Japanese garden in the country: choose plants wisely. DIY Japanese garden - photo. Plants and Japanese style in landscape design Japanese garden and its types

Country rising sun famous for its distinctive culture and traditions. Here every item has its own philosophical meaning and centuries-old history.

The main word that characterizes Japanese culture is harmony. She reigns in everything. The unity of man with nature creates an atmosphere of tranquility and makes one think about the eternal. That's why we have japanese style became quite popular.

How to create on your site the original atmosphere of the land of philosophers and samurai?

Planning principle

The main accents in the formation of a Japanese garden: asymmetry in the arrangement of elements, smooth lines, the predominance of green, red, yellow, orange, purple shades, simplicity of design techniques.

Visually, such a garden is divided into two zones. In one zone, the main one, they install decorative elements, stones, plants are planted. The second zone, in contrast to the first, remains deserted.

In addition, in the main zone, the “visual distance” method is used to effectively reveal the landscape:

  • large plants are planted in the foreground or voluminous stones are installed
  • in the background - medium in size
  • on the third - the smallest

Then, while walking around the garden, new elements of the landscape will open up to you with every step. Everything resembles the untouched, fascinating naturalness of nature.

Philosophy and symbols of the garden

"There can be a garden without flowers, but there cannot be a garden without stones." This is what the Japanese sages said.

Japanese garden differs from the garden plantings we are used to and combines three main components - water, stone and vegetation, which are in harmony with each other. The harmony of the elements is especially important here.

There are few or no plants. And the main elements, the basis of the garden, are stones skillfully installed on the territory.

No less important in landscape design is water - the “blood” of the garden. Waterfall, stream, spring or pond - required elements your Japanese corner.

Rock garden

The stone symbolizes perseverance and strength, and when collected in a composition, they symbolize the endless and unknowable Universe. That is why the stones are laid out so that no matter your location on the territory, you would not see all the stones at the same time.

We begin laying out the composition of stones (necessarily an odd number) from the left corner of the site diagonally. Try to use stones together color scheme or groups of different colors, without any processing, as they are in nature. Overgrown with moss, the boulders will look even more natural. Compositions of large and small stones are also possible. We plant plants with attractively colored foliage nearby or unusual shape.

Smooth winding paths paved with stone is exactly what makes a Japanese garden calm, balanced and fills the atmosphere with harmony. A path of smooth flat stones symbolizes a journey through life without obstacles or problems. What will the path in your garden look like?

Using river pebbles, sand or pea gravel (all of which traditionally represent water), you can create a "dry stream" or a small waterfall.

Sandstone and natural slates are also used to decorate the garden.

Plants for the Japanese garden

Each of the plants carries a philosophical meaning:

  • pine is a symbol of long life, courage, strong character, longevity
  • weeping willow - modesty and obedience
  • plum tree represents the beauty of the soul
  • maple - a symbol of wisdom, knowledge
  • bamboo - assertiveness, fortitude, striving forward
  • bindweed - poetry of life
  • moss, lichen - personify maternal kindness and love, protection and reliability

Therefore, when choosing plants for your garden, take this aspect into account.

Niwaki, plants grown in a special way with a beautiful extravagant crown, can become an extraordinary decoration for your garden. They are also called “garden bonsai” for their strong similarity to these plants. The main principle in landscaping the area is the “wave principle”: plants are selected in such a way that you can admire something at any time of the year.

Shrubs and low-growing trees such as rhododendron, juniper, Karelian birch, dwarf spruce, combined with tall ones - oak, pine, elm. Fruit trees (cherry, apricot) can easily replace Japanese sakura and they will also delight you during flowering.

Among herbaceous plants, you should choose large-leaved species, such as hosta, fern, chrysanthemums, and Rogers.

Bamboo and baobab are heat-loving and may not take root in our area. An alternative to bamboo can be black alder "Imperialis" or Sakhalin buckwheat.

If the area of ​​your garden is in the shade, plants such as rhododendrons, Japanese primrose, three-row polygonum, and light rose will be suitable. On sunny side good: Japanese spirea, dwarf Weymouth pine, Ginnala river maple. Bright periwinkle or Siebold's hoofweed will also be appropriate in your flowerbed.


Water is a symbol of vital energy, purification, prosperity, positive energy. A Japanese-style garden is unthinkable without a water feature. This is a waterfall (symbolizes the beginning of human life), a stream (streams of water - the river of our life), a fountain, a small pond. You can plant moisture-loving plants along the banks of your pond.

An alternative could be a “dry stream” or “dry pond”, as well as wavy lines drawn on sand or shallow fill.

An irreplaceable interesting element in your garden will be tsukubai - this is a stone bowl for washing your face and hands (symbolizing purity and innocence). Water is collected from tsukubaya using a bamboo ladle. Typically, tsukubai are placed near the house or at the entrance to the garden.

The space around the tsukubai is filled with the “sea” - black pebbles. Tsukubai can be combined with the Oribs lantern (no other lanterns are suitable for this role). This type of blowing will perfectly highlight the style of your garden and fill it with the melody of rushing water.

We can talk endlessly about Japanese culture, it is so interesting and fascinating. And you can't go wrong if you decide to decorate your garden in Japanese style. After all, it is here that you will feel on the same wavelength with nature, which is so important in our modern dynamic pace of life.


Depending on the characteristics of the site, you can create a garden in flat or mountainous terrain.

Reanlzi Garden- an example of a planar composition. For this design you will need sand, small stones and moss. Draw transverse stripes-waves on the sand with a rake - they will symbolize the water area, a “dry pond”. Arrange moss and stones randomly.

For hilly terrain, sand, pebbles and large structural rocks are useful. Place a large elongated stone vertically - this is yours mountain peak. Make flat rocks into the sides of your hill.

Bridge in Japan - a symbol life path, so it is made from valuable species trees. For harmonious combination lay a stone path to your bridge. You can also lay stones on both sides of the bridge or plant a flower bed. Sitting on the bridge with a cup of tea, you can think about the main values ​​of life.

Today, very often homeowners want to decorate their summer cottage in the Japanese style. Not only rock gardens, but also flower gardens are considered the hallmark of Japanese culture. After all, as you know, eastern countries can boast of their amazing flora and the ability to recreate truly original compositions from it. In addition, the Japanese have special feelings for flowers, investing in them a certain symbolism. Floriculture in eastern countries is practiced both on a large scale, organizing delightful flower gardens, and privately on their estates.

The Japanese have special respect for the “art of flora”, admire the beauty of flowering plants, use them to decorate their homes and dining tables. For example, not a single tea ceremony takes place without decorating the table with flowers grown in own garden. It is worth saying that today it is possible to grow Japanese flowers in our country, even taking into account the climate of our latitudes. Next, we’ll talk about the names of Japanese flowers and how you can decorate your area with them.

Features of traditional Japanese flowers

The features of traditional Japanese flowers include the following:

  • Japanese plants grow in mild and warm climates, so appropriate conditions should be created for them in order to prolong and improve their survival rate in our latitudes.
  • Beautiful Japanese flowers love plenty of moisture, so such plants should be watered regularly at certain intervals. However, it is also not worth showing excessive zeal, since stagnation of moisture can provoke rotting of the roots and the development of a disease such as gray rot.
  • Varieties of Japanese flowers should be planted in sunny meadows, since in the shade or partial shade their flowering will not be as bright.
  • The Japanese are always experimenting with plants, adding something new to their varieties. For example, when breeding varieties, they try to cross plants so that the flowering of new flowers is more abundant and lush.
  • Japanese flowers are designed to decorate not only summer cottages in a “live” form, but will also be an excellent addition to arranged ikebana.

