Do-it-yourself stone fence: step-by-step process with explanations of how to make a fence. Reliable fence made of stone with your own hands How to make a fence from cobblestones

You have purchased or received ownership of a plot of land. The first thing any owner does, even before building a house, is to build at least a symbolic, and more often, a solid and high fence to mark the territory and hide from prying eyes. It’s good if your plot or house is in a village where good neighborly relations are still preserved. And if you have settled in a new holiday village, where no one knows anyone yet and there are a lot of work crews of unknown origin around, then a high fence is the only guarantee of your safety. But in this case, its cost can be compared with the costs of the house itself.

There is a theory that a fence is an expression of the character of its owner. An open fence is as different from a three-meter brick bastion as a gullible extrovert is from a pragmatic unsociable person.

There is a third point: the attitude towards the owner that has developed over centuries according to the height of his fence. If the fence is high and impenetrable, then either you are a good, zealous owner, or you have something to hide.

The stone fence is traditional. It will block the path of an intruder better than any other fence, it is beautiful and looks dignified. It's not difficult to do, the rules are simple. The main thing is to choose the right stone, location, height, and style of fence. If you choose a stone fence, then the decision is clear.

Advantages and disadvantages of using stone for fencing construction


This is a natural, environmentally friendly material, it looks expensive and beautiful. It fits organically into almost any landscape and is combined with any design of the house and adjacent buildings. It is practically eternal and absolutely fireproof. You can build a fence of any reasonable (and unreasonable) height from stone - as long as the foundation is strong and thick enough. The selected stone can be combined with forging, wood, or other stone.


This type of fence is very expensive and requires the help of professionals or your extensive training. Any fence made of stone, regardless of the type of stone chosen, requires a serious foundation. The stone may require additional processing (cutting, grinding) on ​​site, and hydrophobization.

A few simple design rules

  • A fence is part of the landscape or landscape that surrounds your home. It should be in harmony with the house, flowers, trees, garden furniture, design of reservoirs. If you have - designer house, then the same design solution must have both a main fence and small house fences.
  • It is advisable to choose a type of stone that is typical for the area where your house is located. Firstly, logistics will be simpler and cheaper. Secondly, there are probably many buildings in the area made of the same stone, and your fence will look organic.
  • It is believed that in color scheme both the house and the fence should not have more than three colors.
  • High opaque fences are good if the house is located in a crowded place or near the road. The height should be such that only the first floor of your house is not visible.
  • There should be a single style solution for the roof of your house - both for the canopy of the gate and the roof (drip) of the fence.
  • A wicket and gate are a very important accent in a fence. They must also fit into the unified style of the estate.
  • Greenery planted inside and outside the fence will decorate it and visually lighten the structure. For stone fence good ivy or tall plants, climbing roses or rose hips.
  • Inside, along the perimeter of the site, it is good to design a walking path along the fence, planting it with flowers and bushes.
  • If the area is large and the path is long, it is good to place gazebos or benches there.

Types and selection of stone

There are a lot of varieties of stone fences: river stone, sandstone, shell rock, granite, dolomite, and even pebbles in a wire mesh frame. There are also fences that are combinations different options - different types stones in one fence, stone with wood in any combination, stone with metal corrugated sheets, stone with forged or mesh inserts, and so on.

