How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever. Effective folk remedies for cockroaches A simple way to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment

Most people shudder to imagine their neighborhood. This is especially unpleasant in an apartment where they crawl around kitchen table and things. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home is so relevant. There are many chemicals that destroy these insects, but they do not provide a 100% guarantee. You can use proven folk remedies from cockroaches or invite specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Whatever method you choose, you need to do it as soon as you notice the presence of these insects. After all, they are very prolific, and over time it will become more and more difficult to cope with them.

Why you need to get rid of cockroaches

The presence of insects in an apartment is very unpleasant, because they crawl on things and can climb onto the table and into the bed. In addition, such a neighborhood can be very dangerous, since cockroaches are carriers of various diseases. Crawling along the toilet and trash can, they catch bacteria on their paws, then spreading them throughout the kitchen and bedroom. Most often they carry worm eggs, but can infect humans with E. coli, dysentery or typhoid. Many people experience an allergic reaction from the presence of cockroaches in their apartment. Some especially large individuals can greatly frighten the residents of the house and even bite. There have also been cases when insects got into a person’s nose or ear, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, every owner should know how to deal with cockroaches, because no one is safe from the appearance of insects.

Types of cockroaches

This is one of the most common and tenacious insects on the planet. There are many known species, but only two of them live in our apartments: red cockroaches, or Prussians, and black ones.

What remedies are there for cockroaches?

All methods of combating these annoying insects can be divided into several groups:

Mechanical means: you can destroy them using a slipper, a cracker or a vacuum cleaner. But most often they use various traps. It could be cardboard boxes with sticky floors and walls, boxes with narrow labyrinths or homemade traps.

Poisoned baits are tasty treats for insects that contain substances that are poisonous to them. The disadvantage of this remedy is that cockroaches quickly develop immunity to it, in addition, children or pets can eat the poison.

Freezing with very low temperatures.

You can repel insects. This has long been done using the scents of plants that insects cannot tolerate: elderberry, tansy or flowering rye. They will also go away if you add ammonia to the water for washing floors or wipe the places where they often appear with lemon juice. And in the store you can buy ultrasonic repellers.

Chemicals created in recent decades are the most effective means from cockroaches.

But no matter what method you use, the most important thing is to keep your home clean. It has long been known that cockroaches live in places where crumbs, food and garbage are often left behind. Therefore, even if you know how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, they may return. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules.

An important stage in the fight against cockroaches

If you follow these recommendations, you will create unbearable living conditions for cockroaches. Sometimes in such cases insects leave the room without any additional measures. But very often it is necessary to use more effective cockroach repellents. This especially applies to residents apartment buildings, where you will definitely find a dirty apartment, from where insects crawl across all floors. It’s good if you can agree with your neighbors about joint treatment of the house by specialists from the SES. Otherwise, everyone will have to choose for themselves how to get rid of cockroaches at home.

How to fight cockroaches with boric acid

  1. The easiest way is to sprinkle the powder in places where these insects frequent, especially on the approaches to water. But the problem is that cockroaches are very cunning and will quickly understand that it is dangerous there. Once they smell boric acid, they will not approach it.
  2. More effective way- prepare bait that is attractive to cockroaches with boric acid. Most often the powder is mixed with egg yolk. 2-3 bags and one yolk should be mixed well and formed into small balls the size of a pea. They need to be placed in places where cockroaches accumulate. These insects are very curious and will definitely come up to sniff an object that attracts them.
  3. You can mix boric acid powder with bread crumb or add to any bait. The main thing is that the insect touches this substance.

Destruction of cockroaches by freezing

In many cases, it is not possible to use chemicals or place baits that could be eaten by pets or children. But it’s quite unpleasant when cockroaches appear in the house. How to get rid of such neighbors using folk remedies can be learned from old people who fought against this scourge when there were no strong poisons. One of the safest methods for all living creatures, except cockroaches, is freezing. It is especially easy to apply in country house or in new apartment, because in order for all the insects and their young to die, you need to keep the room at a temperature below 5 degrees for at least three hours. Cockroaches are very heat-loving insects, and such conditions kill them quite quickly. Frost is also destructive for their unhatched offspring. It is very convenient to use this method when you have caught all the adults using traps. This prevents young cockroaches from appearing after some time. The only condition for use this method is to protect radiators and heating systems from damage. To do this, you need to drain all the water from them.


