Do-it-yourself stone-look facade tiles. Making tiles and artificial stone with your own hands: photo and video instructions. Polystyrene boards

Tile is a universal material, using which you can carry out facing work, adding beauty to your home and ensuring a long service life.

Often, when it comes to tiles, people are used to ordering the product from manufacturing companies or buying it in hardware stores.

However, there is a way to make tiles yourself, and it is possible to create own view tiles

To do this, you just need to make a mold and a high-quality solution.

It is better to consider this issue in detail in order to make tiles high quality.

It is mainly used when it is not possible to carry out facing work using bricks. Tiles do not have a load-bearing function, and when a wall is erected, such material is not involved in installation. The cladding is carried out after the wall has been erected..

The thickness of façade tiles is generally 14mm. Considering this thickness parameter, the method of covering a wall with this material can be called gluing. For reliable fastening to the wall surface, a special adhesive composition is applied to the tiles. Using tiles, you can cladding not only the exterior of the building, but also the interior.

Among the variety of tiles, the following can be distinguished::

  1. . Possesses high level density, has a wide variety of geometric shapes in which it is produced.
  2. . Became quite popular for recent years. The shape in which it can often be seen is a square or rectangle. Has enough large sizes, thanks to this, it is not only profitable to use, but also convenient, since installation with help is simple and does not take much time.
  3. Polymer sand. The main purpose of this type of material is decoration. Thanks to this type of tile material, a wide variety of design ideas can be realized.

There are also less popular ones, such as:

Production process

Before starting the process of creating tiles for facade cladding, it is best to have an idea of ​​what the technological process is.

The temperature regime at which all manufacturing work must be carried out must be in the range from plus 15 to plus 30 degrees Celsius. Given temperature regime must be observed in order to ensure the highest quality solidification process of the solution. In addition, the work requires the use of protective clothing and devices; you must wear protective glasses and gloves.

The room in which work is carried out must be constantly ventilated. The first thing the process of creating tiles requires is making molds. They are installed on a vibrating table or any flat, hard surface.

They are lubricated with a small amount vegetable oil or liquid soap. This allows you to easily separate the finished product from the mold in the future.. The solution, prepared according to a special recipe, is poured into the molds and left for the required period of time until it completely hardens.

Forms for facade tiles

One of the main points in the process of creating tiles or artificial stone for is the form. This device is made from ABS plastic.

This material is the most widely used among others, but silicone, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane can be used for such purposes. These materials are capable of providing a high-quality result that will have the desired degree of matte or will be glossy on the surface.

As for molds made from PVC or plastic, they are convenient to use because they do not require lubrication and steaming, since the concrete mixture that is poured into them is not capable of sticking.

A good option regarding the material from which molds can be made is polyurethane. It is characterized by good strength and durability. If the mold is made of polyurethane, then it can be used for quite a long time, using it to produce 1000 or more tiles. In addition, this shape gives the tile an ideal glossy surface:

There is a wide variety of types of shapes that are used to create facade tiles.

Among the main ones we can highlight:

  • limestone ore;
  • marble;
  • cut limestone;
  • cliff;
  • dolomite.

By creating tiles yourself, you can make a shape that is not similar to any of the ones listed. Thus, the tiled facade of the building will be one and only of its kind.

Manufacturing process

The entire process that needs to be completed in order to create facade tiles with your own hands can be divided into several stages.

Such as:

  • creating forms;
  • preparing the solution;
  • final stage;
  • Direct receipt of the finished product.

Making molds from polyurethane

Initially, you need to decide on the appearance of the tiles that need to be made. In addition, you need to determine all the parameters of its dimensions. . It is very important to correctly make its front surface. For simplicity, you can already use finished products from natural stone, which needs to be imitated.

In order to make the mold, you need to use a two-component polyurethane casting compound. Such solutions have the required level performance characteristics, which remain with the finished product.

The whole process can be represented as follows:

  1. For the base, you can use a piece of plexiglass, the size of which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the stone. It should be placed face up.
  2. After this, it is necessary to measure the level at which the sample stone exceeds and draw a contour for the construction of future formwork. The height of the formwork should exceed the sample by 2 cm.
  3. The stone, having been removed from the base using silicone sealant, is attached to the plexiglass, adhering to the applied contour on the formwork.
  4. After the solution has been poured into the formwork for the mold, it is necessary to wait some time for it to harden. Often it takes 24 hours for this process.