Landscape planning for a summer cottage and Japanese flower garden

Before planting Japanese flowers, you should definitely draw up a design for the landscape of your summer cottage and a plan for the future flower garden. So, if we take into account the beginning of the 90s, it can be noted that the builders and designers of that time faced many obstacles that they could not overcome due to the poor development of the architectural industry. Today, even the specific topography that the regions of our country have is not an obstacle to the construction of beautiful summer cottages.

As you know, many regions of Russia cannot boast of a uniform relief, since in some places the height difference is several meters. Such a landscape is a significant obstacle to further design of flower beds and country garden. The Japanese flower garden is no exception, for decoration of which it is advisable to choose a flat and horizontal area. The primary task in such a situation is to strengthen the crumbling soil. To strengthen the slope, it is possible to use special mesh structures - gabions. They do not require a special foundation or cladding, so they are very convenient for landscaping.

Uneven terrain, in addition to steep slopes, puts other obstacles in the way of arrangement Japanese gardens- These are obstacles in the form of decays between two hills. Sometimes builders solve this problem by building a special “dam” that fits perfectly into the landscape. The resulting “dam” can be decorated with a structure alpine slides, waterfalls, miniature ponds, etc.

When arranging the landscape of a summer cottage in the Japanese style, a huge role is given to design work, since during their implementation it is possible to conduct an ideal analysis of the existing territory, taking into account all the features. Then, based on analytical data and measurements, it is possible to draw up a successful project for the future site, and thereby find a rational solution that, after a certain time, can make your dream come true.

Registration garden plot in Japanese style will provide you with a large area for creativity. The garden can be decorated different characters in the form of stone sculptures. Recently, various characters and animals have become popular. For example, these could be unusually shaped flower pots. In general, any object that can be skillfully combined with plants will become a bright decorative detail that gives your garden individuality.

Schemes of Japanese flower beds at the dacha

Once you have decided which Japanese flowers you want to grow in your summer cottage, you should draw up a flower garden diagram.

The main difference between Japanese flower beds is that flower beds here must be combined with stone compositions. Japanese-style rockeries include evergreen low-growing shrubs and trees, as well as stone figures.

You can use one of the proposed schemes:

Names and characteristics of Japanese flowers

The following crops can be considered traditional Japanese plants:

  • Chrysanthemum.
  • Benibana.
  • Sakura.
  • Sophora.
  • Orchid.
  • Japanese rose.
  • Camellia japonica.

Japanese rose flowers

The second name of the culture is Eustoma (lat. Eustoma). The Japanese rose reaches a height of 70 cm. There are also low-growing varieties plants. Blooms bright and large flowers shaped like a funnel.

Rules for planting crops:

  • The plant should be sown in early spring. Before this, the seeds are carefully prepared for planting and a stratification procedure is carried out.
  • The first shoots appear 14 days after planting. The sprouts are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
  • The plant should be watered regularly during its life.
  • Complex fertilizers are applied twice a year.

Camellia japonica flowers

Camellia japonica belongs to the Tea family (Theaceae). It grows as low-growing evergreen shrubs. The leaves have an oval shape. It blooms with large flowers that are pink or red.

Planting and care rules:

  • Plant the crop in partial shade.
  • Camellia flower beds should be watered evenly to avoid stagnation of water.
  • The crop is fed with mineral fertilizers in March and at the end of summer.

Japanese chrysanthemum

It is worth saying that the chrysanthemum, which is familiar to all summer residents in Russia, is also a favorite flower of the Japanese. This culture is often found in the national poetry and prose of Japan. In addition, chrysanthemum is often added to add a piquant taste to the tea drink at tea ceremonies. Japanese chrysanthemums bloom with bright colors during the flowering period. This crop is also beautiful during the budding period.

Chrysanthemum is a perennial crop. They are planted in sunny meadows with well-drained soil. Feed flower beds with chrysanthemums in late spring. For this purpose, potash fertilizers are used.

