How to properly glue corners with non-woven wallpaper. We learn how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners. Technology for wallpapering in inner corners

In the article you can find the answer to the question of how to glue wallpaper in the corners. It is worth treating the finishing process with all responsibility; unevenness can be obvious, thereby spoiling the impression of a freshly completed renovation.

Step-by-step instructions for gluing internal corners

When finishing main problem may become uneven walls and the resulting folds in the wallpaper. You also need to take into account that with curved walls, the joints of the wallpaper may diverge.

How to glue an external corner (external)?

The protruding corner must be pasted over in the same way as the internal one, however, there are small differences that also need to be taken into account when working.

What to do if the corners are uneven?

Uneven walls are a common problem in old houses. Before you start gluing the topcoat, it is advisable to preparatory work and put the surfaces in order. If the corners are visually smooth and do not require overhaul, it will be enough to walk with a hard cloth, removing small irregularities and dust. If the unevenness is noticeable to the naked eye, then it is better to do a little work before you start gluing the wallpaper.

Features of gluing meter wallpaper

Wide canvases are convenient because they allow finishing with fewer seams on the surface. Gluing them is more difficult, but the result is worth it.

How to join in corners?

It would seem that such a trifle as gluing corners in a room can completely ruin the entire job if done incorrectly. And if the wallpaper also has a pattern that needs to be adjusted, then you should approach the finishing responsibly.

How to adjust the pattern in the corners?

It is important that the pattern is continuous and even around the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to correctly combine the pattern and trim off the excess.

  1. The strips are also glued overlapping. An allowance is left on both walls.
  2. Using a plastic spatula, press the wallpaper to the corner.
  3. After gluing the second sheet, the wallpaper is trimmed according to the pattern. This method applies to wallpaper with small patterns. Larger designs may require trimming along the edges.

Before gluing, you must first prepare the material for work by spreading the coating on the floor and studying the pattern. The segments are cut off after selecting the pattern in height.

Features of trimming wallpaper in corners

In order to get a perfectly even seam in the corner, you need to properly trim the excess.

  1. After the wallpaper is pasted to the wall, a straight metal ruler is applied, it can also be a spatula or a rule. You can use a level to keep the cutting line straight.
  2. Acute stationery knife The excess along the edge of the ruler is cut off, after which the top layer of wallpaper will come off.
  3. Carefully pry up the bottom layer of wallpaper and remove it in the same way.
  4. The canvases are coated with glue and pressed tightly to the corner. As a result, the coating fits tightly against each other.

Gluing wallpaper in corners is not that difficult, but it requires special care and precision. Today there is a finishing method that allows you to do the job without any joints at all, namely liquid wallpaper. They are applied in an even layer and do not require such difficulties as adjusting the pattern, width, accuracy in rounded places and other nuances.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Wallpaper – universal finishing material, the main advantage of which is the relative ease of working with it. You can successfully handle gluing them yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. But if the decision is made to transform appearance rooms on our own, it is important to understand how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners. It is this part of the work that presents the greatest difficulty.

Preparatory activities

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for uneven walls and corners

If there is no desire or opportunity to level the base, you need to approach it more carefully.

  • The material for curved surfaces should be loose, so that those joints at which the overlapping strips will have to be glued are not noticeable. Non-woven fabrics work well.
  • The pattern should be small and frequent or completely absent.
  • The unevenness of the walls will help hide the material with a relief structure.
  • For heavily damaged surfaces, paintable fiberglass wallpaper is suitable.

Materials for work

Regardless of the type of canvas chosen, before gluing it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • rolls in the required quantity;
  • wallpaper glue suitable for the selected type of wallpaper;
  • roulette;
  • a long metal ruler or a piece of profile;
  • plumb line;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife or sharp paper blade;
  • rubber roller, brush or clean cloth.

Advice: do not start gluing wallpaper from the corner; to start work, select a flat part of the wall.

Experts have their own secrets for gluing corner elements.

  • We glue with an overlap. When gluing wallpaper end-to-end in a corner, there is a risk that the sheets will diverge after drying and a gap will appear that cannot be eliminated unnoticed.
  • We do not glue the whole canvas, even if the corner is perfectly even. Otherwise, after drying, folds and distortions will almost inevitably form.
  • Coat the wall with glue. It is in the corners that the likelihood of material falling behind is especially high, so this rule applies to all types of canvases: paper, non-woven, vinyl.

