How to make life brighter: personal experience. How to make life brighter and richer

The advice seems to be pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have clear plan actions. However, most famous and established people believe that you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart, tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this too, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow him. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it for your own good.

2. Get a new experience

Whatever goal you pursue, in fact you are looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly aiming for a goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”.

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how efficiently you work.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live happy and healthy life, become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all those events that we have experienced. You can appreciate almost every item in your home, but putting a price tag on your memories and experiences will not work. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved through hard work. For example, you can not sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. Learn, teach, write scientific work to face criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were engaged exclusively in eating pizza and watching TV shows.

3. Use experience to open new doors

When Jim was 25, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to help support their organization. Even though the cookies cost only two dollars, Jim didn't have that money either. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: "You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl."

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, having closed the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment, he realized: you can’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he did not lie about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. It was precisely the experience that opened before him new door into another life. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he is ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventure in your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up, tension builds up. I would like to rest. To do this, we try to go to a place where it is quiet and good. For example, closer to the forest, the sea, the mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate.

When setting a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?”. You can always get the maximum benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, to do everything to realize them, to evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If this is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If this is a favorite, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking once again will not be shameful.

Such an experience for some may seem banal. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to appreciate the environment in which you are, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on the music, move to a comfortable chair or turn around the table. You don't have to turn the whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Watch your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gulf that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • "My relationship is very bad."
  • "I would like to be stronger and leaner."

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts, you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes in non-stop work

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, everything successful people say they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your work day into three blocks.
  • Each block must be equal to 90 minutes.

If you can consistently and productively work at least once a day, but for 90 minutes in a row, you will already achieve more than many other people. Remember to rest between blocks. Rest is just as important as concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a rug.

The first thing to do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying alerts. As long as your 90 minutes are up, you can't be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the task.

Get ready for the challenge. People will try to steal your time. Even for good reasons. To tell interesting story, advise, complain about life. Be firm, don't let them do it.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous advice, do this: set a specific goal for yourself and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time is worth.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. "Unplug" as often as possible

The author of the book "The cumulative result" Darren Hardy (Darren Hardy) advises "disconnect" for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile, Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises to refrain from using connected gadgets for at least the 90 minutes that you work non-stop. It is also advisable to plan days when you will completely "disconnect" from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill life with meaning.

Try to give up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do what you really love to do. Go to your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have an example to follow? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and perseverance.

Usain Bolt, the world's fastest runner, has set many world records over the past few years. It is interesting. But even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt run faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of the rest of your competitors.

Of course, it's better that you find positive role models.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time taking care of mundane and mundane issues, or those tasks that can be delegated to another person, you are not moving forward. Routine sucks you in. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it, you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have been using the Pareto principle in practice for a long time say that it can even be used to slow down time.

Summing up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience that you get throughout your life depends only on how you build your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you achieve your longest goal.

You need to act immediately. Right after reading.

Date: 2015-04-17

Hello site readers.

I am sure that in the life of every person there comes a moment when he realizes that his life is boring and monotonous. Days copy each other, time goes by, but nothing changes. I remember when I was doing theater, one person said: “That only years fly by, but nothing changes in life”. For most people, it is. Every day is the same. And only a few people begin to wonder how to make their life more interesting and rich. Most prefer to leave things as they are. But you are not like them. That is why I am writing this article just for you.

There is nothing abnormal in the fact that life becomes boring and monotonous. Each of us is faced with routine and gray everyday life. People really do not have enough new emotions and impressions. Therefore, their faces are gloomy, and their behavior is irritated.

Sometimes you watch films and think, they are having fun (the heroes of the film). Adventure, chase, fun, battles - great. Many of us would definitely wish to plunge into this unreal world. And all because of the desire to get out of the vicious circle of vanity and worries.

If you look closely at the world in which we live, it will immediately become noticeable that our world is not boring. There are so many things in our 21st century that our ancestors from the 15th century would have lived with gaping mouths for at least one year to get used to what we have already become fed up with.

I want you to understand that a person gets used to everything that he has. What inspired and delighted yesterday no longer evokes any emotions today. Therefore, if you want to make your life interesting and eventful, get ready for the fact that you will constantly have to look for and try something new, even if it is uncomfortable for you. Personally, I have always done this and will continue to do so, because I understand perfectly well that there is an addiction to everything.

So, how to make your life interesting and eventful? Personally, I think that without Money don't do it. If you want to have an interesting life, then start investing in it. After all, wherever we go, whatever we want, everywhere and for everything you have to pay.

At the age of 19 my brother and I started acting skills. As you already understood, it was necessary to pay money for these courses. Otherwise, the visit is not possible. We did not regret at all that we made such a decision. That time was really golden for my brother and me. Playing on stage with a great band is amazing.

Later we decided to start studying English language. We enrolled in the center for the study of foreign languages. I have never regretted that I started to master foreign languages. We have a group that is always fun and interesting. After class, I always leave happy and filled. Life seems interesting.

Then we started attending dances. And there you have to pay. Again, we did not regret at all that we started dancing. This new activity excited the brains. In general, everything new excites and makes life interesting and eventful. My brother quit dancing after the first season, I went one season longer. I want to note that then I got tired of dancing. The very addiction came, and there were no longer those emotions that were before.

Then I thought about what I should do, where to go, because dancing is no longer interesting, the theater does not invite me yet. And then I thought, why not try to do vocals. Lucky for me, I have found two of the best educators who patiently teach me. The thing is, I'm a terrible vocalist, so after a while I started playing the piano. And again, new activities, new acquaintances, new emotions, new life.

Recently, my brother and I went to Moscow three times to take a walk. There were a lot of impressions. After all, Moscow is a new city for us, new opportunities. Everything is new and scary and happy. I confess that I was afraid to travel to this big city, since I don’t know my way around it. But these fears were illusory. Everything is as always simple and easy. The trip was expensive, but it was worth it. Now we are planning to go to St. Petersburg.

It would seem that only money and ideas are needed. Yes it is. And I am sure that every reader will ask me, how can he diversify his life if there is no money? Actually there is an answer. You will have to make your life more interesting not by entertainment, circles and trips, but by changing activities.

Most people hate what they do. It's time to fix it. New activities lead to new acquaintances, events and changes. It is clear that if you sit on the same chair, then nothing will change. But I'm not asking you to leave this chair. Start doing something new at the same time, which will later bring you income. For example, I created this site, I created a newsletter that you can subscribe to. This business has become the meaning of life for me. Constant thoughts about how to make your site better and better never let me get bored. I have always been interested in life.

And you must have a goal. There is no goal - life is boring, there is a goal - life is interesting. And all because a person constantly thinks how to achieve it. For example, you decide to lose weight and get an athletic physique. This goal has captured you. You start visiting the gym, making new acquaintances there, reading literature on how to become an athlete, and so on. In this scenario, you will not even think of how to make your life interesting and eventful. Your brain will be so busy, and it is not up to stupid thoughts.

And again I hear the question: "What should I do if I don't have time?". Find him. Whineers never lived rich and interesting lives, because they were busy whining. In any case, you will have to spend both money and time. Without any investment, you will never make your life brighter.

Yesterday me, my brother and his girlfriend went to play a quest (claustrophobia). For me it was new, and, of course, I enjoyed it and a lot of new positive impressions. The game cost 1600 rubles. Yes, I spent money financially, but I got new memories and emotions in return. This is how life works: in order to get something, you need to give something. You must understand this.

And now I ask you to find a goal, an idea that will make your life more interesting and richer. This something must necessarily be new, something you have not tried before, where you have not meddle before, and have not even thought about it. Everything new leads to new. Forward. And I went to play the piano.

how to make your life interesting how to make your life rich


Do you think life is too boring? Then something urgently needs to be changed. Any person can make his life interesting if he puts some effort into his desire. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do what makes you happy. How to make your life interesting, read below.

Find a hobby

What person can call himself truly happy? The one who does what she loves. A person who has a hobby and devotes maximum of his free time to it will not complain about the dullness of life. How to make your life interesting? Think about what you would like to do? The thing that brings you pleasure does not have to be work. It's great if you like to work with numbers and your profession is an accountant. But if you work as a clerk in an office, and your soul is eager for creativity, do not stop such impulses. Allow yourself to enjoy the work that brings you pleasure. Creativity should be sincere, not corrupt. Do not try to do, for example, design, just because the representatives of this profession earn good money. Not money should guide the soul of a person, but a true vocation.

How to make children's life interesting? Try to immediately identify the inclinations of your children. Some children may be addicted to music, while others will demonstrate success in sports. Give your child the opportunity to try their hand at different areas. Then the baby will be able to meaningfully judge what he likes more and what he does better.

Read more

Can't figure out how to make your life interesting? Do not be afraid to look for the answer to the question in books. Literature helps any person to get away from reality and plunge into an imaginary world that will be bright and interesting for a few hours. A person who reads a lot has a good imagination. She will not be bored, as she can always think of something to do. Books help a person to know reality, find the true meaning of happiness and understand himself, his feelings and the people who make up his immediate environment. If you want to live full life you need to read more. The love of literature gives a person many advantages. He can easily be alone with himself and have fun in reasoning.

How to make school life more interesting? Children rarely pick up books. Reading is out of fashion these days. It is a pity that the younger generation is not interested in the knowledge that their ancestors recorded with such love on the pages of their works. Teach a teenager to love books, and then he will learn to think. Only that person will be able to truly appreciate all the joys of life, who will be able to think with his own head, and not act according to the template offered by society.

Learn to enjoy every day

Have you seen happy people? Some may be surprised by the fact that optimists are always in high spirits. Why are some people able to enjoy their lives while others can't? Each person must understand a simple truth - you can find joy in every day, you just need to take a closer look. How to make your life interesting? Start noticing the little joys that fate brings you. When you went outside, did you see the dazzling sun? Rejoice in the first day of spring that greets you the best way. Did one of your colleagues bring you a mug of invigorating coffee? Thank the person and mentally thank the universe for the amazing people around you. Don't forget to make small surprises for others. The more you give, the more you will receive. Do you want others to please you every day? Start by making people happy yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone

Do not know how to make your life interesting and eventful? Sitting on the couch, you will not be able to get closer to your goal. To diversify everyday life, you must often leave your comfort zone. Start doing this at least once a week, such as on Sunday. On your day off, do what you wanted to do but were afraid to do. For example, you want to go see a movie that was released yesterday, but you don't have company. Do you think that only losers go to the cinema alone? Get rid of such stereotypes. If you want to watch a movie, go and watch it. You do not need a company for this action. How else can you get out of your comfort zone? Do what you are afraid to do. For example, skydive. The sensations that you get from the jump will definitely excite your blood and help you understand how adrenaline is needed sometimes. Come up with interesting tasks, challenge yourself and try to complete them.

Attend interesting events

Do you want to diversify boring life? Then get out of the house more often. Today, in almost any city you can find a club according to your interests. People who are fond of fine arts go to the opening of exhibitions and it is there that they find like-minded people. Persons who practice judo find clubs where they can meet people who are not indifferent to the sport, which they themselves are.

