Certain types of leasing agreements. Types of leasing

According to Russian legislation, there are two main forms of leasing: domestic and international.

Further classification of leasing forms, as follows from the Law, can be made depending on the volume and composition of the so-called additional services.

When carrying out internal leasing, the lessor, lessee and seller (supplier) are residents Russian Federation. Domestic leasing is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When carrying out international leasing, the lessor or lessee is a non-resident of the Russian Federation.

If the lessor is a resident of the Russian Federation, that is, the leased asset is owned by a resident of the Russian Federation, the international leasing agreement is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the lessor is a non-resident of the Russian Federation, that is, the leased asset is owned by a non-resident of the Russian Federation, then the international leasing agreement is governed by federal laws in the field of foreign economic activity.

Currently in business practice developed countries Various types of leasing are used, each of which is characterized by its own specific features.

In relation to the leased property (or according to the volume of service), leasing is divided into:

  • - Pure leasing, when all costs of maintaining the property are assumed by the lessee. In this case, the lessee transfers net, or net, payments to the lessor. Most services in the domestic equipment leasing market are pure.
  • - Full leasing, or, as it is also called “wet” leasing, when the lessor assumes all costs of maintaining the property. It is usually used by the equipment manufacturers themselves. In terms of cost, full leasing is one of the most expensive, since the lessor increases the costs of maintenance, support by qualified personnel, repairs, supply of necessary raw materials and components, etc.
  • - Partial leasing (with a partial set of services), when the lessor is assigned only certain functions for maintaining the property.

By type of financing, leasing is divided into:

  • - Urgent, when there is a one-time rental of property.
  • - Renewable (revolving), in which, after the expiration of the first term, the leasing agreement is extended for next period. At the same time, leasing objects after a certain time, depending on wear and tear and at the request of the lessee, are replaced with more advanced models. The lessee assumes all costs of replacing equipment. The number of leased objects and the terms of their use under renewable leasing are not agreed upon in advance by the parties.

A type of renewable leasing is general leasing, which allows the lessee to add to the list of leased equipment without concluding new contracts. This is very important for businesses with continuous production cycle and with strict contractual cooperation with partners. General leasing is used when urgent delivery or replacement of equipment already leased is required, and, as a rule, there is no time required to develop and conclude a new contract.

According to the terms of the agreement in the general leasing mode, in the event of an urgent unforeseen need for additional equipment, it is sufficient for the lessor to send a request to the lessor for the supply of the required equipment with reference to the agreed list or catalog. At the end of the period for which the agreement was concluded, leasing payments are recalculated taking into account the varying timing of the lessor's costs and a new agreement is concluded.

Depending on the composition of the participants (subjects) of the transaction, they are distinguished the following types leasing:

  • - Direct leasing, in which the owner of the property (supplier) independently leases the object (bilateral transaction). In fact, this transaction cannot be called a classic leasing transaction, since the leasing company is not involved in it.
  • - Indirect leasing, when the transfer of property for leasing occurs through an intermediary. This kind of transaction is similar to a classic leasing operation, since it involves the supplier, the lessor and the lessee, each of them acting independently.
  • - Separate leasing (leasing involving multiple parties). This type of leasing is common as a form of financing complex, large-scale objects, such as aircraft, sea and river vessels, railway and rolling stock, drilling platforms, etc. Such leasing is also called group, or joint-stock, leasing with the participation of several supplier companies, lessors and the attraction of credit funds from a number of banks, as well as insurance of leased property and return of lease payments using insurance pools. This type of leasing is considered the most complex, as it is characterized by multi-channel financing.

A specific feature of this type of leasing is that lessors provide only part of the amount that is necessary to purchase the leased object. These funds are raised and accumulated by issuing shares and distributing them among lessors participating in the financing of the transaction. The remaining part of the contract value of the leased object is financed by creditors (banks, other investors).

By type of property there are:

  • - Leasing of movable property (equipment, machinery, cars, ships, aircraft, etc.), including new and used.
  • - Real estate leasing (buildings, structures).

According to the degree of recoupment of property, leasing is divided into:

  • - Leasing with full payback (or close to full), when during the term of the leasing agreement there is full or close to full depreciation of the property and, accordingly, payment to the lessor of the value of the property.
  • - Leasing with incomplete payback, in which, during the validity of one leasing agreement, partial depreciation of the property occurs and only part of it is paid off.

