Finishing the basement of a house: options, photos, materials. Cladding the basement of a house with your own hands: stone, polysand and resin tiles. The better the cladding of the basement.

Doing facade cladding country house, it is worth thinking about the above-ground part of the foundation, which initially looks like a simple concrete wall. The skylight under the building, erected on newfangled screw piles, looks just as ugly. Hence the purpose of our article is to consider what materials are used to decorate the basement of a private house and what is better to cover it with in certain conditions.

The role of the basement cladding of a private house

We have already mentioned improving the external design with the help of an external finishing layer. But besides being decorative, it also performs other important functions:

  • service life extension concrete base by protecting from moisture, direct sunlight and sudden temperature changes;
  • the casing takes on contamination and various mechanical damages;
  • protects reinforced concrete from damage by microorganisms - fungi and mold;
  • in the case of a pile foundation, it closes the gap between the house and the ground so that the wind does not blow through it.

Before finishing the outside of the base, it must be insulated, these are the requirements building codes. Thermal insulation is carried out using polymeric water-repellent materials - polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam or by spraying polyurethane foam. After which the insulation layer is decorated on the outside with facing material.

Note. There are special thermal panels for finishing the base that have a thermal insulation layer, which will be discussed below.

  1. The entire foundation is subject to insulation - both the above-ground and underground parts to the depth of soil freezing.
  2. If the construction of the house is completed, then you need to insulate the basement with a blind area; this is a cheaper option.
  3. There is no point in insulating only the basement part, since the cold will penetrate into the building through the ground.
  4. External insulation may not be required if the floors throughout the cottage are well insulated, although additional protection would be useful.

Finishing materials

There are quite a few options for finishing the basement of a private house:

  • smooth or embossed plaster;
  • natural or artificial stone, tiles;
  • clinker and other decorative bricks;
  • plastic or metal siding;
  • a variety of panels with and without a thermal insulation layer.

Now let's look at each option in more detail.

Application of plaster

This is one of inexpensive ways foundation finishing, used in houses without special requirements for external design. In addition to being cheap, plastering provides the following advantages:

  1. The mortar layer has good vapor permeability, and therefore is successfully applied both to the concrete surface and to the polymer insulation.
  2. The ease of performing plastering work allows you to save more money if you do it yourself.
  3. Such cladding can be quickly and inexpensively decorated with any color and given a different texture - from a small “fur coat” to an imitation of wild stone, as shown in the photo.
  4. Modern plasters can be tinted to the required color without any problems, which saves you from painting work once every 3-5 years.

Reference. The technology for applying plaster is quite simple. For example, a “coat” of liquid solution is thrown in a thin layer onto a moistened base, and the bark beetle is applied and leveled using a rule. The imitation of natural stone is made by hand with a mixture of thick consistency.

The negative side of plaster coatings is their limited service life. From exposure weather conditions and temperature differences it gradually crumbles, is cracking and even breaks off. High-quality plastering will last for about 5 years without problems, and after that it will require periodic repairs. Point two: for obvious reasons, this method is not applicable for buildings on pile foundations.

Stone cladding - pros and cons

To improve the basement of a house, the following types of natural stone are used:

  • shell rock;
  • limestone;
  • sandstone;
  • gray and black granite, marble;
  • labradorite

This is what granite cladding looks like

Flagstone with polished or chipped edges, cut from rocks, can serve for the entire life of the building. This finish does not lose its excellent appearance for many years, and also does not require maintenance or repair. These are positive aspects, but there are also negative ones:

  1. High cost of processed natural stone.
  2. You won’t be able to veneer the base yourself; you’ll have to hire specialists, which means additional costs.
  3. Due to its decent weight, the material significantly loads the foundation.