It is best to use them when you first notice that cockroaches have appeared in the house. Not many people know how to get rid of them using traps. After all, only recently have such devices appeared on sale, made industrially. They are easy to use: you only need to periodically change the bait or empty the caught insects. Cockroaches are curious, they will definitely climb where it smells good. The most attractive baits for them are pieces of cookies, sugar or some sweets and bread dipped in sunflower oil. All traps can be divided into three groups:

  1. Various boxes with bait placed inside. To prevent insects from getting out, special glue is used to lubricate the traps from the inside. Some manufacturers make these boxes with narrow, winding passages, and cockroaches cannot find a way out. For the same purposes, you can make a trap yourself, simply by greasing the edges of a deep bowl or jar sunflower oil and placing bait on the bottom.
  2. The second type of traps are those that are powered from an outlet. They kill insects with electric shock.
  3. And the third type of trap does not catch, but poisons insects. They have poison inside them, which the cockroach carries on its legs to the colony. One insect can poison everyone in this way. Many who are looking best way How to get rid of cockroaches at home, choose such traps, because this way the poison will not harm pets and people.


Now this is the most effective way to combat any insects. This is explained by the fact that chemicals are guaranteed to destroy cockroaches, and they penetrate inside the colony and poison all the individuals there. Modern insecticides are available in several forms:

Using cockroach gel

Among those who are looking for a way to get rid of cockroaches, they are becoming increasingly popular. The main advantages of using this product are its ease of application, high efficiency in killing insects and relative safety for people. All gels are available in tubes and syringes; most have a long spout, making it easier to access into crevices and under furniture. This is the remedy

It is applied in small drops, and if there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, then you need to make paths from such drops along the baseboards, under the bathroom and in other places where these insects accumulate. You can also apply small drops in the corners on the inside surfaces of bedside tables and cabinets. The gels do not contain fat or other substances that stain the surface, so after some time their remains can be easily removed with a regular rag.

The principle of operation of this product lies in its composition. It contains a substance that is poisonous to cockroaches, which is odorless, and odorous baits that serve to attract insects. Most often it is the aroma of vanilla, honey, chocolate or anise. People don't notice it, but you still need to apply the gel in places out of the reach of children and pets. After eating the gel, and in some cases simply sniffing it, the cockroach returns to the nest, where it dies. His remains are eaten by his relatives and safely become infected. So in 3-4 weeks it is possible to completely free the apartment from these insects. The best manufacturers gels are from Global, Reid and Raptor. “Sturm” and “Fas” have the most powerful effects; they are mainly used for professional treatment of industrial premises. And in an apartment, especially if children and pets live in it, it is best to use Russian-made Domovoy gel. It contains a large amount of bitterness and attractants. These substances do not repel insects, but because of this, the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat the gel, even if they stumble upon it.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches forever?

Despite the abundance of ways to kill cockroaches, there is no universal method. Even if you use the most effective remedy and they disappear, there is no guarantee that they will not appear again after a while. After all, the most prolific and hardy insects are domestic cockroaches. How to get rid of them forever,

Many people would like to know. But experience shows that this is only possible in a private house if all conditions are met. In a city apartment, even if you use the most effective means, after a while they may crawl from your neighbors. And then the fight will have to start all over again. To be sure to get rid of these annoying neighbors, it is better to use several means at once. For example, spray with spray, draw lines along the baseboards with Mashenka chalk and lay out poisoned baits. In addition, you need to keep the house clean, seal all the cracks and close ventilation holes fine mesh. Regularly wipe floors with water containing ammonia and place tansy or elderberry flowers in secluded places.

Cockroaches in apartments are considered one of the main problems of block houses and apartments in old housing stock. They cause material and aesthetic damage and are carriers of many dangerous diseases, multiply very quickly and are difficult to destroy. Many people do not know how to get rid of cockroaches permanently. Each time they use new remedies in the hope that the insects will not return, but time passes and the pests return again.

The solution to the problem came after scientists carefully studied the habits of these insects. In the 21st century, insecticides (chemical preparations for killing harmful insects) were created, which work due to certain features in the behavior of cockroaches.

Read in this article:

Several scientifically proven facts about cockroaches

Unlike other insects at higher levels of development, cockroaches cannot share information. This means that they do not warn each other about danger, so it is easier to poison them than, for example, ants. They are extremely curious and always crawl out to a new smell to study the source of its origin. Due to this property, various flavorings were added to the poison to attract insects.

The main property that prevents mass destruction is the ability to cure even the most effective poisons with water. If you are using the latest drugs, but everything is to no avail, and you don’t know how to get cockroaches out, so look for an uncovered source of water. These insects can live more than a month without food, and no more than a week without water.

In addition, the complete removal of cockroaches from an apartment is hampered by their unique ability to quickly acquire immunity to chemicals. We have to change insecticides, choose newly invented products, and even resort to folk recipes.

