Input of cold water into the house diagram. Water supply for a private home. Sequence of water supply scheme

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Not all private households have running water. Sometimes there is no centralized water supply even down the street. This is what residents use in such populated areas or common wells, or wells located in their yard. But we live in a time when running water and sewerage in the home is not a luxury, but a necessity. Thanks to running water in your home, you no longer need to waste time getting water. It can be used for other equally important activities.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to conduct water in private house and correctly route the water supply through it. Let's look at these questions step by step.

Action plan

  1. Determine the source of water intake (where water will need to be supplied from: well, borehole, centralized water supply)
  2. Determine what material will be used to enter the water supply system into a private house and distribute the water supply inside the house
  3. Determine the locations of water consumers (washbasin, washing machine, bathroom, toilet and so on)
  4. Draw a diagram of the future water pipeline
  5. Determine your financial resources (this determines who will do the work and what material the water supply will be made from).

These steps will be enough to bring water into the house without complicating the process.

Source of water intake

The water source can be centralized water supply, well, borehole, lake or river. You can use several sources, for example, a well and a centralized water supply. But now we will discuss only the first three.

Centralized water supply

To introduce water into a house from a centralized water supply, you first need to coordinate the connection issues with the authorities that are responsible for this water supply. Then we make the connection using a clamp of the appropriate diameter.

It is better to make an inspection well at the connection point. This way it will be possible to inspect and audit the connection point. We mount it in the clamp emergency shut-off valve, preferably with a removable connection so that it can be easily replaced in case of failure. Well, then we lay the pipe and connect it to the emergency valve.

If the water source is a well or borehole

In both cases, pumping equipment is needed. If the depth of the well is small, then you can use a pumping station. And if the depth exceeds the technical characteristics of pumping stations, then, just like for a well, it is better to use submersible pumps.

The pumping station is usually equipped with an electric motor with a pump attached to it, a hydraulic accumulator (also known as a receiver), a pressure gauge, and mechanical automatic switching on of the electric pump.

For submersible pumps, the hydraulic accumulator, automation and pressure gauge must be installed independently.

Which material to choose for input

Exists several pipe options for organizing water supply in the house, but it is the polypropylene pipe that has proven itself well. The service life is designed for fifty years, it does not oxidize, withstands pressure loads, and is easy to install.

Such a pipe is inferior in technical specifications perhaps a copper pipe, but the price compensates for this drawback.

It is important to pay attention to the diameter of the input pipe. This determines how comfortable you will be when using your water supply system.

It is better to use a pipe for input diameter 32 millimeters. It is slightly more expensive than a 25 mm pipe, but it will have a good supply of throughput, and this will play an important role in the future when there is a need to add consumption points. Also, it is better to install a pipe that can withstand a pressure of 10 atmospheres.

How to enter water

First you need to determine the place where you will bring the pipe into the house. Then you dig a trench from the house to the location of the water source. The depth of the trench directly depends on the area in which you live. The more the soil freezes during winter frosts, the deeper the trench should be. Sometimes, to make the trench depth smaller, the pipe is insulated. Each layer of such insulation reduces the depth of the trench by 20 centimeters.

How to connect to the central water supply was described above. Well, how to bring water into the house from a well? A pumping station, even the most powerful, may not always be enough. It all depends on the distance of the well from the house. Therefore, not far from it make a caisson and a pumping station is installed in it.

A suction pipe is lowered into the well at the level of the trench. Then the pipe is laid horizontally to the caisson, and there it is connected to the pumping station. Afterwards the pipe is laid to the house.

Unlike a well, drawing water from a well does not require making a caisson, since the well can be located both under the house building and outside it. But in any case, the hydraulic accumulator and everything else can be mounted either in basement, or near the water inlet. A water supply pipe from a well can be routed in the same way as water is routed from a well.

In all cases polypropylene pipe Before filling with soil dug from the trench, it is worth covering with a small layer of sand. This will prevent damage to the pipe when backfilling with soil.

At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to make a diagram of the location of your communications throughout the territory.

After we figured it out, how to get water into the house, let's talk about what possibilities there are for distributing water supply around the house.

Regardless of where your water is supplied from, either from a well or a well, or from a central water supply system, there must be an emergency shut-off valve at the inlet. After it, a water consumption meter is installed, if you are connected to a centralized water supply.

Then the input from the well or well is connected if you have a combined water connection. Exit follows cold water for watering or for household needs. Next, the filter block is installed. What and how many of them there will be is determined depending on water quality.

After the filter block, a hydraulic accumulator and automatic activation of the well pump are installed. This is the primary circuit, installed immediately after the water is introduced. Now it’s time to choose one scheme from several options for laying out the water supply in a private house.

A private house, unlike an apartment, has a greater range of possibilities regarding the plumbing inside it. Here you can use a series connection of water consumers. It is also called tee. Or you can use a collector circuit for connecting consumers. Let's look at these two schemes.