  1. Boulders, cobblestones. Such a fence will be relatively inexpensive. Large boulders and cobblestones are placed on large number solution. They are usually yellow-gray in color and round. This fence will fit perfectly into any territory design. They happily take root on such fences climbing plants and moss, which is very beautiful. In addition, boulder stone can be used for landscape design - to build alpine coaster for flowers, pave paths with them, line the banks of reservoirs. And then your site will be designed in a single artistic style.
  2. Pebbles, which have a flat round or oval shape, due to their smaller sizes (from 1 to 15 centimeters in diameter), are more often used in gabion meshes. This is a completely budget option for a stone fence - but not very beautiful. If you try hard, you can lay pebbles on the solution in the form of a fence, having first built the formwork. Or line a fence with brick or other stone.
  3. Gravel is a fine-grained rock. Also used in gabion mesh and fences made of concrete pouring. It is always included in the mortar for any foundation of a stone fence, and before pouring the foundation, it is filled up and compacted into the foundation pit.
  4. Marble is the most expensive material for fence construction. Therefore, you will not see a marble fence anywhere, but you will see marble cladding on a fence built from another stone. Although this is also very expensive. Smooth, so it is poorly fixed with mortar when laying.
  5. Dolomite is similar to marble, but not with such pronounced color and pattern. It is much cheaper, but also much more hygroscopic than marble, so before installation it requires pre-treatment with special compounds, which is called hydrophobization. It also has a non-porous, smooth surface. Dolomite fences are very beautiful.
  6. Granite is solidified magma. Most durable material among stones for construction, frost-resistant and heat-resistant. But it is also very expensive, therefore, like marble, it is often used for cladding fences. It comes in black, brown, gray and dark red.
  7. Sandstone is also heat-resistant and quite durable. In terms of strength, it is much inferior to marble and granite. It is easy to cut and process, so it is usually sold in the form of parallelepipeds of the correct shape. Its colors are yellow, gray-green, and the color of burnt clay. Also requires hydrophobization.
  8. Travertine is calcareous tuff. Very beautiful, used for construction and cladding. It is close in properties and appearance to sandstone, but better in properties.
  9. Limestone, also known as shell rock. Formed by the remains of marine organisms, the imprints of shells or the shells themselves are clearly visible on the cut. Cuts like limestone. Poorly resistant to temperature changes and moisture, also requires hydrophobization. More often it is used not for construction, but for finishing.
  10. Rubble stone. Natural stone of volcanic origin of irregular shape, widespread and mined near Rostov. One of the most popular materials: beautiful, reliable, adheres well to any solution. Rubble is divided into three types according to its shape: sawn, or flagstone, a polygonal flat stone from 1 to 7 centimeters thick with a rough surface; and torn stone - not flat, but voluminous, with a thickness of more than 7 centimeters.
  11. Artificial stone. There are several types. Porcelain tiles are produced by vibration pressing of clay with the addition of paint and stone filler. It is then fired in muffle furnaces. It can be glossy, matte, embossed and glazed, and practically does not differ in appearance from natural stone, but is much cheaper.

    The agglomerate is made from polyester resin with a stone filler. Visually no different from natural, but much lighter and cheaper.

    Artificial concrete stone is made from concrete with filler. The cheapest and not very high quality looking artificial stone.

  12. Pergon or gabion. This French word means “stones in a mesh” - a structure made of metal mesh filled with stones. Stones can be of any type, but more often relatively small ones are used for this purpose. Pergons are ready-made module boxes made of mesh with stones; the fence is simply assembled, like a construction set, using a truck crane. The gabion is installed on site to the entire required length of the fence.

Photo gallery: combination of different types of stone and other materials in fences

Stone fence with forged inserts Sawn limestone fence with palisade Stone fence with wooden shields Fence made of dolomite, pebbles and cobblestones Rubble fence with forged inserts Rubble fence with bricks Dolomite fence with plastered and painted insert Gabion fence with empty strip planted with greenery Rubble fence with boards Stone fence with Italian plaster insert Gabion fence with channeled mesh Booth and dolomite Stylization to resemble an English fence Cobblestone, brick, picket fence Rubble stone with corrugated sheeting

How to make a stone fence with your own hands


Reference consumption of materials per 1 cubic meter of stone masonry

Approximate consumption of stone per cubic meter of fence depending on the type of masonry

The approximate ratio of the amount of stone and mortar depending on the density of laying when laying without gravel backfill.

The approximate ratio of the amount of stone, gravel (or fuel slag for backfilling) and mortar, depending on the packing density when laying with gravel backfill.



Construction stages

  1. We mark the area with twine and pegs.
  2. Digging a trench under strip foundation. There is a rule: the width of the pit is 15 centimeters greater than the thickness of the future fence; its depth is 70–80 centimeters for a fence up to two meters high. If the fence is higher, then the trench is made deeper: 10 centimeters for each extra meter of height.
  3. We determine the location of the support pillars; they should stand every 2.5–3 meters. Without such pillars, the structure will be much less durable. Concrete pillars are filled on their own.

