How to finish window slopes. Finishing window slopes from the inside: types of materials, common mistakes. The last stage is applying two layers of paint.

How to finish slopes on indoor windows: description, features, instructions. It is difficult to overestimate the function of window system slopes during installation. After the windows are installed, the appearance of the opening is extremely unsightly, and therefore it must be sealed and decorated with something. Slopes should be installed along the entire perimeter of the window so that the damaged section of the wall is hidden (or finishing), remove the mounting foam away, and fix the insulation material.

All elements will be covered with slopes, which will also play the role of sound and thermal insulation, and will also give the structure an aesthetic and complete look. For this reason, we suggest considering how to finish the slopes of plastic windows inside.

The slope is the space between the window frame and load-bearing wall indoors. It is so called because it is most often done at an obtuse angle relative to the window frame. Such a turn helps to maximize the penetration of daylight into the room. Finishing rules will depend on what material you have chosen to create the slope, and also that it does not differ from any others finishing works using the material. But there are specific subtleties that you should pay attention to, as well as installation methods that will make it possible to reduce work time. The technique will be selected individually depending on the preferences of the apartment owner and his capabilities.

Previously, back in ancient times, as a slope there was wooden box, which was covered with a casing. In modern times, glass packages are used to make windows, which help improve light permeability and increase the width of the slope, since only one window frame will be used instead of a frame. It can be made of plastic, wood or metal. The uniformity of the material used in the manufacture of the slope and frame helps to give the structure a holistic look, so most often metal will go to metal, wood to wood, and plastic to plastic.

Please note that on the other hand, a room with a window opening can be brick, concrete, iron or wood. This factor should definitely be taken into account when selecting the material from which the slope will be made, since it can become a continuation of the wall itself, and not the window frame.

Modern systems windows are designed to minimize heat loss from the room. In order for this function to be successfully completed, the windows are insulated from the walls using a layer of polyurethane foam, which is resistant to moisture, ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage. Internal slopes are needed in order to maintain the integrity of this layer. The amount of work during installation of slopes will depend (not always, but most often) on the window measurer. During the dismantling of old boxes, hidden defects in the opening often become visible, which could not be detected before.

The walls may have cavities with air or be in terrible condition, which can lead to partial destruction. Plaster on old slopes may seem very strong; it is especially difficult to work if the walls are made of poured concrete. IN wooden houses the difficulty becomes the presence and condition of the deck. When starting work and ordering a window, the measurer must have excellent work experience and think about the future, even about slopes. The main feature of finishing internal slopes is that it can be done as simply as possible, and this will reduce installation time.

Subject to the need for the technological process of the material chosen for the work, it is almost impossible to make a slope in less than 3 hours. Installation time is reduced only when several slopes are installed at once at the same time, for example, to the entire apartment or throughout the house. Basically, they are made in the form of a single-color plane and are not subject to mechanical loads.

Please note what should be noted is that in the vast majority of cases, the slopes are hidden from view with the help of drapes or curtains, and you remember about them only when washing the windows 1-2 times a year. For this reason, preference should be given to plain material that can be easily washed.


Before we consider how to finish the slopes of windows inside an apartment, we should consider everything existing varieties finishing. The classification of types implies the material used, as well as the execution technique that depends on it, and ultimately decorative look designs very often will not coincide with the materials used. For example, the design of a window opening can be presented in the form of brickwork, natural stone, ceramic tiles, marble surface, gypsum stucco or rough texture from stone chips. Also, slopes can be finished with wallpaper, paint and varnish material, paints. But under any layer decorative material slopes will consist of several materials most often used in modern construction. For this reason, we have compiled a classification of slopes.


Represents traditional material for finishing a window opening. In its original version, the method was used to save money and in conditions of shortage of finishing materials. The process consists of leveling part of the wall using a primer, applying plasters and then painting the slopes. Thus, the slopes could become a full-fledged continuation of the walls, but at the same time did not differ in tight adhesion to window frame. Because of this, after some time, cracks formed, and the thermal insulation was practically zero. The windows needed to be insulated from the outside, and not always using aesthetic methods - cotton wool, moss and even plasticine. On at the moment the technology for applying plaster mortar has changed a lot, and now this type of slopes is considered the best and most stylish option.

Drywall slopes

This method is quite economical, and also modern for cladding a window opening. Drywall retains heat perfectly, is inexpensive in itself, and its texture will be an excellent basis for applying any type of decor. Pieces of drywall are often left behind after it has been completed. modern renovation premises, and to save money they can be used as materials for slopes. Among the disadvantages it is worth noting that this type the finish is unstable to dampness (if you use the usual option), and also has a tendency to deform at the junction of the wall and the window.

Plastic slopes

This type is the most popular today. The plastic used for slopes can have different textures and modifications, and can also be used as decoration, or stylized to resemble any other material. Plastic panels are practical and durable, easy to install. Using thin sheets, you can hide all the ugly “insides” of the window opening - insulation, foam and missing pieces of the wall.