Traditional recipes for killing cockroaches

The basis of modern folk remedies is ordinary boric acid, which is a toxic substance for these insects. This is the only component that does not cause addiction. Therefore, fighting cockroaches at home with improvised means is most effective using boric acid. It can be used as part of a complex recipe or independently.

Benefits of killing cockroaches with boric acid:

  • safety for people and animals, the product is poisonous only for insects;
  • availability and low cost, you can buy boric acid at any pharmacy and in specialized stores;
  • effectiveness, as already mentioned, this is the only remedy to which cockroaches do not develop immunity.

The disadvantages include a prolonged period of action; cockroaches do not disappear immediately, but within several weeks. In addition, to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever, you need a fairly large amount of boric acid, patience and knowledge of the most effective recipes based on this tool. The most common folk remedies for exterminating these insects are the following mixture recipes:

  1. Boric acid + powdered sugar + flour, everything is mixed in equal quantities and scattered in places where cockroaches accumulate or appear.
  2. 50 grams of acid are mixed with one raw egg yolk until mushy and placed on saucers, also placed in places where pests are likely to appear.
  3. Boiled egg + one potato, boiled in their jackets + 30 grams of the product, the egg with peeled potatoes is mashed. Then the powder is added, the mixture is rolled into balls and placed in maximum quantity secluded places in the apartment.
  4. Mix 30 grams of sugar + 60 grams of starch + 200 grams of boric acid and knead the dough in water until it becomes very thick sour cream. Place on sheets of paper and leave overnight on tables, window sills and other horizontal surfaces.

In order for the product to work effectively, you must follow certain rules on how to get rid of cockroaches and prevent them from appearing again.

Conditions for the effectiveness of boric acid in poisoning cockroaches

There are only two basic rules under which any product based on boric acid will be effective. This is cleanliness and the absence of open water sources.

You cannot leave leftover food on the tables, access to the bread bin must be completely excluded, and all edible items must be hermetically sealed, including fruits and vegetables.

Dishes and sinks should be wiped dry, the toilet should be closed with a lid, dripping water from the tap, tea, water and other drinks left in glasses should be avoided. Poisoned cockroaches easily restore their health after drinking water.

Cockroaches in a private house

The reason for the appearance of these insects in private homes is their accidental transfer from other homes or the presence of nearby garbage cans, landfills or food waste stored in the yard. Mostly black cockroaches come from the street to private houses, this is more rare species than ordinary redheads. If you don’t know how to get rid of black cockroaches in the house, you can use one of the above recipes for folk remedies.

It is much easier to get rid of these harmful creatures in private houses, cottages and other individual buildings than in apartments. Unlike apartment buildings, where neighboring cockroaches can easily move to permanent residence after disinfection in their premises, in houses the destruction of insects occurs in full. Some owners simply freeze their houses out by turning off the heating for several hours during severe frosts.


As soon as cockroaches appear in the house, you should know that this is a signal of a violation of sanitary and hygienic rules in your home. These insects are voracious, love moisture and leftover food, unwashed dishes, greasy spots and trash cans. The cleaner your home is, the less likely you are to get cockroaches and other pests from your neighbors and yard. Before treating your home for cockroaches, you must do wet cleaning, wash and dry the dishes, clean the stove and other surfaces from burnt food and grease. Only by maintaining cleanliness and observing the rules of hygiene can you get rid of harmful insects once and for all.

Cockroaches in an apartment in an apartment building

It is much more difficult to destroy any pests in apartments of block (panel) houses, in the so-called Khrushchev buildings and old housing stock. Numerous cracks, ventilation shafts and openings for water pipes are excellent transitions for the migration of cockroaches from apartment to apartment.

Effective remedies for indoor cockroaches

The advantages of inviting specialists are that you yourself do not have to prepare poisoned food and water for insects, spend time on this and repeat the activities several times a month. Disinfectors are located modern drugs, affecting the reproductive function of insects. Cockroaches not only become poisoned, but also lose the ability to reproduce. Even if the insects escape by drinking water, their further reproduction will still become impossible.

If it is not possible to invite specialists, you can use special traps for cockroaches. To do this, bait with poison is poured into a kefir box or a regular jar, and the walls of the vessel are generously lubricated with oil. Available for sale electrical traps, if they get into them, insects are shocked.

In addition, you can find out how to get rid of red cockroaches by consulting with a specialist in a store that sells insect repellents, or on professional websites on the Internet by asking a question to an employee of a disinfection company online.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Cockroaches are the most unwanted neighbors for us, who break into our apartments or houses without permission and disgust even the most persistent people. These unbearable and nasty insects darken our rest and leisure time. But fortunately modern man has an impressive arsenal against cockroaches. This article helps home and apartment owners find the ideal “weapon” that will help drive out these reptiles.