A special type of relationship arising in connection with the assignment of rights to use the leased asset to a third party is subleasing.

Subleasing is a type of sublease of a leased asset, in which the lessee under a leasing agreement transfers to third parties (lessees under a subleasing agreement) for possession and use for a fee and for a period in accordance with the terms of the subleasing agreement, the property previously received from the lessor under the leasing agreement and constituting the subject leasing When transferring property into subleasing, the right of claim against the seller passes to the lessee under a subleasing agreement.

When transferring the leased asset for subleasing, the consent of the lessor in writing must be required.

The lessor's consent to sublease extends to the period from the moment of consent until the expiration of the leasing period provided for in the agreement. Therefore, it is possible to conclude several sublease agreements, provided that the last of them does not extend beyond the duration of the main leasing agreement. It should be kept in mind: if the lessor has agreed to sublease and has not specified a deadline, the lessee has the right to renew the sublease agreement within the leasing period without obtaining additional permission from the lessor.

Since the relations arising from the sublease agreement are regulated by the rules on the lease agreement, as well as special rules on the leasing agreement, the invalidity of the leasing agreement entails the invalidity of the sublease agreement. Early termination of a leasing agreement entails termination of the sublease agreement concluded in accordance with it. At the same time, in this case, the subtenant has the right to conclude a lease agreement with the lessor for the leased property that was in its use in accordance with the sublease agreement, within the remaining term of the sublease on the terms corresponding to the terms of the terminated sublease agreement.

From the considered variety of leasing agreements, it becomes obvious how multifaceted and complex leasing relationships are, which predetermines the possibilities of using leasing, taking into account the characteristics and needs of a particular enterprise.

The classification of rental and leasing has received justification both in foreign and domestic theory and practice. This classification is based on the description of leasing made in the works recent years. In order to summarize the material and take into account recent changes, this classification has been compiled. As in previous classifications, the basis will be “rent” and “leasing”. When determining the types of leasing, we will proceed from the classification criteria. With the continuous division of some types (species concepts) of the classified object into subclasses, as well as in the main classification, for each subclass I will indicate the characteristics of the classification. The volume of classification members (species concepts) in each class and (or) subclass is exactly equal to the volume of the class classified according to the corresponding attribute. Each species (species concept) is indicated in only one class (subclass). Members of the classification based on one characteristic are mutually exclusive. Classifications on different grounds were applied to the same class of phenomena. The general principle of constructing the classification is presented in Scheme 1.

Lease relationships are classified according to content (diagram 2 (a) ):

Operating lease- implying the transfer of reusable property for use for a period of time significantly shorter than its service life. It is characterized by a short contract duration and incomplete depreciation of equipment.

Contract hire- mixed type of lease, combining elements of long-term and operating lease. In a contract hire, the leased asset is returned to the owner at the end of the agreed hire period, which is typically shorter than the service life of the asset.

Rent with subsequent purchase- a type of lease that involves the purchase by the tenant of the property at the end of the lease term. Rent with subsequent purchase can be long-term or short-term.

Financial lease (leasing)- characterized by a long contract term and depreciation of all or most of the cost of the leased property. In fact, a finance lease is a form of long-term purchase financing. Upon expiration of the financial lease, the lessee can return the leased asset, extend the agreement or enter into a new one, or purchase the leased asset at its residual value. In practice, due to the use of accelerated depreciation and the resulting large difference between the residual value of the leased property on the balance sheet and its real (market) price, the amount paid by the lessee at the end of the financial lease term can be very significant.

The leasing classification contains 14 main classification features, some of which have subclasses ( scheme 2 (b) ).

It is advisable to classify leasing according to the following criteria: by composition of participants, by type of leased assets, by degree of payback, by depreciation conditions, by volume of service, by market sector, by purpose, by organizational forms of management, by payments, by intentions of participants, by method financing, by the degree of recoupment, by duration, by the nature of interaction between participants and by accounting.

Based on the method of financing, the following types of leasing are distinguished (diagram 2 (c) ):

    Leasing financed from the lessor's own funds.

