The operating principle of a submersible pump - can it be used in a well? Review of the submersible pump “Baby”: unit diagram, characteristics, operating rules Use a submersible pump

A submersible pump is a device for pumping water that is placed directly in the aquatic environment. This equipment is used in wells and wells to organize water supply at home, as well as in systems autonomous sewerage for pumping out liquid household waste. When purchasing such a device, it is important to understand its operating principle and operating features. After all correct use submersible pump significantly extends the service life of the device and reduces the likelihood of unscheduled repairs.

Submersible pumping equipment is classified according to the principle of operation (centrifugal and vibration) and the scope of application.

The design of centrifugal pumps is based on an electric motor with an impeller attached to its shaft. As the impeller blades rotate, they create centrifugal force, causing water to rise.

The vibration device has a simpler device. An electromagnet with a vibrator is used here, thanks to the reciprocating actions of which a pumping effect is created and water begins to be sucked through the check valves of the device.

Important! Use submersible pump only possible in water. To avoid accidental idling, dry-running protection is additionally applied.

Scope of application

Depending on the scope of application, submersible pumps are divided into 4 classes:

  • Borehole

Given the small diameter casing pipe wells, such a device has an elongated cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 100 mm. It can be used at fairly great depths, and the height of water rise in some models is 60 m.

  • Well

This device is used at shallow depths to pump water with a low degree of contamination. It should not be placed close to the bottom due to the risk of sediment rising and rapid clogging of the filter.

  • Drainage

Typically, the use of a submersible drainage pump is associated with emergency and repair work, such as pumping water from flooded premises (basements, cellars), draining ditches, cleaning wells, etc.

  • Fecal

Feature of this equipment is the presence of a grinder and a wide arrangement of flow channels for pumping out liquid household waste from cesspools without the risk of clogging.

The drainage pump has a wide range of applications

What to pay attention to when operating a submersible pump

The submersible apparatus is used in fairly harsh and specific conditions. Therefore, some aspects of its operation should be given Special attention.

Technical specifications

The main indicators in technical terms are the power and productivity of the equipment. The maximum water column must be indicated in the passport for the device. The maximum immersion depth of the pump depends on this parameter.

For your information. The productivity of the equipment should not exceed the flow rate of the well or well, otherwise the resource of the source can be exhausted very quickly.

When using a downhole tool, you must follow the correct dimensions to prevent the possibility of jamming. To do this, its diameter must be at least 10 mm less than the diameter of the well casing.

Installation features

Since all submersible pumps use electrical energy, before installing and operating them, it is necessary to carefully check the integrity of the insulation. Particular attention should be paid to the cable and the place where it is connected to the device.

When lowering the device to a depth, you should use a reliable reinforced cable, which will hold it throughout its entire service life and will allow you to reach the equipment for maintenance or repair at any time. Borehole and well pumps are usually located 1 meter from the bottom, while drainage pumps are lowered directly to the bottom.

Attaching a submersible pump to the well head

Scheduled Maintenance

During the operation of any technical device, it is important to carry out planned Maintenance, which allows for a long maintenance-free period of operation. In this regard, submersible pumping equipment is no exception. The frequency of maintenance and the list of preventive measures performed are indicated in the technical data sheet of the device.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to disassemble the device without technical skills and special tools. For these purposes, it is better to invite a specialist.

When using a submersible pump to supply water to a home, owners often have questions that only professionals can answer.

  • The well is quickly emptying

Reason: incorrect calculation of the required device performance. This problem often occurs when independent drilling, when the well flow rate is determined approximately or not determined at all.

Solution: reduce water consumption or install a pump with lower capacity.

  • Water comes with sand

Reason: capture of sand particles from the bottom of the impermeable layer.

Solution: clean the inlet filter and raise the device 0.5-1 m.

Reason: the water in the well or well falls below the permitted level. One of the most common mistakes made by non-professionals is installing the pump based on a static rather than dynamic water level.

Solution: install pumping equipment in accordance with the dynamic water level.

  • Pump performance has dropped

Reason: internal malfunction of the device.