Serial connection

This circuit includes serial connection of consumers. The washstand, shower, toilet, as well as everything in the kitchen are connected sequentially, one after the other. The advantage is that it is not necessary large number pipes. But there is also disadvantage of this system.

In the case of simultaneous use of consumers, the pressure at distant points of consumption drops. This is especially noticeable when the shower is running: it is very difficult to regulate the water temperature. This is where the inconvenience of this scheme manifests itself. This system is more suitable for a family with a small number of people.

Collector connection

This scheme for connecting consumers requires more pipe, which means it increases the cost of the water supply project. The essence of this system is that after the primary circuit, collectors for cold and hot water are installed at the inlet, and pipes are laid from them to each individual consumer.

This system allows you to simultaneously use water in different places consumption: in the kitchen, in the shower, and so on. It follows from this that such a scheme is better for comfortable use and suitable for any family.

Sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of the project, but at the same time, get maximum comfort, these two systems are combined. This works well too.

Pipe for internal water supply

There are several options: copper, polypropylene, metal-plastic and steel. Let's look at the main characteristics.

The pipe must be selected depending on your financial capabilities, as well as technical parameters circuits that you use at home. Particularly important use quality materials in responsible places for water supply distribution.

Water supply is an essential part of modern home ownership. The ability to use water at any time is not just a comfortable living, but a requirement for sanitation, which is part of healthy image life. A properly designed and installed water supply scheme for a private home can work for decades, gradually being supplemented and, if necessary, modified.

At a dacha or country estate, where water is required for watering plants and raising domestic animals, water supply is part of the technological scheme of the farm. The well-being of the residents largely depends on how effective its work is.

The design of such an important component requires a scrupulous approach. It may not always be possible to install a water supply in a private house with your own hands, but it is necessary to understand how it works, the principles of operation, and be able to check the quality of installation.

Main components of water supply systems

External water supply in a private household includes:

  • The system connection point is a well, borehole, main line running along the street, spring, open reservoir, etc.
  • External lines (mains). As a rule, they are laid in an underground trench. The mains can also connect individual buildings of the estate, if this is provided for by the water supply connection diagram in a private house.
  • Water input nodes for a residential building, as well as other buildings (structures) of the economy (if any).

Intra-house wiring, including engineering equipment, is of three types:

  • serial or tee;
  • collector, which is sometimes called loop;
  • hybrid, representing a combination of the first two.

To save money, the water distribution scheme for a private house, cottage or farm is often divided into two independent circuits: drinking and technical water supply. The first provides the sanitary and domestic needs of the residents of the cottage, the second provides watering for the garden, as well as watering for livestock, if the water quality meets the standards established for this. In addition to cold water supply, the water supply system may include a hot water supply circuit.

Water connection point

Beginning of the water supply scheme country house- source of water. Within the city, if there is a developed water supply system in the region where the house or summer cottage plot The power supply is provided by a centralized main line.

To make a connection to the highway, you must perform the following steps:

  • Get permission from those. conditions for connection from the owner of the main line - the city or district management of water and wastewater supply networks.

  • Build a pit (well, caisson) to place valves and water meters. To do this, a hole is dug in which it is mounted from concrete rings, plastic or ceramic bricks. If a suitable structure already exists, use it.
  • Make a connection or, as plumbers say, a tie-in. To install it, the main line is blocked, but it is also possible to insert it into an existing line.
  • Install a valve that allows you to shut off the water supply to the house if necessary, and install a water meter.
  • On final stage a representative of the water supply system seals the water meter, takes readings, and in some cases even takes a photo of the unit.
  • Next, a water use agreement is concluded, which indicates the limit of water consumption, as well as the discharge of wastewater (if there is a centralized sewerage system).

At the same time, the well sinuses are filled up, a floor slab is installed, inspection hatch. Laying a water supply line to the house.

Autonomous sources in the water supply scheme of a private house

In the absence of a central water supply, autonomous sources of water intake are used. The most common are wells and boreholes.

Important! According to legal requirements, the placement of a well or borehole requires permission from local authorities. In addition, if a well is deeper than 5 meters, the law requires that it be put into operation by obtaining a license.

  1. There are three types of wells:
      • artesian, with a depth of over 50 m. Otherwise, they are also called “limestone”, since underground water lenses are usually located in calcareous rocks.
      • onto the aquifer or, as they also say, “onto the sand.” Such wells are fed by top water that saturates the sandy layers of the soil;
      • a needle well, like a sand well, is designed to draw water from shallow groundwater aquifers. Its main difference lies in the technology of the device. An ordinary well is drilled or punched with a bailer, followed by immersion casing pipe. A needle well is performed by driving a special perforated pipe all the way to the aquifer.

