Bathtub made of artificial stone: pros and cons. Bathtub made of artificial stone - a tribute to fashion or a conscious necessity The best bathtubs made of artificial marble

First, a little educational program - what are cast marble bathtubs made from?

The basis for production is marble chips (waste from the manufacture of products from natural lump marble or marble slabs with a flaw). All this is ground to flour. Then the marble chips are mixed with a binding material (usually resin). The finished mass is mixed and poured into ready-made molds (frames). Often, various dyes are added to give a certain color (we’ll remember about colored baths a little later). Then the cast marble baths are shaped and processed with a milling cutter (polished). Next is drying and treatment with gelcoat. Gelcoat is essentially a varnish, a protective coating against an aggressive environment. In addition, it adds shine to the product.

And now a little truth about bathtub manufacturers from artificial marble.

The first place where you can be misled is to sell a marble bathtub, where instead of natural marble chips, quartz filler (in other words, quartz sand) will be used. Quartz filler is a material with internal hollow microspheres. Accordingly, the quality of a bathtub made from such raw materials leaves much to be desired. The more porous the material, the less strength the product will be, and problems may arise with the insertion of mixers and the insertion of the hydromassage system. When drilling holes, cracks and chips will appear.

The second question will be of interest to those who want to buy a colored bathtub. A conscientious manufacturer adds paint and coloring pigments to the mass before casting. As a result, the bathtub will be painted in one color throughout the entire depth (wall thickness) of the product. This is important because If scratches or small chips appear during use, then in this case the entire product will still be one color and to repair the bathtub you will only need polishing with gelcoat. Manufacturers who save money and just paint finished product in the color you choose, you receive products that will be visible even with the slightest scratch. white base baths. Eliminating such defects is expensive.

Synonym for bathtubs made of cast marble: bathtubs made of artificial stone, bathtubs made of artificial marble, bathtubs made of marble chips.

Now let's look at the manufacturers - the pros and cons of their products.

The main domestic producers on Russian market three.

LLC Estet Kostroma

Pros: products made from natural marble chips (and domestic marble, of excellent quality), high density of the material, end and side panels for bathrooms are also made from cast marble, prices for products are on average 25% lower than market prices, due to the use of domestic raw materials. Delivery of products to the customer within 2 days. The company also offers shower trays made of cast marble. The company's hit is made from cast marble.
limited model range.

LLC Esse Tyumen baths ESSE

Pros: bathtubs made of good quality natural marble chips, a large range of bathtubs and trays made of cast marble. Good prices. Individual production of bathtubs according to customer sizes. The company's hit is a deep shower tray RD - 90
Cons: Products are supplied to order, delivery 10-14 days.

LLC Astra-Form

The main disadvantage is that the baths are made of quartz sand (there is no talk about marble at all). Uniformity and density are not achieved, the number of air particles in the product increases. This in turn affects the strength and durability of the product.
Pros: a large range of models, always having products in stock in Moscow.

Bathtubs from foreign manufacturers

SPN company (Latvia)

Pros: bathtubs made of natural marble chips, large range of models, always in stock in Moscow. SPN is the only company that produces colored bathtubs that imitate natural stone. Also in the product line are bathtubs made of cast onyx. One-piece exclusive products. A hit is the Santa bathtub made of cast marble.
Cons: side panels for bathtubs made of plastic.

Company Belux Ltd Belarus, Zhodino

Pros: products made from natural marble chips, a wide range of models, inexpensive price tag.
Minus: All items are made to order, delivery time is 2 weeks.

Marmite Poland company

Pros: modern European design, products in stock in Moscow
Minus: raw materials for production - quartz sand, high price tag.

Vispool Latvia company

Pros: bathtubs made of natural marble chips, wide range of models, modern design, many “freestanding” baths. The same model range is produced by ESSE Tyumen
Cons: Delivery to order 2-3 weeks, only imitation granite bathtubs (external painting), the highest price tag on the Russian market.

Happy choosing!

Despite appearing on construction market functional, compact shower cabins; in Russia, bathtubs traditionally occupy a strong position. This is due to the fact that this plumbing fixture is considered in the country not only as a means of maintaining hygiene, but also as a place of rest, relaxation, and health promotion.

Therefore, homeowners are responsible when choosing a washing container, comparing the pros and cons of models from various materials. The last word The design included a stone bathtub, characterized by a long service life, aesthetic qualities and increased wear.

