Necessary actions of the owner when icicles fall from the roof of a house onto his car. Killer icicles: how to get compensation for damaged health and damaged property When a fallen icicle becomes dangerous

In winter, you can always expect a catch from the weather to one degree or another, especially when the car owner has a habit or, due to certain circumstances, parks his iron horse under the roof visor multi-storey building. As paradoxical as it may sound, recently there are more and more such cases. We will talk about your necessary and specific actions in the event of icicles or snow blocks falling on the body of your car. This situation allows you to acquire the right to compensation for damage to your own vehicle due to an icicle falling from the roof of your house.

The first actions of the car owner

Any car owner needs to know what to do immediately in this situation. It will not be possible to begin resolving the issue through the insurance company or the traffic police. Because the rules traffic provide a definition that states that the road service is subject to consideration of events that occurred while the vehicle was moving on one of the highways. As a result of this incident, people died or material damage was caused only directly vehicle or existing cargo inside the machine. Falling icicles or compressed snow in large quantities on vehicles do not fall under this definition, which means that this is not a traffic accident, so there is no need to call the traffic police.

In these cases, you must first calm down and then begin photographing the scene. For these purposes, you can use your mobile phone, then process everything on a computer. It is necessary to shoot in such a way that other nearby cars are recorded in the frames; the name of the street and the number of the house where the icicles fell from the roof onto your vehicle are required. Further actions include calling Russian police officers, calling them to the scene of the incident where your damaged car is located. Don't forget that when using your mobile phone, emergency dialing is represented by number one hundred and twelve, then press number two and wait for confirmation of the call from the police officer on duty.

In the heat of the moment, do not commit rash acts, such as getting behind the wheel of your car and if the engine starts, then immediately drive to the nearest police station, you will not be able to gain time. Because in the future there will be great difficulties in proving that your vehicle was parked exactly here in this place and at this house. It can get to the point of absurdity; you yourself may be suspected of breaking the roof yourself and in a completely different place. Therefore, the car must remain in the same place, and the arriving police must draw up an incident report, which will indicate that the damage to the car was caused by snow or icicles falling from the roof of the house. You should receive one of the copies in your hands.

Having completed the police inspection of the scene, events can then develop in various ways. If you have CASCO insurance, you can contact the insurance company regarding vehicle repairs. In another case, a protracted one-on-one battle with the utility company in litigation begins. Utility workers are not yet accustomed to immediately admitting their guilt, thereby increasing payments associated with such an incident by paying legal costs if their guilt is proven in court.

Possible nuances of preparing for trial.

And at the first stage of this path, you need to start with the competent preparation of a claim and an application to the courts. Removing accumulated snow and breaking ice icicles is the immediate responsibility of the housing management company or HOA in charge of the building next to which your vehicle was parked. Most often, such stories occur in the old part of the city, where, as a rule, old residential buildings are located. The defendant may also be a third party, a housing inspection or a housing committee, but it is quite sufficient to limit it to the management company and the HOA.

A falling block of ice or icicle on the roof of a car and causing specific damage is grounds for filing a lawsuit. Your task is to describe in the statement of claim all the circumstances of what happened and file a claim for compensation for the damage caused. To assess the damage caused, it is necessary to provide the expert with all the documentary evidence available at that time of the damage caused in the form of damage to the car body and its components. Since the inspection report reflects the fact that such damage was caused as a result of falling icicles or large quantity snow from the roof of the house.

All documents presented to the court will be carefully examined. Therefore, you need to first familiarize yourself with their contents. If necessary, ask for more detailed clarification. If there are witnesses to what happened when an icicle fell on the roof of a vehicle, then it is necessary to record their telephone number, first and last name and request to give actual testimony during the trial and, if necessary, then directly at the trial.

You can present your claims either to the HOA or to the management company, making a demand for voluntary payment of compensation, that is, the entire amount of damage caused to your vehicle. If there is no agreement on compensation for damage, then there is only one way left - this is filing statement of claim to court. You have the right to choose the court that will hear your claim, located in the area where the defendant is located or in the area of ​​your residence.