Shallow wells have a noticeably lower flow rate (the volume of water they produce over a period of time) than artesian wells. The latter are capable of producing from 3 m 3 /hour (the volume depends on the performance of the pump and the diameter of the well). The average flow rate of a well using groundwater is 0.5 m 3 /hour.

  1. Mine water wells are used in shallow aquifers. Their maximum depths reach a little more than 20 m. However, even wells deeper than 10 meters are rarely built.
  2. There are also springs in the areas. In fact, these are natural wells created by cracks in the earth mass or outcrops of aquiferous rock to the surface. Using a spring as a permanent source of water supply is possible with sufficient flow and good quality of water from it.
  3. Open bodies of water: a pond, a lake, a river flowing nearby - another opportunity to get water. This also includes storage tanks for collecting precipitation, popular in arid regions. However, such water intakes rarely provide water suitable for drinking without preliminary purification. But even after this, it is used mainly for technical needs.

Important! The factor of environmental friendliness should also be given special attention when operating shallow wells or wells. Due to their shallow depth, they are overly susceptible to the influence of sedimentary, as well as nearby sources of pollution in the area. In addition, the productivity of small wells, wells, springs, and open reservoirs is affected by seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels.

Water intake equipment

Unlike the main water supply, with an autonomous connection, the water supply system in a private house includes equipment for supplying water from a source and creating working pressure in the pipelines, as well as storage tanks.

For serving use the most various types pumps They can be divided into two main types:

  • deep (submersible) - work completely or partially immersed in liquid;
  • superficial.

Deep well pumps

Submersible pumps are usually used to extract water from wells, wells and reservoirs. The most common types are:

  • Vibrating. Cheap, have small sizes, weight, but at the same time small in power and resource. In addition, their vibration has a destructive effect on the walls of wells and leads to accelerated siltation of the water intake.
  • Centrifugal. Suitable for deep wells, including artesian ones. Capable of supplying water over hundreds of meters, they have high performance and reliability.
  • Vortex pumps. A type of centrifugal. Capable of creating high pressures. One of the significant disadvantages is high sensitivity to water pollution.
  • Screw pumps. Simple, reliable, insensitive to foreign impurities. One of the significant drawbacks is low performance. Excellent for water intakes from natural reservoirs, for objects with low water consumption.

Water supply schemes with surface pumps and pumping stations

Surface pumps are conventionally divided into supply and transfer pumps. For water intake (supply), in which the distance to the water surface is small or absent, the first type is used (usually centrifugal self-priming units). For example, when operating storage tanks to collect rainwater.

This type of equipment includes pumping stations. They are distinguished by the presence of automation, as well as a built-in hydraulic accumulator - a metal reservoir with a rubber container inside, into which water flows from the pump. Air is pumped between the walls of the tank and the container under pressure. It is this that compresses when water enters and pushes it back when the pump is turned off and water is drawn. The hydraulic accumulator solves two problems:

  • Acts as a receiver, maintaining system pressure, reducing the number of pump starts.
  • Eliminates the danger of water hammer - sudden surges in pressure when the supply or transfer pump is turned on.

Automation serves to maintain constant pressure necessary for the functioning of engineering systems or plumbing equipment. It works like this:

  1. When the tap is opened or the irrigation system is turned on, the pressure in the pipes drops. Thanks to the hydraulic accumulator, this process proceeds smoothly.
  2. At a certain stage, the pressure sensor is activated, turning on the station pump.
  3. When water use stops, the pump still runs for a while, filling the battery.
  4. Shutdown occurs after reaching the upper threshold pressure, which is the end of the cycle.

Important! The theoretical depth from which surface pumps are capable of lifting water is 10 meters (the laws of physics no longer allow it). But in practice this value does not exceed 8 m.

Water storage tanks (storage)

An important part of the indoor plumbing system is the water storage tank. Its capacity is usually taken based on the minimum water requirement per day.

The higher the tank is installed, the better. In houses with more than 2 floors, it is installed on the upper floors or attics, in one-story houses - in attics. Thus, even when there is a power outage on the ground floor, due to the height of the water column, sufficient pressure is created to wash your hands, wash your face, and activate the flush in the toilet.

The system operates as follows:

  • The water intake pump through the street line supplies water directly to the storage tank. The pump turns on the float sensor, which is activated when the water level drops below a predetermined level.
  • Water enters the internal pipelines from the tank.
  • A small booster pump can be used to create a comfortable pressure.

In such a water supply scheme, it is possible to install several outlets in its different sections. For example, with high purity for drinking and cooking, or with coarser purity for sanitary and household needs.

Water purification and disinfection for an autonomous water supply scheme

Water obtained from natural sources does not always correspond to sanitary standards. Often, the higher the level of its surface, the lower the quality of the composition, and the most problematic is extracted from open reservoirs.

