How to make a fence from slab? How to build a fence from slab yourself? How to beautifully make a slab fence

Attractive and durable slab fence - original way inexpensively fence a plot or zone a garden. This fence looks good for a country house or country house, it is placed on a small foundation, which ensures greater structural strength and durability. The shallowly buried strip foundation also serves as a plinth, protecting the slab from moisture and extending the service life of the fence.

For work, obapol is used - this is a board with an internal sawn side and an external not sawn side, that is, the front side of such a fence will create a natural texture. The cost of such a board is low, the material is available and is often used in dacha construction. In essence, this is industrial waste, divided into two large groups: wood board and wood board. When choosing materials for building a fence, it is very important to take into account the differences between these two groups.

The business board is a slab from the side parts of the log and a slab. According to established standards, the thickness of the thinnest part of the board is 1.5 cm, the width is 8 cm, and such parameters are observed for any part of the slab. The material is predominantly deciduous and coniferous, including poplar, birch, cedar, pine, fir and others. For one linear meter no more than six wormholes are allowed, the presence of through cracks up to 1/3 of the length of the canvas. The strength of the material is sufficient for use as formwork, the cost is low - up to 1000 rubles per cubic meter. This is the optimal board for fencing construction; it has a beautiful appearance and does not leave any marks after installation work. large quantity marriage.

Wood slabs for building a fence are not so attractive; most often they are used for the construction of outbuildings, the installation of temporary fences for garden beds, or for lighting stoves. The material is characterized by a large number of defects, its durability and strength are low. The cost is usually negotiable and low.

For fences, only commercial slab is used, which is stronger, more attractive and durable, without serious defects.

Making a beautiful fence from slabs with your own hands

The peculiarity of slab fences is that they are quick and simple. self-installation, low price such a fence. Almost everyone can cope with the job, although certain skills will be required, for example, when preparatory work and the installation of a strip foundation, during the fastening of supports.

It is recommended to start work by sorting the material; it is necessary to remove heavily damaged elements, with large cracks and wormholes, traces of fallen knots, rot. Such low-quality material can be used for other work, for example, temporary protection of beds or for kindling.

Selected quality board needs preliminary preparation, for which the surface is sanded and polished, removing the main irregularities. Then the material is treated with special antiseptics, tinted and varnished if necessary.

Site marking

When starting to build a fence from a slab board with your own hands, you must also pay close attention to marking the territory. This is one of the most important stages; it includes marking the area around the perimeter, for which ordinary pegs and twine are used. This makes it possible to determine exactly where the fence will go, how many support posts and boards are required, and where the wicket and gate will be located.


According to the markings being made, a shallow trench is dug and support pillars are fixed, while Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to the corners of the structure and to calculating the length of sections for adjacent sections.

Barking and processing of croaker

One of the preparation stages is debarking, that is, removing a layer of bark from the unsawed part of the board. This can be done using a shovel, ax or staple, choosing the most convenient way. This work is done only if the board was purchased without pre-treatment. If the bark has already been removed, sanding the surface with regular sandpaper will be sufficient.

The next stage of preparation is processing for protection and tinting. In this case, you can use ready-made compounds, for example, antiseptics. But the surface will still have to be tinted for a more attractive appearance. Therefore, it is immediately recommended to take a composition of drying oil and potassium permanganate, ready-made tinting, for example, Oxol.

All these tools provide effective protection from rot and mold, give the material properties of fire resistance and moisture resistance, which is important for any wooden structure used outdoors. In addition, tinting allows you to give the board a pleasant shade, that is, after installation, the surface only needs to be varnished.

Installation of poles

The next step is the installation of supports, which can accept different appearance– from planed wooden posts, bricks, natural stone or concrete, metal profile pipe.

Fence posts must fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and be combined with the main building material- croaker.

If during the construction of a fence it is necessary to use the most cheap material, then you can opt for ordinary wooden supports. For structural integrity it is recommended brick pillars. It all depends on the available budget and experience working with a specific material.

When choosing wooden posts, it is recommended to take regular planed timber with a cross-section of 10 or 15 cm; this will be enough for a strong and reliable fence. The step between the supports depends on the length of the board, but it should not be more than three meters, optimal value is 2-2.5 meters. Therefore, simultaneously with the preparation of the supports, it is necessary to take veins - horizontal logs to enhance the strength of the section.

Depending on the type of fence, a strip foundation may be used or there will be no foundation fencing at all. The second case is more economical and simpler; it does not require experience working with concrete. It is enough just to mark the perimeter of the site, dig holes with a depth of 20-30 cm at the places where the pillars are installed. The following steps include:

  • a layer of sand and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of each pit and compacted;
  • Pillars are installed in each hole and their vertical position is checked;
  • backfilling is carried out with crushed stone, broken brick or construction waste(about 1/3);
  • The holes are filled with soil and compacted.

If the soil on the site is sandy or sandy loam, after backfilling it is necessary to moisten it with water and compact it using a regular log. This will provide more reliable design.

Fencing installation

Boards can be attached various methods, the simplest is vertical fastening with self-tapping screws. When installing boards, it is recommended to leave small gaps between them to reduce wind loads and maintain normal air flow. If you need reliable protection of the area from viewing, then it is better to make the sections solid, that is, without cracks. In addition, it should be taken into account that small gaps give the fence a certain rustic flavor; such a design will be in perfect harmony with landscape design and country style for the surrounding buildings.

When mounting vertically, they are simply attached sequentially, maintaining the same height. For horizontal installation, ordinary logs are not needed; for fixation, 5*4 or 5*3 cm bars are used, which are used for the end fastening of the slab. Fixing with self-tapping screws does not require special actions, but when fastening with ordinary nails, it is recommended to first dip each of them in drying oil. This simple solution makes it easy to hammer nails into any board.

To be beautiful wooden fence made of slab retains its appearance and integrity for a long time, it is necessary to properly treat the surface of the board:

  • during installation, the board must be cleaned of knots, uneven bark, and its surface must be sanded;
  • cover the surface with a layer of antiseptic or tinting;
  • After installation, the slab can be covered with a layer of stain of the selected shade, painted or varnished.

To extend the operational life of the fence, it is necessary to remove all remnants of bark from a usually slab, since it is a source of breeding for pests and insects.

To give the fence a bright and original appearance, the surface can be painted with a variety of colors. They not only perform an aesthetic function, but also protect the structure from ultraviolet rays, humidity and sudden temperature changes.

Features of the material

The type of any fence depends on personal preferences, the material used, and installation conditions. For example, metal posts lined with brick or natural stone will make a simple slab fence stylish and solid. And the presence of a base will provide better protection for regions with high level precipitation.

To make the fence look beautiful and stylish, the following actions are recommended:

  • when laying in a herringbone pattern, it is necessary to overlap up to 2 cm with a board width of 20 cm;
  • It is not advisable to use a very wide board, as it can quickly crack;
  • instead of regular drying oil, you can use treatment with sunflower oil, which also creates reliable protection;
  • the standard depth for supports is 30 cm, but for weak soils it is recommended to deepen them to 50 or 70 cm.

Coloring and care

An important step in fencing care is painting it, which must be done regularly. Depending on the requirements for appearance, the natural texture of the wood can be emphasized, for which glaze paint is ideal. In addition, you can use the following finishing options:

There are many types of fencing made from various materials. The cheapest fence is made from slab. It differs from many other options in its simple design. Therefore, it’s easy to assemble a fence from a slab with your own hands. These fences are often used for cottages and homes.

Features of the material

First of all, you should consider the characteristics of the source material. The croaker is represented by the lateral parts of the trunks, which are hemispherical in cross section. In woodworking, these fragments are considered waste and sold at a low cost. Most often they are used as firewood. It should be noted that there are boards with flat sides and unfinished sides. They are not classified as slabs, but are called uncut boards.

The material under consideration is characterized by a number of advantages.

  • Firstly, it has a low cost, which leads to low costs for creating structures from it.
  • Secondly, croaker, like any type wood materials, easy to process.
  • Thirdly, it has the same positive properties: durability after processing and environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages include the following features.

  • Firstly, croaker has poor decorative properties.
  • Secondly, all boards are characterized various sizes, as well as many uneven sides, making it difficult to select close, even fragments.
  • Thirdly, to ensure a long service life, additional treatment is required in the form of sanding and application of an antiseptic composition.