Today, in a number of areas of large cities in Russia, advertisements have begun to appear, the essence of which boils down to the following, they warn you of danger, urging citizens to be careful themselves and observe all measures for their safety, including their own property, which includes a car. In this way, management companies and homeowners associations are trying to relieve themselves of responsibility for what is happening. The appearance of such announcements does not relieve legal responsibility for the fact that a number of works that are part of their functional responsibilities are not performed to ensure the safety of citizens and their property.

A car owner who is awaiting trial would do well to take note of the following tenets of Russian legislation and by-laws of public utilities. In the case where the housing company refers to the one hundred and seventieth resolution, which states the standards of the housing stock for its operation. It is necessary to refer to paragraph, indicating that icicles and snow should be removed as needed, and not when they already pose a specific threat, both to people and to personal vehicles. The document contains a clause that does not allow the accumulation of snow cover more than thirty centimeters thick. Cleaning soft roof provides for the removal of icicles and snow on the slope roll roofing, having external drainage, as well as from snow sheds and from all types of roofing.

One of the traditional winter problems in cities, as well as cottage villages, remains icicles, snow caps accumulated on the roofs of buildings, and ice.

The danger posed by ice and snow caps accumulated on the roofs of buildings and in courtyards is obvious to everyone. In winter, pedestrians and motorists suffer from ice in cities. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to die under “avalanches” falling from the roofs of houses.
Everyone needs to know and follow precautions, and prevent an unpleasant situation before getting into it.
Safety rules for the threat of snow and ice falling from house roofs:

. Before passing under the eaves of a building with icicles, carefully look at the condition of the icing;
. do not stand under the eaves of buildings on which icicles have formed; If possible, free the building cornice from any icing that has formed;
. if you need to pass under the icy cornice of a building, try to overcome this section as quickly as possible;
. You should also not go beyond the established fences;
. It is also necessary to remember that most often icicles form above gutters, so these places on the facades of houses can be especially dangerous. They must be avoided. You should be careful and, if possible, do not go close to the walls of buildings;
. If, while driving along the sidewalk, you hear a suspicious noise above, you must not stop, raise your head and examine what happened there. Perhaps this is a melting of snow or a block of ice. You can't run away from the building either. You need to press yourself against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof canopy will serve as shelter;
. Vehicle owners are not recommended to park their cars near houses.

If you find icicles hanging on the roof of a house, you must contact public utilities or call 112.

Reminder on safety measures when snow melts and icicles fall from building roofs:


1. Heavy snowfalls and warming temperatures can cause the formation of icicles and snow falling from the roofs of buildings.

2. The removal of snow mass accumulated on the roof is very dangerous!

3. As a rule, such a mass is heterogeneous in composition and contains both loose masses of melted snow and pieces of compacted ice, often of significant volume and mass.

4. Remember: most often icicles form above, so these places on the facades of houses can be especially dangerous. They must be avoided.

5. Observe: caution and, if possible, do not go close to the walls of buildings. If, while driving along the sidewalk, you hear a suspicious noise above, you should not stop, raise your head and examine what happened there.

6. Perhaps this is a snow or ice block. You can't run away from the building either. You need to press yourself against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof canopy will serve as shelter.

7. One of the factors preventing the formation of icicles and snow melting is the regular and timely removal of snow from roofs. In the absence of snow, there is simply nothing for icicles to form from, which means the people below are safe.

8. After snow and ice (icicles) fall from the edge of the roof, snow and ice may fall off the remaining parts of the roof. Therefore, if traces of previously fallen snow or ice fragments are visible on the sidewalk, this indicates the danger of this place.

1. When leaving buildings, pay attention to the accumulation of snow and ice

and “icicles” on roofs, if possible, avoid places where they could collapse;

2. Avoid areas marked with warning signs;

3. Look at the pedestrian paths ahead of you, go around unbroken places

black ice;

4. Wear low-heeled shoes with large notches on the soles.


1. The sun begins to gradually melt the snow and ice.

2. At this time, icicles on the roofs of houses pose a great danger, because they sometimes fall.

3. It is absolutely impossible to guess the very moment when the icicle decides that it is already tired of hanging. And if you think that an ice icicle cannot cause much harm, then you are very mistaken.

4. Therefore, always pay attention to fenced areas of sidewalks and under no circumstances enter dangerous areas.

5. Most often, icicles form above drains; these areas of house facades can be especially dangerous. Also, pay attention to icy sidewalks. Usually a thicker layer of ice forms under the icicles.