    Leasing financed by borrowed funds (investor funds).

    A split-financed lease that is partially financed by the lessor.

Leasing is distinguished by the volume of servicing of the property leased (scheme 2 (d) ):

    Net leasing, if all maintenance of the leased property is assumed by the lessee.

    Full service leasing when the lessor is entrusted with full maintenance of the leased property.

    Leasing with a partial set of services, when the lessor is assigned only certain functions for maintaining the property.

Leasing is differentiated by duration (fromChema 2 (e) ):

    Short leasing for up to 1 year.

    Medium term leasing, for a period of 1 to 3 years.

    Long term leasing for a period of more than 3 years.

Leasing is classified according to its intended purpose (scheme 2 (f) ):

    Valid leasing

    Fictitious leasing The goal is to obtain greater profits through tax and depreciation benefits.

Leasing operations are distinguished depending on depreciation conditions (scheme 2 (g) ):

    Leasing with full depreciation and, accordingly, with payment of the full cost of the leased object.

    Leasing with incomplete depreciation, and, consequently, with incomplete payment of the cost of the leased property by the tenant.

Leasing is differentiated according to the degree of recoupment (scheme 2 (h) ):

    Leasing with full payback, in which during the term of one contract the full payment to the lessor of the value of the leased property occurs.

    Leasing with incomplete payback when during the leasing period only part of the leased property is paid off.

Leasing is classified according to the nature of interaction between participants (scheme 2 (i) ):

    Classical leasing is a tripartite leasing operation (supplier - lessor - lessee).

    Returnable leasing When leasing back, faced with the problem of a lack of financial assets, the lessee can transfer fixed assets into the ownership of the lessor with their subsequent lease. In this case, the lessee returns part of the funds previously spent on the purchase of capital goods and at the same time continues to use them, while paying the appropriate rent, which includes the cost of the leasing operation and part of the tax benefits received during it.

    Subleasing, in which a large (share by value) of the leased asset is leased from a third party (investor).

Leasing is distinguished according to the intentions of the participants (scheme 2 (j) ):

    Urgent leasing - one-time (for one term) leasing.

    Renewable leasing - renewable after the first term of the contract.

Leasing is distinguished by the composition of its participants (scheme 2 (k) ):

    Direct leasing, in which the owner of the property independently leases it. Direct leasing can only be bilateral and is organized by two participants: the lessor and the tenant, however, in most cases, leasing operations are multilateral relationships.

    Indirect leasing - when in addition to the lessor and the lessee, other economic entities participate in the leasing operation. Indirect leasing can be classified as:

    • trilateral leasing; A classic, tripartite leasing operation (supplier - lessor - lessee) is represented as the transfer of the leased asset to the lessee through an intermediary - the lessor. Therefore, there are three main participants: the lessor, the lessee and the seller of the leased assets. The lessor purchases the leased asset and leases it to the lessee. The organization of the leasing operation is, to a greater extent, subordinate to the implementation of the actions of the lessor. At the same time, the seller sells to the lessor the assets that the lessee receives from the lessor for rent.

      multilateral leasing - with the number of participants from 4 to 7 or more (leasing with the participation of external investors, subtenants, etc.) In multilateral leasing there are secondary participants servicing the leasing relationship: a bank that provides credit for the acquisition of leased items by the lessor and services the leasing operation; an insurance company that insures rental property; "external investors" financing leasing; intermediaries (including financial ones) providing additional services in the preparation and conduct of leasing operations. All of them ensure stability in the preparation and conduct of leasing operations.

Leasing is classified according to organizational forms of management (scheme 2 (l) ):

Depending on the composition of leasing participants, they are divided into:

    Direct leasing management.

    Indirect leasing management.

Depending on the number of managed participants, similar to the classification by the number of participants, there are:

    in direct leasing: management of two-way leasing only;

    in indirect leasing: management of tripartite leasing; management of multilateral lysine.

In addition, depending on the composition of leasing participants and the number of participants managed in leasing, forms of leasing management can be classified according to management organizers:

    in direct leasing:

    for two-way leasing (lessors only): financial leasing company; trade organization; rental corporation; wholesale distribution company. enterprise (firm);

in indirect leasing:

  • for tripartite leasing (lessors only): commercial bank; other financial and credit institution (not a bank); financial leasing company; specialized leasing company;

    for multilateral leasing (lessors and other participants): brokerage leasing company; trust corporation; financial institutions financing the transaction.