You still do not know how to make your life interesting and eventful? Open the poster of events in your city. Many people do not know, but do not even try to find interesting events that take place every weekend. Do not be afraid to attend such events alone. It's okay that some of your friends won't share your interest in building or programming. Be aware that your main goal is to make acquaintance with like-minded people who will notify you about entertainment events of this kind in the future.

communicate more

How to make life brighter and more interesting? You need to get to know people more often. Your social contacts are one of the ways to find those events that you simply cannot find on your own. And some you don't even know about. For example, having met a person who is engaged in fencing, you can get to the installation of a knightly duel. And perhaps you will even learn how to hold a sword and deftly handle it. It is also useful to communicate in order to learn more not only about events, but also about the people themselves. The person who is the soul of the company simultaneously plays two roles: a psychologist and a good administrator. By acquiring such skills, you will be able to easily use people's knowledge, skills and talents. All this can be useful to you if you start some grandiose idea, but you will not have the opportunity to implement it on your own.

Write a wish list and implement it

Every person, no matter how old he is, has desires that he would like to fulfill, but there is not enough time. If you are wondering how to make life brighter and more interesting, then it's time to start writing a list. Rewrite all your cherished dreams on a sheet. You should write whatever comes to mind. Do not evaluate your desires. Want to pet a tiger, swim with dolphins or go diving? There is nothing surprising. Any of the tasks on this list will be able to make your life more interesting. Once you have a guide to action in your hands, you can begin to implement your plans. To make this easier to do, group the desires. For example, you can swim with dolphins and go water skiing when you go on vacation. But you can jump with a parachute or ride a motorcycle tomorrow. Do not guess the execution of your plans for later. You can use this list every week as you look for the next task to get out of your comfort zone.

Travel more

How to do school life more interesting? Parents should travel more often with their child. Excuses, like "money barely enough to live on," are not accepted. A person can always find time and money for what he wants. If you can't provide for your family, then it's time to look for new job. If you do not have any specialty and therefore cannot apply for a highly paid position, then go to study. But keep in mind that even with a very limited budget it is possible to travel. Today, flights and transfers have become so affordable that you do not need to spend exorbitant money to relax and see the world's attractions. It will be enough for you to buy a hot ticket. What about work and study? Adults can always take a vacation from work, and a child can be taken on a trip during the holidays. If you are not allowed to leave work, arrange family weekend excursions. Leave for a neighboring city, rent a hotel and look at nearby attractions.

Get a pet

Do you want to diversify gray everyday life? Get a pet. With its acquisition, your life will never be the same. A pet will bring chaos to her. It will make you move and show at least some activity. We are talking, of course, about large animals, like cats and dogs. Once you have fish, you won't need to change your schedule. How to make your life interesting and happy? By purchasing a dog or cat, you buy yourself a best friend who will save you from loneliness, cheer you up and keep you from being bored. The dog will demand from you, in addition to everything else, daily long walks on fresh air. It should be noted that such walks before going to bed and immediately after waking up allow a person to find time to discuss the course of life with himself, take stock of the day and think about what will be the next goal that needs to be achieved.

Think less, do more

What kind of person is successful? The one that works. A lazy person who is used to lying on the couch will never be able to become successful. How to make life interesting and varied? Get out of the house and start doing something. Find something to do, do crazy things, get a taste of life. Realize your desires right now. There is no point in making excuses that you do not have the money to fulfill your dream. You can take some steps towards your goal, even without money. And if you need them, then figure out where and on what you can earn. In general, do not sit at home and dream about a better life. She will not come to you on her own. You have to work hard to get good results.

Some might say that acting without a clear plan is simply stupid. Therefore, some individuals are very passionate about planning and then rewriting their plans. Don't waste your time. We wrote some kind of plan, got our bearings, and you will work out the details along the way.

Don't be afraid to be judged by others

Do you want to enjoy life? Then do not think that someone can judge you. Each person chooses for himself life path. Thinking how to do family life happy and interesting? Don't tell anyone about your problems. Try to solve all your troubles together, without involving anyone from outside. How to have fun family people? Think about shared hobbies. Do you like cycling or boat trips? Don't listen to your friends who tell you that at your age it's time to stop hiking and have kids. If you want something, then go for it. The most absurd ideas always become the greatest. Most people live according to their stereotypes. They cannot go beyond these limits. If you can think broader, then use this gift and ignore the judgmental views.

educate yourself

How to make life more interesting if there is no money? Not all pleasures are expensive. To love life and every day of it, you must do what brings you pleasure. And what could it be? Think about what skills you have always wanted to acquire, but did not seriously think about it? Maybe it was the skill of drawing, writing or acting? It's never too late to educate yourself. Yes, you will have to pay for the courses. But these are not some astronomical sums, especially the skills that you acquire in such courses will help diversify your life and fill it with new impressions. Don't skimp on your education. This advice is suitable for everyone, but it should be applied more often than other young people. Those people who think that they still have a lot of time ahead of them can be seriously mistaken.