Sophora japonica - plants and flowers

Sophora japonica is also called Japanese acacia. Belongs to the family Legumes. In total, there are more than 50 varieties of this plant. Grows as shrubs or low-growing trees. The branches of the culture have a curved shape. The foliage turns bright green in summer.

  • The plant should be planted exclusively in sunny meadows, as it loves abundant sun rays. If you plant a crop in the northern regions, then it is worth organizing additional lighting in the flowerbed using a phytolamp.
  • The temperature in the area where the crop grows should be maintained at a level of +1 to +12 degrees.
  • The crop should be watered once every 7-14 days.
  • Fertilizers are applied at the root of the crop at the beginning of winter. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers.

Japanese sakura flower

The name of this plant is directly associated with Japan and its original culture. In this country, there are special charts that display the flowering dates of certain varieties of sakura. This is necessary so that local residents can visit Japanese flower gardens on certain days and personally enjoy the blooming of this majestic plant. Sakura is an integral component of all landscape gardening compositions in Japan.


It is not for nothing that this flower is called mythical, since it blooms in very unusual colors - orange with a bright crimson tint. Flowering of the crop is observed in the summer. Benibana belongs to the chrysanthemum genus. Externally, the flower looks like a thistle.


This plant feels great in the Japanese climate. In our latitudes, orchids are most often grown at home on a windowsill, since this plant is very demanding of care. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot. The soil should be used specialized, store-bought and designed specifically for orchids.

Design of a garden plot in Japanese style and small landscape forms

When designing the landscape of a Japanese flower garden, small landscape forms. This concept hides all sorts of small decorative details that will help you make your garden unique. These include gazebos, canopies, various sculptures, fountains, columns. They are also considered small landscape garden furniture and barbecue facilities. The use of such details turns the design of a garden plot into a real art.

If you need to divide the territory into zones, then various kinds of decorative walls, screens, gratings, pavilions, gazebos and other similar structures will suit you for this purpose. They can help implement several ideas on one site. For example, make a corner wildlife, and next to it, recreate this or that composition from stone.

If you decide to use decorative grilles, then do not forget that they are also an excellent frame for vertical gardening. In general, any vertical design, which you place in the Japanese garden, will serve as a platform where you can place vines and various compositions in decorative baskets. Such structures are usually made of wood, but are sometimes made of metal rods or even bamboo.

Japanese flowers: video

How good
When, waking up at dawn,
Look out into the garden -
And suddenly you see that the buds
turned into flowers on a cherry tree.
Tachibana Akemi

Peonies are more suitable than the traditional ones in our gardens - large-flowered ones terry varieties, but wild species or varieties of Japanese selection. Thin-leaved peony, Veitch peony, Delavey peony and, of course, tree peonies will fit well.

Speaking about plants for the Japanese garden, one cannot fail to mention, of course, the traditional Japanese wild cherry. Among the flowering tree and shrub plants, magnolias are also suitable, Japanese quince, felt cherry, forsythia.

In addition to the listed groups of plants, the eastern corner can be decorated with many cereals, trees and shrubs and herbaceous plants, which have successfully taken root in Russian latitudes. So, in the shade you can plant various ferns, mosses and hosts.

To create Japanese garden it is important to feel it, to feel the harmony of the changing seasons and the subtle symbolism of each of the elements used in such compositions. And then concrete decisions will come by themselves. And whether these plants come from the Japanese islands or trees and herbs that are more traditional in our latitudes is no longer so important.

Choose plants for your Japanese garden very carefully. In such gardens there are few flowering plants, and most often there are none at all. First of all The Japanese garden is the kingdom of evergreen conifers. They occupy a special place there, as a symbol of life (pine as a symbol of longevity - first of all!)

Having set myself the task of choosing plants for such a garden, special attention you need to pay attention to their shape, what color their greenery will be in spring and summer, how the foliage will be colored in autumn, as well as the shape of bare branches in winter. The garden should be beautiful all year round.

