Rose graham thomas encyclopedia of roses. The main features of the Graham Thomas rose. Preparation and planting of seedlings

Originator: David Austin, UK, 1983.
Shrub (“English roses”) or climber, depending on the conditions of formation and cultivation.
Height from 100 to 300 cm.

A very popular English rose, with flowers yellow color.

The Graham Thomas variety is difficult to identify by color. In some areas it is warm yellow, in others it is pale orange... [Click photo to enlarge.]


The flowers themselves, in shape and number of petals, are typical of classic Austin roses. Flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, double.

Color - from pale yellow to dark yellow, depending on the composition of the soil. Practically does not fade.

The aroma is medium to rich, with a scent of rose oil.

Flowering can be either single flowers or clusters of 5-7 flowers. Since flowers do not bloom on different shoots together, the flowering is long, but not very abundant. Repeated flowering continues until autumn.

The flowers are quite resistant to rain.


The plant is highly variable and can be grown either as a typical English scrub, about 120 cm high, or as small climbing rose, with shoots up to 250-300 cm. Here you should focus on your region. If you have a longer warm season, then you can easily make a climbing rose from Thomas.

When pruning, it is worth considering that this variety tends to bloom more at the tops of the shoots, so it makes sense to leave different lengths of branches when pruning in spring, so that some bloom lower, while others bloom higher. However, you probably have your own ideas on what a rose should look like in your garden, but here we are simply sharing our observations and experiences 😉. For example, if you decide to plant this rose in the background of the rose garden, where it might belong, then you need to cut it lightly - so that it blooms as nature intended - along the tops.

Graham Thomas is one of the most beautiful and popular varieties English roses a unique rich yellow color from the group of semi-climbing roses (scrubs).

Young buds are apricot-colored, but as the petals open, they acquire a warm, deep yellow tone, and then fade to a pastel yellow hue.

The flowers are cup-shaped, 7-10 cm in diameter, double (about 75 petals) have a bright intoxicating aroma with notes of tea and appear in clusters of 5-7 pieces.

Long arched shoots easily withstand the weight of numerous flowers without sagging too much.

The leaves are luxurious dark green, shiny, large.

The yellow flowers look spectacular against the backdrop of shiny, green foliage.

Disease resistance is high.

Frost-resistant variety.

Flowering is abundant, long lasting and ends with the onset of frost.

Graham Thomas prefers fertile, light soils - loams with good water-holding capacity, neutral and slightly acidic.

Needs special care (pruning, fertilizing, shelter for the winter).

Feed your Graham Thomas rose regularly with special fertilizers. The last feeding is carried out in August with pure potassium to improve frost resistance.

You need to water the bushes wisely, without over-moistening the soil. It is enough to water it generously once a week until the root ball is completely saturated, and in hot weather - after 3-4 days.

Remove spent flowers by cutting them at an angle above the first leaf underneath them.

By planting it next to the terrace or garden paths, you will enjoy the fragrant aroma and charming flowers of this rose.

In a flower bed with herbaceous perennials, it can provide a beautiful background.

And in island flower beds it should be given a central place.

Shining yellow flowers will decorate your garden until autumn.

The lively tones of the Graham Thomas rose can be combined with pastel or white flowers of other plants. The soft blue-violet shades of lavender, Fassin's catnip, bluebell or spur flowers will suit them.

Particularly attractive to the rose will be the partners of white and silver shades.

The Graham Thomas rose variety is, without exaggeration, unique. It has a special history, as well as an interesting description. From its name alone one can conclude that the culture belongs to the group of English roses, distinguished by their refined beauty and elegance. Even the most experienced gardeners cannot pass by this beauty.

General information about culture

Representatives of English roses are sophisticated and elegant flowers, which were extremely popular at the beginning of the 20th century, and returned to fashion again in the second half of the 80s. The famous breeder David Austin developed a unique variety in 1983, which he decided to name in honor of his friend Graham Thomas.

The homeland of the Graham Thomas rose is England, and here, when declaring their love, lovers are always given two beautiful yellow roses.

Due to incredible aroma and unusual cup-shaped buds during the exhibition in Chelsea, this variety of roses left absolutely no one indifferent. It is also worth mentioning that the Graham Thomas variety was obtained by crossing two varieties of roses - Iceberg and Charles Austin.

Attention! Inexperienced flower lovers often distort English pronunciation. As a result, they are incorrectly called Graham Thomas rose or Thomas Graham rose.

Rose Graham

Characteristics and features of the variety

IN color palette Graham Thomas rose petals include many different shades of yellow, which tend to differ depending on the climatic conditions prevailing in the region of planting.

To the group of main distinctive features plants include the following:

  • the buds are cup-shaped and have an amazing terry structure, their diameter is 7-10 cm;
  • one peduncle, on average, consists of 75-80 petals, which serve as protection for the center of the bud and only slightly open it due to its curved shape;
  • As for the inflorescences, they consist of 8 flowers, distinguished by a sweet and light aroma.

The shoots of rose bushes are very branched, droop towards the ground and have dark green shiny foliage. The width and height indicators depend on the climatic conditions in the region where roses are grown. But, on average, the width of one bush is 1 m, and its height can reach 1.5-3.5 m. The flowering period of Graham Thomas rose bushes lasts all summer.

To plant Graham Thomas rose seedlings, you need to give preference to sunny areas, as well as those in partial shade. When choosing a site, you need to be guided by the fact that the English Graham Thomas rose should be under straight lines sun rays at least 6-7 hours a day. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to ensure that the bed is well ventilated.


The growth and development of the plant depends on how the right bed is chosen: in sufficiently illuminated and sunny areas you can grow compact bushes, which will bloom profusely, and tall shrubs with small inflorescences will grow in a shaded place.

Attention! When planting rose seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the distance between the holes: fruit trees and shrubs should be kept 1 m away from rose bushes. If you neglect this important point, you can provoke a fight between plants for nutrients necessary for growth and development.

The procedure for planting a Graham Thomas rose can be carried out with the onset of spring or in the second half of autumn. The landing algorithm consists of several points, namely:

  • Planting material should be pre-prepared for planting. To do this, you need to keep it in root-forming liquid for a day, and then plant it in open ground according to the scheme 50*50*50 cm (width, depth and distance between seedlings must be equal).
  • In the process of preparing planting holes, they need to be watered abundantly, using at least 1 bucket of water for each hole.
  • Needs to be straightened out carefully root system, place it in the hole, then pour the substrate on top so that the recess of the grafting bud is 7 cm. The final stage is compacting the soil, and the next day the English Graham Thomas rose must be spudded and watered with plenty of water.

The Graham Thomas variety is distinguished by English pedantry, and it is for this reason that plant care procedures must be carried out regularly and correctly. If you follow the basic rules of care, this will definitely lead to a beautiful, well-groomed plant that will delight the eye with its lush flowering.

An important component of success when growing this variety of rose is humidity. Watering should be timely, but at the same time be moderate. When the top layer of soil dries out, you should immediately begin watering. Water volumes always depend on climatic conditions.

At the beginning of the growing season, the planted seedlings will need to be fertilized, which includes calcium and phosphorus. This is necessary so that the buds on the bushes set safely (it is best to feed roses in early May or June). With the onset of autumn, it is recommended to feed roses with potassium.

Important! You need to fertilize such a delicate plant as the Graham Thomas rose very carefully, following the principle “it is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed.”

You need to prune a rose based on intuition and personal preferences, as well as how the gardener sees the landscape design of his site. Mandatory pruning is required for those drooping shoots that have been affected by various diseases. You also need to remove faded flower stalks.

Methods for propagating roses Graham Thomas

As for the propagation of roses, this can be done using layering and cuttings. The most popular method of propagation is layering. To do this, you will need strong young shoots, from which you need to cut off the tip, and then insert a small stick or match there. Then you need to attach the stem to the ground, sprinkle it with drainage and water it with water.

Rose shoots

Attention! The land for layering must be prepared in advance: it must be cleared of weeds, fertilized and loosened.

The propagation process should be carried out in the second half of July or early August, and with the onset of spring, ready-made seedlings can be separated from the mother bushes.

If we take into account propagation by cuttings, it is not as popular as the previous method. For cuttings, you need to give preference to those branches that are already fully grown. Successful seedlings are those that already have 2-3 leaves, but 2 of them must be removed. The cuttings should be planted at a distance of 20 cm in the ground, which should first be fertilized, loosened and moistened.

Disease and pest control

Almost all varieties of English roses react negatively to excess moisture, which is often the causative agent of various diseases. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to introduce drainage into the soil, and also avoid overwatering roses. During the rainy season, be sure to shake off drops from the buds and foliage of the plant.

Gray rot

The most common ailment of these beautiful flowers is gray mold caused by excessive moisture and prolonged rain. This is a fungal infection that affects the root system of the bush. First alarm signal The disease is rotting of shoots and inflorescences. Areas that have been affected by infection should be immediately pruned, and then the soil should be disinfected using substances such as Alirin-B or Fitosporin-M.

Attention! If provided proper care for a rose, they will very rarely be exposed to diseases and pests, since the plants have a very high immunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Any plant has a number of specific pros and cons that you need to pay attention to before you start growing a crop, and Graham Thomas rose is no exception.

So, the advantages of this variety include the following:

  • due to high and stable immunity, rose bushes are rarely affected by diseases and various pests;
  • the variety is able to quickly take root when planted in open ground;
  • shrubs bloom luxuriantly not only in areas illuminated by direct sunlight, but also in partial shade;
  • On each shoot, buds are formed in abundant quantities, which serves bright decoration bushes and summer cottage, generally.

This variety of rose has some disadvantages, but it is worth noting that there are significantly fewer of them than advantages. So, the disadvantages of the Graham Thomas rose include monotony color range, which differs only in one shade of yellow. But, in most cases, they are very bright, which completely suits flower growers. Also, the Thomas Graham rose reacts sharply to the slightest excess of humidity, which leads to unwanted diseases.

Even a novice gardener can grow these sophisticated and elegant plants. The main condition here is compliance with all tips and recommendations regarding correct landing and care. Proper cultivation of a rose bush will certainly lead to the desired result in the form abundant flowering in the park area.

Roses are always associated with classic sophistication and romantic antiquity. Therefore, it is not surprising that the removal pink varieties practice in England, a country of good traditions. One of the best English varieties is the Graham Thomas rose.

This variety was bred in 1980 by English farmer David Austin. The variety was named after Graham's friend Thomas, with whom he farmed roses for many years.

The variety is a branched shrub growing from 1.5 to 3.5 meters and 1-1.2 meters in volume. The undoubted advantage of the plant is that it blooms continuously throughout the entire season. Graham Thomas blooms with yellow double cup-shaped inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 8-10 cm. The bud hides about 75 thin petals that hide the center. Externally, the flowers of the English rose resemble peonies (see photo).

A distinctive feature of the variety is its characteristic, pronounced aroma, which is especially noticeable in cloudy weather, in the morning and evening.

Graham Thomas roses are excellent for use in... landscape design. Bushes look great as a separate decoration of a garden or front garden. Shrubs can also be used to decorate hedges. The Rose Graham Thomas variety is most widespread in its homeland, England. There, shrubs are an integral part of park design.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

The Austin variety is absolutely unpretentious to grow, but the quality of the plant depends on how well it is cared for.

Lighting and location

The ideal place to plant a Graham Thomas rose is a well-ventilated area illuminated by the sun for 6-7 hours a day. The rest of the time the plant needs partial shade. If the plant receives a lot of light during the day, it will grow into a short but colorful bush with large buds. If there is a lack of light, the bush will grow upward, and the flowers will be small. It is undesirable to plant roses in lowlands, as they accumulate there. cold air which has a detrimental effect on the plant.


Graham Thomas roses are not picky temperature conditions, able to withstand frost. But you should understand that at cold temperatures the plant will not grow large, and the buds will also be small size. The rose gets along well in a temperate climate at a temperature of 25-28 degrees.

Air and humidity

Maintaining the required level of humidity is a prerequisite for the successful development of the variety. Since the plant does not tolerate drought well, it needs moderate watering as the soil dries out. Excessive moisture will also hinder the plant, since it has a weak immunity to fungal diseases, rot and other diseases resulting from waterlogging.

How to deal with drafts

As already mentioned, the rose bush needs ventilation, but not drafts. Therefore, when planting a seedling, it is necessary to choose a place protected from the wind.


The Graham Thomas rose makes special demands on the soil in which it will grow. It must be fertile, light soil that freely allows moisture and air to pass through. But, if the soil on your site is not suitable for growing a plant, it can be fertilized. For heavy clay soils you need:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • sand;
  • peat.

IN sandy soil add clay with manure or humus.

It is also necessary to support required level soil acidity. For the fruitful development of roses, a slightly acidic environment is needed. If there is insufficient acidity, manure and peat are added to the soil, and if there is excess acidity, ash, chalk, and limestone are added.

The composition of the soil is paid attention to when planting a plant. So, drainage material is poured into a shallow (about 60 cm) hole under the bush, followed by a layer of compost or manure and garden soil. Afterwards, the seedling is placed in the hole so that the grafting site remains above the ground. Immediately after planting, water the plant. As soon as the moistened soil settles, more soil is added there. The ground around the seedling is covered with peat.

Features of care

The rules for caring for a Graham Thomas rose are simple, but the main thing is to observe their timeliness and correctness. Several procedures need to be carried out during the season:

  1. Watering. As already mentioned, it is important to prevent the plant from drying out and over-watering.
  2. Feeding. Important For the development and growth of roses, fertilizers are applied. So, during the growing season you need to add nitrogen fertilizers. Before flowering begins, phosphorus and calcium are needed for the development of buds. By the end of the season, roses need to be fed with potash fertilizers. It is important to comply correct dosages, since with an excess of organic and mineral substances, the rose may begin to hurt.
  3. Trimming. There are no special requirements for this procedure. It is important to trim damaged, and especially rotten areas of the plant in a timely manner. Rose bushes are also pruned for decorative purposes.
  4. Pest control. The main harmful insects that can damage the plant are aphids, spider mite, leafhopper. As a remedy against them, you can use a solution of laundry soap, which you need to spray the leaves and buds with. In order to prevent the appearance of these insects, marigolds and yarrow should be planted near the bush. These plants repel pests.
  5. Protection against diseases. The most common diseases to which English roses are susceptible are diseases that occur from excess moisture. This is gray rot powdery mildew, black spot. In this case, you can use pesticides, for example, Fitosporin M, Gamair, Alirin B.
  6. Shelter for the winter. Despite the fact that the variety has increased winter hardiness, there is a danger of damage to the roots in the spring when the snow melts. Therefore, the bushes need to be covered for the winter. Before this, the bush is completely cut off, leaving only a shoot with a few soils. Then the bush is dug in with soil, and a layer of sawdust or leaves is sprinkled on top. In regions with harsh climatic conditions, where temperatures reach -30 degrees, the plant is covered with film on top.

Graham Thomas rose is a unique variety that has a special history and interesting description. Its name alone clearly indicates that it belongs to the numerous types of English roses, the elegance and sophisticated beauty of which attract even the most sophisticated gardeners.

Main features of the Graham Thomas rose

Any rose bush native to England has unique qualities. The Graham Thomas variety was developed in 1983 by an English gardener named David Austin. He named the roses in honor of his colleague and close friend, who was as passionate about roses as Austin himself. Feature flower - buds of rich yellow color in the shape of cups and a pleasant aroma with notes of fruit. Yellow shades may vary and differ from each other, which directly depends on the climate in which the crop is grown.

When the phrase “Thomas rose” is mentioned, many lovers may associate it with a variety called Thomas Becket, but they are completely different, although sometimes people tend to confuse them with each other. The park rose Thomas Becket is distinguished primarily by the fact that it is bright red, and its bushes are much smaller in size than those of the Graham Thomas variety. It would do well for novice gardeners to know the differences between these two species, so as not to make mistakes when purchasing seedlings.

Rose Graham Thomas has large flowers, the diameter of which can reach up to 10 centimeters, and the peduncle itself consists of at least 70 or more petals, which serve as protection for the center of the bud. The inflorescences are formed by six or eight buds, and if we are talking about shrubs that begin to branch strongly, their shoots bend towards the ground, while having dense green foliage.

The size of the bushes, of course, depends on the climate and care conditions. Their height is favorable environment the height reaches up to three and a half meters, and the width can be from a meter or more. The Graham Thomas rose blooms all summer, without interruption.

Growing conditions

Like a true Englishman, Graham Thomas rose chooses the arithmetic average for its optimal growth and flowering, ideally developing in conditions of pleasant partial shade and with sufficient sunlight. Better conditions for her, this means being in the sun for six to seven hours every day, and good ventilation of the planting site will help the bush become more compact, with multiple ovaries of magnificent buds.

Before planting, it is important to remember that all other plants and trees should be kept away from the rose bush. minimum distance one meter so that between different cultures there was no competition in the consumption of nutrients from the soil.