    But there is an alternative - ready-made concrete block supports. In such hollow pillars you can place electrical wires for lighting the fence.

A stone fence is the personification of reliability, because this material can withstand loads well and last for decades. But since blind fencing structures made from it look rough and massive, most consumers prefer combined fences. In this case, pillars are constructed from stone, and the spans are filled with other material (corrugated sheeting, picket fence, forging).

By origin, the material for the construction of supports can be natural or artificial. For the construction of pillars from natural stone applies:

  • cobblestone - a rounded material of red-brown color, which is broken in half to obtain a flat surface;
  • dolomite is a grayish-white or yellow-brown mineral with strength, durability, resistance to temperature changes, and visual attractiveness;
  • limestone is a sedimentary material that can be easily processed, but is capable of absorbing moisture. To eliminate this drawback, it is coated with a special water repellent. There are several types of limestone (marble, bryozoan, shell), differing in color and structure;
  • pebbles - small, smooth, rounded sea stones. They are used in the construction of foundations, to fill the cavity of the column, but are not used to form the support itself due to their size;
  • sandstone - durable, water- and cold-resistant sedimentary rock. It can be chipped, hewn, polished, which allows you to experiment with the appearance of the fence;
  • rubble - a rock derived from sandstone, dolomite, limestone, represented by rough irregularly shaped boulders with a diameter of 15-50 cm. Rubble stone pillars are erected by analogy with brick ones, but due to the unevenness of the raw material they require bandaging every 30 cm;
  • granite is a hard mineral of volcanic origin with high strength and aesthetic properties. Supplied in slab form.

Note: natural raw materials for the construction of fence supports can be both expensive and cheap. Some of its varieties (such as cobblestones, pebbles) can be found in nature on their own, but for granite you will have to pay a considerable amount.

Often, for the construction of racks, artificial raw materials are used that imitate natural ones. So in specialized stores you can find tiles imitating wild stone, slate, granite, pebbles, sandstone.

Masonry options

Raw materials natural origin does not have the same size and shape, so it is impossible to work with it according to a template. Depending on the type of material, fence posts made of natural stone can be made in the following way:

  • wild - minerals are placed in random order, joining them as closely as possible, so that the pattern is harmonious;
  • planked - the rock is hewn, giving each element the shape of a brick. This makes it possible to obtain an almost flat surface of the supports and facilitate their installation;
  • horizontal - the masonry of pillars is carried out in horizontal rows. Layered flat rocks are ideal for this;
  • vertical - installation of stones is carried out similarly to the previous method, only they are laid perpendicular to the ground;
  • rubble - the shape of the rack is determined by formwork, which is filled tightly with stone and then filled with cement;
  • facing - the base of the support is made of brick or concrete, and then it is lined with flat rock of the same thickness.

Features of the construction of stone supports

Becausefence with stone pillarsIt is quite heavy and requires a foundation to be laid under it. The most suitable would be a reinforced strip base with a depth of 0.8-1.2 m. Optimal width spans - 2-2.5 m. In the places where the supports are installed, so-called concrete cups are installed with metal pipes inside and a vertical reinforcement frame brought out (for greater strength of the structure and adhesion of its elements).

Masonry using formwork

The use of sliding formwork allows you to quickly and conveniently erect pillars from natural stone. It consists of a box made of boards, the internal dimensions of which correspond to the desired dimensions of the pillar.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make pillars using formwork:

  1. The formwork is stopped so that the steel rod coming out of the foundation is located in its center.
  2. Corners are welded to the pipe, to which the gate will subsequently be attached, as well as horizontal fence logs.
  3. The first row of stones is tightly placed in the formwork box, placing them with minimal gaps.
  4. The first row is poured with concrete so that it fills all the cracks.
  5. Subsequent layers are formed in a similar way until the box is completely filled.
  6. When the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed and the pillar continues to be built in height, moving the formwork to the desired level.