Solution: it is necessary to disassemble and, if necessary, repair the device. Centrifugal pumps have the most common cause a decrease in productivity is a breakdown of the impeller, and for vibrating ones, a loss of elasticity of the rubber piston.

Improper operation is usually the cause of pumping equipment failure

Before using the submersible pump, you must read the operating instructions, paying special attention to the installation and maintenance sections of the device. If a malfunction occurs, it is better to stop trying. self-repair and immediately contact specialists.

Security country house water is probably always the primary task when creating even if not comfortable, but simply acceptable, minimally necessary conditions for even temporary living in it. Well, if the house is considered as the main place of residence of the family throughout the year, then the presence of a constantly and stably operating source of water generally becomes a prime necessity. Regular water supply networks in suburban villages they are not found everywhere, so you often have to rely on autonomous sources.

Often the only possible source on a site becomes a traditional well, and the owners are left to organize the transportation of water from it to the points of consumption. A rocker with buckets on the shoulders of a slender housewife is very beautiful in pictures and in feature films about peasant life, but is absolutely divorced from current reality. Modern homeowners come to the aid of a variety of pumping equipment that can solve their water supply problems. In this publication, the emphasis will be on how to choose the right submersible pump for a well, so that the household’s need for clean water for a variety of needs is fully met.

Advantages of submersible well pumps

Providing the house with water from a nearby well can be done using a surface pumping station or a submersible pump. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, which should definitely be taken into account when developing a housing water supply scheme. In this publication, let’s take surface-type equipment out of the equation and talk only about submersible equipment.

One of the solutions to the water supply issue is a stationary pumping station

submersible pump

If the country house is a permanent place of residence, if there is an isolated noise-proof room, if the parameters of the well meet certain requirements, then the pumping station can become optimal solution water supply issue. However, it is obvious that there are too many “ifs”, and in order not to make a mistake, read the information posted in the special publication of our portal.

Why in some cases does a submersible pump become the optimal choice?

  • They are almost always limited in terms of the depth of water suction - usually this value is within the range of 7 ÷ 8 meters. If we add to this the horizontal section of the pipeline from the well to the station itself, then the actual depth may be even less. This often forces one to incur additional expenses to create and equip a caisson for a pumping station in the immediate vicinity of the well. With submersible pumps this is not a problem.

  • Submersible well pumps, unlike surface ones, will not annoy owners with noise during operation.
  • Submersible well pumps are always less “capricious” in terms of the quality of the pumped water - most of them are able to cope with fine suspensions, which are very likely in well conditions.
  • If the flow of the water source is sufficient, the risk of overheating the pump drive is minimal - it is constantly in a cool water environment and is additionally cooled by the pumped flow.
  • With submersible pumps, it is easier to organize monitoring of the water level in the well - special float automation installed on many modern models will take care of this.

  • The use of surface pumping stations imposes special requirements on the tightness of the water intake pipe. The slightest leak in the connections, completely invisible to the eye, will inevitably lead to air leaks. By definition, a submersible pump has nowhere to suck air from.
  • If there is a need to leave your home unattended for a long period, then removing and removing the submersible pump will be easier than, for example, dismantling pumping station from a caisson or a room allocated to it.

Enter the requested data and click the "Calculate pump performance" button

Indicate the presence and number of water consumption points

Kitchen sink

Wash basin

Bathtub with mixer tap and shower

Submersible pump for a well in a country house

Hand gates, cranes and others mechanical devices for raising water in buckets have long been considered an anachronism. Today, electric pumps are widely used for these purposes. About what they are, what are the advantages and disadvantages various types and how to choose a pump for a well will be discussed in our material. All household electric well pumps come in only two types: vibration and centrifugal.

Vibrating well pumps

The working mechanism of a vibration pump is an electromagnet whose core is attached to a membrane. Under the influence of alternating current, the core of the electromagnet, and with it the piston, made in the form of a rubber membrane, perform reciprocating movements.

Check valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of the vibration pump. During operation, water is pumped in the direction specified by the check valves.

Advantages of vibration pumps

Vibration pumps have very simple design, are very reliable and easy to repair. After several years of use, the membrane may break, but it is very easy to replace and is quite cheap.