Main stages of water treatment:

  1. At the water intake stage - natural circulation water through sandy layers of soil in wells or wells. When organizing water supply from open sources, proceed as follows: near the reservoir, dig a pit, reinforced with wooden blocks or stones. It is closed with a lid that prevents the entry of dust, small animals or insects. A drainage channel, fenced with gratings, is left between the pit and the reservoir. The channel is filled with sand and gravel mixture.
  2. Source disinfection. Chemical reagents are used for it, of which bleach is the most popular. It kills most pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, but its use must be carried out under strict control.
  3. Coarse filters are installed in pits or at the entrance of the water supply circuit to the house. They rid the water of suspended particles, improving clarity.
  4. In-depth water treatment - fine cleaning and disinfection. It uses irradiation with UV lamps, adsorption, membrane, and ion exchange filters. These methods are expensive and low-productivity. Therefore, it is rational to use water that has undergone such treatment only for drinking and cooking.

Important! Simply settling the water in a storage tank also gives some cleaning effect. However, gradually deposits accumulate on its bottom and walls, which must be washed off and the container disinfected.

Read also: Water supply and water treatment for comfortable living in the house

Scheme of the pipeline system of a private house

External pipeline installation

Water intake, storage tank, engineering systems do not exist on their own, but are tied into common system using pipelines. Until recently, installation was carried out with steel water pipes. Now they have been almost completely replaced by plastic (polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride) and copper analogues.

The laying and connection of external highways is carried out taking into account their winter operation. To prevent the pipes from freezing, the insertion is carried out below the seasonal freezing level of the soil. To do this, pits are installed near wells or above wells in which valves, pumping equipment (when using surface pumps), etc. are placed. A special quick-release adapter can also be used in wells. It allows you to connect the vertical and horizontal sections of the pipeline through the casing.

External water supply pipes are laid in trenches also below the freezing level of the soil. If for some reason it is impossible to construct trenches of the required depth, the pipes and water intake units are insulated and heated using a heating cable.

During repairs or inspections, pipes must be emptied of water, so it is better to install their horizontal sections with a slope of 0.5% to the general drain point with a discharge valve.

Wiring diagram inside the house

The need to install a pit sometimes arises when introducing pipelines into a building. Typically, shut-off valves, drain taps, and control systems are located here. This turns out to be convenient when it is necessary to repair the intra-house system in winter, when access to a well or water intake pit is difficult.

After water is introduced into the house, if a hydraulic accumulator is not used, it goes to the storage tank. From it through the boost pump directly into the circuit internal water supply. As mentioned above, they come in three types. Of these, there are two main ones:

  1. The sequential or tee system is the simplest. There is one pipe running through the house, from which branches are made through tees to water points. This scheme is suitable for a small country house.
  2. A collector (loop) circuit will help out where there is a significant number of consumers. Although it requires a larger number of pipes, each section can provide the desired pressure and quality of water. In addition, repairs do not require shutting down the entire system. You just need to disconnect the problematic cable.

A separate line is laid to operate the hot water supply system (DHW), as well as to the boiler room to replenish heating radiators and ensure normal coolant recirculation. The water is heated by a storage boiler or instantaneous water heater- electric or gas (double-circuit boiler, geyser). These devices are usually located in a separate room - a boiler room, where the water supply line is installed. From the heating system, the wiring is supplemented with another cable - a line hot water. It connects to the shower, to the bathroom faucet, and in the kitchen to the sink faucet.

The water supply lines are completed with shut-off valves: toilet cistern valve, faucets, water taps, solenoid valves automatic watering, etc.

If there is a vegetable garden, a separate plume is sent for watering. Since in winter time the vegetable garden is not functioning, laying pipes of this line into deep trenches is useless. A depth of one and a half to two shovel bayonets, so as not to damage communications when digging up the soil, will be enough.

We calculate the water supply system

It is best if the design of your water supply is carried out by a specialist. However, this is not always possible and is also costly. On the other hand, if we are not talking about a huge palace, but about a typical country house or dacha, then simplified calculations will not be particularly difficult.

First of all, you need to calculate total quantity pipes, connecting and distribution fittings (tees, elbows, couplings, combs, etc.), shut-off valves, engineering equipment. To do this you need to draw general scheme water supply wiring in a private house, including pipes for outdoor installation. For two-story buildings and taller buildings, it is better to make a sketch in isometry for clarity. In this case, the scale is not observed, and the required length of the sections is indicated directly on the diagram.

The diameter of the pipelines is calculated using formulas. They take into account the volume of water consumption, pressure, and other parameters. However, for simplified calculations, you can use the following table as a guide:

Plot Pipe diameter, mm Material
Laying from the water intake point to the intra-house system and household systems. water supply on site 25÷32 Polyethylene, PVC, polypropylene for external water pipes
In-house wiring:
Risers 20÷25 Polypropylene, copper
Basic domestic plumbing 10÷20 Polymers, copper
Indoor wiring, irrigation system 20÷25 Polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC

To determine whether the flow rate of a source (well) is sufficient, water consumption standards are used. According to SP 30.13330.2012, water consumption per person is 200-350 l/day. This value is multiplied by the number of residents. Water consumption for household needs is also determined by the norms for watering plants and water consumption by domestic animals.