Due to the emergence of artificial stone, the price of products made from this material has decreased, but they still belong to the “luxury” category, therefore they are produced in very limited quantities. In this article we will talk about the types, popular forms, and features of making stone sanitary bowls.


A stone washing container is a durable, strong, hygienic sanitary fixture with excellent performance characteristics. Use this indoors natural material makes the interior stylish and modern. The price of stone models starts from 100 thousand rubles and depends on the size, quality or complexity of the product. Used for making bathtubs the following types stone:

Important! Many homeowners are put off by the high price of products made from natural or artificial stone when choosing a bathroom. However, professional craftsmen claim that these investments quickly pay off, because stone bowls have a longer service life than other types of bathtubs.


For the sophisticated modern buyer, variety model range and the size of the bath plays an important role. Stone models are produced in symmetrical or asymmetrical shapes, so they are used in rooms of any size. The following are produced from stone:

Professional designers note that it is more suitable for small spaces corner bath made of stone, because it allows you to increase the comfort of performing hygiene procedures, saving free space. In addition, such models are often equipped with hydromassage equipment, built-in lighting, and storage space, which promotes maximum relaxation and wellness.


The exorbitant price often makes buyers wonder whether the performance qualities of stone bathtubs justify the high cost. More often people pay attention to the external attractiveness of stone products, however, in use they show their practicality and functionality. According to professional craftsmen, stone bathtub models have the following advantages:

  • High strength. Artificial and natural stone have increased strength, so it is almost impossible to damage models made of this material during operation.
  • Long service life. Bathtubs made of stone are considered almost eternal, so if you buy this model once, you can use it for the rest of your life.
  • Hygiene. The surface of the stone does not absorb pollution, does not allow the spread of mold, mildew and other pathogenic microflora, therefore baths made of this material are considered the most hygienic and safe for health.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity of the stone allows you to maintain the water temperature for a long time, which ensures the comfort of hygiene procedures.
  • High decorative potential. Bathtubs made of natural and artificial stone in the interior look exclusive, expensive, and stylish. By adding a sink or countertop to the washing container, you can get a modern, relevant and memorable design.

Interestingly, bathtubs made of artificial stone have their own advantages, despite the fact that their price is less than models made of natural stone. Quality stone baths During the production process they are coated with a layer of polyester resin, due to which they have a non-porous surface. Due to the absence of pores, products made from artificial stone have antibacterial properties and a self-cleaning effect.


Every material has disadvantages, including natural and artificial stone. Before purchasing a plumbing product, the price of which reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles, it is necessary to study the features of installation and operation, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of this choice. A bathtub made of artificial stone or natural raw materials has the following disadvantages:

  1. Low maintainability. Repairing stone bathtubs is quite difficult, so restoring a damaged coating can be expensive for the owner. It is more difficult to repair a product made from natural raw materials. Products made from artificial stone are much easier to restore. It is best to seal the crack immediately after detection, without delaying, so as not to lead to the formation of a through hole.
  2. Prohibition on the use of abrasive detergents. Every housewife knows that sometimes the easiest way to remove dirt is with a hard sponge or an abrasive detergent. However, it is not allowed to use stone products for cleaning, as they wear out the outer coating of the bathtub and leave scratches.
  3. Risk of staining. Hair dye or other coloring compounds should be used with caution in stone wash containers, as they may be absorbed into the material and change color. The cup must be rinsed after each use.

Important! Main disadvantage stone sanitaryware - a high price, which makes this type of bathtub inaccessible to many homeowners. It is believed that low cost indicates internal defects and questionable quality of the product.

Video instructions

In one of our previous articles, we told you in detail what cast marble is and identified it best qualities. But everything is learned by comparison, so this time we will compare it with other materials, using the example of the production of cast marble bathtubs.

Advantages of cast marble over: acrylic, cast iron and natural stone.

  • Unlike acrylic, cast iron and metal, bathtubs made of cast marble have a presentable back side, the same glossy as the front one.
  • They are installed on beautiful legs, also made of cast marble and do not require the installation of a front panel, which looks presentable and is practical to clean.
  • A very important difference is the 100% repairability of bathtubs made of cast marble, i.e. any damage - a scratch or chip - can be repaired, without even dismantling the bathtub itself. The cost of repairs often does not exceed 1000 rubles.
  • No other material allows you to imitate natural stones like cast marble!
  • No other material can boast such a variety of colors and textures in which we offer you to create a bath.
  • Bathtubs made of cast marble are silent when filling with water. Maintains the temperature of the collected water for a long time.
  • The bottom of the bathtub does not bend under the weight of a person. Also, bathtubs made of cast marble are resistant to household chemicals.
  • Affordable and affordable price - compare prices, and you will see for yourself that Braim bathtubs are no more expensive than bathtubs made of plastic, acrylic or cast iron.