High level protection from defeat electric shock. To produce vibration, it is not a contact switch, as for example in an electric bell, that is used, but an alternating current frequency. The absence of open contacts and reliable sealing of the connection points to the magnet winding provide electrical protection even if water penetrates the winding.

Unpretentiousness. Due to the absence of complex mechanical components, the pump remains operational for a very long time under the most difficult operating conditions, including a large difference in the upper and lower levels in the well, the presence of sand, silt and other mechanical impurities in the water.

Disadvantages and problems of vibration pumps

Vibration raises turbidity from the bottom of the well. This is a known problem with vibrating pumps and is why they are rarely used for continuous water supply. The problem can be partially solved by preliminary preparation of the bottom, in the form of a cushion of fine gravel.

The design of most vibration pumps is designed to connect a flexible hose rather than a rigid HDPE pipe. Therefore, they are not suitable for underground installation of water supply to the house. And in this regard, the vibration pump cannot be used in winter.

Pump vibration is a source of noise, which increases as the water in the well decreases. The fastening is not rigid, but on a rope, which must be regularly inspected to check its integrity.

The main disadvantage is the limited productivity, which is only sufficient for the domestic needs of an average country house, or for irrigation.

Centrifugal submersible pumps

Centrifugal or rotary type pumps do not have all these disadvantages. In them, water is accelerated by an impeller and, due to the centrifugal effect, is pushed into the pipe. These devices are produced in three versions: submersible well, borehole. They differ from each other only in the diameter of the body and appearance.

Well Centrifugal Pump

This is a fairly bulky - wide unit, and usually only has one rotor installed inside it. Due to the large diameter of the impeller, it is sufficient to provide the required performance. Well submersible pumps are cheaper than borehole pumps due to more simple device.

Downhole centrifugal pumps

The small thickness of well pumps is dictated by the diameter of the well casing. In addition, they usually work at greater depths and are equipped with more water to push a column of water to such a height. powerful engines. To compensate for the reduction in centrifugal effect due to the small diameter of the rotor, such devices use a multi-stage impeller.

Advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal pumps


  • High performance.
  • Low noise level during operation.
  • Increased water supply height.
  • Connection of HDPE pipe.


  • Higher cost.
  • Difficult to maintain.
  • Higher requirements for the absence of sand in the water.

Selecting the model and manufacturer of the pump

The specific choice of pump is made based on the scope of its application: summer or year-round, for periodic or permanent use. When purchasing a certain model, an important parameter is the planned volume of water consumption, as well as the supply height from the pump to the storage tank. All these parameters must be indicated by the manufacturer in the passport, or less often in the operating instructions.

As for the pump manufacturer, it is best to focus on the opinions of your neighbors who are already using similar devices for your needs. In addition, you should ask the opinion of the employees of the nearest repair shop for this equipment.

Lastly, the selection of the pump should be done according to the advertisement or the advice of the seller. Their goal is to sell the product more profitably and your interests are taken into account last. In any case, it makes sense to give preference famous brand and higher price.

How to install a submersible pump for a well

The submersible pump must always be in the water column. For vibrating units, the water intake hole is located on the top cover. This protects the pump from sand from the bottom. However, the distance from the bottom should be about a meter, or even more if the water level allows. Similar requirements are put forward when installing centrifugal pumps.

How to avoid overheating when using submersible pumps

Many modern models of units have a float switch. Its task is to turn off the pump when the water level drops below the permissible level. When installing such a pump, be sure to provide space in the well for free movement of the float. Otherwise, water will be pumped out until its level drops below the pump inlet. And this is fraught with overheating of the motor and its failure. The role of the float can be played by an idle relay installed at the point of connection of the supply pipe to the internal water supply.

To prevent the pipe from the pump to the house from becoming airborne after turning off the engine, you need to place a check valve. It will hold a column of water, and it will flow into the water supply immediately after power is applied.

The pump is suspended in the water on a durable waterproof rope. If such a possibility exists, you can additionally tie it to a support driven into the bottom or wall of the well. This will reduce vibrations and swaying, which weaken the joint and sealing at the pipe connection points.