From the resulting total volume of water consumption, knowing the depth of water intake and the height of supply, it is possible to determine required power and pump performance. The volume of the accumulator is calculated. However, for an average two-story cottage, with two bathrooms, with a bath and shower, 50 liters is enough.

A few words in conclusion

Modern materials and construction methods make it possible to assemble simple diagram Do-it-yourself water supply for a typical private house. However, for a large farm or estate with a large number of residents and a variety of water consumers, it is impossible to do without the involvement of professionals.

Particular attention should be paid to water quality. Be sure to submit samples from your autonomous water intake for SES research. It’s worth doing this at least annually.

Owners of private houses have to solve the problem of water supply for their households on their own. The construction of an autonomous source in the form of a well or well is associated with labor, time and finances. It’s good if there is a central water supply line nearby, it is most convenient to extend the pipeline network from it.

In this case, the comfort of living even in an old house is significantly increased, since the normal functioning of the sewage system, heating and others will be ensured. engineering communications. You can supply water to a private house with your own hands, you just need to collect the necessary documents.

You can connect to the central water supply in winter

Advantages of central water supply

Connecting to a central water supply has a number of advantages compared to installing an autonomous water supply system. There is no need to purchase expensive pumping equipment; there is no need to drill, pump and maintain a well. In addition, centralized water supply is a certified type of activity, so the consumer receives:

  • drinking water that meets sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • normalized pressure in the pipeline network;
  • water supply almost without interruption.

You can install the water supply and connect it to the central line yourself, or you can invite specialists. They will help to lay the system underground and connect it to the house. Of course, in this case you will have to pay for their work.

Without documents it will not be possible to supply water to a private house

To connect a private home to centralized water supply you will have to contact several authorities and obtain permits.

Without them, you won’t be able to use water, but unauthorized connection Huge fines and equipment dismantling are provided at the expense of the owner.

It will be necessary to carry out various studies, draw up technical documentation and approve it in the relevant structures. All stages of documentation must be completed sequentially, otherwise everything will have to start all over again.

First we contact the geodetic service

You should first contact your local surveyor's office. Its workers will carry out a topographic survey of the area and draw up a situational plan of the site. All objects located on the ground are plotted on it, indicating the distance between them and the nearest utilities.

This is what geodetic survey and technical conditions look like

Surveyors will complete their work within ten days and issue an invoice for services rendered. If you have a situational plan, more than a year has passed since its preparation, you will have to order a new explication; this is another name for this document. When contacting the geodetic service, you will have to present title documents for the use of the land plot.

We obtain technical conditions for connecting to the water supply system

To obtain specifications for water connection, the owner of a private house can contact the authority that issued permission to construct the facility. There they will determine which company will provide centralized water supply services to the new user. This is where you should submit documents, of which you will have to collect an impressive list. You will need the following:

  • confirmation of ownership or use of the house and land;
  • owner's identification card;
  • seven copies of the explication;
  • two copies of the building permit;
  • water consumption balance prepared by designers;
  • two copies of the application.

The technical conditions, which are provided to the user 14 days after submitting a package of documents without charging a fee, indicate the dates of connection to the central water supply line and the permissible load on the central water supply of the user in question. The authority that provided the technical conditions undertakes to connect a private house to the central water supply.

Now you can order a water supply project

The technical specifications have finally been received, and now the water supply project can be ordered. Without it, you cannot sign an agreement with a company providing centralized water supply services. Based on the developed technical specifications The water supply project can be carried out by any competent organization, but in any case it must be approved by the local water supply and sewerage company.

The connection must be made in accordance with the design

The document will also need to be coordinated with electricity and gas suppliers and even with the telephone exchange due to the fact that their utilities are also connected to the house, and the water supply network should not interfere with their functioning. The project is finally approved by the architectural committee.

Should I lay the pipe myself or contact a licensed organization?

When connecting a private house to a centralized water supply, you must understand that everything earthworks outside the site, according to the rules, it must be carried out by an organization that has a license to do so. Unfortunately, the latter use their position and appoint high prices for your services. The fine for violation is noticeably less, so many people do this work themselves.

An excavator is clearly more effective than a shovel

The costs of installing a water supply system consist of payment for installers, the purchase of materials and various fees. Most cheap way to get water is to do all the work yourself, and install the water supply network from pipes made of polyethylene or polypropylene.

We contact the water utility to conclude an agreement

Now you should contact the water utility to conclude an agreement on connecting the water supply. Its essence is that the organization does everything necessary actions for preparing and connecting the infrastructure of a private home to the central water supply, and the user pays for these services.