The solutions that are used to make tiles with your own hands come in a wide variety.

In this case, an example of the most popular mortar based on cement is given.:

  • It is necessary to pour 1 part sand and 0.5 water into a container suitable for mixing the solution. The composition must be mixed for 1 minute;
  • after this, cement (2 parts) and water (1 part) must be added to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly;


The consistency of the solution after mixing should be similar to the solution intended for modeling. The mass must not be liquid.

  • When the required consistency has been achieved, the coloring pigment can be added. After stirring the composition for 2 minutes, we can assume that the solution for facade tiles is ready.


The process of laying out the prepared solutions into molds must be carried out on a vibrating table, which must be turned on during the process. It is necessary to fill the molds with the composition in portions; for this you can use a trowel or a wide spatula.

The composition must be subjected to vibration during the laying process. This allows air to be removed from the mass.

After the mass has been spread out over all forms, it is necessary to further level the surface using a wide spatula. It is also necessary to remove the composition that got on the sides of the molds.

The last thing to do at this stage is to remove the filled containers with the composition into a drying cabinet or place them on a rack.

The duration of the period required for the tile to harden is two days. During this time, the molds with the solution should not be touched..

After the specified period, you can begin to remove the finished tiles from the molds. To do this, they are first immersed in water whose temperature is 40-60 degrees Celsius and left for 2-3 minutes. After the tile is removed from the water, the mold should separate well.

To make the process easier, you can use a rubber mallet and lightly tap it on the surface of the mold..


Creating facade tiles with your own hands is enough exciting process. In addition to the fact that it is possible to make the tiles you like best, which will imitate artificial stone or brick, you can significantly save money on repairs.

You can begin the process of finishing the walls using tiles made by yourself after 7-10 days. The quality of tile material made by yourself is not much different from that offered on the construction market.

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Facade cladding with tiles successfully competes with painting, so the demand for durable, aesthetic facade tiles is great. Based on demand, manufacturers offer various types high-quality cladding, differing in material, format and color, but the material you like is not always affordable. In this situation, it is possible to reduce the cost of finishing the facade by making facade tiles yourself.

You don't need large rooms to make tiles

Selecting molds for casting tiles

In an enterprise environment, façade tiles are produced using methods of which only one is suitable for home use – vibration casting. It should be taken into account that the prices for high-quality molds are quite high, the turnover of molds for casting facade tiles is up to 1500 cycles, so buying them for the production of 5-10 square meters finishing doesn't make sense. But, if the amount of cladding work is significant, the cost of purchasing molds or making them yourself from polymer materials will provide significant savings cash.

The use of primitive homemade molds from scrap materials when casting, although it is a less expensive option for performing the work, does not guarantee the aesthetics of the finish.

Silicone molds can withstand a huge number of castings

Molds for casting tiles are divided into 3 types based on the material used:

  • silicone;
  • plastic;
  • polyurethane.

Of the listed types, polyurethane molds are suitable for making facade tiles at home, since silicone molds are fragile, and products made from plastic molds do not resemble natural stone due to their glossy surface.

The process of manufacturing facade tiles using the vibration casting method consists of the following stages:

  1. Making molds.
  2. Preparation of the solution.
  3. Pouring the solution into molds.
  4. Removing products.

Let's take a closer look at these stages.

Making a mold for tiles from wood is the easiest way

Manufacturing of polyurethane molds for facade tiles

First of all, you need to decide what kind of tile the facade will be finished with, think about its size, format and configuration of the front surface. A rational solution would be to temporarily borrow several samples of natural stone products from a professional workshop, which it was decided to imitate. These samples will be used as templates when making molds with your own hands.

Molds for making polyurethane tiles

Material for making molds

To make the molds themselves, you need to purchase a two-component polyurethane casting compound, for example, Nomakon-TM KPTD-1, Formosil or Poly. These compositions, prepared in the required proportions with a hardener and poured into formwork, turn into a durable elastic product that is resistant to mechanical damage, vibration, exposure to chemicals, low temperatures and humidity.

Production of formwork for the form and installation of the matrix

As a base for the formwork, use a piece of plexiglass slightly larger than the area of ​​the stone and place the sample on it, face up. The excess of the stone above the base level is measured and the outline of the future formwork is drawn around the sample at a distance of 2-3 cm with a marker.

