Making wells for water in the country. Do-it-yourself decorative well in the country (57 photos): styles, designs, materials. Types of well houses and their tasks

For lovers of country rest, it will be useful to learn how to arrange a decorative well in the country with your own hands. These once typical structures are now becoming a bright decoration of a suburban area, if they harmoniously fit into landscape design. Before you make a decorative well in the country, you should consider its purpose, choose a suitable place, draw a design plan and purchase the necessary materials.

Decorative well. Building functions

The construction and design of decorative wells in the country does not provide for the creation of a source of water for the owners. In most cases, a decorative well is only part of the landscape design. However, the majority of practical-minded summer residents can endow even a decorative object with some useful functions:

  • you can hide sewer manholes or other engineering communications under the "house-well",
  • with their help, you can protect rainwater containers from debris and dust,
  • You can hide a well with drinking water behind such primordially Slavic decor.

Advice! The most important purpose of a decorative well is still an aesthetic function. If you correctly design the well itself and its surroundings (a small reservoir, garden paths, parts of the cart, alpine slides or flowerpots with flowers, short wooden fence etc.), you can create a unique beautiful garden that will amaze the imagination of all guests without exception.

Design options

Construction companies offer to purchase ready-made designs of decorative wells, but such products are quite expensive, and they do not differ in originality. A landscape designer will be able to advise on how to choose the right decorative wells and arrange them in accordance with the appearance of the garden, but you can also on their own, and not only with the choice, but also with the creation of the structure.

There are several designs of wells, in the likeness of which decorative structures are also built. This may be a teremok with gable roof, a well-crane without a canopy or a column protruding above the surface of the earth (Abyssinian well). A well, similar to house.

The design of the well in the country should correspond to the chosen design style of the site and the house:

  • for country style (an ordinary village hut with a cozy garden around) a well in the form of a tower with interesting carved details is suitable,
  • in oriental styles a small building with a roof with curved corners would be appropriate,

How often the attention of neighbors in the country is attracted by such a seemingly ordinary thing as a garden well. Nevertheless, there are times when this particular subject becomes the object of close attention and admiration. In this case, we are talking about the external design of the well.

Most Owners country houses does not attach of great importance design side in this matter. Usually their "fantasy" is limited to digging a well and installing concrete rings.

But if someone really wants to transform the gray routine, he can easily turn his garden into a real fairy tale. To do this, you need to think carefully about the garden landscape and install beautiful house for a well as one of the elements of garden design.

The need for a well

What is the need for such a building? Is it an ordinary decoration that could well be ignored, or is its construction and installation really important.

The main task that such a design performs is to create a protective effect for clean well water from dust, various debris, and fallen leaves.

In addition, it is customary to spray the garden and vegetable garden in the spring and summer. Some summer residents prefer to use chemicals for this. At the time of processing, splashes can fly into the open space of the well.

All of the above factors are taken into account when there is a need to build a house on a well. Among other points, it is noted that if the well is closed, then the water in it does not freeze even when severe frosts begin.

Repeating, you can add the already known opinion that the construction on the well can become a decoration of the site, if a creative approach is applied to the work on its manufacture.

Well house installation options

Of course, the easiest way to buy such a house in the construction market. The range of such structures abounds in its assortment. From the simplest, sold at fairly low prices, to expensive, representing a real work of art.

If the market does not attract with its choice, you can place an order according to the corresponding catalog of wooden garden structures. Among the colorful pages with views, you will surely find a photo of a house for a well that you like, which can later be transformed into reality.

At the request of the client, craftsmen working with wooden structures, can decorate the structure with beautiful carvings, decorate using natural stones, ceramic tiles or other finishing materials.

It is the original forms of such structures and other exotic buildings that often become objects that attract everyone's attention with their originality, which naturally highlights the site on which they are located.

Independent work

No less often the thought of buying or ordering wooden structure is replaced by a completely reasonable decision to build a house for a well with your own hands.

All that is needed for this is to make a drawing and make a purchase. the right tools and materials. The main building material will naturally be wood. It is easy to handle, looks great and will last a long time.