Bottom line

Modern well pumps allow you to forget about manual water intake forever and provide power private system water supply is no worse than central water supply. When choosing a pump for your dacha, pay attention to its characteristics, read reviews and consult with your neighbors, this will help you avoid problems and frequent equipment breakdowns.

Submersible pumps differ from non-submersible pumps in the absence of noise and vibration, as well as greater productivity.

This option will be able to supply you with water from a well of any depth faster, quieter and in larger volumes.

Main types of submersible pumps: which one is better?

Let's consider what types of submersible pumps there are, how they differ and which option is better to purchase in a particular case.

These are easy-to-use and maintain pumps that differ increased sentence services.

Principle of operation. Roughly speaking, the device works like our lungs, in which, at the moment of inhalation, negative pressure is formed, as a result of which we draw air into ourselves. In the unit, this role is played by the magnetic field and the core on which it acts. The core triggers a rubber diaphragm that flexes, creating negative pressure inside the device. After this, the liquid begins to flow freely into the pump, which transfers it through pipes to the surface. To ensure regular flow, special springs are installed inside, which return the diaphragm to its original place.


  • low price;
  • durability;
  • low cost of maintenance.


  • dependence of water current on network voltage (even minimal differences lead to a significant decrease in operating efficiency);
  • lifts silt from the bottom as a result of creating vibrations;
  • cannot be used for narrow wells.

Important! Maximum diving depth is 50 m.

A device that can work even with heavily contaminated water.

Principle of operation. Inside the device there is a large spiral-shaped screw that surrounds internal thread. After starting, the screw begins to rotate like a drill on a drill or hammer drill. As a result of the movement, the water begins to rise upward in a spiral, after which it is fed into the pipe.


  • fine dirt cannot block the pump;
  • the rotating element has increased strength;
  • water pressure does not depend on the speed of rotation of the screw.


  • large dimensions of the device;
  • low efficiency (65%);
  • productivity depends on the length of the screw, so to significantly increase the incoming volumes of water it is necessary to change the device.

The easiest to implement and most productive version of the unit. Centrifugal pumps are installed not only to supply water, but also to create direct current in heating systems.

Principle of operation. An engine is installed inside the device, to which the blades are directly connected. After starting, the blades begin to move, as a result of which a slight pressure is created, which leads to the suction of the hearth. After this, the water moves upward due to centrifugal force. For getting optimal power install several screws with blades that accelerate the flow of water.


  • high efficiency rate (more than 85%);
  • can pump water even from artesian wells;
  • have small dimensions.


  • dependence on constant voltage in the network;
  • The efficiency of operation depends on the water level.

A type of centrifugal pump that has its own strengths.

Principle of operation. The working element is a wheel on which many small blades are located. The wheel is connected to the motor and placed in a cylindrical flask. In this case, the gap between the walls and the wheel is minimal. The bottom line is that even with small volumes of water entering through the device, a sufficiently high pressure is created that allows water to be discharged to a great height.


  • high efficiency;
  • the presence of strong pressure, regardless of the volume of water;
  • small dimensions;
  • ability to work at extremely deep depths.


  • any debris quickly disables the unit;
  • the variety is not very popular, so in some regions it is quite problematic to purchase it.

What to look for when choosing a pump: technical specifications

Let's look at the main specifications, which must be taken into account when selecting a device.

We mentioned above that some types of pumps begin to break down due to contaminated water. In this case, we are not talking about the fact that the device draws in silt and sand from the bottom, but about how many suspensions are in the water column.

If you are confident that the water in your well will be quite clean throughout the year, then you should give preference to centrifugal or vortex variations. However, if the liquid has a lot of suspensions, then it is better to purchase a screw submersible option.

It is worth mentioning separately about vibration pumps. They are not the most best choice even for clean water, since as a result of work they create vibration, which causes the bottom to silt.

Their installation is advisable only if the walls and bottom of the well are lined with masonry, which does not allow small particles to fall to the bottom.

Did you know? The first pump was invented in Greece in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. e.. It had two cylinders, was equipped with valves and a lever for manual control. This unit was used to extinguish fires, resulting in the name "Alexandria Fire Pumper".