The stone is removed from the base and a rectangular formwork made by hand from the same plexiglass is attached to the plexiglass along the applied contour using silicone sealant “For aquariums”. The height of the formwork should be 1.5-2 cm greater than the height of the sample. Then the sample is set in place, the joint between the stone and the base is covered with the same silicone and the product is allowed to dry for a day.

Mold for pouring a fence slab

If the sample material has high porosity, then its surface is covered with a thin layer of a solution of paraffin in kerosene or white spirit in a ratio of 1:2, which will act as an anti-adhesive separator and facilitate the removal of the matrix from the hardened polyurethane mass. The separator needs an hour to dry.

Preparing the filling solution

After the glue has dried, begin preparing the polyurethane mass for pouring.

In two separate dry and clean containers the required proportion cast required quantities polymer and hardener. Then pour them into a third dry and clean container and mix thoroughly with your own hands, touching the walls of the container.

When working with the components of the compound, you should use protective clothing, gloves and goggles, avoiding direct contact of the polymer with the body. If the solution gets on your skin, wash it off immediately running water With detergent!

Before pouring the formwork with the compound, you need to dry brush the matrix with a thin layer of polyurethane to reduce the number of air bubbles that form on the surface of the sample when adding the bulk of the mixture.

One of the corners of the base is raised, and the filling of the formwork with polymer begins from the lower corner, while simultaneously introducing the composition and lowering the raised corner. When the base is in a horizontal position, the thickness of the polyurethane layer above the top point of the matrix should be 2-3 cm.

The compound, depending on the type, hardens in about a day, after which the matrix is ​​removed.

Matrix extraction

A day after pouring, the formwork is dismantled, cutting stationery knife silicone bonding areas. The matrix in polyurethane is turned over back side up and evaluate the degree of curing of the polymer, since final hardening may take up to three days. If the compound has not completely hardened, the stone is left in it until the solution is completely set.

Several dies can be made at the same time to produce tiles of different shapes

The frozen polyurethane mold is carefully separated from the surface of the matrix with your own hands, trying not to damage the surface texture, which follows the structure of the stone.

To ensure that the facade decoration is not primitive or monotonous, it is necessary to make at least 5 forms using different matrices.

Preparation of mortar for molding tiles

There are many recipes for preparing the solution, but widespread received cement-based compositions. To produce the main component for pouring into molds, the following technology can be used:

2 parts of sand are mixed with one part of water for 1-2 minutes, after which 4 parts of cement and 2 parts of water are added and mixed for 2-3 minutes. Then 8 parts of sand and one part of water are gradually added to the solution and mixed, after which dye is added to the mixture in an amount of no more than 4-5% of the total volume of the batch. Using white M500 cement instead of the usual gray Portland cement will result in tiles with richer tones.

When making facade tiles with your own hands, they also use fillers from fine chips of natural stone (granite, marble, limestone), which increase the strength characteristics of the products and the similarity with natural stone finishing. To do this, out of 8 parts of sand, when mixing, 4 parts are replaced with crumbs.

Molding of facade tiles

The forms are placed on a working vibrating table and filled with the finished solution using a trowel - a narrow mason's trowel. If the solution does not include natural crumb fillers and dye, then pigment is first added to the molds with a layer of 1-1.5 cm, after which they are gradually filled flush with the edges with the main composition. This allows you to obtain a tile with a front surface uniformly painted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

Considering the high cost of a vibrating table and the laboriousness of making it yourself, when molding tiles you can do without it. If you install a sheet of steel or chipboard (chipboard) on two supports, and place polyurethane forms on it, then the mixture can be compacted in the forms by tapping the sheet from below with a hammer.

After compacting the mold, being careful not to deform it, transfer it to horizontal surface. During this time, the products are not moved or touched.

Exposure of molds and products to direct sunlight and high temperatures is unacceptable, as this reduces the strength of the tiles and the turnover of polyurethane molds.

Removing products from molds

To properly remove the cliche with the product, place it in a container with water at a temperature of 40-60 degrees for several minutes to increase the elasticity of the polymer. The tiles are removed by hand, tapping the polyurethane with a rubber hammer, and until completely cured, they are laid in one layer in a cool place for 7-10 days.


For significant volumes finishing works this technology provides significant savings in money, and the quality of hand-made facing material, although inferior to industrial designs, is quite high.