Sandstone imitation

Give the cottage an elite look appearance It is also possible for a lower price if you decorate the basement walls with artificial stone products - tiles made of fiber cement or porcelain stoneware. They are produced on the basis cement mixtures with various additives by casting in silicone molds and successfully imitate any rocks. Artificial stone is not inferior to natural stone in terms of durability, and it weighs less. But laying tiles on the mortar still requires experience and qualifications, plus labor costs for leveling the surface. All the nuances are described in the video:

Reference. Some manufacturers (for example, the Canyon brand) offer products with metal brackets, secured with self-tapping screws to wooden frame or directly to the wall. So, if you wish, you can install the plinth casing yourself.

About brickwork

The benefits of traditional brick cladding are well known to homeowners who have used this method. In terms of durability and respectable appearance, masonry is practically not inferior to stone walls, but has the following features:

  1. To cover the base with a full-size brick, you need to arrange a reliable foundation for it. This will not be a problem if such finishing was provided for in advance and the width of the foundation strip allows you to build a half-brick wall on it. Another option is to install a full-fledged blind area connected to the foundation of the house with reinforcement.
  2. Brick cladding of the base makes it possible to create an air gap or install insulation in the wall.
  3. If you do not use cheap silicate varieties, then the masonry itself will serve as good insulation.
  4. For construction facing wall Of the decorative stamps laid out “in the wasteland”, you will have to hire a master mason or spend a long time training yourself.

Note. To reduce the cost of finishing the basement, you can use clinker tiles instead of bricks. The technology of laying on an adhesive mixture is similar to porcelain stoneware cladding.

In terms of construction cost, this method is superior to stone cladding, but will cost more than installation artificial tiles. In addition, a protruding face wall will require a wide flashing around the perimeter of the building.


Metal and plastic basement sidings can please every homeowner both in price and in the variety of colors and textures. They are offered in strips and panels various shapes, mounted on a wooden frame or steel profiles. Except affordable price, the material has the following advantages:

  1. Quick and easy installation, thanks to which the owner is able to cover the base with siding himself.
  2. Remarkable appearance of a private house.
  3. Since the cladding is mounted on a subsystem, insulation of the required thickness can be easily laid underneath it.
  4. In case of mechanical damage, damaged elements can be easily replaced.

Reference. Sometimes a budget material is used as siding - corrugated wall sheeting. It is equally suitable for decorating small country houses, construction of fences and light gates.

Inexpensive types of cladding are not ideal. But siding does not have many disadvantages:

  • vinyl sheathing is susceptible to burning, and the highest quality is subject to melting from heat;
  • polymer painting of metal panels and corrugated sheets fades quite quickly in the sun;
  • after 5-10 years (depending on the quality of the products), the appearance of the material deteriorates;
  • siding must be periodically washed to remove dust and dirt;
  • accidental mechanical damage leaves scratches on painted metal, and plastic can break under impact load.

Despite these disadvantages, wall and basement siding does not lose popularity. In addition, it is excellent for sewing up the cavities of pile-screw foundations. Read how to perform installation correctly, and the following video will introduce you to the sheathing process:

Advantages of finishing panels

Since the characteristics and installation method plastic panels little different from vinyl siding, we suggest paying attention to other types of products:

  • two-layer thermal panels, where polystyrene insulation is glued to an artificial stone base;
  • fiber cement products similar to Japanese cladding from the Kmew brand.

Submitted finishing materials for the plinth combine positive aspects stone and PVC panels plus have an acceptable cost. It has a long service life, wonderful appearance and is simplified with or without a frame.

Thermal panels that imitate stone and brickwork are equipped with a thermal insulation layer of polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam. Fastening is carried out through special secret holes, and virtually seamless joining is ensured by a perfect locking system. Fiber cement panels that do not have insulation are installed in the same way. More details about the installation are described in the video:

Note. Both types of cladding can be used in houses installed on a pile foundation.

From the above we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. In most cases, the choice of material depends on the size of the budget allocated for construction. Exception - pile foundations, where it is impossible to use the entire range of facing products.
  2. Even if you have the means, it is not advisable to finish the base with marble, granite and other types of expensive flagstone. There are substitutes - panels and clinker tiles that are not inferior in appearance and service life, which are cheaper and do not load the foundation.
  3. The use of decorative brick is justified when the width of the foundation strip is designed for masonry. In other cases, it is easier and cheaper to cover the basement wall with any imitation brick.

Of the cheap options for the plinth, panels and siding made from non-combustible materials. Experience modern construction shows that burnout of building facades occurs due to incorrectly selected basement finishing, which ignites from a cigarette butt thrown nearby.

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The basement of a house or any other building is considered the most vulnerable and problematic part of an architectural structure. Therefore, the cladding of the house should also include protection of the basement space of the foundation. What material for the plinth is best to choose for the job? Any facing composition must be highly durable and resistant to various types of atmospheric influences: sunlight, moisture, frost. The decorative layer must also be protective.

Base finishing options

Finishing the basement part of the foundation with plaster is used quite often. Experts highlight the following advantages of the protective layer of plaster:

If we talk about the disadvantages of the protective and decorative layer of plaster, then it is characterized by its fragility of use. In just a couple of years you will have to refresh the coating.

When covering a house with plaster, its natural ventilation will be greatly hampered!

An important point is the choice of a suitable mixture for plastering the base part of the foundation. It is recommended to take into account the type of rough coating and the main component of the plaster.


Plinth tiles are considered a practical and inexpensive product for decorating buildings. It can be used not only for protective and decorative finishing of new buildings, but also for restoration of dilapidated parts of the foundation.

The plinth tile has the following positive characteristics:

Clinker tiles are a good option for finishing material for a plinth

Even such a universal facing material has some disadvantages. These include a small term for the operation of tiles for the base part of the foundation.

Natural stone cladding

Plinth cladding natural stone is the privilege of wealthy people. Given decorative material considered very expensive, but incredibly beautiful. Natural stone for the plinth has high levels of frost resistance, strength and water resistance.

Natural stone has one significant drawback - it is heavy. It will significantly increase the load on the building's floors.

Finishing is done using the following natural materials:

Natural stone will give the whole house even a slightly aristocratic look
  • River or sea type of stone. It is better to use such natural material where needed reliable protection from rain or melt water. This is facilitated by the natural mineralization of the stone;
  • Dolomite or natural granite. Such a stone for a plinth is characterized by the highest strength. Cladding the base with granite looks great when properly combined with decorative plasters or bricks;
  • Limestone, sandstone. They are no less durable than granite, but have a lower cost. The base of the house, lined with sandstone, must be treated with a water-repellent compound.

Why do so many people want to use natural stone to finish the basement of their foundation? It's all about its undeniable advantages:

Despite all the uniqueness and advantages of natural stone, it has some disadvantages. These include specific gravity elements decorative covering, complexity of installation and the need to use special tools and devices.

The technology and step-by-step cladding of the plinth with porcelain stoneware is a complex process that is not possible to complete without professional help. Cladding the base with brick is considered a simpler operation.

Cladding with artificial stone

For many years, manufacturers of finishing materials have been looking for a worthy replacement expensive and difficult to install natural stone. Therefore, artificial stone slabs were created to finish the basement of the foundation. They have similar characteristics, and in some respects are even superior to natural stone.

Among the important advantages of artificial stone slabs, builders highlight the following:

Modern industry produces hundreds of types of artificial stone
  • Ideal aesthetic characteristics, wide range of decorative coating shades;
  • Artificial stone has a low specific gravity, so its installation is simpler and does not require additional creation of a structure that enhances the load-bearing capacity of the walls;
  • Long service life with the ability to perform partial maintenance;
  • The price is acceptable for clients with an average level of income.

If we compare the service life of natural and artificial stone, the first is significantly superior to the artificially created version. Also, the material imitating natural rock has a porous structure.

The technology of cladding with this material consists of several subsequent stages:

The technology for creating a decorative layer from natural stone consists of similar processes. The master will also need to cut the elements into the necessary pieces.

Artificial stone will interfere natural ventilation facade in the same way as plaster.

Facing with siding

Siding imitating natural stone

Siding is a special decorative material for facade decoration, which can simultaneously perform protective function. It is made from a composite polymer structure through high pressure casting.

Siding components also include various modifiers that make the material practical, durable and versatile for basement areas.

Advantages of siding:

  • Even a small thickness of the siding panel can guarantee such strength and resistance to mechanical stress, which is comparable only with the similar characteristics of natural stone. If one of the panels is damaged, it can be replaced locally without organizing a major repair;
  • Siding can be safely installed on any rough material for walls and foundations. Its specific gravity will not give the building a significant load;
  • The polymer composition has unique resistance to any weather conditions. Siding can be used in any climate zone without losing its aesthetic appeal;
  • The process of installing siding can be mastered even by a person who has minimal construction skills. The panels of the structure are connected to each other using special locks. Then the entire structure is fastened with nails to the pre-assembled frame. Work can be carried out not only in warm time year, and also in winter. Which fastening material should I choose? Buy decorative nails at a hardware store;
  • Caring for basement siding is simple and does not require additional financial costs. It is enough to wash off the dirt with water or a regular cleaning agent without abrasive components;
  • The facades of the building today are distinguished by a wide stylistic diversity. Basement siding is produced in the form of textures that imitate all kinds of natural rocks and materials. The appearance of the building after decoration will retain high aesthetic characteristics.

    Example standard sizes basement siding, depending on its type

Construction practice has proven that composite siding is not an insulator. You will have to additionally insulate the basement area.


You can watch a video on how to properly cover the base of a house with tiles and sandstone (sandstone is a natural stone).

You can decorate the base of the house with various materials that can reliably protect the upper part of the foundation from getting wet, solar ultraviolet radiation, and mechanical damage. Typically, brick, clinker, stone masonry or siding are used - polymer or composite panels that qualitatively imitate masonry.

On construction markets Any type of cladding is available. Before deciding which material would be better suited For architectural style cottage, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the protruding base will have to be additionally protected with ebb tides;
  • flexible tiles that can be used to cover a concrete surface have a minimum layer thickness;
  • Brickwork expands the plinth structure to the maximum;
  • inside the frames on which panels, siding or corrugated sheeting are attached, insulation can be placed to eliminate heat loss through the ceilings and floors of the lower floor;
  • By default, frame systems are more maintainable and can be updated at any time during operation.

Advice! It is better to decorate the protruding plinth before facing the facades, so that, if necessary, hide the upper fastening flange of the ebb under the finishing material of the wall.


To cover the base with brick, it is necessary to make a separate base for the masonry. On heaving soils, this requires replacing 40 cm of soil with crushed stone and/or sand compacted in layers.

Unlike concrete foundation this facing material has half the lifespan when in contact with the ground. On top of the underlying layer, roll waterproofing in 2 - 3 layers is required. To completely eliminate subsidence brickwork a rigid connection with a base is used:

  • after laying 2–3 rows, blind holes are drilled in the supporting structure to a depth of 4–6 cm;
  • 6-10 mm reinforcement is inserted into them, connecting the main wall with the cladding;

It is recommended to use ceramic brick, slotted, hollow stone or hyper-pressed modifications. The masonry is carried out exclusively in half-brick rows. To eliminate the cold bridge, which is essentially the design of the base, between facing bricks and the supporting structure can be basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam.

Important! The insulation must be combined with the thermal insulation of the facade or placed along the top of the plinth inside under the layer of wall cladding if there is no thermal insulation.


You can finish the ground part of the foundation of the house with clinker tiles. The budget will be approximately equal to brick cladding. However, this material has some advantages:

  • the maximum possible service life of all known claddings;
  • availability of ready-made corner (external/internal) elements;
  • fastening to walls, no need for your own foundation;
  • slight loading of the load-bearing frame due to the low weight of the clinker;
  • high artistic value of decorative coating.

There are different types clinker tiles that imitate masonry, torn, rock, polished stone. Therefore, you can choose the design option for the base in full accordance with the architectural style of the private cottage.

Clinker tiles are attached with an adhesive solution, panels made of this material are attached to the frame. The first option does not allow you to insulate the above-ground part of the foundation, the second allows you to install polystyrene foam inside the sheathing.

Advice! There are clinker tiles for steps, which allows you to achieve maximum aesthetics in the perception of facades when finishing the plinth with the same material.

Polymer sand tiles

An inexpensive option for finishing the basement of a house is a polymer-sand composite, from which tiles of different formats are made. This material is very light, practically does not load the foundation structure, and is attached either to the frame sheathing or to tile adhesive.

The texture usually imitates natural stone or brickwork. The material is moisture resistant, with a minimal coefficient of expansion, resistant to solar ultraviolet radiation, aggressive environments and mechanical damage. The tiles are cut hand hacksaw in any direction, you can choose any format to reduce cutting waste.

Important! Additional elements for this cladding do not exist, so precise adjustment in corners and joints is required.

Natural stone

If there is cheap natural stone in the region, you can finish the basement of the house with this material. This option is more suitable for seasonal buildings in which external insulation of the underground and above-ground parts of the foundation is not required. Heavy material is placed on mortar or tile adhesive, significantly loading the strength frame of the cottage, and does not adhere to the insulation.

Granite, gravel, dolomite stone has high strength and moisture resistance. However, when facing, many mortar joints are obtained that do not initially possess the indicated characteristics. Therefore, finishing costs increase for the purchase of grouts, which provide waterproofing of joints.

Important! The stone cannot be fixed to the frames, so the maintainability of the cladding is zero.

Artificial stone

Of all the modifications of artificial stone, concrete slabs with a decorative outer layer are usually used to finish the base of a house. To improve its characteristics, the material is modified with moisture-resistant additives and painted according to the mass to increase the wear resistance of the front surface.

The fastening of artificial stone is standard - an adhesive layer after treating the foundation with a primer. This cladding can be used with any façade covering. Integration into the exterior and architectural style is high by default.

Tiles, porcelain stoneware

To finish the basement of a house with tiles or porcelain stoneware, you will first have to level the surfaces. The thickness of the adhesive layer should not exceed 1 cm; modifications can only be used for external use.

Porcelain tiles are much stronger, tiles wider range, richer choice of textures, colors and formats. Therefore, when using tiles, cutting costs can be reduced. The material slightly loads the foundation; the seams are rubbed with special moisture-resistant compounds.

Important! Tiles are not a complete waterproofing material. Therefore, the surface of the base before facing can and should be treated with a primer and coated bitumen mastic. The tiles do not adhere to glass hydroisolate.


A budget option for finishing the basement of a house is traditionally leveling the surfaces with plaster and putty solutions. However, these materials require protection from moisture and additional decoration. Therefore, they are painted with water-based, dispersed, acrylic, acrylate and oil compositions.

The same materials are used in wet facades, since they adhere quite firmly to polystyrene foam or basalt wool when using reinforcing mesh. Therefore, the base of a building for seasonal use can simply be plastered and painted, the base of a house permanent residence it is better to insulate and plaster and cover with decorative plaster.

Basement siding

If you're on a budget, vinyl basement siding may be a better choice for your building. Despite the name, entire exterior facades are often finished with this material. For example, a budget “frame” can be completely covered with basement siding, giving the home the architecture of a brick cottage.

Photo of a panel of vinyl basement siding imitating brick.

Unlike standard linear panels, basement siding is produced in the form of modules with dimensions of about 1.2 x 0.5 m and 18 - 30 mm thickness. The texture usually imitates stone or masonry; the panels have locks to connect them together. Insulation can be placed inside the frame sheathing, reducing the heat loss of the building.

Important! Basement siding has the widest range of additions. In addition to ebbs and corners, manufacturers produce starting and finishing strips and clamps for concealed fastening of panels.

Profiled sheet

Lining the ground part of the foundation with corrugated sheeting is budget option. In this case, the facades are of low artistic value, so it is better to use this cladding for outbuildings. Installation is carried out on a frame made of timber or galvanized profile, fixed to the base from the outside.

Sheets can be fixed to purlins with rivets or self-tapping screws. For profiled sheets, there are additional elements that allow you to qualitatively decorate external and internal corners, install ebb tides above the base.

Important! When choosing corrugated sheeting, there is virtually no cutting waste, since you can order sheets required height, mounted without adjustment.

Flexible tiles

This method of cladding the ground part of the foundation is, in principle, not the intended use of roof cladding. Flexible tiles very thin, cannot hide even minor flatness defects, and therefore requires a perfectly flat base.

This decoration technology is more suitable for installing columnar or pile-grillage foundations. The load-bearing vertical elements are covered with sheathing or purlins are attached, asbestos-cement sheets are hung on them, their surface can be covered with flexible bitumen shingles, additionally secured with self-tapping screws. Typically, the types of tiles that are most similar to stone are chosen.

The use of composite materials made of fiber cement for finishing the basement of a house allows us to provide a 20-30 year service life. The panel is created from a mixture of cement and wood fibers by hot pressing, the outer surface is laminated or covered with a protective layer. Made for imitation various materials- wood, brick, stone.

In addition to weather resistance and a self-contained front design, fiber cement panels have self-cleaning properties. Dust and dirt are washed away by rain or water from a hose. The panel locks are supplemented with sealing elements that ensure high tightness of the facing layer.

Photo of a plinth made of fiber cement panels

Thus, the base can be decorated in many ways, depending on the available construction budget, the architectural style of the building and the preferences of the owner. It is necessary to focus on the service life of the coatings, the weight of the cladding, the thickness and price of the materials.

The basement of the house performs not so much a decorative function as a practical one. In many cases, it serves to reduce heat loss (it is specially insulated), and also prevents the spread of atmospheric and underground moisture to the walls of the house. It also transfers the load from the walls to the foundation - if the foundation is strip or slab. Therefore, the cladding of the basement of a house should be not only beautiful, but also functional. The finishing material is also selected in accordance with this task.

When to start finishing the basement

It is best to finish the base after it is done. In this case, the finishing material will hang over the path. As a result, even the most slanting rain or streams of water flowing down the walls will not be able to get between the wall and the blind area - the water hits the path at a distance of several centimeters from the joint. It is through this joint that water penetrates to the foundation, bringing dampness and other problems.

You need to start cladding the base of the house after the blind area around the house has been made

One more thing. Many people are thinking about whether to insulate the basement or not. If you want to save on heating, the answer is to insulate it, just like the blind area. The unit for insulation and cladding of the base - one of the options - is shown in the photo below.

When using the basement as a residential floor, there are no questions regarding insulation, since the answer is clear - insulate it, of course. But even if you don’t have a subfloor, heating costs will be much lower, and the floor in the house will become much warmer.

How to cover the basement of a house

There are a lot of materials for finishing the base. Main requirements: moisture resistance, frost resistance, strength. The following materials satisfy these requirements:

  • Natural stones (flagstone) sawn into plates or chipped, so-called “torn stone”:
    • sandstone (plastic);
    • granite;
    • marble;
    • slate;
    • dolomite;
    • shugnit.
  • Small cobblestone.
  • Large river pebbles.
  • Clinker tiles (clinker bricks).
  • Paving slabs.
  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Finishing brick.
  • Facade panels, basement siding, PVC panels (these are all names of the same material).
  • Plaster (decorative and “under a fur coat”).
  • Profiled sheeting.

Some of them cost a lot, some are insignificant, but all of them can be used. The material is chosen based on financial capabilities and previously used finishing materials - the aesthetic component also plays an important role. About technologies for finishing plinths different materials and the speech will begin.

Preparation and insulation

First of all, if the existing base is uneven, its surface is leveled with plaster. The solution for plastering the plinth is cement-sand: for 1 part of cement (Portland cement M 400) take 4 parts of clean construction sand, preferably river sand. For greater plasticity, you can add a little lime or liquid soap(per bucket of solution 50-80 g). The solution should be of medium thickness so that it does not creep off the wall. There is another option - to use a special composition. For example, like the one in the video.

If tiles, stone or other similar material are then laid, after leveling the mortar, notches are made on its surface with the tip of a trowel (trowel). They are applied in the form of a grid over the entire surface. These shallow grooves will provide the necessary support for the finish.

If the base is insulated, notches are not needed. EPS (extruded polystyrene foam) or polystyrene boards are glued directly onto the plastered surface. They are light and adhere well to glue. Their surface is coated with diluted tile adhesive and presses against the plaster. Finishing materials are then attached to the surface prepared in this way.

Painting, plastering and “fur coat”

In principle, if the plaster is well leveled, after the solution has dried, the surface can be painted and stop there. This is an inexpensive but viable option. If you used façade paint that is intended for outdoor use, the base will look good for a couple of years. Then you'll have to old paint remove and paint again to maintain appearance.

The next method is to apply a layer of decorative plaster on top of ordinary plaster. And again, choose those formulations that are intended for external use. They can be tinted in desired color or take colored ones. The only negative is that plasters are often porous and splashes of dirt that fall on the walls during bad weather have to be cleaned off with a brush and sometimes with detergent.

The method of finishing the base “like a fur coat” is still popular in some areas. This is when the solution is not applied in an even layer, but in small fragments. Previously, they did this with a broom made of twigs. They dipped it into a liquid solution and hit the stick with the handle so that the splashes flew onto the wall. This is how they made “fur coat” - a finish with a torn surface. Today there are special devices for applying plaster, powered by a compressor. With their help, it is easier to do such finishing.

Finishing the basement of a house using materials in the form of slabs or tiles is technologically more difficult. To prevent it from falling off, you need to know some subtleties.

How to fix porcelain tiles or clinker tiles

If heavy materials such as porcelain tiles or clinker bricks are simply placed on glue, on a plastered surface with grooves, perhaps they will stick normally. And they can even stand for some time. Even several years. But then they will begin to fall off along with the solution. Especially in places where there are no grooves or they are of insufficient depth. To improve adhesion, you can apply a layer of impregnation that improves adhesion (grip), but this is not a guarantee, especially if the material is heavy.

The same picture will happen if you glue the materials directly onto the insulation. The surface is smooth, easy to glue. But after a while the finish will fall off. Faster than with a plastered surface. There is a video about this.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to secure a metal painting mesh, preferably galvanized. It is secured with dowels, placing a piece of galvanized steel on the dowel-nail, the size of which is larger than the size of the cell. Attached at the top, bottom and in checkerboard pattern in the middle. This creates a reliable basis for material of any weight.

Glue is applied to the base and to the tiles. On the tile, remove it with a notched trowel, put it in place, tap the trowel handle and put it in place, leveling the plane. The distance between the tiles is maintained using crosses, only their thickness is taken to be significant 3-5 mm.

In general, the installation technology is similar to. The only difference is that the glue must be special for outdoor use. The second difference: finishing materials for the plinth begin to be laid from below: they are heavy and need support. You rest the bottom row on the blind area, the second row on it, etc.

Finishing the base of the house with natural stone (shell rock, granite, dolomite, slate)

No matter how attractive artificial shiny surfaces may seem, rough stone for some reason evokes great sympathy. But laying a rubble foundation is difficult and not everyone can do it well enough for a house to stand on it. But anyone can decorate a finished monolithic or natural stone with their own hands, especially if at least part of the work on building a house is done personally.

It is clear that no one will attach whole stones: the finish will be too heavy, and very voluminous. That’s why they came up with the idea to slab or chop stones. Depending on the technology, the result is either a smooth “flagstone” - with almost smooth surfaces, or a “torn stone” with an uneven front part. Sometimes these materials are cut into identical rectangles, sometimes they are left in the form of uneven plates, but in any case it is natural stone and the finishing of the base of the house from it turns out to be beautiful and waterproof.

There is this material made from expensive stones, for example - marble, there is cheaper - slate, dolomite, shugnit, lemezite, granite, etc. They look very impressive. Especially if it is torn stone, although flagstone sometimes looks no worse.

The preparation of the surface will be exactly the same: it is best to fill the plastered plinth with a painting mesh, and then lay the stone plates on it with glue. If they are smooth - natural stone with processed edges - the laying technology will be exactly the same as described above.

If the stone has torn edges, finishing the base of the house becomes more difficult: it is necessary to select plates of such a shape that the seams are not too large. When using this option finishing stone You will need a grinder with a stone disc: most likely you will have to file the plates of the lower and upper rows. Correction will also be needed when decorating the corners. See the video for an example of this technology.

There is a second way. The plastered surface of the base is first coated with a compound to improve adhesion (adhesion), then fragments of finishing are installed on it with glue. They are fixed in a given position using scraps of the same stone or pieces of materials the right size. The seams remain unfilled. After the glue has “set,” the seams are filled with a thin solution from a construction syringe, rubbing and tearing out as necessary.

In any case, any glue that gets on the finish must be removed in a timely manner. It will be very difficult to do this with a frozen one, and the appearance of the glue is far from attractive.

Sometimes, for a clearer pattern, the seams between the stone plates are painted with dark paint. Then the surface is coated with protective impregnation. It gives the stone a slight shine and also often increases its water-repellent properties.

Example of plinth cladding natural stone for the second technology, see the next video.

Facing with boulders or small cobblestones

It is not necessary to buy a boulder or cobblestone. You can collect it on a river or on a pebble beach at sea. Rolled stones are chosen to be flatter - round ones are more difficult to “mount”. The procedure and all other subtleties are almost the same as in the case of finishing with natural stone. The only difference is that these stones must be washed in water and detergent before use. Firstly, the water in our ponds may have oils in it and need to be removed, and secondly, there may be clay or algae in it which can cause the finish to fall off.

To make everything look organic, you can first lay out a “picture” of cobblestone cladding on the path next to the place where you will cover the base. They have different shades and their random combinations are not always attractive. By laying everything out side by side you will have an idea of ​​what the end result will be.

Watch the video about the features of finishing the plinth with cobblestones.

How to install plastic (PVC) plinth panels

This type of finishing is called differently: basement or façade panels, basement siding. They have a varied appearance: to match different types of stone, tile, brick.

For PVC installations panels on the plinth, it is necessary to assemble the frame. It is made from wooden beam 50*50 mm. Since the finishing will be outdoors, the wood must be protected with impregnations that prevent rotting and protect against pests.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Assembly is easy. Only after fastening will it be necessary to make ebbs on top: the sheathing and panels have a fairly decent volume and a gap remains on top. You can cover it with roofing iron, as in this video. Immediately look at the technology of finishing the base with plastic panels.

In the same way, the base can be finished with corrugated board. There is only one note: it is advisable to lay insulation in the voids between the sheathing. The house will be much warmer.

Finishing the base of a pile foundation

As you know, there is no base. But if you don’t block off the space, there will be drafts under the house, the floor will always be cold, and all kinds of living creatures like to live under the house. Therefore, the base, although decorative, is necessary. It can be done in two ways.

There is one subtlety if the house is installed on screw piles or. Such foundations are often placed on highly heaving soils. To prevent the finishing from being destroyed when the soil is raised, it is not brought to a certain distance to the ground. To prevent animals from crawling into the gap, a metal mesh is fixed at the bottom.