Split technical characteristics. Parameters and technical characteristics of household wall-mounted air conditioners. What types of split systems are there?

In this article: differences between inverter and non-inverter air conditioners; comparison of performance characteristics of inverter and conventional split systems; positive and negative characteristics; What is the difference between inverter air conditioners from different manufacturers?

A hot summer will happen in just three months and citizens who did not take care of purchasing climate control air conditioning systems in advance will fully feel the hot breath of the city inside their apartments and houses. The search for means to escape the heat will inevitably lead households to showrooms selling air conditioners, where they will have a choice not only between brands, models and manufacturers of split systems, but also between conventional air conditioning devices and inverter ones. And the first thing that catches your eye when studying an inverter air conditioner is its rather high cost despite its external identity with cheaper models. To find out what is the difference between inverter splits and non-inverter models and go to the showrooms that sell air conditioners, armed with the necessary knowledge, we will examine their technical characteristics.

How does an inverter air conditioner differ from a conventional split air conditioner?

If you have a preliminary opinion that inverter air conditioning units are those that can operate for both cooling and heating, this is not true; almost any modern split systems and mobile air conditioners can operate in these modes. Inverter air conditioners are equipped with an inverter control unit that changes the rotation speed of the compressor motor during operation. For this purpose, the inverter generates direct current from alternating current, then again converts it into alternating current, but at a different frequency necessary to maintain the specified temperature regime of the split system.

Let's compare the operating principles of conventional and inverter air conditioners in the table:

Stages of work Conventional air conditioner (split system) Inverter air conditioner (split system)
1 Turning on the device. The work steps are identical.
2 The temperature sensor of the indoor unit measures the temperature in the room and compares it with the user-set one.
3 If there is a difference between the existing and set temperatures, the control unit starts the compressor.
4 After starting, the compressor operates at maximum power; it needs to bring the room temperature to the user-specified temperature in the shortest possible time.
5 As soon as the temperature sensor determines that the set temperature and the room temperature are the same, the compressor stops working. Upon reaching the required room temperature, the control unit slows down the rotation of the motor in the compressor to 5% of full power, but does not stop it.
6 The temperature sensor periodically monitors the temperature difference between the existing and the set one; as soon as the difference is more than 2-3°, the compressor turns on at 100% power. The sensor monitors the temperature difference continuously and without interruption; when a difference of 0.5° appears, the compressor power gradually increases, but the need for full load does not arise.

Cycles of putting the compressor into operation at 100% load, typical of conventional split systems, are accompanied by sharp jumps in electricity consumption, high loads on the electrical network, and cause increased wear and tear on climate control devices. It is for this reason that the technical data sheets of non-inverter air conditioners indicate a mandatory condition - the device can operate only 8 hours a day, no more. Inverter splits are superior to conventional air conditioners - there are no sudden loads on the electrical network and the compressor, round-the-clock operation is not critical for them.

Let's compare the performance characteristics of inverter and non-inverter splits:

Characteristic name Regular air conditioner Inverter air conditioner Conclusion
Air temperature at the outlet of the indoor unit of the split system from 5 to 7 °C from 12 to 15 °C The flow of cold air coming out of a non-inverter split during operation requires careful planning of the installation location of the indoor unit, otherwise hypothermia is inevitable. The air stream entering the room from an inverter climate control device has a higher temperature, which means the threat of catching a cold is minimal.
Limit operating temperatures, average value from -5 to +43 °С from -10 to +43 °С Inverter split systems are capable of heating at lower outside temperatures.
Energy consumption, average from 600 to 800 W from 350 to 550 W In operation, an inverter air conditioner is more economical - the difference compared to non-inverter ones is about 30%. (*)
Noise level during operation, average value 30 dB from 19 to 21 dB Compared to even the least noisy models of conventional splits, the sound from a working inverter is practically inaudible.
Room cooling time in turbo mode, average value from 1 to 1.5 hours from 20 to 40 minutes The compressor of an inverter air conditioner has a 30% power reserve specifically for operating in turbo mode, while in non-inverter air conditioners only the fan is accelerated.
Service life, average value from 6 to 7 years from 8 to 10 years In the absence of shutdown and start-up operating cycles, an inverter air conditioner can serve its owners longer than a conventional one.