In addition, the properties of the slab are determined by the type of wood. Thus, the hardest and most durable materials are considered to be oak, beech, and larch. Conifers and aspen are slightly inferior to these species. The most commonly used types of wood in construction are pine and spruce.

Preparatory work

Preparing to create a fence begins with choosing the material. Its parameters are determined by the type of fence. If a continuous fence without gaps is required, you should choose a slab with smooth sides (as noted, this material is often characterized by uneven edges). Otherwise, you will have to process the slab with a plane or an ax. For a fence with gaps, an uneven slab is also suitable. In this case, it is enough to arrange the boards. It should be borne in mind that cheap material is characterized by a large number of irregularities and knots. In addition, it is recommended to choose wide and thick boards for the fence, as they can be used to obtain timber for supports. It is not advisable to take a thin and narrow slab, since you will have to collect a lot of boards, and it is inconvenient to remove the bark from them. You should not purchase croaker from trees harvested during a warm period or stored in the air under such conditions, as it is most likely affected by mold or insects. It is also not recommended to take raw material, as it will warp and crack when drying. Thus, to create a high-quality fence and make work easier, you should spend time selecting a fence slab individually.

The columns will require special materials, which also depends on the type of fence. For a temporary structure, the option mentioned above is suitable - wide slabs. Two boards are knocked together into a single element. To create a durable fence, 10×10 cm timber or 8-10 cm round timber should be used as pillars.

Thick scraps or 60×40 timber are suitable as crossbars. For a high fence (up to 2.5 m) you will need metal pipes 40×40 or 40×60 for a solid fence and with gaps, respectively.

To calculate the amount of materials, you need to determine the length of the fence. This can be done in three ways. Firstly, the easiest way is to use land documents, where all the parameters are indicated, and, therefore, you do not have to make calculations. Secondly, if the site has square shape and smooth borders, it is convenient to use its area. To calculate the length of a fence or perimeter, extract from the area Square root and multiply the resulting value by 4. Thirdly, if it is not possible to use the previous methods, practical measurements should be made with a rangefinder or tape measure.

To calculate the amount of material, you need to know the design features of a slab building. Usually a fence 2 m high is erected. The boards are most often installed vertically, as this is the simplest option. Supports in the form of bars 3 m long are immersed in the ground by a third and installed 2.5 m from each other. For a higher fence (2.5-3 m), the gaps between the supports are reduced to 2 m, and the installation depth is increased to 1.2-1.4 m due to the greater windage. The number of supports is calculated by dividing the length of the fence into intervals. The length of the jumpers is equal to twice the length of the fence with a 10-15% reserve for waste. Their number is determined by the size and is equal to the quotient of the length of the fence and their length. The amount of slab is equal to the quotient of the length of the fence and its average width. It is recommended to purchase material with reserves for waste and processing.

In addition to wood materials, other components are required to create a fence. 10-15 cm nails are used as fastening elements, depending on the thickness of the slab. In addition, sand, M400 cement, and crushed stone (optional) are required to fix the supports. Finally, as noted, to extend service life it is necessary additional funds treatments represented by resin or bitumen mastic and antiseptic.

In addition, tools are required: measuring, marking (stakes and cord) equipment, a shovel or drill, a metal sheet or a concrete mixer in case of concreting, woodworking tools (axe, hammer, scraper, plane, hacksaw), brush.


The construction of a fence includes several stages.