When planting, you need to take into account the scale relationship of plants with all elements of the garden (stones, pond and others). It is imperative to choose a harmonious color combination basic plants with each other, with various ornamental grasses and mosses. Consider the shades of green - this is important! Dark ones are in the background, light ones are in the foreground.


Let's look at plants that can be successfully grown in our local "Japanese" gardens, taking into account their winter hardiness. They occur in nature Far East or are associated with Japanese gardens due to their natural crown shape, reminiscent various types"bonsai". Among the listed plants there will be brightly colored ones flowering plants, and it’s up to you to decide whether to include them in your list or not.

Coniferous trees and shrubs. Korean fir (all varieties), Lawson cypress variety "Wisselii", Nootka cypress (varieties "Jubilee", "Klippert", "Pendula", "Variegata"), blunt or Japanese cypress (all varieties), pea cypress (almost all varieties ), ginkgo biloba, Chinese juniper (almost all varieties), common juniper varieties “Horstmann” and “Oblonga Pendula”, scaly juniper “Loderi”, recumbent juniper varieties “Bonin Isles” and “Nana”, European larch (varieties “Puli” , “Repens”, “Little Bogle”), Japanese larch (all varieties), Chinese metasequoia (all varieties), Norway spruce (varieties “Acrocona”, “Formanek”, “Frohburg”, “Inversa”, “Pusch” and “ Virgata"), Serbian spruce (varieties "Pendula", "Pendula Kuck" and "Bruns"), prickly spruce varieties "Hermann Naue" and "Lucky Strike", bristlecone pine, Armanda pine, dense-flowered pine (all varieties), Korean pine , mountain pine (varieties “Carsten”, “Jakobsen”, “Mini Mops”, “Varella”, “Zundert”), black pine variety “Oregon Green”, small-flowered pine (all varieties), Weymouth pine (all varieties), pine common (varieties “Globosa Viridis” and “Hillside Creeper”), oriental thuja or flat-branch variety “Franky Boy”, Chinese pine, Thunberg pine “Banshosho”, medium yew “Thayerae”, thuja occidentalis (varieties “Filiformis”, “Miky” and "Stolwijk").


Deciduous trees. Gray maple, horse chestnut variety “Laciniata”, high aralia (up to – 28ºС, acidic soils!), Japanese scarlet (up to -28ºС), Pennsylvania ash variety “Crispa”, Nippon cherry variety “Brillant”, spherical cherry “Umbraculifera”, swamp oak “Green Dwarf”, pedunculate oak “Pectinata”, rowan common variety'Pendula', Elm 'Camperdownii'.

Deciduous shrubs. Korean barberry, birch “Trost`s Dwarf”, quince or chaenomeles (all types and varieties), opposite-leaved dogwood, controversial and Chinese, blood-red dogwood variety “Compressa”, common hazel variety “Contorta”, Fortune’s euonymus, large fothergilla, paniculate and oakleaf hydrangea (all varieties), caragana tree (standard forms), magnolia (all types and varieties), apical pachysandra, evergreen boxwood, squat plum, low almond, goat willow, whole-leaved willow variety “Hakuro-nishiki” and “Pendula” "(standard form), Japanese spirea (all varieties), Nippon spirea variety "June Bride", Stefanandra Tanake, Karls viburnum (all varieties), Farrera viburnum (all varieties), folded viburnum (all varieties), Sargent viburnum variety "Onondaga" "


From heather Of course, most species and varieties of rhododendrons are suitable.

From curly plants you can choose from: actinidia kolomikta, aconitifolium vine, petiolate hydrangea, Japanese honeysuckle (requires insulation for the winter), and Japanese schizophragus.