(*) — The operating cycles of non-inverter air conditioners are accompanied by transient processes, electromechanical and thermodynamic. First of all, they require high starting currents to start rotating the rotor. However, immediately after starting, a conventional air conditioner is not able to cool the room, because... its compressor needs to pump freon in a volume of about 50% to the high pressure zone from the low pressure zone. At this stage, both units of the split system are under maximum load, consuming a large amount of electricity, but the generated cold is wasted, entering the external unit of the air conditioner. During the operation of an inverter air conditioner, there is no cyclicity - hence the energy savings.

Pros and cons of inverter air conditioners

In terms of their positive characteristics, split systems equipped with an inverter control unit are superior to any air conditioners that do not have it:

  • reach temperature conditions specified by the user twice as quickly;
  • electronic control of rotor rotation in the compressor ensures maintenance of room temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 °C;
  • operation at extremely low speeds of the compressor and fans ensures a low noise level of the external and internal units;
  • if an inverter split of sufficient power is selected for a given room, then energy savings will range from 30 to 60% (depending on the model and manufacturer);
  • low load on the electrical network in the absence of high starting currents;
  • When consuming electric current, there are no reactive components, so the threat of heating electrical wires is low.

Negative characteristics of inverter air conditioners:

  • their cost is higher than that of conventional air conditioning devices - approximately 1.5 times;
  • the electronics of the control unit are extremely sensitive to voltage drops in the electrical network;
  • the external unit of the inverter split system has larger overall dimensions and weight than conventional splits - it houses power electronics and heat sinks;
  • the sensitivity of temperature sensors will not allow the air conditioner to be turned on at extreme temperatures outside (usually from -10 to +43 °C), while the less sensitive sensors of conventional air conditioners will allow them to operate in these conditions, albeit subject to wear and tear;
  • The efficiency of an inverter converter is always below 100%, so there will still be some power loss.

In conclusion

Inverter air conditioners, with outwardly equal parameters, have different operational characteristics, which is associated with unequal capabilities in adjusting the operation of the compressor. A number of characteristics of the inverter - performance, noise, electricity consumption - depend on the range in which the adjustment is carried out. The leading positions in these indicators are occupied by inverter split systems from Japanese manufacturers, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin - their products have a compressor adjustment range of 25-80% and even, in the case of super inverter class models, an adjustment range of 5-90% . Compared to Japanese inverters, Chinese models are able to regulate compressor operation only in the range of 40-70%, which reduces the economic advantages of inverter air conditioners to a minimum. It should be noted that in addition to the characteristics, models and manufacturers, the correct installation of air conditioners at the place of their installation will be important - the installation of inverter models should not be trusted to random people.

Inverter split systems are ideal for use in rooms where people are constantly present, providing gentle conditions for users - silence, absence of cold air flows, constant temperature at any time of the day, which is why such air conditioners are installed in children's rooms and bedrooms.

Rustam Abdyuzhanov, rmnt.ru

Termomir technical consultants will advise you on the technical characteristics of split systems and help you choose the right model.

Air conditioning is the most effective way to ensure a pleasant indoor climate in summer and even in winter. The most popular and widespread types of air conditioners are split systems. They are the quietest air conditioners and consist of an external unit and a wall-mounted indoor unit installed in the room. Installation of the outdoor unit is allowed both on the facade of the building and on the loggia/balcony or on the roof.

On sale is a wide selection of air conditioners of the best brands and brands from manufacturing companies from Japan, Korea, China and Europe, wholesale and retail at low prices from a warehouse in Moscow. The most budget-friendly air conditioners are Chinese split systems, while Japanese and Korean ones are reliable and of high quality. Sales of air conditioners at a discounted promotion are carried out from official dealers with a guarantee. We offer delivery and professional installation of air conditioners, incl. free.

Good and inexpensive split systems are presented on this page and in the menu of the official Termomir website. Our technical specialists will help you prepare a power calculation, suggest prices and TOP ratings of the best air conditioners in terms of reliability and quality, choose and order an air conditioner.

Air conditioners and split systems of various models have already become firmly established in the life of a modern person - today these household appliances are not considered a luxury, as they were in the recent past. These products are specially designed to create a favorable microclimate inside buildings in the hot summer, but many models can heat rooms in the off-season. Fundamentally, the design of an air conditioner is similar to the layout of individual blocks of split systems, the only difference is that the former, as a rule, have one housing, and the latter - two blocks. The operating principle of a split system is similar to that of a standard household window or floor air conditioner.

It’s quite easy to understand how an air conditioner works; you just need to study the components of the air conditioner separately: the indoor and outdoor units.