In addition, plastic can be easily washed using household products that are found in any home, and the material is not afraid of moisture and prevents drafts. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting that it is expensive and also fragile at low temperatures in an unheated room. On construction market with materials plastic panels presented in variety and different shades. It will not be difficult for you to choose any shade of beige, white, milky to match the frame, as well as any other pattern or color to match the wall, wallpaper or accent in home design.

Wooden slopes

What is even better for finishing the slopes of plastic windows inside? It is not for nothing that wood is considered an elite type for slopes, but also has a high cost and requires high-quality care. As a rule, wood panels are left in their original natural color and then simply coated with a varnish. It makes sense to install wooden slopes as a continuation of the frame from wood material, which in themselves will be indicators of respectability, or as a continuation of a brightly accented log wall. For example, this is an excellent option if the interior is made in a chalet, country or rustic style.

The main advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance, which is often described as “warm”, as well as durability. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost, as well as the requirement to follow special rules for caring for wood.

Cork slopes

Cork as a facing material has a number of advantages in the form high level thermal and noise insulation, and it is also available in various natural shades and is very pleasant to the touch. But the high price of cork panels in combination with not very good durability, simple appearance and difficulty in maintenance is a huge disadvantage. Due to such circumstances, cork slopes are not so popular and therefore are extremely rare. But they can be taken as a pencil to develop various style directions indoors.


In addition to the external characteristics of the wall or frame material, the choice of facing will largely depend on the thickness and condition of the window opening. Sometimes, after the old windows have been dismantled, it is necessary to replace the pre-selected solution using certain materials. When planning, it is advisable that you consult with a specialist who can analyze the condition of the surface, and then advise with arguments the choice of variety and, in fact, material for future slopes.

Please note what for installation work you should calculate the amount of material used, and also prepare all the required tools in advance. It is also worth considering in more detail all the most popular options for finishing slopes.

PVC panels

Sheets of plastic that are used for cladding are called lining. They are presented on sale as a standard elongated rectangle shape with different widths. Typically, these are long panels that can be easily cut and attached to vertical and horizontal surfaces. Due to the fact that the material is thin, plastic will not take up much space and will serve decorative and other purposes. useful features, for example, will protect the inner layers of the window opening from the cold.

The best option for installing slopes made of plastic are sandwich panels, which are named because they resemble a closed sandwich. And it looks like this - between two sheets there is a layer of thick foamed polystyrene, which is the material for insulation, and also makes it possible to simplify the installation of slopes. The number of panels required for installation will be calculated based on the width and height of the slopes, and the thickness of the walls will also be taken into account. To the footage that you get, you should add from 15 to 20% of the material reserve. If you plan to finish the slopes of windows indoors on your own, then you should carefully read the theoretical information, and then select the appropriate tool (strictly professional).

Also included with the panels you should buy the following materials:

What's better than the second option?


Drywall is durable and comfortable material, which is widely used for lining pipe boxes, multi-level ceilings, and is also ideal for creating window slopes. Among the varieties of material for slopes, you should choose GKLV (green), since this particular variety has increased level strength and resistance to moisture, and this is of fundamental importance for the opening.

Installation of a plasterboard structure can be done using the frame and glue method. Accordingly, in addition to the main finishing material, you will also need to buy either adhesive for drywall, or special profiles from which the frame will be made. The profiles should be attached to each other using screws or dowels, and then fasten the cut facing sheets to them. Before starting work, you should clean the old layer of cladding, remove plaster that is crumbling or insulation that has become unusable. Since the adhesive method requires a flat surface, the base should be leveled by applying a conventional putty solution. It is advisable that the prepared area be treated with an antifungal solution; this is especially important if we are talking about a room with a high level of humidity.

Please note which often happens when it is not possible to provide a completely flat surface, which means that the calculations of the material may have errors. In this regard, you should prepare materials with a reserve, and then trim the excess parts during the installation process. slopes made of wood or cork are made according to the plasterboard principle.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster has gained incredible popularity due to its aesthetic appearance, resistance to wear and practicality. The material will serve finishing, and it can be applied to absolutely any surface. It will work great on leveled drywall surfaces and can also be applied to concrete, wood or brick. Decorative plaster will contain elements that make it possible to obtain different types textures on coated surfaces. Plaster can hide small irregularities and defects and enhance thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities.


The correct installation of the slopes will determine whether the window unit will be airtight and reliable. Slopes help provide not only a beautiful appearance, but also additional protection from drafts and moisture. With certain skills in construction, slopes can be made with your own hands, the main thing is that the technology and installation rules are strictly followed.

For PVC panels, the installation process will look like this:

  • First, clean the surface and remove excess hardened polyurethane foam using a construction knife. The cleaned surface must be leveled using putty, cracks and crevices must be covered.
  • When the surface is ready, place wooden slats that will serve as a frame for attaching the panels. The profile should be fixed to it, and the slope space itself should be insulated using polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool.
  • Sandwich panels or lining should be inserted into the profile, which will be secured in several places. The joints should be treated with silicone.

What is the best way to finish the window slopes inside, or rather, what method? The frame method is much better and more reliable, but you will need to correctly align the supporting base so that the dimensions on each side of the window are the same.