Garden perennials. Astilbe (all types and varieties), multi-flowered kupena, gouter fescue and gray fescue, daylilies, hostas, cordate hauttuynia (to cover young plants for the winter), Chinese miscanthus, blue molinia, peonies, chestnut-leaved rogersia are ideal.

Jeff Hart / Flickr.com

By sticking to the species and specific varieties listed, you will be on your way to success. All these plants and varieties are great for creating a full-fledged oriental garden in our climatic conditions, and simply for creating an “eastern” mood or corner. There is no need to chase exotic rare plants that can freeze in our harsh winters. While agreeing with the basic principles of the Japanese garden, find beauty in what is at hand.

Flowers. Residents of the Celestial Empire carefully monitor nature. The East is generally characterized by an attachment to everything fresh, real, to the miracle of emerging life.

Celebrating naturalness

Many botanists are of the opinion that the world of Chinese flora is one of the richest and most colorful on the planet. An example is the Japanese flower park called Ashikaga, located on the island of Honshu. Delicate wisteria of different shades, broom and plum, daffodils and muscari grow here. Tulips, azaleas and rhododendrons, as well as roses, hydrangeas, petunias, irises and clematis amaze visitors to the park with their colorful palette. You can also see the delightful lushness of nature by heading to Tokyo, where the Kawachi Fuji Garden is located, or to Hatachi Seaside Park in the city of Hitachinaka.

If you come to this wonderful state, you will see how nature is valued and protected on its territory.

Most residents are fond of floriculture; in their garden beds you can see a flower that is unusual for Europeans. The Japanese mentality has positive features: the desire to protect the environment is instilled in these people from childhood. Many of the local plants cannot be found in other countries.

The country has a mild climate, which promotes the growth of many types of flora. There is also enough moisture and sun, due to which such natural masterpieces are born. Local botanists are trying to improve natural plants, are experimenting, creating new shades, making the buds more lush.

National traditions

Many people know about such a hobby as ikebana. This art originated in Japan, where amateurs first began to beautifully arrange flowers. In the Celestial Empire, careful attention is paid to the so-called art of flora. It includes the beliefs of the local residents, bordering on mysticism. There are special cults, the center of which is a flower.

A Japanese person lives with the knowledge that admiring flowers should be an integral part of his life, because such a pastime helps to feel delight and enjoy the moments of nature in its bloom. This process has its own name - hanami. It is combined with a meal. Traditional Japanese flowers are placed on the tables during lunch.

Exotic is close

Each of us has repeatedly seen Japanese flowers in local latitudes. The names of some are also very well known, such as chrysanthemum, which is loved all over the world. If in our country the flower grows in summer and autumn, then in its homeland the exotic beauty pleases the eye already in the first months of spring.

There are many species of this plant, which sometimes outshine even roses in their beauty. There are many authors who praise this flower. The Japanese language conveys all the tenderness and awe with which people treat this miracle of nature. You can not only admire it, but also make it an element of dishes and teas, which the flower perfectly complements. Interesting exhibitions are held in honor of this plant, where you can just look at wonderful compositions, which amaze the imagination of an inexperienced art connoisseur.

Garden beauty

Chrysanthemum can be kept at home. It has a compact size due to the fact that flowers are planted in flowerpots, taken from greenhouses, where they grow from seeds. To stop growth, special drugs are administered. Also, thanks to them, the plant acquires a decorative appearance.

When buying a cutting, you can end up with a fairly large shoot that is more suitable for a garden setting. In order to avoid this, you need to know the subtleties of care. They multiply in different ways: by cuttings, dividing the bush, true lovers of these plants take Japanese flower seeds.

The first two methods are very simple. You need to take 3-5 cuttings and plant them in one pot. After flowering, the branches need to be pruned. Wintering should take place at temperature conditions close to zero. It is best to place the pot in the cellar. shoots will appear. This is an excellent time to transplant to new land. If the flower is old, you can do without it, although a fresh environment will always benefit the plant. If the chrysanthemum has developed well, you can start collecting cuttings that will be used to grow new bushes. This is a beautiful and unpretentious flower that gives joy to everyone who decorates their home with it.

