Pros and cons of a florist. Negative aspects of the florist profession. Is it possible to learn floristry from YouTube videos?


For friends!


At all times, people have strived for beauty. Back in the 5th century BC. e. used flowers to decorate their homes, as evidenced by vases found by archaeologists, writings on papyrus, and even surviving seeds. And in the tomb of Tutankhamun, scientists discovered what they least expected to find: a wreath of wildflowers...

Nowadays, people strive no less for beauty and want to be closer to nature. Professions whose representatives bring to the gray are becoming popular daily life, as well as in the image of city life the extraordinary beauty of flowers, their fresh fragrance. “Florist” is one of these amazing professions.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Florist are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate large number specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Florists.

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Description of activity

A florist can help create a great mood only with the help of flowers and herbs. Giving flowers means expressing your sincere feelings to a person: love, respect, respect. It is one of the valued forms of communication between people. At the same time, it is an art that needs to be learned. We must always remember that the flowers we give characterize our own taste, but at the same time they allow us to express our attitude towards the person to whom these flowers are intended.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Florist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Florist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Florist, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The employee must know the varieties of flowers, be able to make bouquets and flower arrangements, and have skills in decorating premises and interiors. Sometimes a florist creates “flower projects” that have not previously been used in floristry.

A florist, like a true artist or sculptor, must work well with color and form. He makes bouquets, but not only from flowers. In modern floristry, bouquets of tree branches, including berries, are especially popular: rowan berries, viburnum... The florist must know which plants get along well in one vase, and which ones secrete a specific juice that destroys the rest. Must distinguish fresh flowers from stale ones, even if the difference between them is almost invisible to the naked eye of the buyer. And finally, choose the packaging tastefully.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Florist involves primarily physical labor. Florist must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

The services of a florist are required in many situations. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate meetings and business negotiations - none of these many events in modern world is not complete without the participation of a florist-designer.

A florist, as a rule, begins his career as an assistant or auxiliary worker. Gradually he rises career ladder and can become a chief florist or director of a flower salon. The salary of such a specialist depends on the position held, region of residence, and place of work. A florist in a commercial organization often has a higher salary than in a government agency.

The profession of a florist can be obtained in both higher and secondary special educational institutions, and in floral design courses.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Florists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Florist does not have a career path.

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and gives people a piece of beauty. Nowadays this is a very prestigious and well-paid profession.

Florists make bouquets and compositions, decorate rooms, showcases and interiors with flowers and plants, as well as decorative elements. We'll tell you how to move from a florist's assistant to a professional.

Daily work

Who is a florist? This is a person who makes bouquets, cares for potted flowers, cuts flowers, and provides them proper storage. In order to become a florist, you need special knowledge and skills in this area.

The client is used to seeing a beautiful display window, it is adjusted about 10 times during the day, says florist-designer Lyudmila Geraseva. - After all, flowers come to the store in packs, they need to be taken out of the packaging, cleaned, trimmed evenly and placed in flowerpots. The florist's assistant takes care of the flowers.

From assistant to florist

They get a job in a flower salon as an assistant florist, and later rise to the rank of professional designer. Learning the specifics of a florist’s work is a painstaking process, so every florist begins his journey with an assistant. An assistant florist helps a specialist prepare flowers for sale, care for potted flowers and gradually learns how to compose bouquets and compositions, learns how to correctly combine colors, select a design, and display a window display. And also learns how to communicate politely with customers.

In this way, a person gradually gains experience as a florist-designer,” continues Lyudmila Geraseva. - Thus, we don’t just hire assistants, but bring out the creative potential in people and look for high-quality employees with floristic taste from the stream. An assistant in the process of work reveals creative abilities.

It turns out that the work of assistants is integrally connected with the work of the florist-designer. Two assistants are necessarily assigned to a mentor, who teaches them the specifics of their work. Usually those who want to move forward grab it on the fly, bring in some ideas and grow to become a florist. Those who are satisfied with the work of an assistant remain in their place.

When an assistant becomes a florist, he begins to fully make compositions and bouquets. In addition, flower salons not only arrange bouquets. For example, for the New Year, all the craftsmen were engaged in designing and decorating designer European Christmas trees - this is also the work of a florist.