The process goes like this:

Interesting, that the adhesive method makes it possible to finish a window block much easier, since panels cut from plasterboard should be fixed to the surface using construction adhesive or polyurethane foam.

The stages of finishing slopes using plaster differ in specifics. Before starting work, you need to seal the window sill, as well as the glass using a protective film if it was torn off during installation of the window structure. Next, the process must be carried out according to all the rules for applying a decorative layer of plaster to any type of surface. For slopes, it is better to choose a mixture that has small granules of the same size. The larger they are, the more difficult it will be to apply the mixture in an even layer. The composition of the mixture with small inclusions is usually more liquid and is made on a lime basis, so it will not be difficult to apply.

The first stage is applying an acrylic primer to the prepared surface. Next, prepare the plaster mixture and check the specific texture and shade on a small area.

Plaster application is in progress different methods depending on what the desired result is:

  • Using a trowel or steel float.
  • Using a sponge or roller.
  • Spraying from a broom, brush or broom.

And at the end, we have prepared tips for you from professionals.

To get a good result, pay attention to such nuances as ways to help with correct design opening:

If there are drapes or curtains on the windows that will hide the slopes, then there is no point in spending money on expensive finishing. But for windows that are covered with blinds, decorated slopes will serve as decoration for the window opening.

The fashion for plastic windows is not decreasing. On the contrary, such designs are gradually gaining more and more popularity. However, such an installation is usually accompanied by the need to make window slopes, without which the windows will be ventilated and the room will not please you with its appearance. As usual, the owners are faced with the question of choosing materials for slopes. It must be said that the choice ahead is quite limited, since a natural selection of the materials most suitable for these purposes has already occurred. In the article we will list what you will have to choose from, and also talk about positive aspects and disadvantages of these materials.

Plastering slopes indoors

This is the most common method of finishing internal slopes in past years. This is due to the fact that drywall had not been invented before, and no one had even heard of plastic. Now some owners decide to use this type of finishing because of its low cost. But is this method really good?

Indeed, having bought a bag of ready-made mortar, for example, white plaster or cement mortar, you can independently, very quickly make more or less acceptable slopes. Then the surfaces are sanded and coated with white water-based emulsion. What's the catch then? Why does the fashion for such slopes tend to zero?

The secret is very simple. Any plaster surfaces, being on the border of cold and warm air, are subject to rapid destruction. They are simultaneously exposed to the heat of the house and the cold of the street. The result within a year is the appearance of small cracks on the surface of the plaster. Then they gradually increase, and the appearance of the slopes deteriorates irrevocably. The owners of the premises have to make annual cosmetic repairs to such slopes. Therefore, it is not recommended to use any types of plaster solutions for making slopes.

Finishing window slopes with plasterboard

This modern material quite suitable for making door or window slopes. Moreover, like plaster, it is absolutely environmentally friendly. Making slopes from gypsum plasterboard is not difficult if you study the relevant recommendations. But, if you want it to be really beautiful, invite a specialist. The surface of the drywall is perfectly flat, so the slopes will be very smooth, unlike plaster. Drywall does not require any cosmetic repairs within 25-30 years. The paint may need to be renewed as it gets dirty.

Drywall is installed with glue or dowels, plastered, and later, after the surfaces have dried, painted with several layers of facade paint. The advantages of gypsum board are obvious. This is the low cost of the sheets and glue themselves, simplicity and high speed of installation. Suffice it to say that in 1 day you can easily make rough plasterboard slopes in 4-5 rooms, and then plaster them. On the second day, the slopes are sanded and painted. That's how quickly it all ends. Among the disadvantages we can note large number dust generated during cutting and fitting plasterboard sheets. The job is also wet, just like plaster, so be prepared for a fair amount of dirt in the room.

Plastic slopes

Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of plastic, we dare to assure you that modern plastic panels intended for indoor use are completely harmless to humans. You use a lot of things made of acrylic, silicone, and leatherette, right? Plastic does not emit absolutely any toxins or fumes around itself, therefore it is also environmentally friendly. And don’t let the fact that it allows air to pass through should bother you. Plastered and painted drywall does not let it through either.

A huge advantage of plastic slopes is their practicality. The plastic does not get dirty, does not lose its color, and caring for it is extremely easy. The work on installing the slopes is completed in record time. Slopes throughout the entire apartment are usually made in 1 day. This is the cleanest method of making slopes of all those listed.

The only “dirty” moment is the filling of wooden blocks inside on the walls from the side of the window or doorway. As a minus, it is worth paying attention to the relatively high cost of such slopes. Consider the cost of the plastic itself, profiles for plastic, wooden beam and hardware.

The function of slopes when installing window systems can hardly be overestimated. After installing the window, the appearance of the opening remains unsightly and needs to be decorated with something. Slopes are installed around the perimeter of the window to hide the damaged area of ​​the wall or its decoration, remove the mounting foam from view, and fix the insulating material. All these elements are covered with slopes, which themselves serve as additional heat and sound insulation, and also give the structure a complete and aesthetic appearance.