6. Even if there is no fencing, you should be careful and, if possible, not come close to the walls of buildings.

7. If you are walking along the sidewalk and hear a suspicious noise upstairs, you must not stop, raise your head and look at what is making noise there. You can't run away from the building either. On the contrary, you need to press yourself against the wall as quickly as possible so that the roof canopy serves as shelter.

Be careful and careful when near buildings and on sidewalks!

Decrease negative consequences associated with the fall of man. Icy, sloping surfaces covered with snow pose a particular danger to pedestrians. Many falls occur during a thaw, when the ice is covered with a thin layer of water. The presence of various objects in the hands contributes to the fall.

The fall process occurs in a very short period of time, usually unexpectedly, so it is often very difficult to take effective safety measures.

Basic measures to prevent falls:

· Stay at home if possible;

· Increase the coefficient of friction between shoe soles and ice by using: sand, ash, salt;

· Use shoes with anti-slip soles or special

equipment: felt, spikes, stops;

· Use the opportunity to hold on to or lean on a fence, wall, structure,

· Choose a safe route and pay attention to every step.

Walking on icy surfaces should be done at short strides, carefully and leisurely. You need to step on the entire sole, with your legs slightly relaxed at the knees. It is advisable not to occupy your hands with bags and other items. Particular care should be taken when walking on slippery surfaces at night, during snowfall, rain, windy weather, and when working on slippery roofs. Accelerated walking, running, and sharp turns contribute to falls on icy surfaces.

A fall on an icy surface occurs forward, backward, or sideways. Typical injuries are: bruises, dislocations, fractures, concussion. In order to reduce the negative consequences associated with a person’s fall, it is necessary to be able to group and fall safely. Crossing the roadway during icy conditions poses a serious danger to pedestrians.



On ice, a car can skid, and it will not have time to brake in time. And the braking distance of a car on an icy road is much longer than on dry or even wet asphalt. It is not at all necessary to know the exact formula of what black ice is, the main thing is to remember that you can slip on an icy surface, and then according to the scenario - “fell, lost consciousness, woke up - cast.”

During February and March in St. Petersburg, more than a dozen people were injured by falling icicles and ice from roofs. In some cases, the ice was removed by utility workers; in others, it fell off on its own if it was not removed in time. On February 8, a 73-year-old woman died from being hit on the head by an icicle on Vasilyevsky Island.

"Paper" tells how St. Petersburg residents seek compensation for their injuries and the death of relatives due to poor-quality roof cleaning, whose side the court takes, and why the owner of the balcony may be guilty of the tragedy.

How a student from Estonia fell into a coma after a block of ice fell on her head and has been learning to move again for eight years.

On February 5, 2010, Milana Kashtanova, a student at the Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis, was making her way along a path between snowdrifts when a block of ice fell on her from the roof of house 3 on Krasny Kursant Street. With a broken head, she fell to the ground, after which she did not regain consciousness for six months.

The doctors were sure that Milana would not be able to recover, and at first they even doubted that she would survive. In October 2010, the girl fully regained consciousness. She was diagnosed with brain dislocation, subdural hematoma, and severe diffuse head injury (neuronal rupture, which is usually accompanied by coma).

Over the past eight years, Milana has been learning to move and talk again. During this time, she underwent many operations and procedures, and went for treatment to Germany and Estonia, where she now lives. Her relatives write about Milana’s progress on LiveJournal.

Although treatment helps, it is completely old life The girl cannot return yet. She is forced to spend most of her time in bed: strong headache subsides only when Milana lies down. She moves in a wheelchair. Recently, the girl took vocal lessons and began to visit nature and concerts more often, her family said on the blog.

A block fell while cleaning the roof. The court found Tatyana Ushakova, a technician at Zhilkomservice No. 2 of the Petrograd District, guilty of the incident. For negligently causing harm resulting in grievous bodily harm, she received six months of suspended imprisonment.

Ushakova admitted guilt, although at first the housing and communal services claimed that the girl ignored the barriers. The video footage from the scene does not show any barriers.