Remote block

The design of the outdoor unit is very complex, because it controls the operation of the entire system based on preset modes that are manually selected by the user. Its components are shown in the photo:

  1. Fan- his responsibilities to create airflow to the internal parts.
  2. Radiator, in which the refrigerant is cooled, is called a condenser; it transfers heat to the flow of outside air.
  3. Compressor The air conditioner compresses the refrigerant and circulates it between the units. A description of the operating principle of the compressor is easy to find on the Internet, so we will not overload the article with unnecessary technical details.
  4. Automatic control board has this placement on inverter-class models; for others, all electronics are located inside the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
  5. Complex design valve installed only on models of the “cold-heat” class; when the heating mode is turned on, the principle of operation of the blocks changes in a mirror way.
  6. Lid, protecting fitting connections.
  7. Filter- protects the device from foreign particles that could enter the system during installation of the product.
  8. External housing.

Evaporator housing

Its design is not particularly complicated.

The microprocessor and electronics board, as well as the fittings to which the copper tubes with circulating freon are connected, are not shown in the photo - they are located at the back.

The basic design of the air conditioner remains virtually unchanged - different models have specific modifications, but the external and internal units are always present.

Now you know what an air conditioner consists of, so you can move on to a brief introduction to the specific operating principle of an air conditioner.

Functional nuances

When heated, liquid substances evaporate, actively absorbing heat from the surface on which they are located, and when condensation occurs, the reverse process occurs - this is the basis of the operating principle of any air conditioning system. These products cannot produce cold, but only transfer heat from the cooled object to the street or vice versa, which happens when the heating mode is turned on. Heat is energy, and it cannot disappear without a trace or appear out of nowhere; its main carrier in air conditioners is the refrigerant.

During cooling freon evaporates, its condensation occurs in the remote unit, after the refrigerant, compressed to a certain consistency, leaves the compressor. If the operation of the air conditioner or split system is configured to heat the room, then everything happens the other way around.

The product is powered from the electrical network, and users should know that using such devices for heating a room is quite profitable: consuming 1 kW of electricity, they transfer 3 kW of thermal energy into the building and do not dry out the air.

The technical characteristics of household air conditioners consist of rated power of the product, which is spent on cooling or heating interior spaces. Products of this design are used in the off-season, but only at temperatures above zero - they cannot be turned on in frosty weather. Moreover, heating occurs according to a special scheme: the floor is heated, creating a comfortable atmosphere for the feet.

Next comes the power consumption, air flow, and the level of noise produced, which is allowed in residential premises no more than 34 dB. It is necessary to take into account the noise at the minimum and maximum power of the product.

The main characteristics of air conditioners take into account refrigerant used in the product- all devices use different types of freon from R-12 to R-410A, which consists of equal shares (50 to 50) of R32 and R125.

Basic functions

For comfortable use, a household air conditioner has a certain set of functionality:

  • cooling, for some modifications there is also air heating;
  • ventilation - of all units of the unit, only the fan is used;
  • autonomous mode - the system itself manages all the main functions;
  • dehumidification - excess moisture is removed from the air;
  • cleaning - is carried out before it enters the heat exchanger;
  • temperature setting is a very useful function that allows you to accurately set it when cooling and heating;
  • fan rotation speed - has several modes that allow you to change the performance of the product;
  • direction - blinds regulate the direction of air movement, horizontal ones change the height, and vertical ones change the side;
  • timer - allows you to set the exact time to turn on or turn off the air conditioner;
  • “night” mode - the built-in automatic control system independently regulates the fan speed, smoothly decreasing/increasing the air temperature by 2-3 degrees.

Each model of household air conditioners also has various additional functions, which are specified in the instructions for using the product.

All kinds of additional fine filters, ionizers and ultraviolet lamps significantly improve the quality of the forced air, but the cost of the product is also steadily rising.

What is the difference between an air conditioner and a split system?

Many buyers ask what is the difference between window and floor cooling products and split-type systems? The second option is considered more functional and effective. Any split system has the following advantages:

  • the evaporator can be located on the ceiling, wall or floor, and is ideal for any room interior;
  • cooling is faster due to greater power;
  • cleans, humidifies and ionizes the forced air;
  • when operating, it produces a fairly low noise impact on others.

For an apartment with a large area or a suburban building, multi-systems with several internal evaporators and one remote unit are purchased, which makes the entire operation process easier for users. In addition, the appearance of the cottage is not spoiled by the abundance of remote blocks of the same design, but with different noise impacts.

The design and principle of operation of an air conditioner are no different from the design of any split system, the difference is only in specific nuances, so it is very difficult to give an exact answer as to which equipment copes with the assigned tasks better - each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages, which determine the scope of their application .