Cast marble


Natural stone

Cast iron





The heaviest


High - designed for heavy loads

Average strength

Low, has internal voids and cracks

Very durable


High repair


Average repairability

Not repairable

Not repairable

Technical implementation

Implementation of any idea

Plastic, but not durable in complex structures

Many restrictions, high labor intensity

Implementation impossible

Color range

No restrictions. The largest palette

Limited to manufacturer's catalog

Limited by the market

Limited by the market

Variety of textures

More than 400 species

Several types

Large quantity

Property not applicable

Stain resistance

High, absolutely hygroscopic

High, but not resistant to acidic and alkaline environments

Low, easily absorbed

Low, easily absorbed

Environmental safety

High. Due to the absence of pores, it does not allow bacteria to multiply



Absorbs any environment, including unsafe ones


Initially warm, retains heat for a long time

Heats up quickly

Takes a long time to heat up, does not hold heat

Are there any disadvantages to bathtubs made of cast marble?

In fact, bathtubs made of cast marble have many advantages. A relative disadvantage can be called large, approximately the same as cast iron bathtubs, weight. Relative because this large weight gives the bath stability and eliminates vibration from hydromassage units, allowing you to enjoy the procedures in comfort. Moreover, you will only need to lift and install the bath once.

The range of modern plumbing amazes consumers with its diversity. In stores you can choose a bathtub from almost any material: steel, cast iron, wood, glass. But to give the bathroom a noble and aristocratic appearance, it's worth installing in it marble bath.

It will emphasize the impeccable taste and high status of the owner, and will also please you with good technical characteristics, about what, in more detail in the article.

Manufacture of plumbing fixtures from natural stone became quite recently.

But even despite the high cost, such products are in demand among buyers, because they are reliable, durable and give the room a special aristocratic charm, bringing an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication to the interior.

Natural marble is quite soft material, which lends itself well to processing. Thanks to this quality, the product can be given absolutely any shape.

For the production of sanitary ware from natural material a large solid block of stone is taken. The process of making it is quite difficult and takes a lot of time. This explains the high cost of plumbing. Of course, a bowl is cut out of a block of marble not by hand, but with the help of modern equipment.

A special feature of natural stone bathtubs is the unique pattern on the product. There are no two identical fixtures with identical patterns - unique inclusions and streaks on marble add decorativeness to plumbing fixtures.

Natural stone is divided by type and amount of impurities in the composition. It happens:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • green;
  • black;
  • silver - blue.

The rarer the color of the stone, the more expensive a product made from it will cost. Blue marble is considered the rarest and most expensive.

Artificial stone

Thanks to development modern technologies, plumbing manufacturers have learned to create artificial marble.

This made it possible to significantly reduce its cost, reduce weight, and improve performance characteristics products. Artificial marble is produced in different ways. But the most popular is the injection (cast) method, what is it?

Production of hot tubs from casting composition

The process of casting a bathtub from artificial marble is as follows:

  1. Marble chips are mixed with acrylic resin.
  2. For coloring, additional pigments are added to the composition.
  3. The prepared solution is poured into a special form.
  4. To protect the surface of the product and to make it decorative, a gel-like mass of pigmented resin is used.
  5. Next, a vibropress is connected and after a certain time the bowl is removed from the mold.

Vibration removes excess air from the material, which gives it high strength. Additional processing and polishing of plumbing fixtures makes its surface perfectly smooth and even.

At the production stage, the bathtub can be given absolutely any shade of color using coloring pigments. This allows you to implement the most daring design solutions.

Thanks to the injection molding method, bowls of different shapes and sizes can be made:

  • corner;
  • round;
  • asymmetrical;
  • free-standing;
  • rectangular.

Most models are equipped with hydromassage, headrests, orthopedic devices for the back and legs. Below are the main pros and cons of cast marble hot tubs.


Below are pictures of marble bathtubs in different shapes.