Leasing is distinguished by payments (scheme 2 (m) ):

All payments made during the leasing operation can be divided into actual leasing payments and non-leasing (minor) payments. Leasing payments are payments made by the tenant to the lessor for the leased property. All leasing payments can be classified according to 4 criteria.

    By form of payment:

    monetary payments when payments are made using cash, compensation payments when payments are made either in goods or by providing a counter service to the lessor;

    mixed payments when, along with cash payments, payments in goods or services are allowed.

Depending on the method used for calculating lease payments, the following are distinguished:

  • payments with financed total amount. The rent in this case includes depreciation charges from the cost of the leased equipment, fees for the use of borrowed funds, the amount of commission to the lessor for organizing the leasing operation and fees for additional services provided by him related to technical maintenance subject of leasing;

    payments with advance (deposit) when the lessee first provides the lessor with an advance, before or at the time of signing the leasing agreement, in the established amount, and then, after signing the act of acceptance and transfer of the leased asset into operation, pays through periodic contributions in favor of the lessor, total amount leasing payment minus the amount of the advance (deposit);

    minimum leasing payments representing the sum of all lease payments that the Lessee must make for the entire leasing period, as well as the amount that he must pay if he intends to acquire ownership after the end of the leasing period;

    uncertain payments, the calculation of which is based on a certain level of the interest rate established in the agreement, determined on some basis. The calculations may be based on the refinancing rate, the amount of profit received from the sale of products produced on leased equipment, the interest rate on the loan associated with the leasing, and other parameters.

According to the frequency of payments there are:

  • periodic payments(annual, quarterly, monthly), paid according to the schedule agreed by the parties, which is attached to the leasing agreement;

    one-time payments, used in combination with periodic installments, if an advance payment to the lessor is provided.

According to the method of payment of leasing payments, they are distinguished:

  • equal payments, providing for payments of the same size by the tenant to the lessor throughout the entire period of the leasing operation;

    increasing payments, used mainly by lessors, with stable financial situation when at the initial stage of leasing it is more convenient for the lessee to pay rent in small installments, and then, as the equipment is mastered and the rate of production of products produced on it increases, increase the size of one-time commissions throughout the entire leasing operation;

    decreasing payments(accelerated payments), used by tenants with a strong financial position, when the tenant chooses to pay off most of its debt during the initial period of the lease. Taking into account financial condition and the payment capabilities of the lessee, the agreement may establish various methods of paying lease payments.

Leasing is distinguished by the market sectors where it is carried out (scheme 2 (n) ):

    Interior leasing, when all participants in the leasing operation are residents of the same country.

    External (international) leasing TO international leasing include those transactions in which at least one of its participants is not a resident of the country in which the leasing operation is carried out, or all leasing participants represent different countries. This type of leasing also includes operations carried out by lessors and tenants of the same country, if at least one of the parties operates with joint capital with foreign partners. External leasing, in turn, is divided into: export leasing; in case of export leasing, the foreign party is the lessee and the equipment intended for leasing is exported from the country under the terms of the export contract;

    import leasing; in case of import leasing, the foreign party is the lessor, and the equipment is supplied to the lessee’s country under the terms of the import contract;

    transit leasing, in which all participants are located in different countries.

Leasing is distinguished by the type of leased assets (scheme 2 (o) ):

    Leasing of physical (real) assets, which includes:

    1. leasing of movable property (machine and technical leasing);

      leasing of real estate (long-term lease of buildings and structures) in which, regarding the types of real estate, the following are distinguished:

    leasing of real estate for industrial purposes;

    leasing of real estate for non-production purposes.

In accounting, leasing is divided into financial and operational.

According to the composition of the participants in the transaction

  • indirect

    • trilateral


By property type

    real estate leasing

    movable leasing

By degree of payback

    with full payback

    with incomplete payback

According to depreciation terms

    with full depreciation

    with incomplete depreciation

By volume of service

  • with a full range of services

    with an incomplete range of services

By market sector


    • import


In relation to tax and depreciation benefits



By the nature of the lease payment



    The essence of leasing

    Definition 1

    The concept of leasing comes from English language and denotes the process of leasing property. Leasing operations are a type of investment operations through which legal entity can update its fixed assets, and an individual can purchase expensive property.