Contracts for work and water supply

The price is set by the local water utility department, and it consists of the fee for carrying out the pipeline system from the house to the point of connection to backbone network and connected system load. The cost of materials and labor of the installation team is included in this price.

Do-it-yourself plumbing

It is possible to save significantly on installing a water supply system if you do all the installation work yourself. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a diagram indicating the location of pipes and water intake points. When developing it, there is no need to strive for the heights of engineering; the most important thing is that the diagram is easy to navigate, and that it allows you to correct errors made during installation, if any.

The diagram indicates the terrain features, the presence of rocky or sandy soil on the site, and provides the area required for pipeline interchanges. It must be taken into account that everything installation work must be carried out on a pre-leveled surface, otherwise unpleasant surprises cannot be avoided.

We build a well at the connection point

A well must be installed at the point of connection to the main water main. It is needed when it is necessary to quickly shut off the water supply to carry out repair work, therefore, shut-off valves are installed in it. The well can be made of red brick or constructed of concrete rings.

Well options for connecting water supply

The top of the well is covered with a lid. The latter can be made of plastic, but it must withstand the load of traffic that may pass over its surface. Of course, these worries can be avoided if a well already exists at the connection point.

The connection is made by inserting into the central highway using welding equipment. It is also possible to connect to the central pipe using a special clamp without welding. This way you can connect to both steel and plastic pipe, and without turning off the water supply in the central main.

Connection methods to the central pipe

In this case, the clamp is first securely mounted on the supply pipe, and then it is drilled through the hole in the clamp. An electric drill will not work as it will flood with water! Then a tap is screwed onto the thread of the clamp open state, after which the valve closes. When using a ball-type valve, you can drill after it has been installed. Of course, in this case you cannot do without a forced shower, so you need to choose the right weather and clothes.

We dig a trench of the required depth

The most labor-intensive process when connecting a private house to a central water supply is the process of digging a trench. Depending on the distance from the main highway, you can use manual labor or special equipment in the form of an excavator or other earth-moving machine. Of course, you need to understand well at what depth to install the pipe.

Map of standard freezing depths

The trench should be dug to such a depth that it is below the freezing point of the soil in the area of ​​work. Otherwise, the water frozen in the pipes will burst them, and in the spring everything will have to start all over again. On the contrary, in regions with a mild climate it is possible to lay a highway without digging a trench.

If the soil does not contain significant inclusions of stones and clay, the work is easier. Several holes can be dug along the route, and the earthen bridges between them can be destroyed using water supplied from a hose. high pressure water jet. This technique significantly reduces the cost and facilitates excavation work.

It is more convenient to dig a trench to the house with shovels

Sometimes, because the soil is too heavy, it is difficult to dig a trench of the required depth. Modern insulation materials, which are used to insulate the pipeline system, can help here. In any case, it is still necessary to go deeper into the ground, at least a hundred centimeters.

A cushion is installed at the bottom of the dug trench before laying the pipes. It is a filling of sand and crushed stone that creates a shock-absorbing pad. In addition, it allows soil water to be drained away from the pipeline, thereby preventing its icing. Now you need to decide how best to lay the pipe underground and run it under the foundation.

We pass the foundation and enter the house

Pipeline entry into a house is often carried out under the foundation. In this case, the issue of the depth of the pipe and the need for its insulation is resolved in the same way as for the entire water supply line laid outside the house.

Options for introducing pipes into the house

The pipeline can also be introduced into the house through the foundation, which will require making a hole. This element of the pipeline network should be given special attention if there is a section located shallow in the ground and, as a result, subject to a high risk of freezing. It is imperative to provide high-quality thermal insulation for this section of pipe.

The diameter of the inlet hole should be made larger than the cross section water pipe approximately fifteen centimeters. This is necessary in order to prevent destruction of the pipeline network if over time the walls of the house begin to sag.

Choosing the best pipe and laying the line to the house

The most significant element of a water supply system is the pipes. There are several options and you need to decide which pipes are best for installing the water supply and bringing it to the house. In principle, galvanized ones are suitable steel pipes. Products made from this material tolerate mechanical overloads well, but are susceptible to corrosion processes.

Pipe for water supply and corresponding insulation

Copper pipes They can function for decades, but they are very expensive and difficult to install, so they are used quite rarely. The most widespread are inexpensive pipes made from polymer materials, easy to install and not afraid of exposure to aggressive chemical environments.

After connecting the pipeline network to the house, there is no need to immediately fill the trench. First, you should make a test run and carefully examine all butt joints. Detected faults will have to be corrected.

Some features of using water

The pressure in the line is also not always maintained at the right level. Installing a pressure pump can help here. Everyone knows that water supply shutdowns often occur for various reasons. In this case, installing a storage tank helps.

Useful equipment for owners of water from the central water supply

The last tip is to think about leak protection.

According to the law of philosophy, quantity develops into quality, that is, a large number of pipes, connections, taps, appliances and, in particular, flexible hoses in a modern home leads to a noticeable increase in the possibility of water leakage.