Wallpapering the inner corners

To paste the inner corner, follow the following procedure.

  • We measure the distance from the edge of the strip that was last glued to the wall to the corner. We add 2 cm to the resulting value. We cut the canvas, bend it according to the added allowance and transfer it to a wall greased with glue. The excess should go to the adjacent side. The pasted sheet must be smoothed with a roller or rag so that all the air comes out from under it.
  • We also bend the second sheet by 2 cm and glue it on the other side of the corner so that the allowance overlaps the previously glued sheet. The correctness of gluing of this canvas must be checked using a plumb line. When smoothing the sheet, we try not to press those same few centimeters of allowance.
  • We don’t need two layers of wallpaper, they will stand out, so we apply a long ruler to the corner and cut the layers along it with a construction knife. Then remove the excess topcoat.
  • Having lifted the top layer, remove the lower sections, coat its edge with glue again and press it firmly against the wall, squeezing out the air. This method allows you to get a very smooth joining seam.

Wallpapering the outer corners

To wallpaper an outer corner, you need to calculate the width of the canvas so that the sheet, going around the protrusion, passes 2-5 cm onto the adjacent wall. Having measured the required width of the canvas, cut off the excess part. We remember that if we use a strip that is too wide, we will inevitably get folds and wrinkles.

  • We apply glue to both the wallpaper and the wall. We apply the sheet to the protrusion so that the canvas wraps around it, as in the next photo. If the material is dense, you need to make small cuts to ensure good contact with the corner.
  • We press the sheet at the top. We make a cut at the bottom of the excess canvas. If the material for gluing is smooth, smooth it with a roller; if it is embossed, press it with a cloth. The part of the strip that has gone around the bend can be cut off, leaving a small edge.
  • We take the next sheet or the remainder of the previous one and paste it in the same way on the adjacent wall. The canvas should overlap the first layer. Using a plumb line, we check the verticality of this strip and, if necessary, combine the pattern. Carefully smooth the canvas.

If all surfaces were perfectly smooth, it would be so simple and easy to stick wallpaper to the wall! However, things are not so simple when it comes to wallpapering corners. Every little detail is important in this matter. In this article you can get invaluable information on how to glue external and internal corners, and you can confirm your book knowledge by watching the video lessons we have prepared.

Even a beginner can stick wallpaper on a wall. With the right adhesive that matches the type of wallpaper, you can easily cope with a flat wall, devoid of various bends and angles. However, many people have difficulty with the corners of the rooms, and this is where all sorts of difficulties associated with the task begin. There are so many experts, so many opinions, on the question of how to glue wallpaper in corners.

How to properly glue the inner and outer corners of a room

Internal: Every standard room has at least four corners. From what angle should you stick the wallpaper? If you are new to the world of renovation, in particular, wallpapering, then start from the corner that is not in the most visible place. We recommend that you practice in inconspicuous places in your home.

In order to achieve an ideal result, you need to glue the wallpaper in the corners so that the wallpaper glued to the wall extends onto the adjacent surface by no less than 3 cm, otherwise there is a possibility of the wallpaper peeling off in the room after drying, and no more than by 5 cm, otherwise the adjacent strip will wrinkle.

Folding and turning the wallpaper onto an adjacent plane must be carefully lubricated with glue, pressing the canvas firmly for a more reliable fixation. The further algorithm of actions is simple: you must measure the width of the adjacent canvas located on the adjacent wall. As a rule, it is about 53 cm. The mark for the allowance of the glued strip of wallpaper should be fixed at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the corner, draw a vertical line through it using a plumb line. This mark will be the edge of the glued canvas.

External: If your room has external corners - be it all kinds of niches, protrusions in the walls - then information on how to wallpaper external corners will come in very handy. There are two gluing methods:

The process of wallpapering with trimming in the corner of the room video tutorials

  1. Making sure that the outer corner has a perfectly even texture and does not require additional leveling or putty. First you need to apply wallpaper to this place. Using a level, it is necessary to measure the edge of the strip so that subsequent sheets can be glued evenly.
  2. By analogy, the internal and external corners of the room must be glued with wallpaper as follows: first, the strip should be placed around the corner by 4-5 cm, and overlapped on top next page. Using a paper knife and a ruler (preferably an iron one - it is stiffer and will not move to the side) we make a vertical cut between two layers of material.