  • Marking. First of all, you should check the land documentation so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the site. Work begins with installing stakes at corner points. A cord is pulled between them. Next, mark the installation locations of the pillars, measuring the distance along the cord or dividing the length of the side into fragments of 2-2.5 m so that there are no spans left. Then they make holes with a taut cord.
  • Treatment. The bark needs to be removed from the croaker. For this it is recommended to use specialized tool, represented by a stapler, since, unlike power tools, an ax and a shovel, it does not damage the wood. The shovel is suitable for clearing logs, but it is too large for a slab. This stage of creating a fence is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive. Finally, an antiseptic is applied and left to dry.
  • Installation of supports. Fence posts are installed in several ways. For wooden supports, they usually use driving into holes of smaller diameter and installation with backfilling. In any case, first of all, the ends of the pillars are treated with resin or mastic. The first method involves driving supports into wells that are narrower than them, and then compacting the adjacent soil. In the second case, the pillars are installed in wide holes and filled first with stones, then clay mortar. Concreting and its deep version with soil replacement are less commonly used. Concreting is suitable for both wooden and steel supports. That's why they sometimes use combined option: installed in the ground metal bases, to which wooden supports are attached. Work begins by filling the bottom of the pit with crushed stone and compacting it. Next, install the post vertically using a level and fix it, securing the support strips. Then cement 400 is converted into cement 100 by mixing in equal proportions with sand, 1/6 crushed stone and water. They fill the holes to the top and leave to harden (from 14 days). For metal supports, the concrete collar technology is suitable, which involves additional driving into the ground by 0.5 m. The second method is relevant in frozen soil conditions. In this case, concreting is carried out below the thaw line, and the soil is replaced with a sand-crushed stone mixture.
  • Construction of a fence. This stage begins with the installation of crossbars. The beam or slab must be docked to the pole log, secured (nailed to wooden supports and screwed to metal supports with bolts or screws), and leveled (slab by eye, beam by level). Mutual attachment is carried out end-to-end or overlapping for beams, as well as overlapping for slabs. Next they move on to installing the wall. For the first picket fence, the vertical is adjusted using a level. It is fixed on the crossbars with at least two nails at each attachment point. The remaining boards are installed by pressing each other and periodically checking the vertical. In order to extend the service life, you should protect the upper ends of the slab from precipitation by attaching a canopy represented by the same board on top.

For a better understanding of how to make a fence from a slab, you can find video and photo instructions. Work should be carried out during the warm period, since in winter it will be delayed due to the difficulty of creating holes and the cold.


Above were the minimum necessary measures to protect the fence in the form of applying an antiseptic composition. For greater protection and an attractive appearance, additional finishing is used. The simplest option– applying bitumen or oil. It is more aesthetically pleasing to cover the fence with homemade Swedish paint, which has antiseptic properties. You can also carry out a full two-layer painting with waterproof acrylic material with a preliminary primer. Another option is a multi-layer coating with homemade stain-based varnish.


Some features of slab fences on which the classification is based were mentioned above.

Recycling wood waste can be no less profitable than primary wood processing. Skillful hands can easily turn an ordinary croaker into almost anything - from temporary fence at a construction site until designer furniture, which will please the most discerning buyer.

Nowadays, recycling of any waste (not just wood) is becoming “ in good form” for entrepreneurs, since these technologies save environment and at the same time make it possible to obtain new materials at a low cost of raw materials.

These are boards that are sawn (or sawn not along the entire tree trunk) on one side and convex and covered with bark on the other. Typically, these woodworking remnants make up 0.1 part of the total purchased material.

There are two types of croaker:

  1. Wood (or small wood) is a material that is no longer useful in construction.
  2. Business (or large) - boards of sufficient thickness and length so that they can be used to make various wooden products.

What can be made from slab

There are many applications for both types of croaker.

Business Croaker can be used to create:

  • various types of fencing;
  • formwork, cladding strips;
  • finishing of openings;
  • pallets (in the form of a container board);
  • wooden furniture;
  • ceilings and subfloors;
  • products for design decoration;
  • wall elements for wooden structures.

From a wood slab you can make:

  • firewood for heating;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust for fertilizer;
  • sawdust fuel.

Additional information: business slab has huge advantages over boards, logs, timber - it is the relative light weight of the material and low price. Therefore, it is widely used for the construction of residential, utility, and storage buildings.

Processing equipment

Currently, the market offers a fairly large range of various equipment for processing slabs. When choosing a machine for processing, you need to focus on the final goal - what kind of material you want to get after processing. It is also important to consider the quality of the final product, since different mechanisms produce boards of varying degrees of smoothness, length, width, etc.

As a rule, to work with slabs, a slab-rib (edging) and dividing machine is required. The first cuts the edges, processing the slab into boards given thickness(usually 10.5 - 15.5 cm). The second divides the finished board into separate parts of the required length.