Of the building materials for the house, you will need a certain amount of wooden beam, edged board, block house or wooden lining. Any of the last two materials can be an excellent finishing element.

The roof can be made of metal, polycarbonate or roofing material. As a coating, many people use siding, profiled sheet, euroslate and other types of roofing surfaces.

The requirement that is placed on the top cover is that it must be lightweight so that the installed support posts can freely support it.

Among other materials, you will need a log and a metal rod to make a gate. To process wood, you will need to purchase antiseptic compounds, varnishes and paints. Next, you need a door and door hinges To her.

For a tight grip, you will need short metal corners. Additionally, you will need metal bushings made from pipe trim (2 pieces). A metal chain is needed to lift the bucket.

The construction of the house begins with a detailed study of the drawing. Moreover, most of those who are going to build a well on their own find drawings on construction sites. And of course they require detailed study. You can also find it on the internet detailed technology performance of similar works, since installation of a framework and finishing with finishing works.

It's not all that difficult if you approach the matter in good faith. As a result, a wooden miracle will be created with your own hands.

Photo of a house for a well

More recently, any piece of land on which people lived had a well. To this day, they are dug in the plots to provide themselves with water for household needs. They are indispensable for summer cottages, where water is centralized and supplied in limited quantities according to the schedule. But even during the construction of a country house and the arrangement of a well, wells do not lose their relevance. Lowering a submersible pump into them, it is convenient to use water for irrigation, especially when the groundwater level is high on the site. It is important not only to protect children and animals by closing it with a lid, but also to give it aesthetics. The article will discuss how to make a head for a well with your own hands.

Why do you need a cap at the well

  • The cap is designed not only to protect households from accidental falling into the well, but also to prevent debris from entering the water.
  • If the well is planned to be operated, and not turned into an art object, then it is necessary to provide a convenient cover and lifting mechanism. Thinking through the project, it is worth considering the ease of use, and not just the design and combination with the surrounding landscape.

  • Well head structures can be closed or open. Their cost will depend not on the type, but on the materials used. But in an open well in winter, water can freeze, so for year-round use it is recommended to build in the form of a closed and insulated house.
  • If desired, the open head of the well can also be made warm. In this case, not only the walls of the well itself are insulated, but also its cover. Choosing for this moisture resistant thermal insulation material, such as polystyrene or penoplex.

Types of material for the head of the well

Traditional and modern finishing materials allow you to create not only functional, but also beautiful wells. They harmoniously fit into any landscape design, becoming its decoration.

  • Stone. This is a laborious and expensive way to finish the well head. But the result is very beautiful and solid. In addition, such a finishing material does not require any maintenance and will remain in its original form for many decades. From stone, you can lay out a whole wall around the well, or just decorate the head of the well with concrete rings. In the second case, the cost will decrease several times, and appearance won't lose.

  • Wood. It will fit especially well into the landscape if there are already wooden buildings on the site, for example, wooden house or bath. Like stone, wooden heads can be of two types:
    • made of real timber or logs, like the walls of a house;
    • simply sheathed frame with imitation of timber or block house.
    • Regardless of the material chosen, a number of requirements are imposed on the head:
  • Strong and reliable walls. To strengthen them, boards are attached along the upper perimeter, which simultaneously perform the function of an armored belt and a water stand. In addition, they protect wooden elements lining from water ingress.
  • The presence of a cover. This will protect the water from debris and insects. And it will protect small children or animals from falling into it. It is convenient if there is a hole for a hose in the lid, then it will not be necessary to keep the hatch open to pump out water using a pump.
  • thermal insulation. It is needed if there is a need to use the well when the temperature is below -20 ° C. If in winter the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C, then there is no need for insulation.
  • Vorotok. Even if the well head is needed only for decoration or water is planned to be pumped out submersible pump, it is recommended to provide a working lifting mechanism. There is always a chance it will come in handy.