How to properly glue corners with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl sheets are very attractive, however, to glue them, you should learn about characteristic features this type of material.

Secondly, when gluing, you should not bend the entire panel at the junction of the walls. In order to properly glue wallpaper in corners, vinyl wallpaper experts advise not to bend the entire panel for pasting at the junction of the walls.

A characteristic feature of vinyl is that it is undesirable to combine two solid panels in one corner. The best option This is done by gluing a continuous strip with an overlap of 3-5 centimeters.

How to paste the corners of a room with non-woven wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper in the corners if your choice fell on a material such as non-woven fabric? To properly paste over an internal corner in a room, you need to cut the fabric that goes over it with an allowance of 1-1.5 cm, which should overlap the adjacent wall. They will fit more tightly if you make small cuts along the edge along the entire length and at an equal distance every 4-5 cm, and press the canvas tightly against the wall.

You can start gluing the adjacent wall from the opposite corner, and when all the strips are pasted, the last strip needs to be cut with an overlap of 2-3 mm, gluing it overlapping.

Subtleties when gluing wallpaper video lessons

The peculiarity of how to glue outer corners is that the strip of wallpaper adjacent to it must be cut so that the distance between the seam and the corner is approximately 1.5-2 cm, which will need to be rolled around the corner. Along the edges, as in pasting the inner corners, make cuts, and the next strip of wallpaper should be glued on top, overlapping the edge on the corner.

If you are, then both strips should be cut using sharp knife along the corner, and after gluing it is necessary to walk along the joints in the corner part, and only after that paint.

Angles and drawing

The easiest way is with wallpaper without a pattern. However, how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room with a selection of patterns if your choice fell on canvases with a pattern? It is important to think through everything in advance before purchasing wallpaper. You should take into account such an important factor as the unevenness of the walls in the room, as it can have a significant impact on the final result. The simplest material is with a vertical pattern, however, if you have uneven walls, this will only emphasize the curvature of the walls. It is not advisable to give preference to canvases with patterns - large and small flowers, as well as complex patterns.

How to wallpaper in corners with a pattern? Don’t rush to cut the wallpaper into strips at random required height. Take the time to match all the patterns before you start trimming. To maintain the integrity of the pattern, the strip next to the corner needs to be adjusted, trimmed to match the pattern of the finished wall.

You can get a more visual idea by watching the video on our website. They will help you understand all the intricacies of wall repair and wallpapering corners, both external and internal.

How to trim an inside corner video tutorials

A certain logical completeness of your renovation will depend on how carefully you arrange the corners of the room. Follow the advice given in this article, and you will never have problems when gluing vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, and the thought of how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners will not take you by surprise.

If you decide to make repairs, get ready for a complex process that will take a lot of time and effort. And turning to professionals will also be costly in terms of finances. Therefore, in order to save your money, we suggest doing at least part of the work yourself. For example, you can easily cope with such a process as wallpapering walls. The only difficulty you will have to face is the design of the corners of the room. As a rule, this work always causes difficulties.

Unfortunately, both apartment owners in old buildings and new buildings encounter uneven corners. Often there are defects on the walls that prevent you from hanging wallpaper beautifully and quickly. What to do in such a difficult situation and how to glue wallpaper in the corners? Below you will learn about all important points, and for clarity you can watch the video.

Pasting corners: features

If you are gluing external corner protrusions, make sure that the wallpaper fits tightly to the wall, so it is not recommended to glue the entire strip to the corner at once.

If the joint of the walls is bad, it will simply gather in ugly folds. Moreover, the wallpaper should never end in a corner. It is necessary to leave an overhang of approximately 3 cm (if necessary, trim it with a knife). This way you can achieve a perfectly even pasting. When using thick wallpaper to decorate walls, use a plumb line.

If there are switches or sockets nearby, remove their covers and turn off the electricity. Next, glue the canvas on top, then cut out circles of smaller diameter than the casing itself. When finished you can put them back.

Preliminary preparation

It’s worth noting right away that all the preparation needs to be done long before gluing the wallpaper in the corners. First you need to remove the old finish and level the surface. To align wall joints, use plastic corners, securing them with putty.

Then the surface is treated with a primer, which can be found in every hardware store. The primer is applied with a roller or brush.