Structure window type air conditioners It has a unique design - one part is located inside and the other outside the window block. They are similar to the monoblock floor-standing version only in design, since all components are located inside one housing. Operating parts - a fan and a compressor - make more noise than a split system, because these components are located in a separate unit located outside the room.

Before making a choice when purchasing such a product for your home, you need to compare the technical characteristics of the most inexpensive split systems with similar parameters of a floor-mounted or window-type device - there are many positive and negative nuances for each type, so it is very difficult to make a final conclusion.

It is quite difficult today to imagine summer in a stuffy office or apartment without climate control equipment. It is offered for sale in a wide range. After visiting the store, you will have to decide on the model, taking into account the technical characteristics and recommended area. But quite often, consumers pay great attention to the manufacturer, because they want to become the owner of a high-quality device that will last for several decades and will not require repairs. Electrolux split systems have proven themselves to be excellent, the technical characteristics of which will be disclosed below.

This equipment option is designed to service premises up to 35 m2. The manufacturer took care of ease of use and included automatic and night operating modes. The equipment is equipped with a 24-hour timer and a self-diagnosis system.

Effective air purification with the Electrolux split system is guaranteed by a filter that neutralizes dust. Buyers like that this equipment is resistant to voltage surges. It allows you to control the temperature using the display located on the front panel. Buyers also choose this model because of the low noise level, as well as the presence of ventilation and hydraulic parts in the indoor unit.


Before making a purchase, it is important to pay special attention to the characteristics of the Electrolux split system, among which the maximum noise level of the indoor and outdoor units should be highlighted, which is 30 and 55.5 dB, respectively. The permissible outside air temperature during heating can be a figure from +24 to -7 °C.

Buyers like the dehumidification mode and the ability to adjust the fan speed. The air conditioner has an automatic restart option. Its cooling power is 3.5 kW. The maximum air flow is equivalent to 9.75 m3 per minute.

The system includes fine filters. The manufacturer took care of the presence of a timer and night mode, as well as adjustment of the direction of air flow. The package includes a remote control for the Electrolux split system.

Operating instructions

When using equipment, it is extremely important to comply with safe operating conditions. They are that the cord should not be pinched. The power cable should not be extended. It is not recommended to remove the plug from the socket while holding the power cord.

The air intake and air outlet openings must not be blocked. Otherwise, you may expose the equipment to power loss, causing malfunction. After reading the instructions for the Electrolux split system, you can understand that you should not insert foreign objects into the external unit of the device. The fan rotates at high speed and may cause personal injury.

You must turn off the device using the remote control if a malfunction occurs. Heating devices should not be placed near the air conditioner. When cleaning, it is necessary to disconnect the air conditioner from the power supply. Otherwise, the risk of electric shock increases.

An infrared remote control is supplied with the equipment. The device must be operated from a distance of 10 m or less. There should be no objects between the unit and the remote control that could interfere with the signal.

You can change the fan rotation speed using the Fan button. You can set the desired temperature within the range from 17 to 30 °C using the “Up” and “Down” buttons. To enable swinging of the damper, you must use the Swing key. To change the position of the blinds step by step, use the Direct button.

Reviews of the floor-ceiling split system EACU/EACO-18H/UP2/N3

This equipment option is popular with consumers not only because of its floor-ceiling design, but also because of the presence of four operating modes, including:

  • ventilation;
  • drainage;
  • heating;
  • cooling.

After reading the reviews about the Electrolux split system, you can understand that it has automatic and night modes, as well as a Turbo option. Timer operation can be programmed 24 hours in advance. Buyers choose this model due to the availability of:

  • hot start;
  • auto restart;
  • auto cleaning.


Before making a purchase, it is useful to read reviews about the Electrolux split system. If you follow this advice, you will find out that the cooling power is 5 kW, which, according to buyers, is quite an impressive figure. The maximum air flow reaches 13 m3 per minute.

The device uses R-410A type of refrigerant. The dimensions of the indoor unit are 990 x 680 x 230 mm. The design includes an option for automatic defrosting of the heat exchanger. The system has a ventilation mode. Outdoor air during cooling can vary from 15 to 43 °C.

Reviews of the mobile model EACM-11 CL/N3

This equipment option costs 6,100 rubles. The air conditioner is mobile and easy to install. According to home craftsmen, serious interventions in the decoration of the walls will not be required. This distinguishes the described Electrolux split system from wall-mounted appliances with external units.