The device of the head of the well in the form of a house

Why a well house is needed:

  • it will protect drinking water from dust, foliage, insects, branches and other debris;
  • water will not bloom and evaporate from the summer heat;
  • when using chemicals for spraying in the garden, they will not settle on the well cover and will not fall into the water;
  • on frosty days, the water will not freeze;
  • when creating a beautiful head on the well, it will become a decoration of the site. For this, it is decorated with carved or forged elements, which you can not only do with your own hands, but also buy ready-made ones. And in the decoration, use natural stone and high-quality wood.

Having made a design and created a project based on it, you can get to work.

Required Materials Tools

  • The easiest way to work with wood, besides it is a natural material that will always fit into the garden landscape.
  • Therefore, first of all, you need to purchase required amount timber with a section of 50x50 and 100x50 mm.
  • For finishing, an edged board, block house or lining is used.
  • Suitable for any roof roofing material, but it's good if it matches the roof on the gazebo or house. The lighter it is, the better - this guarantees that the supports will withstand even heavy snowfalls.
  • For the lifting mechanism (gate) you need a rounded log and a strong metal bar.

Well head drawing

  • Considering that all wooden elements will be outdoors all year round, you need to stock up on special protective equipment.
  • For fastening wooden parts in places where they will be under the greatest load, you need to buy metal corners.
  • Bolt, handle, door hinges and fasteners (screws or nails).
  • Bucket and chain.
  • Saw or jigsaw, level, tape measure, screwdriver or hammer, pencil.

Stages of work on the creation of a well house

  • Depending on the chosen design, the frame of the walls and roof is made. He will bear all the burden. It is easier to collect it on the ground and fasten it to the well in finished form.
  • To calculate the size of the head around the concrete rings of the well, it is required to measure their diameter. Based on the results obtained, a frame is assembled from a board with a section of 50x100 mm. When fastening parts, it is necessary to constantly align the vertical and horizontal with a level to avoid skew.
  • At the corners of the frame, vertical bars are fixed, equal to the height of the head house. In addition, 2 more vertical bars are attached to the frame from two opposite sides and connected horizontally with a board from above, it turns out the ridge of the future roof. All vertical racks are also interconnected with bars with a section of 50x100 mm.

  • From the ridge to the side harness, rafters from a 50x50 mm beam are attached in increments of 40-50 cm. For reliable and beautiful fastening, at the points of attachment to the ridge, the bars are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be done using miter saw. For added strength, these places are fixed with metal corners. Excess rafters are cut off, not forgetting to leave a takeaway.
  • On the side where the door will open, it is necessary to nail a strong and wide board (at least 300 mm). In the future, it will be convenient to put a bucket filled with water on it. On the other sides, you can use narrower and thinner boards. Their function will be to securely fix the head on the well rings. This completes the assembly of the frame. It must be even and strong.
  • If the head of the well provides for insulation, then sheet moisture-resistant material is attached to the frame. To it, in turn, is attached a slab insulation with high moisture resistant characteristics. It is desirable that they have a spike / groove connection, which will exclude cold bridges and through freezing in these places.
  • The next step is to mount a mechanism for lowering and raising a bucket of water. It is most convenient to make it from a piece of rounded log, the diameter of which should be 15-20 cm (the larger it is, the easier it will be to lift a full bucket). The length is selected individually, and depends on the size of the head of the well. On average, it should be only 5 cm shorter than the internal distance between walls or racks. This will allow the gate to rotate freely.

  • If there is no rounded log, then they take a simple one and clean it from the wane, remove all irregularities, knots and grind it. The resulting workpiece is shortened to the right sizes, and the edges are tightly wrapped with steel wire.
  • Holes 20 mm in diameter and 50 mm deep are drilled from the ends. To protect the wood in these vulnerable places from decay, metal plates must be screwed on. The holes on them should match in diameter and location with those already drilled on the log.
  • On the racks to which the lifting mechanism will be attached, similar holes are made with protection from metal plates. The only difference is that on the side with the lever you need to make a through hole.
  • Metal bushings are inserted into both holes on the racks. And metal rods are driven into the log from the ends, the diameter is slightly less than the bushings. One will simply fix the log, and the second has an L-shaped handle for rotation. Then they fasten and wind the chain, tying a bucket to the other end.

  • The finished frame is sheathed with a finishing material. If it is a block house or lining, then they have a spike / groove connection, which ensures their snug fit. When using edged boards, even with the most careful fit, the formation of gaps cannot be avoided due to seasonal shrinkage of the wood and its cracking.
  • Special stains or antiseptic impregnations will help protect wood from decay. It is also allowed to apply varnish, but only intended for operation at sub-zero temperatures, otherwise it will crack and begin to crumble.
  • Alternatively, plastic or metal siding can be used. The latter not only completely repeats the appearance natural material, but even has a similar texture.
  • Next, they make a crate on the roof and be sure to attach a vapor barrier fabric. It will protect the roofing material from high humidity and condensation.
  • Then the door is fixed. To do this, you need to choose dry wood to avoid deformation and curvature during further drying. Boards are nailed onto the frame, acting as a door frame.
  • Having measured the size of the resulting hole, the frame of the future door is assembled on a flat surface, which should be slightly smaller. It should have right angles without curvature. The canvas is made from the same material that the house itself was sheathed with. To give the frame rigidity, diagonally with inside screw a rail with a cross section of 20x20 mm or more.
  • Door hinges are attached to the wall and to the door, then it is hung and leveled. It is necessary to ensure that it closes easily and does not jam. After that, a handle and a lock are attached to it.

  • The final stage is the decorative finish, if such is provided for by the design.

Make a stone well head

  • Consider the method when the walls are laid out of brick, later facing it natural stone. In this case, the walls of the head will be built according to the same principle as the walls of the house.
  • A concrete ring protruding above the ground is cut down with a grinder to right level. And the foundation is poured along its perimeter.
  • On the concrete base put waterproofing, for example, roofing material. Beginning to make brickwork on top traditional way in 1 brick, with dressing of seams.

  • After finishing the construction of the walls, they are covered with a film and left until the mortar sets. Thus, the basis of the cap on the well is made by hand. It's time to install the gate. If the supports for the lifting mechanism are also planned to be lined with decorative material in the future, then they are made of hollow brick, cinder block or foam concrete.
  • If the well is made of modern concrete rings, then it will be difficult to line it. The fact is that factory concrete is denser than with self-mixing solution, therefore, its surface is smooth, without pores and roughness.
  • To give the necessary adhesion, it will have to be self-anchored. From the outside, holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled in a chaotic manner to half the thickness of the concrete ring. The distance between them should vary between 10-15 cm.
  • If you go deeper, then over time the anchor may be exposed in this place. Then you need a masonry (reinforcing) mesh with a cell size of 4-5 cm. It must be completely bent around the ring, and the resulting allowance should be bent. But it should not fit snugly, the gap between metal mesh and 1 cm is left with a concrete ring. Bent pieces of wire with a diameter of 5 mm are driven into the prepared recesses. A mesh is tied to the resulting anchors. Such preparatory work will ensure that the base will withstand facing material of any gravity - from slab sandstone to boulders.

Lining a concrete well with wood

  • Due to the heat-preserving properties of wood, there will be no problems with condensate in winter. It is thanks to these properties that since ancient times, wells have been made from logs.
  • First you need to make a frame around the concrete ring for attaching the wooden planks. A solid shield is made on each side of the future well. To do this, collect the frame. Attached to her tightly edged boards 25 mm thick. When all 4 shields are ready, they are primed in 2 layers.
  • They are applied to the well and mark the points where the shields are in contact with the base. In the marked places, holes are made with a puncher and wooden blocks are attached.

  • Put the shield and screw one upper corner. Then, aligning it horizontally, screw the second side. Thus, the entire frame is fixed. The resulting voids can be filled cement mortar with shavings. This guarantees protection even against severe and prolonged frosts.
  • Finishing material begins to be attached to the resulting frame. Its choice is not limited by anything and depends only on the style of the site or personal preferences.
  • Simply and quickly make an imitation of logs or timber using wooden panels block house.
  • Installation is best to start from the top. Since they make it from natural wood, then panels that are identical at first glance, during their installation may turn out to be of different widths. This may be a very slight difference, but asymmetrical joints form at the corners. Therefore, it is necessary to slowly adjust the panels, trying to avoid distortion in the pattern.

Head for a well made of siding or metal

  • Unlike a wooden block house, plastic panels are perfectly sized and always fit exactly at the joints. But you need to remember that the richer the color of the panel (for example, dark wood), the higher the likelihood that it will fade in the sun. When the well is in the shade of trees, this is not scary, but for sunny areas it is better to choose light colors material.
  • The frame for cladding is prepared according to the method described above.
  • Start fixing the siding from the bottom. First screw the starting bar. Its horizontal level must be checked with particular care. If there is a slight distortion, it will immediately affect the appearance.
  • Further, corner external profiles are attached to the screws. Their vertical is checked by level.
  • Now came through the attachment of the slats themselves. They are coming standard size 3 m, so first measure the desired length and cut off. At the same time, one should not forget about allowances of 1.5-2 cm, which will be inserted into the corner profiles. The first bar from below clings to the starting one, and is screwed on top with self-tapping screws. The next one is inserted into it and snapped into place, which holds on to the previous bar from below, and is attached from above with self-tapping screws. So the whole well is sewn up. The top is finished according to the intended design.

Head of sewer well

  • Most country houses have autonomous sewerage, and often its installation provides that the upper part sewer well remains above the ground. In this case, he also needs decoration.

  • The principle of wall cladding remains the same. The only difference is that it is not required to make racks for the lifting mechanism, and the height of the walls is much less.
  • Sometimes it is enough to overlay it with large stones and make a decorative cover.
  • Or they make circular brickwork, and a factory-made sewer hatch is laid on top.

In any case, it is not only beautiful, but also functional, as additional insulation is produced.

Well head design

When choosing a well design, you should rely on the stylistic direction that is already on the site.

  • Russian style. The most typical for this style is the head of the well in the form of a tower. Only real logs are used for it, and not their imitation. Carved wooden elements can become an additional decoration. It is better to put the same roofing material on the roof as on the house itself.

  • Modern style. Its main feature is the use of modern, not traditional materials. Such a well head would be appropriate only if the house itself is made in high-tech style. Tiles are used for cladding, and racks are made of metal.
  • Chalet style. This is European country style, therefore, a combination of natural wood and stone is best suited for a well head. All materials should be deliberately rough, thick metal, stone boulders, textured wood. You can make the design lighter with the help of forged lightweight elements.
  • East style. The most popular among landscape designers are wells decorated in a minimalist style. Japanese style. main feature is heading with hipped roof. To finish the well, large stones and wood are selected. But the Chinese style is the opposite, it is filled with a lot of luxurious and exquisite jewelry. Therefore, bright colors are chosen for the walls of the head, and the racks are made in the form of carved figures of mythical characters.

In addition to traditional style solutions, there are many design options for the head of the well. They are distinguished by their versatility, which allows them to look good in any landscape design.

  • Fairy towers. It's deliberately bright, practically doll houses. They can be unusual shape, decorated with bright finishing materials. You can strengthen associations with the help of spaced garden figurines gnomes or fairies.
  • Sea style. It is quite simple to create it, for this you need to take attributes that speak for themselves, such as: a rope, a barrel (which can be instead of a bucket), an anchor, an aged tree, a steering wheel instead of a lifting mechanism handle. For decorative finishes figurines of anchors and marine animals are perfect.

  • Painting with paints. This is the most a budget option, which does not limit artistic motives. It is enough just to prime the concrete rings of the well with white color and decorate them. Or paint a brick or wooden headboard with white paint and paint over it.

But no matter how beautifully the head of the well is made, in order for it to look harmonious, it must be surrounded by plants. To do this, you can plant undersized trees around it. flowering shrubs or create new compositions every year from flowering annuals. In addition, flowers can be arranged in large flowerpots. In this case, they can be rearranged several times over the summer. Plant compositions are suitable for a well made in any style.