A few words about the “life” of a cockroach

We specially collected the most effective tips for the control and destruction of cockroaches in an apartment or house:

The question arises: How can you still get rid of cockroaches from an apartment or house, taking into account the above-mentioned features?

Traditional methods of fighting cockroaches

First, let's use “folk” methods. But we would like to warn you right away that These methods require about 3-4 weeks of time , but note that these methods very effective .

Industrial products for cockroaches

But these were traditional methods, now let's talk about ready-made purchases . We would like to say right away that with chemical poisons you must be careful and extremely attentive . The main disadvantage of these substances is smell which remains after them frequent use, especially this applies to sprayers . Secondly, chemistry can be dangerous for your pets . Also, these substances, certainly will not benefit your health . Therefore, be judicious in your choice of chemicals, and most importantly, carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations . And so we have specially prepared a list of chemicals that will help destroy cockroaches.

Cockroaches are the most disgusting and disgusting insects that can settle in a house or apartment; their residence greatly threatens human health. Removing these insects is difficult and takes a long time, but at this time, there are many effective ways for complete destruction of cockroaches.

The question of how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment has long ceased to be a serious problem: over the last half century, the chemical industry has developed quite a lot of products that are as effective in helping to get rid of cockroaches as they are safe for people.

But scientists and technologists are still arguing about how to get rid of cockroaches once and for all: this task requires not only the one-time use of the necessary means, but also methodical work to improve the condition of the apartment itself, the adjacent premises and their sanitary condition.

In this case, getting rid of cockroaches must be combined with a whole range of sanitary measures.

Effective ways to get rid of cockroaches

The most effective way to get rid of cockroaches is, oddly enough, to ensure complete cleanliness and order in the apartment, as well as constant maintenance them at the proper level. Such measures will not work immediately, but in the long term they will create unbearable living conditions for cockroaches.


It has been verified that cockroaches themselves and forever leave apartments in which conditions unsuitable for their life have been created. In this case, no additional destruction or repelling of insects with potent agents is required. On the contrary, dirty and littered apartments are constantly infested with cockroaches, even when the owners regularly treat them with powerful insecticides.

In order to prevent cockroaches from existing in the house, it is necessary:

“No matter how much we poisoned the cockroaches with all sorts of Raids and Dusts, they still came back. We talked to our dorm neighbors, but they didn’t show much enthusiasm. But the Prussians are getting away from them! When we moved into the apartment, we immediately saw Prussians here too. But the renovation was done well, and now I constantly put things in order, put food from the table in the refrigerator, and keep it clean. As a result, the apartment is clean and free of insects.”

Tatyana, Cheboksary

And only after it has not been possible to quickly get rid of cockroaches using such methods, methods of direct destruction should be used to speed up the effect:

“On the forum I read a recipe for poison balls for cockroaches. I had to buy boric acid at the pharmacy. I mixed it with flour and vegetable oil, I made some pellets, put them on the bedside tables, and now I just collect the corpses in the morning. There are especially a lot of them under the sink - I find two or three every day...”

Ilya, Kremenchug

Video instructions for using boric acid against cockroaches

It is important to remember that these methods of getting rid of cockroaches allow you to destroy insects, as they say, here and now. But none of them guarantees that in a week or month the Prussians and their black relatives will not creep back from their neighbors again.

Therefore, in order to get rid of cockroaches forever, these methods must be used in conjunction with general improvement and cleaning of the apartment.

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test different products on them - see the results...

Application of insecticides against cockroaches

Today this method is considered the most universal and effective. Apartment owners can use it themselves, or they can call special services disinfestation, including the local SES.

The main advantage of insecticides is the totality of their action: they penetrate with the air or on the legs of the insects themselves to places where humans cannot reach.

The advantage of calling the SES is the high efficiency of treating the premises and the safety of disinfestation for residents and pets. All processing of the premises is carried out by a special team, using professional preparations that are stronger than those sold in the markets.

Before getting rid of cockroaches and cockroaches using special teams, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from the premises on the day of treatment. And after treatment, following the instructions of the company manager, wet clean the house and ventilate all rooms.

The services of exterminators in total cost slightly more than the cost of the insecticidal preparation itself. Yes, complete disinfestation two-room apartment against cockroaches in the Moscow region costs about 2,500 rubles.

It is most reasonable to seek the help of professionals if processing is necessary. large quantity premises (for example, in the food department workshop), when there are a lot of cockroaches in the house, or during coordinated pest control of the whole apartment building or a hostel.

It is worth using insecticidal preparations yourself when it is necessary to treat only a few small rooms. For example - one apartment. In this case, the specifics of using the drug will depend on the form in which the insecticide is produced.