In the event that this happens in your absence, the costs not only for repairs, but for the water itself will not seem small to anyone! The radical solution is to simply turn off the central tap before leaving the house. Of course, there are other flexible and technological solutions to this issue.

People are often interested in what an input unit is (in an apartment), what it should be like and what should be included in it.

Having received the keys to your new apartment(in a new building) you may notice that the input node will most likely be poorly made - the input node is made of quality material and equipment. The developer does not set out to create an ideal input node, but is limited to the minimum required to deliver the facility.

Composition of the water supply input unit in the apartment

A normal input node includes:

  • Shut-off valves;
  • Leak protection system;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Water meter;
  • Check valve;
  • Fine filter;
  • Pressure reducer;
  • In exceptional cases (if the water quality is poor), you can install a main water filter;
  • Distribution manifold;
  • Water hammer compensator

Shut-off valves in the apartment

The first thing to start with is replacing the shut-off valves in the apartment. Often the developer uses the most cheap options fittings. It should also be taken into account that due to low-skilled labor, there are cases that shut-off valves may be installed incorrectly. For example, any ball valve consists of two parts and the larger part, which contains the shut-off ball itself, must be screwed onto the riser. This will allow you to shut off the water supply even if the shut-off valve itself leaks, otherwise you will not be able to turn off the water and will flood your neighbors.

Our company recommends installing shut-off valves from manufacturers such as Bugatti and Oventrop. Even the best shut-off valves periodically require preventive opening/closing of the tap - this avoids “souring” of the moving mechanism of the tap.

Leak protection system

Even the most reliable and modern system water supply includes connections with sealing gaskets and flexible hoses. According to statistics from insurance companies, these elements are the main causes of leaks in the apartment.

In order to protect yourself, you need to install a leakage protection system. The system consists of a ball valve with a servo drive, a control module and sensors. When water hits the sensor, the system gives a command to close the tap.

It is important to note that the leakage protection system should be installed immediately after the shut-off valve - this will help minimize the number of unprotected connections.

There are a large number of protection systems on the market, but our company recommends installing the Akvastorozh system. It has proven itself well, and the manufacturer provides good, timely service.

Coarse filter

Often the water quality may not be best quality- large particles of dirt may be found in the water, which can damage other devices in the water supply system. For example, some manufacturers of water meters disclaim warranty obligations if this filter is not installed in front of the meter. Depending on the manufacturer, coarse filters come with a mesh size of 600, 500, 300 microns.

Water meters

An integral part of the input unit in the apartment is a water meter. The types of water metering devices and methods of their operation are described in detail in our other articles, so we will not consider this item in depth.

It should be noted that in Moscow only water meters with a pulse output and an installation length of 80 mm are allowed for installation. We recommend using ITELMA water meters.

Check valve

A necessary element of the accounting node is check valve, which serves to protect against water backflow in the water supply system. This prevents the water from hot and cold risers from mixing (they often have different pressures). It also prevents the water meter from “twisting” when draining water from the riser, so many management companies may not accept a water meter without a check valve.

Fine filter

Main water filters

Water hammer compensator

The water hammer compensator allows you to “extinguish” sudden pressure surges when quickly opening and closing the mixer, turning off/on washing and dishwashers, toilet filler valves.

According to statistics from insurance companies, most apartment flooding occurs at night. This is due to the fact that with a small intake of water from the riser, the water in the pipes heats up to room temperature, it expands and the pressure in the water supply system rises. A water hammer compensator can prevent this.

The water hammer compensator is usually installed at the end of the collector. They come in membrane and spring types.

Correct installation of the input unit will protect you from extra costs and problems. Installing an input unit is not an easy task and it is best to entrust this work to qualified specialists. Our company "Plumber Stepanych" employs experienced and qualified specialists.

If the work is done correctly when designing and installing a water supply system in a private house, then it will be able to ensure the reliability of an autonomous water supply system.

Selection of water supply source

First you need to make calculations based on how many people live and for what needs the water will be used. According to standards, 30-50 liters of water are consumed per person per day. But if the bathroom and sewage system are equipped, the figure should be tripled. If you plan to use water for irrigation purposes (for example, a garden), then the consumption rate in such cases is 5 liters per 1 sq.m of area.

There are 2 options - connecting to centralized system and autonomous, i.e. decentralized supply. The latter method has a number of advantages even in cases where it is possible to connect to the highway.

The source of water supply in a decentralized type of arrangement is a well or borehole. And although this option will require additional costs for the design and installation of a water supply system in a country house, in the future the owner will not have to pay for utilities, as is the case with a centralized supply.

Stationary centralized system

It is necessary to connect the water supply system installed inside the house to the central main. The owner of the site must write a statement to the organization that provides water supply to the area. The document is reviewed, then a decision is made on it individually.