What should a florist be like?

How do you know that a florist’s job is yours? To do this, you must love to create something with your own hands, treat flowers with care and do your work with soul. You cannot do work simply mechanically, soullessly. You need to be creative when composing a bouquet and not be afraid to experiment. A real florist is also a good psychologist - he can always guess the client’s temperament and his desire.

Qualities that an assistant must have if he wants to become a real florist:

  • creative person with good imagination and refined taste.
  • Knows how to find a creative and non-standard approach to any order.
  • Loves to take care of flowers and plants.
  • He gets along with people, finds an approach to every client, and guesses every desire.
  • Patient and careful in his work.

For florist designers, further training in their specialty is expected, says Lyudmila Geraseva.- When it is necessary to improve their knowledge and learn new principles of composition, floral masters are sent to study in other cities. Upon their return, they share their knowledge with their assistants.

By the way

The salary of a florist assistant is on average 12 thousand rubles. As a person progresses in his work, his salary also increases. For all florists, the salary depends on their qualifications, on the skills that the master uses. The average salary of a florist is from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.


Yana Antipyeva, florist assistant:

I really like flowers, so I became interested in this work. You can learn the basics of floristry very quickly. During my work, I learned how to select flowers in a bouquet according to color scheme, compose compositions, come up with different decorative ornaments. I really enjoy working with clients, helping them choose a floral holiday gift for their family and friends. Florists help us, advise us, I come to work with pleasure, always with a smile on my face and a good mood.

Anastasia Popova, florist assistant:

Florist is a creative job, this is the main thing for me. I like to fantasize with flowers, putting them together in compositions; again, you can show off your design skills. Now I’m slowly starting to work with clients, I’m gradually moving to work as a florist-designer, so that by working in a flower salon, you can advance in your career.

Florist designer- a craft that is suitable for people gifted with a creative perception of the world, a sense of style and a rich imagination. Mastering a profession requires not only constant practicecreating bouquets, but also studying a number of disciplines devoted to color and light theories,the science of compositioncompositionsth, as well as the basics of botany and biology.

Specialty and specialization

“What does a florist who has received the appropriate education do?” - a question to which most people give a short answer: “By selling flowers.” In fact, the scope of a florist's activity depends on the specialization he chooses to study. There are a number of educational areas in floristry:

    flower decorator;


    designer flower arrangements;

    florist designer;


Responsibilities of a floristdepend on the characteristics of each specialization. On a general scale, the profession involves work based on the use of floristic techniques.

The work of a florist can consist of both arranging flower bouquets and compositions from live or dry plants with a focus on the interior of the room, and working with the exterior, that is, landscape design.

Subtleties of the profession

In the modern world, a florist is a specialist who has the skill of composing and arranging compositions, the main material for which is plant and other natural materials. The name of the profession comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess of flowers and spring - Flora. The word also has Latin linguistic roots:flos - "flower".

Subject of study and scientific activity Scientists in the field of botany are plant species, features of their structure and roles in human life. Practical Application florists find knowledge: they study flora, using the acquired information when creating flower sets.

From the history of mankind

Historical sources indicate: competent design flower bouquets have been valued since ancient times. Celebrations in ancient Greece and Rome always featured decorative elements borrowed from the plant world.Nowadays, flower arrangements continue to play an important aesthetic role: streets, shop windows, halls, cafes and restaurants, offices and exhibitions, even the homes of ordinary residents - the applied art of floristry has reached its apogee thanks to the emerging forms of ownership and the need for arrangement and investment in aesthetic component of premises for various purposes.

ABOUTundervaluing the work of a florist is unacceptable: a true specialist has knowledge in botany, color and composition. Representatives of the profession need to be able to understand the diversity of flora. For example, lilies of the valley should be placed inproudloneliness - otherwise they will wither away in the next hour. This information is known to only a few, and these units are florists! Specialists are familiar with the nuances of working with any plants.

Is florist a male or female profession?

In the modern work market, gender boundaries are blurred as much as possible. Fun fact: despite the fact that among ordinary people the profession of a florist is inextricably linked with the image of spring, beauty and women, statistical data confirms that floristry is aimed at men. Why is this so? In fact, main feature The work of a florist is hard physical labor. For example, representatives of the stronger sex make up 75% of participants in world floristry championships.

Although in the CIS countries about 80% of florists are still women. In fact, in this profession it is not gender or age that is important, but the aspirations and abilities of the employee!

Florist job description

Tasks of specialistsin the field of floristry are diverse.Responsibilities of a floristregistered in the register of professions,include processing and compliancemethodological and normativerules for storing cut plants and other living consumables. The employee is obliged to adhere to the instructions for caring for property; violation of technologies associated with the implementation of floristic functions is unacceptable.The specialist must be able to create flower arrangements( baskets, boutonnieres, wreaths and bouquets) in accordance withrequestedstyle and technique.In this case, decorative and style rules must be observed and the properties of the materials from which the set is assembled must be taken into account.

TThe florist's territory of activity is not limited to points of sale of flower products: his competence includes work in salons that design events (weddings, weddings, funerals). Respectively,the planning and organization of activities is entrusted to the shoulders of a specialist,keeping records of orders,regulatione costsrelated topurchase consumables Anddecoration work. Management skills will be useful:florist assistantsthose taking part in the preparation of compositions and bouquets must be under close supervisionattentionexperienced worker.Uability to collaborate both with the team and with customers, distribute the workload during individual or general work on the project, as well as adjust activities -important aspects of a specialist’s working abilities.

Responsibilities of a florist

BOf course, a florist, like a specialist in any other profession, must be familiar with the rules fire safety and the basics of labor protection, as well as contain workspace in a state of order and cleanliness.Working conditionsstable: indoors and outdoors, microclimatic factors such as lighting, high humidity, temperature difference.The presence of specific plant aromas and odors -The main feature of working in the field of floristry. Classic working positions for a florist include standing, sitting, squatting and bending positions.

Premarkable increased level the moral responsibility of a specialist in the field of floristry for the impact of the aesthetic object he created on the human psyche.How to become a florist, capable of awakening wonderful emotions in the soul?Focus on such basic criteria as artistic image, technical component of the work and sign systems. INincludes the following tasks:

    preparation and implementation of graphic designs for orders;

    selection and preparation of working materials necessary for the manufacture of the composition;

    decorating the object environment through art projects.


The means of labor used in the work of a florist are conventionally divided into two types: tangible and intangible. The first include implements and materials (office items and living/non-living flowers, other accessories).

The intangible means of a florist’s labor mean a number of skills: creative,artistic,visual-figurative thinking, extensive memory, ability to distribute attention, richimagination, developed general coordination of body movementsand hfine fine motor skills of the hands -these individual abilities are highly valued in creative professions. The above list of qualities can also include: the employee’s personal organization, the ability to work hard and a responsible attitude towards completing assigned tasks.

Contraindications for health reasons

    diseases of the central nervous system,neuropsychiatric disordersdevelopment;

    such diseases cardiovascular system like rheumatism, lesions functions heart muscle, circulatory disorders in the lower and upper extremities;

    ailments of the musculoskeletal system (deformed spine, chest, lower or upper limbs);

    tuberculosis, bronchial and pulmonary chronic diseases;

    disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;

    skin and allergic chronic diseases;

    dysfunction of ENT organs;

    inflammatory and allergic diseases of the visual organs of a chronic nature.

Employment requires mandatory medical examination.

Profession "florist": frequently asked questions

Every person who dreams of working with flowers faces a misunderstanding of a number of aspects of the profession. For example, questions arisefollowing contents: how to become a florist? Gdeget an education? KaWhat are the job prospects? How much do florists earn?? INwhat is their activity?

Question:How to become a florist? Do you need special education for this?

Answer: At the momentbasicopportunityyuprofessional trainingarepreparatory.

Question: Where can a florist work?Where can a newbie get a job?

Answer:Employment largely depends onindividualskills andcreative potential. In most cases, florists find a place in flower salons, boutiques and shops. A suitable position for a beginner specialistflorist assistant. This will help him gain experience.It's important to note thatif you were an employeefinished, then this is a serious advantage.Should be given special attention developmenteportfolio - a characteristic demonstrating finished works, facilitates the process of finding and employing a worker in professional field. After allportfolioserves as evidenceartisticXabilityto herAndindicatesthatHumanunderstandsmain tasks and responsibilities of a florist. Resumemust be prepared.There is the prospect of opening your own flower business.

Question:How much do florists earn??

Answer: The education of a florist, regardless of specialty, is promising and in demand. Of course, the level wages depends on the place of work and the number of clients interested in receiving the relevant services. Income depends on a number of factors: the direct skills of the florist, the audience of buyers and seasonality.


What you need to know about the features of the profession that involves working withflowers? Floristsanswer!

The positive aspects of working in the floristry industry include:

    the ability to perform work that requires the use of creative potential;

    a chance for decent wages;

    meeting and collaborating with creative people;

    Obtaining specialized education does not require major investments; there is the possibility of distance learning.

It is worth remembering the words of the philosopher Grigory Skovoroda, who argued: “The soul is gladdened by similar activities,”that is, work according to vocation.


However, it cannot be ignored negative characteristics, which florists endow their profession with:

    constant contact with water, stimulants and products of chemical origin;

    the need to independently transport pots, packages, and heavy equipment;

    seasonality of work leads to rush hours during holidayse/prefestiveperiods;

    Due to constant exposure to a cool and humid microclimate, as well as work in certain positions, there is a high risk of developing occupational diseases(lumbar pain, spinal disorders, etc.).

The above points are the main onesshortcomingsactivities in the field of floristry.

The role of the florist in modern society

Florists are not artists, but their works can easily be called works of visual art. They do not own brushes, paints and canvases, but flowers and professional tools.

The goal of a florist, similar to the goal with which an artist creates a painting, is to awaken positive emotions in a person.

Flowers are always a welcome gift and sign of attention. It’s nice not only to receive them, but also to give them. They are also a pleasure to work with; they allow you to create and express your individuality.

This is what many people think when they go to a flower shop for a creative and fresh bouquet. The aroma of flowers, sparkles and gloss of packaging - an atmosphere of constant celebration! Friendly employees, always ready to help with the choice, advise, suggest, and put together an individual bouquet. But is it all as magnificent as we can see through the flower display?

What I dreamed of and why I eventually left the profession, to the magazine Reconomica our regular reader Yana will tell you. It turns out that being a florist has a whole bunch of pros and cons! From pure creativity to deceiving customers.

My name is Yana, I'm 33 years old. I am a creative person in life, sometimes I sew something onto clothes, sometimes I decorate a room for a holiday. And once I glued the fur to the computer monitor, I wanted to get creative.

Worked in different places, but there was no creativity, but the soul asked. I decided to try myself as a florist. According to many people, the profession of a florist is wonderful. You cost yourself, you make beautiful bouquets, but few people know about the disadvantages. I'll tell you about them now.

Fresh bright flowers leave no one indifferent

A florist is someone who cuts everything and then collects it, as we were told in the courses. The work includes decorating shop windows, displaying goods, and creating flower arrangements.

How to become a florist

There are no specialized colleges or universities today, but there are courses. Training can last a month, two or more. It is better to choose a larger number of watches and famous companies, since they will provide more knowledge and it is more prestigious.

Many years ago in this profession men walked because she was physically heavy, but now we have almost all women.

What functions are included in the work of a florist?

When new flowers arrive, they must be taken out of the box, the stems trimmed, then placed in flowerpots. Different flowers like different amounts of water, and florists should be aware of this. For example, roses love a lot of water. You need to pour water up to the bud.

Most often, flower salons have transparent flasks, so it is clear that the water is clean and does not bloom, which means the flower is doing well. Can you imagine how to wear such vases in toilet room? There, then back, and then wash them. Sometimes they slip out and break because you wash them with dish soap.

Gerberas need to be put on a wire because the stem of this plant is soft. We need to display flowers in pots. You can decorate them with decorations, beautiful packaging with a bow so that people want to buy them.

Features of the profession

The florist usually works a shift, for example, 2 days after 2 or 3 days after 3.

Sometimes you can see vacancies that require a night florist. For those who don’t sleep at night and aren’t afraid to work at night, this schedule is suitable.