Poisons in the form of sprays are sprayed in places where insects are most likely to be present - in bedside tables, under sinks, behind cabinets, around baseboards, behind carpets. Before you get rid of cockroaches at home using insecticides, it is advisable to move furniture in the kitchen and rooms away from the walls and raise the edges and corners of linoleum, carpets and rugs.

Before treatment, all residents and pets must be removed from the premises. The treatment itself should be carried out in closed clothing and preferably with gloves, glasses and a cotton-gauze bandage, with the windows and doors closed.

After treatment, the apartment should be allowed to sit for several hours, after which it is ventilated, dead insects are removed, and all surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth.

Working with powder insecticides requires scattering them in places where insects move and accumulate. It is important to ensure that these powders are kept out of the reach of children and pets and kept under carpets, behind or inside nightstands.

With a pencil (for example, Mashenka insecticidal chalk), the apartment is treated in a similar way. The only difference is that the pencil can be applied to vertical surfaces and clearly limit the movement of pests with its help.

The advantage of powdered poisons and pencils is that they can be used without evacuating the occupants of the premises and make the treatment itself invisible. But even despite the high toxicity of these drugs for cockroaches, they rather play a supporting role, especially when there are a lot of insects in the apartment.

Sprays usually work more effectively due to the fact that they enter the pest’s respiratory tract without its desire.

The most effective and popular means for exterminating cockroaches on your own are:

  • Raptor
  • Fufanon
  • Mikrofos
  • Karbofos
  • Dichlorvos
  • Combat
  • Global
  • Regent
  • Medilis Cyper.

All these drugs can be bought at markets and hardware stores. Professional products are Tetrix, Chlorpirimac, Sinuzan, Ectermin, Minal.

Powders against cockroaches are more often called dusts, although previously this term only meant DDT. The most famous of the powder preparations against cockroaches are:

  • Pyrethrum
  • Oradelt
  • Phenax and Phenaxin
  • Insorbcide.

And the most famous pencil is Mashenka, famous since Soviet times. Today, in addition to her, there are crayons made in China on the market, but they have no obvious advantages over Mashenka.

Perhaps the most effective form of insecticide release is gels - they allow you to get rid of cockroaches even in heavily infested areas. And although in essence they differ little from other drugs, the method of their use and, most importantly, their effectiveness, have earned them great popularity. Therefore, it’s worth mentioning separately about gels against cockroaches.

Insecticidal gels for cockroaches

The composition of most cockroach gels includes insect bait and poison itself, which is tasteless to them.

Chocolate, honey, anise or vanilla flavors are most often used as bait. These odors are very weak and invisible to humans. They attract cockroaches greatly.

The principle of operation of the gels is based on the fact that a cockroach that eats poisoned bait dies after 10-30 hours. This happens in a shelter, usually surrounded by other cockroaches. After the death of an insect, relatives eat its chitinous shells, which have the smell of the gel itself, and are also poisoned. Thus, one cockroach triggers a kind of chain reaction, leading to the death of many cockroaches.


According to manufacturers, one drop of gel the size of a grain of rice is enough to kill 500 cockroaches. It’s unlikely that anyone has checked these exact numbers, but the effectiveness of the gels themselves when used in everyday life is undeniable.

All cockroach gels are available either in syringes or tubes. In any case, they should be applied to the surface in separate small drops, preferably close to places where insects accumulate or where they move.

If there are too many cockroaches in the apartment, you can make entire paths from these drops near the baseboards and cracks behind the furniture. Before such treatment, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the room, sweep away crumbs from the table and hide food products.

The frequency and amount of gel applied depends on the brand itself.

Let's look at the most popular anti-cockroach gels today in more detail...

Global Gel

Available in tubes of 100 g. It is considered one of the most effective gels. Apply drops in the corners of bedside tables, furniture in the kitchen, near baseboards, next to radiators. It is important to apply the gel where pets and children cannot reach it.

This is important!

Today, counterfeits of Global gel appear on the market, they are cheap and ineffective. It is not difficult to calculate them: the original gel is produced in Germany and all the inscriptions on the packaging are shown on German. In addition, the original name of the product is Globol, with the second “o”. Counterfeits are produced in packages that replicate the design of the original, but have Russian inscriptions and the name “Global”.

The price of Globol gel is 200 rubles per 100-gram tube. One tube is enough to kill cockroaches in an apartment of 40 square meters. m.

“A good gel, it really helps get rid of cockroaches. Only if you want to completely destroy the Prussians, buy them for your neighbors too. Otherwise they still climb through the ventilation and die in the apartment.”

Oksana, Chisinau

The Raptor gel is based on the substance cyhalothrin, an effective poison against insects that penetrates the walls of the digestive tract into the blood and nervous system. The gel contains apricot and vanilla flavors as insect attractants.