How to glue wallpaper in corners: technology

You cannot cover all corners at once. Choose the one from which the work begins. To do this, prepare a strip of the required length and, depending on the type of wallpaper, coat with adhesive composition both one wall (when gluing with non-woven wallpaper) and the wallpaper (in case vinyl wallpaper). If you use plastic corners, you need to coat them with glue.

When processing the wall surface, it is necessary to cover an area slightly wider than the wallpaper (minimum 5 cm).

Then you can start gluing the first canvas. If you are going to start pasting from left to right, you need to apply the left side of the canvas to the corner. The strip of wallpaper is located exactly along its entire length.

Then the canvas must be carefully leveled and all the air expelled from it. This can be done using a plastic spatula or a special roller. After this, the entire wall is covered up to the next corner.

Internal corners

Internal corners are most common in rooms. To properly paste them, you must adhere to these recommendations.

The strip must be glued so as to cover not just the corner itself, but also several centimeters of the adjacent wall. Next, it is important to press and smooth the wallpaper well using a lint-free cloth or sponge.

Then, using a ruler or tape measure, measure the width of the wallpaper on the adjacent wall from the top corner, turning it back 3-4 cm. This is necessary so that you can glue the strip overlapping the previous one. Further along these points, using a plumb line or level, you need to draw a line along the wall. The canvas glued to it will be strictly vertical.

Next you need to start gluing the adjacent wall. As noted above, the canvas is glued overlapping the previous one along the drawn line. Further actions are traditional: the strip of wallpaper is smoothed and pressed. Using a level, ruler or paint knife, cut through both layers of wallpaper in the corner, removing all scraps. It is important to do this especially carefully. If it is difficult to pry off the edge of the wallpaper, you can carefully bend the second sheet, removing all excess. After this, coat the folded canvas with glue, pressing it well and smoothing it, getting rid of air.

By resorting to this technology for gluing the inner corners of the room, you can make the joint in these places invisible.

External corners

Almost every room has external corners (slopes). For easy and high-quality pasting, you need to make them preliminary alignment using plaster. But this will not always be possible. In this case, without overlapping pasting, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Let's look at how to wallpaper the outer corners in more detail.

First, you need to glue the wallpaper so as to cover 3-4 centimeters of the adjacent wall. Moreover, it is important that the wallpaper fits evenly and tightly to the wall and corner. For this reason, if necessary, prune them in several places.

After smoothing the canvas, cut off any excess wallpaper (vertically) using a sharp blade or knife, leaving a thin edge.

Then measure the width of the roll with a large ruler or tape measure and, stepping back about 5 mm, draw a vertical line using a plumb line or level. The next strip is glued along it. It will lie flat. As a result, you will end up with a slight overlap. It will hide all defects that arise after cutting the first strip.

Features of gluing wallpaper with a pattern

If your wallpaper has a pattern that has good clarity (for example, some geometric shapes and shapes, vertical or horizontal stripes), you need to make sure that wallpapering in the corners does not distort it in any way.

This can be done easily. It is only important not to forget about the need to make a slight overlap on the wall. The canvas must be glued so that the edge lies exactly plumb. Then trim the second edge of the canvas along the edge of the corners.

Most likely, you will not be able to completely eliminate the pattern shift, which will result in a slight distortion remaining. But only you know about this drawback. To identify it, you need to carefully examine the connecting lines of the walls. If you strictly follow the instructions on how to properly glue wallpaper, the canvases will lie exactly vertically, and minor distortions of the pattern will be unnoticeable.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room: some secrets

  • If your wallpaper is heavy and thick, it would be a good idea to arm yourself with strong adhesive. It will be good if it is transparent.
  • Sticking to our simple tips You will wallpaper the corners of the room perfectly. Moreover, they will look beautiful, even uneven wall joints. You just need to be patient and do all the work carefully.

Wallpaper sticker has been and remains the cheapest and in a beautiful way wall decoration. Beginners can master it on their own; it is also used by masters with pleasure. This is a simple and easy process that takes little time. But, as in any repair work, you should have a minimum of knowledge and master some skills, without which the result obtained may upset a diligent worker. The question of how to properly paste wallpaper in the corners of a room is of concern already at the initial stage of work and requires careful preliminary preparation.