Power consumption

The amount of water supplied per hour directly depends on the power consumption - the greater the power, the more cubic meters. However, it is worth remembering that each type of device has its own efficiency, so centrifugal pump will take less energy during operation, and the screw one will take more, although their power will be the same.

It is worth paying attention to such a feature, otherwise you will purchase a unit that will consume a lot of energy, but its productivity may not meet your needs.

Remember that the fewer moving parts there are inside the device, the less electricity it will consume. For example, the most economical is a vibration pump, since nothing rotates inside it at all, but only creates a magnetic field that affects the core.

And inside screw version there is a large iron screw, the rotation of which requires a colossal amount of electricity.

Maximum head

In fact, we are talking about what height or distance the unit can supply water.

Each type has its own optimal and maximum pressure, that is, the distance over which the unit will supply water at normal speed.

The pressure depends not only on the power of the device, but also on the depth of immersion, as well as on the distance of the well from the house, so it is important to take into account all the variables in order to select the pump required in terms of power and pressure.

If you need to get maximum pressure because the well is deep or located far from the house, then you should give preference to the vortex option, which will provide maximum pressure.

If the well is shallow or located in close proximity to the house and water consumption points, then vibration or centrifugal variations are used.

The maximum and optimal pressure of the device is always indicated in its description. It should be understood that we are talking not only about the depth of the well, but about the distance from the pump to the points of water consumption.

Also taken into account is the error in the form of pressure loss as a result of water movement, the water level in the well, the diameter and material of the pipe, the number of floors of the building, the footage of pipes that are in a vertical and horizontal position.


In other words, this is the power of the device, the amount of liquid that it can pump per unit of time.

When choosing a pump, the question arises of how much water is consumed per hour or day. It is difficult to calculate this indicator, so you will have to calculate the average value, and then add the error.

Average flow rate of main water supply points:

  • kitchen - up to 500 l/h;
  • washbasin - up to 60 l/h;
  • shower - up to 500 l/h;
  • toilet tank - up to 50 l/h;
  • bath or sauna - up to 1 thousand l/h;
  • watering the garden/garden - 4 cubic meters of water per 1 square.

You can also start from average norm water consumption per day per person, which is 200 liters.

Important! Don't forget about the various appliances that consume water. They should also be taken into account during calculations.

It turns out that for small apartment or a house in which one family of 3 people lives, a pump is sufficient, which will produce about 3-4 cubic meters of water during peak hours.

Immersion depth

Immersion depth is directly related to water pressure, so these two indicators must be taken into account simultaneously. It is also worth remembering that for deep wells only vortex or centrifugal variations are used, which are intended for such purposes.

Most indicators of a submersible pump are interrelated, so you should not buy a unit with a large margin, otherwise it will affect the price.

For example, if the device is intended for deep wells or boreholes, then it will have high power and consume a huge amount of energy, and will also require a voltage of 380 volts.

This option will be able to lift water from a depth of more than 300 m, as well as provide good pressure, but the price will be in the tens of thousands. For this reason, you should not take a pump with a reserve immersion depth. You are unlikely to deepen your well, and the regular costs of electricity for operating the unit will result in a considerable amount.

Also keep in mind that the pump must be located at a height of at least 150 cm from the bottom. As for deep wells, the unit cannot be lowered to a depth of more than 10 m from the water surface.

Hydraulic tank volume

The second name is a hydraulic accumulator, or expansion tank. It is necessary to maintain optimal pressure in the water supply system.

It also protects against water hammer, provides a small volume of water when the pump is turned off for one reason or another, and also prevents the device from constantly turning on when a minimum amount of water is required.

The minimum volume of the expansion tank is approximately 25 liters. Such tanks are used for low-power pumps, as well as for low daily water consumption. The greater the need and power of the device, the larger the volume of the hydraulic tank.

The best option for providing a small living space in which one family lives is a 30–50 liter tank.

Many people are concerned about the question of why they shouldn’t buy tanks that are too large. The fact is that if water sits in a tank for a long time and is not used, then its quality begins to deteriorate. The same thing happens with water in closed barrels when the access to oxygen is blocked.

If you want to have a large tank of water in case of an unforeseen prolonged power outage, then you can buy at your discretion, but if there are no power outages, discard large volumes of the accumulator.

If you cannot figure out what tank volume you need, then it is better to consult with the seller. A specialist will be able, based on information about a specific unit, to calculate the optimal volume of a hydraulic accumulator using a formula.

Remember that the volume of the tank only affects the amount of liquid you have and how often the pump is turned on. This element can be called a built-in barrel, in which there is always water, and the hydraulic accumulator cannot be abandoned under any circumstances.

Did you know? In 1911, a pump was created in Great Britain that pushed water out due to the pressure of gases released during the combustion process. liquid fuel. Moreover, the idea of ​​such a design was put forward at the beginning of the 18th century.

Additional functions

Expensive submersible units are equipped with various sensors that guarantee protection in unforeseen situations. This filling of the device allows you to forget about regular checks of operation, as well as use the pump in remote areas.

However, cheaper devices cannot boast of having such functions, so it is important to know what kind of protection should be provided to the pump.

Dry running. This is the operation of the pump when the water level is insufficient or in its absence. Such work can destroy the unit in a few hours. The reason is overheating of the device, as well as friction of the moving part. The water entering through the pump performs two functions at once: it cools and reduces friction, so in its absence, powerful pumps can burn out.

To prevent dry running, special protection is installed on the pump, which can cost as much as the pump itself. Such protection is necessary if for some reason you cannot regularly check the water level or its consumption is carried out automatically (automatic watering of the area).

As a result, there are two options: buying a more expensive unit with a built-in system or purchasing protection separately.

Dry running protection can be equipped with special sensors or a regular bulb, the like of which is located in the toilet cistern. The second option is cheaper, but the first allows you to better control the water level by turning off the device in advance.

Overheat. It occurs either due to dry running or due to interruptions in the power supply network. In the second case, dry-running protection will not correct the situation, as a result of which the device will fail. For this reason, many pumps are protected against power surges and overheating.

Such protection will either normalize the current or turn off the device.

You are unlikely to be able to buy overheating protection separately, so if this function is important to you, then you should initially choose a more multifunctional pump.

If this is not possible, then take care of the voltage stabilizer that is supplied to the pump so that the device is not damaged.

Submersible pump for a well: choosing a manufacturer

Let's consider the main domestic and foreign manufacturers of submersible pumps. Let's talk about the differences in price and quality.


« DAB" Country - Italy.

These are advanced smart pumps with many useful functions, which ensure remote uninterrupted operation of the device. It differs from analogues in durability, quiet operation, and also does not require a hydraulic tank. A fairly powerful device that has a good rating.

" Country - Poland.

The units of this company do not have any special functions, but they have a good, corrosion-resistant body made of brass and stainless steel. The pumps have good performance and are easy to maintain.

" Country - Denmark.

Very high quality products that last quite a long time. The units are easy to use, so there will be no problems when cleaning or replacing parts. With all this, the price of pumps is considerable, which is worth taking into account.


The product has the best price-performance ratio, which is why it has gained high popularity. The devices are equipped with the necessary sensors, which allows them to be used in remote areas. Installation is not difficult, the pumps operate almost silently, so their quality can be compared with foreign devices.

Important! The pumps do not have a check valve.


The products of this company have the lowest price and, therefore, high popularity. It can be purchased in almost any corner of the country. The pumps do not have modern filling and do not have a low noise level, but they are easy to maintain, and in the event of a breakdown, repairs will be very cheap.

Enough inexpensive products good quality, which is used to lift water from a considerable depth. The pumps work even in muddy water without regular cleaning. The price fully corresponds to the quality.

Submersible pumps help ensure a continuous supply of water to your home or site, without overheating or making as much noise as non-submersible options. At correct selection you will not have any problems during operation of the pump.

Water supply is an important component of comfort. IN country house or at summer cottage can be used different sources water. One of the oldest ways to get moisture is to build a well. This design is simple to implement and does not require special maintenance. But to facilitate your work of delivering water from underground layers to the surface, it is advisable to install a pump. This unit will ensure uninterrupted operation of the water supply system. But which submersible pump is best for wells? This will be discussed in this article.