Tile is a universal material, using which you can carry out facing work, adding beauty to your home and ensuring a long service life.

Often, when it comes to tiles, people are used to ordering the product from manufacturing companies or buying it in hardware stores.

However, there is a way to make tiles yourself, and it is possible to create your own type of tile.

To do this, you just need to make a mold and a high-quality solution.

It is better to consider this issue in detail in order to make high quality tiles.

Facade tiles

Facade tiles are mainly used if it is not possible to carry out facing work using bricks. Tiles do not have a load-bearing function, and when a wall is erected, such material is not involved in installation. The cladding is carried out after the wall has been erected..

The thickness of façade tiles is generally 14mm. Considering this thickness parameter, the method of covering a wall with this material can be called gluing. For reliable fastening to the wall surface, a special adhesive composition is applied to the tiles. Using tiles, you can cladding not only the exterior of the building, but also the interior.

Among the variety of tiles, the following can be distinguished::

  1. Clinker room. It has a high level of density and has a wide variety of geometric shapes in which it is produced.
  2. Porcelain stoneware. It has become quite popular in recent years. The shape in which it can often be seen is a square or rectangle. It is quite large in size, making it not only profitable to use, but also convenient, since installation is simple and does not take much time.
  3. Polymer sand. The main purpose of this type of material is decoration. Thanks to this type of tile material, a wide variety of design ideas can be realized.

There are also less popular types, such as:

  • ceramic;
  • basement;
  • under a stone;
  • under brick;
  • basement

Production process

Before starting the process of creating tiles for facade cladding, it is best to have an idea of ​​what the technological process is.

The temperature regime at which all manufacturing work must be carried out must be in the range from plus 15 to plus 30 degrees Celsius. This temperature regime must be observed in order to ensure the highest quality hardening process of the solution. In addition, the work requires the use of protective clothing and devices; you must wear protective glasses and gloves.

The room in which work is carried out must be constantly ventilated. The first thing the process of creating tiles requires is making molds. They are installed on a vibrating table or any flat, hard surface.

They are lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil or liquid soap. This allows you to easily separate the finished product from the mold in the future.. The solution, prepared according to a special recipe, is poured into the molds and left for the required period of time until it completely hardens.

Forms for facade tiles

One of the main points in the process of creating tiles or artificial stone for facade cladding is the shape. This device is made from ABS plastic.

This material is the most widely used among others, but silicone, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane can be used for such purposes. These materials are capable of providing a high-quality result that will have the desired degree of matte or will be glossy on the surface.

As for molds made from PVC or plastic, they are convenient to use because they do not require lubrication and steaming, since the concrete mixture that is poured into them is not capable of sticking.

A good option regarding the material from which molds can be made is polyurethane. It is characterized by good strength and durability. If the mold is made of polyurethane, then it can be used for quite a long time, using it to produce 1000 or more tiles. In addition, this shape gives the tile an ideal glossy surface:

There is a wide variety of types of shapes that are used to create facade tiles.

Among the main ones we can highlight:

  • limestone ore;
  • marble;
  • cut limestone;
  • cliff;
  • dolomite.

By creating tiles yourself, you can make a shape that is not similar to any of the ones listed. Thus, the tiled facade of the building will be one and only of its kind.

Manufacturing process

The entire process that needs to be completed in order to create facade tiles with your own hands can be divided into several stages.

Such as:

  • creating forms;
  • preparing the solution;
  • final stage;
  • Direct receipt of the finished product.

Making molds from polyurethane

Initially, you need to decide on the appearance of the tiles that need to be made. In addition, you need to determine all the parameters of its dimensions. . It is very important to correctly make its front surface. For simplicity, you can use ready-made products made from natural stone, which you want to imitate.

In order to make the mold, you need to use a two-component polyurethane casting compound. Such solutions have the necessary level of performance characteristics that remain with the finished product.

The whole process can be represented as follows:

  1. For the base, you can use a piece of plexiglass, the size of which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the stone. It should be placed face up.
  2. After this, it is necessary to measure the level at which the sample stone exceeds and draw a contour for the construction of future formwork. The height of the formwork should exceed the sample by 2 cm.
  3. The stone, having been removed from the base using silicone sealant, is attached to the plexiglass, adhering to the applied contour on the formwork.
  4. After the solution has been poured into the formwork for the mold, it is necessary to wait some time for it to harden. Often it takes 24 hours for this process.