Pamper yourself

Do you want to enjoy every day? Then don't forget to pamper yourself. Some people are accustomed to forever limiting themselves in everything, thinking that someday the day will come when they will spend all their accumulated wealth without a twinge of conscience. Understand that such a day may never come. This does not mean that you do not need to think about tomorrow, it means that you do not need to endure hardships. Life will be much brighter and more enjoyable if you eat your favorite food, exercise interesting things and meet with interesting people. Do you think this option is only possible for a person who lives alone? Nothing like this. How to make family life more interesting? Pamper not only yourself, but also those around you. A man can bring flowers to his wife for no reason and thereby improve a woman's day. And the wife can cook romantic dinner and surprise the man you love. For children, you can also prepare a surprise. For example, an unexpected trip to the quest with the whole family.

The advice seems to be pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and established people believe that you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart, tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this too, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow him. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it for your own good.

2. Get a new experience

Whatever goal you pursue, in fact you are looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly aiming for a goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”.

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how efficiently you work.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live a happy and healthy life, become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all those events that we have experienced. You can appreciate almost every item in your home, but putting a price tag on your memories and experiences will not work. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved through hard work. For example, you can not sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. You will have to study, teach, write scientific papers, meet face to face with criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were engaged exclusively in eating pizza and watching TV shows.

3. Use experience to open new doors

When Jim was 25, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to help support their organization. Even though the cookies cost only two dollars, Jim didn't have that money either. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: "You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl."

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, having closed the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment, he realized: you can’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he did not lie about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. It was the experience that opened a new door to another life for him. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he is ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventures into your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up, tension builds up. I would like to rest. To do this, we try to go to a place where it is quiet and good. For example, closer to the forest, the sea, the mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate.

When setting a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?”. You can always get the maximum benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, to do everything to realize them, to evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If this is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If this is a favorite, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking once again will not be shameful.

Such an experience for some may seem banal. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to appreciate the environment in which you are, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on the music, move to a comfortable chair or turn around the table. You don't have to turn the whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Watch your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gulf that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • "My relationship is very bad."
  • "I would like to be stronger and leaner."

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts, you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes in non-stop work

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, all successful people say that they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your work day into three blocks.
  • Each block must be equal to 90 minutes.

If you can consistently and productively work at least once a day, but for 90 minutes in a row, you will already achieve more than many other people. Remember to rest between blocks. Rest is just as important as concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a rug.

The first thing to do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying alerts. As long as your 90 minutes are up, you can't be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the task.

Get ready for the challenge. People will try to steal your time. Even for good reasons. To tell an interesting story, to advise, to complain about life. Be firm, don't let them do it.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous advice, do this: set a specific goal for yourself and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time is worth.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. "Unplug" as often as possible

The author of the book "The cumulative result" Darren Hardy (Darren Hardy) advises "disconnect" for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile, Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises to refrain from using connected gadgets for at least the 90 minutes that you work non-stop. It is also advisable to plan days when you will completely "disconnect" from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill life with meaning.

Try to give up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do what you really love to do. Go to your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have an example to follow? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and perseverance.

Usain Bolt, the world's fastest runner, has set many world records over the past few years. It is interesting. But even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt run faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of the rest of your competitors.

Of course, it's better that you find positive role models.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time taking care of mundane and mundane issues, or those tasks that can be delegated to another person, you are not moving forward. Routine sucks you in. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it, you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have been using the Pareto principle in practice for a long time say that it can even be used to slow down time.

Summing up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience that you get throughout your life depends only on how you build your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you achieve your longest goal.

You need to act immediately. Right after reading.

Sometimes our days become very similar to one another, and after a few such days we cannot remember how one differed from the other. But this situation is fixable. Everyone can make their life brighter and more interesting. There are universal principles interesting life. Here are 21 ways to apply these principles to make life more interesting.

1. Define your purpose.

If you know your purpose, the meaning of your life, do what you love, then everything that you study and do for this becomes interesting and important. You can't trade these classes for any other.

2. Know your goals.

Having goals forces us to take many steps towards achieving them. For an interesting life, it is important both to move towards a goal, which fills life with deeds, events and impressions, and to achieve it, which gives us energy and a desire to move on.

3. Get creative.

It is creativity that makes any activity interesting. Do the usual thing in an unusual way, connect your imagination, and then any activity becomes a source of pleasure and makes life more interesting.

4. Strive for change.

Uniformity and monotony can inspire boredom in any person. Change the environment, the environment, your activities and yourself - and life will always be interesting.

5. Constantly develop and improve.

Constant learning and work on oneself captures and does not allow to stop on the spot. Education, the acquisition of new skills and abilities makes life rich and interesting, and also bring a lot of benefits to you and others.

6. Try new things.

What happens in a new way always invigorates us, brings variety to life and thereby makes it more interesting. New acquaintances, places, situations, new goals and challenges of fate make life brighter and more interesting.

7. Get new experiences.

Life is interesting when it is filled with a wide variety of experiences. They are given by activities, places, people, works that are unusual for you.

8. Feel emotions.

Any lesson will be interesting and memorable if you do it “with a soul”, with bright positive emotions.

9. Strive for success.

Each success inspires us to new successes and victories, gives vivid impressions and positive emotions.

10. Treasure relationships.

Relationships with other people are the most important thing we have. Without them, all our achievements and aspirations lose their meaning. Communicating with loved ones, friends, relatives, you will learn something new, bring joy to your life and just have fun.

11. Live an active life.

An active and active person is always interested in life. He always has many desires, plans and deeds, and new ones are always seen on the horizon. interesting ideas and projects.

12. Get enough rest.

If you spend your free time actively and cheerfully, then even a short rest will give new strength and energy for new achievements. The alternation of leisure and business brings dynamics and diversity to life.

13. Pursue your hobby.

People devote their free time to hobbies precisely because it makes their life richer, more interesting and more enjoyable. An enthusiastic person is never bored, a hobby takes up free time and gives a lot of positive emotions.

14. Dream.

Even if our body is busy doing monotonous work, we can be carried away by thoughts to where it is interesting and pleasant for us. Dreams paint everyday life with bright colors, and the fulfillment of a dream makes life simply beautiful.

15. Rejoice in surprises.

Surprises dilute our lives with bright moments. Surprises make life more diverse and give us positive emotions.

16. Overcome obstacles.

Obstacles, problems make our life not worse, but more difficult and interesting. Overcoming obstacles, we gain experience, knowledge, become stronger.

17. Try to do more.

When a lot of events happen, a lot of things are done, then there is absolutely no time to be bored. A busy day is rarely boring.

18. Watch.

Watching people, nature, incidents, you can pass the time when there are no other activities. Observations provide food for the mind and imagination, allow you to digress and find material for discussion.

19. Notice beauty.

The beauty of works of art, nature gives us amazing and unforgettable impressions. They enrich us and give us an incentive to strive for excellence.

20. Get knowledge.

It is always interesting for us to study the new, the unknown, to learn amazing facts. This is how we feed our mind and have fun in our free time.

21. Help others.

If you forget about your own aspirations for a while and selflessly and sincerely help others, life becomes not only more interesting - it is filled with deep meaning and real joy.