Attention: when carrying out masonry using this method, it is necessary to ensure the evenness of the supports and immediately wipe the seams and remove dirt, since after the mortar has dried, this will not be possible.

Features of erecting supports without formwork

How to lay stone pillars without using formwork? To do this, it is necessary to surround the rock metal base racks, mounting it on thick cement mortar. At the same time, the rod provides fastenings for horizontal fence jumpers, which are installed at the level of the third row and in the middle.

The voids formed inside the rack are filled with concrete with the addition of fine crushed stone. Larger minerals are used to line the lower part of the support, and smaller minerals are used to line the upper part.

Please note: no more than 2 rows can be formed at a time, otherwise the masonry may deform under the weight of the rock. When the solution has set, begin laying out subsequent rows. The seams are rubbed down immediately using a wet rag.

After opening the seams, caps are installed on the pillars to prevent precipitation from getting inside the support and destroying it.

Stone cladding of supports

If thin flat minerals are used as raw materials, artificial tiles, then they are laid similarly to tiles on pre-constructed brick or concrete pillars.

Facing pillars with stone of natural or artificial origin begins with preparing the surface. Concrete or brick supports are cleaned of dust, dirt, and primed. A reinforcing mesh is attached to them and plastering is carried out. This will level the surface of the racks and further protect them from negative influences environment.

How to cover a pillar with decorative stone? To do this, apply a small amount of mortar to the tile and then glue it to the plane of the counter, pressing lightly. Finishing begins from the bottom of the support and is carried out while maintaining gaps between the elements of 1-2 cm. If necessary, the tiles are cut to the required size.

Upon completion of the work, the seams are rubbed down, the surface of the supports is cleaned of dirt, glue smudges, and covered protective composition. The last thing to do is install the covers on the fence posts.

A heavy-duty, reliable, respectable fence will not only serve to protect the site, but will also emphasize the special status of its owners. A large role in its arrangement is played by self-built stone fence posts, built with one’s own hands. If you show patience and use your imagination, you can build high-quality supports that will support the entire enclosing structure and decorate the area.

A fence around a house or country cottage can be just a beautiful addition to landscape design, and a reliable shelter from prying eyes and outside interference in personal life. The choice of a particular material for construction determines the characteristics of the future fence and its durability. A stone fence has always been considered the most reliable and durable option. If you take a responsible approach to its formation and choice of material, the fence can also become one of the decorations of the site.

Features of stone fences

The construction of fences to protect houses made of stone began several centuries ago. At the same time, even the development of technology and the emergence of new materials did not greatly affect the popularity of this type of fence. There are several reasons for this, and all of them are caused by the characteristics of the barrier.

  1. Durability (the higher the quality of the solution connecting the stones).
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Large selection of materials (fences are made from both natural and artificial stone).
  4. Fire protection without additional treatment.
  5. Versatility in relation to design houses and suburban areas.

How and from what stone you can build a fence

Choosing a fence as the main material for creating a fence natural stone, you can be confident in the strength, reliability and durability of the structure. However, the variety of shapes, colors and types of this raw material can add other positive aspects. That is why, before forming a stone fence, it is necessary to study all the varieties of decorative stone on the market and select the most attractive option, based not only on aesthetic preferences, but also based on objective factors - characteristics groundwater, soil, climate and so on.

Boulders or cobblestones

Cobblestones and boulders are the most budget-friendly options that are used to make a stone fence with your own hands. At the same time, he has main feature materials of their kind - high strength. The most common color of boulder stone is gray, but it is not very attractive. When choosing raw materials, it is recommended to give preference to rounded samples of red-brown shades. Such a cobblestone will give the fence an attractive and original look. appearance. If desired, the samples forming a fence made of decorative natural stone can be leveled by breaking them with a sledgehammer on a chipped flat surface.


Just a few years ago, pebbles and gravel were of little use in the construction of fences. This is due to the small size of the material and the inconvenience of installation. Today it is more common as it is used in gabion mesh. Gravel of large fractions is used for the construction of fences autonomously. Some designs involve a combination of fine and coarse raw materials. In order to achieve maximum strength, gravel is combined with brick.