If the outcome is favorable, when the permit must be formalized in an official document, the owner of the site will receive from the company detailed instructions for connection, as well as a diagram that will show how the pipes can be connected.

Decentralized method of water supply

Water is supplied to the house from external sources. To ensure that it complies with all standards, the owner can independently supply wastewater treatment plants and necessary equipment rather than relying on utility companies. But then you need to do the design yourself and in compliance with all standards. For example, source drinking water should be located 20-50 m from the septic tank (the indicator depends on the characteristics of the site).

It is recommended to make a well or borehole closer to the house. This is safer and easier to maintain. Before carrying out work to connect the house to the selected source, it is recommended to make sure that it is enough to ensure standard water consumption.

Most often, a decentralized system involves a choice between a well and a well. The well is considered suitable only for seasonal residence. If they will live in the house permanently, it is better to arrange a water supply from a well, which is pre-equipped with pumping equipment.

How does a typical plumbing system work?

Such a system always includes 2 equal parts - external and internal. The first is needed in order to connect the source to the house. By default this is a pipeline, to which a submersible or surface pump is connected (depending on the type of well).

The design includes filters, automatic control, water distribution device (shut-off valve).

Design Rules

A correctly drawn up diagram facilitates further installation of the system. When developing it, you need to take into account many nuances associated with the house and the site. It must take into account such things as water distribution and the type of pipes used, the number of filters, the planned number of water intake points, the type of water heater and its volume.

The diagram must indicate the location of each element. Therefore, a drawing of the house and a site plan for the external part of the structure are first made for the system. In this case, the scale for both parts should be the same.

Sequential piping

It is assumed that there is a common pipe and branches are made from it to each point. The disadvantage is that this design does not provide the same pressure at each consumption point. The greater their number, the less water pressure will be.

Collector diagram for water supply distribution

The circuit differs from other types of wiring in the presence special distribution unit. This is the collector from which a pipeline is installed to each point of water consumption, which allows for the same pressure and pressure.

If pipe laying is carried out independently, then the owner must first study the technology for carrying out such work.

Preparing for work

To begin with, experts remind that pipeline installation starts from the consumer to the source, which is much more convenient.

First, using a threaded type adapter, attach. A ball-type shut-off valve is installed between it and the corresponding device to quickly shut off the water supply, for example, during repairs. A branch is also made from the consumer to the collector.

Both external and internal wiring are carried out in compliance with the rules. The pipes should be mounted 20 mm from the walls to facilitate future repairs. If they go around internal corner, the system needs to be organized 30-40 mm from the wall, and if external - 15 mm.

Clips are used for fastening to walls. They are installed at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. Clips are installed on all corner joints.

Before connecting the pipeline to the collector, shut-off valves must be installed so that this branch can be easily disconnected in the event of an accident.

Pipe selection

Pipes must be strong and durable, made of material inert to temperature changes and negative impact environment. Products made from different types polymer - polyethylene, polypropylene or PVC.

Pipes are designed for different temperatures. For cold water the material is unimportant; for hot water supply it is better to use metal-plastic.

The choice of pipe diameter largely depends on the length of the line. For example, if it exceeds 30 m, then the diameter should be 32 mm, if the line is short, less than 10 m, then 20 mm will do.

For the normal functioning of the system it is necessary pumping station or a pressure tank. But the second option is considered less practical, and it is better to connect a station that will supply water from a well (such equipment is installed less often for a well).

There are several options for connecting it. For example, a station can be placed in country house, but not in the room where the boiler is already operating. You can find a place for it in the laundry room or a specially equipped room with soundproofing, for example, on the ground floor of a cottage. It is important that it is warm there.

A pumping station is a set of equipment. The design includes a pipe, 1 end of which is lowered into the well, and 2 is connected to other station equipment. As a standard, everything is done through a brass fitting, onto which an additional adapter is installed, and a tee with a drain valve is connected to it, so that you can turn off the water supply if the need arises. It is also connected to prevent water from returning to the well.

The pumping station must be equipped with a coarse filter to prevent sand and other large contaminants from entering the system.

After installing the equipment yourself, a test run is carried out so that mistakes can be identified and corrected.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

In practice, hydraulic accumulators are almost always installed, since they make it possible to maintain a given pressure level even with intermittently operating pumping equipment.

It is a membrane storage tank. Moreover the membrane divides the device into 2 parts– the first is filled with air, and the second contains a supply of water, which is used for household needs. When its level drops to a minimum, the pump automatically turns on and replenishes the supply, which ensures stable pressure.

Installation of water purification equipment

The water that is taken from the well often contains many mechanical impurities. Therefore, experts believe that a coarse filter is necessary for this system.

To install additional filters, you must first do a fluid analysis to understand which treatment facilities are suitable. Such studies are carried out by specialized laboratories. When the results are obtained, you need to select filters and connect them to the system after the accumulator.