The solutions that are used to make tiles with your own hands come in a wide variety.

In this case, an example of the most popular mortar based on cement is given.:

  • It is necessary to pour 1 part sand and 0.5 water into a container suitable for mixing the solution. The composition must be mixed for 1 minute;
  • after this, cement (2 parts) and water (1 part) must be added to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly;


The consistency of the solution after mixing should be similar to the solution intended for modeling. The mass must not be liquid.

  • When the required consistency has been achieved, the coloring pigment can be added. After stirring the composition for 2 minutes, we can assume that the solution for facade tiles is ready.


The process of laying out the prepared solutions into molds must be carried out on a vibrating table, which must be turned on during the process. It is necessary to fill the molds with the composition in portions; for this you can use a trowel or a wide spatula.

The composition must be subjected to vibration during the laying process. This allows air to be removed from the mass.

After the mass has been spread out over all forms, it is necessary to further level the surface using a wide spatula. It is also necessary to remove the composition that got on the sides of the molds.

The last thing to do at this stage is to remove the filled containers with the composition into a drying cabinet or place them on a rack.

The duration of the period required for the tile to harden is two days. During this time, the molds with the solution should not be touched..

After the specified period, you can begin to remove the finished tiles from the molds. To do this, they are first immersed in water whose temperature is 40-60 degrees Celsius and left for 2-3 minutes. After the tile is removed from the water, the mold should separate well.

To make the process easier, you can use a rubber mallet and lightly tap it on the surface of the mold..


Creating facade tiles with your own hands is quite a fascinating process. In addition to the fact that it is possible to make the tiles you like best, which will imitate artificial stone or brick, you can significantly save money on repairs.

You can begin the process of finishing the walls using tiles made by yourself after 7-10 days. The quality of tile material made by yourself is not much different from that offered on the construction market.

Igor Robertovich, Chelyabinsk asks a question:

I heard that making brick clinker tiles with your own hands is very simple, but the working technology was not explained to me. Now I have built a dacha, and the question of finishing the facade has arisen. I haven’t decided what to do yet: buy ready-made material or try to make tiles myself? I would like to know the advantages of clinker tiles, manufacturing and installation features in order to do the finishing myself. Thank you in advance.

The expert answers:

Do-it-yourself brick tiles are made using a silicone mold and using simple materials: gypsum, cement, sand and color.

The manufacturing technology is simple. First, make a tile model from plasticine, cover it with silicone and wait for it to dry. 2 cans silicone sealant enough for 2 forms. Next, prepare a solution: 2 portions of gypsum, 1 portion of sand, 1 portion of cement.

Color is added, everything is mixed and poured into the mold. After 15 minutes the product is ready. You can dry it in the oven or on a stove bench. To prevent the tile from crumbling and smearing, it must be coated with a primer.

A homemade product will not have the characteristics of a factory-made material, but sometimes this is a good way out of a difficult situation.

Clinker tiles from the manufacturer are a type of ceramics. It has high strength due to long clay firing high temperature. It's easy to work with, but the price is several times higher than ceramic tiles.

If you do not have experience, read the instructions and watch a video that will show installation and manufacturing features.

The technology for laying clinker tiles under brick does not differ much from laying ordinary ceramic tiles. Regardless of whether you are laying tiles on a concrete or plastered surface, the surface must be level, free of dirt and covered with soil.

It is necessary to choose the right glue. For facades you need quality material, which does not absorb moisture and is resistant to low temperatures.

Clinker withstands dampness, frost, sun rays. He doesn't need further care, if the seams between the tiles are well rubbed.

The work is carried out according to the generally accepted scheme.

Main stages of work:

  • surface leveling;
  • marking;
  • stirring the adhesive solution;
  • laying tiles;
  • caulking seams.

Tools used:

  • level;
  • drill with mixer;
  • spatula;
  • glue container;
  • painting cord.

The wall is leveled and primed. On concrete wall you need to lay a rough layer of plaster with the installation of a façade mesh. If the wall is well leveled, then the tiles are moistened only with water or a small layer of glue. The thickness of the seam is due to special removable inserts or rods.

You need to mark the wall using a water level and a paint cord. Usually work starts from the second row, because the first basement row is laid out last. Sometimes work begins along a guide, which is laid out level from below in the second row.