Preparation and planting of seedlings

Graham Thomas is a rose that can be planted in both spring and autumn. All purchased seedlings are carefully prepared for planting. Before planting, they must be kept in a solution that stimulates growth and disinfects the roots for 24 hours. The holes intended for seedlings should first be made as wet as possible at the rate of one bucket of settled water for each bush. After moistening the soil, the planting itself takes place. The roots are straightened as carefully as possible, placed in the hole and covered with soil.

You should carefully straighten the roots and place them in the hole, then cover them with soil. In this case, the bud intended for future grafting of the bush should be deepened into the ground by seven centimeters. The soil around should be compacted well, and a day later the bushes should be hilled up and watered again.

Variety care

Care for the Graham Thomas rose variety should be carried out regularly and constantly. A few easy-to-follow rules will help the gardener get a beautiful rose bush that will bloom profusely throughout the summer season.


The crop should not be watered too much. The main thing is that this is done regularly, and to know the optimal time for “ water procedures", you should carefully monitor the condition of the ground around the roses. If the outer layer of soil looks dry, it is time to water the crop.


After planting, the future rose bush enters the so-called vegetative phase, during which its formation occurs. Therefore, after all the seedlings have taken their place in the soil, it should immediately be fertilized with substances containing nitrogen. Nitrogen types of fertilizers can be purchased at any specialty store. In May or June, roses will need nutrition containing calcium and phosphorus: it is thanks to these substances that luxurious and large buds will form. In the fall, at the beginning of September, it is allowed to feed the bushes with potassium-containing fertilizer.


With pruning, everything is simple: the main thing is to focus on what shape of the bush the gardener likes best and, of course, remove all diseased and limp branches and faded buds.

Protection from diseases and pests

Rose Graham Thomas does not like excessive soil moisture and can quickly get sick if watering is excessive. The main preventive measure will be good drainage and a moderate amount of water. After rain, be sure to lightly shake the branches to remove drops from them. It is important to always remember this procedure, especially if gardeners live in climates that are prone to rainy weather.

Unfortunately, the Graham Thomas rose variety can suffer from an unpleasant disease called gray mold. This is a type of fungal infection that forms in the root system. The first symptoms are usually signs of rotting bushes. You should immediately remove all parts affected by the fungus, and then disinfect the soil using solutions such as Gamair, Fitosporin or Alirin.

If care is timely, watering is correct, and the climate is moderately rainy, the shrub will not get sick, although it will always be useful to know about the potential threat.

Features of reproduction

Park rose Graham Thomas reproduces in two ways: layering and cuttings. Propagation by layering is recommended for beginning gardeners, because it is much easier and simpler to carry out than cuttings.

The procedure is carried out in July or August. One of the strongest bushes is selected, its end is carefully cut off, and a match is inserted into the cut area. After this simple manipulation, the stem should be fixed in the soil and watered a little. In order to plant cuttings correctly, all weeds should be completely removed from the ground, fertilizer should be added and the soil should be loosened well.

If you propagate a rose by cuttings, you will also need to choose strong branches that should have at least two or three leaves. Before planting, the lower leaves are removed and only one, the top one, is left. After this, the cuttings are planted in the soil, which must first be loosened, freed from weeds and fertilized.

Shelter for the winter

Distinctive feature This type of culture is its resistance to cold. Before wintering, Graham Thomas roses need to be pruned short, to the very base, on which two or three buds are left. The pruning shears used for this manipulation must be pre-treated with a disinfectant solution. Afterwards, the bush is sprinkled with earth, which is lightly compacted to ensure the preservation of heat in the root zone of the plant.

The crop is covered with leaves, spruce branches or sawdust. In conditions of excessive low temperatures(20 degrees and above) better protection The rose can be ensured by covering it on top with a layer of thick film. In this case, you should remember the mandatory gap between the rose and the film, which should be at least fifteen centimeters. The result will be an improvised but reliable greenhouse, inside which the plant will feel comfortable and protected. To prevent the film from being blown away by the wind, it can be additionally sprinkled with dry branches. This type of shelter will provide the shrub with a sufficient amount of sunlight and will protect it well from spring weather.

Rose Graham Thomas is a wonderful variety that will become worthy decoration any summer cottage or country house. With proper care, it will always delight its owner with beautiful flowering and exquisite English sophistication, which will not leave any guest indifferent.

Bush rose Graham Thomas, short review, characteristics description: