Outdoor shower in the country. Summer shower for a summer residence: design options and materials. From scrap materials

In the summer heat, after working in the garden beds or active games with children, nothing compares to the freshness of a summer shower. A small neat structure on a sunny spot or just a compact device on the wall country house is a temporary replacement for a bathroom.

We will tell you how to build a summer shower with your own hands. The article we presented describes in detail all types of designs popular among summer residents. Instructions are provided for constructing homemade shower stalls that increase the level of comfort of country life.

The design of a shower for a summer residence, which is usually installed near the wall of the house or at some distance from the building, is quite simple. Usually it comes down to a “volumetric tank + faucet-watering can” set. The tank is mounted on roof of the lung buildings, and the watering can should be no higher than at arm's length.

But we will move away from the primitive designs of a summer shower and consider various models, differing both in external design and in the method of water supply.

Curtain on a metal frame

A simple and budget solution - product frame type. It consists of a metal frame, in the upper part of which a water tank is attached. The container can be made from a barrel, but factory models are most often initially equipped with a flat tank with a volume of 100-200 liters.

Water enters the tank in two ways: it is pumped from a water supply (well, borehole) or carried manually in buckets. The second method is labor-intensive, but sometimes it is the only possible one.

Great solution for reception water procedures in summer - a mobile cabin with a shower and washbasin attached with outside. The function of a water storage tank is performed by plastic barrel, securely attached to the top

The metal frame can be sheathed with sheets of polycarbonate, plywood or corrugated sheets and equipped with a door, then it will turn into a closed shower stall. It is easy to carry from place to place and install where it is needed. at the moment necessary: ​​in the garden, in the garden, near the house, summer kitchen or swimming pool.

With the technology of constructing a summer shower covered with polycarbonate sheets, dedicated to the analysis of options and the construction of similar structures.

Light wooden structure

A building covered with clapboard, boards, timber or siding is a more serious decision. If the project is expected to last several years, it is recommended to make a foundation that will ensure stability and reliability. Sometimes it's enough metal racks, dug into the ground, on which the entire structure rests.

A lightweight semi-open portable model assembled from thin wooden planks installed vertically and secured with metal hoops. Suitable for areas with running water

You can get creative and create a unique structure that is both simple and stylish.

It is good to install such buildings near a pool connected to a water supply system. But any systems associated with plumbing are intended more for a cottage than for a country house for temporary residence

If a fully landscaped house is built on the site, you can attach it to the wall of the house, organizing a water supply.

Wooden buildings and partitions can become a design element if they are assembled from well-treated wooden parts, and then cover with decorative paint or varnish

Wood is valuable because it combines perfectly with brick and wooden houses, fences, green spaces. In addition, it belongs to soft, easy-to-process materials, so you can take care of setting up a comfortable summer shower in your dacha yourself.

As you may have noticed, to create a comfortable cabin you do not need complex drawings and diagrams - just a small amount of wooden parts and a little imagination.

Capital building with tank

If you live outside the city permanently or spend more than six months, a permanent structure made of brick, timber, or foam blocks will come in handy. In order for the shower to be provided with water, the storage tank must be connected to the water supply system, and to use the room even in October or early spring you can warm it up.

For better functionality of the equipment, it is placed inside the building, under the roof. A watering can with a tap is mounted in the lower part, a tap for water supply is fixed on the side, and a heating element on the other side.

When cold weather sets in, the system must be completely emptied of water, otherwise it will freeze and damage all equipment.

An exception is made only if the building is insulated - for example, it is an extension to the house and is partially heated by a common heating system.

Option for a household building made of brick with a tank. There are three rooms under one roof: a shower, a toilet and a change room; each compartment has a separate door.

One of the most pleasant and useful inventions of mankind is the shower. For urban residents accustomed to the civilized acceptance of water procedures, it was not so long ago that they had to experience discomfort while staying at a summer cottage or a country house with the possibility of only summer residence. Shower on personal plot or in the courtyard of a private house, used in warm time year - this is not an easy opportunity to get pleasant and much-needed water procedures in the heat, but also important element landscape design. The appearance of a shower stall, panel or just a counter plays a role in shaping the image of the entire area, local area. Gone are the days when an outdoor shower was an unsightly structure constructed from materials left over from the main construction or found in the rubble of a barn or attic. Modern building materials, original plumbing solutions and many creative design ideas are able to turn an ordinary place for taking a shower into a highlight of landscape design, a key element in the arrangement of the local area.

Classification of structures for summer showers

If we talk about the qualitative division of summer shower designs, then all models can be classified into open and closed. This division is very arbitrary, because there are many examples of the construction of a summer shower in spaces semi-enclosed by fences. For example, an outdoor shower can be arranged in an area enclosed by only two partitions, placing plumbing accessories on one, and hooks for placing clothes, towels, etc. on the other.

In addition to the design of the shower itself, summer structures can be divided according to the method of water supply: capacitive and tap. In the first case, above the level of the upper shower head there is a reservoir in which the water is heated by the sun's rays. In the second case, water obtained from the general water supply system of the household is used.

The choice of water supply system for the shower head is directly influenced by the location of the structure in relation to the house. If the summer shower is located near the building of a private house, then it is logical to use not only the water supply system, but also the sewer drain. If the capacitive summer shower is located on a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private household away from the building, it will be necessary to take care of the drainage system. It is important to understand that you cannot simply direct the flow of used water into the beds of a summer cottage or under trees, because the adoption of water procedures may be accompanied by the use of products, the effect of which on plants can have a detrimental effect.

Shower stall - traditional style

One of the traditional options for arranging a summer shower is the installation of a shower stall. Such a structure can be made of wood (in natural color or painted), polystyrene panels (most often using a metal frame) or other available means. Moreover, you can purchase a ready-made cabin, order an individual production, or build a fence for a summer shower yourself (if you have basic skills).

A shower cabin made of wood in its natural form is not only a practical structure, but also beautiful element landscape design. The natural grain of wood goes well with almost any façade finishing material. Not to mention the fact that natural color fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, echoing perennial plants and other buildings on the site and in the courtyard of a private house. But the wood of the shower stall will need to be protected from constant exposure to moisture. There is a wide selection of antiseptics and special varnishes on sale that can protect natural material from rotting and does not affect the color of the wood.

For everyone who does not want to rack their brains over coverings for a wooden cabin, there is universal option– painting. Depending on color solutions, adopted for the design of the facade of a building, it is fashionable to choose a harmonious option for an enclosed structure for water procedures on fresh air. The first option is to match the color palette of the architectural ensemble, combinatorics, both with the main building and with additional buildings on the site (terrace, gazebo or garage). The second option is for the shower stall to act as a color accent. This method of creating a color spot is rarely used, because an outdoor shower is a seasonal building, used in our country only in the summer.

We use the wall of the house to arrange a shower

Placing a summer shower near the wall of the house has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it’s convenient that you can use common system water supply and sewerage located in the household. On the other hand, the wall of the building will constantly be exposed to moisture. It is advisable to protect the surface with ceramic tiles or any other material that effectively resists high humidity. It is also necessary to monitor the organization of good drainage system. Otherwise, the constant accumulation of water in the area of ​​the building's foundation can gradually destroy it.

Another advantage of using the wall of a house to organize a place for taking water procedures is the possibility of using lighting for the facade of the main building. If you need to take a shower in the dark, you will not need to worry about the availability of sources artificial lighting– the façade of the building is in any case illuminated for safety and as an element of landscape design.

An excellent way to protect the walls of a house from constant exposure to moisture is by facing with ceramic or stone tiles. In this case, there is no limit to the fulfillment of your fantasies and the manifestation of stylistic preferences. Marbled ceramic tiles, plain or patterned, large or small – it all depends on your personal preferences. If there is a swimming pool on the site, then it would be logical to coordinate the decoration of the wall for the shower with the design of the space in and around the outdoor tank.

Stone tiles (or their spectacular imitation) will look luxurious as wall decoration to which plumbing accessories are attached - a shower head or faucet. In combination with greenery, the stone surface creates an image close to natural nature.

One of the options for finishing the space in which shower accessories are located is the use of metal sheets. Stainless steel or aluminum look great in a composition made in high-tech style or any direction of modern style. In order to enhance the effect of originality finishing material can be used original accessories– large watering cans, square or rectangular shape, imitation of tropical rain or waterfall.

By using metal sheet you can build something like a small shower cabin in the summer on a summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private household. Unsightly appearance it more than pays for itself due to the low cost of construction and temporary placement in the local area.

You can equip your summer shower with devices that give additional features for taking water procedures. For example, building an additional faucet on the lower level of a counter or panel will give you the opportunity to wash only your feet after gardening or bathing your pets right on the site.

Shower panel on site

Any partition - made of stone, wood or other materials - can serve as a panel for placing a shower. The advantage of such structures is that their construction requires less materials and effort. At the same time, you get an area for taking water procedures, which, due to the abundance of moisture, does not harm the main structure. But such a summer shower also has its drawbacks. A shower area that is not protected from the wind can cause colds in household members who know nothing about hardening the body.

Using a beach theme for your shower panel can be the highlight of your landscaping. You don’t have to live by the ocean to be able to use a panel in the shape of a surfboard when arranging an area for water procedures.

Perfect for finishing the panel to which plumbing accessories will be attached. ceramic tiles or mosaic that reliably protects the surface from moisture. But more affordable options can also become effective solution– plastic and polyurethane panels will serve as a reliable finish.

The use of non-standard, original models of plumbing accessories can increase the degree of uniqueness not only of the shower sector, but also of the entire landscape design of a summer cottage or personal plot. Large watering cans to imitate tropical rain, a small waterfall, or vice versa, miniature faucets, original shapes and unusual coatings - your imagination is limited only by the budget for building a summer shower.

The panel for placing the shower sector can be the sector of the fence enclosing the area. It all depends on the location of buildings on your site, the passage of communication systems and the type of fence structure. For example, stone concrete, wooden structures(with impregnation and protective coating) can be an excellent base for placing plumbing accessories.

Summer shower on the terrace

A shower stand for water procedures in the warm season can be located on an open terrace, for example, by the pool and serve as a means of ablution before entering the water. Also, an outdoor shower can be installed on a covered terrace, which serves as a place to relax in the fresh air.

On the one hand, placing a shower on the terrace complicates the design and preparation process itself - after all, it is necessary to install a water supply system and ensure reliable drainage of used water. But on the other hand, the sector for water procedures that is remote from the main building ensures minimal exposure to moisture (and in the summer season, owners often use showers) on the building of a private or country house.

Shower counter - an original element of landscape design

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways constructing a shower in a summer cottage or garden plot - using a stand with a watering can or any other device for supplying water. In fact, you only need to provide a water supply (as a rule, there are no problems with this, because in any case there are water pipes) and flow into the sewer. With this approach, it is possible to provide conditions for taking water procedures that are as close as possible to natural and even wild ones. Lush vegetation, a shower that imitates a tropical downpour, the smells and sounds of nature - what else do you need for a relaxing bath?

Some types of racks, which are ready-made solution for arranging a summer shower in a country house or in a private yard, they can be equipped with a tank for heating water from the sun's rays. The stand itself can serve as a reservoir. This is an excellent alternative for regions with intermittent water supply in the summer - you will always have a small supply of water, which will be enough for a quick shower even during a water outage in the water supply system.

Summer shower– choose a practical and original design

The best rest after hard work at your dacha is a pleasant, warm, relaxing shower, which will not only have a calming effect, but will also relieve the nervous tension that has accumulated throughout the day.

To install the shower use epoxy resin for the manufacture of which special fillers for resins are used.

Therefore, many gardeners equip their plots with summer showers.

Summer shower at your dacha

An outdoor shower stall is perhaps one of the most important structures on the property. With its help, you can not only wash your body after a whole day of working on your site, but also refresh yourself in the summer heat.

Before installing a shower stall on your site, you need to choose the optimal location for it. The shower should be located a short distance from the main building, most often behind the house.

Once the owner of the site has decided on the area for the shower and the size of the shower stall, he can begin installation. This room must be at least 1 sq.m. in area, but preferably a little larger.

If a shower dressing room is planned, in order to undress and hang dry things, the area of ​​the building doubles. The height of the structure is usually approximately 2.5 meters.

In general, the dimensions of our cabin are equal to 1.0x2.0x2.5 m, this best option. If the cabin is planned to be installed from wood, then it is necessary to mount the frame using wooden beams or metal corners.

Walls in the shower stall, for the best way ventilation should be twenty centimeters away from the ceiling and floor. They can be constructed from materials left over from the main construction of a personal home.

Shower equipment with water supply

When installing a shower stall on your summer cottage, the owner must think in advance about how to equip the water supply and drainage. Since the drainage and supply system is installed at the time of laying the foundation of the future shower cabin.

Water in the shower stall is often supplied from a source located at a remote distance. Such a source can be a well drilled on the site, or a standard water supply.

Nowadays, due to the presence of small-diameter plastic pipes, connecting the cabin to the main source of water supply is not difficult. What is advantageous about these pipes is that they are more durable and do not become subject to rust and various erosions, like metal pipes.

They are sold in coils, and there is no particular hassle when laying a pipe for water supply; you only need to ensure a connection to the main source, which can be done using a small, rubber piece of hose.

You can also easily connect a plastic pipe to a shower storage tank. The advantage of such pipes is that if they were not completely installed, they can be easily removed from the site for the winter.

Draining the shower

Drainage of water after washing can be done in various ways. Some owners of summer cottages do not drain the water at all.

One of the most normal ways is to drain water into a centralized sewer system, but, unfortunately, not every owner of a summer cottage has this opportunity.

The best way, of course, then remains the waste and drainage hole. This is inexpensive and allows wastewater to go deep into the ground. A pit for drainage water can be located under the shower stall, or in close proximity to it.

It is dug to a depth of no more than 50-60 cm, the size of the sides is 1.0 x 1.0 m. After the hole is dug, the soil in it is compacted tightly and it is covered with crushed stone or broken brick.

A plastic, steel or wooden pallet is placed on top of the filled hole.

After this, the shower stall is installed. If a wastewater pit is located nearby, it is best to make a drainage pipe from a plastic sewer pipe to it.

Photos of ideas on how to make a summer shower in the country

With my own hands. Let's look at the simplest and most accessible ways to construct such a necessary building.

We often spend our summer at the dacha in order to be closer to nature for some time, away from noisy highways and the speed of the metropolis. But the holiday will not be entirely pleasant if we do not have the opportunity to take an invigorating shower, which allows us to wash away dirt and dust, and also makes us fresh and clean on a hot summer day.

Building an outdoor shower yourself is not so difficult, despite the fact that there are many options for its implementation, some of which are quite simple and do not require serious investments, both time and money. So let's get started.

Ready-made building for a summer residence

If you are too busy a person, or too lazy to build a shower and you have in cash, then you can simply buy finished product. Or order a frame from a craftsman and install the tank yourself. And that’s it, you can use this wonderful device!

If it's enough for you warm water, you don’t have to use electric heating devices for this. In hot weather, it is enough to install a container of the required volume from available material above the booth, paint it black so that there is better heating by the sun's rays.

The tank will heat up more quickly if you place it in a transparent box made of glass or plastic. Such a structure will allow you to provide yourself warm water even in cool weather, the main thing is that the sun is not hidden behind the clouds.

This option will be the simplest and most convenient for lazy people and money-lovers.

Open design

An outdoor summer shower built with your own hands is suitable for quickly washing away accumulated dirt. This design very simple and easy to assemble from scrap materials.

This open device will help strengthen the body and increase immunity.

It is best to make such a summer shower with your own hands near some wall, installing a supply pipe with a tap on it and. To protect yourself from prying eyes, you can attach a curtain. To do this, you need a pipe bent with an arc with loops for the curtain.

This is possible if your summer cottage has running water. If there is no water supply, you can attach a suitable container to the wall and you can take water procedures.

It is also necessary to protect the building wall and floor covering from the destructive process of water. You can line the wall with water-repellent material and put it on the floor artificial stone or other material. Just the material should not be slippery, otherwise there may be a risk of injury.

If the constructed outdoor shower is located next to the developed site, then no equipment is needed - the water used will evaporate and be absorbed into the ground.

How to build a shower in your country house with your own hands?

To begin, select a suitable and empty place in your dacha to install a new building. If you rarely use the shower, then waste water can be poured directly into the ground.

But in case of frequent washing, you need to think about diverting a large amount of water to a certain place. If there is a septic tank, then wastewater can be directed there, of course, if the volume of the tank allows it.

After excavation work, you can make the frame of the summer shower with your own hands, which must be solid (strong), because it needs to withstand the weight of the tank. The frame can be made from:

  • boards (bars) reinforced with metal corners;
  • steel angles or pipes.

A metal structure will be more durable, but will require annual painting to eliminate the possibility of corrosion, whereas wooden frame much easier to do.

Do-it-yourself summer shower - drawings for construction:

The material for the walls can be any available means:

  • wooden lining;
  • plastic panels;
  • flat slate and much more.

Look at the photo of a DIY summer shower:

The inside of the cabin will become more beautiful and stronger if it is lined with plastic clapboard, the floor is made of boards in the form of a lattice, treated wood material from splinters

Consider the erosion of the soil under the shower over time. You can install a plastic or iron tray with ebb for the floor.

Or the simplest option is to pour a layer of crushed stone under the floor.

Look interesting video how to make a budget summer shower in the country:

P.S. As you can see, it is possible to build a shower for your dacha on your own and you do not need to buy expensive materials; you can use what is available.

In hot weather, quite often you want to freshen up at your dacha, but there are situations when there is no clean body of water nearby, and setting up a pool is a rather complicated and expensive task. To get out of this situation, it is recommended to build your own summer garden shower for the dacha, it will save you in the summer heat and will perfectly refresh you. It will be especially pleasant to take it after a hard day at work. A shower will help you relieve tension, refresh, invigorate, calm and distract you from negativity.

This structure performs another equally important practical function - health care. It is recommended to rinse periodically in order to wash away dust that has settled on you, which may contain particles of fertilizer. Doctors have noticed that people who neglect summer showers and prefer to postpone hygiene procedures until taking a bath, more often turn to specialists with problems such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

But what if there is no shower at the dacha? If you don’t want to splash around in a trough or basin, you need to arrange comfort in the field and build a summer shower with your own hands, using ready-made drawings and photos, studying the description step by step.

This building has a huge variety of construction options, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view. But the general details are the same for any option, these are the frame, fence, tank and pallet (floor). But the options for their assembly are very diverse.

As the simplest and affordable option, is to take a bucket, punch more small holes in it and hang it in convenient location. The main advantage of such a device is its absolute accessibility, but sometimes ten liters may not be enough to wash properly. And from an aesthetic point of view, such a design is not very attractive. Another advantage of this option is that you don’t need to build anything.

If you do not go the simple route, then an outdoor shower can be constructed from wood, metal profiles and various plastics. The choice of material depends on what tool you use. If you don’t have a grinder at your disposal and welding machine, then the structure will have to be built from planed bars. Can be used as cladding plastic lining, board, or simply attach a waterproof film to the racks.

Each option has its own subtleties. For example, when assembling a wooden summer shower, you can use a huge number of design options, but plastic and metal structures do not require special processing.

Very important point at the beginning of the build, how many people will use the shower and how often. Based on this, the volume of the tank is calculated, as well as the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using a shower may vary. If possible, equip your dacha shower with a locker room yourself. In this case, you will avoid such an unpleasant moment as wet things. The highest level of comfort is a building that houses a shower, dressing room and toilet. Of course, creating such a structure will require an investment of both money and effort. If the tank is painted black, the water will heat up faster.

When choosing a location for the shower, try to ensure that it is sunny and that buildings and trees are as far away as possible. This is important because the source of heating the water in the tank is the sun. Another point is that the shower should not be installed on a noticeably lowering ground, as this will impede the flow of water. You need to take special care of the drain itself.

For infrequent use and a small volume of water, a small drainage layer under the pan will be sufficient. And if a shower is used by a family of several people who will use it quite often, it will be necessary to install a septic tank. It should be located 2-3 meters from the structure itself, this is done so that it does not lead to the shower bad smell. You can plant moisture-loving plants near the summer shower - they will decorate the area and provide natural drainage.

Once the location and material have been determined, the construction of the structure can begin. To do this, study 5 simple options How to make a summer shower yourself.

Homemade shower cabin made of wood

Before you build a summer shower in your country house, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools for work. To create an outdoor shower structure, you will need the following materials:

  • timber;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rubber hose;
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, curved pipe, adapter, faucet and nozzle.

Stages of assembling a wooden garden summer shower:

  1. A shower pit with a depth of 40 cm and dimensions of 1 × 1 m is dug, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pit, it will facilitate the rapid absorption of soapy water by the soil. After this, you need to lay cinder blocks in the corners. They must be leveled.
  2. After this we begin to make the frame. To do this, you will need boards 15cm wide and 30mm thick. A base measuring 1 × 1 m is made from them, and 4 beams with a cross section of 70 × 100 mm are attached to it. Using lateral and two transverse jumpers inserted into the grooves, the frame is ligated. They also serve as reinforcements for the roof, where a hundred-liter tank will be installed.
  3. Frame covering. To do this, you can use clapboard, blockhouse or false beams. The gaps between the grooves should be about 2-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that when wet the timber can easily expand. We used a material that imitates logs to cover the shower.
  4. Finishing. Before painting, you need to prime the wood. A bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable for this; after it dries, the surface is painted with façade acrylic water-borne varnish in 3 layers.
  5. Then you need to hang a tank, the minimum volume of which is one hundred liters, a curtain, install shelves and attach hooks.

For self-creation A similar shower at the dacha will take 1-2 days. But a do-it-yourself shower cabin at the dacha will delight you throughout the entire summer season.

Country shower made of polycarbonate

When many people think of polycarbonate, a greenhouse comes to mind. Most people immediately wonder how to use such a shower, which is transparent. But for shower stalls there is a special material that hides everything.

An outdoor shower made of polycarbonate on a metal profile is more durable than a wooden one and is not more difficult to assemble. To do this, you will need a profile pipe with a cross section of 40x20 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a steel angle of 50x50 mm. The number of profiles is determined based on the dimensions of the shower: length and width - 1 meter, height - 2.1 meters.

The dimensions of the cabin are not important since its length and width depend on the dimensions of the tank. The posts must be 10 cm larger than the height of the frame; this is necessary for concreting.

For convenience, it is better to assemble the sidewalls on a flat concrete or asphalted area, using welder magnets to fix the profiles.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a shower out of profile pipe and polycarbonate looks like this:

  1. Two racks and two crossbars are laid in pairs on the site, after which they are welded overlapping.
  2. After installing the side frames vertically, two transverse profiles are attached to them by welding, the corners are checked and the joints are fixed with a working seam.
  3. As soon as it was poured concrete screed under the booth, a finished frame is placed on it so that the legs of the racks are immersed in the concrete. The installation is checked for verticality (if necessary, the depth of immersion in the screed of the racks is adjusted).
  4. All that remains is to weld the door frame and attach the hinges to it. The final touch there will be cutting cellular polycarbonate and its fastening with self-tapping screws to the frame itself. To collect water, you can use a steel pan or make a special channel for drainage at the time of concreting.
  5. For the reservoir, it is recommended to use plastic flat tanks. They are easier to install and act as a roof, completely covering the cabin.

An outdoor polycarbonate shower can look very attractive thanks to color scheme. Of course, such a design should not be put at the forefront. But for the owners themselves and their guests it will be very pleasant to use such a shower. In addition, polycarbonate does not require any special care.

Shower for a cottage made of brick

Creating a brick structure requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, you will need to dig a trench 400 mm deep and 200 mm wide along the perimeter of the future structure. The trench is filled with broken bricks and filled with liquid concrete so that it seeps between it. After a week has passed after the concrete has hardened, begin laying the brick on the cement mortar.

Don't forget about installation door frame. The door itself can be made of wood, or a frame can be welded from a profile and a sheet of corrugated sheets sewn into it. When you lay the last layer of brick, bury transverse wooden blocks, preferably brick thickness. The tank will be attached to them and the roof will be laid.

The roof will require rigid material. Corrugated sheeting or slate are well suited for this role. After roofing material Fixed in it, a hole is drilled in the middle of the roof. The tank is installed on the roof so that the supply tube passes into the hole. A tap and watering can are screwed onto the tube.

The optimal tank volume for such a shower is 200 liters. You can buy a plastic or galvanized tank in the store or make it yourself from stainless steel. Any container that has a neck for filling water can be used as a tank.

To create a heated brick shower, you need to install a 2 kW heating element into a metal tank. The reconciliation container must be painted black. This color is more attractive sun rays, which allows the water to heat up faster. If you additionally install a wood-burning titanium in the cabin, then in addition to heating the water, you can also heat the cabin itself. In this case, you will need to install another cold water tank.

There are two methods for creating flooring and drainage country shower:

  • dig a hole equal to the area cabins and a depth of 300 mm, fill with crushed stone on top of which install a wooden lattice pallet. This type of drainage works well with small amounts of water;
  • if you plan to build a heated shower for the dacha, which will be used large number people, then it is necessary to drain. To do this you need to lay 50 mm sewer pipe from the dug hole to drainage well. Fill the hole with crushed stone and fill it with concrete so that the drain is flush with the floor. Place a wooden pallet on top of the concrete.

A do-it-yourself summer shower for a cottage made of brick is built not for one season, but for many years, so it can be equipped with heating.

Summer shower made of corrugated sheets

A successful solution can be considered the construction of a country shower from corrugated sheets. This material is lightweight, strong and durable. For cladding with this material, both wooden and metal frame, but there must be additional crossbars on it.

Additional emphasis will not hurt due to the fact that this material is quite soft. For a metal profile, the frame is built similarly to the above options.

It is recommended to weld the door frame from metal profile. The metal profile is fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First, the corrugated sheets are attached to the side walls, then attached to the door.

If there is a need to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth for an angle grinder; this is done so that the special polymer coating of the corrugated sheet does not burn during cutting.

The frame of this shower is made of metal pipes. The wall cladding is made of brown corrugated sheets. The roof is also made of corrugated sheets. The opening between the roof and the wall allows light to enter the shower room.

A simple option for building a summer shower

Often many people think about how to build a summer shower with their own hands using a minimum of funds. This shower will be able to provide for a minimum of people and will allow maximum savings.

Most simple design the shower is installed near the blank wall of the main building. A water container with an attached shower head is also attached to this wall. The floor of such a shower is a wooden pallet or a concreted area for convenience, which is covered with a rubber mat. For walls, use a cellophane curtain or tarpaulin wrapped around a wooden frame.

You can use any available means as shelves for shampoos and soaps. For this purpose you can even use plastic bottle cut in half and nailed to the wall. Bottom part The bottle can serve as a stand for shampoo, and the top one for soap or washcloths, which will allow water to flow freely and not stagnate.

From an aesthetic point of view, such a structure is noticeably inferior in contrast to a capital one, but nevertheless has the right to exist.

5 ideas for organizing a shower in the country

A fairly inexpensive and fairly simple country shower is a frame made of wooden blocks covered with planed boards.

If you have a grinder and a welding machine at your disposal, you can make an outdoor shower yourself from a metal profile and cover its walls with tarpaulin. In the absence of a welding machine, the frame can be assembled using threaded connections, reinforcing the corners with steel gusset plates. The sides can also be closed using a film screen placed on rings and a cord.

There is no need to build a shower frame if you attach it to the wall of your home. To do this you will need to veneer it waterproof material and bring the mixer with a hose to the surface. By filling the floor with large pebbles and performing simple drainage, you will get a fairly cozy and bright corner for taking water procedures. If you don’t like the open option of a wall shower, you can install it light wall screen.

Considering further the options for a summer shower, it is worth noting that it can be made not only from purchased, but also from inexpensive scrap materials. Look at the photo below. The frame of this structure is made of wooden blocks. The fence is woven from willow vine, which can be found next to summer cottages.

The shower can also be made from a corrugated metal sheet bent in a semicircle. For this option, you do not need to install a tank for heating water. You just need to connect to the water supply.

Now you know enough how to make a country shower yourself. If you are full of confidence in the need for a country shower, then go for it. Most best option turns out after preliminary calculations. And after finishing this work, you can return to everyday dacha chores, in which case you have a place where you can freshen up.