Dolomite is wear-resistant and reliable material, characterized by high strength characteristics. The construction of stone fences around areas based on it is widespread in suburban villages. Its extraction occurs in mountain mines by blasting rock. This leaves a certain imprint on the properties of the material, making it resistant to mechanical damage. To give dolomite an attractive appearance, it is carefully processed before sale. grinder. With its help, the dimensions and shape of the stone are formed. The surface of the processed dolomite is smooth. If desired, you can select the material in such a way as to form a geometric pattern when laying.


Limestone is one of the most common types of natural stone and is found in several varieties: marble, shell rock, and bryozoan. All types of limestone, due to their natural softness, lend themselves well to processing. Because of this, many “beginner” builders choose this material to practice building a fence. In case of insufficient pre-treatment It is fragile and prone to destruction under the influence of dampness and moisture. To extend its service life, limestone must be treated with a water repellent before constructing the fence.


Fences made of shell rock or Dagestan stone are not very durable. However, treatment with special compounds eliminates this drawback, which, however, is easily compensated for by the affordable cost of the material. Thanks to this, as well as its colorful appearance, a fence made of decorative wild stone is widely used in the construction of houses and fences. Among the advantages of such fencing is moisture and frost resistance.

Rubble stone

The irregular shape of the rubble gives the stone fence an original and unique appearance. It is mined from dolomites, limestones or sandstones. The length of the rib varies from 15 to 50 cm. In some cases, rubble is used exclusively as a cladding for a fence made of another material.

Artificial stone

Artificial materials are increasingly competing with natural ones, largely due to lower prices. At the same time, outwardly finished product difficult to distinguish from natural raw materials. This also applies to fences. When choosing an artificial stone to form a fence, you may encounter three main types of this material:

  • porcelain stoneware - made from clay and special mineral additives;
  • agglomerate - a combination of polyester resin and stone chips, used for cladding;
  • Concrete-based stone is the most common material made from concrete with the addition of various fillers.

Particularly popular in recent years They use fences made of French stone. It is formed from concrete by vibration compaction followed by coating with waterproof compounds.

Advantages and disadvantages of using stone for fencing construction

Before purchasing material and erecting a stone fence, it is recommended to carefully study its strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Long service life, usually exceeding 50 years.
  2. Fences made from natural stone do not harm the environment and do not harm people.
  3. Large assortment and, as a result, a wide price range.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. The attractiveness of the finished fence.
  6. Stone combines naturally and organically with other materials.


The main disadvantage of a stone fence is the need to fill the foundation. At the same time, the higher and more massive the fence, the more solid it should be. Another negative side is the high cost of some varieties. True, if you take on building a fence on your own, you can save a lot.

Combining stones with other materials

The stone fence is attractive in itself. However, adding other materials when designing will give it originality and help distinguish the fence from a number of others.

A fence formed on the basis of wood and stone loses protective functions, but is particularly attractive. This is a classic that fits harmoniously into any landscape. The standard design consists of stone pillars about 2 m high with a concrete cap and wooden sections. Before laying, a foundation is formed, the depth of which must be at least 1 m and the width - 0.5 m. The process of building such a fence is not easy, so it is impossible to do without drawing up a project, the appropriate knowledge and skills.

The advantages of this type of fence are ventilation of the area and lack of shading. Negative side serves the fragility of the wooden part of the fence and, as a consequence, the need for its constant renewal.

The combination of brick and stone is widespread in the formation of fences for dachas and country cottages. This combination is distinguished by its presentability and reliability. The fence has good protection against weather disasters and mechanical damage. In addition, it provides security from outside interference. Today, on sites you can often find fences made of brick and French stone.

To construct such a fence, a foundation is poured, after which the brick pillars and a low base. The formed sections are filled with decorative stone of the selected type. The final design looks expensive and solid.

Gabions, or caged stones, are a new approach to fence formation. They represent metal mesh made of large diameter wire, filled small size crushed stone, pebbles and similar medium- or fine-grained raw materials. The combination of steel and stone results in a durable and reliable design, which does not require special effort in terms of care. The shape of the fence can be arbitrary. Gabion structures are often used as a frame for hedges.