It is used in the same way as Global, but for ease of use it has a special elongated cap on the tube. One tube of Raptor is enough to get rid of cockroaches in a room of 10 square meters. m. In this case, the gel itself should be applied in dotted lines - 2-centimeter strips of gel alternate with 2-3 cm intervals.

The most effective use of the gel is when the room is treated twice with a break of a month.

Counted for today the optimal means in terms of price-quality ratio. Available in 125-gram tubes costing 140 rubles.

When used, Absolute-gel is applied to the surface in separate drops, which are subsequently easily wiped off with a damp cloth and leave no traces. After treatment, the peak death of cockroaches occurs after 2-3 weeks. The applied gel remains effective for 4 months.

Gel Brownie

A Russian development, fundamentally no different from other poisons. The active ingredient is Chlorpyrifos, but 97% of the product consists of attractants and bitterness. Cockroaches are not sensitive to the latter, but pets and children cannot tolerate them. Thanks to this, even if they come across drops of Domovoy, the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat it.

The gel is applied in separate droplets along the edges of baseboards and near the trash can, under the sink and behind cabinets. If necessary, the gel can be applied to strips of paper and placed under furniture. At the highest degree of infestation of a room, cockroaches are exterminated within 3-4 weeks.

“Take Brownie. This is our product against our cockroaches. Apply once and forget about them. My husband and I took them out in the apartment that we rent out to tenants; there were millions of cockroaches there. Two tubes were enough for a kitchen and two rooms; in two weeks, while windows were being replaced and furniture was being brought in, they died out like dinosaurs. They were carried out in buckets..."

Masha, Kaluga

The additional convenience of using the gel is due to the fact that it is packaged in a special syringe, which can be squeezed out without leaving any residue.

Gel Dohlox

Available in syringes with a capacity of 20 ml. The active ingredient is diazinon, the third most widely used organophosphorus insecticide in the world. It acts both when it enters the intestines and through contact, and therefore an infected cockroach, penetrating into a shelter, infects relatives, even while still alive.

“The neighbors were shocked when they found out that I didn’t have cockroaches. In my opinion, for some time this was even considered a chemical weapon, but now it is released in a form that is safe for people. 100% destroys all cockroaches. I recommend it."

Mikhail, Tula

Sturm gel paste

Assault is a means of professional use. It contains alpha-cypermethrin and diazinon, which makes it similar to Fas gel. These components belong to different classes, and their combined presence guarantees very effective destruction of cockroaches: there are still no insects known that are resistant to both active substances at the same time.

Apply to surfaces in the same way as other gels. Especially often used by pest control companies when treating enterprises. food industry, trade, hotels and boarding houses.

All cockroach gels do not contain fat or substances that can leave marks on surfaces. Therefore, to clean the room after treatment, it is enough to wipe the areas where the gel was applied with a damp cloth.


All cockroach gels belong to hazard class 4 substances. This means that they are low-hazard, can be used in any premises and require minimal measures to protect against poisoning.

Mechanical methods of control: traps, slippers, vacuum cleaner

When deciding how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, many expect to simply find them, crush them, collect them with a vacuum cleaner, and repair the places where they accumulate.

In general, this approach can really give some results: some of the cockroaches will definitely be destroyed. However, the whole process will take a lot of effort and time, and individual insects will still remain in shelters inaccessible to humans.

Using various traps is more reasonable. Before you can effectively get rid of cockroaches with their help, you should determine the places where insects are most often found. Traps are set at key points of their movement or accumulation. They can work according to two principles:

  1. Attracting pests to the shelter - Prussians will simply hide in traps for the day, and to destroy them it will be enough to shake out the insects that have collected during the night into the toilet once a day.
  2. Cockroaches getting into traps and being unable to get out of them - this is the principle used by Velcro, to which the pests' paws are glued, or jars used in villages with the top of the inner surface smeared with oil.
  3. There are also electric ones that are powered from an outlet. The cockroaches in them die from a high voltage current.

All traps attract cockroaches with a piece of food or a sweet smell. It is useful to use pieces of cookies or bread dipped in vegetable oil to attract.

Getting rid of cockroaches by freezing the premises

There is not much to say about how you can get rid of cockroaches by freezing a room: on a frosty day, the windows in the house are simply opened, and the room cools down in a few hours. It is important that the frost is strong - a couple of degrees below zero will not kill the cockroaches. It is advisable to cool all rooms to minus 10°C - minus 15°C.

Before freezing the apartment, it is important to drain the water from radiators, pipes and boilers, otherwise they may simply burst. Perhaps this is the only condition that severely limits residents of northern cities in the fight against cockroaches. It’s easier for residents of private houses to do all this.