Refined beauty

Sakura also deserves admiration - the most popular japanese tree. Its flower has an unusually delicate color. Hanami, as a rule, is dedicated to him. On television you can see forecasts of the time of flowering of trees in individual cities. Thus, citizens prepare for admiration, as if for a ceremony.

There are a huge number of parks and gardens planted with these plants. They look truly fabulous, giving admiration and peace. Sakura - this or sharp-serrated. The tree can reach a height of 25 meters, has large leaves, which in autumn take on a dark purple or even brown color. Each brush, which is 5 cm long, contains about 8 flowers.

Subtleties of handling

Flowering is observed in March-June. Are often formed pink flowers, although in Japan you can find not only them. There are parks that contain several dozen species of this tree. It can withstand cold weather and grows gradually. When buds appear, it is better to water the roots additionally, especially if there is little rain.

The earth sometimes lacks potassium and nitrogen, substances organic type, which can make growth difficult. To solve this problem, use manure and humus, organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, it is worth trimming branches that have dried out and are weighing down the crown. This is best done in the spring, before the sap begins to move down the trunk. This operation should be carried out by a specialist so as not to harm the sakura.

To get new trees, you need to propagate using seeds or root shoots. Cuttings and grafting are also suitable if we are talking about varietal cherry trees.

Beautiful children of the earth

Benibana is another unusual and interesting flower. The Japanese people love it for its bright scarlet color. When it blooms in summer, it seems as if a red carpet has covered the mountains, like poppies in our fields. The plant belongs to the chrysanthemum family, and its external features are similar to thistles.

Another wonderful flower is the orchid, which is often depicted in the paintings of Japanese masters. Interestingly, it came to the Celestial Empire from South America. The climate here is quite suitable for her. Japanese scientists are conducting experiments in which the color and shape of the petals change, or reproduction occurs in a new way.

Secrets of a successful gardener

For an orchid to grow well, you need to work on it correctly organized lighting. It should be diffuse. Direct rays of the sun will only do harm. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to regularly see the beautiful flowers of this plant. When mistakes are made, the leaves take on a yellow tint and an elongated shape. In summer, you should not leave the orchid on the windowsill; it is better to put it in light shade, otherwise a burn may occur. She adapts very slowly to bright light after the winter cold. You can use plastic or film.

In autumn, darkening should be eliminated because natural light not so strong anymore. At this time, there comes a period when the orchid experiences dormancy, shoots and buds are formed for future flowers. Not only the strength, but also the duration of illumination is also important. This plant should be exposed to light for at least half a day. You can't leave it in the shade for a long time. To solve this problem, you should use artificial light.

Quality care

You always want there to be more beauty, so gardeners ask questions about propagating this beautiful flower. To do everything right, you need to have a solid stock of knowledge. Can be divided over large plant. Some disconnect shoots that grow on the sides. Cuttings from above are also good for replanting. Bulbs are also suitable for these purposes.

Or you can go the more complicated route and grow a flower from a seed. When the soil lump is destroyed, the plant can be damaged, so you need to act with extreme caution so as not to touch the hairs of the roots, because it is thanks to them that the orchid feeds.

Sometimes you can cut the pot to get it right, but root system will remain unharmed. Jewelry work involves cutting off old parts. The top is not covered with substrate. When it comes to trimming the flower stalk, you can get rid of it completely or partially in the part where the flower grew. The plant has buds that are in a dormant state. Lateral peduncles and offspring appear from them.

One must really love nature in order to learn all the intricacies of handling it and provide a person with mutual understanding with environment. The Japanese do this well, from whom we borrowed large number beautiful plants, giving pleasure and peace of mind just by looking at them. The Celestial Empire is a land of spiritual development and close interaction with nature.