    The main subject of a leasing transaction is the lessor, who acquires movable or immovable property for his own or borrowed funds and transfers it as a leased asset to the recipient for temporary possession and use.

    The lessee is obliged to make timely payments for the use of the property. He is the party that undertakes to accept for temporary use on a fee basis real estate, equipment or means of transport, which may be the subject of the agreement.

    The seller, as a rule, is the equipment manufacturer, vehicle or another enterprise that sells its products to the lessor, which then becomes the subject of leasing. In accordance with the Legislation, investment transactions can be carried out by both citizens of the Russian Federation and non-residents.

    Qualification criteria

    All signs of leasing are usually divided into two main subgroups:

    • organizational and legal, which include the format of the transaction, volumes of services, parties to the agreement, duration of contracts, market segments, rules of assignment in the field of rights and obligations;
    • financial and economic, including the conditions that regulate the size of the transaction, methods of providing financing, payment schedules, depreciation regimes for contract items, and other requirements of the financial side of the transaction.

    In accordance with the presence or absence, as well as the combination of these signs during the implementation of the transaction, investment leases are classified into very large number types.

    Types of leasing and their characteristics


      In progress operational leasing, the objects of the transaction are:

      • Specific vehicles (road, construction, repair equipment),
      • equipment used for one-time or seasonal work,
      • equipment that quickly becomes obsolete.
    1. Financial

    Financial leasing is considered the most popular type of leasing, which involves the transfer of property for rent with the subsequent transfer of ownership to the lessee.

    Note 1

    In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the lessor uses the object of the transaction, for which he is obliged to pay periodic fees to the lessor. If the entire cost of the subject of the contract is paid, then ownership passes to the lessee. Basically, the duration of the agreement coincides with the useful life of the objects of the agreements, during which their cost can be fully depreciated.

    Signs of leasing by type of transaction are the number of participants and the method of its implementation.

    Leaseback, the peculiarity of which is that the seller of the property and the lessee are the same person. The operation itself occurs in this way: the owner of the property sells it to the lessor, who subsequently leases it back to the seller.

    As a result, only the owner of the property will actually change, and the user will be the same.

    Credit leasing (indirect), a sign of which is that there are intermediaries in its implementation. Intermediaries are looking for clients, and only they can lease products.

    Today, the Russian market includes more than a thousand, both private and state-owned enterprises. Often their owners experience financial difficulties that do not allow them to timely expand the technological base or implement other measures to develop production.

    An alternative has been found; a multifunctional financial instrument - leasing - has become available in our country. What are the specifics of leasing services and how beneficial is the conclusion of leasing agreements for its parties?


    Leasing is a broad complex of both property and economic relationships that arise through the acquisition of property by a leasing organization and its subsequent transfer to the lessee.

    It is worth noting that the object of a leasing agreement can be any property, both movable and immovable, with the exception of those objects that are prohibited from being in free circulation on the market.

    As for the subjects of the leasing agreement, as a rule, the transaction has four main participants.

    Among them are the following:

    • Lessor is a legal entity that acquires property to transfer it for use to other persons.
    • Lessee - acts as a lessee of the property of the leasing organization.
    • Supplier or seller is the person who sells the property that the leasing organization acquires for the leasing agreement.
    • Insurance company - leasing transactions subject to insurance. As a rule, the insurance company is a permanent partner of the leasing organization or lessee.


    A leasing agreement is a civil law agreement, according to which the leasing organization leases property to the lessee, which the latter undertakes to accept.

    , in accordance with established standards, must contain the following information:

    • Description of the leased property and conditions of its operation.
    • The date the agreement was signed and the duration of the transaction.
    • The cost of leased property and related services, for example, transportation of property.
    • Data clarifying the tenant’s ability to purchase the subject of the contract.
    • Rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement.
    • Clarification of force majeure circumstances that pose a potential threat to the implementation of the terms of the transaction.