How to make a stone fence

Regardless of what material the fences are constructed from - natural or artificial (for example, French) stone, their construction requires a careful approach.


First of all, you will need basic material for the fence. Rubble or hewn stone can be used in construction. Hewn blocks include blocks of clear sizes and shapes. They are more convenient and easier to lay. Beginners should prefer them. Booth has irregular shape, making the fence look especially attractive and original.

In addition to stone, to form a fence you will need the following tools and raw materials:

  • cement (it is recommended to choose the M300 brand);
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • nails and boards (for formwork);
  • reinforcement (to give rigidity to the foundation);
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 50-80 mm (for laying inside the pillars);
  • concrete mixer or container for manual mixing of mortar;
  • shovel;
  • construction trowel;
  • welding machine(for welding reinforcement together);
  • level and plumb;
  • tape measure, rope and stakes.

Choosing a location and marking the future fence are also part of preparatory stage. Before starting “field” work, you need to draw a fencing diagram indicating the location of support posts, gates and gates, as well as all dimensions, including height (usually 2-2.5 m). The area where construction work will take place is cleared of debris and excess vegetation, leveled, after which the drawing is transferred to the area. Pegs are installed along the perimeter of the fence, between which twine is stretched. This will become the outline of the fence being built.

Construction stages

  1. Formation of the foundation. Since any stone fences are heavy, this step cannot be avoided. The width of the foundation should exceed the width of the fence by about 15 cm, the height of the base is chosen at the discretion of the owner (it is better that it is not lower than 10 cm). The depth of the trench under the base is from 70 to 130 cm (depending on the characteristics of the soil). The bottom of the pit is covered with a sand cushion, which is carefully compacted. To create a foundation, you can use concrete and a reinforcing base or a combination cement mortar and buta. The first option is preferable, since concrete tends to strengthen over time, while rubble is prone to destruction, although the technology for organizing a foundation of this type is simpler. Proceed to the next stage construction work only after the concrete has dried and hardened.
  2. Laying waterproofing. It is carried out in two stages. The first occurs before pouring the foundation and involves placing roofing material around the perimeter of the trench. Both the bottom and the walls need to be treated. After the foundation is poured and completely dry, another layer of roofing material is laid on top of it. These manipulations are performed in order to prevent moisture from entering the structure to avoid its destruction.
  3. Formation of sections. This is the main stage during which stone laying occurs. During the process, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the stone matches each other in size and shape. If necessary, the contours of the cobblestones can be adjusted, but this is a long and labor-intensive operation. Detailed technology masonry depends on the type of material. Laying natural stone differs from using artificial raw materials. Sandstone and cobblestones can be laid using the same technology as bricks, but for rubble, you will probably have to build formwork. General requirement is the primary formation of pillars. Their width should be greater than that of the main spans.
  4. Seam processing. This stage is important for the aesthetic beauty of the fence. If the seams are too deep, the voids between the stones are filled with additional mortar. The excess is removed with a metal brush, which should be used to carefully brush the stones on the fence. Depending on the type of material used, the solution is removed immediately after the row is formed or after complete drying.

Finishing work

As a rule, self-made stone fences have flaws and shortcomings of varying sizes. In some cases this causes an uneven surface. The most common finishing method for hedges is to apply crushed granite over the stone. The finishing process in this case occurs in several stages.

  1. Treating a completely dry fence with a façade primer.
  2. Application of cement mortar with the addition of a plasticizer. Instead of cement, special glue can be used.
  3. Fixing granite chips. For more budget option can be used structural plaster or other flat materials.
  4. Sealing and smoothing seams.
  5. Surface grinding.

Building a secure fence is a labor-intensive process. At the same time, you can make a stone fence with your own hands, even without having preliminary preparation and special skills. If you approach the matter with all responsibility, the result will be an attractive and reliable fence for the site, which will delight the owners for many years.

Making a beautiful, and most importantly, strong and durable fence with your own hands is easy and simple. All you need is desire and knowledge - and you can easily build the fence of your dreams.