This video clearly shows the operation of the machine that produces edged boards from slab

These machines have a fairly simple design, so the cost of each starts at about 100 thousand rubles. In order not to overpay and not to clutter up useful areas with equipment, it would be more profitable to purchase a special line for processing slabs, which combines the functions of several machines at once.

As a rule, the slab processing line is equipped automatic system supply of lumber with an adjustable speed of movement of the board (determined by the operator depending on the parameters of the slab), several saws, which allow you to obtain 2 or more finished boards in one pass. The cost of such a line on the market is from 200-300 thousand rubles.

By the way: When the machines operate, two useful materials are obtained at once - slabs processed into boards and sawdust. The latter can also be used (as fertilizer, packaging material, for soil mulching, for the production of fuel, particle boards and fibreboards, etc.) or sold.

Processing slabs into chips can also be profitable and in a simple way its disposal. To do this, you do not need to buy expensive equipment - a regular wood waste crusher will be enough and circular saw(the simplest option) to cut long pieces of slab into more manageable pieces that the crusher can handle. As a rule, this method is used for processing wood slabs, which are of little use for construction, finishing and processing into edged boards.

Processing slabs at home

It is unlikely that anyone would want to install a woodworking line at home or in their garage in order to organize the mass production of boards from wooden waste. Of course, you can buy a couple of machines and start processing slabs, but in any case, a handicraft “factory” will not be able to cope with large volumes of raw materials.

Therefore, it is much more profitable and convenient to make, for example, designer furniture, interior items from sawmill waste at home, or to make custom repairs using “wild”, little-processed wood. You can learn more about these ideas by watching the video:

Of course, even such work requires the use of special tools. But on the other hand, this type of processing can be more profitable at home.

Please note that for various products it is better to use coniferous slab - it has a more interesting texture, is also almost not subject to rotting and is less permeable to moisture even without special treatment. Also, coniferous wood is particularly durable, but can be easily processed in the skilled hands of a craftsman.

Is there any benefit to recycling?

With the right approach, recycling sawmill waste can bring good profits. For example, a slab processing line installed at a woodworking enterprise can reduce the amount of waste and increase the volume of board production by 10%.

Large enterprises often sell slabs at bargain prices or give them away for free on a pick-up basis. Thus, raw material costs can be minimal or approach zero, but at the same time, one processing line can produce up to 65 thousand cubic meters of slab boards per year.

In many regions, on highways adjacent to gardening, you can see trucks filled with the remains of boards and slabs. Many summer residents and rural residents use such trimmings as fuel, buying them in whole cars. For these purposes, even serious processing of wood waste is not required - it is enough to cut it into small pieces, which can be done even with an ordinary circular saw.

As for hand-made slab products - designer furniture, interior items, etc. - then they require serious labor costs, but at the same time they can be sold at a high cost, completely paying off the process of processing and creating the finished product.


Currently, recycling wood waste is positioned as a fashionable business idea. This is due to the fact that such production quickly pays off and begins to make a profit. In addition, the recycling of wood waste allows us to maintain the ecological balance on the planet and leave more living forest for posterity.

A slab fence is an inexpensive and original way to fence off an area. If you are looking for an idea for such a fence, then this article with a review of ready-made fences will definitely come in handy.

Nice fence and made entirely of wood. For fastening the fence panel in wooden pillars cuts have been made. The slab is attached to checkerboard pattern flat side to each other. Such a fence will look good in a cottage village.

The design of this fence is such that instead of the unedged board shown in the photo, you can easily use a slab. The pillars are camouflaged vertical board. The entire fence is made on strip foundation, which is also a base. This good decision, because in winter the snow will not reach the lower boards and the fence will last longer. In the future the base can be finished artificial stone or clinker.

This is an option with a vertical slab arrangement. Apparently, the tree was not protected and became completely gray. Such a fence performs the function of a fence, but from an aesthetic point of view it does not look very good.

It’s hard to imagine what motivated the owner of this fence, but such a pile-up different styles looks strange. But we can see here interesting solution: the horizontal bottom is a herringbone from an unedged board, and the top part is a herringbone at 45 degrees from a slab.

Here is another option for a fairly high fence with horizontal boards. The ends are figuredly milled and this gives more interesting view and masks the docking points. Notice the top bar, which has a carved pattern and breaks up the boring straight line. This technique makes the fence lighter and more elegant.