Pros and cons

The advantages of sanitary ware made from natural marble include:

  • Immunity to sudden temperature changes. You can pour boiling water into this product and cold water without worrying that it will crack.
  • High heat capacity. Natural marble baths heat up slowly and retain heat for a long time.
  • Sustainability. Due to the large weight, no additional supports are needed.
  • Sound absorption. Water will pour into the plumbing fixtures completely silently.
  • Long service life. At careful attitude The font will last for decades.
  • Tightness and strength. Bathtubs are made from a whole piece of stone.
  • Simplicity and ease of care. This material does not absorb water; dirt and soap stains do not remain on its surface.

As for the disadvantages of such plumbing fixtures, these include:

  • Too much weight. It is impossible to install such a product yourself. In addition, it can only be placed on solid floors.
  • White stone may eventually turn yellow, which will significantly spoil its aesthetics. The product may also appear cracks and chips, and this will complicate the process of its operation.
  • High cost. Only wealthy people can afford such plumbing.

Advantages of a marble bathtub made of cast material:

  • High abrasion resistance. Even after many years of use, the surface remains perfectly smooth and even.
  • Such plumbing can be used by a person of any size.
  • Fast heating material and the ability to retain heat for a long time .
  • Richness of shades and shapes. Can be chosen to suit any interior.
  • Easy to create technological holes in a product for installing hydromassage nozzles.
  • Ease of care. There are no stains or deposits left on the surface of the material. To make the product look like new, just wipe it with a clean cloth after use. water procedures.
  • Resistance to fungi. The material does not rot, does not rust, and retains its original appearance for a long time due to the lack of porosity of the structure.

A bathtub made of artificial marble will harmoniously fit into any interior. If necessary, it can be restored and does not require special care.

Also distinctive features Such models are also due to the fact that cast marble is a completely safe and environmentally friendly material. It does not release toxins and does not cause allergic reactions from users.

But like any other material, cast (cast) marble has its disadvantages:

  • Heavy weight products, compared to acrylic and steel models. Installing plumbing will take a lot of your time and physical effort.
  • High price. Compared to acrylic and cast iron models.
  • Complexity of production. There is a high probability of buying a low-quality product.
Cast marble Do not clean with abrasives, since microcracks may appear on its surface.

What to look for when purchasing?

When choosing a bath, you should consider the following factors:

  • dimensions;
  • color and style of your interior;
  • quality of material;
  • manufacturer.

We will talk about them in detail below.


As for the size of the plumbing fixtures, it is necessary to take into account the height and weight of the apartment owners. To take water procedures comfortably, a person must be placed in the bathtub at full height. The optimal solution models with depth bowls 50-60 cm.

Of course, the size of the font should directly depend on the area of ​​the room itself. If the bathroom is small, you should install a compact corner or rectangular model in it. But for spacious rooms, there are no such restrictions. Here you can place round or oval plumbing fixtures in the center of the room.

Color and style

Marble products fit harmoniously into classical trends: baroque, Renaissance, classicism. For such directions, it is recommended to choose massive free-standing models with curved legs. Their color can be anything from snow-white to dark blue. The choice should be made based on the main color palette of the bathroom. But most often, in classic interiors install plumbing fixtures in white, gray or yellow tones .

If you are choosing a bathroom for the Provence style, then you should pay attention to a simple product without unnecessary decor. His color palette must be kept in light colors. Below is an example good combination tender French interior and an “airy” free-standing marble font.

Also, a golden bathtub made of oval-shaped cast material will look beautiful in this direction. For modern trends, such as minimalism, hi-tech, loft or modern, you should choose free-standing, built-in or wall-mounted models in white, gray or black.


It is very important to pay attention to the quality of plumbing. When buying a bathtub made of natural stone, it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

This material cannot be confused with another. Since all models have quite thick walls from 2 cm, they weigh more than half a ton, and have a unique texture. Most often, such products are made according to individual orders. But keep in mind that if the manufacturer used a low-grade stone, it may crack and chip.

If you notice that there are roughness, unevenness or other flaws on the surface of the material, it is best not to purchase refuse. The thicket of the product must be perfectly smooth, even and uniform. Check high quality bathtubs made of natural marble are quite easy. To do this, just run your palm over its cup. If traces of the stone remain on your hands, this indicates a low quality material that is not suitable for use.

But choosing plumbing fixtures made from cast marble is much more difficult. Unscrupulous manufacturers, under the guise of this material, often sell products made from other compositions that do not have a long service life.