From the housing society itself, the court subsequently demanded 1.3 million rubles in compensation, then another 2.8 million, although the defendant challenged and delayed payments several times. Milana’s family writes that in total, through the court, they received 10 million rubles from the housing services company for moral damages, which made it possible to almost completely pay off all the debts for the girl’s treatment.

Whose side did the courts take in high-profile cases of injuries and deaths from icicles?

On January 13, 2011, six-year-old Vanya Zavyalov went with his grandmother to the clinic to get a certificate for kindergarten. The narrow path was not fenced. According to eyewitnesses, the block that fell from the roof of a five-story building was the size of a door. Passers-by helped carry the boy with a broken head to the clinic, but the doctors were unable to save him.

Four months later, it became known that the director of ZhES No. 3, 51-year-old Margarita Anikina, was accused of the incident. According to investigators, she gave the head of house management No. 69 leave, thereby formally taking over his responsibilities. She “withdrew” from their execution, explained the press service of the Investigative Committee.

Anikina's trial lasted four years, during which she never admitted guilt. In the summer of 2015, the court found the woman guilty of providing services that did not meet safety requirements (Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and gave her three years of probation, but immediately granted amnesty.

On December 27, 2014, a 44-year-old St. Petersburg woman died from a falling icicle on Apraksin Lane, next to house No. 2. The daughter of the deceased went to court demanding compensation for moral damages. The court decided that the housing service “Apraksin Dvor” was to blame for the tragedy, which improperly cleaned the roof. The court agreed with the prosecutor, who demanded that the victim be paid 2 million rubles.

At the same time, the daughter of the deceased also filed a complaint against the Glavstroy SPb company, which was responsible for the reconstruction of Apraksin Dvor. However, the organization denied its connection with housing and communal services, and the court did not satisfy the plaintiff’s demands against the company.

Minor injuries also become grounds for bringing charges against the owners of a building that has not been cleared of ice, although the amount of compensation in this case may be significantly reduced. On February 25, 2016, 28-year-old St. Petersburg resident Natalya Galkina and her child were leaving the Pyaterochka store on Anglisky Avenue. At that moment, a piece of ice fell off house number 16 and fell on her head. The woman lost consciousness from the blow.

Having regained consciousness, she went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a concussion. Galkina filed a lawsuit against the owner of the building, demanding a million rubles for moral damages. The court sided with the victim, but reduced the amount of payment tenfold.

How the owner of the balcony was blamed for the death of a girl from an icicle

Not only management companies, but also St. Petersburg residents who did not remove icicles from their balconies can be found guilty of accidents involving icicles.

On March 11, 2011, ice from the balcony of house 27/1 on Zamshina Street killed 18-year-old Elizaveta Latychevskaya. The owner of the balcony, 32-year-old Sergei Kuzmin, was found guilty, who, according to investigators, unauthorizedly attached a roof to it and did not clear the ice.

House on Zamshina Street, 27

According to lawyer Dmitry Belyachkov, total amount The claim of the injured party amounted to about 1.3 million rubles. To compensate for the damage, the Kuzmin family sold the house in Leningrad region, however, the proceeds were not enough.

The St. Petersburg resident was sentenced to 1.5 years of correctional labor, the proceeds were to be used to pay the claim. Belyachkov called his client “Kuzmin of scapegoating.” According to the lawyer, the HOA, the management company, the district municipal authorities, and the craftsman who built the balcony structure and did not take into account the risks.

Who is responsible for clearing ice from roofs and how to seek compensation for injury in court

Cases of personal injury are rarely heard by the courts, and statistics vary from year to year,” explains lawyer Sergei Kovalkov. “For example, in 2011 there were five cases, and in 2015 and 2016 there were none at all.

According to the lawyer, St. Petersburg residents most often file claims against management companies for compensation for moral damage - their interests are spelled out in Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the plaintiffs refer to a decree of the St. Petersburg government, according to which building owners must clear their roofs of icicles and ice from October 16 to April 15.

Most often, Kovalkov says, the courts satisfy the claims of citizens. When making a decision, judges rely on the conclusions of forensic medical examinations, testimony of witnesses, and protocols for examining the scene of incidents, which are drawn up by police. The average compensation in this case is 50–100 thousand rubles, the amount is determined depending on the harm caused to health.

Kovalkov also clarifies that fences do not relieve utility workers from liability, nor do cleaning agreements with other companies:

Sometimes utility companies will argue in court that the blame for the falling icicle lies with another organization with which the utility company entered into an agreement to clean the roof. However, the courts, as a rule, do not accept such an argument.

Why a St. Petersburg woman whose collarbone was broken by a block of ice couldn’t get compensation

There are cases where, even with evidence, it is not possible to obtain compensation for an injury from fallen ice. This, for example, happened with St. Petersburg resident Elena Kantorovich.

Lena came out first, followed by Natasha, and then<…>I came out.<…>And then<…>I see that from the sky, a block of ice the size of a human head hits Lena’s left shoulder, touching her head, - this is how Vladimir Kantorovich described what happened to his wife Elena on January 13, 2011.

A block of ice fell on Elena as she was leaving a cafe on Nevsky Prospekt, 105. According to Vladimir, they cleaned the roof there, but no fences were put up - he took photographs to confirm this. Vladimir remembered that they were scolded by a woman in an orange robe with the inscription “ZhKS 3”. Another woman, who, as Vladimir understood, was in charge of the process, called herself an intern.

Elena underwent surgery: a plate was installed that tightened the collarbone. It turned out that the impact also broke the blade. Now Elena is still experiencing the consequences of her injury.

How can there be normal health if a person has iron in his body and broken bones? - Elena said "Paper". - Of course, [the fracture site] reacts to the weather and loads. There, in addition to the collarbone, the spine was also hit.

Six months later, the investigation into the incident has led nowhere. The case was closed, the Kantorovichs never received compensation, and no one was punished. The investigation, says Elena, did not take into account either the testimony of witnesses or camera footage:

Six months later, the case was transferred to another investigator, then to Moscow. A notification came from Moscow that the case was closed for lack of evidence of a crime.

Who suffered from icicles and ice in 2018

On February 8, 2018, near house 27 on Repina Street, an icicle was placed on the head of a 73-year-old woman. The pensioner received injuries and fractures. She died in hospital that same day. It is known that the woman found herself in dangerous territory while feeding the cats.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence”). The administration of the Vasileostrovsky district claimed that the section of the street where the icicle fell was fenced off. A few days later, the deputy head of the Vasileostrovsky district administration, Alexander Maslov, and the director of the district housing agency, Sergei Alekseev, lost their positions.

House on Repina street, 27

On February 13, a 70-year-old passerby was seriously injured near the Rosreestr building on Chapaev Street. An icicle fell from the roof onto his head and the man ended up in intensive care. On February 22, ice fell on the head of a 16-year-old St. Petersburg resident near house 16 on Bronnitskaya Street.

From March 9 to March 11, seven people were killed by ice in St. Petersburg. On March 10, a block of ice hit a St. Petersburg woman’s head on Bolshoy Prospekt P.S. - she was hospitalized. Another incident occurred on March 13 in the Krasnogvardeysky district: an icicle fell on a woman’s head from the roof of a seven-story building at 41/14 Novocherkassky Avenue. The victim was hospitalized at the Alexander Hospital with serious injuries.

So far, there is no information about a single case of payment of compensation after similar incidents that occurred in 2018.

Winter time pleases with the beauty of nature and the cleanliness of city streets. However, insufficient cleaning of building roofs can result in a falling icicle causing harm to health and may even cost lives. It’s good if a person escaped with a scratch and a slight fright.

What if there is a significant injury? We will tell you where to go and how to behave in our article today.

When a fallen icicle becomes dangerous

The real danger from icicles hanging on roofs arises when they are significant in size. Falling from a height, these ice growths can damage the head and other parts of the body. They can also cause harm standing nearby machines, buildings and small architectural forms. However, a fallen icicle is most dangerous to human health and life.

The greater the height of the icicle's fall, the higher its speed. This means that the likelihood of serious injury increases. Combined with its significant mass and size, a fallen icicle can become deadly. It can also cause injury to an animal; its fall can cause fear and inappropriate behavior in it.

To avoid serious injury when living in a private home, you should remove them in a timely manner. However, this must be done competently and carefully. After all, even at the moment of their removal from the roof, there is a high probability of injury. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our website. It tells what methods can be used to eliminate such a danger as icicles on the roofs of buildings.

It’s good if a fallen icicle touched you tangentially and simply scared you. The logical solution after such an incident would be to purchase a construction helmet - of course, this is a joke: you can’t drive around the city wearing a helmet!

If ice build-up falls from the roof, you can contact current legislation. With its help you can compensate for your own moral and physical injuries. And also to hold accountable the organizations that are responsible for the timely cleaning of roofs from these insidious winter “candies.”

Correct algorithm of actions

Even if there is no injury caused by a falling icicle, the perpetrators can be held accountable. Organizations that maintain houses and buildings are responsible for the absence of icicles on their roofs.

If the falling icicle caused bodily harm, you can also receive financial compensation. It is also used in the event of fright or damage to property.

Since control over the work of organizations serving the home should be carried out management company, you will need to contact her first. This will improve its operation, stimulate an increase in the quality of control and the actual maintenance work of a residential building. However, to apply, you will need an unfounded description of the situation that occurred. For a faster and more effective response, evidence must be collected.

Collecting evidence

There is a certain algorithm for what to do when an icicle falls from the roof. Collecting evidence will help obtain compensation for the damage caused and ensure an effective response from the management company.

The points below are mandatory in a situation where a fallen icicle causes damage or fright.

Visit to a traumatologist

Getting injured, even if it consists of a scratch or bruise, requires fixation. An immediate visit to the emergency room will allow you to receive the necessary treatment and obtain evidence of the injury. You should require the doctor to record all the circumstances of the injury. At the same time special attention you need to pay attention to the time of the incident.

Medical evidence of injury is the first and mandatory point for further contact with the appropriate authorities.

A fallen icicle is a danger, so contacting the management company with the necessary evidence and documents will make its work more efficient. And the result will be safer areas under the roof of buildings and apartment buildings.

Squeak of witnesses

To confirm that a fallen icicle caused the damage, you should look for witnesses. This also needs to be recorded on paper. Such a document will make it possible to more convincingly confirm the fact of an icicle falling from the roof.

Random passers-by and even surveillance cameras from nearby retail outlets may witness the situation. You should take contact information and phone numbers. This will help obtain their testimony if necessary.

Call the police

Contacting the police is also a necessary step when collecting evidence. The police must record the fact of the icicle falling from the roof and interview existing witnesses. And even if they are not too interested in working with your abrasion, it is their responsibility. By witnessing the fact that a fallen icicle caused damage or injury, the police will give the opportunity to find the culprits and further bring them to justice.

If a fallen icicle caused serious injuries, then after calling the police, the perpetrators can be brought to criminal liability.

How to look for the guilty

According to the current legislation of Russia, the identification of those responsible for causing injuries and damages must be carried out by the police. And a fallen icicle, which causes injuries, becomes the reason for contacting the police to find the culprits.

Maintenance of multi-apartment residential buildings is carried out by a management company. She is in charge of service organizations. And it is she who should control the quality of cleaning local area and roofs. Filing a lawsuit is the next step after collecting evidence and contacting the police.

Possibility of receiving financial compensation

If a falling icicle causes injury, injury, and especially the inability to go to work, the victim has the right to receive compensation. And its size is determined by the court. There are two possible scenarios here:

  • initiation of a criminal case. In this case, obtaining compensation is simplified, since during the trial the court identifies those responsible for the situation and determines the amount of compensation. To do this, you will need the evidence listed above. Therefore, their collection must be carried out in a timely manner at the scene of the incident;
  • failure to initiate a criminal case. In this case, a regular trial will identify those responsible for the situation and determine the amount of compensation.

You should not forget all the documents confirming the material costs incurred as a result of the fall of the icicle. Receipts from the pharmacy, medical certificates from the doctor, even payment for a taxi if you had to travel by this type of transport as a result of an injury - everything will become a document according to which expenses will have to be compensated.

Moral damage may also be compensated. And if, due to an injury, it is impossible to regularly attend work, the court may decide to pay regular compensation to the victim. Contacting a professional lawyer or lawyer will more likely resolve the case in favor of the victim.

Availability of all evidence and necessary documents will be a big plus when going to court. Therefore, you should follow these recommendations if a fallen icicle causes harm to your health. This will make it possible to compensate for costs and hold the management company accountable.