There are florists who work with bouquets of toys, sweets, tea or coffee, and here you can see the 5\2 schedule.

Everyone's working hours are different too. Mostly from 8am to 9pm.

How are salaries calculated?

There is no single standard here. There is greed or the provision of employers here. Typically this is about 1,500 rubles per exit per day. Some companies add a percentage of sales to this, but it is still impossible to calculate.

On job search sites you can see a salary of about 40-50,000 rubles per month. But this is given to people with experience in this field, who have a portfolio of work, but definitely not beginners.

There is a season when flower growers earn good money - these are holidays: September 1, March 8, February 14, New Year. Summer is the time for wedding ceremonies, and there are always orders for bridal bouquets.

Florist's work area

The work area does not include chairs. Even if you have a free minute and a chair, management will think that you are doing nothing, and then why pay you a salary?

The creators work standing, and after cleaning the flowers they clean their place. Mostly everyone sees work area florist, and this most often means dirt, leaves and debris.

My first experience in the profession

After completing the course to become a florist, I was hired by a company that had just opened. The working day began at 9 am, the schedule was 2\2.

I always dreamed of a creative profession, but no one was in a hurry to trust me with serious work

Nobody let me make bouquets, they were afraid that I would ruin the flowers. I removed garbage from flowers, washed floors, watered potted plants. I was a florist assistant and administrator. Managed employee schedules, answered customer phone calls, and accepted payments. They hired me as a florist, but they wanted to put me in my work book as a cashier, because only a cashier can accept money.

Hopes and harsh reality

One day there was an order for compositions for a wedding celebration. But even here no one let me try the job. It turns out they took me with training, taught me, but didn’t let me do it. I didn’t see the difficulty in repeating it and didn’t understand what the training was then, since no one lets you make bouquets?

The company had just opened, and I thought - how good, the team is just taking shape. But the management did not understand anything about this business, the investor allocated money and thought that it would work for him and the profit would immediately flow. But he continued to invest, but there was still no profit, and he didn’t like it.

Instead of 2 florists per shift, they left only one. I got laid off.

After a while, I worked part-time in other companies in the run-up to March 8, but I realized that the work was physically difficult. The florist is both a cleaner and a cashier. Work on your feet, no time to rest. I didn't continue to work.

Pros and cons of being a florist

I'll start right away with advantages, otherwise the story will seem too dark.

The big advantage is that you create your own bouquets and compositions, people like them and they buy them.

Large companies maintain blogs and write interesting articles for the development of the company, they run Instagram. Here you can show your individuality and create what you want.

Now let's move on to the negative aspects.


  1. Loss of health. Working on your feet, therefore, varicose veins veins, arthrosis will be in the future. My back hurts.
  2. Physically hard work. Sometimes they order huge bouquets for girls. They are made by several florists; it is difficult to lift and hold such a bouquet.
  3. Dry hands. Your hands are constantly in water, which makes your skin dry. You can work with gloves, but this is not always convenient.
  4. Hands covered in hangnails.
  5. Medical book. Before going to work, you need to take tests and obtain a medical certificate, and this is a financial loss that does not immediately pay off.
  6. Working with money. Usually, working with money involves a separate person - a cashier, but in ordinary small companies there is no such division. Everything is done by one person.
  7. Cleaning. There is no separate cleaning lady and you need to clean up after yourself.
  8. Deceiving people. The flower business is a big waste of plants, so many managers force bad flowers to be inserted into bouquets. In tents, glue is applied to them, then they are dipped in glitter. Bad flowers are wrapped in a net and thus the flower becomes “beautiful” and attracts the buyer.
  9. There is no official registration. Many people don’t think about the future, pensions, contributions. But there are those who are already thinking about it when they are 30 years old. Often people in this profession are not registered with a work book, because they will have to pay taxes for the employee, and this is not profitable for the company. As a result, sick leave is not paid.
  10. Cold room. Every flower shop has a refrigerator. Everyone has different sizes. It’s one thing when a client comes in outerwear and looks at what flowers to buy. It’s another matter when an employee in clothes stands in the refrigerator and helps the client with a choice.

My conclusions

Somehow I worked part-time in the days before March 8th. People came in droves: men, women, teenagers. Everyone has a standard in their head that it is necessary to give a woman flowers. Loading...

In mid-2009, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved an order that outlined the qualification characteristics of a specialist in the field of floristry. This meant that any for-profit or non-profit organization in their state could legally hold the title of “florist.” Just a few years ago decorative design designers were engaged, but the growing demand for landscaping areas, building facades, interior spaces led to the fact that the florist profession became popular among the population.

Features of the profession

A modern florist is engaged not only in composing and arranging bouquets of fresh flowers; the range of services he provides has recently expanded significantly. Specialists decorate interiors, various items using flower arrangements. Often, professionals use dried leaves, original branches of bushes or trees, flowers, and moss to form them. The art of creating poetic images requires from workers not only fundamental knowledge about plants, but also the ability to use general principles interior design to create unique masterpieces.

Where can I get an education?

In many educational institutions of the country there are such faculties as:

  • forestry;
  • landscape architecture;
  • floristics;
  • biology and others.

Young people receive in-depth knowledge in the field of floristry both in higher educational institutions and basic information in specialized courses, where a certain level of qualification is assigned, which provides an opportunity for profitable employment.

Where do florists work?

The field of activity for such a specialty is huge. Considering that not a single ceremonial or mourning event is complete without floral decoration, the profession of a florist is almost in the forefront in importance. All inhabitants of the planet draw saving power from art, and nature offers its amazing plants that excite, give peace, relaxation and leave no one indifferent.

An active, energetic person can create his own business:

  • open a flower shop;
  • organize a company to provide services for preparing weddings, special events, funerals;
  • for the provision of landscaping services;
  • on the design of premises, facades, etc.

A true specialist will not do his job soullessly. Nowadays, many employers of medium and large businesses prefer to have a florist on their staff. They want to have active, friendly and caring people in their team.

  • realization of creative ambitions;
  • opportunity for professional growth;
  • material benefit;
  • demand on employment exchanges;
  • training and skills acquisition for short terms at various courses and seminars;
  • participation in organized competitions of any level.

The beginning of a creative path is not always easy or successful. Inexperienced flower shop workers learn to make simple compositions. Gradually, acquiring skills, they move on to the complex design of respectable halls and premises. Ordinary salons, engaged only in the sale of bouquets, cannot provide a comprehensive professional growth florist. For beginners, practical experience in an ordinary flower shop will serve as the beginning of a new exciting path to creating perfect, beautiful images.

What qualities should a florist have?

The work of masters requires constant search in making unexpected decisions. This is not an easy task, but people with a special vision of the world around us are able to fill our lives with vivid impressions. Some description of character traits will help determine the image of a person who wants to devote himself to floristry.

  • Endurance. IN flower business craftsmen have to deal with more than just artistic design. Intellectual work combined with hard work physical activity: raising containers with soil and plants, transplanting them to more favorable places. But this is not much of the time-consuming routine that florists have to deal with.
  • Hard work. Plants require careful and attentive care. They should not be left unattended, even for a short time. Some flowers need frequent watering, others, on the contrary, do not like moist soil. A tender, reverent attitude towards seasonal varieties will help prolong their freshness and attractiveness.
  • Courage and imagination. When decorating a room, the ingenuity and creativity of a florist will turn any office, living room, bedroom or dining room into a unique, attractive object.
  • Goodwill. The friendly nature of the master, along with his experience and knowledge, attracts a constant flow of clients. Many professionals have true diplomacy qualities. The ability to negotiate with a buyer or customer is half the success.

A creative profession requires a constant search for unexpected solutions. In the work of a florist, having an artistic flair and unbridled imagination brings not only internal moral satisfaction, but also considerable income

When choosing a future specialty, each person must weigh the pros and cons of the profession and think about whether he can do this all his life.

People should not be frightened by the fact that some of them are predisposed to allergic diseases. Of course, this is a minus, but there are always alternative solutions. You can create original items, interior details, and cute little things using natural materials: dried leaves, flowers, berries and much more. People can now make unique masterpieces without leaving home. Well-organized product advertising social networks, online stores, art or flower salons, attracts a huge number of buyers and tangible financial profits.