Natural stone is considered the best material for building fences and fence posts; such types as dolomite, large pebbles, rubble, sandstone, and large pebbles are suitable. Stones for pillars should be smooth and with an average size of 10-20 cm.

Fence made of wood and stone

Laying the Basics

Most often, the sliding formwork method is used to make stone pillars. Before starting their laying, it is necessary to make a wooden formwork, twisted with self-tapping screws with internal dimensions of 30x30 cm. Before starting work, remember that the laying of such supports is carried out horizontally and is controlled using a level. This construction operation is best carried out in the summer, when the air will be dry, and therefore cement and other mortars can set and harden more quickly.


First, prepare the foundation: dig a trench about 80 cm deep (for soil freezing) and about 50 cm wide (the width depends on the width of the pillar itself). A foundation for stone fence posts is necessary, even in the place where you plan to install a gate - here you also need to dig a trench and fill it with concrete.

Carefully measure the distance from support to support, where each of them will be placed, do not forget to release the rods from the reinforcement. The foundation itself must first stand for about three days and only then can you begin laying the fence.

Step by step guide

We offer you step by step guide with the addition of a photo on how to make fence posts from stone.

Price for decorative stone for fencing may vary depending on the material. They can be made from both rare and common and available materials. It all depends on your capabilities and wishes regarding the appearance and execution of the fence. But rest assured that this design will create a great look, highlighting the beauty of your landscape.

A fence can be built from different materials and using several technologies, but stone fencing is the most reliable. In addition, the stone makes the structure attractive in appearance. Most often used in the construction of fences natural material, but in recent years artificial substitutes have also been gaining popularity.

What are the advantages of a stone fence:

  • fire safety,
  • immunity to any precipitation and natural phenomena,
  • no rotting, corrosion, oxidation, etc.,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • the ability to select the desired shade,
  • availability of material,
  • durability.

It may seem to a beginner in the construction business that only a professional can make a stone fence on his own. In fact, this is not so and almost anyone can cope with the task. Before you start working directly, you need to decide on the type of future fencing. When building a fence the following is used:


So, there is a goal to build a stone fence, it remains to find out what is required for this. First of all, you need to worry about the materials. Let's assume that the stone has already been purchased, then all that remains is to have a concrete mixer or a tank for mixing cement mortar. This mixture will also require crushed stone and sand, the volume of which depends on the length and height of the fence. It is better to choose cement marked 300, since it would be better suited for such construction. By the way, for dosing the components you will need a shovel (scoop), and for laying out ready mixture construction trowel.

Next, you definitely need boards and nails for constructing the formwork, as well as reinforcement to give the structure good rigidity. If the fence is high, you will also need a welding machine. With its help, steel rods can be lengthened under required size. It is definitely worth purchasing a pipe with a diameter of 50 - 80 mm. It will be the “heart” of future pillars.

For marking work, you need a tape measure, small stakes and regular twine. Once the location of the fence is determined, you can move on to the next stage.

Attention ! Before starting any work, you need to take care of safety precautions. Perform all actions wearing gloves and boots. If the stone breaks right on the spot, it is better to wear safety glasses. Just in case, you can prepare a first aid kit with bandages and disinfectants.

Building a foundation for a fence

First you need to dig a trench the width and length of the stone fence. In this case, a bayonet shovel or even a crowbar may come in handy. The depth of the trench depends on specific conditions, but it makes no sense to make it more than 700 mm. Do not throw away the soil from the hole, as you will have to fill the edges of the foundation later.

The next step is to knock together the boards to the desired configuration. At the same time, the rods are welded in the same shape and laid in the trench. You need to drive stakes along the entire perimeter, and nail them on top after 1.5 - 2.0 meters cross beams. This is done so that the boards do not move apart when pouring.

The resulting structure can be filled with concrete mixture. If you have no experience in kneading it, then here are some instructions. You should always start from the volume of the binder and only then add other components. So, for one part of cement you need two parts of sand and four parts of crushed stone. All ingredients are poured into a concrete mixer and mixed.

When the mixture is ready, it can be poured into a container and distributed around the perimeter of the fence in buckets. But you can be smarter and pour the mixture directly into the formwork using a gutter. Moreover, each new batch involves moving the concrete mixer!