In the fight against cockroaches, the tactic of exposing individual furniture to the cold - cabinets, sofas, tables, in which insects are hiding - will not be effective. This method is justified in exterminating bedbugs - sometimes all the bedbugs in an apartment are hiding in one sofa. Cockroaches inhabit many places indoors, and you can only get rid of them by completely freezing the entire house. Local freezing is an option, for example, when you need to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen. Here it will be enough to freeze out one kitchen by closing its door and isolating it from other rooms with blankets.

There are situations when it would seem that neither boric acid nor aerosols have any effect on cockroaches, and even gels do not have much effect on them. If you are already tired of fighting “indestructible” insects, then it’s time to try something much more effective - for example, the modern microencapsulated cockroach remedy “Get”. It is odorless and safe for household use. At the same time, the drug effectively destroys cockroaches even in cases where other means do not have an effect.

The main thing when getting rid of cockroaches is to always remember that the apartment or even private house connected to other rooms. This means that after a single cleaning, insects may well return from their neighbors. Therefore, the most important condition for successful control of cockroaches is teamwork: if you get rid of pests forever, then in all rooms at the same time. And in the future, diligently maintain cleanliness and order, so that the already cleared bridgehead would seem to the Prussians a desert, unsuitable for life.

The presence of cockroaches in apartments of multi-storey buildings is a common occurrence, since many residents do not effective fight with these insects. Despite this, experts say, the populations of these insects are declining sharply. This is due to the rapid development of the radio-electronic industry in all areas national economy, including in everyday life. This factor negatively affects cockroaches, since the electromagnetic waves emitted household devices, repel these pests. And yet, despite this, cockroaches are attracted to conditions such as warmth, moisture and the presence of food. Although, one can say it differently: cockroaches began to adapt to such living conditions.

To combat cockroaches and other pests, people have come up with many effective ways. The most effective of them are modern chemicals that act literally instantly. Unfortunately, their use is not always permitted, especially if small children, pregnant women or infirm family members live in the same living space. In such cases, folk remedies made from natural ingredients can help get rid of cockroaches.

Cockroaches can appear in any apartment, but they cannot take root in every apartment. For them to take root, a number of factors must contribute to this, for example:

  • Food products are stored so that they can be easily accessed.
  • There are dirty dishes in the sink or on the table.
  • Free access to water.
  • There are a lot of unnecessary, old things in the room.
  • Availability of places where cockroaches can hide.
  • Increased humidity and heat.
  • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment.

Cockroaches appear in an apartment in various ways, such as:

  • Through various cracks located in the floor and around the baseboards.
  • Through ventilation systems.
  • From the entrance.
  • From neighboring apartments, especially if their owners began to fight these insects.
  • From basements and attic floors.
  • Through holes in floor slabs.
  • With food purchased at the market and supermarkets.
  • Along risers, telephone and electrical wires.
  • Together with purchased household appliances.
  • With furniture or other things purchased at a flea market.

Important! As a rule, cockroaches actively reproduce in unsanitary conditions. Cleanliness in the home prevents the appearance of these insects in the apartment. If there is no access to food and water in the apartment, then these pests are unlikely to be interested in this home.

When cockroaches appear in an apartment, you must immediately take measures to get rid of them. Moreover, this is exactly the case when it is better to destroy cockroaches rather than expel them from the apartment. They will leave, but they will appear at other residents and will terrorize them, causing harm to food products, as well as to people's health. To successfully combat these insects, you need to follow some rules:

  • Maintain living conditions in the apartment at an appropriate sanitary level. Moreover, the approach should be comprehensive: it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only in the kitchen, but also in other living areas. It is advisable to get rid of old, unnecessary trash.
  • The ventilation system must be equipped with grilles with sufficiently small cells.
  • Seal all cracks through which pests can enter the apartment.
  • Store food only in the refrigerator or in special containers and do not leave unwashed dishes after eating.
  • Promptly repair leaks in pipes or taps, cutting off access to water.

DIY traps

As a rule, such traps are made without extra costs time and money. To ensure effective use, it is advisable to check traps every day.

Simple traps:

  • From a can. Although the trap is simple, it is effective. Enough to take the floor liter jar and pour some jam, honey or other bait into it. It is better to lubricate the inside of the jar with vegetable oil. You need to place an object next to the jar so that insects can easily reach the neck. If cockroaches get inside the jar, they will no longer be able to get out.
  • From double-sided tape. Quite simple, but also effective trap. Tape is applied to a piece of cardboard or other material. A bait in the form of a drop of jam is placed in the center. On the way to the bait, the insects will simply stick. The more such traps, the greater the likelihood of destroying all pests.