A completely non-standard fence, as if it came from folk tale. A short sawn slab is attached like a picket fence.

Another variation of the fence with a vertical slab. There is a board on top, which is both decoration and protection from rain.

And in this fence, instead of a picket fence, a slab is used.

The slab can also be used to decorate gates. They didn't even remove the bark here. I think it turned out beautifully.

A combined fence looks good, in which the pillars and base are made of concrete or stone and contrast with wood.

Here is another combined option, but a solid fence with vertical boards and artificial stone trim.

Do not forget that for safety and aesthetic appearance, you need to protect the tree.

Slab and unedged board are often confused - this is different materials both in appearance and cost. This is what a fence made from unedged boards looks like:

In this version it is used unedged board, the fastening is made in a herringbone pattern. The pillars are metal and covered with a vertical strip imitating a slab.

We hope that the article was useful and that you found your idea for a slab fence.

In our country personal plots it is customary to fence. Of course, not everyone can afford an expensive fence. How to solve this issue by building a durable and not too expensive fence? The best solution there will be a use of a slab. If everything is done correctly according to the technology, such a fence is durable. What are the features of this material in application?

Nowadays it is very prestigious to be the owner of a country mansion.

Advantages and disadvantages

There will always be waste in the process of sawing logs. After processing, the timber is cut on four sides. As a result, you end up with material that has rectangular cross-section. One side of it is natural, wooden, and the other is a cut plane. The name of this board is: croaker. It is successfully used in many areas of production.

It is in such a house that you can easily retire in the hot summer; it is convenient to hide from the city noise and bustle.

Due to the fact that one side of this material is smooth, and the other is rounded and covered with bark, it has established itself as an excellent decor for country buildings and more. Often in practice, the remains from cutting wood are used for heating premises.

To build a fence from slab, it is ordered from the materials at the sawmill. Wood and logs are processed there.

One of the main requirements for a country estate is a strong fence.

Attention! You need to purchase material in reserve. Some part of it will always be rejected.

The advantages of such a fencing structure:

  • massiveness;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability in pricing policy;
  • presentability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • difficult for attackers to destroy.

A person who wants to have a natural, beautiful and reliable fence should turn his attention to such an option as a fence made of slabs.

When using such material, the dacha is, in principle, reliably protected from vandals who encroach on corrugated sheets and metal pickets. But the main advantage of croaker is its beneficial effect on health.

Therefore, the disadvantages that the fence croaker has cannot in any way cancel out its advantages. What are the disadvantages? Due to the difference in thickness and heterogeneity of structure, this material leaves quite a lot of waste during installation.

Note! A new wooden fence must be subjected to more than one type of treatment to ensure its durability in use.

Another disadvantage of the slab is the need to prepare fencing strips manually. This is a labor-intensive process, but the result is worth it!

Croaker is a waste product from the forestry industry; such lumber is as attractive as solid wood.

Types of slab fencing

There are three options for installing boards:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • bilateral.

In the first case, the boards are packed between supports installed vertically. The photo shows all the options for installing slab fences, which you can do yourself.

You can easily become the creator of an original and reliable fence.

The vertical arrangement can be done similarly to the first option. The double-sided arrangement of the boards involves staggered fastening on both joists. Such a fence will be both beautiful and endowed with excellent ventilation. But it requires more material. Thanks to the use of wood, you can create an extraordinary atmosphere in your garden.

The cheapest type of wooden fence is a fence made from slabs.

It is preferable to use wooden supports for installation. If the material is homogeneous, then joints are better. However, other pillars can be used:

  • channels;
  • pipes;
  • concrete;
  • stone.

You can easily make such a fence by hand.

For installation you will need:

  • grinding machine;
  • ax and shovel;
  • fasteners.

There are several installation steps. Everything can be done with your own hands. The first is the preparation of the material.

You can always easily buy lumber for your work at a sawmill for a nominal fee.

When choosing a material when building a fence from wane, pay attention to some of its features. They depend on the cut. Wane can be sharp or blunt, edged or unedged. The sharp layer occupies almost the entire width of the side surface of the timber, and the blunt layer occupies only a certain part of the lumber.