There are also often models in the manufacture of which all casting technologies were not followed. Externally, such bathtubs are no different from high-quality ones. The only thing is that they weigh a little less. To avoid mistakes when buying a bathtub made of cast marble, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • at quality product wall thickness will be at least 2 cm;
  • surface must be perfect flat and smooth, warm and shiny;
  • color models must be evenly painted;
  • along the lines of the drawings there should be no seams;
  • when tapping your fingers on the product, it should be audible dull sound.


Making marble sanitary ware is a complex process, so you should give preference to manufacturers who have long been engaged in plumbing ware made from cast (cast) and natural marble. Below is a list of brands that will definitely not disappoint you:

  • Kaldewei;
  • Alpen;
  • Aqua Stone;
  • Clear Water;
  • Marmorin.
Don’t forget to ask the manufacturer for a quality certificate for the product and a long warranty.

Care and restoration

Everyone knows that despite its strength, marble is a malleable material.

Cracks, chips and stains form on its surface due to improper use. Therefore, the product must be protected from impacts and exposure to aggressive substances.

These products must be rinsed after each use. clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. Once a week, it is recommended to wash the font with soapy water, but without abrasive substances.

Manufacturers do not recommend bathing pets in marble baths. Since they can scratch its surface with sharp claws.

As for artificial material, it is more resistant to negative factors. Cracks and chips practically do not appear on its surface. But the use of abrasives and acidic compounds can destroy the protective layer. To care for a marble bathroom, it is recommended to purchase special liquids. They are suitable for both artificial and natural materials.

If during operation any defects appear on the plumbing fixtures, then you can easily and simply get rid of them:

  • Cosmetics or paint stains removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Oily stains Sprinkle with starch or chalk and leave until completely absorbed. In a day it's all washed away hot water and wipes dry.
  • Get rid of rust will be much more difficult. Here you will need to use a special paste, which is applied to the stain for a few minutes and then washed off with water.
  • To get rid of chips, scratches and small cracks You will need to purchase special repair kits. They contain operating instructions that must be strictly followed.
  • If appeared on the surface mold or mildew, they can be removed using ammonia.


We suggest you take a look interesting videos about how marble baths are made:


Finally, it is worth noting that a bathtub made of artificial or natural marble has many advantages. Such products amaze buyers with their luxurious and noble look, they are distinguished by high technical characteristics, ease of maintenance and operation.

Acrylic is a synthetic material made from polymer resins with a certain percentage of various additives that give the material certain properties. Acrylic is environmentally friendly, lightweight, flexible and very durable material, allowing you to achieve a huge number of options of shapes and sizes.

  • Light weight (only 20-45 kg depending on size), which makes transportation much easier.
  • There is a dull sound when filling because... acrylic is a sound-absorbing material.
  • Bacteria do not reproduce well on acrylic, which is important for a product that is constantly in contact with water.
  • The surface of an acrylic bathtub is warm to the touch, the reason for this is simple - the material has low thermal conductivity.
  • Acrylic has good thermal insulation properties, the water in such a bathtub cools much more slowly than in a cast iron or, especially in a steel bathtub.
  • Thanks to its plasticity, acrylic is sufficiently resistant to damage: you don’t have to worry about an object falling into the bathtub damaging the enamel.
  • Scratches and stains that inevitably appear on the surface over time can be easily removed.
  • Acrylic bathtubs are easy to clean; in most cases, just rinsing them is enough. warm water out of the shower and wipe dry. More serious stains can be dealt with by special detergents for acrylic - they should be used so as not to damage the inner coating of the bathtub.
  • Variety of designs - due to the plasticity and viscosity of the material, acrylic bathtubs are produced in a wide variety of forms.
  • The glossy surface of acrylic always retains its original shine and color (white bathtubs do not turn yellow), because color pigments are distributed evenly throughout the entire thickness.
  • Smooth but non-slip surface.
  • Guaranteed service life with color and shine retention up to 25 years.

Unfortunately, acrylic also has negative properties:

  • You cannot soak clothes in such a bath; you will have to rely on a washing machine.
  • Its surface can be easily scratched, and a dropped lit cigarette can melt the surface.
  • During operation, a crack may appear in the body of the bathtub; this is rare, but it does happen due to pressure when water is overflowing.
  • IN acrylic bath It is strictly forbidden to pour boiling water; the temperature of the water poured should not exceed 70⁰C.
  • Any acrylic bathtub after production for 2-3 months it has a natural smell of acrylic, like any other freshly made plastic product.