People have long used strong-smelling plants to protect their homes from various types insects, including cockroaches. The presence of flowers such as geranium in the apartment protects against cockroach invasion.

As a rule, the following is used for scaring:

  • Mint.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Bogulnik.
  • Melissa.

These plants are medicinal, so you can purchase them at any pharmacy or prepare them yourself if you wish. Before using, it is better to dry them under cover, although freshly prepared ones can also be used. Small bouquets are made from raw materials and placed in places where pests appear. A good option is to place bouquets under various things where barbels can hide.

Note! Smell certain type Chamomile, called pyrethrum, is not tolerated by many insects. The powder from this plant has been used since ancient times. It is simply scattered over problem areas. In combination with other preventive measures, this option produces tangible results.

Placing various poisoned baits gives good results in the fight against insects. The main advantage of these simple remedies is their availability and safety, especially if they are prepared according to folk recipes.

The most effective baits:

  • Lure 1, based on boric acid, is used by many in the fight against cockroaches. This treat is not harmful for humans and pets, but cockroaches die from it. To prepare the substance, simply boil an egg and separate the yolk from the white. The yolk is mixed with boric acid. To form balls you will have to add a little water. The balls are placed in places where insects appear. In addition to the fact that the cockroaches themselves will try this destructive remedy, they will also bring it for their relatives who are in the nest. As a result, it is possible to destroy the entire colony of longhorned beetles.
  • Lure 2, based on boric acid powder itself. It is enough to scatter it in places where cockroaches appear. In case of contact with boric acid, insects die, but not immediately. During this time, while they are alive, they have enough time to infect other relatives.
  • Lure 3, based on borax. This is powder white, which must be mixed with powdered sugar, mashed potatoes and vanilla. It is used in the same way as in the case of boric acid.

Application of essential oils

Bright, persistent aromas have a negative effect on many insects, and cockroaches are no exception. Essential oils that have a fairly rich aroma can drive cockroaches out of human homes.

Methods for preparing repellent solutions:

  • Option #1. Take 1 liter of cool water and add 15 drops of any essential oil. As a rule, extracts from mint, eucalyptus, lavender, fir, geranium, lemon balm, lemongrass, etc. are used. Problem areas are treated with a spray bottle. The treatment is carried out until the pests leave the apartment.
  • Option No. 2. Take 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 10 drops of any essential oil. The spray prepared in this way is used for its intended purpose: problem areas are sprayed with it. This composition is sprayed three times a week to ensure positive effects.

Note! If family members prone to allergies live in the apartment, then it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to essential oils. To do this, it is enough to treat a small area and monitor how the body reacts. If allergic reactions are missing, then you can start processing the entire area.

How to proceed:

  • Take a piece of cloth or a foam sponge, soak it in vinegar and wipe the areas where insects appear. The following areas are subject to treatment: baseboards, floors, areas under the bathtub and sink, as well as next to the trash can, etc.
  • Getting ready active substance, consisting of 500 ml warm water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoons of ground red pepper. The components are mixed and poured into a spray bottle, after which the product is sprayed in places where barbels appear.

Cold against cockroaches

As far as we know, insects are attracted to food and warmth, so cockroaches cannot tolerate the effects of low temperatures and quickly die. Cockroaches hide in various things, so just taking them out into the cold for a while will kill both the adults and the eggs they lay. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take everything out of the apartment, just as it is impossible to set the temperature in the apartment to sub-zero, although the method is quite effective.


The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment indicates a serious problem or even a series of problems, as well as the fact that it is necessary to begin exterminating them. At the same time, you will have to analyze the causes of the occurrence in order to eliminate them. If this is not done, then similar insects will appear again and again.

Prevention measures include:

  • fight with high humidity in the apartment, which leads to the appearance of mold. As a rule, various leaks in water supply and sewerage systems lead to such consequences.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in residential and non-residential premises.
  • Removing from dining table leftover food after eating.
  • Timely emptying the trash can of food debris.
  • Control over food storage: they must be stored either in the refrigerator or in special containers.
  • Regular general cleaning, with the release of the home from unnecessary, old things.
  • Regular cleaning of dust and dirt.
  • Use herbs with a persistent aroma to repel insects, including cockroaches.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows, and use grilles in ventilation systems.
  • Produce in a timely manner cosmetic repairs with the replacement of old, dried out wooden products, such as baseboards, platbands, window frames, window sills, etc.

Interesting to know! In the fight against cockroaches, any means of control can be effective if you act deliberately and regularly. Even folk remedies that are not toxic to humans can cope with the invasion of these pests. If possible, you can resort to chemicals fight against this type of insect. Unfortunately, without preventative measures, cockroaches will appear again and again.