A fence made of such material will be durable and high-quality, and if you make every effort, it will be quite beautiful and creative.

It is important that the bark is removed from all planks. As a rule, it is a receptacle for pests that love to chew on wood. This is why it is necessary Grinder or an axe. After removing the bark, the wood planks need to be dried in the sun and sanded. This ensures a presentable appearance of the material. Then, in finished form, it is treated with an antiseptic and coated with drying oil and varnish. This treatment serves as protection against moisture from the atmosphere.

The slab is a board sawn from the side, and its other side has its original appearance. It has the texture of untreated logs.

The posts for installing the fence are buried 70 centimeters or even 1 meter deep. The territory is marked using a cord and pegs. This is how the places for installing support pillars are marked.

Important! The slab fence is quite massive. This is taken into account when making the distances between adjacent pillars. It should be no more than 2.5 meters. The best distance is considered to be 2 meters between adjacent pillars.

The price of such a fence varies depending on the type of wood, its size, and finishing method.

The wood must be treated before installation. It needs to be protected for a longer service life. The bottom is wrapped with thick roofing material several times. The hole in which the post is placed is filled with broken brick material. You can use crushed stone or construction waste.

Concrete pillars simply need to be installed in the holes and backfilled with solid materials. Pits for installing metal and channels are used to fill with crushed stone and sand. After installing the support, pour concrete mortar. They are covered with a primer and two layers of paint to prevent corrosion.

You will need to sand and carefully finish every single board.

For brick and stone supports, they build a foundation under them. Next, the lags are installed. And then the slab is attached. If the fence boards are vertical, then wooden joists installed horizontally. Remember! They must be pre-treated and then attached to the support.

If the slab is horizontal, then it is mounted with a vertical beam.

Barked and polished croaker looks rich and prestigious.

Finally, finishing and decoration of the fence are performed.

Such a fence is installed not only because of cost benefits. It is often preferred by people who are attracted by antiquity, connections with past generations, nature and naturalness in everything. Such fences are most often installed at dachas. But this material is increasingly conquering the market, and today you can see corresponding fencing in many private sectors. People realized that it was not only profitable, but also very beautiful!

You are quite capable of cleaning the slab with your own hands - an ax and a grinder.

Few people are confused by the seemingly simple design of the mounted fence. If finishing done well, it ends up looking completely unique. A person with taste and imagination can turn the fence of his property into a whole work of art! Of course, there are countries where they don’t put up fences at all. However, the mentality of our people is difficult to overcome... And why? After all, a fence is not only protection from prying eyes and encroachments on one’s own territory, but also a barrier to strong wind, flying branches and debris.

The simplest type of fence, to make it, the boards need to be attached perpendicular to the base prepared earlier.

Photo gallery

All options beautiful fences from slab are shown in the photo. In general, working with wood is an art and skill. This is where you need to put your heart and soul. This is the only way to create real masterpieces. Using such materials, you can create an environment that resembles magic. When you look at wooden fencing, there is a feeling that there is a whole fairy tale behind them, a mysterious and mysterious world.

When choosing wood, you need to know one more feature. It comes in business and wood types. The first has a thickness not exceeding 35 millimeters. The value of commercial timber depends on the type of tree. Birch, aspen, and spruce are mainly used for auxiliary materials.

Larch and oak are valuable species. They are expensive and are used as a finishing material.

The wood-burning type of lumber is used for subsequent processing. As a rule, these boards are subsequently used for heating or making briquettes from wood chips to also heat boilers and stoves.

This option for making a fence is the most expensive because you will need much more wood.


  1. Fencing made from wood waste is always a budget saver, and a significant one at that!
  2. Gorbyl is primarily an alternative to expensive modern building materials.
  3. Storage of lumber does not require special conditions during construction.
  4. An important point for using such lumber is ease of installation and the absence of difficulties during facing work.
  5. The naturalness and environmental friendliness of the surrounding space are the main advantages for using slabs in the construction.
  6. Use of such natural materials, using the right technology, will bring joy and satisfaction to its owners.
  7. You can install such a fence yourself.

Horizontal fence without crossbars. Gorbylins are attached horizontally, with or without gaps.

VIDEO: How to make a fence from a slab with your own hands.

50 design options for fences made from slab: