creating conditions for festive mood for children. Tasks: 1. Expand knowledge about holiday...

    Entertainment script “Red Summer has come” Target holiday : Activate children. Unite the creative expressions of the children. Reveal their initiative. Evoke an emotional response and bring joy. Attributes: steering wheel - 3 pieces, (cones or coils) 6 pieces soap bubbles, basket, wild flowers (daisies, bells) With...

    Summer. Summer holidays. Scenarios, entertainment - Entertainment "Summer Fun". Senior group

    Publication “Entertainment “Summer Fun”. The eldest..." Entertainment senior group“Summer Fun” Goal: To consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about sports and a healthy lifestyle. Tasks. 1. Form ideas about sports as one of the main conditions healthy image life. 2.Develop thinking, cognitive abilities: analyze,...

    Image library "MAAM-pictures"

    Scenario of the event “Ringing Summer” in the younger group The purpose of the holiday: - To reveal their initiative and creative manifestations of the children. - Cause an emotional response and bring joy. Children enter the hall to the song “What Color is Summer” and sit down on chairs. Host: Hello guys and adults. The forest is full of songs and screams, splashing...

    Scenario of the summer holiday “Where the summer hid” Author: Kolegova Elena Mikhailovna, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 8, village. Vizinga Description: This development will be of interest to educators preschool institutions for organizing summer leisure in kindergarten. No holiday required preliminary preparation, since it was compiled on the basis of the past...

    Summer sports festival Presenter: Dear guys! I am very glad to see you at our holiday! Guys, you love summer. Love to play. What about laughing? Show me how! Louder! Even louder! Well done! Then let's begin. On this day, birds chirp and the sky brightens, and daisies and cornflowers dance in a circle in the field. How...

    Summer. Summer holidays. Scenarios, entertainment - Summer leisure scenario for preschool children dedicated to International Children's Day

    Summer leisure scenario for preschool children, dedicated to “ International Day child protection." Compiled by music director: Irina Petrovna Mosendz Goal: Creating a festive mood among preschool students Objectives: 1. To consolidate seasonal ideas about summer 2....

    Characters: Children of the younger group - in hats and bunny masks, children of the middle group - flowers (poppies, daisies, bells, cornflowers, children of the older group - frogs, children of the preparatory group - centipedes. Adults - Summer, Chanterelle, Aibolit, Runny Nose, Cough .To the music...

    Entertainment for children of the older group “We are glad to see you, summer!” Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle. Leading. Order has everything in the world: We recently welcomed spring, children. She was a great housewife: The fields and oak groves turned green. Nature seems to be dressed for the holiday, Now Spring has replaced Summer. Summer. Hello to you...

    "Festival of Soap Bubbles" Conducted by teacher: Gavriley S.N. Purpose: to contribute to the improvement of motor skills; develop independence, initiative, courage. Equipment: basins with soapy water, cocktail straws, soap bubbles for each child. )