Laying should begin from the window and doorways or from corners. Apply glue with a notched trowel and combine the tiles relative to each other according to the principle of brickwork.

Apply tile adhesive with a spatula with a tooth depth of about 10 mm. The product is placed randomly under the brick, as with brickwork. To lay corners you need to use corner elements that will help imitate brickwork and speed up the work process.

When laying clinker tiles under a brick with your own hands, a rod is sometimes used. To lay the next seam, a rod is placed on top of the previous one to ensure uniform placement of the material.

Next, when the glue dries, the rod or inserts are removed and the seam is filled mortar for grouting. The seams must be carefully sealed to prevent water from getting under the tiles. The solution is prepared using a mixer, using the manufacturer's recommendations.

A house laid with clinker tiles looks solid, stylish, attractive, and the facade will not fade or become dilapidated even after a long time.

A large number of cladding materials are produced for façade finishing. building materials. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. But many are often stopped by the cost of the material.

Therefore, they resort to an alternative solution - making facade tiles with their own hands. This allows you to save money and give the building façade that appearance, which you will like. In this article we will tell you about some of the secrets of the process of making tiles at home.

Choice of material - what affects it

When choosing a material for making tiles with your own hands, you need to understand that it plays a role not only for decoration. The finishing must reliably protect the facade from negative impact environment.

In order to minimize the cost of producing facade tiles, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Cost of material for manufacturing.
  • Availability of cooking technology.
  • Shape and dimensions of the product.
  • Availability of decor and color shade.

Important! For the production of cladding, you can use different dry mixtures, ranging from ordinary concrete to special compounds.

Selecting forms

It is important to understand that the factory technology for manufacturing facade tiles is not suitable for home use. The only thing that can be introduced is the vibration casting method. As for the forms, the cost quality product big.

The purchasing decision depends on the scope of work. One high-quality mold is designed for up to 1500 tile production cycles. If you need to produce up to 20 squares of tiles, then buying an expensive mold will not justify the investment. In this case, it is better to do it yourself. Therefore, it is important to make the correct calculations.

Important! It is not always possible to make a mold at home so that the tiles turn out to be of high quality, which will affect the aesthetics of the final result.

Therefore, if there is no ability and opportunity to produce high-quality form do it yourself, it’s better to buy it.

Required Equipment

The equipment for making facade tiles with your own hands depends on the raw materials used. The easiest way is to use concrete. To make tiles you need a good mold and a vibrating table.

The form can be made of plywood, plastic, wood or polyurethane. The best material is polyurethane. Using it you can convey the texture of the future tile in the smallest detail. Due to this, you can ideally create an imitation of natural stone and other building materials.

A large number of home craftsmen make a vibrating table on their own. For this you need metal frame, sheet of metal or other material for the table top, motor from washing machine and springs.

Vibropressing technology is also used in the production of facade tiles. Thanks to its use, the density of raw materials is reduced without large quantity water.

In some cases, a kiln is used to ensure that terracotta, clinker or porcelain tiles are fully prepared. In these furnaces, the workpiece is fired at a temperature of 1 thousand to 3 thousand degrees.

Please note

Main advantage self-made tiles - the ability to give it the desired shape and texture. You can experiment to make exclusive products, for example, make a non-standard shape or use a different composition of raw materials.

Two simple manufacturing methods

Step by step instructions

Now let's consider step by step process how to make facade tiles with your own hands. All work must be carried out at temperatures from +15 to +30 degrees Celsius. This temperature range will provide ideal conditions for the product to harden.

Please note

For protection purposes, gloves and goggles must be used. The room should be well ventilated.

First, molds for casting are prepared. A vibrating table is also installed. You can use a regular table.

Further work has the following sequence:

Complete hardening can take up to two days. During this time, the forms cannot be touched. After this period, the forms are immersed in a container with warm water to +60 degrees Celsius for three minutes. Then the tiles are removed from the water and removed from the mold.

It is necessary to remove it carefully so as not to damage the workpiece. You can use a rubber mallet or light hand movements. The facade tiles will be completely ready for further cladding after 10 days.

As you can see, DIY tiles are a doable task. By making it yourself, you will save your family budget, but you will also need to spend time and effort on the production process itself.

But the end result will not leave you and those around you indifferent. To consolidate all the material presented, we recommend that you watch the prepared video.