Preparing corners

Even if visually the corners seem even, upon closer examination the picture turns out to be not so rosy. The slightest irregularities on the walls and a crooked corner line will cause the canvas applied to the surface to lie crookedly on the adjacent wall and cause the wallpaper to rip and unsightly creases. The next strip of wallpaper, glued end-to-end, will not lie strictly vertically, the pattern will shift - as a result, the wallpaper will have to be torn off the wall and work started again. To prevent this from happening, you must:

Pasting corners, as well as the walls themselves, should not be done “by eye”.

In order not to rack your brains once again about how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, you need to prepare the tools:

  • spatula (it should not be wide, optimal width-15cm);
  • plumb line (allows you to maintain a strictly vertical level of the glued strips);
  • construction knife (with its help, excess pieces of wallpaper are removed quickly and accurately);
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • scissors.

A large number of wallpapers offered for sale have to be glued end-to-end, rather than overlapping, therefore, when deciding from which angle to glue the wallpaper, it is better to focus on strict vertical lines. Since perfectly even corners in modern premises practically never happens, you can start gluing wallpaper from the door or from the window.

How to cover an outer corner?

Before gluing wallpaper with a pattern in the corners, you need to prepare a canvas of such width that it goes around the edge of the outer corner and rests a few centimeters on the wall adjacent to it. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the edge of the previous strip to the corner and add 2-3 cm to the resulting value, transfer the measurements to the wallpaper, cut off the excess, and only then start gluing the corners. An edge that has been turned around a corner may cause creases. In these places, cuts are made with a construction knife. The canvas is carefully smoothed and pressed tightly against the wall.

Advice! When using heavy wallpaper(for example, vinyl) glue is applied both to the wall and to the wallpaper. To stick light (for example, non-woven) wallpaper, it is enough to grease only the wall. But in both cases, dried areas of walls and wallpaper need additional lubrication with glue.

A vertical line is drawn on the adjacent wall using a plumb line. The width of this section is determined from the corner and is equal to the width of the next panel with the addition of 0.6-1 cm. The second strip lies with the right side strictly along a vertically outlined line, and its left side overlaps the edge of the previous strip. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the motifs of the drawing on both canvases coincide. You must not only know how to glue wallpaper on the outer corner and use it skillfully, but also prevent the elements of the ornament from becoming chaotic. After the canvas is glued, you need to dip the brush in glue, coat the dried edges and press them tightly with a roller.

But, it’s one thing to figure out how to quickly paste wallpaper, another thing is to ensure that external corners over time they did not lift up or come off. It looks, to put it mildly, unaesthetic. To solve this problem, wallpaper corners are used. Long strips, reaching a length of 3 m, are quite easy to adjust to size. To do this, you can use a hacksaw. Arises next question: what is the correct way to wallpaper? They will not stick to wallpaper glue, and after using liquid nails, unsightly marks on the wallpaper cannot be avoided. Silicone sealant is ideal for these purposes.

How to cover an internal corner?

The work process is in full swing, and the vertical canvases lie flat on the wall, but the adjacent wall is getting closer and closer and you have to wonder: what do you need to hang wallpaper yourself? internal corners? This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and certainly no more difficult than pasting external corners.

After the next strip is glued in front of the inner corner, you need to measure the distance from its edge on the right to the corner, add 1-2 cm to this value.

The dimensions are transferred to the next strip, it is carefully cut vertically (by eye). And for confident movement, use a spatula.

A canvas is placed on a wall carefully coated with glue. A strip of small width will also appear on the adjacent wall. You can get rid of creases using a construction knife. In the corner the canvas is very carefully pressed against the wall. A spatula is applied to the wall. The flat part is pressed against the wall and directed towards the corner. The construction knife follows the direction of the spatula. The narrow strip that ends up on the adjacent wall is carefully trimmed.

Advice! The dull parts of the construction knife must be broken off in a timely manner to avoid tears and inaccurate cutting of the wallpaper.

The part of the strip that was cut off can be used further. It is necessary to measure its width, subtract 1-2 cm from this value, transfer the dimensions to the wall, draw a vertical line. The ideally flat side of the wallpaper should lie strictly along a vertical line, and its left edge will overlap the previous strip. Using a sharp blade of a construction knife, carefully trim off the excess, as in the previous stage of work.

If novice craftsmen, when thinking about how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, begin to worry and rack their brains, then people who have mastered a simple technique with any wallpaper - be it heavy vinyl or light non-woven - cope with the same ease and speed. You only have to do the job correctly once, and then it starts to go wrong.