The model operates at a low noise level, which allows you to sleep with the air conditioner on. The set temperature during operation is maintained as accurately as possible. Electricity, according to consumers, is consumed in minimal quantities.


In order to understand which model to give preference to, you need to familiarize yourself with the main technical characteristics. EACM-11 CL/N3 is no exception. The recommended area is 27 m2. This equipment is not inverter and belongs to the LOFT series. The Electrolux air conditioner does not have an automatic restart function. It can operate in one of three speed modes.

The equipment does not have fine air filters. Its overall dimensions are 435 x 690 x 330 mm. The maximum noise level when operating the Electrolux air conditioner is 44 dB. The device weighs 26 kg.

In conclusion

Climate control equipment is offered for sale in many varieties. Among others, floor, wall and combined models should be highlighted. By purchasing an Electrolux split system, you can count on having high-tech equipment in your home with fine filters and air ionization functions, as well as purifying it from foreign particles.

Split systems "Electrolux": technical characteristics, instructions, reviews on the site.

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Many people understand that summertime not only pleases us with a long-awaited time for relaxation, but it is also the period when the sun warms us most strongly with its rays.

With the arrival of summer, all people increasingly feel the vigorous activity of the sun's rays, from which everyone tries to hide. In order to do this, all you need is your desire.

The most common solution to this problem is that there is a need to purchase an air conditioner that will improve the microclimate in a building of one size or another and provide an appropriate level of comfort.

When purchasing such a device, you need to pay attention to the technical parameters of the air conditioner and the cost of installation, which you can view at ustanovka-kondicionera-deshevo.ru/ceny, and only in this case will you purchase the suitable split system that you need.

In this article we will try to reveal the main technical characteristics of air conditioners, which belong to the more common type: wall-mounted split systems.

Note that almost all of the mentioned characteristics also apply to other types of systems that are used for both industrial and domestic purposes.

Technical characteristics of air conditioners for home

All devices of this kind perform one common function: air cooling. Therefore, the most important parameter of air conditioners is the cooling power.

Based on these parameters, air conditioners are divided into three types, depending on the purpose of their use.

The required cooling capacity, as a rule, depends on the size of the building where the air conditioner is installed, also on the height of the ceilings, the number of people present in the building and other important details.

We also draw your attention to the fact that the cooling power should be increased by 15-20% if the building has a large glazed area or a large number of windows are located on the south side.

  • The power consumption of a device that operates from the network corresponds to about one third of the intensity of heating or cooling the air.
  • With such parameters, the efficiency is 250-300 percent, in other words, for one kilowatt of electricity consumed there is 2.5-3 kW of heat or cold.

These parameters are explained by the fact that energy consumption is not used to heat or cool the air, but to transfer this or that air from the street to the inside of the building.

Thus, a home air conditioner with a power of two kilowatts uses only 650-700 watts. Such devices consume less electricity than an electric kettle or iron; they can be connected to a simple outlet in your home. You should also not forget that cleaning the air conditioner is the key to the normal operation of the split system.

Now almost all devices have the ability not only to cool the surrounding air, but also to heat it in a building or room. This function of air conditioners is very useful in autumn or spring, when weather conditions change significantly.

In this case, the air conditioner operates in such a way that it heats the air not with the help of a spiral or heating element, but with the help of warm air supplied from outside.

In a word, warm air is pumped from the street into the building. The principle of air cooling is the same, only some parts of the air conditioner change their position.

  • Thus, if the device operates in cooling mode or vice versa heating, then the power is three or four times less than the heating power, for this reason the device produces three or four kW of heat per kilowatt of energy used.

Some people believe that all these devices are capable of both cooling and ventilation functions. One may not agree with this statement, since only duct systems are capable of performing the function of absolute supply of clean air.

As for simple air conditioners, they can only cool and, accordingly, heat the air. Ventilation, which is mentioned in the manual for the system, means that installing the air conditioner in this mode means that only the indoor unit fan operates, excluding the compressor.

Today, inverter-type devices are very popular. For example, in Japan, this type of device accounts for 90% of all air conditioners sold in this country.

Such air conditioners differ from conventional ones in that they are able to accurately and smoothly change the air cooling power. A smooth change in power is obtained using a DC electric motor, which is installed in such devices.

In conventional devices, an AC motor is installed.

Another very important technical characteristic of modern air conditioners is the noise level. Noise levels are typically measured in units such as decibels.

For example, a whisper is 25-30 dB, the normal sound of a conversation is 35-45 dB, but the sound of a noisy and busy city street is 50-70 dB.