The slope is the space between the window frame and the load-bearing wall in the room. It is called that because it is usually done at an obtuse angle relative to the window frame. This reversal maximizes the penetration of daylight into the room. The finishing rules depend on the selected material from which the slope will be made, and do not differ from any other finishing work using this material. However, there are specific subtleties that need to be paid attention to, as well as installation methods that can reduce operating time. The technique is selected individually depending on the preferences of the owner and his capabilities.

In past times, a wooden box served as a slope, which was covered with a platband. IN modern times For the manufacture of windows, double-glazed windows are used, which improve light transmission and increase the width of the slope, since only one window frame is used instead of a frame. The frame can be made of metal, wood or plastic. The uniformity of the material used in the manufacture of the frame and slope gives the structure a holistic appearance, so most often metal goes to metal, wood to wood, and plastic to plastic.

On the other hand, a room with a window opening can be concrete, brick, wood or iron. This factor is also taken into account when choosing the material from which the slope will be made, since it can be a continuation of the wall rather than the window frame.

Modern window systems designed to minimize heat loss from the room. To successfully perform this function, they are insulated from the wall with a layer of polyurethane foam, which is resistant to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and mechanical damage. Internal slopes are necessary to maintain the integrity of this layer. The amount of work when installing slopes depends (not always, but mostly) on the window measurer. When dismantling old frames, hidden defects in the window opening often appear that were previously impossible to detect.

The walls may have air pockets or a terrible condition that leads to partial collapse. The plaster of old slopes can be very strong; it is especially difficult to work with concrete poured walls. In wooden houses - the presence and condition of the deck. When starting work and ordering a window, the measurer must have good experience and think about the future and about slopes. The main feature of finishing internal slopes is the ability to make them as simple as possible, which reduces their installation time.

Observing the necessary process With the material chosen for the work, it is almost impossible to make a slope in less than 2.5–3 hours. Installation time is reduced only if several slopes are installed at the same time, for example, the entire house or apartment. Basically, slopes look like a flat, monochromatic plane. They are not subject to mechanical stress.

It should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, slopes are hidden from view by curtains or drapes, and they are remembered only when washing the window. Therefore, preference is given to easy-to-clean plain material.


The classification of types implies the material used and the execution technique that depends on it, and the final decorative appearance of the structure often does not coincide with the materials used. For example, the design of a window opening may look like brickwork, natural stone, ceramic tiles, gypsum stucco, marble surface or rough texture of stone chips. And also the slopes can be covered with wallpaper, varnish, and various paints. But under any decorative layer, the slopes will consist of a choice of one of several materials most often used in modern construction.

In this regard, slopes are divided into several types.


Plaster is a traditional material for finishing window openings. In its original version, the method was used to save money and in conditions of shortage of finishing materials.

The process consisted of leveling part of the wall using a primer, applying plaster and then painting the slopes. Thus, the slopes became a continuation of the wall, but did not have a sealed connection with the window frame. As a result, cracks formed over time and the thermal insulation level was low. The windows had to be additionally insulated from the outside using not always aesthetic methods: plasticine, cotton wool, moss. Today, the technology of applying plaster has undergone significant changes, and now this type of slopes is considered one of the most stylish options.

Plasterboard slopes

This is a modern and economical way to cladding a window opening. Drywall retains heat well and is inexpensive material, and its texture serves as an excellent basis for applying any type of decor. Pieces of drywall often remain after repairs modern premises, and in order to save money they can be used as material for slopes. The disadvantages of this type include the instability of drywall to dampness, as well as the tendency to deform at the junctions of the window and the wall.

Plastic slopes

Today they are perhaps the most popular type of cladding of window openings. The plastic used for slopes can have different modifications and textures, can serve as decoration in itself, or can be stylized to match any material. Plastic panels are durable and practical, easy to install. Thin sheets can easily hide all the unsightly “insides” of the window opening - insulation, polyurethane foam, wall imperfections.

The plastic is easy to clean with regular household products, is not afraid of moisture and prevents drafts. The disadvantages of plastic include its high cost, as well as fragility when low temperatures in unheated rooms. On the market building materials plastic panels are presented in all variety color range. It will not be difficult to choose any shade of white, beige, milky color to window frame, as well as any other color or pattern for a wall, wallpaper or a separate interior accent.


Wood is considered an elite type of slopes, has a high cost and requires special care. As a rule, wood panels They are left in their original natural color, covered with varnish. It makes sense to install wooden slopes as a continuation of frames made of wood material, which in themselves are an indicator of respectability, or as a continuation of a pronounced log wall. For example, if the interior is made in country, chalet or rustic style.

The main advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness, excellent “warm” appearance and durability of the material. The disadvantages include high price, as well as compliance with special rules for caring for wood.


Traffic jam like facing material has its advantages in the form of a high level of noise and heat insulation, it is presented in different natural shades and is pleasant to the touch. However, the high cost of cork panels in relation to low strength, rustic appearance and difficulty in maintaining is a significant disadvantage. Due to these circumstances, cork slopes are not popular and are quite rare. However, they can be kept in mind when developing one or another style direction indoors.


In addition to the external data of the frame or wall material, the choice of cladding will depend on the thickness and practical condition of the window opening. Sometimes, after dismantling old windows, you have to change the pre-selected solution, using one material or another. When planning, it is advisable to consult a specialist who can analyze the condition of the surface, as well as give reasoned advice on the choice of the type, and, accordingly, the material of future slopes.

PVC panels

Sheets of plastic for cladding are called lining. On sale they are presented in the standard shape of an elongated rectangle of different widths. As a rule, these are long panels that are easy to cut and attach to horizontal and vertical surfaces. Due to the thinness of the material, plastic does not take up space and serves as both a decorative and functional coating that protects the inner layers of window openings.

The best option for installing slopes made of plastic are sandwich panels, named for their resemblance to a closed sandwich. Between two sheets of lining there is a thick layer of foamed polystyrene, which serves as an insulating material and makes it possible to simplify the installation of slopes.

The number of panels is calculated based on the height and width of the slopes, and the thickness of the walls is also taken into account. It is worth adding 15–20% of reserve material to the resulting footage. If you plan to install slopes yourself, without involving specialists, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the theory and select the appropriate professional tool. The following materials must be purchased with the panels:

  • U-shaped or F-shaped profile, profile for internal corner;
  • thermal insulation material, if lining is used rather than a sandwich panel;
  • wooden slats and screws of the required length;
  • white or colorless silicone for sealing seams;
  • polyurethane foam.


The material is convenient and durable, widely used in lining pipe boxes, multi-level ceilings, and is also great for creating slopes. Among all types of drywall for slopes, you should choose the GKLV variety, which is easily recognized by its greenish tint. Such drywall has increased strength and resistance to moisture, which is of fundamental importance for window openings.

Installation of plasterboard structures can be carried out in two ways - adhesive and frame. Accordingly, in addition to the main material, it is necessary to purchase either adhesive for drywall or special profiles from which the frame will be built. The profiles are fastened together using screws and dowels, after which the cut facing sheets are fixed to them.

Before starting work, you need to clean the old cladding, remove the crumbling layer of plaster or insulation that has become unusable. Since the adhesive method requires a flat surface, the base is leveled by applying ordinary putty. It is advisable to treat the prepared area with an antifungal solution, especially if the room has high humidity.

It often happens that it is not possible to ensure a completely flat surface, which means that material calculations may have errors. In this regard, it is better to prepare materials with a reserve and trim excess parts during the installation process. Slopes made of wood or cork material are made according to the plasterboard principle.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster owes its popularity to its special aesthetic appearance, practicality and wear resistance. The material serves as a finishing finish and can be applied to any surface. It is excellent for leveled drywall surfaces and can also be applied to concrete, brick or wood. The composition of decorative plaster includes components that allow you to obtain different textures on the surfaces to be coated. Plaster can hide minor irregularities and defects in the base material and enhance its sound and heat insulation qualities.

Decorative plaster is divided into several types, depending on the filler in the mixture.

  • Textured. It is to its composition that heterogeneous granules are added, on which the subsequent texture will depend. This may be an imitation of marble chips, natural stone, veins of marble, the effect of silk or velvet, crumpled fabric or paper, pile or scribble.
  • Embossed. It got its name from the method of application. The mixture is applied to the surface and, using rollers or stencils, is transformed into abstract patterns or indented designs.
  • Venetian plaster is the most respectable and in an expensive way finishing, so it makes no sense to make slopes using it. But if the plans include wall cladding Venetian plaster, then part of the mixture can be left on the slopes.


From correct installation slopes will depend on the reliability and tightness of the entire window unit. Slopes provide not only appearance, but also tightness and additional protection from drafts and moisture. With certain skills in construction, slopes can be made with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the technology and basic installation rules. For PVC panels, the installation process will look like this:

  • First you should clean the surface, remove construction knife excess hardened polyurethane foam. The cleaned area is leveled with putty, cracks and crevices are covered;
  • When the surface is ready, wooden slats are placed, which will serve as a frame for attaching the panels. A profile is fixed to the frame, and the slope space itself is insulated using polystyrene foam, mineral wool or polyurethane foam;
  • clapboard or sandwich panels are inserted into the profile and secured in several places. The joints are treated with silicone.

When installing plasterboard slopes using the frame method, you need to correctly align the supporting base so that the dimensions on each side of the window are the same. The process is performed in the following way:

  • The distance from the window to the wall is measured, the lines indicate the boundary of the installation. The guide profile is fixed with the outer side on the line;
  • after the frame is ready, you need to insulate the slope inside in the same way as when installing PVC panels;
  • Drywall is cut to the dimensions of the frame, and parts of the drywall are fastened with self-tapping screws to the specified locations. The joints can be covered with a mixture of non-woven fabric.

The adhesive method allows you to finish the window block in more in a simple way: cut plasterboard panels are fixed to the surface construction glue or polyurethane foam.

The stages of installing slopes with plaster have their own specifics. Before starting work, you should seal the window sill and window protective film, if it was already torn off during the installation of the window structure. Further, the process takes place in full accordance with the rules for applying decorative plaster to any surface. For slopes, it is best to choose a mixture with small granules of the same size. The larger the granules, the more difficult it will be to apply the mixture in an even layer. This job requires some skill. Mixtures with fine particles tend to have a thinner consistency and a chalky base, so application is fairly easy.

The first step is to apply a layer of acrylic primer to the prepared surface. Then it is prepared plaster mixture, on small area The specific texture and shade are checked. Plaster application is in progress in different ways depending on the desired result, namely:

  • using a steel grater or trowel;
  • using a roller or sponge;
  • by spraying with a brush, broom or broom.

You will certainly be faced with the need to finish the surface around the perimeter of the opening. The untreated strip will have a width ranging from 5 to 15 cm (this depends on the design of the building). The strip is called a slope, it must be covered. But first you need to familiarize yourself with what is needed for this.

Why trim?

Finishing the window slopes inside is the final stage after installing the windows. This procedure is necessary, because otherwise the opening will look unaesthetic. Old slopes are destroyed after dismantling wooden frames, they need to be closed, especially the seam. It is filled with polyurethane foam. This allows you to make the opening more protected from frost and get rid of problems with windows.

If the slopes are finished correctly, they will not be afraid of temperature changes. There will be no excess moisture on their surface, and the heat and sound insulation properties of the opening will increase. However, property owners quite often refuse to finish the slopes, putting this work aside. Many people believe that if you foam a window, nothing will happen to it. However, the waiting period for repairs drags on for a long time.

How to avoid mistakes

Experts say that this approach is not correct. The gaps between the double-glazed windows are sealed with polyurethane foam, which has soundproofing characteristics. The foam is affected sun rays, which can render it unusable. The foam increases in volume and begins to crush itself. Therefore, after some time a gap appears between the foam layer and the frame.

Why you need to hurry

IN open form construction foam does not perform waterproofing functions. It absorbs moisture, which destroys the material when the temperature drops. Foam, being open for a long time, loses thermal insulation properties. It begins to degrade by 50% when its humidity increases by just 5%.

Using plaster and paint

The inside of window slopes can be finished using plaster. It has a low cost. Before starting work, the cement-based composition must be diluted. The surface around the glass unit is cleaned, dust and bitumen stains are removed from it. Concrete spills in the corners must be cut down.

To improve the adhesion of masonry and plaster, it is necessary to open the seams by 10 mm. As soon as the surface is plastered, it is necessary to level the slope angles. You can start laying a new layer only after the previous ones have dried, for this reason this method can be called a long one. The plastering procedure can take up to 3 days. The layer turns out to be quite thick in some cases, this is caused by uneven walls.

When finishing the inside of window slopes using plaster, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the mixture into the groove. This fragment is left until it dries. Afterwards, the plaster is applied in small quantities and leveled until the sinuses are filled. For one opening, the applied layer should not exceed 7 mm in thickness. It should be leveled, directing movements from bottom to top.

To align the joining lines, you need to use a trowel. When finishing, it is necessary to maintain an angle between the wall and the frame. The angles must be the same. Before plastering, it is necessary to strengthen a wooden strip with a horizontal edge on the entire surface of the slope. It can be reinforced with nails; gypsum plaster is also acceptable.

You can install slats on the sides of the surface. Leveling the mixture is carried out with a wooden stick, which has a rounded handle. One end of the tool must be installed on the box, while the other end must be installed on a wooden strip. You can begin leveling the edges only after the mixture begins to set. Afterwards a covering layer is applied, which must be rubbed down. Once the plaster has dried, the slats must be removed. The remaining sides are treated the same way.

The covering layer should have a thickness of 22 mm along all slopes. When the inside of window slopes is finished with plaster, the windows should not be opened. If the mixture gets into the fittings, it damages them, and as a result the window will not cope well with the tasks assigned to it. An even layer of plaster will allow the window to open and close normally throughout its operation.

Disadvantages of finishing with plaster

Despite the fact that finishing with plaster is quite cheap, some property owners refuse to use it, because this technique has some disadvantages. Among others, we can highlight the fact that the mixture does not connect reliably enough to the plastic frame, which leads to the appearance of gaps between the slope and the surface of the frame.

Seasonal temperature changes and insufficient elasticity of the mixture contribute to the formation of cracks on the surface. Among other things, plaster does not have special heat-insulating properties, which causes the formation of condensation and mold.

Plasterboard finishing

You can finish the inside of the window slopes with plasterboard. This method is traditional; it is preferred due to the moisture resistance of the material. This quality is especially important for windows, because condensation often forms on them. You can also take ordinary drywall, which is treated with a primer applied in several layers. To do this, you should use a moisture-proofing compound. As for moisture-resistant gypsum board, it has high rigidity, increased thermal stability and excellent thermal insulation.

If you finish the inside of window slopes with your own hands using plasterboard, you will get many advantages over finishing with plastic. The advantages are the low cost of materials and the possibility of repairs. The damaged area can be covered with putty and repainted.

Drywall is also good because it is able to maintain optimal humidity in the room. It absorbs the excess, releasing it back when the humidity level drops. But if it exceeds 75%, then the drywall may swell, losing its characteristics. When choosing it, you need to be prepared for negative aspects: the material has low strength, so the slope can be damaged by mechanical stress.