    Thus, the leasing agreement includes many fundamentally important subtleties. To obtain the correct sample agreement, please follow the following link.

    Signs of leasing

    Leasing is one of the most unique financial instruments, which includes the properties of lending and leasing.

    Among characteristic features leasing can be distinguished as follows:

    • Regardless of the signing of the leasing agreement, the sole owner of the property remains the lessor, and the lessee acts as a temporary user of the leased asset.
    • The leasing organization makes the purchase not for its own use, but directly to transfer the property for the use of the lessee.
    • The right to choose the leased property is given to the lessee. For this reason, the leasing organization, when purchasing the subject of the contract, must be guided by its wishes.
    • The lessor charges a set amount of money from the lessee for the opportunity to operate the subject of the leasing agreement. The lessee has the right to purchase the property at the end of the transaction period.
    • The supplier of the subject of the leasing agreement must be aware that the property purchased by the leasing organization is intended for use by the lessee.
    • To minimize time costs, the property is delivered directly to the lessee, bypassing the leasing organization.
    • The lessee of the property, in the event of any defects, makes claims not to the leasing organization, but to the supplier of the product, who is responsible for its quality.

    Visible: Advantages and Disadvantages


    Today, experts in the field of leasing services identify several main forms of financial transactions. This variability allows parties to the agreement to choose the most profitable form of transaction.


    Financial leasing is one of the most popular forms of transactions in the domestic space. The transaction involves the participation of three parties: leasing company, tenant and property provider.

    According to the terms of the agreement, the lessor buys leased property from the supplier and transfers it to the lessee for a long-term lease. The lessee, in turn, has the opportunity to purchase the subject of the contract from the leasing company.


    Operating leasing, unlike financial leasing, is characterized by short duration. In addition, the lessee cannot purchase the leased property upon completion of the transaction; he must return it to the leasing company.

    As practice shows, this type of transaction is rare in the Russian Federation. This is due to imperfection Legislative framework regarding the terms of operating leasing.


    Leaseback is one of the most interesting forms of transaction. In the process of concluding an agreement, one person simultaneously acts as the lessee and the seller.

    This form of leasing is relevant for those owners of enterprises who do not have enough money to maintain equipment. Thus, the owner of the equipment sells it to a leasing company, after which he enters into a leasing agreement with it, purchasing the sold property for rent.

    International leasing

    International leasing can be divided into two types.

    • The first involves concluding a deal between representatives of different countries.
    • The second type is that residents of one country use foreign capital to implement the agreement.


    Leasing is characterized by versatility. Before concluding a transaction, potential lessees should familiarize themselves with various types leasing services.

    The first typology subdivides leasing depending on the composition of its participants .

    The classification includes the following types of leasing:

    • Direct – the service provider independently leases out the leased property. In accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation, the leasing organization must necessarily act as a party to the transaction, for this reason such agreements are prohibited.
    • Indirect is the main form of transactions in the domestic space. Involves the transfer of the subject of the contract through an intermediary - a leasing company.
    • Separate is the most complex form of leasing. Several suppliers, lessors, and also involve cash banking institutions.

    Based on the type of property being leased, we can distinguish between leasing of movable and immovable property.

    Based on the nature of leasing payments, it is customary to distinguish the following types of leasing:

    • cash – the tenant contributes money;
    • compensatory – the lessee pays for the lease through the services or products of the enterprise;
    • mixed - involves the use of the two previous subspecies.

    Depending on the degree of recoupment of the subject of the contract, it is advisable to distinguish the following subtypes::

    • Full payback - during the contract, the property is fully depreciated and, accordingly, the tenant pays its full cost.
    • Partial recoupment - the contract is characterized by short duration, the lessee pays only part of the depreciation of the subject of the contract.

    Pros and cons

    Leasing is one of the most profitable forms of financial transactions. It is noteworthy that the agreement involves the creation optimal conditions cooperation for all its parties.

    Among the advantages of a leasing agreement are the following::

    • Financial assistance. Leasing allows enterprise owners to improve production conditions through the acquisition of equipment and other additional resources.
    • Practicality. When concluding a lease, there is no need to pay for the service in one payment; the tenant pays the lessor for the duration of the contract.
    • Saving. Leasing allows parties to the transaction to reduce the amount of taxes they pay. In addition, the tenant can take part in government preferential leasing programs.
    • Reliability. The leasing agreement contains detailed terms of cooperation between the parties to the transaction. Moreover, the agreement is regulated by the powerful legal framework of the Russian Federation.
    • Loyal attitude. Leasing organizations, when checking a potential tenant, make more loyal demands, unlike banking structures.

    Undoubtedly, when talking about a leasing agreement, some disadvantages can be identified. First of all, the tenant will have to collect a substantial package of documents for proper registration transactions.

    Also, a significant disadvantage of leasing is the mandatory payments. The tenant must pay the cost of the subject of the contract and the service on time, regardless of the income of his enterprise. Otherwise, the property will be prematurely returned to the lessor.

    Thus, the leasing arrangement represents an alternative solution for owners own production in need of financial assistance. The lessor gets the opportunity not only to improve the functioning of his enterprise, but also to sign an agreement with flexible terms.

    Leasing is a financial service that is the rental of equipment, transport or real estate with the possibility of further purchase. This is a unique form of lending that allows organizations to update fixed assets, and individuals- purchase expensive goods.

    Basic concepts of leasing and its types

    It is important to understand the nature and types of leasing. Among the main concepts are:

    • - subject of leasing - movable and immovable property that is leased (this does not include land plots, natural objects and property owned by the state or those for which there are restrictions on circulation) and belongs to the lessor;
    • – lessor – the owner of the leased asset, who leases it for a certain fee;
    • – lessee – an individual or legal entity who takes the leased asset for use under specific conditions with mandatory monthly payment and the possibility of subsequent repurchase.

    There is such a classification of leasing types:

    • Financial. At the end of the contract, the lessee (tenant) has the right to buy the object. Its residual value is quite low, since depreciation is taken into account over a long period of use. In some cases, the object becomes the property of the lessee even without additional payment;
    • Operational. Often called operating room. This type of leasing does not provide for the subsequent repurchase of the property, and the contract term is much shorter. At the end of the contract, the property can be re-rented. The rate is higher compared to financial leasing;
    • Returnable. Very rare. The seller of the property is also its lessee. This is a special form of loan secured by your own production assets. At the same time, the legal entity also receives an economic benefit due to tax simplification.

    Highlight different types financial leasing depending on the terms of the agreement:

    • With full payback. The object is fully paid for during the term of the contract;
    • With incomplete payback. The facility is only partially paid for during the contract period.

    You can find out how to lease a car by reading the article:
    You may be interested in the conditions for purchasing trucks on lease:
    The benefits that a car leasing program provides an entrepreneur are described

    Basic forms of leasing.

    There are also specific types of leasing agreements, called forms:

    • Clean. All expenses are borne by the lessor;
    • Partial. The lessor bears only the costs of maintaining the property;
    • Full. All expenses are borne by the lessee;
    • Urgent. One-time rental of objects;
    • Renewable. Possibility of repeated rental period upon expiration of the first contract;
    • General. Possibility of renting additional equipment without concluding a new contract;
    • Direct. The owner of the property independently leases it;
    • Indirect. The property is transferred through an intermediary;
    • Separated. Several manufacturing companies, lessors, banks and insurers participate in leasing;
    • Interior. Within the borders of one country. International or external. One of the participants is in another country.

    Watch the video: Money. Leasing. Business Center – Conversation PRO

    Leasing as a type of investment activity.

    You can consider leasing, the types and advantages of which were described above, as an investment activity. After all, this is a kind of investment by the lessor of its own available funds in the development and economy of the lessee.

    A leasing company can purchase equipment and lease it under certain conditions. Such investments are always profitable because they pay off and protect the investor from the depreciation of free currency.

    Taking into account the types of leasing, the scheme should be developed depending on the interests of the investor. To get more profit, you can rent out equipment without a further right to buy it out (operational leasing).

    If the goal is to sell property and purchase a new one, then in such a situation it is better to choose financial leasing.

    The lessee's investments in transport and equipment taken for use are also investments. An individual or legal entity invests available funds in objects that can be used for personal or industrial purposes.

    This way you can earn money, replenish your vehicle fleet and protect yourself from inflation. Such capital injections are always profitable.