Many homeowners have to think about building a water source. To provide the site with enough water for any need, a well is usually dug. The design can be different: in the form of a house, with an original roof, a simple round model, or you can make a beautiful well, with decorative elements, and then it will be not only a source of water, but also an ornament. personal plot. This is clearly seen in the photo of the well.

This is the most budgetary option for a water source, excluding the use of special equipment. Subject to the implementation of certain recommendations, absolutely every person will be able to cope with digging and arranging a well. It is enough just to choose the best option for digging and arranging the well.

How to choose the right site for digging a well

Before making a well, it is initially necessary to correctly determine a suitable site, with close proximity to the groundwater surface.

The task is quite difficult, you need to take into account many factors, so you should use special, time-tested methods: carefully examine the terrain; carefully study the plants growing in the area; make a test well.

Terrain study

The closest location groundwater characteristic of areas located in lowlands and depressions. Therefore, the best solution would be to place the well in such a lowland area. It is not advisable to locate a well on hills, since ground water located deep underground.

Vegetation study

If you carefully study the plants, you can identify some individual plant varieties that grow in damp areas.

Such species include coltsfoot; sleep; sedge, also alder usually grows on such soils; Birch; spruce. Therefore, it is useful to carefully look at the plants growing in the area.

Drilling a test well

In order to most accurately determine a suitable area for the location of the well, a test well should be drilled with a depth of approximately 10 m. To carry out these works, it is necessary to use a special device for laying wells. This method allows you to more specifically choose a suitable place to place the well.

However, each, taken separately, of all the listed methods does not always guarantee success in selecting a suitable site for placing a well, so several options should be used at once. Among other things, be sure to carefully study the information on the proper arrangement of the well in the country.

It is important to remember that you can not place the well at a close distance from the sewer and other similar places. It is necessary to observe a certain distance to such objects, not closer than 50 meters.

Well type selection

Each type of such structures is characterized by a special distinguishing feature, which lies in the method of manufacturing the structure.

A shaft-type well model can be made using a conventional shovel, and a tubular type of structure can only be made using certain equipment designed for laying wells.

Required Safety Precautions

The process of building a well, at all its stages, should be approached thoughtfully and balancedly, the work should be done by two, and preferably by three. Mine preparation is a rather dangerous process, so you need reliable assistant will be able to help as needed.

In addition, being in the mine of a future well, you need to be prepared for various troubles, for example, a large concentration of gases underground.

To check the level of gas contamination, you should use an ordinary torch, set fire to it, if the fire goes out, the concentration of gases in the mine is significantly exceeded.

Choice of digging method

Work on the preparation of the well shaft can be performed open, or in a closed way. The open method is most suitable for areas with compacted soil.

This method has a number good points: helps provide more comfortable conditions during the work; greatly facilitates the fight against stony deposits.

For work on terrain with loose soil, you should use the closed option. The advantages of this method: you have to dig the ground much less; the use of special equipment and shedding of soil is excluded.

To make it easier to decide on the option of carrying out the work, you must first dig a small, meter-long hole. If the walls of the pit are held firmly, use the open method, in case of soil shedding, use the closed method.

In some cases, if the open method was initially chosen, but after the deepening of the pit, soil shedding began, work should be suspended and the closed method should be used further.

Open well digging

Manufacturing concrete well The open method is slightly different from the closed method. Initially, a large hole is dug, about 15 centimeters wide more than the diameter of the concrete rings, the depth of the mine is strictly individual in each case.

The number of rings varies depending on the depth of the hole. Then the voids formed between the walls of the pit and the rings should be eliminated with sand and the joints between the rings should be carefully sealed.

Closed way

The production of a well in a closed way is a more labor-intensive process. Initially, a hole is dug, of small depth, depending on the soil.

The first concrete ring, as the depth of the mine increases, it will gradually go down. Further, another ring falls from above, then the next, and so on until the end.

The last ring must be installed above ground level and the joints between the concrete rings must be carefully sealed.

The lid for the well can be made from any material, in most cases wood is used for this.

If you follow all the rules for choosing the place and method of digging, arranging the well, absolutely everyone can handle the work. At the same time, it is important to give Special attention security measures.

DIY well photo