Work methodology

Finishing window slopes inside wooden house can also be done using drywall. It is fixed to a metal or wooden crate. You can use polyurethane foam for this if the putty does not adhere well. An alternative solution is glue. After installing the window, excess foam is cut off and the old trim is removed. The surface should be treated with a primer. If there are cracks and potholes, they are leveled with plaster mortar.

In order to prevent the penetration of moisture into the drywall and prevent the occurrence of mold, it is necessary to impregnate the slope with a moisture-resistant composition. Drywall is cut. The sheet must be marked according to the parameters of the window opening. You need to use a special knife for cutting. The slope is assembled from the top panel. Glue is applied to the sheet in a single strip. Its width should be 2 cm. The panel is installed in the starting strip, while the second edge of the sheet is pressed against the wall. Afterwards, you can proceed to the side panels, which are inserted into the grooves.

All joints are treated with neutral sealant. When finishing window slopes with plasterboard inside a room, it is important to prevent premature wear of the corner. For this purpose, painting corners made of aluminum or galvanized steel are used. In those places where the gypsum board enters the profile, you should stick a mesh tape so that cracks do not appear there. Then the surface is prepared for painting; for this, several layers of putty are applied, rubbing the surface well. Drywall can be painted with acrylic or oil paint.

Plastic slopes

The most versatile are plastic slopes. Their designs contain mineral wool, which gives the products hydro- and thermal insulation abilities. Plastic can last more than 20 years. It is rational to install it for the reason that the slopes can be made on the same day that the windows were installed. The work doesn't take that much time.

Plastic openings have high moisture resistance, rigidity and strength. They do not fade, are easy to clean and do not fog up. The material corresponds to the one from which the glass unit is made. Therefore, when temperature changes occur, expansion occurs equally, and excessive stress does not occur in the slopes. Additional painting work is excluded. The openings take on a finished look, so they fit perfectly with other structures in the room.

Sandwich panels

You can also finish the inside of the window slopes with sandwich panels. They are products made from two sheets of plastic, between which extruded or foamed polystyrene is located. The thickness of such panels can vary from 8 to 36 mm. When lining a window opening, it is better to use panels whose thickness is 1 cm.

The base can be plastic or wooden openings, the width of which varies up to 150 cm. The advantages of the panels are that they do not need to be insulated, because the appropriate material is included in the design. But such a finish also has some disadvantages, one of which is that the panel may delaminate when exposed to moisture.

Do-it-yourself finishing of window slopes inside with plastic involves carrying out work on installing the products the next day, so that polyurethane foam dried well. For best insulation characteristics, slopes are installed simultaneously with window sills. Sandwich panels can be fixed using one of several methods, but the most common of them is the one described below.

When finishing the window slopes inside with plastic, the ends of the panels are fastened with dowels to the base, after which the craftsman begins installing fasteners and decorative corners. The seams connecting the panels to the window sill are treated with PVC-based glue. You can use a neutral sealant for this. If we compare it with silicone, then it does not have a sticky consistency, as a result, the seams do not turn yellow when dirty.

Using wall panels

When choosing materials for finishing window slopes inside, you should pay attention to wall panels, which are not so expensive compared to their sandwich counterpart. Panels are hollow products, inside of which the stiffening ribs are located transversely. The thickness is equal to one centimeter, while the width can vary from 25.39 to 37.5 cm. As for the length, it is equal to 2.7 or 3 m.

Finishing of window slopes inside with plastic is carried out in cases where the depth of the plane does not exceed 25 cm. This is true for the reason that wider openings do not allow achieving rigidity and strength of the coating.

After installing a new reliable double-glazed window, the window is not yet ready for use. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the slopes, which must be neat and of high quality. If this is not done immediately, then over time the double-glazed window may even become askew and will need re-installation.

Why are slopes needed?

When installing new double-glazed windows, the window opening is destroyed to one degree or another. But even this is not the main reason why you should not hesitate to complete the slope. The fact is that during the installation of windows, polyurethane foam is used, which is destroyed under the influence of sunlight.

Therefore, if you do not hide it with slopes, then quite quickly it will turn into dust, and the double-glazed windows themselves will simply begin to stagger in window opening. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out either immediately after installing the windows, or after a short time.

It must be said that this work can be entrusted to the same company that manufactures and installs windows, however, before ordering this service, it is advisable to ask how much it costs to finish window slopes. It is quite possible that after learning the price, you will decide that it is still more advisable to do this work yourself.

Finish options

Today there are various options finishing window slopes, then we will look at their features and, thus, you can decide for yourself which technology suits you best.

Plaster finishing

This option for finishing a window opening is the oldest, however, it has not lost its relevance to this day. Much of its popularity is due to its low cost.

In addition, this technology is very simple:

  • First of all, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust (if necessary, the surface is leveled for finishing).
  • Then you need to dilute the gypsum-based solution.
  • Next, the solution is applied with a spatula to the prepared surface and leveled over the entire area of ​​the opening.
  • Cured plaster must be sanded and sanded.
  • Next, a finishing layer of plaster is applied to the surface.
  • After the solution has hardened, the surface can be painted.
  • Then a similar procedure is performed with outside windows.

It must be said that finishing window slopes with plaster has only one advantage - its low cost, which depends only on the price of the solution. However, this is the longest finishing option, which can take several days. In addition, the process is accompanied by a large amount of dirt and dust, so all furniture must be covered with oilcloth.

But, besides this, there are also more serious disadvantages of this finish:

  • The slope turns out to be “cold”. The areas adjacent to the frames often freeze and condensation occurs, resulting in the formation of mold and mildew. The same goes for the window sill.
  • The plaster cannot bond firmly to the PVC profile, resulting in the trim peeling off from the frame.

Therefore, it makes sense to give preference to a more expensive technology that will be devoid of these disadvantages.

Pay attention!
When finishing slopes with plaster, you cannot open the windows, as the solution can penetrate into the cracks of the fittings, which will affect its performance.

Plasterboard cladding

This technology has much fewer disadvantages, however, it is not completely free of them. Overall, this is an average option, both in terms of quality and cost. As a rule, it is chosen in cases where the window opening is severely damaged.

Instructions for finishing windows with plasterboard are as follows:

  • The base is pre-treated with antibacterial impregnation or primer.
  • Then from required size, the corners are cut at a certain degree.
  • Most often, there is a space between the wall and the drywall in which heat-insulating material, for example, mineral wool, can be laid.
  • Then the panels are glued; for this you can use the starting gypsum plaster. To make neat joints, you can use a metal or plastic corner.
  • At the end of the work, the surface is covered decorative plaster, paint or liquid plastic.

This operation is performed quite quickly, and it is also less messy than plastering. However, such slopes are susceptible to moisture, so they cannot be used outside. In addition, the surface must be periodically painted or plastered.

Plastic finish

This option is the most progressive compared to all of the above technologies. Finishing window slopes PVC panels is not afraid of moisture and does not require periodic repairs, but at the same time provides good thermal insulation.

In addition, thanks to its technical features, this material allows you to finish slopes of complex shapes:

  • Arched;
  • Round;
  • Bay windows, etc.

Among other advantages of this finish, the following points can be highlighted:

  • No cracks appear on the slopes;
  • Mold does not form;
  • Dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth;
  • The walls maintain room temperature.

Installation is very simple:

  • Along the perimeter of the slopes, slats are attached using self-tapping screws. You can pre-drill the holes with a drill or hammer drill.
  • Further along the perimeter plastic window you need to secure the starting profiles, which are also fixed, using self-tapping screws.
  • After this, an F-shaped profile is mounted on the brackets. The panel should fit between its two tails. This profile is used to finish the junction of a window and a wall.
  • The next step is to install plastic panels of the required size, however, before finishing the slopes on the windows, you should lay thermal insulation material into the resulting space. Then the plastic panel is inserted on one side into the U-shaped profile on the window, and on the other into the F-shaped profile on the wall.

This is where the work ends. If you want to give the slope an ideal look, then the joints of the panels with the profiles can be treated with white silicone.

Instead of the F-profile, plastic panels can be attached to the wall using liquid nails.

Sandwich panels

Another excellent option for finishing slopes is the use of sandwich panels. This material is the same PVC sheets, between which there is a layer of insulation. Therefore, they are a reliable barrier to moisture and cold coming from the street.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Then PVC profiles are attached flush along the entire perimeter of the window frame. They serve as starting rails in which the panels will be secured.
  • Next, from a standard panel measuring 3000x1500 mm, you need to cut slopes of the required dimensions.
  • After this, the upper slope is installed - one end is inserted into the profile, and the second is glued to the wall using liquid nails.
  • The side panels are installed in the same way.

When installing panels outside, you can additionally insulate the slopes with mineral wool, placing it in the space between the wall and the slope.

It must be said that it costs more than plasterboard, however, when choosing, durability is a more important factor than the low price and the need for periodic cosmetic repairs.

Rare types of materials for finishing slopes

Sometimes you can find slopes made of cellular plastic. However, this is not best solution, since the material is fragile and also fades in the sun. And if the width of the slope is more than 25 mm, then there is a need to join two panels.

External slopes made of natural or artificial stone. This design gives the whole house a special elegant look. However, it is very difficult to finish stone with your own hands, since the material is difficult to process.

In the photo - the outer slope

In addition, such finishing will cost much more than the slope options described above. In addition, it is desirable that the stone be found in other elements of the facade, for example, at the corners of the building or the basement. For this reason, stone cladding is more suitable for cottages and country houses.

If you finally decide to carry out the slopes yourself, then you should take into account some of the nuances that are given below:

  • In order for the slopes to be of high quality and durable, they must be insulated using the technology described above.
  • If the slopes are made of plaster, then it is best to use paint as the finishing layer. This will make it easier to care for the finish and also make it more moisture resistant.
  • Regardless of the type of finish, it is extremely important to maintain the unfolded angle, otherwise the light distribution in the room will be disrupted.
  • The finishing of the external slopes of the windows should hide the foam seam, for the reasons indicated above.

That's probably all that is needed.


Now, knowing the features of different types of finishes, making a choice will be much easier. Of course, the most the best option, based on performance characteristics, are plastic slopes.

However, not everyone likes their appearance, so other types of finishes should not be discarded. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.