Steel bath

Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon and other elements. Carbon (up to 2%) gives iron alloys strength and hardness, reducing ductility and toughness. Alloying elements can be added to steel to improve chemical properties main material. Due to its light weight, a steel bathtub can be safely installed even in an apartment with very thin ceilings.

  • Light weight steel baths– 25-30 kg – facilitates transportation and delivery of the bathtub to the apartment, and also ensures ease of installation.
  • Service life - more than 30 years.
  • >High hygiene is achieved by a small number of pores in the enamel coating, which prevents the formation of severe contamination.
  • High performance properties – resistance to scratches and abrasion.
  • Chemical resistance to household acids and alkalis (the appearance of the bath will remain perfect even after taking baths with herbs or coloring your hair).
  • Heat resistance - no stains from cigarettes or other heat sources.
  • High thermal conductivity allows the bath to heat up very quickly (even those parts of the bath that are above the water level retain heat and release it gradually, like an acrylic bath).

Flaws steel bath:

  • When installing bathtubs made of steel, it is necessary to ground them, since steel is an excellent conductor of electricity.
  • The formation of significant noise when filling the bathtub with water - the thickness of the walls of the steel bathtub affects the soundproofing characteristics of the product.
  • Low heat capacity (water cools very quickly when room temperature air, and in winter - within 10-15 minutes).
  • It is very difficult to restore a damaged bathtub enamel surface if you accidentally drop a heavy item.

Cast iron bath

Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon (from 2.14 to 6.67%), also containing permanent impurities (silicon, manganese, phosphorus and sulfur), and sometimes alloying elements. The cast iron bathtub is characterized by strength, durability and classic design. A cast iron bathtub is quite heavy, but it retains heat well and is resistant to mechanical damage and durable.

  • Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity, strength, and rigidity, so cast iron bathtubs are strong, durable, and resistant to temperature fluctuations.
  • It retains heat for a long time, and as a result, the water cools down more slowly.
  • The walls usually have a large cross-section: approximately 6 or 8 mm. Having an impressive weight, the cast iron bathtub is securely held by supports; it does not require auxiliary fastenings during installation. It stands firmly, without changing position, without sagging during use.
  • On inner side An anti-corrosion coating is applied to the cast iron bathtub, allowing it to retain its original appearance for a long time.
  • The enamel has a shine and does not remain scratched when using cleaning products.
  • Easy to clean from dirt - such bathtubs are neutral to the effects of various chemicals and can be easily cleaned with sanitary ware care products.
  • Cast iron bathtubs do not have pores on their surface and dirt does not collect in them.
  • A cast iron bathtub does not delaminate and does not crack over time.
  • Cast iron bathtubs are valued for their long, almost unlimited service life, which is much longer than the service life of bathtubs made from other materials.
  • Lowest noise level when drawing water.

Disadvantages of a cast iron bath:

  • The bulkiness and massiveness of a cast iron bathtub - it weighs about 120 kg, which leads to some problems during delivery and installation.
  • Due to the non-plastic properties of the material, only rectangular and oval bathtubs are made from cast iron.
  • It is very difficult to restore the damaged enamel surface of a cast iron bathtub if you accidentally drop a heavy item.

Cast stone bathtub

Casting stone is an artificial stone that consists of quartz sand, marble chips and polyester resin, as well as gelcoat. Gelcoat is a special composition, similar to varnish, that is applied to the surface of the bathtub, giving it shine and pleasant smoothness. Gelcoat has not only decorative and aesthetic qualities, but also protective ones. For example, it perfectly protects the surface of the bathtub from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Bathtubs made of cast marble perfectly combine the natural properties and beauty of natural marble, and the freedom of ideas for modeling bathtubs is not limited.

Bathtubs made of cast stone can be made in various colors, which, along with the original shape, allows you to approach the choice of a bathtub purely individually. Among the advantages of such products, it is worth highlighting their high strength and durability.

  • Low level of thermal conductivity.
  • Resistance to heavy loads, high impact resistance, high wear resistance (abrasion resistance).
  • Execution in various colors, a variety of decorations and a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • The ability to carry out repairs, trimming and eliminating various scratches at home, cast stone does not form cracks or chips.
  • High level of noise absorption when drawing water.
  • High antibacterial characteristics.
  • There is no radioactive background characteristic of natural stone/marble.
  • High frost and heat resistance (from - 500 Cº to + 900 Cº).
  • It does not fade, its surface does not lose its gloss.
  • Service life more than 10 years.