Pre-mark the points for the pillars and weld a pipe to the fittings at each of them. It is better to make a reserve in height!

After completing all concrete works the structure should be left alone for 15 - 20 days. For better and uniform hardening, an insulator (film) is placed on top of the formwork. Otherwise, the upper part of the foundation will dry out quickly and the strength of the concrete will be reduced.

Inexperienced builders at this stage may allow one fatal error. Filling the foundation level with the ground (or even lower) will not cause problems with water later. Rain, melted snow, etc. will accumulate along the fence, thereby eroding the soil and promoting the formation of slime and mold. It is better to make the foundation slightly above ground level, and subsequently decorate the concrete or cover it with a thin layer of soil (decorative stone).

Making fence posts from stone

The construction of pillars begins with measuring the distance between them. If it is different, then you can tighten or stretch the pipes a little with a rope. Stone columns for a fence are made slightly wider than the spans, which visually divides the entire wall into sections.

Next, formwork is made in the form of a square with the required width of the column. In this case, the height of the formwork should not exceed 40 - 50 cm. When everything is done, a layer of cleaned stones is laid out and this is done as close as possible (parallel) to the plane of the boards! After this, all cavities are filled with a moderately thick solution. By the way, the solution for the stone fence itself is made like this: 1 part cement, 1.7 parts each gravel and sand! It is important to ensure that all the cracks between the stones are filled with the binding mixture, but the solution itself does not spread over the column.

Thus, this procedure must be done on each pillar and left to harden for one to two days. You can also cheat a little with the formwork for stone fence posts. In order not to assemble a new square each time, you can simply nail another one to the bottom row and so on! Gradually the height of the pillars will reach the desired level, and then you can start laying the walls!

Laying the fence walls

Making walls can be done in different ways. Experienced builders they simply pull a string, which becomes a guideline for the height and deviation of the fence. They lay one layer of stones along the entire perimeter of the fence, after which all voids are filled with mortar. After a day, a second layer is laid out, etc. But in this case, there is a high risk of getting too uneven wall, so it’s better to use formwork.

Tip: If large round stones are used for the fence, then formwork will not help. It’s better to lay them out “by eye”!

The formwork is done similarly to the pillars, but here it is no longer necessary to place the stones tightly against the boards. Some irregularities are acceptable; they give the fence an asymmetrical appearance. After laying out the first layer, the stones are covered with mortar and left for one or two days.

Important: It is better not to make the formwork too high, as this will lead to voids in the solution and poor quality of the entire structure. All seams must be hammered using a trowel!

In order for the fence spans to be the same in height, closer to completion they need to be measured with a tape measure. By varying the size of the stones, you can achieve a uniform level for the entire wall. After completing the installation and dismantling of the formwork, it is important to carry out jointing in a timely manner, otherwise the mixture will harden greatly.

Joining the fence

After pouring, you need to wait about 5 hours and start undoing the seams. First, all remnants of the solution are cleaned with a coarse brush, after which a special tool is used - a scraper. It is a metal rectangle with a protrusion equal to the required seam width.

TIP: To give the fence volume, it is better to make the seams deep. If you want the effect of a single monolith, then the recesses of the seams should be minimal (no more than 2 cm)!

The jointing stage is quite simple, but it is important to maintain accuracy when deepening the tool. Experienced builders recommend treating the seams and stones with a solution of hydrochloric acid (no more than 30%) after jointing.

The same seam significantly improves the appearance of the fence and allows for better processing.

Fence parts

The natural stone fence is ready, the seams are embroidered, the formwork is removed. But at this stage the design still looks unfinished! The point is in the details that will refine the rough shape of the material and give the wall a well-groomed look.

Firstly, a so-called cap must be installed on each pillar. They are sold in stores or made to order in blacksmith shops.

Secondly, the seams of the pillars can be shaded with some kind of waterproof paint, which will visually divide the fence into spans.


Making a fence is not easy, but, as the classic said, if you have the desire! This material clearly shows that all stages of construction can be completed even by those far from manual labor Human. Just a few things are enough and you can start building!