What is the difference between a well and borehole pump?

For water supply to a private home, when it is necessary to raise water from the depths, they can be used different types pumps. When you come to the store, you can choose a submersible or deep, semi-submersible or surface type of unit. But it is the first option that is most popular. Such designs are easy to use and quite reliable.

But, in addition to the above, the seller will definitely ask - what kind of submersible pump, borehole or well, do you need? In principle, there are no big differences between these two varieties. A borehole and a well submersible pump can differ only in two parameters. Namely:

  • According to its dimensions;
  • In terms of engine cooling efficiency.

Most submersible well pumps equipped with a cooling jacket. As a result, such design feature their diameter increases noticeably. Devices intended for wells are cooled by pumped water. That is why there are certain minimum values ​​for the speed of fluid flow through them.

Also, downhole units, according to manufacturers, should not operate in a pipe whose diameter is too large than the cross-section of the device itself. But most users do not trust the opinions of companies too much. Therefore, a borehole submersible pump is considered quite suitable for use in a well. The only thing that can stop you is the price. As a rule, well pumps are slightly more expensive than well devices of similar performance.

Types of submersible pumps for wells

For system autonomous water supply, the water source of which is a well, various types of submersible pumps can be used. When you come to the store, you can buy:

  • Centrifugal pumps;
  • Vibration units;
  • Vortex equipment;
  • Screw devices.

The last two are extremely rare, so there is no point in considering them. Devices are another matter centrifugal and vibration type. They can most often be found in dachas and country houses.

The most popular for water supply among private home owners are centrifugal submersible pumps. In them, the movement of water occurs due to centrifugal force, which is created by the rotation of the impeller. Centrifugal submersible pumps are characterized by high performance. But for " Good work“It is necessary and worthy to pay, so such devices are expensive.

Vibrating or Vacuum pump works on a different principle. In them, suction occurs by creating a vacuum in the working chamber. The pressure decrease occurs due to the movement of the armature, which rises and falls due to the switching on and off of the electromagnet. There are a lot of such movements, so the water flows quite quickly.

But still, the performance of vibration pumps is lower than that of their centrifugal counterparts. In addition, constant armature movements cause vibration, which is transmitted to the pipes. As a result, the well gradually becomes looser. The advantage of such a device is its low price and long service life.

What to look for when choosing?

A submersible pump for a well is an important component of your autonomous plumbing system, so its choice must be made carefully. What should you pay attention to first? Here are some advice from experts:

It is also worth noting that it is better to purchase devices from trusted manufacturers. This way you will reduce the risk of running into a defective pump.

But in addition to the submersible pump itself, it is worth taking care of purchasing some additional equipment. Firstly, it is advisable install a hydraulic accumulator in the house. Such a device will be able to collect water, as a result, your pump will turn on less often. The hydraulic accumulator must be equipped with a special relay, which will control the activation of the pump. Secondly, be sure to install a check valve in the discharge hose. This device will protect you from water hammer.

Of course, each unit for wells must be equipped with a filter. Such devices are designed for pumping clean water. Therefore, both the unit itself and the filter must be periodically cleaned of deposits.

Pay attention to the power cable. He must be of sufficient length. It is not advisable to connect multiple cables. The well is always damp, and it is quite difficult to make sufficiently reliable insulation of the connection point. As a result, there is a high risk of short circuit, which can easily damage the submersible device.

Some popular brands

Finding a suitable and reliable submersible pump for your well is no problem today. Modern manufacturers offer big choice devices that differ both in their performance and price.

Among the most popular models Submersible pumps can be distinguished as follows:

There are many other models from different manufacturers. Their cost, depending on the power, may vary from 7-8 to 35 or more thousand rubles.

As a conclusion

Providing a country house drinking water– this is one of the primary tasks of the owner. A well can be used as a source of water. This simple and reliable structure does its job perfectly. But for uninterrupted water supply it is necessary to use pumps, and submersible devices are the most best option. You can choose different types and models of such units, but in any case they will work smoothly and for a long time.