Disadvantages of a bathtub made of cast stone:

  • The surface is easily scratched and requires careful handling (for example, do not bathe dogs).
  • Relatively heavy weight (about 100 kg).
  • To avoid unwanted chips on the bathtub, you should be extremely careful when transporting it (before final installation in the bathroom).
  • Cast stone bathtubs should only be cleaned soap solutions and a soft sponge, excluding the use of abrasive or powder cleaning agents.

Other types of baths

Bathtub made of natural stone

Natural stones used in the manufacture of bathtubs include: marble, granite, onyx, etc. Bathtubs made of natural stone are very heavy, but their sophistication and unique beauty can transform any bathroom.

  • Natural stone has a special energy that has a beneficial effect on humans, has high tactile qualities, and creates psychological comfort.
  • The bath is hygienic and environmentally friendly, has bactericidal properties.
  • Unlimited service life.
  • Natural stone breathes and is pleasant to the touch.
  • Heats up easily and retains heat.
  • A bathtub made of natural stone is a unique style, convenience, uniqueness of work and exclusivity in the interior - since you can repeat the pattern created by nature and color scheme impossible.
  • Possesses strength and durability.
  • Natural material is resistant to temperature changes and moisture.
  • It is easy to care for and prevents the appearance of fungus.
  • High noise insulation qualities - no sounds are heard when drawing water.

Disadvantages of a bathtub made of natural stone:

  • Heavy weight.
  • High cost.
  • Durable is colored marble or marble gray, and here is the material white may begin to yellow over time, resulting in discoloration or dark spots.

Ceramic bathtub

Ceramics is a material made from inorganic non-metallic materials (clay) and their mixtures with mineral additives, which is formed under the influence of high temperature(burning).

Advantages of a ceramic bath:

  • The ceramic bath is silent when filling with water.
  • It retains heat well, since the walls of the bathroom are quite thick, and the inner layer of ceramics has a low-porous structure and heats up evenly.
  • It does not scratch - you can bathe your pet, and does not rust, it is smooth to the touch, and will not be damaged by smoking (if a cigarette gets on the surface of the bath, it will not affect its properties).
  • The service life of such a bathtub is practically unlimited and can be commensurate with the service life of the building in which it is installed. Even low quality tap water does not affect its color and radiant smoothness of the inner surface for decades.
  • The metal-ceramic structure gives the bathtub the highest durability: even repeated cleanings with any cleaning pastes or aggressive chemical solutions unable to damage its glaze.
  • There are practically no pores or even the smallest cracks on the surface, which means that dirt particles cannot accumulate and there is nowhere for microbes to multiply.
  • Environmentally safe for human health.

Disadvantages of a ceramic bath:

  • High price: a ceramic bathtub is a rather expensive product, but it can become an element that determines the direction of the style of the bathroom, emphasizing the status and respectability of the owner of the house.
  • Transportation and installation ceramic bath requires professionalism and increased accuracy.
  • The product is heavy and highly fragile, so careless handling can lead to cracks or complete destruction.

Quaril bath

The material called quaril is modern variety acrylic, a mixture of quartz and acrylic. Quartz increases the strength of acrylic, so additional reinforcement (strengthening the material or structure with another material) is not required, and bathtubs made from it become stable and reliable. Bathtubs made of this material are heavier than acrylic ones, but still lighter than cast iron ones. Due to their hardness, quaril baths allow the use of clear lines in the design, without the roundness typical of conventional bent plastic. In addition, the addition of quartz chips increases the scratch resistance of acrylic.

Advantages of a quaril bath:

  • Enough light weight(lighter than cast iron baths) and less slippery surface.
  • Smooth, warm, less porous, but very durable material (transportation and installation of products made from this material do not pose any problem, it is very difficult to damage the product).
  • Excellent visual performance and long service life with proper care.
  • The quaril bath is homogeneous, more resistant to damage and deformation, the surface can be easily restored.
  • Available in various colors and shapes.
  • Extremely low thermal conductivity, thanks to which quaril always turns out to be warm and pleasant when touched, and maintains the water temperature for the longest possible period of time.

Disadvantages of a boiled bath:

  • Higher price than acrylic bathtubs.
  • If a scratch or crack does appear on the bathtub, then restoring it will be much more difficult than in the case of conventional acrylic.